Studio "Ukraine": who shoots entertaining hits for Russian TV. "Friday" (official player) Channel Friday country of origin

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| Reviews

Over the eight years of its existence, this travel show has not only become a reference show, but has also acquired a multimillion-dollar army of fans. So that the audience does not get bored, the producers periodically change the hosts and come up with a variety of travel themes. Very soon, presumably in the spring of 2019, we are waiting for new issues of Eagle and Reshka - Family. According to the already established tradition, viewers of the Friday channel will see in ...


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In recent years, Ukraine has become one of the main suppliers of content for Russian television. RBC magazine talked to the creators of popular shows and found out how cooperation is going during the crisis in relations between Russia and Ukraine

Illustration by Oleg Borodin

TV channel "Friday!" spent 2016 more dynamically than its competitors, showing the fastest revenue growth rate in the Russian market — 21% compared to 2015, to 4.4 billion rubles, and the highest net profit — 1.1 billion rubles. The main hits of the channel, which to a large extent ensured an impressive result, are the shows Eagle and Tails, Revizorro and Boys. All programs have Ukrainian roots: either they were completely invented in Kyiv, or this is a joint work of Ukrainian and Russian producers.

According to KVG Research, Ukraine is the second largest supplier of content for Russian television after the United States. In 2014, the share of Ukrainian content was 11.9%, by the end of 2016 it was already 20.5%. More often than others, it is broadcast by two channels - “Friday!” and Yu: on the air of the first program with Ukrainian participation they occupy a third of the air, the second - about 40%.

"Ukrainian Spirit"

“We are masters of conspiracy. We have our own system of gestures, agreements on who diverges in what directions, if suddenly we are forbidden to shoot. If the police try to stop, we, depending on who got caught - boys or girls, we spend a stag / hen party. If we are caught at the airport, we point to a couple of hosts and explain that we are filming a honeymoon trip for the newlyweds, ”Elena Sinelnikova, general director of the Kiev Teen Spirit Studio, enthusiastically talks about what is happening behind the scenes of the filming process of Eagle and Tails.

The main hit of "Friday!" and the most popular travel show of Russian and Ukrainian television in Teen Spirit came up with seven years ago. Since then, the program, in which two presenters explore the tourism potential of the same cities in the budget and luxury categories, has become the flagship of a new entertainment broadcast and has become a gold mine for producers: in 2016, the net profit of Teen Spirit (legal entity "Tinspirit Studio" and "Tinspirit production") amounted to more than 4.6 million rubles. according to SPARK-Interfax.

The idea of ​​"Eagle and Tails" was invented by graduates of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts Zhanna Badoeva and spouses Evgeny and Elena Sinelnikovs. Even before the filming of the pilot, they managed to attract Natella Krapivina, the producer of the singer Svetlana Loboda and the daughter of a major developer Vagif Aliyev, whose fortune was estimated by Focus magazine in the spring of 2017 at $ 220 million. Badoeva invited her to shoot one of her projects, which she worked on as a director.

Initially, the team had about five ideas for different projects, but everyone liked the travel show format. “The description of the concept fits in four lines. At first they wanted to call [the program] “Rich Man – Poor Man,” but then they came up with a zest with a coin toss,” recalls Sinelnikova. As a result of casting lots, one host of the show receives a budget of $100, and the other receives a card with an unlimited limit.

For filming, the Sinelnikovs and Krapivina created Teen Spirit and shared powers. Sinelnikova headed the studio, her husband became the director, and Krapivina became the general producer. She oversees strategic development, resolves crisis situations and negotiates with channels, lists Sinelnikova. RBC magazine failed to get Krapivina's comments for this material.

The first hosts of "Eagle and Tails" were Zhanna Badoeva and her husband Alan. The team started filming the pilot in Barcelona without prior arrangements with the channels, Krapivina took all the expenses. The first issue took four months to complete. At the end of October 2010, the pilot was shown to the general producer of the Ukrainian channel Inter, Vladimir Zelensky. He agreed to buy the project and ordered the whole season, says Sinelnikova. Zelensky refused to communicate with RBC magazine.

The air premiere of Eagle and Tails was scheduled for February 2011. “And that’s it – started non-stop. Since the process of contracts and transfer of money is not fast, Natella had to pay for our first business trip. Further expenses were covered by Inter, says Sinelnikova. According to her, at first Teen Spirit set a low price tag: they had no idea how much it really costs, and did not take into account a lot of risks: “For example, one day the group came to Uzbekistan, but they were not allowed to shoot. I had to spend the night and leave with nothing.”

For a year of work, the studio has not earned anything, says Sinelnikova. Nevertheless, the first season of the show was a success at Inter. The performance of the premiere episode turned out to be higher than that of the channel - 18.1% against 17%, according to Inter's reports. The budget began to increase from the second season. In July 2011, Inter ordered 40 issues from Teen Spirit at once. The studio expanded the geography of routes and the composition of the team: the film crew almost doubled, up to 11 people, excluding the presenters. The cost of producing one issue could increase from $40,000 to $50,000, a source on the Ukrainian TV market estimates.

In the spring of 2013, Krapivina and Sinelnikova were invited to a meeting in Moscow by the current CEO of Pyatnitsa! Nikolay Kartozia. As president of ProfMedia TV, he prepared the launch of a new channel on the Russian MTV frequency. Vladimir Potanin's holding, which in 2014 was taken over by the Gazprom-Media holding for $800 million, wanted to buy ready-made issues of Eagle and Tails - Inter owned the rights to them - and engage in joint production of new seasons.

As a result of the negotiations, Inter and Friday! split the cost of new shoots in half. Teen Spirit remained the copyright holder of the format - this gives the studio the opportunity to shoot individual seasons exclusively for the Russian partner. In addition, Krapivina and Sinelnikov's company retains income from distribution and advertising on social networks and YouTube. The studio does not receive a percentage of the advertising and sponsorship income of the channels. According to SPARK-Interfax, Teen Spirit's revenue in recent years has ranged from several hundred thousand to more than 45 million rubles. Representatives of Teen Spirit declined to discuss financial performance.

It doesn't make sense to sell the Teen Spirit format. “We have experience, and only we can do it perfectly,” Sinelnikova explains. There are deviations from the rule - in favor of the same "Friday!", Which periodically orders Teen Spirit special issues. In these cases, one-time sublicensing agreements are concluded with the TV channel.

In the premiere for "Friday!" In 2013, the show "Eagle and Tails" aired 1088 times. The share of the project was 2.4% versus 1.7% for the channel on average, Mediascope calculated for RBC magazine. Every year the popularity of the show grew: at the end of 2016, the share was 3.3% against 2.9% for Pyatnitsa! average. At the end of 2016, the channel's advertising revenue from the project (excluding sponsorship) amounted to 10.5 billion rubles, analysts of the Etat Control International (ECI) agency calculated for RBC magazine. Most of all, the channel earned on advertising in Orel and Tails in 2014 - 2.9 billion rubles.

The success of Eagle and Tails on Friday! participants of the Ukrainian-Russian cooperation explain by a combination of circumstances. “The channel needed to get a large amount of new branded content in a short time. By that time, Teen Spirit had already shot three seasons, plus the program was released on Inter, which conceptually fit the tasks of Friday! As a result, the audience began to perceive the content as a branded show "Friday!", - explains a source close to the leadership of the Russian channel.

Illustration by Oleg Borodin

Teen Spirit became for "Friday!" a supplier of not only content, but also personnel. The stars of the channel were Badoeva (later she hosted the shows “Jeanne, Marry” and “Battle of Salons” on “Friday!”) and another host of “Eagle and Tails” Andrey Bednyakov, who is on “Friday!” hosted "I believe - I do not believe", "Explorer" and other programs.

Collaboration with Friday! it was not always cloudless: in January 2014, the Russian channel aired the travel show “How the chip will fall” with the hosts of “Eagle and Tails”, similar in format to Teen Spirit content. At the urging of Teen Spirit management, "Friday!" filming of the project was stopped - only the pilot went on the air. “It was unpleasant, but we didn’t fight for a long time. We quickly found a common language. Friday Guide! agreed that it was not worth doing the show “Eagle and Tails: Side View,” recalls Sinelnikova. Representatives of Friday! RBC magazine's questions were not answered for this article.

The Eagle and Tails show has made the Ukrainian studio a hostage of the format, Sinelnikova admits: other channels regularly turn to Teen Spirit with offers to shoot new travel shows. The company refuses to everyone: its owners do not yet see the opportunity to "make the show better," the producer explains. Among the failed counterparties, she names the STS and Domashny channels. The representative of "STS Media" at the time of submission of the material to the press did not provide a comment.

Sinelnikova explains the nature of the popularity of The Eagle and Tails as follows: “We were the first to show not the presenters with a memorized text, but living people, sometimes with incorrect speech, sometimes even too liberated and alive.” The look "honestly reflects" the intentions of the production team, who created the show to travel a lot, says the producer. The first host of the show, Zhanna Badoeva, agrees with her: “I didn’t want to turn into a talking head, a journalist, an announcer, a TV presenter, I wanted to remain myself.”

The main technological innovation of "Eagle and Tails" was the decision of the director of the show, Yevgeny Sinelnikov, to shoot the program on a camera. “This gives a completely different picture, atypical for a television screen. At first there was a terrible headache, how to synchronize the picture and sound, I even had to reshoot once, but it was worth it, ”notes the CEO of Teen Spirit.

According to Sinelnikova's forecast, as long as the project is in demand, the main forces of Teen Spirit will be concentrated on Eagle and Tails. Now the company is filming the 17th season for Inter and Pyatnitsa!, and an exclusive season about traveling around Russia will also be released on the Russian channel. “We are also filming other projects: we had a program about homeless animals “Family Dog”, a show about men “Around M” (the project was bought by “Friday!” And released under the name “Lesya Zdesya.” — RBC), but all for one season, ”the producer lists.

Flying from the "bible"

The idea of ​​a show-revision of restaurants and hotels came to the mind of the producer of the Ukrainian "New Channel" Victoria Burdukova on the eve of the European Football Championship in 2012: the country was preparing for an influx of tourists and a serious test of the national service industry. The co-author of the format, which was developed by Creative Association No. 1 (TO No. 1), was the editor-in-chief Anna Zhizha. A few seasons later, she became the host of The Inspector General, one of the most discussed television projects in recent years.

Producers of Friday! led by Kartosia, they became interested in the show at about the same stage as Eagle and Tails, at the height of the third Ukrainian season, in mid-2013, Burdukova recalls. The Russian channel bought a license a year later. Initially, it was assumed that the same team would shoot the Russian version, but due to the workload of production facilities, Novy Kanal abandoned this idea.

Finally, Friday! acquired a five-year license to produce its own program called Revizorro. According to a source close to Novy Kanal, the format was sold for $10,000; moreover, Friday! paid a fixed commission for each issue. As part of the deal, Burdukova’s department had to write a “format bible” — this was the first experience for the team.

Video: RBC

“We wrote so conscientiously that we were even happy for ourselves. Before that, I saw the "bibles" of Western companies - they are only a few pages long, including a technical rider. And we got a detailed weighty document,” says Burdukova. According to her, the Russian host Elena Letuchaya exactly matched the description from the “bible”: “She is very similar to the first host of the Inspector General, Olga Freimut. After that, my heart calmed down a bit. This meant that everything would be in order with the format.” According to RBC magazine, the production of one issue of Revizorro costs 1.5 million rubles. Novy Kanal refused to reveal the cost of producing the original show, Burdukova only said that Ukrainian budgets are about three to four times smaller than Russian ones. First of all, because of the higher salaries of Russian specialists, a source close to Novy Kanal explains.

In Ukraine, the original show was expanded with a new format, "Passion for the Inspector": the heroes of the project were "offended" restaurateurs and hoteliers. Four seasons of "Passion" were released at home, and their Russian adaptation "Revizorro-show" lasted only one season. According to Burdukova, the reason was an error with the choice of the presenter: “We had a star with a capital letter [showman Sergey Pritula], he was recognized as the best talk show host in Ukraine. The atmosphere of an American talk show reigned on our site, they reacted to the host as if they were Oprah Winfrey. I didn’t see it on the Russian talk show.”

But on Friday! came up with their own post-formats: “School of Revizorro”, “Magazzino”, etc. And the bet on the main “Revizorro” paid off in full: 133 original releases of the program brought “Friday!” 1.2 billion rubles advertising revenue in 2014-2016, ECI analysts calculated.

Synchronized "Tomboys"

“Ukrainian and Russian girls have their own mental characteristics. The first ones are more naive, the second ones are tougher, more pragmatic, with an analytical mindset, more difficult to succumb to provocations, ”says the interlocutor of RBC magazine, who participated in the creation of the most popular reality show on the channel Friday! - "Boys". The project went on the air in August 2016 and at the end of the year became the flagship for the channel. Its share was 4.8 versus 2.9% for the channel as a whole. The second season is currently on the air. According to ECI estimates, the advertising revenue of the project (excluding sponsorship) for 2016-2017 amounted to almost 532 million rubles.

Illustration by Oleg Borodin

The Ukrainian version of the show “The View of a Boy from a Lady” was released on Novy Kanal a few months before the launch on Friday!, Both versions were produced by the Ukrainian company Friends Production. The idea of ​​the reality show is to re-educate girls with a dysfunctional background in a school of secular etiquette. The original show was called Ladette to Lady and ran in the UK from 2005 to 2010.

According to a source close to the Ukrainian studio, the adaptation of the format for the local and Russian channels was conceived simultaneously. This was confirmed by the interlocutor of RBC, close to the "New Channel". There was a “close creative communication” between the channels: since January 2014, the position of the general producer of “New” was held by Sergey Evdokimov, one of the creators of “Friday!” and former vice president of the ProfMedia TV holding, where Friday! entered until 2014. In September 2017, he returned to a similar position on Friday!

Why did the TV channel of the Gazprom-Media holding entrust the production of the show to a partner from another country? Ukraine is historically stronger in the reality genre, explains a source who participated in the filming of The Kid. Behind the same Friends Production there are several more Friday projects: “Battle of salons”, “Battle of restaurants” and “Peasant young lady”, lists the interlocutor of RBC magazine. According to him, in the middle of the 2000s, Russian and Ukrainian channels chose different development paths for themselves: the first focused on talent shows and series, the second on reality.

“It turns out that in Ukraine a whole generation of specialists has grown up on these shows - editors, directors, screenwriters. There are five reality shows a week on the channels, ”says the interlocutor of the magazine. There is also an economic justification for this division of labor: if filming a large-scale reality show "The Kid" costs $50-60 thousand per episode, then a show of the "Dancing with the Stars" format costs $200 thousand. The situation changed when such channels appeared in Russia as " Friday!" and "Yu", which is part of "YuTV Holding" Alisher Usmanov and Ivan Tavrin, who also drew attention to the reality show. “The reality format is a good suggestion for a crisis, for a start and for finding a new face. Plus, this is an opportunity for the channel to make money on numerous repetitions, ”says the interlocutor of RBC magazine.

Reality polygon

If "Friday!" is built into the production chain of Ukrainian studios, then Yu mainly earns on the demonstration of purchased content, explains the interlocutor of RBC, who participates in the cooperation of Russian TV channels and Ukrainian studios.

First, "Yu" relied on American programs, mainly on "America's Next Top Model": from 2013 to 2016, reality shows were aired 1,723 times, calculated by Mediascope. However, the Ukrainian version of the show, which aired on Yu in 2015 (the premiere on Novy Kanal took place in August 2014), turned out to be more popular. At the end of 2015, the performance of the programs was comparable - 2.2% for the American version and 2.3% for the Ukrainian one, and in 2016 the Ukrainian adaptation outperformed the original version: 2.1% versus 1.4%. And the program “Top Model in Russian” turned out to be the least popular: in 2013-2014, its share was 2.4 and 2.0%, and in 2015 it fell to 1.1%. In the following seasons, the Russian version was not aired.

The most popular among viewers of Yu are the reality shows of the Ukrainian channel STB, their viewers watched better than the TV channel as a whole. The share of "U" in 2015 and 2016 was 2.3 and 2.2%, respectively, while the social reality about dysfunctional families "Honey, we are killing our children" - 2.4 and 2.5%, the family reality "Dad hit "-2.7 and 2.6%, medical reality "I am ashamed of my body" - 3.6 and 2.9%.

“We paid attention to Ukrainian content back in 2015. Some projects seemed to us very sincere and bold. There were no such stories and heroes on the Russian market at that time,” Natalya Radko, executive producer of Yu, told RBC magazine. According to her, the channel gradually launched the production of its own reality shows, “close in spirit and mood to the projects listed above”: the medical “Save my child”, the family “Teach your wife to steer”, the Russian season of “Wife Exchange” (aired by the Ukrainian “ 1 + 1 "the tenth season of the show has already been released), as well as the reality about fathers" Pregnant Dad. Now the channel airs 15-17% of the content purchased in Ukraine, says Radko. The representative of STB did not answer the question about cooperation with Russian channels.

In fact, Ukraine is a training ground for Russia, says a producer who is involved in negotiations with Ukrainian studios: “After all, it’s closer than our audience, no. Even when we are told about the success of the project in the US, Australia or Europe, it does not mean anything. But if they say that the project is popular in Ukraine, this is a more powerful argument for the heads of [Russian] channels.” Victoria Burdukova agrees with this: “In Russia, formats are often produced with an eye to the Ukrainian experience of adaptations. Obviously, this desire is not to fill your own bumps: why try to do something if the neighbor did not succeed? It would be nice if we had such an opportunity, but it is not. We do everything at our own peril and risk.

The political situation has almost no effect on the expansion of Ukrainian content. "After all the events of Ukrainian content - both the finished product and formats - on Russian TV, on the contrary, it has become more," assures the source involved in the "export". A Ukrainian interlocutor of RBC magazine, who collaborates with Russian channels, agrees with him: “So far, fortunately, political disagreements have not affected the sale of content to Russia. But there are difficulties: for example, without air traffic, logistics became difficult. This increased the budgets, but the caravan goes on with grief in half.”

Watch the channel "Friday" online, live in good quality.
The end of the working week, the beginning of the weekend is associated with a holiday, a first-class vacation. You can take a break from everyday work, get good news and cheer up any day with Pyatnitsa, the federal entertainment channel for adventure lovers, fighters for quality service, trendsetters and cooking enthusiasts.

Always Friday mood:

The main specialization is based on entertainment projects, reality shows, positive news from the world of fashion, show business. A typical broadcast day looks like this:

Morning cartoons for children;

Transfer for mothers "School of Dr. Komarovsky";

Marathon of several issues of one program;

Evening premiere of the next project.

Sometimes the broadcast is diluted with various talk shows, such as the Revizorro Show. On weekend evenings, the channel shows world blockbusters. Nightly shows include foreign serials of a predominantly mystical nature.

On "Friday" there will be no classic newscast, sports broadcast, music videos. The format of the channel implies only its own production of serials, intriguing reality shows, films from the realm of the unknown.

TV channel "Friday!" cooked really hot July and August. Coming soon on Friday! there will be both super premieres and favorite projects that will return with new ideas and plots.


Yes, already in July on the TV channel "Friday!" the second season of the most provocative reality TV starts - “ Instagrammers» . The goddesses of the virtual world, in which millions of subscribers follow their beautiful and carefree life, this time will not only be tested by ordinary life, but will go to where they were born into the world - to their native cities, villages and villages. Don't miss the fire show "Instagrammers-2" in July on "Friday!".


No less frank reality is back on "Friday!". TV channel launches third season of the show tomboys» already in August. If you can’t start life anew either from Monday or from June, if you have a short conversation with your interlocutor every time and further according to circumstances, if you are happy when you leave the party, then you definitely need to watch the show “Boys”, where girls will try to get on the path of transformation.

Boys abroad

And those who have already turned into Cinderellas in the finale of the second season of "Tomboy" will go to conquer the world. On the TV channel "Friday!" in August, a new travel project " Boys abroad!» . Previously, they were not allowed out of the children's room of the police, but thanks to "Friday!" they were released abroad. Stars of the second season of "The Kid" Anastasia Kuznetsova, Tatiana Buraya And Maria Kuzmina will share the secrets of traveling to different parts of the globe, as well as immerse themselves in the flavor of new countries. In a word, we cheer for our people there and sympathize with the locals!

Four weddings

Another show, which is expected to premiere on Friday!, but already in September, - Four weddings» . This is a reality show for those couples who not only decided to arrange a grand wedding event, but are also sure that their wedding will be the most interesting and original. Four pairs of newlyweds will compete in organizing the most ambitious and extraordinary wedding, and the winners will receive a dream trip as a reward! The first season of the Four Weddings show has already been mounted and is waiting for its premiere very soon on the Friday! TV channel.

Life: Free

Perhaps the most super-useful premiere starts in July - "Friday!" launches new show Life: Free» . The TV channel will reveal the secret of how to have fun and not pay for anything. Rather, the leaders of the project will share their findings Ivan Makarevich and Vasya Khvostova, whose main rule is: "If it's free, then we buy!". These guys have neither a gold card nor a hundred dollars, but they are sure that it is quite possible to arrange a "Life: Free" for themselves. Don't miss the new show on Friday! Already in July!

Eagle and Reshka. Family

Team " Eagle and Tails» has traveled all over the world, but has never traveled with children. In the new season of the legendary program, the teacher will be the hosts Kolya Solodnikov, his wife Katya Gordeeva and their children are son gosh and daughter Sasha. Watch another upgrade of the famous travel reality TV show - " Eagle and Reshka. Family on the TV channel "Friday!". The first issue is already available for viewing. Family vacation with a gold card and one hundred dollars tested in Tokyo. Stay up to date with the premiere reality show's travels
