Insurance claim form for damages. Direct compensation for losses under compulsory motor insurance: procedure, documents

The driver has no right to drive his car or motorcycle without a driver's license, vehicle registration document, technical inspection certificate and insurance policy. It is the document signed with the insurance company on compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners, or OSAGO, that protects the interests of citizens injured in a traffic accident, as well as their property. In order to reduce the time required for payment of insurance compensation and simplify the paperwork, amendments were made to the Law on Motor Vehicles in August 2014. These changes introduced the procedure for direct compensation of losses (DLP) under OSAGO.

What is the Direct Indemnity System?

Insurance payments covering property damage received under MTPL contracts were previously carried out by the insurance company that sold the policy to the culprit of the road accident. A situation arose when the injured person had to spend a lot of personal time visiting the office of the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident in order to receive an insurance payment. The conditions were changed on August 2, 2014. From this date to the present day, the victim of a transport event has the legal right to use the services of the insurer who insured his civil liability and demand payment of compensation for the damaged car.

PVU or Europrotocol?

The introduction of direct compensation for losses has caused confusion for ordinary MTPL users due to its similarity. However, the difference in concepts is significant.

The Europrotocol is a document that is drawn up at the scene of a road transport event by one of its participants, but all the information in it is recorded with the signatures of two drivers. This document is filled out provided that the amount of damage caused does not exceed fifty thousand rubles, and that no citizen was injured. When filling out the Europrotocol, police officers are not called to the scene of the incident.

Direct compensation for damage is a valid article of the law, which allows the policyholder to go to his insurer to receive insurance payment under compulsory motor liability insurance in the event of an emergency event, subject to the conditions specified by law.

In the case of applying any of the concepts, there are similar characteristics of an accident with vehicles: no people were injured and no property was damaged.

Basic criteria for PES

There is no legislative document on direct compensation for damage as such. For the high-quality implementation of PPV, the criteria in the Law “On Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners” have been improved. After these amendments, the “Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance Rules” and the “Agreement on Direct Compensation for Losses under Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” were finalized. These documents develop the basic requirements for direct coverage of MTPL losses, the presence of which will allow its application if:

  • the road traffic event involved two cars (from September 25, 2017, the number of cars may be larger);
  • all participants in the incident have MTPL contracts that are valid at the time of the insured event;
  • Only vehicles were damaged (the life or health of citizens, as well as other property were not damaged);
  • the culprit of the incident is clearly identified;
  • insurers of road accident participants have valid permits (licenses).

When the PES does not apply

If the circumstances of the accident do not meet at least one of the above criteria, victims of the insured event will not be able to fill out an application form for direct compensation for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance directly at the office of the organization with which the auto insurance contract was concluded. To receive payment, you will need to contact the office of the insurer of the person responsible for the accident and act on generally accepted conditions.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons why it is impossible to obtain direct compensation for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance, namely:

  • clarification of the circumstances surrounding the incident requires judicial intervention;
  • the emergency incident was not registered in accordance with the approved procedure;
  • there is no clear agreement between the participants in the insurance event, and there are different positions on payment issues;
  • the liability of one of the participants is insured under the international compulsory insurance “Green Card”.

Filling out an application for direct compensation of losses under compulsory motor liability insurance

To speed up the time of receiving compensation, the injured participant in the accident must first fill out an application template. The form for direct compensation of losses under MTPL can be printed from the insurer’s website or obtained directly from the insurance company’s office. When entering information into the form, you need to focus on the required fields:

  • the name of the insurance company, which should be copied from the auto insurance contract;
  • last name, first name and patronymic, as well as place of residence;
  • if the guarantor is involved in preparing the documents, then it is necessary to enter information about him;
  • detailed circumstances of the road traffic incident;
  • information about the culprit of the accident and his vehicle;
  • conditions for providing a car to determine the damage caused.

Documents required to receive insurance compensation under the PPV system

In addition to submitting a correctly completed application for direct compensation of losses from compulsory motor liability insurance, Alfastrakhovanie, like other leading insurance companies, requires a list of documents defined by law:

  1. Notification of a traffic accident. For this purpose, a Europrotocol form is used, which is filled out and signed by the participants of the event themselves without the involvement of police officers. If an accident is recorded by a police inspector and a protocol is drawn up, an official certificate in approved form No. 748 is attached to the application.
  2. Copies of the protocol and other documents that were drawn up at the scene of the emergency by the arriving police officers.
  3. A copy of the vehicle registration document or a power of attorney to drive a vehicle.
  4. Financial documents that confirm the fact of payment for the services of a tow truck, transport expert, lawyer and other specialists directly related to the elimination and minimization of the consequences of an accident.
  5. A notarized power of attorney to receive the amount of insurance payment, if necessary.

Additional list of documents

Insurance companies can supplement the basic list of MTPL insurance documents for payment:

  • a copy of the MTPL insurance contract;
  • a copy of a document confirming the identity of the insured who was injured in the accident (passport, driver’s license, foreign passport);
  • bank details for transferring the amount of insurance coverage for losses to the bank account of the injured client.

Stages of processing insurance compensation payment

The procedure for direct compensation of losses under compulsory motor liability insurance provides for the gradual passage of documents, up to refusal or payment of insurance payment:

  1. Documentation of a traffic accident (traffic police report, Europrotocol).
  2. Collection and submission of all documents to the office of the insurance company no later than five working days.
  3. Responsible employees of the insurer, after processing the documents, either refuse to make the payment or then complete the settlement process.
  4. The insurance company's appraiser inspects the damaged vehicle and assesses the damage caused. If the preliminary calculations are underestimated, the policyholder has the right to make an independent examination. However, its cost will be paid by the policyholder.
  5. After agreeing on the amount of loss, the insurance compensation is transferred to the victim’s bank account. If the policyholder agrees to carry out restoration work in a certain auto repair shop, then the funds are transferred to its account.
  6. The insurer, which transferred the insurance compensation to the injured policyholder, carries out mutual settlements with the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident.

Denial of direct coverage of losses

There are situations when, based on all available evidence, the insurance company is obliged to accrue and pay insurance compensation. However, the insurer sends the policyholder an official refusal to directly compensate for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance. The reasons why payment is not made are as follows:

  • a similar application for payment was sent to the culprit’s insurance company;
  • the notification of the road traffic event was filled out on the Europrotocol form, although the circumstances required the involvement of traffic police officers;
  • the accident occurred while participating in competitions, driving training, or testing a vehicle;
  • During a transport accident, material assets, securities, and antiques were damaged;
  • participants in a road traffic incident dispute the degree of guilt and the circumstances of the accident, which requires judicial intervention;
  • delay in notifying the insurer about the event;
  • the injured insured demands compensation for moral damages or loss of possible profits;
  • the insurer of the person at fault for the accident did not sign the PVU Agreement.

Features of direct compensation for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance

When direct compensation for damages, some nuances are taken into account. The amount of insurance compensation varies depending on the type of traffic event. Taking into account these differences, the insurer of the at-fault party will transfer the amount of money only within these limits. Taking into account the effect of such norms, all insurers, participants in the PES Agreement, have no problem parting with small payments. At the same time, if the amount of damage is significant, then you should expect your insurance company to underestimate the amount of accrued damage.

What to do if the insurer refuses to issue a PPV

Receiving a denial of direct compensation for a loss from your insurance company is not a reason to refuse to receive payment. To do this, you should contact the insurance company of the person responsible for the traffic accident. In this case, the process will take a little longer, but there is an excellent chance of receiving an insurance payment from someone else’s insurer.

It should be remembered that all documents necessary for payment should be filled out in accordance with the rules and circumstances of the incident. False information will lead not only to a delay in payment, but also to a complete denial of compensation for losses.

Who is eligible for PES

Taking into account the latest changes in the Federal Law (FL) “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”, direct compensation for losses is provided to both the injured policyholder and the owner of the motor vehicle insurance contract. A report on a traffic accident and filling out forms at the PPV can be submitted not only by the owner of the vehicle, which is included in the registration certificate, but also by the driver who is driving the car legally: he had a power of attorney for the car, was included in the current policy.

Insurance payment options

The current conditions for direct compensation of losses OSAGO provides for two possibilities for obtaining insurance coverage for losses received: monetary and in kind. Since May 2017, the cash system of insurance coverage has ceased to be the main form. Now insurance companies are required to offer the policyholder to have the damaged car repaired at a pre-agreed workshop. In this case, the insurer must repair the insured car in no more than thirty days at a service station, which is located no further than 50 kilometers from the place of residence of the insured or the place of the accident. The recommended service station must guarantee the quality of work for six months, and for paint and varnish and body work - for at least a year.

If the insurance company cannot ensure that all these conditions are met, the policyholder has the right to demand monetary compensation for the damage incurred. The amount of insurance compensation is transferred to the bank details specified in the application for the PES.

Considering some of the difficulties in obtaining insurance compensation for compulsory motor vehicle insurance, car owners should remember that there are voluntary types of vehicle insurance.

  1. Immediately stop the vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the vehicle) and turn on the hazard warning lights.
  2. Place a warning triangle (at least 15 m from the vehicle in a populated area and at least 30 m outside a populated area).
  3. Contact emergency services: 112 - emergency or 102 – Police (free from mobile even in roaming) and act according to the instructions of the traffic police officer.
  4. Record the circumstances of the accident using a mobile application developed by RSA and ensuring the transfer of data to the AIS OSAGO, which is entered through the Unified Identification of Information and Logistics (registration on the State Services portal), for example, “Road accident. Europrotocol", and (or) with the help of technical control means (if they provide data transfer to the AIS OSAGO) no more than 10 minutes from the moment of registration of an accident using technical control means. You can download the application in the Play Market or App Store application stores. Using photos and videos, record in relation to each other and road infrastructure objects, traces and objects related to the incident, damage to the vehicle, reg. vehicle numbers and VIN numbers.
    To settle an accident under the European Protocol (without calling the traffic police), registration using a mobile application until 10/01/2019 is mandatory only in case of disagreements or the need for settlement in the amount of 100 to 400 thousand rubles in Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Leningrad region.
    From 10/01/2019, recording using a mobile application and (or) technical means of control (if they transmit information to the AIS OSAGO) is mandatory for all accidents without calling the traffic police. If it is impossible to fix it, it is necessary to call the traffic police.
  5. Clear the roadway if an obstacle is created to the movement of other vehicles (only if there is no harm to life or health, if any, vehicles cannot be moved without the instructions of the traffic police officers).
  6. Fill out the Notification form together with the other participant(s) in the accident - instructions.
  7. Call the Ingosstrakh contact center at:
    +7 (495) 956-55-55 (Moscow), 8 (800) 100-77-55 (other regions of the Russian Federation) for advice.

Claiming an insured event

You can file an insurance claim for damage to vehicles and other property as a result of an accident at the offices of independent experts - partners of Ingosstrakh.

You can find a list of independent technical expertise that accepts clients under compulsory motor liability insurance in Moscow and the Moscow region in the section “Settlement Offices”.

Natural form of compensation for harm

Compensation for damage caused to the victim’s vehicle can be carried out by organizing and paying for restoration repairs at a service station (STS), from among those with which Ingosstrakh has concluded relevant agreements, taking into account the criteria for accepting vehicles for repairs for each service station .

In case of damage to vehicles and other property as a result of an accident.

You can file an insured event at the offices of independent experts - partners of Ingosstrakh:

Submitting an application to the office of independent examination will allow you to:

  • inspect the damaged vehicle and conduct an independent examination on the day of application;
  • significantly speed up the process of considering an insured event and making a decision on making an insurance payment.

You can find a list of independent technical expertise that accepts clients under compulsory motor liability insurance in Moscow and the Moscow region in the “Settlement Offices” section.

A natural form of compensation for harm.

Compensation for damage caused to the victim’s vehicle can be carried out by organizing and paying for restoration repairs at a service station (STS), from among those with which Ingosstrakh has concluded relevant agreements, taking into account the criteria for accepting vehicles for repairs for each service station .

Terms of payment of insurance compensation: The victim's application for insurance payment is considered within 20 calendar days (excluding non-working holidays).

IMPORTANT! To receive insurance compensation up to 400 thousand rubles. for road accidents that occurred in Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, as well as in order to receive insurance compensation in the event of disagreements, data on the road accident must be recorded by its participants and transferred to the AIS OSAGO through the RSA mobile application “DTP.Europrotocol”. The fact of using the RSA mobile application “DTP.Europrotocol” when registering an accident under the Europrotocol should be indicated in the application for payment of insurance compensation.

A set of documents to be completed when applying to Ingosstrakh:

  1. A notification of an accident (original) must be submitted within 5 working days from the date of the accident to the address: for Moscow and the Moscow region - Moscow, st. Rochdelskaya, 15, building 35 (direction) ; For addresses of branches in the regional network, see the website (see)
  2. Application for payment of insurance compensation.
  3. A duly certified copy of the identity document of the victim (beneficiary).
  4. Documents confirming the victim's ownership of the damaged property: vehicle registration certificate or vehicle passport (PTS). If at the time of the accident the vehicle had transit license plates, the provision of a title is mandatory.
  5. Documents confirming the authority of the person who is the representative of the beneficiary.
  6. Consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, if the payment of insurance compensation will be made to the representative of the victim (beneficiary) under the age of 18 years.
  7. Bank details of the recipient of the insurance compensation (the transfer is made to the account of the owner of the damaged property or to the account of the person entitled to the insurance payment.

A memo on the procedure at the scene of an accident to claim a loss under the Euro Protocol -.

When contacting Ingosstrakh, you must submit.

More detailed information on the Europrotocol can be found on the RSA website.

When contacting Ingosstrakh, you need to provide the following.


Until August 2, 2014, the party injured in an accident could apply to the insurer for compensation for losses in two ways:

  • Contacting the insurer of the person responsible for the accident. The victim in this case needed to find the office of the culprit’s insurance company, then contact the company’s employees and resolve the situation;
  • Applying to your insurer for a direct loss claim (DCL), which was only possible in cases where two cars were involved in an accident and no one was injured in the accident.

This approach to compensation for losses led to the fact that insurers tried by hook or by crook to refer the victim to another insurance company. Very often, insurance company employees deliberately made it difficult to submit the necessary papers so that the driver would refuse to pay.

At the same time, some drivers could also abuse the position. For example, applications were often submitted to two insurers at once.

To exclude such actions and create a system of insurance payments under compulsory motor liability insurance, a document was created by law on non-alternative direct compensation for losses. In other words, the injured party can only apply for an insurance premium to its insurer. In turn, the insurer cannot refuse to consider the case.

Direct compensation for losses implies that the party injured in a traffic accident can apply for an insurance premium to its insurer with whom the MTPL agreement was signed.

Despite the fact that the legislation clarified such points and removed the two-sidedness of the situation, the negative side of the new rules is that the POL was limited to certain circumstances that must occur during a vehicle accident. If at least one of the items listed below is not included in the insured event, then your insurer will not be able to use the PES.

Direct Indemnity Terms of Use

You can apply for payment from your insurer if you comply with the following:

  1. Two cars were involved in the accident, and each driver has a valid MTPL policy.
  2. Only cars were damaged in the accident. There was no harm to people's health or lives.
  3. There is no mutual fault of the drivers (there is one culprit and one victim).
  4. The insurance company has a valid license to issue MTPL policies.

The driver will not be able to obtain a PDP under the MTPL agreement if:

  • The insurer of the person responsible for the traffic accident has already received a claim regarding this insured event;
  • Participants in a traffic accident decided to use a simplified system for registering an accident without police officers, but the documents about the accident were filled out incorrectly;
  • The applicant demands that the insurance company compensate for his moral damages or benefits that were lost due to the traffic accident;
  • The accident occurred with the participation of a training vehicle, during an official racing competition, etc.;
  • During the accident, damage was caused to securities, cash, art objects, antiques, etc.;
  • The fact of a traffic violation that caused the accident is the reason for legal proceedings;
  • In other cases, which are specified in the agreement of members of the Russian Insurance Association.

Direct compensation for losses is quite easy to learn. The driver must submit a set of correctly completed papers, after which he will be sent for examination. If the documents are completed correctly and a positive decision is received from the insurer of the person responsible for the accident, the funds will be transferred to the driver’s account, which must be indicated in the application. Everything else that follows (proceedings between insurers, disputes, courts, etc.) no longer relates to the party injured in the accident.

It should be taken into account that many insurance companies try to minimize the amount of direct compensation for losses. In addition, if the amount of the insurance premium is significant, then the insurer of the victim will by all means send the driver to the insurance company of the culprit.

It should be noted that:

  1. It is often impossible to resolve all direct compensation issues simply because the documents submitted by the injured party are incorrect or incomplete, allowing the insurance company to claim that it received false information about the accident. Because of this, you will not be able to settle the incident with your insurer under the PPV.
  2. The latest amendments to the law say that the injured party can apply to their insurance company for an insurance premium under compulsory motor liability insurance for direct compensation of losses, regardless of whether the driver is listed in the policyholder's policy or not. In the past, it was very common for insurance companies to refuse any payout under a PPV if the insured and the owner of the vehicle on the policy did not match.
  3. Motorists should also take into account that only one form of certificate from the traffic police complies with the rules of compulsory motor insurance, which is provided to the insurer along with other papers to obtain a PPV. This is Form 748, which is approved by the relevant order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  4. If the accident did not cause harm to human health, the amount of damage caused to the vehicle does not exceed 50,000 rubles, two cars were involved in the accident, both drivers have valid MTPL policies, and the circumstances of the incident do not cause disputes among the participants in the accident, then direct compensation for damage under compulsory motor liability insurance is issued without the participation of the police.

The year 2014 was marked by another innovation for insurers and policyholders. The changes affected compulsory car insurance. A rule has appeared in the legislation that allows a citizen who has suffered damage, both material and health, to compensate for his losses directly, i.e., to use the so-called DCP (direct compensation for losses).

To do this, it is enough to contact your insurer, and not the insurance company of the culprit, as the law previously required. Thus, the time allotted for payment of compensation is significantly reduced.

How to properly take advantage of this opportunity and receive compensation from your insurer? To obtain a PPV, you need to contact your insurance company with a written application, of course. You should not delay, since any delay in filing an application reduces your chances of receiving compensation.

The document has the following structure and contains:

  • Name of the insurer. It is clear that we are talking about the organization to which the application is being submitted. The name must be accurate; if you don’t remember something, take the data in the contract or policy;
  • Full name of the policyholder, his address;
  • If your representative acts on your behalf (submits an application signed by you, receives a payment), then his full details (full name, address);
  • Full description of the incident. It is necessary to indicate when it happened, i.e. place, date, time, what exactly was damaged (property, people). Be sure to list all the circumstances of the past. The picture must be complete. Remember that PVU is paid only if the damage was caused by vehicles;
  • Next, you need to indicate all the data that relates to the guilty party: information about the car, the driver responsible for the incident;
  • Information about the victim, his property;
  • Identification, study, assessment of damage. This refers to the procedure for inspecting a vehicle;
  • Marks (at the conclusion of the document after the applicant’s signature) about when and by whom the application was accepted (date, time, recipient’s signature).

After the application is submitted and accepted, you need to receive an act (acceptance certificate) or a receipt for receipt of documents from the insurer’s representative.

It should contain the following points:

  • List of documents accepted by the insurer;
  • Details of the victim. They will be needed when receiving payments;
  • Marks indicating that documents have been accepted for consideration;
  • Additional Information. This item is completed by a representative of the insurer, if necessary.

Important! The application and other documents attached to it must be reliable and contain only accurate and truthful information. Marks in documents are not allowed. All fields are filled out without distortion, corrections, and legibly. Otherwise, compensation may be denied.

Documents for an application to the insurance company for compensation of losses under compulsory motor liability insurance

The application for compensation for damage incurred is accompanied by the following documents, which are its integral part.

The package of documents must include:

  • notification of an accident. The form of this document is issued by the insurer when drawing up a contract and receiving a motor vehicle policy. It is filled out by both parties to the accident. The document describes the accident, all its aspects, lists the damage received as a result of the incident;
  • If traffic police officers were present at the scene of the accident and conducted an investigation into the incident, then a certificate from the State Traffic Inspectorate (F-748) is also attached to the application. This certificate duplicates the notice, since it sets out all the circumstances of the collision;
  • Copies of vehicle registration certificate, PTS. That is, those documents that indicate the victim’s ownership of the damaged car;
  • Copies of the passport (other document proving the identity of the victim), driver’s license. If his representative acts on behalf of the victim, then a power of attorney is provided in his name (notarized), allowing him to act in the interests of the policyholder;
  • If the accident involved a car that is owned by any legal entity, the package of documents also includes a waybill received by the driver at the dispatch center of this legal entity. The sheet must indicate the route prescribed for vehicles.

In the event that traffic police officers were also present at the scene of the accident, materials from the traffic police department, copies of protocols drawn up by employees, and decisions on the case will also be required. The entire package of documents is submitted to the insurer.

Where to submit an application for compensation for damages under compulsory motor liability insurance

A package of prepared documents is submitted to the insurer with whom the victim has an agreement within the established time frame (either by law or specified in the current agreement). If an application for payment is submitted after the end of the established period, the insurer has the right to refuse compensation. Unless, of course, the violation of the deadline is agreed upon with him.

After the application is accepted, the insurer inspects and assesses the damage incurred. Then he makes a decision: to pay compensation or refuse payment. Duration – 15 days and no more.

The insurer has the right to compensate for its losses at the expense of the company responsible for the accident. This process is called subrogation. This will not affect the victim's compensation in any way.

Important! You will not be able to receive compensation twice. It is unacceptable to receive compensation from both your insurer and the insurer of the person responsible for the accident.

In essence, this is fraud and law enforcement agencies will consider such an act as a criminal offense with all the ensuing consequences (criminal prosecution, and possible trial).

The introduction of a PWU helps reduce the time for reviewing, assessing damage, and receiving payments in case of a minor accident.

If the documents are drawn up correctly, payment can be received within 3 to 8 days. This period largely depends on what rules are established by the victim’s insurer.

Direct compensation for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance is the possibility of contacting the insurance company where the policy was issued, and not the company of the person responsible for the accident.

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Changes in legislation were made in 2014; before that time, the injured party had to visit the company where the second party to the accident was insured.

The innovation has simplified the process of receiving compensation, but in order to receive payment, you will need to write an application and follow the application procedure.

What data is needed

Direct compensation for losses is possible if several conditions are met:

  • The accident occurred with the participation of two cars (if each car had a trailer, then two participants in the accident are considered);
  • both drivers have a valid one;
  • the fault of one of the drivers has been established by mutual decision (if the participants in the accident believe that both are to blame, then no payment will be made to anyone);
  • no people were injured in the accident;
  • the insurance company is not deprived of the right to carry out insurance activities.

When contacting an insurance company, you will need to have the following information:

  • the exact time of the accident;
  • Full name of the person responsible for the accident;
  • information about the damaged vehicle;
  • types and amounts of damage.

The victim must notify within 5 days. This can be done in person or by telephone to the supervising insurance agent. He will tell you in detail about the necessary documents and rules for receiving insurance compensation.

The deadlines within which to complete the application and required certificates will also be announced. If a car owner has questions, they must be voiced immediately, before collecting documents.


You can obtain the document form and information on how to correctly fill out the application from the insurance company.

It is important to correctly enter all the necessary information to avoid errors and the need for repeated applications.

The document must contain information:

  • the full name of the insurance company where the application is being submitted (you can write it off from the insurance policy or ask the agent for the full name of the company);
  • Full name, registration address of the applicant (policy owner and person injured in the accident);
  • if the application is submitted by an authorized person, then his data;
  • complete information about the traffic accident: date, time, place, circumstances of the accident, etc.;
  • information about the car and the driver of the other party (the culprit of the accident);
  • information about the damaged property;
  • Full name and signature of the employee who accepted the application, date;
  • Full name and signature of the applicant, date of application.

Additionally, an act of acceptance and transfer of documents is drawn up. It is necessary to prove your application to the insurance company. If the insurer delays payments, this document is attached to the lawsuit.

An insurance company employee can make notes on the report if there are nuances of the accident or if the required document is not available for a good reason.

The report is submitted to the insurance company upon receipt of notification of the decision of the PES. The applicant is given his documents previously submitted for consideration (except for the application and certificates).

Sample of filling out an application for direct compensation of losses under OSAGO

Let's look at an example of how to fill out an application for a PES.

When filling out the application, you must be guided by the provided sample. No blots or mistakes are allowed, only reliable information is entered.

It is important to understand that the fact that an application has been accepted does not guarantee a positive decision on payment. If, when reviewing the documents, inaccuracies or errors are discovered, the application procedure will have to be repeated.

You can ask an insurance company employee for an example of filling out an application for direct compensation for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance.

What documents should I attach?

A list of documents required to receive insurance payment is provided upon initial contact with the insurance company.

It includes:

  • , the form is issued when applying for a policy from the insurance company. The document is filled out by both participants in the accident, all aspects of the accident and nuances are indicated;
  • , provided that traffic police officers were present at the scene of the accident and documented the incident;
  • a document certifying the ownership of the vehicle (PTS or certificate of registration of ownership);
  • driver's passport and its copy;
  • the applicant's driver's license, its copy;
  • if the application is submitted by an authorized person, then identification documents and a notarized power of attorney will be required;
  • if the accident occurred with the participation of a legal entity’s car, then you will need to provide a waybill, which was issued by the dispatch service before departure on the flight;
  • if the scene of the accident was registered independently, without the participation of traffic police officers;
  • a protocol drawn up by the traffic police on an administrative offense that caused the collision;
  • a resolution from the traffic police on the factors that influenced the incident;
  • refusal to initiate proceedings on the fact of an administrative offense.

All listed documents are accepted according to the act that was mentioned earlier. A list of references and provided copies must be indicated.

The insurance company reserves the right to require other documents if necessary.

If the policyholder believes that the insurer is evading its obligations by making illegal claims, the matter is resolved in court.

Where to submit

The completed application and documents are submitted to the insurance company of the injured party. The insurer has the right to require the car to be inspected to assess the damage and conduct an independent examination necessary to determine the amount of damage.

The injured person's insurance company can demand the amount of compensation paid from the at-fault party's insurance company. This action is called subrogation and does not affect the process of reimbursement of expenses to the policyholder.

In some cases, filing a claim with the at-fault party's insurance company is acceptable. If this happens, then a repeated request for compensation for one insured event through your insurer is not allowed. Payment can only be made once.

Direct indemnity involves obtaining compensation through the injured party's insurer. This is the easiest way to settle losses.

Direct compensation for losses is not allowed in the following situations:

  • non-compliance with the terms of the law, violation of the rules of insurance of compulsory motor liability insurance;
  • the incident was documented according to the European Protocol and mistakes were made;
  • disagreements arose between the participants in the accident and they did not decide on their own who was responsible for the accident;
  • the accident occurred as a result of competitions or driving lessons, which does not apply to insured events, so direct compensation for losses is impossible;
  • if the company was notified of the occurrence of an insured event later than the established deadlines;
  • the issue of who is responsible for the accident is resolved in court;
  • the injured driver’s insurance company went bankrupt or lost its license to provide compulsory motor liability insurance services;
  • In the accident, people were injured or more than 2 cars were involved.

In these cases, the issue of compensation for losses is resolved through the RSA or the court. To do this, you will need to prepare the documents listed earlier and contact higher authorities to receive compensation for car repairs.

Terms of consideration

After submitting the documents and completing the application, the insurer is given 15 days to conduct an examination and assess the damage.

During this period, the insurance company must decide on the amount of compensation payment. If there are grounds, the policyholder is given a refusal.

Within 30 days from the date of receipt of the refusal from the insurance company, the applicant may go to court to appeal the decision.

To do this, a statement of claim is drawn up and documents indicating the occurrence of an insured event are attached. You will also need to attach a written refusal to make the payment.

It is important to remember that if the insurer denies compensation for damage, it must issue a document stating the reasons.

It is not allowed to render a verdict over the phone or without justifying disagreement with the applicant. In this case, the policyholder must contact the insurance company again to obtain this document.

As for the policyholder himself, he is obliged to write a statement of PPV within 5 days from the date of the incident. An extension of the deadline is possible for valid reasons (for example, the applicant is sick or is in another city).
