Claim for direct damages. How to apply for direct compensation for losses under compulsory motor insurance

As you know, MTPL insurance is mandatory and gives an advantage in case of an accident only to the injured party. In case of an accident, the injured party will be able to receive compensation for the damage caused. To receive payments, you must fulfill all the conditions specified in the insurance, otherwise you will not be able to receive money.

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How insurance works

When purchasing a car in one way or another, you need to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance at any bank of the driver’s choice. If the driver’s favorite bank does not provide such insurance, you need to choose another suitable bank.

When applying for compulsory motor liability insurance, the power of the car is taken into account and the cost of insurance is determined. At the same time, the maximum amount of payment that can be paid to the driver is determined.

After purchasing a car, the driver is given time to insure the car. After this period, driving without this type of insurance is a violation and the driver is subject to a fine depending on the time spent driving without insurance. The same story applies when the previous insurance expires.

The insurance comes into force after an accident and the fulfillment of the circumstances specified in the contract. After which the injured driver can receive payment under compulsory motor liability insurance through the insurance company at the insurance company’s bank.

Circumstances under which insurance is paid

The circumstances specified in the contract must be fulfilled one hundred percent, otherwise it will not be possible to receive payment. There may be a catch here, but with careful insurance planning this can easily be avoided.

Mandatory conditions for payment under compulsory motor liability insurance:

  • The accident occurred between two cars. If one or two of these cars has a trailer, then it is still considered one vehicle. In this case, if one or more than two cars are involved in an accident, insurance under MTPL is not valid.
  • Damage was caused only to vehicles. If drivers or third parties were injured in an accident, or damage was caused to city property, then the insurance is again not valid.
  • The culprit of the accident was mutually recognized. If it is not possible to reach an agreement, then it is worth calling on the traffic police officers who will find out the guilt of one or another participant in the accident. If there is mutual fault on both sides, direct payments are not valid.
  • Each participant has active MTPL insurance at the time of the accident. Otherwise, there is no way to receive insurance compensation. You can check the availability or originality of the policy on site via the Internet. This information from each insurance company is not secret and is easily found using Internet search engines. It is also advisable to check it before starting to compile all documents.

Even if these conditions are met, direct payment for insurance under compulsory motor liability insurance cannot be obtained under such circumstances as:

  • Failure to fulfill at least one point of the conditions established by law (Article 14.1 of the Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance”).
  • When drawing up a Euro protocol, which is a mandatory document for determining payment, if you do not call the traffic police officers, mistakes were made or there were disagreements in the protocols of the two parties.
  • The accident occurred while a person was competing or learning to drive. Under these conditions, direct payment is not possible. The nuance is that competitions must be official, but driving lessons may not be so.
  • The insurance company from which you want to receive direct payment was notified later than the deadline specified in the insurance.
  • If the culprit has not been found, that is, the decision of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate is now in court to resolve this issue, then direct payment is not possible.

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Filling out an application for direct compensation for MTPL losses

An application for direct compensation for SAGO losses can be drawn up without the participation of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. This option is carried out by writing a European protocol on the part of both participants in the accident.

This application must contain the following information::

  • The name of the insurance company to which the claim will be filed. The data is taken from the company's insurance policy;
  • Last name First name Middle name and address of the victim who is the owner of the insurance policy for which direct payment will be made;
  • If the payment is received by a trustee, then the data of the trustee must be present;
  • Information relevant to the accident:
  • Place, time and date of the traffic accident, circumstances of the accident, and so on. It should be remembered that for direct payment, damage must be caused only to the cars of 2 participants;
  • Information about the car and driver responsible for the accident
  • Information about the injured party and his property;
  • The procedure for inspecting the car to identify the cost of damage;
  • Marks on submission and acceptance of the application.

When preparing this application, you must provide only reliable information. When filling out the protocol, you must write legibly and clearly for reading. These facts may also serve to deny direct reimbursement.

A sample application for direct compensation for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance can be downloaded.


Like any application, an application for direct compensation for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance must be supported by additional documents that are attached to the application and confirm what is written in it.

The required documents for such an application are:

  • Notification from an accident. The form of this document is provided to drivers when applying for MTPL insurance. It indicates the circumstances of the accident, the damage caused and must be confirmed by both drivers. Otherwise, such a document is not valid.
  • If State Traffic Inspectorate employees are involved in an accident, you will need a certificate from them in form 748. There, as well as in the notification of an accident, the main parameters of this accident are indicated on the part of the State Traffic Inspectorate employees.
  • Copies of documents confirming the ownership of the vehicle by the indicated persons. If you are using a car that is not your own, you must have a power of attorney from the owner. Also technical passports of cars.
  • Copies of documents proving the driver’s identity and ability to drive. That is, a passport and a driver's license.
  • If this vehicle belongs to a legal entity, then a copy of the waybill issued to the driver by the dispatcher is attached.

When involving traffic police officers at the scene of an accident, the following documents are added to the above documents:

  • Protocol on administrative violation, which indicates the causes of the accident and the culprit.
  • A resolution on an administrative violation, which openly talks about this violation. That is, the articles that the driver violated and the fact of the violation are indicated.
  • Refusal to initiate a case. It is advisable to sign this document last. If the culprit of the accident admits his guilt and all the documents for direct payment have already been drawn up, then court proceedings will become unnecessary and for this purpose such a document is drawn up.

Where to submit

This application is submitted to the victim’s insurance company. This is what is stated in the insurance contract. After submitting documents for the period specified in the contract, the insurance company checks the data specified in the application, which may take several days. The involvement of the parties in the accident and who is to blame is checked. The amount of damage is determined.

Also, one of the available options for filing such a claim is submitting it to the insurance company of the culprit. Such an action will oblige the company that insured the culprit to pay, but there is a nuance - when submitting an application to the insurance company of the victim, the company itself has the right to recover the amount of payment from the insurance company of the culprit.

If you contact the culprit's insurance company directly, it is no longer possible to apply for direct compensation and you will have to follow a plan to completely sort out this situation.

Do motorists need insurance?

This type of insurance is mandatory for every car owner, but every rule has an exception.

It is accepted by law that disabled people of group 1, combatants or disabled war veterans who drive their own vehicles have the right to not have this type of insurance.

In such cases, direct reimbursement will not be possible.

Examples of companies

The MTPL insurance service is provided by many insurance companies. In general terms, the amount and cost of insurance is the same for the same car in different companies. The amount of insurance varies for different cars and is higher for more powerful cars.

Examples include the following insurance companies:

  • Ingosstrakh is one of the leaders in MTPL insurance. At the moment, it also provides the opportunity to obtain compulsory motor liability insurance via the Internet.
  • Rosgosstrakh is the leader in the Russian MTPL insurance market.
  • Insurance company Moskovia - has branches in Moscow, Moscow region, Bryansk region, Smolensk region, St. Petersburg, Kolomna, Kaluga, Sochi, Obninsk, Novy Urengoy, Ryazan, Tambov, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Crimea, Sevastopol and urban settlement Shakhovskaya.

To receive an insurance payment, the injured party can write a statement for direct compensation for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance. But what does this statement look like? What documents do you need to have with you to write this application? And how long can the insurance company consider the application? Below we will find out the answers to these questions.

Application for direct compensation for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance is a special document that must be submitted to your insurance company in order to receive insurance payments. The statement contains information about the participants in the accident, brief information about the accident, and so on.

This document is completed by both the policyholder and the official representative of the insurance company.

It should also be remembered that direct compensation for losses is only possible if certain conditions are met.

Direct compensation for losses is possible if the following conditions are met:

  • If only two cars were involved in the accident. If one or both vehicles are equipped with trailers, then it is considered that two vehicles were involved in the accident (that is, direct compensation for losses is also possible in this case).
  • If the damage was caused only to vehicles. If harm was caused to the health of any party, then direct compensation for losses is impossible.

    Also, direct losses are not possible in the following cases - damage was caused to property that was in the car during the accident, damage was caused to city property, and so on.

  • If there is no mutual fault of the drivers(that is, there is an injured party and the culprit of the accident). Guilt can be established by mutual consent; Also, to identify the culprit of the accident, traffic police officers, special independent experts, and so on can be involved.
  • If both drivers have a valid MTPL policy, and the insurance company is not deprived of a license to issue compulsory motor liability insurance.

To submit an application and receive insurance payment, the applicant will need the following documents:

  • Passport(if the vehicle owner is an individual) or a company registration certificate (if the vehicle owner is a legal entity).
  • Any document confirming ownership.
  • Driver's license.
  • Europrotocol(if it was issued).
  • Technical passport or vehicle registration certificate.
  • Certificate from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (form 748)
  • Protocol on administrative offense(not required if a European protocol is issued).
  • Bank details of the injured party(money will be transferred to this account).
  • Power of attorney(if the application is drawn up not by the actual owner of the vehicle, but by his official representative).

The application has the following structure:

  • Application number and date (to be completed by the policyholder).
  • Information about the insurance company and the insurer (to be completed by the policyholder). Here you must indicate the following information - the name of the insurance company, brief information about the policyholder (full name - in the case of an individual, company name - in the case of a legal entity) and address (home address - in the case of an individual, the actual location of the company - in the case of a legal entity ). If the application is drawn up by an official representative of an individual or legal entity, it is also necessary to indicate information about the representative - full name, postal code, telephone number, and power of attorney number.
  • Accident information (to be completed by the policyholder). This paragraph indicates the following information - type of damage, number of participants in the accident, time and place of the accident, circumstances of the incident, and so on. Remember that direct compensation for losses is only possible if only vehicles were damaged and no damage was caused to health or other property.
  • Information about the vehicle at fault (to be completed by the policyholder). The following information is indicated here - the make and model of the vehicle, registration plate, information about the actual driver of the vehicle, and so on. Information about the MTPL policy is also indicated here - series and number of the contract, validity period of the contract, name of the insurance company, and so on.
  • Information about the injured party's vehicle (to be completed by the policyholder). This paragraph indicates the following information - information about the owner of the vehicle (full name - in the case of an individual, company name - in the case of a legal entity), make, model and year of manufacture of the vehicle, VIN number, and so on. Information about the MTPL policy is also indicated here - series and number of the contract, validity period of the contract, name of the insurance company, and so on.
  • Information on the procedure for inspecting the machine (to be completed by the policyholder). To clarify the details of the accident and determine the amount of monetary payments, the insurance company has the right to conduct an independent examination. At this point, the injured party must note that it is ready to transfer its vehicle to the insurer. This paragraph also contains the following information - the address where the inspection can be carried out, information about additional costs, information about the car’s ability to participate in road traffic, and so on.
  • Applicant's full name (if the applicant is a legal entity - name of the company), date and signature (to be filled in by the policyholder).
  • Full name and position of the person who accepted the application
  • Information about submitted documents (to be completed by the insurer). In this paragraph it is necessary to indicate all the main (application, notification of an accident, copy of the protocol on an administrative offense, etc.) and additional documents (copy of an identity document, power of attorney, driver’s license, etc.). It is also necessary to indicate the date of adoption of each document.
  • Details for transferring money (to be completed by the insurer). In this paragraph, you must indicate the following information - personal account number, name of the recipient, name of the bank, and so on.
  • Applicant's full name (if the applicant is a legal entity - the name of the company), as well as the date and signature (to be completed by the policyholder).
  • Full name of the person who made the application , as well as date and signature (to be completed by the insurer).
  • Special notes from the insurer (to be completed by the insurer). At this point, the insurer may indicate some additional information.

The application must be submitted to your insurance company. After receiving the application the insurer has 30 days to review it and make your decision. It should also be understood that after filing an application, the insurance company has the right to conduct an independent examination to clarify the details of the accident and determine the amount of insurance compensation.

In most cases, the examination takes no more than 15 days.

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Now you know what a claim for direct compensation for losses under MTPL is. Let's summarize. To receive monetary compensation for vehicle repairs, you need to write a corresponding application.

This document must reflect the following information - information about the accident, information about all vehicles, bank details for transferring insurance money, and so on.

To write an application, you will need the following documents - a passport, a document that confirms ownership, a technical passport of the vehicle, a driver’s license, and so on.

So, the concept of “direct compensation for losses” (or PVC) was introduced into the regulatory field by amendments made to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” dated 02.08.14, and is currently regulated by Article 14.1 of this law.

Thus, direct compensation for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance means the ability of the injured driver to apply for payment of compensation not to the insurance organization that issued the policy to the person at fault for the accident, but directly to his insurer.

Responsibility for making insurance payments lies with the insurer of the person at fault for the accident. However, in fact, the payment is made by the victim’s insurance company, and then the insurers settle accounts among themselves.

Read all about MTPL insurance payments.

In what cases is it served?

It should be noted that an application for receiving this compensation is prepared only if all necessary conditions are met, which are clearly defined by Art. 14.1 of the above law. At the same time, the absence of at least one of the mandatory circumstances excludes the possibility of the car owner to use the PES.

So, let’s consider all the conditions for using this method of compensation:

  1. The accident occurred involving two or more vehicles. Until recently, the possibility of a PPV could only be used if no more than two cars were involved in an accident. If there were a larger number of vehicles, it was necessary to apply for compensation to the insurer of the person responsible for the accident.

    REFERENCE. However, starting from September 25, 2017, this procedure was changed, and now this possibility applies to accidents with the number of participating cars from 2 or more.

  2. Participants in road accidents must have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.
  3. The damage must be caused exclusively to the vehicle.
  4. Absence of fault of all parties involved in the accident, that is, if both types of drivers were established, then accordingly no payment is made.

Additionally, it should be noted that the insurance company has the right to refuse PPV in such situations as:

  • an application for payment of the insurance amount has already been submitted to the insurer of the person responsible for the accident;
  • The traffic police were not called to the scene of the accident;
  • damage was caused only to luggage, cargo that was transported, etc.

Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to compose a text

A prerequisite for obtaining a PDP is the submission of a completed application to the insurance company in a package with other documents. It should be noted that the form of this document can be obtained directly from the insurance company or downloaded from the Internet.

Besides, When filling out an application for compensation for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance, the following important points must be taken into account:

  • The information provided must be reliable and accurate.
  • Each field must be filled out legibly.
  • Various types of blots and corrections are not allowed in the application.

    ATTENTION. All of the above recommendations should be strictly followed. Otherwise, the car owner will be denied a PPV and will have to spend additional time writing the application again.

So, We will consider in detail to receive compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance:

Besides, In addition to the application, an acceptance certificate of the attached documents is provided, which includes:

  • a list of all documents provided in addition to the application;
  • payment details of the victim (account number, name of the servicing bank), where, after consideration of this application and the rest of the package of documents, the amount of compensation will be sent;
  • a note on acceptance of the document for consideration (the exact date, as well as the full name and signatures of the victim and the insurer).

What documents are attached?

In addition to the application for compensation for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance The victim must also provide the following:

  1. passport or other document proving the identity of the victim;
  2. notification of an accident (filled out by both participants in the accident);
  3. certificate of accident (form 748);
  4. documents for the car (PTS or registration certificate);
  5. protocol and resolution on the commission of an administrative offense;
  6. information about the results of the examination (if carried out).

Where should I file a claim?

The process of obtaining a PES is not particularly difficult. After the corresponding application has been written and a package of necessary documentation has been collected, all this should be sent to the insurance company where the compulsory motor liability insurance policy was issued.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the deadlines for submitting an application and documents for a PES. established in the insurance contract. Otherwise, the insurer has the right to refuse to pay you compensation.

The complete package of documents can be sent to the insurer in any convenient way. For example, you can personally come to the office or send it by mail using a registered letter. In addition, the applicant must present the damaged vehicle to the insurance company for examination.

Read more about how to draw up and where to submit an application, as well as other nuances.

Insurance company review times and fees

After submitting all the necessary documents, the insurer inspects the vehicle
, as a result of which a decision is made on payment of compensation for the damage incurred. Most insurance companies carry out this procedure within 15 days, starting from the day the application is received. More information about when and how payment is made to the victim can be found in

The PWI implies that in the event of a road traffic accident, the injured party has the right to apply for compensation for damage to the organization with which the insurance contract was concluded. Before changes were made to the legislative framework, it was necessary to contact the company responsible for the incident. In order for something like this to happen, conditions must exist that presuppose. In addition, you must apply for a PES and follow the application procedure.

In what cases is a document drawn up?

To compensate for losses incurred under the PES program, When registering an accident, the following conditions must be met:

It does not matter who the applicant is listed in the policy, the insured or the owner. Subject to the conditions outlined above, he has the right to file an application with his company and receive compensation directly.

How to fill out: detailed step-by-step instructions

The approved application forms contain standard columns; differences may only be in visual design. They are issued at the insurer's office upon application by the client. The document is filled out as follows:

The form and an example of how to fill it out correctly are given below:

What do you need to include?

The completed appeal must be accompanied by a package of relevant:

Everything is transferred according to the acceptance certificate, which serves as confirmation of the fact that the victim actually contacted the insurer. The act indicates the entire list of collected documents, certificates and copies.

Where to submit?

By contact the office of the victim's insurer. In this case, the insurance company has the right to demand an inspection of the vehicle to determine the amount of losses. Independent experts are often involved in the inspection and are carried out on the basis of their conclusions.

The company of the driver who caused the accident will not accept this document, since this is not its responsibility. But in a situation where the victim’s insurance organization has lost its license or has been declared bankrupt, it is permissible to contact the culprit’s insurer. In such cases, you can demand payment under the PES directly from the RSA. For such situations, a special fund has been created, which provides for payments according to a clearly regulated procedure.

After accepting the application, the victim’s insurance company compensates the losses to its client, and then turns to the insurer of the person responsible for the accident to receive compensation. Even if a dispute arises between insurance organizations and the case goes to court, their relationship will not affect the victim in any way.

Deadlines and fees

According to Federal Law No. 40, which regulates compulsory motor liability insurance and the relationship between the insurer and the policyholder, 5 working days are allotted for filing an application for a PPV from the date of the accident, otherwise the driver will lose the right to claim such compensation. But if there are valid reasons for the delay, the filing deadline can be extended. In addition, the time of application also affects the amount of payment, so it is better for the policyholder not to delay if he does not want the amount of compensation to be less than it should be.

The victim's insurer notifies the culprit's insurance company within 7 days. A decision on the application must be made before the expiration of 20 days from the date of acceptance. During this time, company employees assess the damage and conduct an examination. As a result, the insurance company is obliged to compensate for losses or refuse the client, clearly justifying its position.

If refused, the driver has 30 days to appeal the decision of his insurer in court. The money is usually transferred to a current account, but you can also receive it in cash at the insurance company’s cash desk. The entire procedure has clear regulations, each document is defined at the legislative level.

As for payment, there are no state fees for filing such an application. Expenses can only be incurred if you go to court in case of refusal of the insurance company to fulfill its obligations towards the client or to issue a power of attorney, if the applicant is not the policyholder.

Use our online calculator to calculate compulsory motor liability insurance online - compare prices from different insurance companies. Save from RUB 1,498 to RUB 3,980 as the base rate may vary by 20%. No need to go to the office - you will receive an insurance policy to your e-mail

When contacting the office of the insurance company, you should remember that a correctly drawn up application and proper registration of an accident are the main documents that guarantee the receipt of a PPV in the necessary form. If problems arise with filling out, the company manager is obliged to provide detailed information about the rules for drawing up the document. Since many firms try to avoid payments by sending the client to the company at fault, it is better to consult with a lawyer in advance to know the nuances of the legislative framework on this issue.

Video on the topic

You can learn more about how to apply for a PPV from this video:

Receiving payment under compulsory motor liability insurance is an issue that must be resolved by the party injured as a result of an accident.

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Legislation allows this procedure to be carried out in various ways and allows, in certain situations, direct compensation for damage to the victim.

In this case, the insurance company of the victim will have to pay the insurance.

To receive direct compensation for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance, you must prepare and submit the appropriate application and a package of necessary documents.

Essence of the question

A traffic accident is always an unpleasant situation.

In order to organize compensation received as a result of an accident, the Russian Federation has legislation obliging all vehicle owners to take out an MTPL policy.

But receiving insurance compensation from the company is also not the easiest question. Insurers are not very keen to pay out funds.

Direct indemnity was introduced by law to simplify the process of receiving payments from the insurance company.

In fact, in this case, the victim of an accident must contact his insurance company and resolve the issue with it.

Often this greatly simplifies the procedure, because the culprit’s insurance company may not even have offices in the victim’s region of residence.


For a long time, legislation offered PPV only as an alternative to contacting the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident.

This often led to attempts by insurance companies to delay or even stop the payment process; the victim was simply sent to apply from one insurance company to another almost in a circle.

Yes, and the affected MTPL owners themselves began to abuse their rights and submitted documents to two companies at the same time, hoping for an increase in payments.

At present, direct compensation for damage has no alternative. This means that in cases directly provided for by law, you need to apply for payment to your insurance company.

The insurer of the person at fault for the accident will simply not accept the claim and will not make compensation in these situations.

The majority of complaints and claims for compensation payments under compulsory motor liability insurance are related to incorrect execution of documents by the victims themselves or submission of them incompletely.

This became especially true when the European protocol became practically mandatory.

Under what conditions is it possible?

Direct compensation for damage is only possible if certain conditions are met.

If at least one of them is not met, the procedure will have to be carried out in the standard manner, contacting the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident.

Let's consider under what conditions direct compensation for damage is possible:

  • Only vehicles were damaged;
  • each of the drivers involved in an accident has a valid MTPL policy;
  • the fault of a specific driver has been established.

Previously, legislation indicated that a PPV was only permissible when two vehicles were involved in an accident.

But at the moment, the standard has been extended to accidents where several vehicles were damaged. But it still applies in situations with compensation for harm to health (life).

When it is unacceptable

Direct compensation for damage is unacceptable when there is mutual fault between the participants in the accident.

It is also not provided for in situations where we are talking about compensation for damage caused not only to a vehicle, but also to the life and health of people.

Direct reimbursement will also not be possible in the following situations:

The Europrotocol is filled out incorrectly If the amount of damage exceeds 50 thousand rubles, then the State Traffic Inspectorate should handle the registration of the traffic accident, but this does not deprive the injured party of the right to apply for damages to their insurer
The issue of identifying the culprit in an accident is decided by the judicial authorities Until a court decision is received, direct compensation cannot be paid. After the court has established the culprit, it is still possible and necessary to apply for a PPV
The notification period for an accident has been violated If the victim did not notify the insurance company in a timely manner about the insured event, then he may not count on receiving insurance compensation at all.
Damage caused by an accident Which does not apply to insured events

For example, if a car is involved in an accident while participating in competitions, it will be impossible to receive a payment.

Insurers sometimes try to come up with various reasons for denying compensation. You must always be careful and immediately stop such attempts.

If necessary, you should file complaints with the Central Bank and other government agencies or go to court to protect your legal rights and interests.

Where to submit

As a standard, the victim must contact his insurance company for direct compensation for damage, if he is entitled to it.

The insurer of the person responsible for the accident in this situation will not even accept documents for payment, since this is not part of his responsibility.

The exception is a situation where the insurance company of the injured party has lost its license or is declared bankrupt under current legislation.

In the latter case, you can contact the culprit’s insurer directly. If, on the contrary, the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident lost its license, then compensation for damage can be claimed through the RCA.

In this case, a special compensation fund has been created and a certain payment procedure has been established.

The principle of restitution

After receiving the application and package of documents, the victim’s insurance company must check them and pay the due funds.

In the future, she will have to independently contact the insurer of the person responsible for the accident and receive reimbursement from him for the amount paid.

If a dispute arises between two insurers, it will be resolved in a special commission of the RSA or in an arbitration court.

In certain situations, the insurance company that made the payment may file a claim against the person responsible for the accident.

Video: OSAGO insurance - direct compensation for losses and European protocol

Application form for direct compensation of losses under OSAGO

Unlike other types of documents, for applications for direct compensation of losses under compulsory motor liability insurance, the Central Bank of Russia has established a special form of the form. You can download a sample application.

You must complete your application using this regulated form in order to avoid refusal of payment due to an incorrectly drawn up and submitted document.

Let's consider what information will need to be indicated in the application:

Insurance company name The victim submits an application for PPV to his insurer and it is his data that is indicated in the application
Victim details The applicant's details are indicated here. For an individual - this is the full name, address information, series and number of the passport, for organizations - TIN, address, details of the state registration certificate
Information about damaged property Here you need to indicate the details of the owner of the car (it does not always coincide with the victim) and all information about the damaged car, from the make to the title data
Data on the absence of harm to human life and health If harm to health (life) has been caused, then we can no longer talk about PPV and it will be necessary to contact the culprit’s insurer
Information about the insured event Its circumstances, time and date of the incident, etc.
Refund method Indication of the need to pay for repairs or disburse funds. If necessary, you must also provide account details.
List of applications Personal signature of the injured person

It is imperative to obtain a note on the copy of the application that it was accepted by an employee of the insurer.

Otherwise, the insurance company may greatly delay payments or completely “lose” the application.

Sample filling

Usually, the injured party does not have problems filling out an application for direct compensation for damage under compulsory motor liability insurance if all the requirements and rules for filling it out are followed. But sometimes it’s more convenient to rely on a ready-made sample.

This avoids many questions and misunderstandings. You can download an example of a completed document.

The application can be prepared on a computer and then printed or filled out by hand.

In any case, it is necessary to put the personal signature of the victim at the end of the application. Without it, the document has no legal force and there will be no compensation for it.

The insurance company's offices usually have ready-made forms for such.

They can be styled to match the organization's corporate identity, but in general they contain all the same data and are actually no different from the standard form.

What documents need to be attached

Before making compensation, the insurer must check all the circumstances and make sure that the insured event is real and that there are the necessary grounds for a PWU. To do this, you must attach relevant documents along with your application.

Let's consider what documents may be required to implement a PES:

  • notification and certificate of accident:
  • Europrotocol;
  • PTS or STS;
  • the victim's compulsory motor liability insurance policy;
  • protocol/resolution on an administrative offense;
  • refusal to initiate proceedings on the fact of committing an offense.
