Folic acid - what is it for? Folic acid: a vitamin not only for pregnant women Benefits of folic acid for women

Folic acid (folate, vitamin B9) is a water-soluble vitamin from the B group that the body needs for the normal development of the circulatory and immune systems. It was first obtained from spinach leaves, which is reflected in its name. Folium means "leaf" in Latin. The benefits and harms of folic acid have been studied by many scientists.

The body of a healthy person contains from 5 to 20 mg of folate. Almost half of it is in the liver. Vitamin B9 does not accumulate in the body, the supply must be replenished daily. Under the condition of a healthy microflora in the intestines, the body can synthesize the substance, but in small quantities that cannot cover the entire need.

The Polzateevo magazine collected information and found that, according to the results of studies, from 20 to 100% of people have folic acid deficiency. Therefore, he recommends that all women and men of reproductive age take daily preventive doses of this vitamin.


Folic acid has a wide spectrum of action and is involved in many processes in the body:

  • under the influence of folate, the hormone of joy, serotonin, is produced, its deficiency can cause a depressive state;
  • improves myocardial contractility, enhancing protein and nucleic acid synthesis;
  • contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells;
  • maintains the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, genitals in a normal state;
  • helps women maintain normal hormonal balance;
  • during intrauterine development of the embryo and fetus, regulates the formation of nerve cells;
  • reduces the risk of developing cancer;
  • helps to absorb vitamin B12;
  • lowers the level of cholesterol in the body, prevents atherosclerosis;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • helps improve appetite;
  • provides healthy skin color;
  • prevents graying of hair;
  • reduces the risk of developing eye diseases.


The use of a large amount of folic acid is fraught with consequences:

  1. Taking folic acid may mask the symptoms of pernicious anemia. The blood will look normal, while neurological problems will worsen and become irreversible.
  2. Long-term use of folic acid, especially in large doses, can reduce the concentration of vitamin B12 in the blood.
  3. An overdose of folate during pregnancy can make the baby prone to respiratory problems.
  4. The use of large doses of vitamin B9 during lactation can cause increased nervous excitability in the baby.

Important! An overdose of folic acid occurs very rarely and only if a person takes this vitamin in the form of a medicine. In this case, adults can observe increased nervous excitability and indigestion.

An independent increase in the level of vitamin B9 can occur in the following cases:

  • with a vegetarian diet;
  • with vitamin B12 deficiency;
  • with afferent loop syndrome;
  • in diseases of the distal small intestine.

Indications for use

Folic acid in the form of a medicine is used in the following cases:

  1. Hereditary anemia, in which the level of hemoglobin decreases.
  2. Anemia and leukopenia provoked by chemicals, including drugs.
  3. Anemia caused by intestinal tuberculosis or gastroenteritis.
  4. Syndrome of increased anxiety and frequent depression.
  5. Dysplasia of the cervix.
  6. tropical diarrhea.
  7. The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  8. Tuberculosis of the intestine.
  9. Use of oral contraceptives before pregnancy.
  10. Protein diet before pregnancy.

Folic acid deficiency and its consequences

A lack of folic acid in the body can result from:

  • bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol);
  • malnutrition, lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lack of vitamin B12 in the body;
  • severe liver disease;
  • anorexia;
  • dysbacteriosis that has developed as a result of infectious diseases or uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
  • fever or septic conditions;
  • during the period of intensive growth;
  • in oncological diseases.

In pregnant women, vitamin B9 deficiency can cause megaloblastic anemia, which in turn leads to:

  • to a defect in the neural tube of the fetus;
  • to congenital malformations;
  • to premature birth;
  • to hydrocephalus;
  • to the appearance of a cleft lip or cleft palate in a child.

For men, folic acid is just as important as for women. With a chronic lack of vitamin B9, sperm synthesis and activity are disrupted, which leads to infertility.

Also, with a lack of vitamin B9 in the body, spermatozoa may contain the wrong set of DNA, which can cause the conception and birth of a child with Down syndrome.

Folic acid is very important for the body of adolescents, because it is involved in the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in boys and the normalization of the menstrual cycle in girls.

Symptoms indicating vitamin B9 deficiency

If a person does not get enough folate for a month, the following symptoms may develop:

  1. Paleness of the skin, which indicates a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  2. Lack of appetite as a result of a violation of the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  3. Lack of muscle mass due to poor digestibility of proteins.
  4. General physical weakness.
  5. Sleep disturbance, depression, headaches.
  6. Hair loss and splitting of nails.

Folic acid is a vitamin belonging to the B group. It is a water-soluble vitamin, that is, a water-soluble vitamin, also known as vitamin B9 or vitamin M, which is known as folic acid. The human body is not capable of synthesizing vitamins and therefore must be obtained through diet or supplementation.

As a precursor to methionine (an essential amino acid that the body cannot synthesize on its own), folic acid plays an important role in the synthesis of DNA and RNA, two molecules that store genetic information and are involved in cell reproduction. Folic acid is very useful when the cells of the body need rapid growth and metabolism (cells in the blood, stomach, intestines, mouth, skin), as well as during periods of growth, such as childhood and adolescence.

Where to find folic acid

Foods rich in folic acid are leafy vegetables. It even follows from the very name of such products. Leaf in Latin is folium. Thus, folic acid can be found mainly in green leafy vegetables (watercress, spinach, mung bean lettuce, which is also called lamb grass). But don't limit yourself to leafy foods, because vitamin B9 is also found in many other vegetables, such as dill, asparagus, carrots, broccoli, and chicory.

Also, folic acid is found in organ meats, in legumes, for example, in beans, peas and soybeans. Avocados, strawberries, raspberries, wheat germ contain quite a lot of this valuable vitamin. Brown rice and brewer's yeast contain folic acid. Unfortunately, most of this vitamin is destroyed during the cooking process, which must be borne in mind when deciding to feed your body with it.

Since there is a strong association between folic acid deficiency and certain types of brain dysfunction or the risk of circulatory problems and cardiovascular disease, some countries have decided to add folic acid to the flour used in bread baking in order to correct this deficiency and allow people to get their daily vitamin dose.

But even if your diet is good enough, getting folate through your diet is rarely enough. A person can get approximately 150 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid from food, and as a result of stress, environmental pollution and the physiological needs of the body, its reserves are quickly depleted, so it is considered optimal to consume at least 200 to 400 mcg to satisfy all the needs of the body.

Folic acid and brain function

This vitamin is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, as it allows the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters, primarily norepinephrine and, as a result, serotonin and dopamine.

Folic acid and blood formula

Folic acid regulates the blood and has a very beneficial effect on all its components. Adequate intake of vitamin B9 and B12 prevents iron deficiency and helps the body fight various infections.

Folic acid and circulatory disorders

Numerous studies have shown that there is a strong link between high homocysteine ​​levels and the risk of circulatory disorders. Homocysteine ​​is a sulfur-containing amino acid derived from methionine. It has a chemical structure similar to cysteine, another amino acid, hence its name. Its increase often provokes a deficiency of cobalamin (vitamin B12) and folic acid (vitamin B9).

Researchers now agree that it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of circulatory disorders by eliminating excess homocysteine. This can be done by taking supplements with B vitamins and folic acid, which will reduce the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood.

Professor Xiaobing Wang and his colleagues at a research center in the United States studied the effect of folic acid on the prevention of stroke. The results showed that vitamin B9 supplementation significantly reduced the risk of stroke (by an average of 18%). A 30% reduction was observed when treatment was continued for more than 36 months. For those who were not at risk of stroke, the reduction in risk factors is 25%, which also cannot be ignored. A significant reduction in risk factors occurred when homocysteine ​​levels were reduced, supporting the idea that this protein is an important risk factor for circulatory disorders and other cardiovascular diseases.

Folic acid, pregnancy and childhood hyperactivity

A British study published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry found that folic acid deficiency in early pregnancy can cause hyperactivity in children years later.

Other research groups have shown that getting enough folic acid during pregnancy can prevent fetal malformations, including spina bifida.

The content of folic acid was measured in pregnant women for a period of 14 weeks. They were followed throughout their pregnancy to assess their folic acid intake and effects on children. Seven and nine years after giving birth, one hundred women filled out a questionnaire about their child's behavior. After that, it became clear that children born to women who lacked folic acid during pregnancy were hyperactive.

Also, the results of the study show that the rational nutrition of a pregnant woman contributes to the proper development of the fetal nervous system and may affect the future behavior of the child.

Many researchers confirm that the benefits of taking folic acid before conception and in early pregnancy can be much wider later, and it will certainly affect the health of the unborn child.

Folic Acid Deficiency Disorders

Folic acid deficiency can occur for various reasons and manifest itself in different ways. Among the most common manifestations are nervous, mental, emotional disorders, gum disease, iron deficiency anemia, and skin lesions. Thus, hair loss, extreme fatigue, a tendency to depressive moods, stress, dry skin and stretch marks may be signs that your body is severely deficient in folic acid or vitamin B9.

Who usually suffers from a lack of folic acid

Some populations are at greater risk of vitamin B9 deficiency than others. These are the elderly, pregnant women whose need for folic acid is important for the fetus, people suffering from nervous overload and stress, as well as women who take oral contraceptives.

Today I will tell you about the benefits of folic acid for women. Yes, yes, for all women, not just pregnant women :) I am sure that you will learn a lot of new things for yourself. Happy reading!

All my life I considered folic acid vitamins exclusively for pregnant women and even at first I was a little afraid to take them, I don’t know why :)

But how wrong I was, because folic acid is a real female vitamin that all women need to take at any time. Even the doctor told me about this in order to always be ready for pregnancy (if it comes unexpectedly), and in order to improve my appearance and general condition.

A lack of folic acid in the body can lead to:

A deficiency during pregnancy to:

  • miscarriage
  • mental retardation
  • Brain herniation
  • Anemia
  • Malformations
  • Spina bifida in the fetus
  • And many other serious consequences

Folic acid is found in the leaves of green plants (cabbage, lettuce), liver, yolk, legumes, yeast, cheese.

By the way, if you have gray hair, then there is a high probability that you do not have enough folic acid. Do not rush to paint over them right away, watch: if the gray hair is short (a couple of centimeters), it means that a couple of months ago you experienced stress, some kind of illness, a malfunction of the body, or your body began to lack vitamins.

Take 1-2 tablets one to three times a day. Depending on what goal you are pursuing.

If you want to drink just like vitamins (as I did) or are planning a pregnancy, then one tablet (1 mg each) twice a day during or after meals is optimal.

If you are pregnant, then consult your doctor, I am not qualified in this.

I take courses of one month twice a year (usually in early spring and autumn). Why only one month? Because I am allergic and by the end of the month there is a slight reaction around my mouth, and in general I do not welcome the long-term use of some vitamins, the body must receive them naturally or produce something on its own. In addition, I read somewhere that folic acid can cause unwanted growth of tumors (not only malignant, but also benign). This, of course, is not proven, but I decided to listen, since I get a cyst from time to time.

As for the tablets themselves, they are small and easily absorbed, which is especially important for girls during the first trimester, when you can’t swallow anything at all.

They taste completely different, it all depends on the manufacturer. I have come across both sweet and tasteless, and even a little bitter.

If you are planning a pregnancy, then it is better to take it six months in advance (if you do not have allergic reactions) or at least 2 months in advance, together with vitamin E (aevit is prohibited!).

It will not be superfluous to take vitamins for the future father of the child to improve spermatozoa.

Once pregnancy has occurred, you don’t need to quit vitamins, you need to continue in the same spirit throughout the first trimester (at a time when all the internal organs and tissues of the child are laid), only increase the dosage to 8 mg (8 tablets per day).

It is worth saying that folic acid does not affect the formation of pregnancy in any way (unlike vitamin E), it simply prepares the body for gestation, saturates it with the necessary trace elements.

Feedback on taking folic acid

I can say about myself that when I start to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and take vitamins, I start to feel better, I start to feel happy. I fall asleep faster, I need less time to sleep, I recover faster, there is some kind of optimistic outlook on some things and on the world as a whole. The same thing happened with folic acid.

I wrote above that I drink the course in spring and autumn. Why? In the spring - because after the winter there is a lack of vitamins, and in the fall - to prevent the autumn blues (I am happy to report that folic acid copes with this perfectly well!).

In addition to my general condition, my appearance has improved, specifically: skin, nails and hair.

Well, my nails just grow unrealistic, half a centimeter a week, and since I don’t wear long ones, I’m already tired of cutting them :)

A small addition: I don’t wear long ones, because they exfoliate and break quickly, or rather they broke. I decided to conduct an experiment, and while taking folic acid to grow nails. I can’t say loudly that they stopped breaking at all, but the fact that they stay long longer is yes! My wearing time has increased by about two weeks.

Folic acid for hair

On the hair, growth is not so noticeable, but still replacements. Also, the hair begins to fall out much less, and in general, it seems to look better and healthier. I can’t even say what is changing in them, but they are changing, and even for the better, that’s for sure.

Also, if your gray hair has started to appear and you are still young, then it is more likely that it will stop. After all, the reason may be a lack of vitamin B9 (aka folic acid).

During the reception, the skin was noticeably cleared, acne stopped climbing. But, unfortunately, after stopping the reception, everything returned to normal. Some advise to drink these vitamins the first half of the cycle (i.e. the first 2 weeks if your cycle is 28 days), and the second to rest in order to completely get rid of acne. But I don't want to get used to any drug and, again, I'm afraid for my allergies. But, they say that the method is effective, so be sure to try it if you are worried about acne!

Do you want to have strong nerves, excellent sleep, normal hemoglobin, calm stress and less likely to get colds? Folic acid will help you with this. Its benefits to the body should be discussed in more detail. We suggest you do it right now.

From the life of vitamins: what duties does folic acid perform in the body?

Its other name is vitamin B9 or folacin. The positive effect on the body of folic acid was discovered back in the 30s of the last century. And people learned to get it synthetically in the 40s of the past century.

The main job of folacin is to support the growth of body cells. That is why its intake is especially important during periods of growth - when the baby grows up in the mother's tummy, in childhood and adolescence. But adults also need folic acid.

The body stores this substance in the liver. And if these reserves are not replenished from the outside, then there is a shortage of it.

The effect of vitamin B9 on the body:

  • reduces the risk of stroke, heart attack, heart disease;
  • promotes the production of enzymes that prevent the development of neoplasms;
  • promotes the production of serotonin (hormone of joy);
  • guarantees the stability of the nervous system;
  • promotes more productive mental activity;
  • positively affects the functioning of the liver, intestines;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • equalizes pressure;
  • participates in the synthesis of amino acids;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • is directly involved in hematopoiesis;
  • improves memory;
  • provides carbon delivery for hemoglobin synthesis;
  • helps the body cope with stress;
  • provides transmission of a nerve impulse;
  • increases the speed of metabolic processes, stimulates the active burning of fats, therefore, promotes weight loss;
  • gives a healthy look to hair, stops their loss;
  • improves the general condition.

Men - shown, women - necessary!

Now consider the value of vitamin B9 separately for men's and women's health. The representatives of the stronger sex will need all of the above healing abilities of this acid. But not only that!

Folic acid will significantly improve the quality of sperm (make sperm more mobile), that is, it will increase the reproductive capacity of a man and increase the possibility of conceiving a strong and healthy baby. For young men, such a component will ensure proper maturation, the timely appearance of secondary sexual characteristics.

Many women get acquainted with this vitamin at the stage of pregnancy planning and during childbearing. It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of folic acid for the body of both the expectant mother and her fetus. This substance is considered the key to the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

It ensures the correct formation of the baby's neural tube and prevents the appearance of congenital anomalies of the brain, heart disease, and various anatomical defects. Folic acid also protects against preterm birth.

Important! Even taking into account all its value, uncontrolled intake of this vitamin during pregnancy is strictly prohibited! Its excess can increase the possibility of developing asthma in a child!

Folacin is also required for a newly-made mother in order to stabilize her emotional background and prevent the development of postpartum depression.

It is very important to drink folic acid for girls taking contraceptives, as they usually find it deficient. This vitamin reduces menstrual pain, normalizes the cycle.

Mature ladies also need folic acid. Its benefits for the body are associated with age-related changes. It prevents early menopause, slows down aging, protects against gray hair and smoothes the symptoms of menopause.

How to understand that it is time to drink folacin?

Indirect evidence that the body has depleted the supply of vitamin B9 is certain symptoms. You can suspect such a problem if you are always in a depressed mood, experience causeless anxiety, fear, become distracted and forgetful.

The deficiency of this substance is indicated by the bright red color of the tongue, inflammation of the oral mucosa, indigestion, the appearance of gray hair at a fairly young age. In children, this may be manifested by growth retardation. In adolescent girls, delayed puberty.

The indication for taking folic acid is pregnancy. But already a couple of months before the planned date of conception, future parents (both man and woman) should start drinking such an additive.

This drug is prescribed for anemia, which is caused by a lack of B9. It is used in the treatment of chronic gastroenteritis, intestinal tuberculosis, tropical diarrhea SPRU.

How much is needed?

There is no single norm. It all depends on the age and condition of the person. The amount of such a substance is measured in micrograms, which is one millionth of a gram.

Daily intake of folates:

  • woman "in position" - 600 mcg;
  • with lactation - 500 mcg;
  • adult - 400 mcg;
  • baby up to a year - 50 mcg;
  • child under 3 years old - 100 mcg;
  • from 3 to 10 years - 150 mcg;
  • adolescents - 200 mcg.

Where to look for vitamin B9, and how to take it?

One of the most important "voting" factors for taking folic acid is that the body is unable to produce it on its own. Products can serve as suppliers of folate. It is found in garden greens, nuts, vegetables (including beets, carrots, broccoli, artichokes, asparagus), barley, lentils, red fish, liver, chicken, pork, mushrooms, fruits.

But they should only be consumed raw. Any heat treatment will reduce the content of such a substance to a negligible amount, so it is not possible to obtain it from meat and fish dishes. And in vegetables and fruits today, nitrates are more common than healing components.

If it is not possible to compensate for the need for folic acid with the help of products, then this can be done through bioactive drugs that are sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets, ampoules, powder.

Let's figure out how to take folic acid for the benefit of the body. Tablets have a dosage of 1 mg (1000 mcg). Their number in the package is 25-50 pcs. The standard health-improving dosage for women and men is 1 tab. per day, for therapeutic purposes - from 2 to 5 tablets. in a day.

For pregnant women, there is a special supplement - "folic acid 9 months", where one tablet contains 0.4 mg. Usually they are prescribed according to this scheme: 1-2 tablets. daily.

Drinking such supplements should be in the process or after a meal to reduce their irritating effect on the stomach. If the next dose is accidentally missed, then a double dose should not be taken. Medicines that neutralize gastric acidity should be drunk no earlier than 2 hours after consuming vitamin B9. "Tetracycline", "Neomycin", "Polymyxin" reduce the absorption of folate.

Important! It is not enough just to put folacin in the body. We still need to ensure its absorption. To do this, it should be taken together with vitamin B12.

The effect, but not the one expected!

Given such a responsible mission that this compound performs in the body, one might get the impression that the more you drink folacin, the healthier a person will become. But that's not the case at all. An excess of such a substance can not heal, but seriously harm.

Harm from taking folacin:

  • rashes on the body;
  • the development of allergies;
  • overexcitation, irritability;
  • nightmares;
  • convulsions;
  • diarrhea;
  • urge to vomit.

Important! Excessive intake of folic acid in the body of a smoker increases the risk of malignant formation.

There are also contraindications to taking folic acid - individual intolerance, lack of vitamin B12, hemochromatosis.
