Make up a syncwine on the topic of cell division. Sinkwine in biology lessons

“Cell division, grade 6” - Examine micropreparations, compare the observed phases of division with the textbook drawings. What processes occur in telophase? Life cycle of a cell. Meaning. 2 cells are formed with exactly the same set of chromosomes as the mother cell. What is the secret of this division? Chromosome duplication. Telophase (“telos” - end, “phase” - appearance).

“Biology of cell division” - Interphase. The chromosomes are separated, but still remain linked in pairs. Cytokinesis at the final stage in an animal cell. Prophase. When the cell's mass doubles, mitosis begins. Telophase. Binary cell division. Phases of Mitosis. Cell cycle. Interphase consists of three stages. Cell division Mitosis.

“Mitosis and meiosis” - Gametogenesis. Mitosis (lat. Telophase 1. A - zygotic meiosis: green algae, fungi. What is the set of chromosomes in the endosperm of a wheat grain? Prevalence in nature: Telophase. Metaphase 1. Fig. 2. Mammalian egg cell: 1 - shell, 2 - core, 3 – cytoplasm, 4 – follicular cells B – spore meiosis: brown, red algae and all higher plants.

“Mitosis is cell division” - Then mitosis (cell division) occurs, and the cycle repeats again. In various pathological processes, the normal course of Mitosis is disrupted. Chromosomes. Mitosis. Formation of two identical daughter cells. Metaphase. Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase. Disappearance of the spindle, formation of nuclear membranes, despiralization of chromosomes.

“Meiosis lesson” - Nitrogen cycle in the biosphere. Hereditary diseases. Plastic exchange. Metabolism. Chromosomal sex determination. Carbon cycle in the biosphere. Comparison of mitosis and meiosis. Supporting notes used in lessons. Meiosis. Phosphorus cycle in the biosphere.

“Biology of mitosis” - As a result, daughter cells end up with equal “inheritance”. What should each newly formed cell receive during the growth process? Biological significance of mitosis. What does cell division lead to in unicellular organisms? Amitosis. Meiosis. Methods of cell division. Where does the process of growth and development of the body begin?

1. Give definitions of concepts.
Interphase– the phase of preparation for mitotic division, when DNA duplication occurs.
Mitosis- this is a division that results in a strictly identical distribution of exactly copied chromosomes between daughter cells, which ensures the formation of genetically identical cells.
Life cycle - the period of life of a cell from the moment of its origin in the process of division until death or the end of subsequent division.

2. How does the growth of unicellular organisms differ from the growth of multicellular organisms?
The growth of a unicellular organism is an increase in size and complication of the structure of an individual cell, and the growth of a multicellular organism is also the active division of cells - an increase in their number.

3. Why does interphase necessarily exist in the life cycle of a cell?
In interphase, preparation for division and DNA duplication occurs. If it did not happen, then with each cell division the number of chromosomes would be halved, and pretty soon there would be no chromosomes left in the cell at all.

4. Complete the “Phases of Mitosis” cluster.

5. Using Figure 52 in § 3.4, fill out the table.

6. Make up a syncwine for the term “mitosis”.
Four-phase, uniform
Divides, distributes, crushes
Supplies genetic material to daughter cells
Cell division.

7. Establish a correspondence between the phases of the mitotic cycle and the events occurring in them.
1. Anaphase
2. Metaphase
3. Interphase
4. Telophase
5. Prophase
A. The cell grows, organelles are formed, DNA doubles.
B. Chromatids diverge and become independent chromosomes.
B. Chromosome spiralization begins and the nuclear membrane is destroyed.
D. Chromosomes are located in the equatorial plane of the cell. The spindle filaments are attached to the centromeres.
D. The spindle disappears, nuclear membranes form, chromosomes unwind.

8. Why does the completion of mitosis—the division of the cytoplasm—occur differently in animal and plant cells?
Animal cells do not have a cell wall; their cell membrane is indented and the cell divides by constriction.
In plant cells, the membrane forms in the equatorial plane inside the cell and, spreading to the periphery, divides the cell in half.

9. Why in the mitotic cycle does interphase take much longer than division itself?
During interphase, the cell intensively prepares for mitosis, processes of synthesis and DNA duplication take place in it, the cell grows, goes through its life cycle, not including division itself.

10. Choose the correct answer.
Test 1.
As a result of mitosis, one diploid cell produces:
4) 2 diploid cells.

Test 2.
The division of centromeres and the divergence of chromatids to the poles of the cell occurs in:
3) anaphase;

Test 3.
The life cycle is:
2) the life of a cell from division until the end of the next division or death;

Test 4.
Which term is misspelled?
4) telophase.

11. Explain the origin and general meaning of the word (term), based on the meaning of the roots that make it up.

12. Select a term and explain how its modern meaning matches the original meaning of its roots.
The term chosen is interphase.
Correspondence. The term corresponds to and refers to the period between the phases of mitosis, when preparation for division occurs.

13. Formulate and write down the main ideas of § 3.4.
The life cycle is the life of a cell from division until the end of the next division or death. Between divisions, the cell prepares for it during interphase. At this time, substance synthesis occurs, DNA doubling.
The cell divides by mitosis. It consists of 4 stages:
The purpose of mitosis: as a result, 2 daughter cells with an identical set of genes are formed from 1 mother cell. The amount of genetic material and chromosomes remains the same, ensuring the genetic stability of the cells.

Zolotareva I.G., biology teacher

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "General Educational School No. 3" of Mariinsk
One of the effective methods of child development, which allows you to quickly get results, is to work on creating an unrhymed poem, a syncwine.

Sinkwine (from fr. cinquains , English cinquain ) - five-line poetic form , which arose in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century under the influence of Japanese poetry. Later it began to be used (lately, since 1997, and in Russia) for didactic purposes, as an effective method of developing figurative speech, which allows you to quickly get results. A number of methodologists believe that syncwines are useful as a tool for synthesizing complex information, as a snapshot for assessing students’ conceptual and vocabulary knowledge.

Didactic syncwine developed in the practice of the American school. In this genre, the text is based not on syllabic dependence, but on the content and syntactic specificity of each line.

Writing a syncwine is a form of free creativity that requires the author to be able to find the most significant elements in information material, draw conclusions and formulate them briefly.

Compiling a syncwine, a short summary based on large amounts of information, is useful for developing the ability to analyze. Unlike a school essay, a syncwine requires less time, although it has more rigid boundaries in the form of presentation, and its writing requires the compiler to realize almost all of his personal abilities (intellectual, creative, imaginative). Thus, the procedure for compiling a syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine elements of all three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personality-oriented.

Rules for compiling syncwine:

Line 1 – one word, usually a noun, reflecting the main idea;

Line 2 – two words, adjectives describing the main idea;

Line 3 – three words, verbs describing actions within the topic;

Line 4 - a phrase of several words expressing an attitude towards the topic;

Line 5 – one word (association, synonym for the topic, usually a noun, descriptive language is allowed, emotional attitude to the topic).

By composing a syncwine, everyone realizes their talents and abilities: intellectual, creative, imaginative. If the task is completed correctly, the cinquain will definitely turn out to be emotional.
Here are some examples of fairly successful syncwines:

studying, cellular
examines, establishes, diagnoses
a branch of biology that studies living cells, their organelles, their structure, functioning, processes of cell reproduction, aging and death
cell biology
ancient, scientific
examines, examines, examines
the science of the form and structure of individual organs, systems and the body as a whole
group of scientific branches
living, flowing
multiply, develop, exist
way of being of entities
fatal hereditary disease sexually transmitted
scientific, complex
studies, researches
form and structure of animal and plant organisms
complex of scientific branches
alive, active
consists, possesses, differs
body with organs
modified, shortened
attracts pollinated develops
organ of seed reproduction of flowering plants
sporiferous shoot
watery, changing
moves, grows, reproduces
internal environment of a living or dead cell

Random, persistent.
Changes, manifests, inherits.
There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help!

Stem cell

Unspecialized, flexible

Divides, differentiates, migrates

A stem cell is the doctor inside you!



Barrel-shaped, selective

Recognizes, splits, regulates

A damaged protein is not a cell mate!



Growing, hollow

Move, lean, transport

Without microtubules the cell pipe!


Three-dimensional, unique

Accelerate, regulate, protect

You can’t live in the world without proteins, no!

Hard workers!

Large, double membrane

Regulates, controls, transmits

A cell without a nucleus is neither here nor there!

Four-stage, the most common,
Provides, reproduces, supports,
Mitosis is the basis of growth and vegetative reproduction,
How to work with syncwines.

We offer the following ways for students to work with syncwines:

  1. Compiling a new syncwine (individually, in pairs, in groups).

  1. Compiling a short story based on a ready-made syncwine using words and phrases that are part of the syncwine.

Example. Compiling a short story based on syncwine.


Adaptive, reversible

Vary, adapt, shape

Without it, like without water, we cannot exist!


Modifications– these are specific values ​​of a variable characteristic of an organism that are formed under specific environmental conditions. They are wearing adaptive character – ensure the adaptability of organisms in the environment. Modifications reversible: they disappear after the cessation of the action of the factor that caused their formation. Modifications vary(change within certain limits) with typical environmental changes. Forming modifications, the organism adapts to specific environmental conditions. Formation modifications occur at the stages of gene expression that determine the development of the trait. Modifications are the result evolution kind.

  1. Correction and improvement of the finished syncwine.

Example. Syncwine correction


Divides, multiplies, renews

A cell is an elementary particle of living matter

Modified syncwine.


Eukaryotic, prokaryotic

Share, specialize, renew

Elementary particle of life

  1. Analysis of an incomplete syncwine without specifying the theme of the syncwine and determining the name of the theme of this syncwine.

Example. Determining the theme of a syncwine (guess the word of the first line)

Sinkwine 1.

Strong, varied

Fight, compete, get ahead

Fight and search, find – and don’t give up!

Sinkwine 2.

Autotrophic, green

Begin, synthesize, transmit

CO 2 and water are our food!

food chain
Sinkwine 3.

Live, cubic

Share, eat, breathe

You can't build a house without bricks.

Sinkwine 4.

Complex, resilient

Eat, live, reproduce

My home is my castle.

Sinkwine 5.

Viral, chimeric,
Encode, synthesize, condition
One is good, but two are more reliable!

Sinkwine 6.

Multifactorial, chromosomal
violate, change, condition
Misfortune never comes alone.
Sinkwine 7.

Resistant, infectious
To strike, to change, to destroy
This is the mystery of the century - the death of the human world!
Sinkwine 8.

Helpful, neutral

Form, transmit, change

He catches everyone's eye!

Sinkwine 9.

Fixed, spherical

Store, merge, sell

She does good - it is encrypted.

Sinkwine 10.

Smooth, rough

Synthesize, transport, store

The protein path from the ribosome to the Golgi apparatus lies through it

Vacuolar system

Cinquains are an excellent way to control. It is impossible to write a poem correctly without reading the text.

If suddenly you have difficulty finding words that are appropriate in syncwine, then the problem is most likely explained by the following. Either the topic of syncwine is not close to you (it is not understood by you or is simply not interesting). Or you need to work on expanding your vocabulary.

Synquains are also very convenient to use for self-control or for mnemonic purposes. If you can easily compose a poem, then rest assured that the topic has been mastered well. In addition, syncwine contains the quintessence of the material - your emotional perception of it. Therefore, you can later repeat this topic by simply remembering your syncwine.


Zolotareva I.G., biology teacher

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "General Educational School No. 3" of Mariinsk

One of the effective methods of child development, which allows you to quickly get results, is to work on creating an unrhymed poem, a syncwine.

Cinquain (from fr. cinquains, Englishcinquain) - five-linepoetic form that arose in USA at first XX century influenced Japanesepoetry. Later it began to be used (lately, since 1997, and inRussia) for didactic purposes, as an effective method of developing figurative speech, which allows you to quickly get results. A number of methodologists believe that syncwines are useful as a tool for synthesizing complex information, as a snapshot for assessing students’ conceptual and vocabulary knowledge.

Didactic syncwine developed in the practice of the American school. In thatgenrethe text is based not on syllabic dependence, but on the content and syntactic specificity of each line.

Writing a syncwine is a form of free creativity that requires the author to be able to find the most significant elements in information material, draw conclusions and formulate them briefly.

Compiling a syncwine, a short summary based on large amounts of information, is useful for developing the ability to analyze. Unlike a school essay, a syncwine requires less time, although it has more rigid boundaries in the form of presentation, and its writing requires the compiler to realize almost all of his personal abilities (intellectual, creative, imaginative). Thus, the procedure for compiling a syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine elements of all three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personality-oriented.

Rules for compiling syncwine:

Line 1 – one word, usually a noun, reflecting the main idea;

Line 2 – two words, adjectives describing the main idea;

Line 3 – three words, verbs describing actions within the topic;

Line 4 - a phrase of several words expressing an attitude towards the topic;

Line 5 – one word (association, synonym for the topic, usually a noun, descriptive language is allowed, emotional attitude to the topic).

By composing a syncwine, everyone realizes their talents and abilities: intellectual, creative, imaginative. If the task is completed correctly, the cinquain will definitely turn out to be emotional.
Here are some examples of fairly successful syncwines:

studying, cellular
examines, establishes, diagnoses
a branch of biology that studies living cells, their organelles, their structure, functioning, processes of cell reproduction, aging and death
cell biology

ancient, scientific
examines, examines, examines
the science of the form and structure of individual organs, systems and the body as a whole
group of scientific branches

living, flowing
multiply, develop, exist
way of being of entities
fatal hereditary disease sexually transmitted

scientific, complex
studies, researches
form and structure of animal and plant organisms
complex of scientific branches

alive, active
consists, possesses, differs
body with organs

modified, shortened
attracts pollinated develops
organ of seed reproduction of flowering plants
sporiferous shoot

watery, changing
moves, grows, reproduces
internal environment of a living or dead cell

Random, persistent.
Changes, manifests, inherits.
There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help!

Stem cell

Unspecialized, flexible

Divides, differentiates, migrates

A stem cell is the doctor inside you!



Barrel-shaped, selective

Recognizes, splits, regulates

A damaged protein is not a cell mate!



Growing, hollow

Move, lean, transport

Without microtubules the cell pipe!



Three-dimensional, unique

Accelerate, regulate, protect

You can’t live in the world without proteins, no!

Hard workers!


Large, double membrane

Regulates, controls, transmits

A cell without a nucleus is neither here nor there!


Four-stage, the most common,
Provides, reproduces, supports,
Mitosis is the basis of growth and vegetative reproduction,

How to work with syncwines.

We offer the following ways for students to work with syncwines:

  1. Compiling a new syncwine (individually, in pairs, in groups).
  1. Compiling a short story based on a ready-made syncwine using words and phrases that are part of the syncwine.

Example. Compiling a short story based on syncwine.


Adaptive, reversible

Vary, adapt, shape

Without it, like without water, we cannot exist!



Modifications – these are specific values ​​of a variable characteristic of an organism that are formed under specific environmental conditions. They are wearing adaptive character – ensure the adaptability of organisms in the environment. Modifications reversible : they disappear after the cessation of the action of the factor that caused their formation. Modifications vary (change within certain limits) with typical environmental changes. Forming modifications, the organismadaptsto specific environmental conditions. Formation modifications occur at the stages of gene expression that determine the development of the trait. Modifications are the result evolution of the species.

  1. Correction and improvement of the finished syncwine.

Example. Syncwine correction


Divides, multiplies, renews

A cell is an elementary particle of living matter


Modified syncwine.


Eukaryotic, prokaryotic

Share, specialize, renew

Elementary particle of life


  1. Analysis of an incomplete syncwine without specifying the theme of the syncwine and determining the name of the theme of this syncwine.

Example . Determining the theme of a syncwine (guess the word of the first line)

Sinkwine 1.

Strong, varied

Fight, compete, get ahead

Fight and search, find – and don’t give up!


Sinkwine 2.

Autotrophic, green

Begin, synthesize, transmit

CO 2 Yes, water is our food!

food chain

Sinkwine 3.

Live, cubic

Share, eat, breathe

You can't build a house without bricks.


Sinkwine 4.

Complex, resilient

Eat, live, reproduce

My home is my castle.


Sinkwine 5.

Viral, chimeric,
Encode, synthesize, condition
One is good, but two are more reliable!

Sinkwine 6.

Multifactorial, chromosomal
violate, change, condition
Misfortune never comes alone.

Sinkwine 7.

Resistant, infectious
To strike, to change, to destroy
This is the mystery of the century - the death of the human world!

Sinkwine 8.

Helpful, neutral

Form, transmit, change

He catches everyone's eye!


Sinkwine 9.

Fixed, spherical

Store, merge, sell

She does good - it is encrypted.


Sinkwine 10.

Smooth, rough

Synthesize, transport, store

The protein path from the ribosome to the Golgi apparatus lies through it

Vacuolar system

Cinquains are an excellent way to control. It is impossible to write a poem correctly without reading the text.

If suddenly you have difficulty finding words that are appropriate in syncwine, then the problem is most likely explained by the following. Either the topic of syncwine is not close to you (it is not understood by you or is simply not interesting). Or you need to work on expanding your vocabulary.

Synquains are also very convenient to use for self-control or for mnemonic purposes. If you can easily compose a poem, then rest assured that the topic has been mastered well. In addition, syncwine contains the quintessence of the material - your emotional perception of it. Therefore, you can later repeat this topic by simply remembering your syncwine.


  • Creating conditions for the formation of knowledge about “Meiosis” in students, the reduction process of cell division.

  • Cultivating a respectful attitude towards the answers of comrades in the process of teamwork.

  • Development of analytical thinking and creative abilities.

  • Study the stages of “Meiosis” using computer and interactive technologies.

  • Create a diagram of “Stages of Meiosis” using the modeling method.

  • Exercise the ability to defend projects on the topic “Stages of Meiosis.”

  • Evaluate the reports of your comrades.
Equipment: Computers "Laboratory workshop for grades 6-11." Interactive board. Plasticine (blocks of 2 colors per group).

During the classes:

1.Organizational stage (greeting, identifying those present).

2. Homework checking stage. Use a set of cards on the topics “Reproduction”, “Mitosis”. The term is written on one side of the card and the definition on the other. Work on cards in pairs, then at the board (use mutual assistance and self-control of students).

3. Stage of comprehensive knowledge testing. Test. Theme "Mitosis". Students who fail to complete the task take the terms to consultants within a week.

4. The stage of preparing students for active and conscious learning of new material

  • Introductory conversation.
Teacher. I propose to begin studying new material by clarifying the connection between the concepts of reproduction and heredity.

            • Let's remember the definitions of terms
REPRODUCTION and HERITANCE. (Reproduction is the ability of organisms to reproduce their own kind. Heredity is the ability of organisms to transmit their characteristics and developmental characteristics to the next generation.)

            • Explain: what relationship exists between these concepts? (heredity is realized in the process of reproduction).

            • Explain how hereditary information is transmitted to daughter organisms during asexual reproduction? (Mitotic division of the mother cell).

            • Explain how the process of transmission of hereditary information occurs during sexual reproduction? (Gametes are formed as a result of meiotic division, followed by the fusion of germ cells - fertilization).

            • What is the biological meaning of mitosis? (Daughter cells are identical to the mother and have a diploid set of chromosomes.)

            • What is the biological meaning of meiosis? (Gamete formation, the basis of combinative, genotypic variability.)
The teacher leads the students to formulate the topic . What is the essence of meiosis? What is the mechanism of gamete formation?

Meiosis is a reduction division that occurs with a decrease in the number of chromosomes (n).

Record Topics on the board and in your notebook.

Setting an educational problem for students.

Teacher. Based on the topic of the lesson, what do you think is the problem facing us?

Students.(Understand: how the process occurs reduction division , coming with a decrease in the number of chromosomes).

Educational problem . How does the process of reduction division occur?

Writing in a notebook

Teacher . What learning activities can we take to achieve this?

Students. ( Study the stages of meiosis).

Teacher . You remember that solving a learning problem begins with formulating a hypothesis.

How is the hypothesis formulated? How is a scientific hypothesis constructed?

Students remember the algorithm for constructing a hypothesis and put forward options . (First, we write down the expected procedure: the conditions for solving the problem, then the expected result of the study).

Teacher . Your options.

Hypothesis. If we study the stages of meiosis,

Then we will find out how reduction division occurs.

Writing in a notebook

Formulation together with students goals and objectives learning new material.

I propose to formulate target today's lesson, it is connected with the final result of our activities.

The purpose of the lesson. Find out, study: how reduction division occurs ?

Writing in a notebook and on the board

Objectives of studying the material - This is the definition of a sequence of actions.

Writing in a notebook and on the board

    • Complete laboratory work “Meiosis” on the computer. Laboratory workshop for grades 6-11.

    • Read paragraph 6.2 pp. 202–207; topic Meiosis.

    • Making models “Distribution of chromosomes in meiosis” from plasticine

    • Prepare a report on the phases of meiosis (oral and model “Distribution of chromosomes in meiosis” from plasticine). Work in 9 groups.

    • Present the report in project form (group).

    • To summarize, what result did we get?

  • Showing the practical significance of learning new material .
Why study meiosis? To know its biological significance and what consequences a violation of the meiosis process can lead to. Study the reasons that disrupt meiosis.

  • Motivating students to study it .
You have the opportunity to get good grades

    • based on the results of the interview.

    • For the presentation of the project.

    • For syncwine.
5. Stage of assimilation of new knowledge.

  • Collection of information:

    • Performing laboratory work “Meiosis” on computers.
Laboratory work on the computer “Phases of Meiosis”.

Target. See the mechanism of the process of division of hereditary material (chromosomes) during the formation of germ cells.

Equipment. Electronic edition. Biology. Laboratory workshop for grades 6-11. Chapter 4. Cell life cycle 4.2. Meiosis.


1.preparation for work. Answer questions on the topic “Reproduction”.

2.Introduction and study of the main phases of the first and second meiotic division by filling out the animation diagram.

3. Observation of the progress of meiosis in an animation diagram.

4. Exercise. Do you remember the phases of meiosis well? Distribution of the meiosis phase diagram into the corresponding cells of the table.

5. Compare the process of formation of male and female cells.

6. Follow the dynamics of crossing over using an animated diagram.

7. Complete tasks using the diagram and filling out the table “Similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis.”

    • Reading paragraph 6.2 pp.202 – 207

  • Practical work “Prepare presentations of projects.”

    • Distribution of responsibilities in the group: coordinator, speaker, co-speaker, designer.

    • Practical work.
Making models from plasticine "Distribution of chromosomes in meiosis" and mount diagrams “Stages of meiosis” on the demonstration table

Target. Teaching students their own activities to study and master the content of new material, skills and abilities to learn rationally.

Group assignments. Make models of 2 homologous chromosomes and demonstrate their behavior in a given phase of meiosis and interphase. (9 groups)

  • Creation of an oral report on the defense of the project. (Creating a situation where students become the main worker (subject) of the learning process, the main person responsible for their studies and behavior).

  • Presentation of projects in groups demonstrating the behavior of chromosomes in a given phase and fixing the model on the demonstration table.

  • Discussion, addition, clarification from other groups.

  • Evaluation of each report.
6. Stage of consolidation of new knowledge.

  • Stage 1. Consolidating new knowledge and mastering new skills. ( use “fishbone” - a technique for processing information by drawing up a diagram on an interactive board by representatives of different groups). Testing students' understanding of the essence of new concepts.

    • Head - Determine the main question of the topic: the meaning of meiosis?

    • Spine – phases of meiosis.

    • On the top bones, students determine the basic concepts of the topic
mechanisms of reduction division,


crossing over

    • The essence of concepts is marked on the lower bones
Two divisions: 1 -n2c, 2 cells; 2 – nc, 4 cells.

Bringing together homologous chromosomes, crossing.

Interchange of sections of homologous chromosomes.

    • Tail (output) - Formation of gametes, the basis of combinative, genotypic variability.

  • Drawing up a fishbone diagram in a notebook at the same time as working on the board.

  • Stage 2. Consolidating the material you just received based on its creative application in practice, in non-standard situations. Development of appropriate skills and abilities.
Teacher. I propose to compose a syncwine on the topic of Meiosis.”

Sinkwine – This is a poem that requires the presentation of a large amount of educational information in brief terms, which allows you to describe and reflect on a certain occasion. S. is a poem of 5 lines.

1 – the name of the syncwine.

2. - Two adjectives.

3. – three verbs.

4. – a phrase on the theme of syncwine.

5. – noun.

For example: Meiosis.

Reduction, two-stage.

Rebuilds, combines, reduces.

Gametes with a haploid set of chromosomes are formed.


7. The stage of informing students about homework, instructions on its use.

  • Homework: paragraph 6.2; make a comparative table “Mitosis and meiosis”.

  • Summing up the lesson :

  • how the class worked

  • Which of the students worked especially diligently,

  • What new did the students learn?

  • Checking how students understood the content of the work and how to complete it.

    • What would you call the method by which we studied the topic of Meiosis today? (Project method).

    • Contest. “Who learned the learning activities better in this lesson?” What learning activities within the project did we carry out in class today?
We identified an educational problem, formulated a hypothesis, defined goals and objectives, studied the topic using a textbook and computer laboratory work, prepared a presentation - a project model from plasticine “Distribution of chromosomes in meiosis”, defended it, mounted a fishbone diagram on an interactive board, drew up a conclusion , composed a syncwine and received 3 good marks. Thank you!
