Natalia stefanenko and her pages in social networks. Natasha Stefanenko: biography and interesting facts

In two languages, Italian and Russian, where every Tuesday and Friday he shares the secrets of style and female attractiveness. We asked the ex-model, blogger, TV star and just a beauty about how she worked with Ksenia Sobchak, Vlad Lisovets and Denis Simachev, what the participants teach and where she feels at home - in Russia or in Italy.

- Natalia, you were the host of four seasons of a reality showItaly'sNextTopModel. Why did you decide to take part in the Russian version of the project?

I was invited and I gladly accepted. I worked in four seasons of the Italian project, and until the Italian producers started filming the fifth, I was invited to star in the Russian version. After all, I can explain and tell the participants of the show a lot, since I have been connected with the fashion world since 1991. It was then that I won the Look of the Year beauty contest in Moscow, which was organized by the founder of the New York modeling agency Elite John Casablancas. For several years I worked as a model, traveled all over the world, and still connected with fashion, I am constantly invited to shows and to various makeover projects. I have something to teach the participants of the show, because I know perfectly well what, for example, a photo session and the fear of going to the podium. I tell our girls how to behave better at work. And they perfectly perceive me, because I tell them only about what I myself experienced.

- What, in your opinion, is the difference between the Italian project and the Russian one?

Perhaps the Russian version is much richer, because there are many difficult tests. In each series, we have two or three competitions, master classes, where I also teach. If we talk about the participants of the Italian and Russian projects, then I know that all the girls take participation in the show very seriously, because, in addition to being a new experience and an opportunity to understand what the modeling business is, for many it is also a good start in the profession. Italians are very spoiled by beauty, because they live in a country where the canons of style were born, which are transmitted to them, as they say, with mother's milk. Russian girls, on the other hand, are certainly the most beautiful in the world and, moreover, great smart ones: they all study or work somewhere, in addition to the modeling business, knowing full well that beauty alone will not go far.

- What qualities, in your opinion, should a model have in order to win the show "Top Model in Russian"?

I want to say only one thing: to be only beautiful is not enough. Appearance is the base from which you need to build. In addition to beauty, you need character and aspiration, you need to be able to present yourself, it is important to be charismatic and exceptional. And only in this way can you become a top model. You look at some of the top models and you realize that many of them are not classic beauties with perfect features faces, but there is something about them that you can't take your eyes off. Look, message, energy - something should cling. The modeling business is only very beautiful in appearance - in fact it is a very cruel world.

How tough is the fight between the girls on the show "Top Model in Russian"? Was there any competition? Maybe someone filed each other's hairpins?

According to the rules of the show, there are two groups of girls on the project: 10 girls who live abroad, but with Russian roots, and 10 indigenous Russian girls. Everyone has a different outlook different cultures. It is sometimes easier for foreigners, because they are very liberated and are not afraid to make mistakes. We are always afraid to say something wrong, we worry about what they will think of us. Participants live together and exchange experiences. I can already see progress: Russian girls have become much freer, and foreigners have become more serious.

We did not have such that someone harmed someone, because all the girls understand that participation in the project for them is, first of all, a school. I often tell them, “You are lucky to be here. And even though only one of you wins, the rest will get a huge experience. Every day they work with the participants the best photographers, stylists and other professionals. For example, Maria Fedorova, editor-in-chief of Glamor magazine, told them about the history of fashion. We have often had Laura Lukina- CEO of the modeling agency Point Model Management. She explained how girls need to behave at the casting. Yes, I myself give the participants advice, I behave like a mother, because I am very worried about them. I urge them to be self-sufficient and improve all the time.

Natalia Stefanenko with the participants of the show "Top Model in Russian"

Were there any incidents on set? I heard, for example, that one of the participants fainted right at the grand opening of the show. How did it happen?

Sophia fainted from excitement, and besides, she did not get to eat that day. I remember that although it was the end of September, it was a very sunny and hot day. Filming took place on the square in front of the Bolshoi Theatre. The girls were dressed in long, floor-length evening dresses - it was hard to even sit down in such an outfit. Perhaps the models were embarrassed to ask for water or food, as they stood and waited for their turn all the time. After that incident, I strongly scolded them. After all, the model must organize her own food: take water, light food. No one will run after them! And not a single client will like the fact that the model faints due to the fact that she was undernourished or not drunk.

We didn't have any more incidents. Unless the girls have passed difficult tests. For example, they had a photo shoot with wild animals. Someone had to shoot with a real bear. And although the bear cub was small, no one knew how he would behave. After all, the beast is not a toy at all. And the girls had to shoot with him and pretend that they were not afraid of anything. I know what it is, as I myself often participated in photo shoots with different animals.

How did you work with Ksenia Sobchak, Vlad Lisovets and Denis Simachev? Which of them, in your opinion, is the strictest judge?

It was very easy for me to work with everyone. We are a close-knit team, and we tried to help everyone. Denis Simachev is perhaps a little tougher than the others, as he is a designer and always knows exactly what he needs. Ksenia Sobchak has a lot of experience in general, as she has already hosted the program in past seasons, and she also works in glossy magazines. Therefore, she perfectly understands what the girls need, and explains everything to them in an accessible way. Vlad Lisovets is very soft, sincere. Everyone loved him very much, because Vlad is impossible not to love. I know this very well, because we are good friends. In general, a great team has gathered. And we made decisions about who should leave the project together. Although we had different points of view, we always had a conversation and came to a common agreement, so it was very easy and comfortable to work.

- Is it easy for you to live in two countries? How much time do you spend in Russia, and how much - in Italy?

Since 1996 I have been closely engaged in television in Italy, and since 2007 I have been constantly coming to Russia. First, she hosted the program “Take it off immediately!”, Then “ big dances” and “Battle of the Choirs”. And I’m so used to it that I can’t even imagine how I will live in only one place. My heart even seemed to split in two: I am both Russian and Italian. I feel at home in both countries.

- What was the most difficult thing to get used to in Italy?

In Italy, on the contrary, it is always a little easier for me. In Russia, when I was at school, there was a very strict discipline, and we were told that we should know everything and be the smartest. All day long I either studied or went in for sports: I went swimming twice a day. When I came to Italy, I realized that everything is much simpler here. Here people are not afraid to make mistakes or say that they do not know something. I have learned this too. After all, if you stumble or say something wrong, nothing bad will happen.

- What are your favorite places in Italy?

A lot of them. Italy is absolutely amazing! It's a very beautiful country. I like the positivity of Italians. And I will always thank them for the way they received me. After all, just a few months after I arrived here, I already got on television. I was always received with a smile and was very interested in me. For them, I was associated with Russia, with Moscow.

Natalia Stefanenko with her husband

- Do you miss Russia? What do you miss the most when you are in Italy?

When I went to Russia not so often, I missed everything. I missed talking to my family and friends. I especially missed our dishes, for example, the pancakes that my grandmother baked for me every Sunday. I love sour cream, which is not available in Italy. And they didn’t hear about salted cucumbers here at all. And of course, I missed the Russian Olivier salad. By the way, in one of my broadcasts on Italian television, I showed the audience how to cook such a salad ... But now I have absolutely no time to be bored, because I now live in two countries.

- By the way, how do you maintain such a great shape? Do you follow a diet, do you exercise?

Of course, any model should take care of themselves. But you can not follow a strict diet or starve, you just need to eat right. For example, I really like fruits, vegetables, rice, buckwheat. And dumplings already seem tasteless to me, because after them it becomes very difficult. I love pizza, but I allow myself at most once every two or three weeks. And, of course, you can't eat too much at night. I exercise regularly and see what it gives good result. So if you re-educate your body, then it will thank you later.

Natalya Stefanenko with her husband and daughter

- How would you feel if your daughter decides to become a model?

My daughter is now 14 years old. She studies at the Lyceum and is fond of photography. Whatever she does, I will always support her and will tell her what I usually say to all girls: the main thing is to first get a profession, an education. However, my daughter herself understands this very well, because she has before her eyes the example of her parents. I myself am a metallurgical engineer by profession, although I have never worked in my specialty. Her dad, my husband, worked as a model for many years, but also graduated from university and trained as a lawyer. Yes, you yourself understand that in our world it is impossible to be only a model, because you won’t last long in this business!

Watch the reality show “Top Model in Russian. international season on Sundays at 21:00 on the Yu channel.

Interviewed by Elena Smirnova

Natalya Dmitrievna Stefanenko, also Natasha Stefanenko. She was born on April 18, 1971 in Sverdlovsk-45 (the city of Lesnoy, Sverdlovsk region). Russian and Italian model, actress, TV presenter, blogger.

Natalya Stefanenko was born on April 18, 1971 in the closed city of Lesnoy (Sverdlovsk-45) in the Sverdlovsk Region.

Father is a nuclear engineer.

Mother is a kindergarten teacher.

In childhood and adolescence, she was professionally involved in sports, an excellent swimmer.

After graduation high school entered the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, which she graduated with a degree in metallurgical engineering.

I got into the modeling business quite by accident: I went with a friend to the Look of the Year beauty contest, organized by the director of the New York agency Elite, John Casablancas, and unexpectedly won it.

According to Natalia, the crisis that swept the country in the 1990s forced her to become a model. She recalled: “I remember that I was defending my diploma then, and it was a terrible time - I was constantly running around with drawings from home to college and back, and went to see the competition in order to relax, rest. There was nothing special to do at the competition, just go out, show yourself and that's it. The man who was with me then said: "You, too, walk for a laugh." I got up and walked for a laugh and even said two words in broken English to John Casablancas. He chose me. He said that I came to him in the USA, and he gave me the third place on international competition guarantees ... I understood that all this, of course, is ridiculous, so I immediately said that I was not interested in working as a model, I would not go to New York to his agency, and in general - I need to defend my diploma, I am a metallurgical engineer.

However, she succumbed to persuasion and ended up in modeling business. Then she received lucrative contracts, worked as a model in the USA, France, Italy.

In Italy, she was noticed by directors who offered her a job on television paired with Jerry Scotty - despite the fact that she did not even know Italian at that time. She hosted many programs, including Italia's Next Top Model (an analogue of the show "Top Model in Russian"). As Natalya recalled, at first she simply played along with her co-host, smiling and nodding. In a short time, she was able to master the language, although the accent remained.

Vela various programs on Italian channels RAI-1, RAI-2, CANALE CINQUE.

Natasha Stefanenko

Natalia Stefanenko commented in Italy football matches, she herself is a fan of Inter.

Since 1999, she began acting in Italian films and television series. She could be seen in the films “Big Plum”, “Do You Mind If I Kiss Mom?”, “Fogs and Crimes”, “In the Name of Mary”, etc.

Natalia Stefanenko in the TV series "Fogs and Crimes"

Later, she was invited to the Russian channel STS to host the program “Remove it immediately!” and "Eat this immediately!". The goal of the project is "Take it off immediately!" - change the girls not only externally, but also internally. The first hosts of the show were Tasha Strict and Sasha Vertinskaya. Briefly as an expert on Take It Off Now! was Tina Kandelaki. The last seasons were hosted by Tasha Strogaya and Natalia Stefanenko. During the existence of the project "Take it off immediately!" show hosts Natalya Stefanenko and Tasha Strogaya helped more than a hundred girls radically change their image and transform beyond recognition. In 2014, in the show "Take it off immediately!" the format, the studio and the presenters have changed, Ksenia Chilingarova and Svetlana Zakharova took the place of Stefanenko and Strict.

Since September 2012, she has been one of the co-hosts of the Battle of the Choirs program on the Russia-1 TV channel.

In September 2014, Natalya Stefanenko became the host of the fifth season of the large-scale fashion reality show Top Model in Russian. International season" on TV channel "Yu".

He blogs on the Internet, uploads videos in which he gives beauty tips.

The growth of Natalia Stefanenko: 182 centimeters.

Personal life of Natalia Stefanenko:

From a previous relationship, he has a son, Alexander Vladimirovich Popov.

Husband - Luca Sabbioni, Italian. They met in 1993 when Luca Sabbioni worked as a model and studied law. Now Luka famous designer, launched a modern technological collection of shoes iShu+.

They got married on December 23, 1995. In 2015, Natalia and Luka announced that they intended to get married.

"From the very first days, my husband Luka said:" You work and I work, so at home we will also do everything together. If you were a housewife, then I would earn money, and you would take care of the house. Luka can do everything - washing, ironing shirts, cooking, so if he cooks (because, frankly, I don’t do it very well), then I set the table and then clean up, and my daughter Sasha washes the dishes. I am very lucky with my family, with husband. Luka feels and understands me very much, "said Natalia.

In 2000, the couple had a daughter, Sasha, with whom Natalia has a very close relationship, they are like two friends.

In 2015, Natalia's husband made his film debut - he starred in the romantic film "Dance with me" directed by Mikhail Shevchuk, where he played Luca Maretti, an Italian director. According to the plot, the Italian director Luca Maretti comes to Russia to make a dance film about his first love. Choosing a leading lady, Luka falls in love with a young actress Katya. Katya falls in love with Nikita - the performer of the role of young Luka - a famous dancer and seducer. Heroes are waiting for new feelings, passion, rivalry, trials, and all this in the incendiary rhythm of the dance.

Filmography of Natalia Stefanenko:

1999 Big plum (Grande prugna, La) - Natasha
2000 - Gioco di specchi
2001-2010 - Quelli che... il calcio
2003 Do you mind if I kiss my mother? (Ti spiace se bacio mamma?) - Lena Pisarenko
2005-2009 - Fog and Crime (Nebbie e delitti)
2010 In the name of Mary (In nome di Maria)
2011 - Former: Best friends!

Beauty secrets from Natalia Stefanenko:

“Tall girls should be slim. In this case, they will look beautiful next to any man, even if he is shorter than his companion. Remember how tall Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise, who is shorter than her, looked beautiful.

In no case do not wear shapeless things. Tall girls must emphasize the silhouette. I myself have experimented with this a hundred times. If I put on a hoodie, then I look like a closet. It doesn't matter if it's transparent or not. Roughness and massiveness appear in the figure. And if a girl is plump, then in a hoodie her dimensions double.

Tall girls should not wear 3-4 cm heels, because then you get the impression that you are embarrassed by your height, you have a complex: they say, I want to, but I can’t. It is better to choose a high heel - 10-11 cm (7 cm is also a controversial issue) or flat shoes. And when the heel is small, and you are big, it's ugly."

2019-05-25 10:25:48

Dirigevo il mare! Ma non mi obbediva🙈🤣 #ondabirichina #natashasway Conducted the sea! But it did not obey 🙈🤣 #wavehooligan #finished her game 🙄

4187 87

2019-05-24 13:49:38

4386 121

2019-05-23 14:53:54

Grazie ancora una volta a @caterinabalivo e a tutto lo staff di @vienidamerai per aver ricordato l "importanza della ricerca sul cancro infantile. Se @Ilaria_vallee e @lucia.corbani oggi sono state ospiti in puntata è sopratutto grazie alla ricerca. Ecco perché dal 20 Al 26 Maggio Noi Con @soleterre_onlus Stiamo rackogliendo fondi per sustenere la riceerca. e see Anche Volete Far Parte Della Squadra Un Sms Al Diventatate Anche Voi Grandi Cintro Il Cancro! Grazie !!! ❤️ #grandicontroilcankro #Farmacellullari #soleterreonlus #natashasway

2904 36

2019-05-23 09:08:21

5714 189

2019-05-22 13:18:15

Ti amo!❤️ @sabbioniluca Grazie a @vienidamerai per questa meravigliosa sorpresa!🙌🏻 #rai1 #lucaenat #poesia #amore #complicità #natashasway

4169 315

2019-05-21 14:56:57

Finalmente sono venuta da te!❤️ Basta chiedere! 😂😘 Con te mi diverto troppo!👯‍♀️🎉 #tvb @caterinabalivo ❤️ #natashasway

4502 164

2019-05-21 09:38:47

Gli accessori trasformano un outfit e rendono speciale un look banale. Ma invece della solita cintura, oggi nel mio blog vi propongo 5 cinture low cost a cui non avresti mai pensato👉🏻link in “stories”😉 #cinture #lowcost #cravatte into a sophisticated ensemble. How to do it with an unusual belt, let's figure it out right now👉🏻link in the "story"😉 #original belt #ties #natashasway Ph. @sabbionisasha ❤️

4475 94

2019-05-20 08:42:09

Come ci relazioniamo con noi stessi? Ci sminuiamo o ci sentiamo infallibili? Le domande da farsi e perché credere in sé stessi è un'arte da praticare. I miei consigli oggi nel mio blog👉🏻link in “stories”😉 #credereinsestessi #natashasway How often do we doubt ourselves and ask for help and advice from other people. But if you think about it, in most cases we can help ourselves, and sometimes only ourselves. How to learn to believe in yourself and trust your inner self?! I will share my opinion with you in my blog 👉🏻 link in "story" 😉 #trustyourself #trust Ph. @veronicapostacchini

3156 66

2019-05-19 18:02:09

Per me il lavoro e uno stile di vita! Incontro spesso persone interessanti e Nicolas e decisamente uno di questi. Ringrazio il destino per gli incontri indimenticabili che mi offre ❤ #NicolasCage #incontri For me, work is a way of life! And I love this life. I am always familiar with interesting people, find friends and it's a continuous kaleidoscope of incredible events. Thanks to fate for unforgettable meetings ❤ #nicolascage #nicolascage #meetings #natashasway

7169 150

2019-05-19 08:05:18

Quanto erano buone! 😋 Una crostata ai frutti di bosco e l'altra alle fragole🍓La prima l'ha fatta mia suocera @taniadurpetti e l'altra mia cognata @cristinamariasabbioni Tutte e due sparite in un quarto d'ora they were delicious! 😋 The first cake is with wild berries, and the second one is with strawberries. The first one was made by my mother-in-law @taniadurpetti , and the second one by Luka's sister @cristinamariasabbioni Both cakes disappeared after 15 minutes😂 (thank God I managed to take a photo :)) #family #holiday #fun

7476 173

2019-05-18 13:19:59

Buon compleanno amore di zia! 🎉🎉🎉 @veronicapostacchini Con la famiglia nel cuore!❤️ #auguri #buoncompleanno #19anni #famiglia Happy birthday, beloved niece! sway

5768 136

2019-05-17 18:15:11

. “Don"t have to be rich To be my girl You don"t have to be cool To rule my world Ain"t no particular sign I"m more compatible with I just want your extra time and your Kiss Yes, oh-oh -oh-oh” #Prince #kiss #bacio #kiss 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘❤️ #fridaynight #venerdisera #fridaynight #natashasway Make-up & hair style by @emilianore

5213 173

2019-05-17 09:06:36

Saper ascoltare migliora i rapporti di coppia e le amicizie. Nel mio blog sei consigli per imparare ad essere dei buoni ascoltatori👉🏻link in “stories” #saperascoltare #natashasway When we hear another person, we become closer to him. This skill is not easy to acquire, but it is possible! There are 6 tips on how to do it in my blog👉🏻link in "story"😉 #be able to listen Ph. @veronicapostacchini

3357 42

2019-05-16 17:28:43

È tornato il ☀️ a Milano! 🎉🎉🎉 #sole #milano #natashasway The sun is back in Milan again!💪🏻☀️🎉🎉🎉 #sun #milano #hooray

3550 131

2019-05-16 11:31:36

Un capo che proprio non può mancare nell"armadio? La classica maglia marinère ! Oggi nel mio blog #natashasway 10 +1 modi di indossare la T shirt a righe da copiare subito👉🏻link in “stories”😉 #righe #marinere This thing just a must have in your wardrobe - a striped top or a classic vest!

3967 68

2019-05-15 11:42:49

Secondo voi la gelosia è vero amore o il contrario? Come affrontare le emozioni che ti assalgono sei terribilmente geloso della tua metà? Secondo me essere gelosi vuol dire non fidarsi davvero dell'altro. Se valutiamo bene le cause della gelosia, quel che a mio avviso appare sempre chiaro è che il geloso/ gelosa lo è perché non sifida del suo partner. Io e Luca sin dall'inizio della nostra storia abbiamo cercato sempre di essere onesti l'uno con l'altro e parlare apertamente dei nostri sentimenti. Abbiamo stabilito che se qualcosa ci infastidisce, non ci chiudiamo in noi stessi (cosa in cui noi donne siamo maestre) per poi inventare qualcosa che forse non esiste, ma ne parliamo a cuore aperto, cercando di trovare un compromesso o una soluzione. E voi come vi compoportate? #gelosia #amore #natashasway Jealousy: illness, complexes or love?! What is it and how to deal with emotions when you can’t help yourself because you are wildly jealous of your other half. Undoubtedly, jealousy is one of the most powerful feelings, and it can either make relationships brighter or break them. How do you deal with this feeling? Let's talk about it today in my blog?👉🏻link in "story"😉

4008 141

2019-05-14 18:38:58

Estate dove sei???😳 #estate2018 @casastefanenko #vogliadisole #natashasway Where are you, summer? We have vetoed all problems and all prohibitions. Where are you, summer????😳 #summer2018

5021 121

2019-05-14 06:03:27

Occhi stanchi e disidratati? No grace! Impariamo a prendercene cura con buone abitudini e prodotti ad hoc. Oggi vi presento le novità della linea Moisture Surge di Clinique e vi racconto perché rendono lo sguardo più fresco e luminoso. C’è anche un pensiero per voi😍👉🏻guardate le mie “stories”😉 . #Clinique #Facecare #MoistureSurge Does your eye area look tired and dry? And what if you start taking care of it regularly with the help of special cosmetic products. Today I present to you the new products from Clinique Moisture Surge, which will make the look fresh and clear. @cliniqueitalia

2581 51

2019-05-13 10:07:06

Ci mette alla prova, ci migliora, cambia la nostra percezione del mondo…oggi nel nuovo post i miei 10 + 1 Motivi per cui è bello viaggiare👉🏻link in “stories”😉 Quali sono i vostri? #viaggiare Traveling presents us with interesting challenges, makes us better and changes our perception of the world. Today on the blog are my 10 + 1 reasons that prove the fact that traveling is useful!👉🏻link in the "story"😉 What are your reasons for this? #travel #natashasway Ph. @sabbioniluca ❤️

2798 48

2019-05-12 18:46:26

Io sono per te, tu sei per me ❤️ #complicità #amore #festadellamamma #sashaenatasha #natashasway I am for you and you are for me ❤️ #love #sashainatasha #mother's day

4768 112

2019-05-12 15:15:11

Adesso sul Primo Canale russo in onda il grande concerto di Al Bano e Romina Power al Cremlino di Mosca 🥰❤️😘🎉 #concerto @albano_carrisi @rominaspower Al Bano's concert in the Kremlin is now on Channel One, which I had the honor to host! Happy birthday maestro 🥰❤😘🎉 @albano_carrisi

4894 129

2019-05-12 12:24:40

Auguri mamma Sveta e a tutte le mamme del mondo! ❤️❤️❤️ Mother's Day🙌🏻✨ #lamammapiubravadelmondo #festadellamamma Mom is the first word, The main word In every destiny. Mom gave life, the world gave me and you🙌🏻✨ Congratulations, Mommy Svetulya! I love you very much!❤️

4104 102

2019-05-11 14:06:10

Ti sosterrò sempre ❤️@sabbionisasha #2004 #throwback #memories Everything I have in life Everything that makes me happy every day Everything about worries and dreams It's all youyyyyy😄❤️ @sabbionisasha #2004 #memories #yaisasha

4988 91

2019-05-10 06:23:09

Oggi vi porto un po' a zonzo per le Marche, la mia regione adottiva. Si, sono un po' di parte, ma trovo che sia davvero un posto unico. Perfetto in tutte le stagioni, con mare e montagna a portata di mano e un'infinità di piccoli paesini belli come presepi e torri del XII-XIV secolo che in epoca medievale, quando si chiamava San Lupidio, la difendevano. Mi piace rifugiarmi qui, dove puoi lasciar correre lo sguardo dalla collina giù fino alle onde del mare Seguitemi, vi porto a fare un bel tour!👉🏻link in “stories”😉 #santelpidioamare #marche #italia #bellaitalia Today I will tell you a little about my Marches, the region that adopted me! This is truly an ideal place, in every way, at any time of the year. Everything you can only dream of is here: sea, mountains, beautiful landscapes and countless tiny medieval towns that fascinate with their warmth and comfort😍 My family and I live in one of these cities called Sant'Elpidio a Mare (Sant'Elpidio a Mare), province of the city of Fermo (Fermo)❤️ It is surrounded ancient fortress wall and towers built in the XII-XIV centuries, which protected the city. If you like places like this, then I advise you to visit my magical Marche region! I'm sure you won't regret it!😊 In the meantime, if you want, I'll give you a little tour, follow me!👉🏻link in "story"😉

5449 182

2019-05-09 14:49:44

Abiti da sposa a meno di 250 euro? Si! Abiti da sposa belli ed economici, ma anche inusuali e che potrete indossare in tante altre occasioni. Oggi nel blog ho tante idee utili!👉🏻link in “stories”😉 #abitidasposa #natashasway Wedding dresses for less than 250 euros? Easily! Beautiful and inexpensive Wedding Dresses, which you can wear more than once - this is not a myth, but a reality! Interesting?👉🏻link in "strois"😉 #weddingdresses

3804 56

2019-05-08 06:54:27

2019-05-05 14:06:59

Esiste una piccola cittadina di pescatori nel Nord-est del Brasile dove il tempo sembra essersi fermato. Baia da Traição è l'unico municipio del Brasile localizzato all'interno di una riserva indigena, quella degli Indios Potiguara. Questa volta abbiamo avuto dai nativi una sorpresa inaspettata: il rituale del nostro matrimonio da Pajé Antonio. Dire che è stato molto toccante ed inusuale è come dire niente! Luca ed io abbiamo fatto il giuramento nella loro lingua! Più o meno recitava così: "io non sono nessuno senza di te, insieme siamo una forza e solo insieme possiamo superare tutte le difficoltà". .. ❤🥰😍 ricorderò questo giorno per il resto della mia vita! 🙌🏻 #baiadatraicao #indigeni #rituale #matrimonio Grazie @pousadaluacheiabaiadatraicao per questa bellissima esperienza 🙏🏻 There is a small fishing town in the northeast of Brazil where time seems to have stopped. Baia da Traição is the only Brazilian municipality located in the territory of the indigenous Podiguara Indian tribes. There an unexpected surprise awaited us: the ritual of our marriage. To say that it was very touching and unusual would be an understatement! Luca and I swore an oath to each other in their language! It sounded like this: “I am nobody without you, but together we are strong and only together we can overcome all difficulties...”❤🥰😍 I will remember this day for the rest of my life!🙌🏻

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And high intelligence. Many of us know her from the program "Take it off immediately!" (STS). Do you want to know where our heroine was born and trained? How was her personal life? All the necessary information is contained in the article.

Natasha Stefanenko: biography, family and childhood

She was born in 1971 (April 18) in the closed military town of Lesnoy, located in the Sverdlovsk region. In what family was the future catwalk and television star brought up? Natasha's mother worked as a kindergarten teacher. And my father received a higher education with a degree in nuclear engineering.

Our heroine grew up as an active and lively girl. She had almost no friends. Natasha Stefanenko preferred a boyish company, where everyone respected her and even feared her.

At school, she studied for fours and fives. Natalia's favorite subjects were drawing, physical education and music. Several times a week the girl attended the swimming section. She has achieved great success in this sport. Natasha had every chance to get into the youth Olympic team. But at some point, Stefanenko decided to "tie up" with the sport.

student time

After graduating from high school, the girl applied to MISI. She chose the same faculty where her father once studied. Natalia was supposed to become a metallurgical engineer. But she did not manage to finish her studies at this university and get the appropriate diploma.

Modeling career

In 1991, one of the New York designers staged a beauty contest in Moscow. Our heroine, in company with her friends, went to him. The competition was quite high. Natalia's girlfriends could not pass the casting. But the blond girl with bright eyes was immediately identified by the members of the selection committee. They offered Stefanenko a job in the USA. The Russian beauty was a little confused. After all, she never dreamed of a modeling career. And then she gets her chance. However, Natalia refused to travel to the United States.

The girl completed her diploma, defended it and went to Italy. In our country then there was no metallurgy. And she understood this very well. In Milan, such characters as Natasha Stefanenko were in demand. The height, weight of the girl allowed her to become a successful model. The best photographers and designers of Italy wanted to work with the Russian beauty. With a height of 187 cm, she weighed 60 kg. Every outfit looked great on her. In a short time, the girl learned how to walk the catwalk correctly and pose for a photographer.

A television

In 1992, Natasha Stefanenko (see photo above) began to develop a new field of activity. It all started with the fact that a respectable man in years approached her in a restaurant and offered the beauty to become a TV presenter. So Natalia got into a popular talk show. She had to work in tandem with a well-known presenter. The only negative was that the girl did not know Italian. She had to enroll in courses. Within a few weeks, Stefanenko confidently kept in the frame.

In 2007 representatives Russian channel STS contacted Natasha. They invited her to become the co-host of Tasha Strict in the program “Take it off immediately!” Our compatriot living in Italy took time to think. In the end, she gave a positive answer.

For several years now, Natasha Stefanenko and Tasha Strict have been hosting this wonderful program. They help ordinary girls and women dress stylishly, emphasizing the dignity of the figure and masking its flaws.

Other projects

In 2014, Natalya Stefanenko received a tempting offer - to become the host of the "Top Model in Russian" project. It was not by chance that the leadership of the STS channel approved her candidacy. The fact is that the blonde hosted the program “Top Model in Italian” for four seasons. She has the necessary experience. In addition, Stefanenko is directly related to the modeling business. She knows his kitchen from the inside.

Natasha's creative piggy bank includes several roles in films and TV shows. Among them are such paintings as "The Big Plum" (1999), "Gioco di specchi" (2000), "In the Name of Mary" (2010) and others.

Personal life

In her youth, Natasha Stefanenko, whose height was above average, considered herself ugly. She did not like that she had too fair skin and awkward figure. However, at the age of 17, our heroine had a boyfriend. He beautifully looked after Natasha: gave flowers, invited to the cinema, showered with compliments. Their relationship ended when the girl went to Moscow to study.

Natalia met her future husband, Luca Sabbioni, in Italy. It happened in 1993. He studied at a law school and worked as a model in his spare time. A tall blonde with regular features immediately took a liking to him. Luka did everything to achieve the location of the Russian beauty. For a couple of years, the lovers were in a civil marriage. And in 1995, they formalized their relationship.

Soon Luka and Natalya became parents. Their daughter Alexandra was born. For a long time, the couple dreamed of having a second child (preferably a son). But fate had its own way.

present tense

Natasha Stefanenko and her husband live in Italy. And they come to our country only for working moments. Luka is engaged in the creation of fashionable clothes and shoes. For several years now, he has been the owner of his own brand, which is very popular in European countries.

Their only daughter, Alexandra, has matured. She knows three languages ​​(including Russian). The girl inherited a punchy character from her father, and from her mother - high growth and attractive appearance.

The Sabbioni-Stefanenko family owns real estate not only in Italy. They also have big house in Brazil. It is possible that in the near future Natalia will acquire apartments in the Russian capital.

Many people kindly envy the TV presenter and her husband. After all, their couple is a model happy family. They love each other as much as they did 20 years ago.

Beauty secrets

Stefanenko Natalia looks amazing. But she is 45 years old. What is the secret of her youth and beauty? Running helps keep yourself in shape as a TV presenter. She spends 1-1.5 hours a day on this. Several times a week, our heroine visits the gym and the Turkish bath.

As for food, she chooses proper nutrition. These are, first of all, fruits, vegetable salads, cereals and seafood. It is extremely rare that a TV presenter can afford to eat pasta with cheese and drink a glass of good wine.

To keep her skin fresh and healthy, Natalia tries to get enough sleep. And you also need to drink water 2-3 hours before bedtime, in order to avoid swelling. In the morning, she wipes her face with ice. Several times a week, the TV presenter makes masks using natural products. It can be cucumbers, berries and fruits.


Natasha Stefanenko is a loving wife and mother. She is also a real workaholic. The blonde beauty manages to appear in several television projects in Italy and Russia. It remains to wish her success in her career and family well-being!

Many Russians know Natasha Stefanenko from the “Take it off immediately” program. The stately blonde did not accidentally become the host of this project. Behind her shoulders are the best podiums in Europe and rich experience in television in Italy.


Natasha was born on April 18, 1971 in a small town in the Sverdlovsk region. Her father worked as a nuclear engineer, and her mother worked as a kindergarten teacher. Natalia grew up a lively and active girl. She preferred to communicate with boys, so she had practically no girlfriends.

Stefanenko studied at school with "good" and "excellent". Of the subjects, she most liked music, drawing and physical education. The girl also attended the swimming section. She had every chance to get into the Olympic team in this sport, but at some point she changed her plans for the future. After school, Natasha followed in her father's footsteps and entered the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. After graduating from it, the girl received a diploma in the specialty "metallurgical engineer".

In her last year, Natalia took part in the Look of the Year beauty contest. It was held by the director of the agency "Elite" John Casablancas (New York). The girl came to the competition for the company with her friends. They could not pass the casting, but the tall blue-eyed Stefanenko liked the members of the selection committee.

John Casablancas invited Natasha to become a model and work in the USA. The girl was confused, but in the end she refused the offer. In the near future, she planned to defend her diploma and work in her specialty. After graduating from high school, Stefanenko tried to find a job, but to no avail. The Russian crisis of the early 1990s had an effect. And then Natalia nevertheless decided to try herself in the modeling business. Through an agency, she applied for a visa and went to work in Italy.

Podium and TV

Initially, Natasha worked as a fashion model, and then went to the podium. In Europe, girls with the same type as hers were in demand. Stefanenko, with a height of 185 centimeters, weighed 60 kilograms. Any designer clothes fit perfectly on her. In a short time, Natalia became a sought-after model.

Soon the girl was on television. Once in a restaurant, the director drew attention to Natalia and invited her to become a TV presenter. Stefanenko, knowing how young girls are deceived by foreigners, refused an unexpected job. And then the persistent man tracked her down through the agency and signed a contract for 17 broadcasts with her.

The girl was required to smile at her TV presenter partner and be silent, but the model did not want to be just a beautiful “doll” in the frame. In a short time, Natalia perfectly learned Italian language and began to confidently stay on the air. After her success on the TV show, Stefanenko received a lot of interesting offers from Italian employers. She walked the catwalk, hosted programs on television, acted in films and played in performances.

In 2007, representatives of the Russian STS television channel contacted Natalya and offered to become the host of the program “Take it off immediately!”. She took some time to think it over and eventually agreed. First, Natalia's co-host was Maria Zheleznyakova, and then Tasha Strict.

In 2012, Stefanenko began hosting the Battle of the Choirs entertainment program. There are 2 seasons of the show. In 2014, Natalia was approved as the host of the popular project “Top Model in Russian. International Season.

Currently active Stefanenko lives in 2 countries. She manages not only to shoot for magazines and conduct television projects in Russia and Italy, but also pay attention to her husband and daughter.

Personal life

Natalia met her fate in Italy. In 1993, she met Luca Sabbioni. The guy studied at a law school and worked as a model. A few months after they met, Luka confessed his love to Natalya. They began to live together, and in 1995 they officially formalized the relationship. In 2000, the couple had a daughter, Alexandra.

Sabbioni supports all the undertakings of Natalia. He not only calmly lets her work in Moscow, but he himself often comes here with his wife and daughter.

Social media

The TV presenter is registered in many popular social networks. Natasha Stefanenko on Instagram often posts new photos. The former model is still in perfect shape. It looks great on both evening dresses and regular jeans.

Natalia has been married for over 20 years, but still experiences the most strong feelings to Luke. This is evidenced by many of their joint photos on Instagram. Stefanenko's profile on this network is popular with both Russians and Italians. 117 thousand people have subscribed to the host's Instagram.

Natasha also shares her photos and videos on Facebook And Twitter The leader has VKontakte page, but she has not been here for more than a year and does not update the information.

By chance, Natalia became a model and then a TV presenter. And she managed to take advantage of the chance given to her by fate. Now Stefanenko is a successful presenter and model in demand in two countries, as well as a happy mother and beloved wife.
