New Year's performance based on the fairy tale "The Nutcracker. New Year's play based on the fairy tale "The Nutcracker" Nutcracker performance for the New Year for children

Target: to develop interest in performing arts, imagination and faith in stage fiction.

Integration of educational areas

Educational areas Tasks
Socialization To develop creative independence, aesthetic taste in the transfer of the image.
Work Prepare attributes for the future performance.
Cognition To expand children's ideas about major musical genres (ballet), to introduce them to the theater of opera and ballet.
Communication To improve artistic and speech performing skills in dramatization.

Encourage children to use visual forms of communication (facial expressions, postures, gestures)

Reading fiction Cultivate the ability to sympathize with the heroes, identify yourself with your favorite character.
Music Enrich the musical impressions of children, evoke an emotional response to the perception of symphonic music by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

To promote the development of children's creative activity in musical performance activities (dance movements).


1. CD with music from P.I. Tchaikovsky's ballet "The Nutcracker".

2. Costumes for children.

  • Nutcracker.
  • Soldiers.
  • Mice.
  • Dolls.
  • Snowflakes.

3. Costumes for adults.

  • Drosselmeyer.
  • Myshilda.

4. Kids toys. Nutcracker.

  • Doll.
  • Book.
  • Horse.
  • Soldiers.
  • 5. Christmas decorations. Snowman.

  • Balls.
  • Tinsel.
  • 6. Sultans for Snowflakes(12 pcs.).

    7. Dosselmeyer box.

    8. Baby chair.

    9. Christmas tree.

    preliminary work

    1. Acquaintance with the era of the XIX century (architecture, music, costume, etiquette).
    2. Acquaintance with Hoffmann's fairy tale "The Nutcracker" and partial acquaintance with the ballet "The Nutcracker" by P.I. Tchaikovsky.
    3. Viewing animated and feature films of the same name.
    4. Living the content of a fairy tale through playful and productive activities.


    Guests (2 boys and 2 girls),

    Nutcracker / Prince,

    Snowflakes (6 girls),

    Dolls (2 girls),

    Mice (4 boys),

    Soldiers (3 boys).





    The lights are dimmed in the hall. In the foreground is a beautiful Christmas tree. To the right of it, a clock hangs on the wall. The leader comes out.

    Showers the New Year
    Land of miracles.
    Here is the tale at the gate
    Looking forward to meeting with us


    On a cheerful New Year's Eve,
    When candles flicker in the houses,
    From around the corner of a simple house
    There was a man we did not know.
    Gait fast, a little skipping
    He walked with a box under his arm.
    Snowflakes rushed after him
    They are bored in the New Year alone.

    The leader leaves. The music is "Waltz of the Snowflakes".

    The Snowflake Girls begin to dance as Drosselmeyer walks past them through the hall. Raising his collar and clutching a box of gifts, he goes backstage.

    Snowflakes, having finished their dance, sit down in the auditorium.

    scene one

    The hall is full of lights. The host puts a child seat in the foreground (to the left of the Christmas tree), puts a book and toys next to it.

    Sounds music “The beginning of magic ”.

    The host speaks in the background of music.

    Winter, folding snowflakes fan,
    “Hi,” she said, “Drosselmeyer.
    Hurry! You are the godfather, the children are waiting,
    Don't stay here!"

    Fritz and Marie exit. The girl sits in a chair, the boy sits on the floor at her feet. Brother and sister play with toys.

    Fritz and Marie really waited
    They were playing with toys in the corner.

    Drosselmeyer appears to the right of the tree, sings, repairs the clock.

    Quietly singing a song
    The watchmaker looked at the clock points to him)
    Behind the wall in the corner playing
    Fritz was talking to Marie.

    Fritz, listen behind the wall
    Someone whispers softly.
    Like singing a song
    Something creaks...

    Have you forgotten, Marie? -
    The godfather promised to come
    Repair in our living room
    Our old clock.

    Godfather loves to make
    And give us gifts.
    Interestingly, for us
    He is cooking at this hour.


    Fritz, Marie and the children-guests approach the Christmas tree. Decorate, consider, admire the Christmas tree. They speak in the background of music.

    The ball is large - on the lower branch.

    1 GIRL.

    Snowman - on a nearby branch.

    2 GIRL.

    Here we hang tinsel,

    1 BOY.

    And here are the balls.

    1 GIRL.

    Here we will cover the paw with a snowball,

    2 GIRL.

    There would be fairy-tale heroes ...

    There used to be a lot of them
    Romantic as if alive!

    In the night the heroes came to life
    Created a fairy tale for children
    Taking the kids with you! ( scares girls)

    2 BOY.

    You are our hero!
    Don't scare the girls with the wolf
    It's better to dance by the tree!

    Children's dance “Trepak ”.

    Children holding hands dance in front of the Christmas tree. Drosselmeyer appears in the background with a large box in his hands. Watches the children, at the end of the dance invites them to the table.


    Please at the table
    Meal is ready!

    Children, holding hands, run around the Christmas tree, hiding behind the scenes.

    Music “Scene in a pine forest” sounds.

    Drosselmeyer approaches the Christmas tree, admires it, speaks against the background of music.


    Here are the good guys! Not a Christmas tree - a feast for the eyes!
    (viewers) Let it not be a secret for you:
    I didn't come here by accident...
    New Year's Eve is full of fairy tales
    A fairy tale is needed for both children and adults!

    The godfather opens his box and puts gifts under the tree (a box of chocolates, a doll, a box with soldiers, a Nutcracker). Leaves.

    Sounds music "Christmas tree ”.

    The boys run out of the wings to the Christmas tree.

    1 BOY.

    Look, there are gifts under the tree!

    Wonderful! How bright!

    2 BOY.

    I wonder what's inside?

    Come closer - see for yourself.

    2 the boy takes a box with soldiers under the tree.

    2 BOY.

    It's the soldiers! Shall we play, Fritz?

    1 BOY.

    I really like them!

    I am also very happy! ( Sit down in the hall)

    Sounds like the March of the Wooden Soldiers.

    The dance of the soldiers is being performed.

    Sounds music "Christmas tree ”.

    The girls go to the tree.

    1 GIRL.

    I have a box of chocolates
    And I'm very happy with the gift!

    2 GIRL.

    And I got a doll - a beauty,
    I also really like her!

    The music is “Dance of the Dragee Fairy”.

    The puppets perform their dance.

    Sounds music “Scene in a pine forest ”.

    Drosselmeyer and Marie go to the Christmas tree. On the other side of the tree, Fritz runs out.

    What do you have? Let me have a look!

    Drosselmeyer shows Marie the Nutcracker.

    I wouldn't like to have this.
    What a freak -
    He has a huge mouth!


    The man is not handsome
    But there are no such toys.
    He has a big head
    With small legs.
    But in appearance - combat,
    In patent leather boots.
    Your Nutcracker for everyone
    Can crack a nut!

    The godfather gives the Nutcracker to Marie, leaves.

    It sounds like “Dance of Marie and Fritz”.

    Marie is dancing with the Nutcracker, Fritz asks for a doll, Marie does not give it. Fritz takes offense at his sister and Marie gives him a toy. Fritz dances, grimaces, throws the Nutcracker, runs away.

    The music gets quieter. Marie cries, takes the Nutcracker in her arms, regrets. Enter Drosselmeyer. He speaks in the background of music.


    Tell me what happened?
    Are you crying, Marie?

    It's a pity. It hurts little.
    Headache and legs...


    No need to cry, wipe your tears -
    I'll fix the damage by morning - don't be sad.
    Sleep, dear, and forgive your brother.

    Puts the Nutcracker under the Christmas tree, takes Marie backstage.

    scene two

    The light goes out. Sounds music "The beginning of magic."

    Marie goes out to the Christmas tree. Speaks in the background of music

    The night has come and the snow is sparkling
    I just can't sleep.
    How is my Nutcracker now?
    I'll take a look at least once...

    Takes a doll, hugs, sits down in an armchair, rocks the Nutcracker, falls asleep.

    Drosselmeyer and a soldier come out.


    May you have a magical dream
    Let a hundred miracles happen
    And the Nutcracker will turn into a prince
    And Happy New Year! ( stands nearby)

    Soldier approaches Marie. He drops down on one knee.


    If suddenly trouble happens to you -
    Remember how many friends you have -
    Need a friend to have some fun
    And to call for help soon!

    The soldier puts a saber at Marie's feet. Drosselmeyer takes the Nutcracker from Marie. Both leave.

    Midnight was fast approaching
    And Marie remained dozing.
    Suddenly from hidden holes
    A mouse choir was heard.

    The music is “Tea: Chinese dance ”.

    Mice appear. Marie wakes up, rubs her eyes, watches what is happening.

    The music is “Battle of the Nutcracker” ”.

    Myshilda appears to the right of the Christmas tree. He speaks in the background of music.


    Ah, the tree! Candles! What a wonderful evening!
    They don’t notice me, they don’t meet me like a king.
    I am Mousechild, queen of mice
    And everything should be according to my will!

    The mice gather near the queen. Myshilda notices Marie, starts to step on her. Marie is scared. The Nutcracker runs forward, the Mice retreat.


    Well, no, at least you could get to the holiday,
    We will not allow mouse power here!
    My hussars, come out quickly!
    Let's disperse the gray mice through the holes.
    Their place should be in the basement of the damp.
    Behind me! We will crush the enemy!

    The music is louder. The battle of soldiers and mice begins. The unarmed Nutcracker retreats, comes back to Marie, the girl gives him the sword and closes her eyes with her hands in fear. The Nutcracker wounds Myshilda, she, waving her cloak (taking the Nutcracker's mask), limping, goes backstage with the mice. The Nutcracker sits on his knee in front of the stage.

    The final

    The music is “Pas de deux: the dance of the prince ”.

    The light turns on. The prince approaches Marie, kneels down.

    Open your eyes dear Marie
    And look at the Nutcracker!
    Myshilda's villainy is no more,
    Now I will reveal my secret to you:
    The spell of the evil mask has broken
    And again I am a prince in my fairy tale!

    Leads Marie to the Christmas tree. They dance.

    Chased away the terrible dream
    Now we will be together.

    And in this brightest hour, let's not forget our friends!

    Sounds music "Finale

    All artists go to bow.

    Lomteva Oksana
    New Year's performance based on the fairy tale "The Nutcracker"

    New Year's performance based on a fairy tale« Nutcracker»

    Exit children dance "bells" № 1

    1 child We have fun today.

    We are celebrating the New Year

    And everyone who came to our ball,


    2 children Ah, the New Year, an amazing ball.

    How many friends did you gather for the holiday!

    Let everyone laugh, dance, sing.

    All miracles are still ahead.

    3r. She has been going to us for a holiday for a whole year

    Green beauty of the forests.

    Then quietly dressed up in this hall

    And now her outfit is ready.

    4r. So shine like a rainbow, festive for us

    Be happy Christmas tree, like we are now.

    5r. Brighter, brighter let it flash

    Christmas tree with many lights!

    Happy New Year with a new happiness!

    Children ALL IN CHOIR: Congratulations to all guests!

    Song "_Super Garden" № 2

    Fairy. Quietly, quietly sit next to each other

    Included fairy tale to our house

    In amazing outfit

    Multicolored, painted.

    Fairy Dragee: It all started in a wonderful New Year's Eve when cheerful festive preparations were going on in all the houses of the city.

    It was already completely dark and the streets were empty, only the fluffy and soft snow continued to fall to the ground.

    "Dance of the Snowflakes" № 3

    Snowflake 1 Snowflakes, girlfriends, look out the window!

    Here you can see the living room, as if on the palm of your hand!

    Snowflake 2:

    Ah, how beautiful it is! Everything shines and shines.

    And the tree! Look at the tree!

    No wonder they dress her up today.

    So, it means the ball is being prepared New Year!

    Snowflake 3:

    Let me take a look at this window.

    It must be looking into the nursery.

    Snowflake 4

    Indeed, I recognized this girl,

    Yesterday I played with her until the evening.

    Yes, it's Marie

    Today she is so elegant, look!

    Stepping out Marie No. 4

    Marie: All day I worked, cut and sewed.

    I decided to make toys for the Christmas tree.

    They came out in bright colors.

    Are they really nicely dressed?

    Marie: In the new year, toys come to life

    The brave soldiers march.

    Well, dolls also do not sit,

    They want to have fun.

    Dance and toy soldiers puppets No. 5

    Marie: They gave me a lot of toys,

    This box hasn't been opened yet!

    (opens the box and takes out a toy - nutcracker run up 2 dolls)

    Marie: This nutcracker!

    dolls: What is not beautiful!

    Marie: But he is brave,

    But the strongest!

    I won't let anyone hurt him.

    He will stand by our Christmas tree.

    Now I'll bring a treat:

    Sweets, cookies, jam.

    (Mary runs away. The dolls approach nutcracker)

    1 doll: What good did you find in him?

    He's not handsome!

    2 doll: Maybe, Marie is right:

    Is he brave and strong?

    3 doll: And yet, he is very ugly!

    4 doll: You hear? Some sort of call...

    Music sounds. Fairy No. 6 appears

    Fairy: I'm a Fairy! You recognized me?

    I didn't come here by accident.

    I know how to dispel all sorrows.

    All this is the spell of the evil king!

    Marie knows nothing about this.

    She thinks it's just a dream.

    But honesty and courage help

    Victory over witchcraft!

    Good fairy, revive Nutcracker!

    I can't, Marie.

    Fairy. Do you want to hear why

    Nutcracker cannot be disenchanted? I know.

    Yes, tell me! It is interesting to us.

    Fairy: Nutcracker was once a prince, and the evil queen - Myshilda turned him into an ugly, ugly toy

    Ah well Nutcracker once was a prince!

    And the mice are to blame!

    Nutcracker what will happen to him, my God!

    And who will help him now?

    To become the former prince again,

    He must certainly win

    Victory over the evil Mouselda.

    Well, do you know what the second difficulty is?

    Nutcracker turns into a prince again

    When a girl loves a freak.

    I will be for Nutcracker fight!

    What remains to wish good luck.

    Marie shakes Nutcracker sings him a lullaby.

    Sounds like "Lullaby""Quiet Quietly" № 7

    Comes out from behind the tree Nutcracker.

    Warmed with a good heart

    Sang me a lullaby

    I came to life, now everywhere

    I will protect you.

    Get up soon! Wake up! Do you hear?

    There are mice scratching in the dark.

    Music sounds, mice and mice appear No. 8


    I'll prevent the girl from removing my curse,

    I'll bite the girl, I'll bewitch her.

    I'm Mouseilda won't let her Nutcracker to love,

    It will be forever wooden, without love it will live!

    Remove all decorations from the Christmas tree, hang the cheese in the corners.

    Curtain the windows with black, turn everything into a hole here.

    AND Nutcracker immediately trample and crush.

    Come here my faithful mice,

    But only, go, my dears, be quiet.

    Yes, myshylda, we are all happy to serve you.

    Let The Nutcracker will be your reward.

    Here he is, look!


    Everyone follow me!

    Mouse dance.

    Marie: Oh, how many mice, save me soon!


    We will not let you have fun and celebrate the New Year!

    Have you forgotten who lives in the castle?

    I am the Mouse Queen! Here everything should be according to my will!

    What, scared of me?

    It's time to get even with you!

    I'll ruin your holiday, Marie!

    I will break your toys!

    Marie: Help!

    Nutcracker: Don't be afraid, Marie, I'm with you!

    Come on, soldiers, into battle!

    Dolls, and you don't yawn

    Everyone step on the enemy

    Soldiers: 1

    We are ready right away

    Follow your orders.

    And we will find Myshilda,

    Let's cut off her long tail!

    Soldier 2

    Friend Nutcracker is in trouble!

    Mousehilda, get out of the way,

    Get your feet up!

    Fairy. I will touch the snowballs, let the magic happen.

    We will fill the snowballs with goodness, and we will exterminate the harmfulness of mice!

    Be, Myshilda, you are kind, and beautiful, and sweet.

    Battle of Soldiers and Mice No. 9

    Marie. Look guys. The miracle with Mouselda happened!

    Myshilda. I have become good! I will remove my witchcraft, I will return the prince to you!

    TRANSFORMATION Nutcracker No. 10

    The mice have escaped, there is no return for them!

    Now I will reveal my secret to you:

    The spell of that mask has broken,

    And again I am a prince in my fairy tale.

    (takes Marie by the hand, leads to the middle of the hall):

    I want to show you my possessions,

    Become a nice guest in my capital.

    Close your eyes for a minute

    Marie, miracles are about to begin!

    Dance "Waltz of the Flowers" № 11

    Nutcracker(at the end):

    Marie, dear, from fairy tales and dreams!

    Before us is my kingdom of flowers.

    All children:

    Glory Nutcracker and Marie!

    1 child:

    Our ball is over.

    The music suddenly stopped.

    But is it?

    It seems to be playing now.

    And it calls us to unknown distances.

    3 Child:

    Every day we will wait with excitement,

    When we are together the door to the land of melodies

    Let's unlock it again with the magic key.

    4 child:

    Let in each fairy tale good will win.

    Let there be joyful faces everywhere.


    And if you are sad - magic

    to you with knock on the door with a new fairy tale!

    Children bow

    Reb. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

    How much joy everyone has

    Let them sound everywhere today

    Songs, music and laughter.

    It's snowing outside the window

    The lights are sparkling.

    New Year is coming

    Everyone knows about it!

    Santa Claus is coming

    Bring gifts.

    Glorious holiday - New Year -

    It will be the brightest!

    We will congratulate together

    And of course wish

    Happiness, joy, health

    And never be discouraged.

    Song "New Year, New Year cracker balls" № 12

    May the New Year that you celebrate

    A happy year will enter your life.

    And all the good things you dream about

    Let it come!

    Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    The development is aimed at familiarizing children with the traditions and customs of modern Russian society through theatricalization, interactive methods, games and fairy tales. The development is presented in the form of a scenario for a theatrical performance with performances by heroes-actors and children.


    • Deputy director for methodological work Chusova Yulia Alexandrovna
    • Musical director Boriskina Galina Nikolaevna

    Target: Introducing children to the traditions and customs of modern Russian society through theatrical, interactive methods, games and fairy tales.


    1. The formation of children's attitude to the holiday as a wonderful, joyful event, the integrity of the picture of this holiday through the traditions and direct heroes of the celebration - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.
    2. Stimulating the imagination of young viewers with enlarged stage symbols that most fully reflect the essence of theatricalization.
    3. Uniting the children's team through the process of joint preparation for the New Year's party.
    4. The interaction of all participants in the educational team of the preschool educational institution: teachers, pupils and their parents.
    5. Development of the ability to emotional responsiveness.
    6. Formation of a culture of communication between children and parents at the holiday.
    7. Teaching children to hold themselves freely and expressively by participating in small dramatizations.
    8. Develop performing and creative skills.
    9. To give children the joy of singing, playing, and dancing.
    10. To cultivate the ability to behave at a holiday, to rejoice oneself and bring joy to others.

    Conduct form: theatrical production with children's performances.

    Preliminary work:

    1. Rehearsals with children performing poems, songs, dances.
    2. Viewing the cartoon "The Nutcracker", Mosfilm, 2004.
    3. Listening to classical music P.I. Tchaikovsky.
    4. Preparing and making costumes for performances.
    5. Selection of music and phonograms.
    6. Joint creative activity with parents in preparing scenery and costumes for the event.
    7. Advising teachers on the organizational issues of the event.

    Attributes and equipment:

    1. Christmas tree home
    2. Screens (2 pieces) on both sides of the throne. On one screen there is an image of a castle, on the other - a magic gate.
    3. Throne for the Prince
    4. Nutcracker toy (cardboard)
    5. Masks on sticks (for boys) + fans (for girls)
    6. Roses (on the head + on the hand)
    7. Gift bag "live"
    8. Basins (4 pcs) + snowballs + 2 spoons
    9. Basket, fishing line, snake
    10. 3 cans + gouache at the bottom of the can (cr + green + blue)
    11. Handkerchiefs (yellow, red, green)
    12. Music Center
    13. Audio recording of Elka's voice (on a laptop)


    1. Snow Maiden
    2. Father Frost
    3. Heralds (2 boys)
    4. Prince
    5. Queen Myshilda
    6. Mouse (full)
    7. Mouse (thin)
    8. Marie (girl)
    9. Prince of the East

    Musical accompaniment:

    1. Children's choir "Giant" and gr. "Ivanushki International" "New Year's"
    2. Song Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and Christmas tree.
    3. Song Santa Claus.
    4. Song for the game "We will hang the balls."
    5. Music P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Nutcracker", "Waltz of the Flowers", "Dance of the Tin Soldiers", etc.

    Submission progress

    Fanfare sounds. Two heralds come to the center of the hall.

    1 herald:

    All attention, gentlemen,
    Hurry to the hall, here!
    The king is calling everyone today
    And the New Year's ball gives!

    2 heralds:

    We have one decree -
    We won't let you in without a mask!
    Masks are fabulous, funny,
    Mandatory show!

    1 herald:

    There will be dancing, there will be laughter
    There is enough fun for everyone here.
    We invite all guests

    Together: New Year's ball is open!

    An overture sounds, children in costumes (boys in costumes of hussars or tin soldiers, girls in ball gowns) freely enter the hall.

    They go around the hall, examine the Christmas tree, gifts under the Christmas tree. Line up for the dance. Children are all in masks, girls with fans.

    Dance "Masks"

    Children line up and read poetry.

    1. Wonderful New Year's Ball!
      Dance, laugh, sing!
      Magic masks carnival
      And arrange for yourself!
    2. We begin, we begin this New Year's ball.
      On this wonderful winter holiday
      Everyone came to the Christmas tree to us.
    3. Hello, hello, glorious holiday!
      Hello joy, hello laughter!
      He is the most important today, who laughs the loudest of all.
    4. This hall sparkles with colorful lights,
      And invites all friends to the New Year's ball!
      So let the music sing, we start the ball!
      And the fun carnival calls us all to dance!
    5. The favorite holiday of all our children has come,
      See how the balls sparkle on the Christmas tree!
      We were waiting for this holiday, we knew it would come,
      Our glorious, our beloved, cheerful New Year!

    Round dance number 1 "New Year's"

    The children sit down, the prince sits on the throne, examines the toy.

    Mice enter to the music. They go to the throne.

    Mouse 1. " Come out, there are only children!”

    Mouse 2Comes out, looks around.

    Mouse 1. " Look how beautiful the tree is! So many toys on it!

    Mouse 2. " Is there anything edible on it?”

    Mouse 1. Come closer, we'll look. ( Examine the Christmas tree.)

    Mouse 2. " That little yellow ball over there looks like cheese! But, what a candy! Let me eat it!”

    Mouse 1 (Pulls back.) “You can’t eat anything in an unfamiliar place! You can get poisoned or fall into a mousetrap.

    Mouse 2. " And I'll still gnaw!"

    Mouse 1. " Wait, I’ve been nibbling on a scientific book here, as it says there, that it’s customary to hide delicious gifts under the Christmas tree.

    Mouse 2. So they probably lie under the Christmas tree! Went to look for them. ( They go in different directions, sniff, reach the prince.)

    Mouse 2. Who is this?

    Mouse 1. It must be the prince! I saw it in the picture! Very similar!

    T. It is tasty?

    Mouse 1. What are you? He's real! Anyway, enough about the food!

    T. Yes, my teeth itch! Let's get him a little something!

    Mouse 1. Okay, come on! ( They take away a toy, try to gnaw.)

    Prince. Get out, you nasty mice! Take them away, take them away!

    T. Look, he didn't like us!

    Mouse 1. Ah well! We must call Her Majesty Myshilda! ( name is.)

    Your Majesty! Your Majesty!

    To the music enters Myshilda (Queen of mice) menacingly and majestically looks at everyone, dances.

    Myshilda. What happened to you here?

    Mouse 2. They wanted to have fun by the Christmas tree, something to chew on. And we are being chased away!

    Myshilda (strictly). How is it possible to offend my subjects? Well, I'll show you now, who's in charge here?

    Prince: I!

    Prince: What a surprise? I like surprises!

    Myshilda. And you climb into the bag, find out!

    Prince. It's not a royal thing to climb bags!

    Myshilda. Well, as you wish!

    Prince. Okay, I'll go! ( He climbs into the screen lying on the floor, the mice lift the screen up, the prince goes behind the tree).

    Myshilda. (Pulls out the Nutcracker.) Have you seen everything? There was a prince, and there was a Nutcracker! And so it will be with everyone who goes against us! ( Leaves a toy under the tree).

    Myshilda. My servants, follow me! But we'll be back!

    go away.

    Enters to the music of Marie, dancing.


    Hello hello my friends
    We can't be sad today.
    Music, dancing, jokes and laughter,
    The holiday gathered us all in this hall!
    Feet can't stand still!
    Let's dance now!

    New Year's round dance No. 2 "Santa Claus"


    So that we no longer pull a joyful moment,
    I want to look under the tree now.
    What about under the tree?
    Look, gifts!
    Here are drums, dolls in bright dresses!
    And who is this, elegantly sitting under the tree?
    He has a very kind, friendly look.
    It's the Nutcracker! He is for everyone
    His job is to crack a hard nut.
    Friends, I will not forget about him from now on.
    Nutcracker, come here, honey, and now I'll be-
    Nuts, give you small ones,
    So that the mouth does not have to be opened wide.

    Marie sits on a chair and shakes the Nutcracker.

    The Snow Maiden enters to the music.

    Snow Maiden:

    Hello my good ones!
    Hello my pretty ones!
    How glad I am to see you
    This New Year's Eve!
    How have you matured in a year?
    How did you all get better?
    Your eyes are clear
    Your cheeks are red!

    Snow Maiden:

    Hello sweet child
    Why are you so sad?
    Here the troubles need to be forgotten,
    What can cheer you up?


    They say on New Year's Eve
    Whatever you wish
    Everything will always happen
    Everything always comes true.
    I have a wish -
    Disenchant the Nutcracker, friends!

    Snow Maiden:

    What an unusual wish. I see you have a good heart, but do you have the strength and courage to overcome all obstacles?
    Yes, the Nutcracker was once a prince,
    And it's all Myshilda's fault.
    And to become the former prince again,
    He must, of course,
    Get into a magical land.
    The Nutcracker will turn into a prince again,
    When a girl loves a freak.

    Marie: I will fight for the Nutcracker.

    Snow Maiden: Well, it remains to wish good luck.

    Marie with the Nutcracker in her hands goes to the music.

    Snow Maiden:

    And now, dear friends,
    I will present one surprise!
    This is the prince of the East -
    Arrived from a distant country!

    The prince of the East enters to Arabic music, dances an oriental dance.

    Prince of the East:

    For the amusement of the royal children,
    Many years ago
    And although they wore bright clothes,
    But faraway Africa was still sad.

    Hello guys. I am the Prince of the East and my name is Ibn Fakir, Khatab, Kefir ice cream. I know this sad story about Myshilda and the enchanted Nutcracker.

    Prince of the East.

    Now I'll show you tricks
    And I will take you to a magical land

    (Shows tricks.)

    1. "Colored water"

    To conduct the trick, you need to take 3 jars with screw caps. The inside of the lids is covered with watercolors (red, green, blue). Water is poured into the jars, the Magician shows everyone that the water is ordinary, then he says magic words and shakes the jar. The water turns into the desired color.

    Prince of the East:

    You, water-water,
    You are my cold friend,
    Stand, water-water,
    Not light, but green!
    You, water-water,
    You are my beautiful friend
    Stand, water-water,
    Not simple, but red!
    You, water-water,
    Light as frost
    Not simple, but blue!

    2. "Lord of the snakes"

    A pipe sounds, the Prince of the East brings out a basket with a snake in it. The prince puts an invisible fishing line on his hand, a snake is tied to the fishing line, makes movements with his hands and the snake “dances”.

    3. "Watch"

    The magician takes the watch and places it in an opaque bag, where small parts from the disassembled watch already lie in advance. Music sounds, the magician conjures, takes a heavy object (hammer), closes the watch in the bag with his hand, knocks where the details lie. Then he gently dumps them on the table. The clock appears to be broken. The magician calms the audience, puts the parts back, conjures, takes out the watch safe and sound.

    4. Handkerchiefs

    3 children are invited, and the Snow Maiden gives them each a handkerchief and remembers what color each child has a handkerchief, the children hide the handkerchiefs behind their backs. The Snow Maiden speaks and highlights a certain letter in the first word of the question: “ TO What color is this child's handkerchief? ( TO at the word of which, this is a sign for the Prince of the East that the child has a red scarf). "Ska AND and, what kind of handkerchief does this child have?”, “At W find the color of the handkerchief from this child ”(play 2 times).

    Prince of the East: Dear guys, it's time for me to return to the magical land. Marie, come with me, I'll show you the way.

    To the music, the Prince of the East and Marie approach the beautiful, fabulous gates.

    Prince of the East:

    The magic city gets in the way
    Feel free to enter the magic gate!
    And I, friends, it's time to go on the road
    In the land of the best fairy tales
    The kid is waiting for me.

    Music sounds, the prince of the East leaves.

    Marie enters the gate, the gate closes, and Marie comes out with the prince.


    The spell of my mask has broken,
    And again, I am the prince of the Kingdom of sweets!
    We are happy to welcome lovely guests
    In the kingdom of miracles
    In the kingdom of sweets!
    Let magical transformations await us
    And everyone will find something to their liking!

    Snow Maiden:

    Waltz of beautiful, magical flowers,
    Roses dance smoothly.
    With a magical aroma, from fabulous dreams,
    They charm everyone with their waltz.

    Girls perform "Waltz of the Flowers".

    Enters to the music of Myshilda with mice.


    What kind of fun is this?
    What New Year?
    Have you forgotten who lives in the castle?
    Finally, I waited, and my time has come.
    Rule the ball, no doubt
    I'll be the only one now.
    Hey, mouse shelves, leave the holes,
    And on the prince, on a campaign, speak urgently!
    There will be new orders:
    Remove decorations from the tree
    Gnaw toys and gifts, and drag them into the hole.
    So that no games now, no songs,
    Hang cheese in the corners!
    Blackout the windows!
    Make holes everywhere!


    Well, no, at least you could
    Get to the holiday
    We are not allowed here
    Mouse power!
    Go away, evil sorceress,
    Don't you dare interfere with us.
    You see, a golden saber, (shows sword)
    I will protect my friends!
    My soldiers, come out quickly,
    Let's drive the nasty mice out of their holes!

    The boys perform the dance of the tin soldiers (the boys have sabers in their hands).


    Ah well! Well, nasty kids, beware!
    Now I will bite you, and you will turn into Christmas toys.

    Snow Maiden:

    There is nothing worse for mice than a bright light.
    We'll play the game now
    And we will take Myshilda prisoner.
    Hold hands soon
    Don't let the mice out.

    Children and Myshilda with mice play the game "We will not let you out."

    Myshilda: Stop clapping and laughing, I can't stand the noise. I, I, I... lose my power.

    Runs away with mice from the hall.

    Snow Maiden:

    All hardships are gone,
    The fabulous night is knocking.
    Let the doors open wider
    Come in, happiness and fun.
    I want to tell you, friends,
    You can't live without friendship!

    The Snow Maiden, the prince, Marie and the children stand up, hold hands.

    A song from the play "At the End of the Earth" sounds. Perform a song with dance moves. They sit down.

    Snow Maiden:

    Santa Claus must come
    To have fun with us.
    He's been gone for a long time
    Nothing would happen.
    To call Frost to us,
    The orchestra must sound.

    Children play with an orchestra (an orchestra on crystal vases and glasses to New Year's music).

    Bells and a trio of horses are heard. Santa Claus enters with poems.

    Father Frost:

    Here I am!
    It's been like this since ancient times
    That no New Year
    It won't work without me.
    I, children, are a very old grandfather,
    And I, believe me, for many years.
    December and January
    I walk the earth
    I grab your nose
    If I freeze - so to tears!
    Because I'm angry
    With my snow retinue,
    The famous Santa Claus.
    But today I'm not evil
    Kind, generous and simple!
    Together with you even now
    I'm ready to dance.

    Round dance with Santa Claus "Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Christmas tree"

    Oh yes, Christmas tree-soul!
    How fragrant, good!
    So that multi-colored lights light up on the tree,
    To make the tree more beautiful, say:
    Shine Christmas tree!

    Christmas tree:

    Didn't expect, no doubt
    From the Christmas tree to hear congratulations?
    I'm standing here, they dressed me,
    Smart and should be silent?
    You are dancing at the spruce,
    I want to dance too!
    After all, for the holiday I, it's clear
    No less involved than yours.
    So give me the floor!
    No, I won't sing songs with you,
    I'm at work and standing
    But I really, friends, wanted
    Hear my song.
    I congratulate you on the New Year,
    And I light fires!

    Turn on the tree.

    Children sing the song "Our Christmas Tree" (the Christmas tree blinks to the music).

    Tricky question for you now
    Set by Santa Claus.
    Do you like to play snowballs?
    Love to lick snowballs?
    I do not advise you, brothers,
    Eat snow porridge.
    Now we're going to play
    Who is the most dexterous, we will find out!

    The game "Snow porridge"

    Well, are you cold?
    Nothing, let's warm up.

    Musical game "We will hang the balls"

    Here's how fun they played -
    We sang and danced.
    It's time for me to rest
    Will you read poetry, kids?

    Children's poems for Santa Claus

    Thanks, kids, well done!
    You are great dudes!
    You have a lot of fun
    I want to start dancing.
    Come on, Russian, let's
    Play more fun!
    The lady will sound
    Snow Maiden, come out to dance!

    Dance D.M. and Snegurochka "Lady" or "Kalinka".

    Well, my friends,
    Did you like my dance?
    Well, it's time for me to pack up
    To go on the road.
    It's a pity to leave you...

    Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, where are the gifts?

    Didn't I give them?
    How did I forget about them?
    I put oranges
    And behind them tangerines,
    Gingerbread crispy,
    Ringing lollipops.
    And delicious chocolate
    Give the guys glad!
    Everything seems to be put...
    Where are the gifts?
    Oh, I forgot!
    We cannot live without gifts.
    I'll fix it, my friends.

    Music sounds, D.M. "conjures".

    Do not mark you, blizzards,
    Make way pines, spruces!
    You bag, come here
    Bring gifts for the kids!

    The bag “enters” (a person sits in the bag, the bag moves around the hall and runs away behind the Christmas tree.

    D.M."Sack, where are you? I'll catch up with you now, little bag!"

    He leaves and takes out a bag of gifts from behind the Christmas tree and distributes them to the children.

    Snegurochka and D.M. wish everyone a Happy New Year and invite everyone to the photo.
