Is it true that the Simpsons predicted Trump's victory? The series that replaced the Americans Wang

The scriptwriter of the famous animated series "The Simpsons" Dan Greaney spoke about the prediction of the scandalous Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election. It is reported by The Hollywood Reporter.

A screenshot from a cartoon series in which Donald Trump became President of the United States is gaining popularity on the Web

In 2000, the cult American animated series had a series in which US President Donald Trump was already acting in reality.

This is the episode "Bart in the Future", which aired in 2000.

According to one of the creators of the cartoon - Matt Groening, the authors of the series wanted to come up with the most absurd president for the United States and settled on the figure of Trump.

Thus, The Simpsons guessed the event, which took place 16 years after the release of the series. In this episode, one of the main characters, Bart Simpson, sees his future life.

In particular, his sister Lisa becomes the President of the United States. She tells her staff that there is a budget deficit after President Trump.

The staff, for their part, informs the head of state that the country is in decline because of Trump.

Greaney is currently a consulting producer on The Simpsons. He admitted that he does not remember who exactly owned the idea of ​​a Trump presidency.

“It was a warning to America,” Greaney said.

According to him, then it seemed like the last logical stop on the way to the bottom and corresponded to the image of "America going crazy."

In 2000, this episode did not appeal to all Simpsons fans, as Bart's future turned out to be bleak. However, now Greaney is getting a lot of calls about this episode precisely because of the Trump storyline.

In addition, during the Trump campaign, a scene from The Simpsons was almost exactly repeated.

In both cases, the fictional and real Trump makes the same movements: he waves his hand in greeting and gives a thumbs up.

In addition, the fall of a piece of paper held by one of the candidate's supporters in the cartoon was repeated in life.

The main difference between the scenes lies in Trump's companions: in the Simpsons episode, he is accompanied by Homer Simpson, in real life, by his wife, Melania Trump.

We are talking about the Trumptastic Voyage series, in which Homer enters the world of Trump's hair, which is one of his "calling cards".

Of course, this prophecy could not be taken seriously if it were not for the Simpsons: the Ebola epidemic, the scandal with the NSA's total surveillance of the Americans, and much more.

A 1997 episode mentions the Ebola epidemic: 17 years before the start of a terrible epidemic that claimed thousands of lives. In the same season of the series, many saw an ominous omen for the September 11, 2001 disaster with the Twin Towers.

The Simpsons also talked about global NSA espionage, long before Snowden's revelations. One of the episodes was dedicated to the Panama Papers.

And this week, it became clear that The Simpsons also predicted two 2016 Nobel Prize winners.

In 2010, the family watches the broadcast of the award and places bets. And in this list there are the names of two current laureates, winners in biology and economics.

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The Simpsons is rich in scenes that then come true in real life. It's not about the magical abilities of the writers. In order for the series to be truly interesting and topical, they have to follow the news in various areas and respond to them in a timely manner. So it's just a reflection of reality. However, some scenario moves definitely deserve attention.

1990: Season 2, Episode 4 "Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish"

The Simpsons kids were fishing in the pond at the Springfield nuclear power plant, and Bart caught a three-eyed fish. At the same time, numerous violations were detected at the station.

This is not to say that the prediction was so unbelievable. The issue of mutation due to radiation has been discussed for a long time, and the appearance of an aquatic animal with three eyes was only a matter of time. But in 2011 in Argentina, in a reservoir next to a local nuclear power plant, they really caught Three eyed fish found near nuclear plant in Argentina three-eyed fish.

Photo: frame from the series "The Simpsons"

1990: Season 2 Episode 9 Itchy & Scratchy & Marge

Marge fights to have her children's favorite cartoon removed from the scene of cruelty and violence. She achieves her goal, but her associates turn the idea into an absurdity. They oppose having a statue of David put up in Springfield because he is naked. During a talk show on the subject, TV presenter Kent Brockman shows off a sculpture wearing pants.

In 2016, a resident of St. Petersburg complained Petersburg will cover the nakedness of David in response to the complaint of the townspeople on the nakedness of a copy of the statue of David, installed near the Church of St. Anna on Kirochnaya Street. According to her, the sculpture spoils the image of the city and has a bad effect on children. As a result, the campaign "Dress of David" was launched. Anyone could offer their own version of the outfit for the world masterpiece. During the action, the genitals of the statue were covered with a cap.

Photo: frame from the series "The Simpsons"

1997: Season 9 Episode 1 The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson

In the episode, Lisa is holding a magazine. The price of $9 and the image of the towers of the World Trade Center on it resemble the fateful date of September 11, written in the American format: 9.11. The prediction seems far-fetched - so, in fact, it is. But in retrospect, it looks ominous.

Photo: frame from the series "The Simpsons"

1997: Season 9, Episode 3 "Lisa's Sax" (Lisa's Sax)

Marge invites a sad Bart to read Curious George and the Ebola Virus. It is difficult to consider this a full-fledged prediction: the virus was discovered in 1976. However, at the time of the release of the series, he was so far off the agenda that his mention can be considered curious.

Major Ebola epidemics were recorded in 1995, 2000, 2003, 2007 and 2014.

Photo: frame from the series "The Simpsons"

1998: Season 10 Episode 5 When You Dish Upon a Star

In this episode, a sign in front of 20th Century Fox headquarters states that it is a division of the Walt Disney Co. Then it must have looked incredible. But in the late 2010s, Disney really is a movie studio.

Photo: frame from the series "The Simpsons"

1999: Season 11 Episode 5 "Tomac" (5 E‑I‑E‑I-(Annoyed Grunt))

Homer, suddenly a farmer, invents the tomak, a hybrid of tomato and tobacco. The disgusting-tasting vegetable is quickly addictive, which is why it is a commercial success.

This episode did not predict the appearance of the tomac, but inspired its creation. Simpsons fan Rob Baur received Simpsons Plant Seeds of Invention a vegetable with a nicotine content, however, not by crossing, but by grafting a tomato sprout to tobacco.

Photo: frame from the series "The Simpsons"

2008: Season 20 Episode 4 "Treehouse of Horror XIX"

In 2012, in Pennsylvania, the already real voting machine had to be removed because it gave away US election 2012: voting machine ‘changes vote for Barack Obama to Mitt Romney’ votes for Barack Obama to his rival Mitt Romney.

Photo: frame from the series "The Simpsons"

2010: Season 22 Episode 1 - Elementary School Musical

Lisa, Martin and Milhouse place bets on who will win the Nobel Prize. Among the nominees who can be seen on Martin's card is Bengt Holmström. True, in the cartoon he did not receive an award.

The Nobel Prize in Economics with the wording "for his contribution to the theory of contracts" was awarded to MIT professor Bengt Holmström in 2016.

Photo: frame from the series "The Simpsons"

2000: Season 11 Episode 17 Bart to the Future

Bart sees a future where Lisa has become President of the United States. At a meeting at the White House, Lisa says, "As you know, President Trump left us with a budget crisis." It is clear from the context that she took office immediately after him. True, Trump himself does not appear in this episode, and the footage of him, which is considered prophetic, was cut from a Trumptastic Voyage video released in 2015.

It is also worth noting that the idea of ​​him as a politician in 2000 did not arise from scratch. In the 2000 presidential election, he participated in the primaries for the Reform Party. But he became president only in 2017.

10. Smart watches, video calling, auto-correct and other technologies have appeared

These predictions were in different series, but they should be combined into one paragraph. The reason is simple: they cannot be ignored, but they cannot be considered something supernatural either. By the time they appeared in the animated series, these technologies already existed, albeit not in the form in which we know about them now.

In the 19th episode of the sixth season, "Lisa's Wedding", which sends the Simpsons into the future, her boyfriend is talking on the phone through the clock. Here, Lisa communicates with Marge using a screen that is attached to a regular rotary phone. An episode earlier, the bully Dolph sets a reminder for himself with the words "Beat up Martin" ("Beat Martin"), and receives "Eat up, Martha" ("Eat, Martha").

What predictions have you noticed? Share in the comments.

End of Game of Thrones

In The Surfsons, there is a scene in which Bart, Lisa, Homer and Marge, like a dragon, burn down a medieval city. It was this fate that befell King's Landing in one of the last episodes of Game of Thrones.

Presidency of Donald Trump


In an episode called Future Bart, Lisa Simpson becomes the leader of the United States and in one of the episodes says that after the presidency of Donald Trump, the country received a limited budget. The episode aired in 2000, 16 years before Trump became president of the United States.

Purchase of 20th Century Fox by Disney

Photo © gettyimages

Year 1999, season 10, episode 5. The series shows a film, at the end of which the logo of the 20th Century Fox studio and the postscript "Walt Disney Division" appears. The authors of the show were just joking, and in July 2018, Homer and Mickey Mouse really became assets of the same company - Disney.

The advent of the Apple Watch

Photo © Pixabay

"The Simpsons" is not the only show in which communicator watches appeared long before the release of the Apple Watch, but still ... Back in 1995, in a series called "Lisa's Wedding", just such a gadget flickers. The first Apple Watch will appear only in 2013.

Controversy over David's nakedness, sculpture by Michelangelo

Photo © Shutterstock

In Episode 9 of Season 2, "Itchy, Scratchy and Marge," Homer's wife advocates censoring the show to reduce violence. She finds a huge number of associates who do not want to let the statue of David into Springfield. Say, there is nothing for children to look at the genitals of the sculpture. In 2016 in Russia in all seriousness redesign of Michelangelo's creation so that museum visitors under 18 won't see something .


In 2008, as part of the 20th season, the episode "House of Horrors XIX" was released, in which Homer votes for Barack Obama, but a special machine counts the vote in favor of his opponent, Republican John McCain. 4 years later, after the next election of the head of the United States, a video went viral on the Web in which an American is actually trying to vote for Barack Obama using a computer, but the system counts the vote in favor of the Republican.

Higgs boson mass

The mass of this elementary particle was determined only in 2012 after a series of experiments with the LHC. However, Homer in his mathematical calculations turned out to be incredibly close to the truth back in 1998. In the series "The Wizard of the Evergreen Alley", the head of the family gets tired of meaningless existence and decides to devote himself to science. At one point he writes there are several formulas on the board, one of which calculates the mass of the Higgs boson.

The fall of the ruble

Photo © Shutterstock

In the event of a currency crisis in 2014, the authors of the show also had a prediction prepared. 15 years before, they released a series in which the Olympic Committee decides where to host the Olympics. As part of the meeting, the representative of Russia proposes Moscow, explaining that the dollar costs 7 rubles. Immediately after that he receiving There are several messages about the exchange rate of the American currency. At first it costs 12 rubles, then - 60 rubles, then - 1000 rubles.

Ebola virus outbreak


In 2014, YouTuber Controversy7 suggested that either the Simpsons writers really saw the future, or the Ebola epidemic was planned. Indeed, in the 3rd episode of the 9th season, entitled "Lisa's Saxophone", Marge presents Bart with the book "Curious George and the Ebola Virus". And George is a monkey. And they are not least blamed for the spread of the 2014 epidemic. The series came out in 1997.

NSA spying on Americans

Photo © Shutterstock

In 2007, The Simpsons acquired a feature-length film and debuted on the big screen with it. And in it, too, there was a place for the insight of the authors. When Marge discusses with Bart and Lisa a government conspiracy, the viewer is moved to an NSA office where thousands of agents are listening in on Americans. Edward Snowden spoke about a similar government security program only in 2013.

Bankruptcy of Greece

Photo © Shutterstock

In 2015, the European Union was completely tired of financing Greece, and it slowly began to "sink". There was a crisis. Of course, The Simpsons foresaw this as well. In the series "Political Stupidity with Homer Simpson", the head of the family becomes the host of the political talk show of the same name. In one of the issues, the running line informs that Europe put Greece on eBay. The episode came out 2 years before the crisis.

Photo © Shutterstock

In episode 1 of season 9, Homer persuades Bart to go to New York by bus and shows him a brochure on which the number 9 and the silhouette of the twin towers add up to the date 9.11 (September 11 - the day of the terrorist attack. - Note. Life). The series was released in 1997, 4 years before the tragedy. Interestingly, after the attack of the towers, the mentioned episode was censored. True, they cut out from The Simpsons not a prophetic combination of numbers, but a fragment with an insult to the visitors of the tower into which the plane crashed.

Do the creators of The Simpsons really know everything in advance?

Photo © Kinopoisk/"The Simpsons"

Hardly. Most likely, the authors of the show somewhere tritely guess something. In other cases, screenwriters are assisted by scientists and the most authoritative analysts who can really predict the events of the coming years. For example, this was the case with Greece. Don't ignore the fact that people like to wishful thinking. For example, scientists knew about Ebola long before The Simpsons. It’s just that no one attached much importance to the disease before the outbreak in 2014.
