The first lesson “We are bequeathed to protect the world! Class hour “We are bequeathed to protect this world The development of a class event is bequeathed to us to protect the world.

Sep 01

The first lesson “We are bequeathed to protect the world!”

September 1 on the day of knowledge the first lessons were held.

First lessonin 2016/2017 academic year was held

on the topic“We are bequeathed to protect the world!”

At the lesson, the guys thought about the topic of peace as an absolute value. The first lesson helped to instill in the children a sense of pride in the peaceful policy of our state.

Peace as an absolute value

Thinking about what a person's life should be like, you involuntarily think: how to make it truly happy? In the modern world, a person is often considered accomplished if he is financially secure. But even in the conditions of the pragmatic 21st century, there are still absolute values ​​without which it is impossible to imagine one's life. One of them, of course, is the world.

The world is a multifaceted concept. In the broadest sense of the word, this is everything that exists, the Universe. The world in a narrower sense is the Earth, our country, our city. Peace is the absence of disagreements, enmity, wars. Every meaning of this word convinces us that world peace is the goal towards which humanity should strive.

Getting acquainted with the tragic pages of history, we see what troubles and destruction the war brings. On the mistakes of the past, we must learn to value our lives and the lives of those around us.

Peace is confidence in the future, it is the acceptance of life with all its possibilities and bright events, it is the path to a happy and bright future. During the war, any achievements of the human mind lose their meaning. I think that humanity would be at a higher stage of development if it had renounced violence and wars.

A clear sky above our heads, peace in society, life in harmony with ourselves and the world around us - this is what should become our priority. The struggle for peace is not only the business of politicians and diplomats, it is the business of every person.

Elizaveta Prokopovich, 11th grade student

Class hour "We are bequeathed to protect this world"

Compiled by: primary school teacher

MOU "Kazan secondary school" Sernursky district RME

Smolentseva Tatyana Grigorievna


Contribute to the education of patriotism, cooperation, responsible attitude towards peace on Earth.


consolidate knowledge of state symbols;

develop speech, logical thinking, memory;

foster a sense of teamwork, mutual assistance

Equipment : computer, projector, presentation, blue paper planet model, balloons, pigeon stencils, colored paper, scissors.

Work plan:

1.Org. moment. Determining the theme and goals.

3. Conversation about the world

4. "Replace with antonyms"

6. Reading poetry

8. Bottom line. moment. Determining the theme and goals.

Dear guys, today we will talk about what worries every person, because without it it is very difficult, scary and sometimes even impossible to live. -What will we talk about?

slide 2

Guess the riddles, read the keyword:

1. I'm sure, friends, you will guessThat old fortress in the center of Moscow.On its spiers the stars burn brightly,On the tower there Spassky chimes are ringing.(KREMLIN)

2. There are many different songs in the world,But this one is the most important for us.She, as a symbol of the state,Known to one and all.(HYMN)

What is an anthem? What other symbols of the state do you know?

Listen to another riddle

3. It complements the anthem and the flag,Any country is the main sign.Russia has a specialYou try to name it. (COAT OF ARMS)

- What word came out? (World)

2. Definition of the meaning of the word WORLD

slide 3

That's right, we'll talk about the world.

What is the world?

The word world has many meanings:

1. World in a broad sense - everything that exists,Universe

2. The world in a narrower sense is a planetEarth

3.Mir - the name of any planet. Used as a synonym for the word planet.

4. Peace - calmness, absence of war, peace.

What is peace for?

3. Conversation about the world

Our country Russia is powerful and huge. If we want to travel from one corner of the country to another, then the fastest plane will have to fly all day. Our country is so big that when it is night in one part of the country and all the people are sleeping, on the other side of the country, in other cities and villages, the guys are playing. In one part of our country it is cold, and in the other it is very hot at this time. This is such an amazing country. Many poems and songs have been composed about our country, about Russia.People of different nationalities live in it in peace and harmony. We live under a peaceful sky. But it was not always cloudless and peaceful ...

Do you know what kind of wars the people of our country had to experience?

Very soon our country will celebrate a great date - 70 years since the end of the Great Patriotic War. It lasted more than four years, 1418 days and nights. This terrible war claimed the lives of more than 20 million Soviet people. This is the price at which peaceful skies have been won. ANDthis is the great merit of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who at the cost of their lives defended our land from the Nazis.Then the Soviet army defended our land. The blood of Soviet soldiers stopped flowing, people began to return to civilian life.

Slide 4 -10 (slide change - automatically)

Of course, it is difficult for you to imagine that even now in different parts of the Earth, and even very close to us, the peaceful sky is covered with soot and fumes from exploding shells and bombs, fires that destroy the homes of civilians.Very young soldiers, yesterday's schoolchildren, are sent to war. And how their parents have to worry! All this is happening in our friendly country - Ukraine. Many residents are forced to leave their homes, to leave their country, hiding from bombs and shells.

Why is this happening?

There is a lot of evil in the world around us now, a lot of ruthless, irresponsible people. And evil, enmity and misunderstanding lead to war.

Is it possible to avoid military action?

How? How to make sure that there is no violence, tears, pain, despair?

(We must be responsible for the conflicts that arise between different countries, and solve the problems that have arisen through negotiations, agreements, and be able to negotiate peacefully.)

4. Replace with antonyms

slide 11

The synonyms of war are the words: evil, enmity, hatred, cruelty, inhumanity.We must always remember this, do not quarrel, do not get angry, do not swear, but be kind, have many friends. Let's replace these "dark" words with antonyms.

Evil is kindness

Hostility - friendliness

hate is love

Cruelty - Mercy

Inhumanity - generosity

Indifference - responsiveness

These wonderful human qualities are not given to a person from birth. They develop when a person learns to be better, to do good deeds. If all people had these wonderful qualities, then there would always be a peaceful sky above our heads.

5. Work in groups "Collect proverbs about the world and the Motherland"

slide 12

Let's remember and compose proverbs about the world and the Motherland. Let's work in groups (cards with proverbs from the application are distributed)

Peace builds and war destroys.
- For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.
-Peace on the planet happy children

One man has one mother and one Motherland

To stand together for peace, there will be no war.

A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

What other proverbs about the world and the Motherland do you know?

slide 13

To live in the world - to live in the world.

The world is a great thing.

Everyone has a dear side.
There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland

A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.
From your native land - die, do not leave

Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

Who is a mountain for the Motherland - a true hero

6. Reading poetry

1. Moms, dads,
all adults!
Hear the voice of your children:
Let there be no nuclear explosions forever,
Block the way to war soon!

2. We need peace on the blue planet,
Both adults and children want it.
They want to wake up at dawn
Do not remember, do not think about the war.

3. We need peace to build cities,
Plant trees and work in the field.
All people of good will want it.
We need peace forever! Forever!

4.For friendship, for smiles and for meetings
We inherited the planet.
We are bequeathed to protect this world
And this amazing land.

5. Bequeathed to us to protect this world-
So unique at dawn
Since childhood, he is very dear to us and sweet,
We are responsible for the future of the world.

6. We will not let you become ashes and cinders
To what is called the beauty of the earth.
May the sky above the Earth be peaceful,
Let the sonorous childhood laugh forever!

7. You draw a bright sun
I will paint the blue sky
He will draw ears of bread,
We'll draw autumn leaves
School, friends, restless creek...
We'll strike out with our common brush
Shots, explosions, fire and wars .

7.Teamwork. Peace poster.

Slide 14

And now I propose to contribute to the cause of peace, to carry out collective work - a poster about peace.

Do you know what is the symbol of peace?

To make the planet Earth more beautiful, let's decorate it with doves and our hands cut out of colored paper with the wishes of peace.

(The poster is made on a pre-prepared round blue template of the planet Earth, doves are cut according to the template on white paper, palms on colored paper.)

The audio recording of the song "Solar Circle" sounds

8. Bottom line.

How good it is to live under a peaceful sky, to play, to rejoice, to have friends. Let's save this world together!

Literature: 1.riddles: 2.poems: ,

Class hour "We are bequeathed to protect the world"


    Expand children's knowledge about the world as an absolute value;

    Contribute to the education of patriotism, cooperation, responsible attitude towards peace on Earth;

    Contribute to the development of a sense of pride in their country;

Equipment: computerep,blue paper planet model, dove stencils.

Work plan:

1.Org. moment. Determining the theme and goals.

2. Definition of the meaning of the word WORLD

3. Conversation about the world

4. "Replace with antonyms"

6. Reading poetry

8. Bottom line. moment. Determining the theme and goals.

So the summer has turned its last page, and with it the fun holidays with games, travels and interesting meetings have ended. But this should not upset you, because the Land of Knowledge is again opening its doors to you - a Country in which you will not be bored, in which you will become more mature and smarter. I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge!

Dear guys, today we will talk about what worries every person, because without it it is very difficult, scary and sometimes even impossible to live.

What will be discussed?

2. Conversation on the topic

Let's ohtgadaeatpuzzlesand andreadeatkeywordin a crossword puzzle:

1. There are many different songs in the world,
But this one is the most important for us.
She, as a symbol of the state,
Known to one and all. (HYMN)

What is an anthem?(This is one of the symbols of the state, its main song). Every citizen should know the anthem of his country. An anthem is a song to be listened to standing up. Men must take off their hats.

2. You will need this sign:
Happiness to the one with whom he settles.
He nests
winds at home or a pole,
In his beak he carries the children of the family.

This bird is unofficially a symbol of our native Belarus.

Listen to another riddle

3. It complements the anthem and the flag,
Any country is the main sign.
AtBelarushe is special
You try to name it. (COAT OF ARMS)

(Our coat of arms is like a peaceful sunny day. The rising sun and its rays seem to support the earth. Our land is surrounded by a wreath of ears of corn. So that the spikelets do not crumble, they are pulled together with a ribbon that resembles our flag.

The flag is also one of the symbols of the state.



Green - the beauty and richness of nature













What word came out? (World)

3 .Determining the meaning of the word WORLD

That's right, we'll talk about the world.

What is the world?

The word world has many meanings:

1. World in a broad sense - everything that exists,Universe

2. The world in a narrower sense is a planetEarth

3 .Peace - tranquility, friendly relations,no war, peace.

What is peace for?

3. Conversation about the world

Guys, we live with you in a country where peace reigns.Our countriesbut big and beautiful.

What is the name of the country we live in? (Belarus)

If you drive all over Belarus, you can see a lot of beautiful, interesting and amazing things.

On the territory of Belarus there are the largest untouched forests. For example, the famous, this is the largest ancient forest in Europe, it has about 2,000 trees, and some are up to 500 years old.(visibility)

Our country is rich in blue lakeswith clear clean water, there are about ten thousand of them, the purest springs. One of them is the Blue Well, it is located in the Mogilev region and is considered the largest springm in Belarus. (visibility)

Against the background of this natural splendorBeautifulold castles and manors look. Hfor example, the Mir Castle near the city of Nesvizh.(visibility)

located one of the largest Europe with an area of ​​about 153 hectares.(visibility)

Also the property of Belarus is the National Library. which is made in the shape of a diamond (visibility)

In Belarus in the city of Zhodino onautomobile plant built the world's largest dump truck BelAZ-75710 with a carrying capacity of 450 tons. (visibility
Belarus has good conditions for sanatorium treatment, there are a lot of mineralized springs.

But the main wealth of the country is its hospitable and wonderful people..

And also, guys, the main wealth of our country is that wewe live with you under a peaceful sky.

And now, guys, I suggest you watch a video clip about our beautiful country, about our Belarus.(video clip)

As I said, the main wealth is that we live under a peaceful sky.

But it was not always cloudless and peaceful ...

Last year 2015our country is celebratinglagreat date - 70 years since the end of the Great Patriotic War. It went on for over four years.Men, women and even children fought!This terrible war claimed the lives of more than 20 millionHuman.

I bring to your attention another video. Look it over carefully.(video clip).

- Do you think it was easy to fight and live in wartime? (Of course not.)

HereTat what price a peaceful sky was won. ANDthis is the great merit of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who at the cost of their lives defended our land from the Nazis.Victory in the Great Patriotic War is a feat of many peoples who united against fascism. ( Lit wa, Latvia I, Belarus, Moldova I, Estonia I)MWe must remember this and at all times try to maintain peace in our land.


There is a lot of evil in the world around us now, a lot of ruthless, irresponsible people. And evil, enmity and misunderstanding lead to war.

Is it possible to avoid military action?

How? How to make sure that there is no violence, tears, pain, despair?

(We must be responsible for the conflicts that arise between different countries, and solve the problems that have arisen through negotiations, agreements, and be able to negotiate peacefully.)

4. Replace with antonyms

Guys What associations do you have when you hear the word "war"?

The synonyms of war are the words: evil, enmity, hatred, cruelty, inhumanity.We must always remember this, do not quarrel, do not get angry, do not swear, but be kind, have many friends. Let's replace these "dark" wordsother "bright, good" words (on the board - connect with an arrow)

Evil is kindness

Hostility - friendliness

hate is love

Cruelty - Mercy

Inhumanity - generosity

Indifference - responsiveness

These wonderful human qualities are not given to a person from birth. They develop when a person learns to be better, to do good deeds. If all people had these wonderful qualities, then there would always bewouldpeaceful sky.

5. Work in groups "Collect proverbs about the world and the Motherland"

Now guys, let'sLet's remember proverbs about the world and the Motherland.And for thiswork in groupsand each group will try to put together a proverb(cards with proverbs are distributed)

Peace builds and war destroys.
- For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.
-Peace on the planet happy children

One man has one mother and one Motherland

To stand together for peace, there will be no war.

A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

- Flowers need sun, people need peace.

- The peoples need peace, not a military uniform.

Peace is happiness for the people

6. Reading poetry

1. Moms, dads,
all adults!
Hear the voice of your children:
Let there be no nuclear explosions forever,
Block the way to war soon!

2. We need peace on the blue planet,
Both adults and children want it.
They want to wake up at dawn
Do not remember, do not think about the war.

3. We need peace to build cities,
Plant trees and work in the field.
All people of good will want it.
We need peace forever! Forever!

4 . You draw a bright sun
I will paint the blue sky
He will draw ears of bread,
We'll draw autumn leaves
School, friends, restless creek...
We'll strike out with our common brush
Shots, explosions, fire and wars .

7.Teamwork. Peace poster.

And now I propose to do a collective work - a poster about the world.

- Guys, look what kind of bird I have in my hands? (Pigeon)

Right! The dove is a bird that is a symbol of peace.

To make the planet Earth more beautiful, let's decorate it with bluekami.

(The poster is made on a pre-prepared round blue template of the planet Earth, doves are cut according to the template on white paper .)

The audio recording of the song " We are bequeathed to protect this world »

8. Bottom line.

How good it is to live under a peaceful sky, to play, to rejoice, to have friends. Let's save this world together!

Class hour “We are bequeathed to protect this world” Purpose: To promote the education of patriotism, cooperation, a responsible attitude towards peace on Earth. Tasks: to consolidate knowledge about state symbols; develop speech, logical thinking, memory; to cultivate a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance Equipment: a planet model made of blue paper, dove stencils, colored paper, scissors. Course of the event 1. Definition of the topic and goals Dear guys, today we will talk about what worries every person, because without it it is very difficult, scary and sometimes even impossible to live. What will be discussed? Guess the riddles, read the key word: 1. You were born here, you live, You leave - you miss it, What is the name of this place, you know? (HOMELAND) 2. There are many different songs in the world, But this one is the most important for us, She, as a symbol of the state, Is known to one and all. (HYMN) What is an anthem? What other symbols of the state do you know? 3. What is the name of our republic? (BELARUS) What word did you get? (Peace) 2. Determining the meaning of the word WORLD That's right, we will talk about the world. What is the world? The word world has many meanings: 1. World in a broad sense - everything that exists, the Universe 2. World in a narrower sense - planet Earth 3. World is the name of any planet. Used as a synonym for the word planet. 4. Peace - calmness, absence of war, peace. What is peace for? 3. Conversation about the world What is called the Motherland? - My home, my family, My favorite class, My friends, And the best city in the world is Gorki, Where I was born and where I live, Where I love to meet spring, In a beautiful park, to relax In sunny alleys to walk. "Belaya Rus" is a gentle and poetic name that suits our country perfectly. White means light, pure, innocent. The elusive beauty of Belarus will be revealed to those who are able to stop and feel the world around them: look into the deep eyes of Belarus - blue lakes, dip your hands into the cool water of a cheerful stream, hide from the warm rain under the green paw of spruce ... An amazing thing may seem: here, in in the heart of Europe, time has slowed down. Let the twenty-first century seethe around, let civilization advance by leaps and bounds, and in Belarus nature remains natural, people humane, values ​​eternal. During its centuries-old history, Belarus has been conquered many times, but it has never been a conqueror itself. Belarusians had to change their faith, accept a foreign culture and language. But with all this, Belarus has never lost its originality. She bowed like grass under the hurricane of conquest, only to straighten up again and turn green afterwards. I love my country for its originality, wonderful nature, culture, soft colors. For the fact that I can live, live freely, without oppression and fear for my life, the life of my relatives, friends and acquaintances. I love you, White Rus'! We live under a peaceful sky. But it was not always cloudless and peaceful... Do you know what kind of wars the people of our country had to experience? Most recently, our country celebrated the great date of 70 years since the end of the Great Patriotic War. It lasted more than four years, 1418 days and nights. This terrible war claimed the lives of more than 20 million Soviet people. This is the price at which peaceful skies have been won. And this is the great merit of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who at the cost of their lives defended our land from the Nazis. Then the Soviet army defended our land. The blood of Soviet soldiers stopped flowing, people began to return to civilian life. Of course, it is difficult for you to imagine that even now in different parts of the Earth, and even very close to us, the peaceful sky is covered with soot and fumes from exploding shells and bombs, fires that destroy the homes of civilians. Very young soldiers, yesterday's schoolchildren, are sent to war. And how their parents have to worry! All this is happening in our friendly country Ukraine. Many residents are forced to leave their homes, to leave their country, hiding from bombs and shells. Why is this happening? There is a lot of evil in the world around us now, a lot of ruthless, irresponsible people. And evil, enmity and misunderstanding lead to war. Is it possible to avoid military action? How? How to make sure that there is no violence, tears, pain, despair? (We must be responsible for the conflicts that arise between different countries, and solve the problems that have arisen through negotiations, agreements, be able to negotiate peacefully.) 4. Let's replace the antonyms Synonyms for war are the words: evil, enmity, hatred, cruelty, inhumanity. We must always remember this, do not quarrel, do not get angry, do not swear, but be kind, have many friends. Let's replace these "dark" words with antonyms. Evil kindness Enmity friendliness Hatred love Cruelty mercy Inhumanity generosity Indifference - responsiveness These wonderful human qualities are not given to a person from birth. They develop when a person learns to be better, to do good deeds. If all people had these wonderful qualities, then there would always be a peaceful sky above our heads. 5. Work in groups "Collect proverbs about the world and the Motherland" Let's remember and compose proverbs about the world and the Motherland. Let's work in groups (cards with proverbs from the application are distributed) The world builds, and the war destroys. For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life. Peace on the planet, children are happy One man has one mother and Motherland Together for the world to stand there will be no war. A bad peace is better than a good quarrel. What other proverbs about the world and the Motherland do you know? To live in the world - to live in the world. The world is a great thing. Everyone has a dear side. There is no land more beautiful than our homeland A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song. From your native land - die, do not leave Motherland - mother, know how to stand up for her. Who is the mountain behind the Motherland - a true hero 6. Reading poetry 1. Moms, dads, all adults! Listen to the voice of your children: Let there be no nuclear explosions forever, Block the path to war as soon as possible! 2. We need peace on the blue planet, both adults and children want it. They want to wake up at dawn, Do not remember, do not think about the war. 3. We need peace to build cities, plant trees and work in the fields. All people of good will want it. We need peace forever! Forever! 4. For friendship, for smiles and for meetings We inherited the planet. We are bequeathed to protect this world And this amazing land. 5. We are bequeathed to protect this world. So unique at dawn, He is very dear to us and sweet since childhood, We are responsible for the future of the world. 6. We will not let become ashes and cinders That which is called the beauty of the earth. May the sky above the Earth be peaceful, May the sonorous childhood laugh forever! 7. You will draw a bright sun, I will draw a blue sky He will draw ears of bread, We will draw autumn leaves, School, friends, a restless stream ... We will cross out with our common brush Shots, explosions, fire and wars. 7.Teamwork. Poster about peace And now I propose to contribute to the cause of peace, to carry out collective work poster about peace. Do you know what is the symbol of peace? To make the planet Earth more beautiful, let's decorate it with doves and our hands cut out of colored paper with the wishes of peace. (The poster is made on a pre-prepared round blue template of the planet Earth, doves are cut out according to the template on white paper, palms on colored paper.) The audio recording of the song “Solar Circle” sounds 8. Outcome How good it is to live under a peaceful sky, play, rejoice, have friends. Let's save this world together! 1. For friendship, for smiles and for meetings We inherited the planet. We are bequeathed to protect this world And this amazing land. 2. We need peace on the blue planet, both adults and children want it. They want to wake up at dawn, Do not remember, do not think about the war. 3. We are bequeathed to protect this world. So unique at dawn, He is very dear to us and sweet since childhood, We are responsible for the future of the world. 4. We will not let become ashes and cinders That which is called the beauty of the earth. May the sky above the Earth be peaceful, May the sonorous childhood laugh forever!

Name: Ivanova Svetlana Anatolyevna

Full name of the school where he works

Job title in full: Primary school teacher

peace lesson

Motto: Peace to the children of the world.

Purpose: 1. To acquaint with the meaning of the words WORLD, SYMBOL, with the meaning of colors in the state symbols (Flag), to acquaint with the symbol of peace;

show the causes of wars, ways to resolve conflicts.

2. To cultivate patriotism, a responsible attitude towards maintaining peace on Earth.

3. Develop speech, logical thinking, attention, memory.

/ Against the background of music /


Not warmed by the hot sun.

The forests are still covered with foliage,

All children have bouquets in their hands,

A sad day, but a happy one

Are you sad:

Bye, summer!

And rejoice:

Hello school!

Today is a holiday - Knowledge Day dedicated to the beginning of a new academic year. And we are setting off on another voyage across the ocean of Knowledge. We will encounter many difficulties along the way, but we are experienced discoverers, which means we can handle everything. And let's start it right now.

Our class hour is devoted to another holiday, which is celebrated on September 1st. Your task is to guess the keyword.

/ Rebus /

, 3

1 3 2


What is the world?

Here is an explanation of the meaning of this word given by the explanatory dictionary:

1. WORLD - Universe,


the globe, as well as the population, the people of the globe.

2. WORLD - friendly relations, agreement between someone, the absence of war;

silence, peace;

agreement to end the war.

Our class hour is held under the motto: "Peace to the children of the world." Explain the meaning of this expression.

And what proverbs our people composed, you will learn by working in groups and completing the task: collect a proverb.

Proverbs: Peace builds, war destroys.

Peace on the planet - happy children.

To stand together for peace - there will be no war.

A bad peace is better than any quarrel.

Read and explain the meaning of the proverb.

name opposite meaning word for word WORLD./War/.

Our hearts are not always calm. Radio, television, newspapers bring disturbing news. Bombs fall on the ground in one or the other end of the globe, schools and hospitals burn, hundreds of people die. Why is this happening? What prevents people from living peacefully?

65 years have passed since the Great Patriotic War. But already during this time, more than 100 wars raged in different parts of our planet.

What kind of people start these wars? (Cruel, ruthless, irresponsible).

Is it possible to avoid military action? How? (We must take a responsible attitude to the conflicts that arise between different countries, and solve the problems that have arisen through negotiations, agreements, and be able to negotiate peacefully.)

Often wars arise due to misunderstanding of different parties or when one country interferes in resolving disputed issues of another country, which is completely unacceptable.

Look at paintings about war and peace.

What colors did the artist use to convey the horror and suffering that people experience during the war? (Gloomy, dark).

And for the image of a peaceful life? (Light, bright, juicy)

Why? (These colors express good feelings, good mood. Indeed, without peace in a large-scale sense, there is no peace in the soul.)

Paints are not always used to convey feelings and moods. Sometimes a color symbolizes something, that is, it is a symbol of something.

What is a SYMBOL? /Symbol/.

Last year we talked aboutsymbols of our state . Name them. (Flag, Emblem, Anthem).

What does our flag look like?

These colors did not appear by chance.

WHITE color means peace, purity of conscience,

BLUE color - the sky, fidelity and truth,

RED color - courage, a symbol of life.

What is the symbol of peace?


This is a small bird

Lives in cities.

Pour crumbs for her -

Cooing and pecking. (Pigeon)

And not just a dove, but a white dove. Why?

I suggest you make such doves out of paper.

/Work in groups: children stencil carve pigeons /

Let's launch our symbolic doves into our peaceful skies.

(Children attach pigeons to a magnetic board)

World peace is my dream

Let people live as one family.

Let there be no more wars and guns,

May the doors be opened in houses everywhere.

Love and trust is for me

And endless peace - to the whole Earth!

Peace is hard to build, but even harder to keep. The world is very fragile.

Writer Nikolai Tikhonov said: “Everyone, whoever he is, whatever he does, has one more duty that requires selfless and faithful service: to protect the world”

How do you understand these words?

You are young inhabitants of our planet. And a lot on the globe will depend on you in the future.

Children read poetry.

1. Moms, dads,

Let there be no nuclear explosions forever,

Block the way to war soon!

2. We need peace on the blue planet,

Both adults and children want it.

They want to wake up at dawn

Do not remember, do not think about the war.

3. We need peace to build cities,

Plant trees and work in the field.

All people of good will want it.

We need peace forever! Forever!

4.For friendship, for smiles and for meetings

We inherited the planet.

We are bequeathed to protect this world

And this amazing land.

5. Bequeathed to us to protect this world-

So unique at dawn

Since childhood, he is very dear to us and sweet,

We are responsible for the future of the world.

6. We will not let you become ashes and cinders

To what is called the beauty of the earth.

May the sky above the Earth be peaceful,

Let the sonorous childhood laugh forever!

/Performance of the song "Let there always be sunshine"/
