An unknown Isaac was shown in the Benois Wing of the Russian Museum. An unknown Isaac was shown in the Benois Wing of the Russian Museum Russian Museum Benois Wing an exhibition of Novgorod art

On April 27, the Russian Museum opened the exhibition “ The art of Veliky Novgorod in the era of St. Macarius". The era of art in Veliky Novgorod in the first half XVI century has never been the subject of a special exhibition project and has not been demonstrated as an integral artistic phenomenon. The key personality of Russian history and culture of that time was Metropolitan Macarius(1482-1563), with the years of the archbishopric and whose multifaceted activities in Novgorod (1526-1542) the brilliant flowering of all types of art is associated.

The Russian Museum has a significant collection of works of ancient Novgorod XVI century- icons, sewing, woodcarving, liturgical utensils, casting. The exhibition for the first time demonstrated a significant layer of the artistic heritage of the largest ancient Russian center, which largely determined the nature of the art of the entire Russian state.

The central piece of the exhibition is a one-of-a-kind wooden carved round pulpit, created on the initiative of St. Macarius in 1533 for the Sophia Cathedral. The pulpit struck its contemporaries with its beauty, and the chronicler included a story about him in the chronicle. This unique ancient monument appeared before the visitors of the exhibition after many years of comprehensive restoration.

The wooden pulpit of 1533 from the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Veliky Novgorod (height - 300 cm, circumference 600 cm) was one of the first ancient Russian monuments that came to the Russian Museum from Imperial Academy of Arts V 1897 year. In 2014, a historic decision was made to begin its full restoration. All employees of the workshop for the restoration of carved icons and wooden sculpture of the Russian Museum took part in the project. Up to 17th century the pulpit was actively used in worship of the main cathedral of Novgorod. IN XVIII century he was removed to the choir stalls, from where he was taken to 1860ode among other antiquities of St. Sophia Cathedral to the Academy of Arts. IN 1897ode monument from the Academy of Arts was transferred to the Russian Museum and until 1920sodes was on display. At the beginning Great Patriotic War exhibit has been demolished. And only after the end of the war it was reassembled and stored in the museum funds.

Now it's the only one in the world a surviving free-standing wooden pulpit of the Byzantine Orthodox tradition, intended for the accomplishment of especially significant rites in worship. At one time, the pulpit was richly decorated with icons, sculptures and gilded carvings. The construction has been preserved almost entirely (with the exception of the ladders and the flooring of the pulpit). Inserted pictorial icons with images of saints, located in 3 rows, have not reached us, however, painted carved figures of the lower tier have been preserved. Overhead details (carved rollers, icon cases, capitals, cherubs) also turned out to be partially lost. At the exhibition, the main stages of the restoration processes are reflected in documentary and scientific materials, photo and video programs. The exhibition also includes works from Russian Museum,Tretyakov Gallery,Pskov Museum-Reserve,Russian National Library and many others. So, five front handwritten books of the first half 16th century from the collection of the Department of Manuscripts of the Russian National Library will decorate the new exhibition of the Russian Museum. The books were created in Novgorod and belonged to the libraries of famous Novgorod monasteries.

At the opening ceremony, Evgenia Petrova, Deputy Director for Research, emphasized that at the exhibition, monuments of Novgorod culture of the 16th century were not just displayed - many were attributed and restored, and the organizers of the exhibition set themselves the task of not only showing the exhibits to the public, but also leaving these objects to the next generations in a good condition.

“When we talk about Ancient Russia, first of all we mean Veliky Novgorod,” said Irina Shalina, a leading researcher at the Department of Ancient Russian Art of the Russian Museum. Novgorod art of the 16th century, discovered that they are not at all similar to Moscow. One can even say that we have reopened a brilliant page in the history of Novgorod art - the art of the 16th century. It is so significant that it deserves its own section. A key personality for understanding the Novgorod culture of that period - St. Macarius, who ruled the Novgorod diocese from 1526 to 1542. It would seem that a Moscow man, under him, Novgorod will lose its originality. But it turned out quite the opposite: under him, Novgorod culture experienced a take-off, a new style was established, which can rightfully be called " the style of Bishop Macarius." The future saint was a highly educated person, and one of his first deeds was the renewal of the scriptorium. At the exhibition you can get acquainted with the best examples of book art of that time - the exhibits were provided by the Russian National Library. The art of book miniatures of those years is a special artistic phenomenon. It strongly influenced other arts: icon painting, sewing, sculpture."
The Russian Museum has a significant collection of works of ancient Novgorod of the 16th century - icons, sewing, wood carvings, liturgical utensils, castings. Items from other collections are also exhibited: the Russian National Library has already been mentioned above, in addition, the Library of the Academy of Sciences, a number of repositories of Moscow - the RSL, RGADA, the Tretyakov Gallery, the State Historical Museum, the Andrei Rublev Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Arts, participated in the formation of the exposition, Museum of Russian Icons and others. The Novgorod and Pskov museum-reserves, as well as private collectors, made their contribution.

It must be said that as a result of the activities of Vladyka Macarius, Moscow not only did not "swallow" Novgorod, it happened quite the opposite: after Vladyka was elected to the Moscow cathedra in 1542, he blessed many Novgorod craftsmen to work in Moscow, and they exerted their influence on Moscow culture. In 1547 the Metropolitan crowned the first Russian Tsar John IV the Terrible. It was under Vladyka Macarius that the era of book printing began in Rus'.

During his stay in Veliky Novgorod, Vladyka Macarius improved the St. Sophia Cathedral, built, rebuilt and decorated many churches. One can judge how Novgorod looked like in the time of Bishop Macarius by the images on the icons: for clarity, the details of the icons with views of ancient Novgorod are presented in an enlarged form on specially made banners. In the same way, many book miniatures are enlarged; in addition, scanned ancient books can be "flipped through" on the touchscreen tables. It is clear that you cannot touch the original books with your hands.

The Ensemble of Old Russian singing "Key of Understanding" performed at the opening ceremony.

The exhibition presents icons of that time, including rare scenes - for example, the life of Andrei, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, the most famous episode from whose life is the vision of the Mother of God, in memory of which we celebrate the Intercession - a lot of carved items, from small images to worship crosses, forged products, including salaries.

The central exhibit of the exhibition is a wooden carved round pulpit, created on the initiative of St. Macarius in 1533 for the Cathedral of St. Sophia. The pulpit struck its contemporaries with its beauty, it is even mentioned in chronicles.

Until the 17th century, the pulpit was used in the worship of the main cathedral of Novgorod. To the question of the correspondent of the news agency "Water of Life", where the ambo stood, how the clergymen climbed it and why they stopped using it, the project manager, head of the sector for the restoration of carved icons and wooden sculpture, Viktor Chmelenko, answered that such ambos were placed in the center of the temple, climbed them with the help of ladders, which were not preserved (the flooring on which, in fact, the clergyman stood, was also not preserved), but ceased to be used in connection with Nikon's reform. He also said that the ambo was decorated on all sides with icons, the fate of which is unknown - most likely, they continued to be used during worship.

In the 18th century, the pulpit was removed to the choir stalls, from where it was taken out in 1860, among other antiquities of the St. Sophia Cathedral, to the Academy of Arts. In 1897, the monument was transferred from the Academy of Arts to the Russian Museum and was on display until the 1920s. At the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the exhibit was dismantled and packed in boxes - they were going to evacuate it, but due to the beginning of the blockade of Leningrad, they did not have time to do this, and the boxes were in the basement of the museum throughout the war. After the end of the war, the pulpit was reassembled and kept in the funds.

In 2014, a complete restoration of the monument began, with the main stages of which can be found with the help of a video film that is shown at the exhibition, as well as photographs in the catalog.

During the restoration process, a unique artifact was found - a note on a piece of paper (as the examination established - expensive French paper) "Afonkin's lot. The Assumption of the Virgin has a pop. The Transfiguration of the Lord on Ilyina has two priests. The Sign of the Virgin has two priests." The meaning of the note is still unclear, but you can look at it: it is located in a separate display case.

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In the Russian Museum, in the Benois Wing, an exhibition "The Art of Veliky Novgorod in the era of St. Macarius" has opened. The central work of the exhibition was a wooden carved round pulpit, created on the initiative of St. Macarius in 1533 for the Cathedral of St. Sophia. Novgorod art in the museum is represented by sewing, icons, woodcarving, liturgical utensils. For the first time, works of art from one of the largest ancient Russian centers are exhibited at one exposition in St. Petersburg. The last time Petersburgers admired the pulpit in the 20s, now the exhibit is the result of a 4-year restoration.

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The word "unique" is almost worthless today. After all, it is often used just like that, for showiness.

Meanwhile, a truly important event took place in our city - in the Benois Wing of the Russian Museum, the exhibition "The Art of Veliky Novgorod in the era of St. Macarius" opened, the central exhibit of which is the ancient pulpit of St. Sophia Cathedral, unique in the truest sense of the word. He is the only one of his kind. And it was preserved not by a miracle, but thanks to the professional work of the restorers of the Russian Museum. The pulpit amazed the people of Novgorod with its beauty, and today Vyacheslav Rezakov did not remain indifferent.

The low, large-headed figures are full of humility, in their eyes there is a silent prayer, but in the blessing gestures of the hands there is the certainty of final correctness. Novgorod art of the 16th century is demonstrated for the first time as an integral artistic phenomenon. Icons, sewing, woodcarving, utensils, books and casting. The flourishing of all visual means of that time is associated with the key personality of the era - Bishop Macarius. His activities unfolded in the years immediately following the annexation of Novgorod to the Muscovite state.

Irina Shalina,Leading Researcher at the Department of Ancient Russian Art of the State Russian Museum:

“This is a kind of product of Makariy with absolutely Moscow shutters. It was under him that the exceptional rise of national Novgorod art took place, I am not afraid to say this, which is completely different from Moscow art. He gives some completely new artistic inspiration to this art, and a new artistic language is being created, which the cunning and clever Macarius will use very actively when he moves to Moscow.”

The emotional center of the exposition is the only free-standing wooden pulpit of the Byzantine Orthodox tradition that has survived in the world. It was created in 1533 to perform especially important services in St. Sophia Cathedral. Richly decorated with icons, sculptures and gilded carvings, the pulpit delighted his contemporaries with its beauty "It's great to see". To present it in its original form, it took many years of restoration. The intricate carvings were cleaned under a microscope, the lost parts were scrupulously copied from special varieties of linden.

Zhanna Maksimenko,art restorer:

“To understand how it looks, you just need to imagine now that all the vertical overlay elements are carved, all that seem to aspire upwards were gilded. All horizontal ones were silver plated. We specially removed the lock from this place so that the audience could see the very pristine gold that was preserved right there, under this wooden element.”

The original Novgorodian style with its expressive interpretation of images acquires lightness and dynamism in the 16th century. In strong-willed, serious faces with large features, a national warehouse of character is read. And the broad and bold style itself, which the Novgorodians loved so much, becomes part of the eternal national plot. Here it is - "Miracle from the icon during the Battle of Novgorodians with Suzdalians." Suzdal has not been an enemy for a long time, something else is more important - the icon here is a military banner, a banner. Living force, common duty, guarantee of eternal rebirth.

The era of Veliky Novgorod art from the first half to the middle of the 16th century has never been the subject of a special exhibition project and has not been demonstrated as an integral artistic phenomenon. The key personality of Russian history and culture of that time was Bishop Macarius (1482-1563), with the years of archbishopric and whose many-sided activity in Novgorod (1526-1542) the brilliant flourishing of all kinds of art is connected.

The Russian Museum has a significant collection of works of ancient Novgorod of the 16th century - icons, sewing, wood carvings, liturgical utensils, castings. For the first time, the exhibition will demonstrate a significant layer of the artistic heritage of the largest ancient Russian center, which largely determined the nature of the art of the entire Russian state.

The central work of the exhibition is a unique wooden carved round pulpit, created on the initiative of St. Macarius in 1533 for the Cathedral of St. Sophia. The pulpit struck its contemporaries with its beauty, and the chronicler included a story about him in the chronicle. This unique ancient monument will appear before the visitors of the exhibition after many years of complex exhibition. The main stages of the restoration processes will be reflected in documentary and scientific materials, photo and video programs.

The exhibition will include works from the Russian Museum and other museum collections.

The opening of the exhibition will take place at 16:00.
