"Nils's wonderful journey with the wild geese." The Wonderful Journey of Nils with the Wild Geese (rev. I

One Sunday, father and mother gathered for a fair in a nearby
- Look, not a single step from the house! - he said. - Open the textbook and take it
for the mind Do you hear?...
Nils sighed heavily and sat down at the table...
But as soon as he looked at the book, he immediately began to feel sleepy. His eyes closed on their own, and it ended with Nils falling sound asleep... He was awakened by some rustling...
Nils couldn't believe his eyes. There was a little man sitting on the edge of the chest.

With soft, silent steps the fox Smirra approached the lake...
He approached the flock so quietly, so carefully that not a single goose
heard the enemy approaching. But old Akka heard. Her sharp cry echoed over the lake, woke up the geese, and lifted the entire flock into the air.
And yet Smirre managed to grab one goose...
The fox rushed towards the forest - Nils followed him.
- Now let go of the goose! Do you hear? - Nils shouted.
- Oh, is this your goose? All the better. You can watch me eat it. I do it smartly!
...Nils rushed forward. He grabbed the fox's tail with both hands and pulled as hard as he could.
Out of surprise, Smirre released the goose.

Nils did not search for poor Tirle for long...
In the very thick of the bushes he saw a gray ball of fur with a sparse, like
panicle, tail. It was Tirle...
“Climb onto my shoulders,” Nils commanded.
- I'm afraid! I'll fall! - Tirle squeaked.
- Yes, you’ve already fallen, there’s nowhere else to fall! Climb quickly! Tirle carefully
He tore one paw off the branch and grabbed Nils’ shoulder. Then he grabbed onto it with his second paw and finally... completely moved onto
back to Nils.

One after another, the rats abandoned their prey and ran towards the sound of the pipe. The most
The stubborn ones never wanted to leave - greedily and quickly they gnawed at the large, strong grains. But the pipe called them, she ordered them to leave the castle, and the rats did not dare disobey her...
As soon as the pipe fell silent, the rats moved their mustaches, grinned their mouths,
clicked their teeth. Now they will rush at the little man and tear him to shreds.
But the pipe played again, and the rats again did not dare to move.
When the little man had collected all the rats, he slowly moved towards
gate. And the rats obediently followed him.

The steep slopes of the Coolaberg mountain range rise straight out of the sea...
In the depths of this inaccessible mountain range, invisible and inaccessible to anyone
to one person, there is a platform - so flat, as if someone had cut off the top of a mountain with a giant knife. Once a year, in early spring, all four-legged and feathered creatures come here for the great games of birds and animals...
- Now it’s the cranes’ turn! Now it's the cranes' turn! - swept over
And then cranes appeared on the site - large gray birds on long
slender legs, with a flexible neck, with a red crest on a small, chiseled head. With their wings spread wide, the cranes either took off, or, barely touching the ground, quickly circled on one leg. It seemed that it was not birds that were flickering across the site, but gray shadows. Who taught cranes to glide so easily and silently? Maybe the fog spreading over the swamps? Maybe a free wind sweeping over the earth? Or clouds floating in the sky?

In the dead of night, Nils quietly crawled out from under Martin’s wing. He looked around
around and, making sure that no one saw him, quickly walked towards the castle. Nils had important business to attend to. At all costs he must see the owl Flimnea. We need to find out from the owl where the forest gnome lives... Let the gnome demand from him whatever he wants. Nils will do anything to become human again!
Nils wandered around the castle for a long time... He was completely chilled and was about to return, when suddenly he heard someone’s voices...
“Now he’s like silk... But before he was useless,”
one owl spoke in a hoarse, dull voice...
- Will he never turn into a human? - asked the second
“It’s hard for him to become a man now.” Do you know what is needed for this?
- What? What?
- This is such a terrible secret that I can only tell it to you in your ear...

The marten slid from the tree and, running up to the cliff, looked down.
- That’s right, geese! - she said and quickly began to go down the
Smirre watched her every move. “Even though I won’t get anything,” he thought, “I will take revenge on these vagabonds for all my grievances.”
And the marten descended lower and lower. She hung first on one paw, then
on the other, and if there was absolutely nothing to cling to, it slid like a snake along the crevices.

“Look straight ahead,” the raven croaked. - This jug is full of silver.
You have to open it. If you don’t open, we’ll peck out your eyes; if you open, we’ll let you go with honor...
Near the jug lay a strong, sharp, completely gnawed bone.
Nils picked it up. Then he dug a stone out of the ground and got to work. He placed the bone like a chisel between the lid and the neck and began to hit it with a stone. He beat until the bone was almost halfway in. Then Nils grabbed the end that was sticking out with both hands and hung on it instead of a load.

Suddenly Nils opened his mouth in surprise:
- But it’s made of wood!
And it’s true, this man was made of wood from head to toe. And he has a beard
It was wooden, and the nose was wooden, and the eyes were wooden. The wooden man had a wooden hat on his head, a wooden jacket on his shoulders, tied with a wooden belt, wooden stockings and wooden shoes on his feet...
Without thinking twice, Nils jumped up onto his palm, wide as a shovel. The wooden one quickly picked him up and put him under his hat.
And just in time! Bronze was already walking around the corner!

The sea has disappeared. A blank stone wall rose right in front of Nils...
Not far away, between two round towers, Nils saw a gate. Their heavy forged doors were tightly closed. But as soon as Nils came closer, the rusty hinges began to grind, creaked, and the gate slowly opened, as if inviting Nils to enter. And Nils came in...
In front of one shop, Nils stopped and stood rooted to the spot for a long time.
It was a gun shop...
Nils plucked up his courage and slipped into the shop.

The she-bear carefully laid Nils on the ground and, turning her head,
called someone in a gentle voice:
- Murre! Brumme! Come here! I found something here for you...
The she-bear pushed the unfortunate Nils towards her cubs.
Murre was the first to jump up. Without hesitation, he grabbed Nils by the jaw with his teeth.
collar and dragged him into a corner. But Brumme didn’t yawn either. He rushed at his brother to take Nils away from him. Both cubs began to poke each other...
Nils didn’t care whether he was in the clutches of Brumme or Murre. And so, and
so bad. It’s best to get rid of both as quickly as possible.

Luckily for him, the door was open, and Nils slipped unnoticed into the kitchen. Martin was lying on a large table by the window. His paws and wings were tied so tightly that he could not move...
- Martin, are you alive? - he asked, running up to the table.
“He’s still alive,” Martin answered sadly.
- Well, just be patient for a minute, now I’ll free you. Nils grabbed
with his hands and feet the table leg and quickly climbed up.

Nils decided to build himself a real house, with a door, a window and a roof. He broke the reeds and carried them to the lawn with Martin. Then he cut four straight branches from the forest, planed them well and sharpened them at one end. It turned out to be four identical pegs.
Then Nils drew a straight rectangle on the ground and began to drive a peg into each corner...
When all the pegs were in place, Nils began to build walls...
“The house is good,” said Akka, “but the roof is unreliable: it’s also protected from the sun.”
You can’t hide under such a roof, and you can’t hide from the rain. Well, yes, this grief can be helped. Now I’ll deliver the masters to you.
And she flew somewhere.
Soon she returned with a whole flock of swallows... Less than an hour later, the house was covered on all sides with a thick layer of clay.

One day the eagles, having flown out early in the morning, did not arrive at their usual hour.
back to the nest...
Then Akka realized that some kind of trouble had befallen the eagles, and she herself flew to the rock.
From a distance she heard an angry and pitiful cry coming from the eagle's
nests In the nest, among the gnawed bones, old Akka saw a clumsy, ugly chick...
Akka felt sorry for the chick... And she went to look for food for him.
she caught a large trout in the lake and brought it to the chick.

All evening, until late at night, Nils and Fumle-Drumle collected the scattered
the wind brought sheets and sheet after sheet to Lucky. They picked them up on roofs and attics, on tree branches and garden paths, among a garbage dump and in the bell tower of a cathedral. Wherever the raven and the boy looked!

Nils bent down to her and quietly stroked her hard wings. Here
how small she is now next to him!
- Goodbye, Akka! Thank you! - said Nils.
And in response to him, old Akka opened her wings, as if she wanted to say goodbye
hug Nils.
The wild geese screamed above him, and it seemed to Nils that they were hurrying Akka,
they call her to quickly return to the pack...
And here she is again in the sky, again ahead of the flock.
- South! South! - bird voices ring in the air.
Nils looked for a long time after the flying flock.

Envelope in high resolution (clickable)

Hello! Today we present a new drawing lesson, in which we will talk about how to draw a goose. Here we decided to deviate a little from the cartoon style of drawing, in which our artists work quite often (for example, we drew this way), to make it more realistic, but not very difficult.

If the inhabitants of Ancient Rome living in the 5th century BC could read our site, this lesson would probably be one of the most popular - perhaps even more popular. The fact is that in that century Rome was experiencing attacks by Gallic tribes, one of which could have ended very sadly for the inhabitants of the eternal city. The Roman guards of one of the main towers of the fortress wall were sleeping when several Gallic troops made a desperate attempt to climb the tower, kill the guards and penetrate the unprotected city. This would have happened if not for one “but” - the geese from the Temple of Juno, who heard the noise, became worried and began to scream. Their noisy cackling woke up the guards, who dealt with the Gauls - it was this story that gave rise to the expression “the geese saved Rome.”

This is the important character we will draw. Let's start this lesson and learn how to draw a goose with a pencil step by step!

Step 1

First, draw the contours of the torso, neck and head. We use only smooth, rounded lines. Please note - the goose has a small head, it is slightly thicker than the neck.

Step 2

Now let's draw an eye - just a small circle and a beak. The beak consists of two parts - the upper one is more massive than the lower one. It seems that it is longer, but this is an illusion - the lower part begins a little to the right of us than the upper. Here we connect it to the body with a pair of short, smooth lines on the sides of the neck.

Step 3

We draw the wing - it should have one angle (sharp) and smoothly curving contours. We outline the silhouettes of the paws.

Step 4

Let's draw some of the largest feathers of the wing, as well as the claws and contours of the front paw. Let's erase all the extra strokes, outline the remaining contours and clean up the drawing again so that it is more complete.

Unconventional drawing Master class for 3rd grade students: Goose

Panfilova Nadezhda Pavlovna, primary school teacher MBOU "Razdolnenskaya school-gymnasium No. 2 named after L. Ryabika" Republic of Crimea

Master class step by step "Goose". Non-traditional drawing technique for elementary school children.

Description: The master class will be of interest to primary school teachers, additional education teachers, creative children and their parents.
Purpose: The work can decorate a child's room and will be a good gift or exhibition piece.
Target: creating a drawing "Goose" in mixed media.
learn to draw a goose step by step;
develop drawing skills with wax crayons and gouache paints, creative abilities;
develop horizons and curiosity;
to cultivate aesthetic feelings for beauty, neatness, love for creativity, for native nature, birds and animals.
-gouache, brushes, water,
-album sheet, pencil,
-wax pencils,


The goose is one of the oldest types of poultry, which was domesticated in the 8th century BC. The ancestor of the domestic geese breed is the wild gray goose, unlike which domestic geese have lost the ability to fly. The goose is the pride of every yard.
The reason for the domestication of geese lies in their lifestyle. These birds are herbivores, so they obtain food on their own. The first chicks for domestication were caught or taken from the nest by humans. Geese raised in captivity became attached to their owner.... with their intelligence. Geese tend to be faithful to both their owner and their nesting partner. These qualities of geese were already known in ancient times. The Romans compared these birds with the goddess Juno, the guardian of the family hearth and marital fidelity. Near the temple of the goddess they constantly kept a flock of geese.
It was the geese who woke up the guards at night with their cackling when the enemies attacked Rome. This is where the saying comes from: "Geese
Rome was saved."

In modern farming, there are many breeds of geese. But what they have in common is that they all cannot fly or do it very poorly. Geese are waterfowl and therefore need water. There they look for food for themselves.
Everyone knows a funny song about two geese that lived with their grandmother:
Two merry geese lived with granny,
One is gray, the other is white,
Two cheerful geese.
Breeds: Emdean, Legard, Italian and many others, their plumage is white, their beak and legs are orange, their eyes are blue or black.
Artists painted pictures, poets and writers composed poems and fairy tales, stories, sculptors created monuments.
These are our geese!

In the city of Arzamas there is a monument to a goose.

Kursk writer Evgeny Nosov wrote the story “The White Goose”, where a goose saves its little goslings at the cost of its own life. A monument to the literary character, the family man goose, was unveiled in the city of Kursk.


We place the white sheet horizontally. Using a simple pencil, draw an oval in the center of the sheet.

Draw the neck.

We outline the outline of the tail plumage.

Draw the beak and legs.

We take a white wax pencil and shade out all the plumage of the goose, except for the beak and legs. We will paint them with an orange wax pencil.

Visually divide the sheet into two parts. At the bottom there is grass.
Use a green pencil to outline the blades of grass.

Draw clouds in white at the top of the sheet. On the left side we will add a little yellow tone.

We begin to fill the sky with a blue tone of paint.

Paint the bottom of the leaf green.

Dandelions bloom across a green field. Using the poking method, we create yellow and white circles.

For greater expressiveness, outline the outline of the goose with gray paint.

Add a little white to the clouds.

Our "Goose"

A goose has two legs
Beady eyes,
Has its own habits
Walks without looking back
Yes, and not in a hurry.
Homemade sage goose
Thinks, reflects,
He is a brave fighter
It just doesn't fly.
Looks good-natured
But I’m ready for battle,
And he can walk
Following you.
(Borisov T.)

The reason for writing this post was the publication by the Vita Nova publishing house of Selma Lagerlöf’s wonderful book “The Amazing Journey of Nils Holgersson with Wild Geese in Sweden” in 2 volumes with B.A. Diodorov’s favorite illustrations.

This edition has more color illustrations than the 1979 edition.

In 1979 - 59, 2013 - 63.

In addition, in this edition, a tone line illustration is placed on the back of each color illustration. Those. there are also 63 of them, whereas in 1979 there were 17 such illustrations, according to the number of chapters.

The 1979 edition was published in a free retelling by Z. Zadunaiskaya and A. Lyubarskaya, and as I mentioned, it consists of 17 chapters.
The edition of "Vita Nova" includes a complete translation of the epic, owned by the translator and literary critic L.Yu. Brauda (1927-2011). And this, by the way, is 55 chapters!!!
She also prepared an afterword and comments specifically for this book.
Of course, the new edition is absolutely amazing!
I am delighted and delighted!

Let's compare the quality of printing illustrations in the old and new editions:



But the 1979 book is also very dear to me. Moreover, the book was signed for me by the Master - Boris Arkadyevich Diodorov.

Well, the first Soviet edition was published in 1940 in a greatly truncated form.
From an epic, the work simply turned into a fairy tale.
Unfortunately, there are very few illustrations in it.

S. Lagerlöf "The Wonderful Journey of Nils with the Wild Geese."
Moscow-Leningrad, Detizdat of the Central Committee of the Komsomol 1940
Free processing by Z. Zadunaiskaya and A. Lyubarskaya.
Drawings by A. Mogilevsky (cover, endpapers, color frontispiece, title page, splash page, ending)
Compound cardboard binding, enlarged format.
126 pp., circulation 50,000 copies.

For comparison, I will cite part of the first chapter from the 1940 and 1979 editions.

So the eighth edition of “Travels..” appeared in my library.
Eight boys and a huge flock of geese now live on my shelves))).

"A wonderful journey..." - A wonderful book!

UPD: upon request

Selma Lagerlöf fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"

  1. Nils, a 12-year-old boy, at the beginning of the story is a mischievous bully who no one liked. In the end he becomes sympathetic and kind. During his travels he helps birds and animals and everyone loves and praises him.
  2. Goose Martin was a pet, but he flew to Lapland, found a bride, returned home and had goslings
  3. Akka, the leader of the flock of geese. Fair and strict, but kind and sympathetic. When he gets to know Nils better, he tries to help him in everything
  4. Fox Smirre, cunning and cruel, envious, treacherous, vindictive, chained
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"
  1. Caught gnome
  2. Nils is getting small
  3. Flying with Martin
  4. Fox Smirre
  5. Nils and the little squirrel
  6. Nils and the rats
  7. Holiday
  8. Banishing the Fox
  9. Smirre is chasing geese
  10. Crows and jug
  11. Smirra on a chain
  12. Bronze king and wooden boatswain
  13. Strange city underwater
  14. Nils in the den
  15. Nils saves the bears
  16. shoe
  17. Martin in captivity
  18. Martin met Martha
  19. In Lapland
  20. Gorgo and the Secret of the Owls
  21. The way back
  22. Lucky Man and the Manuscript
  23. Home Sweet Home
  24. Gosling Yuxie
  25. Farewell to Akka

The shortest summary of the fairy tale “Nils’s Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese” for a reader’s diary in 6 sentences

  1. Nils catches the gnome and becomes small, he flies away with Martin, the white goose
  2. Nils saves a goose from a fox and is accepted into the flock
  3. Nils helps the squirrel find the baby squirrel. chases away rats, chains a fox and saves bears.
  4. Nils ends up in Lapland, and Martin the goose finds a bride and has goslings.
  5. Nils learns how to become human, but helps Lucky to return the manuscript.
  6. Nils returns home and casts a spell over the capricious gosling Uxie, he becomes a boy and his parents are happy.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"
Life is beautiful and amazing, like the world around us, but it is given for good deeds.

What does the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese" teach us?
This fairy tale teaches you to be kind and honest. Teaches you to sacrifice your interests for the sake of your friends, teaches you not to be afraid of enemies and to find a way out in difficult situations. This fairy tale teaches us responsiveness, courage, and selflessness. Teaches to love nature, teaches that every living creature in the world has the right to happiness.

Review of the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"
This is a very beautiful and interesting fairy tale, in which the boy Nils has many dangerous and exciting adventures. From a mischievous and hooligan, Nils becomes a kind and honest boy, always ready to help a friend. He grows up and understands that the world is beautiful, and a person should take care of and protect it. I really liked this fairy tale and I didn’t regret reading it at all.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"
Life is given for good deeds.
Live for people, people will live for you.
Anyone who has not encountered difficulties in life will not become a real person.
Summary, brief retelling of the fairy tale “Nils’s Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese” chapter by chapter
1. Forest gnome.
In a Swedish village there lived a boy, Nils, a great prankster and mischief-maker. When he was 12 years old, his father and mother went to the fair, and Nils was ordered to learn his homework.
Nils read a book for a while and fell asleep. And when I woke up I saw an open chest lid and a small gnome. Nils caught the gnome in a net and he began to ask to let him go, promising a gold coin. Nils decided that this was not enough, but suddenly he received a slap on the wrist and dropped the net.
The room suddenly became very large, and he, Nils, became the size of a sparrow.
Nils goes out into the yard and the chickens start nibbling on him. The cat also refused to help him and almost ate him.
At this time, wild geese flew past and invited the domestic geese to come with them to Lapland. Goose Martin was about to fly, Nils clung to him and ended up in the air.
2. Riding a goose.
Nils was afraid of falling, but soon got used to flying on a goose. He began to ask Martin to turn home, but he threatened to throw Nils off.
Soon Martin began to get tired, but Akka, the leader of the swans, did not stop. Martin began to fall and got caught in a willow. On it he rested and with new strength flew after the wild geese. Martin caught up with the pack.
The geese landed by the lake, but Martin was too tired to walk to the water. Nils reached him and Martin, drunk, came to his senses. He brought Nils a crucian carp and thanked him for his help.
Akka questioned Martin and allowed him to fly with the wild geese, she liked the goose’s courage. But she demanded that Nils not be there.
Martin decided to carry Nils secretly.
3. Night thief.
At night, the fox Smirre crept up to the geese and dragged away one goose. Nils rushed after him and grabbed the fox by the tail. Smirre released the goose and wanted to take it out on Nils. Nils climbed a tree and laughed at the fox from there. The geese began to tease the fox, and he, trying to catch them, became completely exhausted. Martin took Nils out of the tree and the geese flew on.
4. New friends and new enemies
Nils flew with the geese. He had to eat nuts, and once he was attacked by ants. The ants bit Nils badly and he fell ill. Martin and Akka looked after him.
One day Martin brought Nils some nuts from the squirrel Sirle, Nils decided to go to the squirrel and thank her. The magpie wanted to show Nils the way, but it led him into a thicket and flew away.
Nils finds a squirrel's nest and learns that one baby squirrel is missing. Nils finds the baby squirrel and returns it to Sirla. Forest birds praise him.
5. Magic pipe
A flock of geese lands near a stream near Glimmengen Castle. The stork Ermenrich comes to visit the geese. The stork talks about the rats that are attacking the castle. Nils agrees to help and flies with the stork and Akka.
The rats surrounded the castle, but Nils played the pipe and led the rats into the water. The magic pipe, which all animals obey, was brought by an owl, to whom a forest gnome gave it.
Nils was known as a fearless rat conqueror.
6. Holiday on Mount Kulaberg
Nils is taken to a festival of birds and animals, which not a single person has attended. Birds flew in whole clouds. Among the animals was the fox Smirre, who wanted to catch the wild goose of their flock, but the sparrow warned the geese. Smirre killed a sparrow and was judged by all the animals and birds. Smirre was expelled from the pack and the tip of his ear was bitten off.
Nils hears the owls talking and learns that there is a way to become human
7. Chase.
Geese fly north in the rain. The fox Smirre follows the geese. One day he persuades the marten to attack the geese, but the geese fly away, and the marten says that a white goose threw a stone at her. Again Smirre catches up with the geese and persuades the otter, but the otter returns with a thorn in its paw.
Smirre demands that Nils be given to him, but Akka refuses, and the fox promises to pursue the pack to the end.
8. Crows from Robber Mountain
Smirre meets old friends - crows who cannot open the jug. Smirre says that there is silver in the jug and invites the crows to kidnap Nils.
The crows kidnap Nils, but Nils manages to shout to the starlings that he was dragged away by the crows.
Nils opens a jug of coins to the crows and the chieftain of the crows, Fumle-Drumle, takes it to the village so that it does not end up with Smirra.
Nils hides from the fox under the feet of the peasants, who kick the fox, mistaking him for a dog. then Nils hides in the doghouse. The dog knocks Smirre down and Nils puts a collar on the fox.
The geese fly in and laugh when they learn that Nils has put the fox on a chain.
9. Bronze and wood.
The geese stopped for the night in the city. Nils wants to look at people. Nils teases the bronze statue and it follows him. Nils runs away from the bronze man and sees a wooden man. Nils gives the wooden man a coin and he hides Nils in his hat.
The bronze one turns out to be the king and tells the wooden boatswain to follow him. They go to the shipyard and salute the old ship by removing their hats. The bronze one sees Nils and breaks the wooden one in rage.
Nils makes a wooden monument and returns to the geese.
10. Underwater city
Geese were flying over the sea. The geese wait out the storm on the waves and almost get caught by the seals.
Nils throws a coin into the sea, but it falls on the sand. Nils runs for the coin and ends up in the city. All residents of the city looked at the tower clock. The merchants bring Nils a variety of goods and ask only for one coin. Nils remembers that the coin was left on the shore, runs to it and the city disappears.
Nils is found by geese. Akka tells the story of a city whose inhabitants were very greedy and sank all the ships so as not to show the way to their city. For this, the sea king was angry with them and flooded the city. Once a century the city floats up for an hour, and if some stranger enters the city and buys something, the curse will subside.
11. In the bear's den
Nils fell from Martin and fell into the bear's den. The cubs are playing with Nils and completely tormenting him. Then they go to bed and Nils also falls asleep. At night a bear comes and wants to eat a man, but the she-bear stands up for Nils.
When the bears fall asleep, Nils runs away. He meets the hunters and finds out that they are going to the den. Nils returns and warns the bears. The bear takes his family away and, having learned that Nils is the one traveling with the geese, decides to help him. He calls the raven Fumle-Drumle, and he takes Nils to the wild geese.
12. Captivity
Nils's shoe falls and he and Martin go down to get it. But the shoe is found by Oosa and Mats, a boy and a girl. They decide to try the shoe on their cat. Martin snatches the shoe, but Mats catches Martin and calls him Marty.
The hostess sees that it is someone else's goose and carries it into the house. Nils enters the house and cuts the ropes. Martin runs away, but the owner grabs him. Nils stabbed the hostess with a knife and she let Martin go in amazement.
13. Goose Country
Martin and Nils stop to rest and Nils meets the goose Martha. Martin and Nils invite Marta to fly with them. They catch up with the flock and find themselves in Lapland. Akka greets Nils, who tells him about the bride for Martin.
More and more geese are flying around, and Nils is building himself a house with the help of swallows.
Martin and Martha give birth to goslings
14. Adopted.
Gorgo the eagle flies to the geese. He says Akki’s friends are his friends. When the eagle flies away Akka tells his story.
When Gorgo was a chick, he lost his parents and Akka fed him. Gorgo grew up with geese and considered himself a goose. But everyone around him was afraid and Akka told Gorgo the truth about his birth. Gorgo remained in Lapland.
15. The secret of owls.
Akka shows Nils Lapland, and he, seeing snow on the mountains, remembers the troll who wanted to build a house on the top of the mountain and froze.
Nils sees the plague and the locals.
Nils tells Akka about the conversation of the owls and she promises to find out the secret of how Nils can become human again.
After three, Akka calls Nils and he sees an eagle next to the goose. It turns out that the eagle flew into the castle and became friends with the owls. The eagle tells Nils how to become human and forces him to learn a spell.
16. Lucky and Loser
Geese say goodbye to Lapland and head south. Raven Fumle-Drumle tells Nils that he has found someone who wants to change places with him. He brings Nils to the young man's house.
Two students lived in Uppsala - Lucky and Loser.
The Loser brought his manuscript to the Lucky Man. the manuscript was so interesting that Lucky forgot about the exam, and when he jumped up, the wind carried away all the sheets. At the exam, Lucky received a bad mark and did not know how to tell Loser about the lost manuscript. Lucky agrees to switch places with Nils so that the birds will carry him.
Nils reads the spell but stops. He and the raven collect the manuscript and return it to Lucky.
17. At home.
Nils returns home and sees his parents sadly wondering where their son is.
Nils says goodbye to Martin. But the little gosling Yuxie does not want to fly and says that he dreams of being like Nils. Then Nils casts a spell and Uxie becomes the size of a sparrow. And Nils becomes a boy again. The parents are happy.
Nils no longer understands the geese, he goes to say goodbye to Akka. Akka hugs the boy and the geese fly away.
Nils started going to school again and now gets straight A's.

Signs of a fairy tale in the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"

  1. Magical creature - gnome
  2. Fairytale transformations - Nils becomes small, and then big again.
Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Nils's Wonderful Journey with the Wild Geese"
