How often is an inventory of green spaces carried out? Inventory of green spaces

Green spaces within city limits are subject to strict control. This is the field of activity of park and garden farms, for which various technical, landscape and inventory activities are carried out. Planting, cutting, crowning is carried out on the basis of dendrological research. The inventory must be carried out in accordance with regulations.

Promterra company provides dendrological research services for construction, reconstruction, laying utilities for the presence of green spaces. Conducts an analysis of their species, including inventory and certification in Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions of the country.

Purpose of inventory

The inventory procedure is necessary to collect information about the area for the presence of trees and shrubs. They are used both for static reporting and for the development and improvement of the condition of city parks. This is also important when planning the construction of new residential and non-residential facilities. If we are talking about landscape and architectural urban objects, their restoration or reconstruction, an inventory of green spaces allows us to objectively substantiate decision-making.

The procedure involves the appointment of a responsible person who will monitor and control the volume and quality of work to care for different crops and their current condition. In addition, responsibilities include organizing pest and disease control activities.

Certification of green spaces

The ongoing inventory of urban green spaces allows for a comprehensive analysis of a number of indicators. The following groups can be distinguished from them:

  • establishing a total area with the presence of different elements (trees, shrubs, flower beds, parks, flower beds, lawns, playgrounds);
  • determination of plant species and their characteristics (height, diameter, age, condition, quantity);
  • availability and condition of gardening equipment, individual architectural and engineering structures.

The procedure also involves the completion of all necessary drawings. For example, this could be a dendrological plan of the study area. Inventory and certification of green spaces are integral procedures. All changes must be registered.

The main stages of inventory of trees and shrubs

The methodological recommendations determined the most effective time for work - spring and autumn. The source documents are the geodetic basis for the studied perimeter of the area and drawings. The situation plan should be on a scale of 1:2000, and the topographic plan - 1:500.

There are two main stages. Field and office (processing of collected information). At the field stage of the survey, reconnaissance (field survey) is carried out. Dendrologists visit the site to conduct research on the preparation of landscaping. The group method is chosen if the area is large and a large amount of work is expected. The individual methodology is based on research of areas using tree-by-tree topographic surveys.

Documentation during certification

An inventory of urban green spaces involves the preparation of accompanying and final documentation. In addition to drawings and a passport of a garden and park element, a summary table with detailed information about green spaces is also developed. Each gardening element is included separately in the inventory plan and passport with approved changes.

A high-quality inventory of green spaces is required in a number of special cases. For example, the procedure is required when selling a company. Another reason is the development of projects for sanitary protection of individual territories. Each enterprise is a user of natural resources, therefore, when drawing up an environmental passport, the procedure involves a detailed study of the territory.

Trees, flower beds, flower beds, shrubs and other green spaces are subject to control regardless of the organizational and legal form of ownership and departmental affiliation.

Requirements for a passport with trees and shrubs

The completed inventory of green spaces is drawn up in the form of a final document - a passport of the planning solution and landscaping of the territory. It has an approved form (Order of the Moscow Government dated 05/08/2002 N 267-РЗМ). The document contains general information about the object of study, layout diagrams of green objects in the city, drawings, situational and inventory plans, characteristics of objects, etc. Each new passport is assigned a code number. In accordance with the regulations, it is entered into the IAS "Register of Green Spaces". This is done when entering information on the inventory. The final passport is approved by the actual land user.

Control of green spaces in urban environments is an environmental factor and a decorative component of territory improvement. If errors were made during the work, information about them must be entered into the correction sheet according to the established regulatory forms. It is stored together with the inventory passport.

Download documentation and templates for engineering dendrology

The inventory of green spaces is carried out according to the methodology approved by the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation and the Rules for conducting an inventory of green spaces and certification of green areas.

An inventory of green spaces is carried out for the purposes of:

1) to establish the boundaries of the green/natural area and document them;

2) obtaining reliable data on the number of green spaces in the city, their condition for urban management at all levels of management, operation and financing, assigning them to the appropriate category of land, protective status and maintenance regime;

3) establishing the species composition of trees and shrubs with determination of the number, category and type of plantings, age of plants, diameter (for trees), condition, as well as areas of lawns and flower beds;

4) timely registration of changes that have occurred;

5) identifying land users of territories and establishing responsible organizations, legal entities and individuals for their safety and condition;

6) establishing the presence and ownership of stationary engineering and architectural structures and equipment of green/natural areas (fountains, monuments, sculptures, etc.);

7) regulation of work on the maintenance of green spaces, their major repairs and reconstruction;

8) organizing the rational use of city territories;

9) to ensure electronic accounting of landscaping objects and green spaces throughout the city when maintaining the Register of Green Spaces and monitoring green spaces.

All green areas (regardless of types of ownership) located within the city limits, having established boundaries and provided for use (ownership, disposal) to responsible land users (institutions, organizations, enterprises or individuals) are subject to inventory.

When working on sites that are historical and cultural monuments, the Guidelines for identifying and surveying parks and natural landscapes (complexes) on the territory of historical and cultural monuments are used (Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR, 1987).

The inventory is carried out in two stages: in the first, the area, boundaries and classification of the object are established; on the second, the quality of green spaces and landscaping elements is determined.

The document reflecting the results of the inventory of green areas is the Passport of the planning decision and improvement of the territory, compiled according to the approved form and containing the following information:

· general information (administrative and territorial affiliation of the territory; indication of the responsible land user; established status of the object; established functional purpose of the land plot);

· layout of the facility in the city;

· situational plan of the object (M 1:2000);

· inventory plan of the facility in M ​​1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000 depending on the area and uniformity of tree and shrub plantings;

· planning solution for improvement (general plan diagram);

· architectural and artistic characteristics of the object and its surroundings, features of the landscape and landscaping;

· buildings and constructions; flat structures, road and path network;

· elements of landscaping and tables of green spaces;

· number of green spaces;

· species composition of green spaces;

· condition of green spaces;

· small architectural forms (SAF) and landscaping elements;

· elements of relief organization, functional support systems, systems for ensuring nature protection and microclimatic comfort;

· information about repair work.

The passport includes a situational plan, an inventory plan of the territory on a scale of 1:500 based on a horizontal topographic plan, a planting record sheet and completed forms included in the passport.

The results of the inventory of an existing improvement object are displayed in the Passport of the registration site, which differs from the Passport of the planning decision and improvement of the territory in the absence of a general plan diagram and the chapter “Architectural and artistic characteristics of the object and its surroundings, features of the landscape and landscaping.”

Buildings and ground structures are taken into account in the passport with an assessment of the compliance of the functional purpose of the buildings or structures with the functions of the certified territory in order to make appropriate decisions on their removal or preservation. The area of ​​objects located inside the territory (gas stations, buildings, structures) is not included in the area of ​​the green area.

The passport of the green area is approved by the owner of the territory in accordance with the established procedure. It is subject to constant adjustment.

When registering transactions with land plots, transferring rights to them, in the event of significant damage to green spaces caused by illegal actions of legal entities or individuals, as well as when registering land allotment for construction, an unscheduled inventory is carried out.

Responsibilities for conducting an unscheduled inventory and making changes depending on the category of plantings are assigned to:

1) to responsible land users, to whom the rights of use, ownership, and disposal of land plots are transferred:

2) to the departments of housing and communal services and city improvement - in case of damage to green spaces as a result of accidents and other emergency situations or illegal actions.

The inventory is carried out using available geodetic materials, projects, topographic survey drawings on a scale of 1:500-1:1000 (in some cases 1:2000, for example, on long highways with one or two types of plantings). In the absence of these materials, the work of surveying the objects being inventoried is carried out by the technical inventory bureau, guided by the instructions for urban surveys. In exceptional cases, geodetic surveying of small-area objects is allowed.

To carry out field work, a copy of the plan of the green area is taken from geodetic materials, which is checked against nature, the correspondence of the boundary marked on the plan and the situation of the object being taken into account is clarified. For the convenience of carrying out an inventory of green spaces, the territory is divided into accounting areas (landscape areas), limited by paths or other contours. Within the registration area, biological groups and categories of green territory are determined.

Figure Numbering of trees (metal tag) preceding, if necessary, tree-by-tree survey

During the inspection of green spaces located on the registration site, the following information is recorded in the work diary regarding:

1) trees located on highways, streets (driveways), boulevards, squares, gardens, parks - type of planting (single, row, group), numbers of trees (picture), number, occupied area, their type, age, diameter , height, condition, characteristics of the condition (including trees subject to pruning), recommendations for care;


A tree is considered to be a plant with a trunk diameter of more than 5 cm, and of low-value species (ash maple, goat willow, aspen) - more than 10 cm.

The area under tree planting is conventionally assumed to be 0.5 square meters. m.

Information about trees and shrubs located on driveways is recorded on the even and odd sides separately.

2) shrubs - type of planting (single, group, row (“live” hedge), etc.), number of shrubs, quantity, occupied area, plant type, age, height, condition, condition characteristics, care recommendations, length for row planting;


The area of ​​a single shrub or shrub in a group is determined by the projection of the crown (or is conventionally accepted as 0.3 sq. m), the area of ​​the hedge is determined by multiplying the width of the trench by the length);

3) lawns and flower beds - counted by area (perennial flowers, in addition, are counted by the number of bushes in the registration area). The area of ​​lawns on slopes and ground cover are highlighted in separate lines;

4) plantings created using silvicultural methods (assessed using forest taxation methods in agreement with the inventory customer) - area of ​​the allotment (landscape area), species composition, tiers, age classes, average height, average diameter, density of plantings, number of trees per 1 hectare of area, condition, undergrowth, undergrowth and ground cover are indicated. When assessing such plantings, a description of each tier is given.


Wood composition in this case is indicated by whole units within ten; names of tree species - the first letters of their generic name (for example, B - birch, Os - aspen, Ol - alder, Lp - linden, Ksh - chestnut, etc.). The stand density is taken in tenths of a unit, counting the total density as a unit. When characterizing the soil cover, a list of the species composition of herbaceous plants is indicated.

The condition of green spaces and landscaping elements is determined according to the criteria given in Table 2.

Table 2 Indicators for assessing the condition of green spaces and landscaping elements

Quality condition of trees Category of condition (vitality) Main features
good No signs of weakening The foliage or needles are green, of normal size, the crown is dense, of normal shape and development, the current year’s growth is normal for the given species, age, growing conditions of the trees and the seasonal period, damage by pests and diseases is rare or absent
Satisfactory Weakened Foliage or needles are often lighter than usual, the crown is weakly open, growth is weakened compared to normal, there are less than 25% dry branches in the crown. Possible signs of local damage to the trunk and root paws, branches, mechanical damage, isolated water shoots
Satisfactory Severely weakened The foliage is smaller or lighter than usual, the needles are light green or grayish matte, the crown is sparse, dry branches are from 25 to 50%, growth is reduced by more than half compared to normal. There are often signs of disease and pest damage to the trunk, root paws, branches, needles and foliage, including attempts or local colonization of stem pests; deciduous trees often have water sprouts on the trunk and branches
Unsatisfactory Withering away The foliage is smaller, lighter or yellower than usual, the needles are gray, yellowish or yellow-green, often fall off or dry out prematurely, the crown is very thin, the crown contains more than 50% of dry branches, the current year's growth is greatly reduced or absent. The trunk and branches often show signs of infestation by stem pests (entry holes, notches, sap, drill flour and sawdust, insects on the bark, under the bark and in the wood); Deciduous trees have abundant water shoots, sometimes withered or drying out
Unsatisfactory Dead wood of the current year The foliage has dried, withered or fallen off prematurely, the needles are gray, yellow or brown, the crown has shriveled, but small branches and bark have remained. On the trunk, branches and root paws there are often signs of colonization by stem pests or their exit holes
Unsatisfactory Dead wood from previous years Foliage and needles have fallen off or are only partially preserved, small twigs and some branches have fallen off, the bark has been destroyed or fallen off on most of the trunk. On the trunk and branches there are exit holes for insects, under the bark there is abundant drilling flour and a mycelium of wood-destroying fungi
good No signs of weakening The bushes are healthy (there are no signs of diseases or damage by pests); without mechanical damage, normal development, densely leafy, leaf color and size are normal
Satisfactory Weakened Shrubs with signs of slow growth, with the presence of drying branches (up to 10-15%), changes in the shape of the crown, and damage by pests
Satisfactory Severely weakened Shrubs with signs of slow growth, with the presence of drying branches (from 25 to 50%), the crown is thinned, the shape of the crown is changed, growth is reduced by more than half compared to normal
Unsatisfactory Withering away Shrubs are overgrown, weakened (with small foliage, no growth), with crown drying out more than 50%, there are signs of damage by diseases and pests
Unsatisfactory Dead wood of the current year The foliage has dried out, withered or fallen off prematurely, the crown has shrunk, but small branches and bark have remained
Unsatisfactory Dead wood from previous years The foliage has fallen off, the crown has dried out, small twigs and some branches have fallen off, the bark has been destroyed or fallen off on most of the branches
good The surface is well planned, the grass stand is thick, homogeneous, uniform, regularly trimmed, the color is intensely green, there is no unwanted vegetation or moss, the projective coverage area is 90-100%
Satisfactory Lawn surface with noticeable unevenness, uneven grass with an admixture of unwanted vegetation, irregularly cut, green color, projective coverage area of ​​at least 75%
Unsatisfactory The grass stand is sparse, heterogeneous, there is a lot of unwanted vegetation, irregularly cut, the color of the lawn is uneven, with a predominance of yellow shades, there is moss, many bald patches and trampled places, the projective coverage area is less than 75%
Flower beds
good The surface is carefully planned, the soil is well fertilized, the plants are well developed, equal in quality; there is no unwanted vegetation or waste
Satisfactory The surface is roughly leveled, with noticeable unevenness, the soil is poorly fertilized, and the plants are normally developed. The litter is insignificant, unwanted vegetation is rare (up to 10% of the area)
Unsatisfactory The surface is roughly graded, the soil is not fertilized, the plants are poorly developed, there is significant mortality, there is a lot of unwanted vegetation (more than 10% of the area)
Small architectural forms (SAF)
good Made in accordance with the design, securely fastened, painted with moisture-resistant paints. The sand in children's sandboxes does not contain impurities (gravel grains, clay)
Satisfactory There are minor structural defects that do not affect the functionality of use; The MAFs are securely fixed, but the surface painting is of poor quality (up to 10-15%). Sand in children's sandboxes contains minor impurities (gravel grains, clay)
Unsatisfactory There are mechanical damage, structural damage, partial absence of elements, unreliable fastenings, careless painting or the presence of unpainted areas of more than 15%
Road and path network
good The roads are well planned, the top layer is compacted, there are no subsidence, the curb stones are in good condition
Satisfactory Good layout of the roadway, subsidence and potholes up to 10-15%, there are isolated instances of unwanted vegetation on soft-surfaced paths, there are no curbstones in places
Unsatisfactory The layout of the roadway is disturbed, subsidence and potholes are more than 15%, stagnant water, soft-surface paths are overgrown with unwanted vegetation. Note. Assessment of the condition of the trail (trail) is assessed as unsatisfactory

When certifying a green area, the presence of small architectural forms, buildings and other structures is noted; Brief information about them and data on the need for reconstruction or removal of certain structures from the territory of the facility are provided.

The assessment of flat structures includes information about the area, nature and condition of the surface of the road and path network, areas for recreation, sports, games, etc.

Based on the corrected situational graphic material and entries made on the plan and in the work diary, an inventory plan of the green area under consideration is drawn up, which must show:

· external boundaries of the object;

· external situation abroad;

· boundaries and numbers of registration areas and biological groups;

· arrangement of small architectural forms (schematically);

· placement of lawns, flower beds;

· planar structures and road and path network, taking into account the types of coatings;

· symbols and explication.


Particularly valuable tree species (unique, historical) are marked on the plan and numbered in red with independent numbers within the entire object.

On the inventory plan of green and landscaped areas of streets, driveways, alleys, squares, embankments, each tree and its number are shown.

On the inventory plan of a park with a low recreational load or where the flow of visitors is strictly regulated by architectural and planning techniques (historical, forest parks, sports, etc.), the following situations are indicated: glades, clearings, reservoirs, etc. situation. Tree and shrub vegetation is shown in symbols. In this case, the inventory plan can be made on a scale of 1:1000 and smaller.

In squares, gardens, boulevards, parks with high recreational load, courtyard and house plantings, all trees, shrubs (alley plantings), hedges, flower beds and lawns, clumps of group planting of trees and shrubs are plotted on the plan.

After completing the graphical and computational work, the passport is filled out in the following sequence: first, information about the trees of each registration area is recorded, then about the shrubs. Records of lawn and flower bed areas are kept latest.

Data on trees and shrubs located on driveways is recorded on the even and odd sides separately.

The passport provides additional information indicating the timing of major repairs or reconstruction of the landscaping facility. Changes that occur at objects are reflected on the plan and in the passport. The changed situation on the plan is crossed out with red ink (crosses) and the new one is drawn with black ink. Outdated entries in the passport are crossed out in red ink in a single line. New entries are entered in the following horizontal lines of the passport. As necessary, the passport is replenished with inserts.

The passport of the registration object of landscaping is drawn up in two copies in paper form and in two copies on electronic media. The electronic version of the passport contains all the data identical to the paper passport.

Based on the results of the inventory of green spaces, the Register of Green Spaces is maintained.

All work on inventory and accounting of green spaces must be carried out strictly in accordance with the resolution of the Moscow Government N 743-PP dated September 10, 2002 “On approval of the Rules for the creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces and natural communities in the city of Moscow”. This document is constantly updated, so work should be carried out based on the latest edition.

This type of activity is also regulated by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 12, 2014 No. 757-PP “On amendments to legal acts of the city of Moscow and invalidation of a legal act (a separate provision of a legal act) of the city of Moscow” and resolution of the Moscow Government dated August 12, 2014 No. 461-PP “On the automated information system “Register of green spaces”.

The methodology of the Ministry of Construction and Housing of the Russian Federation, developed in 1997, has now lost its force and cannot be used as a guiding document.

According to the current regulations, all green spaces located within Moscow are subject to inventory. Responsibility for carrying out these works lies with the owner or tenant of the land plot on which part of the city’s green fund is located.

When conducting an inventory on a site, the following elements must be taken into account:

  • Green spaces (trees, bushes, lawns, flower beds, landscaping elements) and wild vegetation located along roads, curbs, and other artificial structures, as well as near water sources
  • Building structures, buildings and structures.
  • Paths, paths.
  • Landscaping elements and architectural forms.

Upon completion of the inventory process, the customer of the work receives an electronic document - a passport for landscaping the territory. In some cases, special documents are issued, this applies to courtyard areas, as well as environmental zones. Data from this passport is entered into the Register of Green Spaces, both during the initial inventory and when changes are made. After drawing up, the document must be agreed upon in the prescribed manner with the executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

To start an inventory, the user or owner of the land plot must receive either a master plan of the site or topographic drawings or other documents. In some cases, it will be necessary to conduct geodetic surveys and draw up the primary document again. The plan must be drawn up in electronic form and comply with the requirements of technical regulations and be linked to the Unified Urban Cartographic Basis of Moscow.

The passport is produced once a year, but in case of certain manipulations with green spaces, changes will have to be made to it:

  • When making transactions with a land plot (sale, transfer for use, etc.);
  • Construction work and major repairs of existing artificial structures;
  • Installation of new landscaping, or making changes, restoration and other work with existing plantings;
  • Elimination of accidents, fires, cutting down of plantings (both authorized and unauthorized), transfer of ownership of the green fund of the site to another person or organization and other cases that lead to a change in the configuration of the green spaces of the site.

In addition to inventory, the user of the site must constantly monitor the state of the green fund located in his area of ​​​​responsibility. If diseases or pests occur, you should contact the appropriate services. City authorities and authorized services also monitor the AIS “Register of Green Spaces”.

Inventory does not relate to licensed types of activity, that is, the user or owner of the site can theoretically perform the work independently. But not all of them - surveys of plantings must be carried out by a qualified dendrologist, and all cartographic work can be carried out by a certified surveyor.

Inventory is a periodic check of the presence of all structural elements of the facility listed on the balance sheet of a gardening enterprise, their quality condition, safety and correctness of maintenance and security, obligations and rights to receive funds, management and the reality of accounting data. Inventory is a documentary statistical and qualitative accounting of all gardening elements located at a given site. All public facilities are subject to inventory: parks, gardens, boulevards, square streets and driveways. Inventory is also carried out in departmental use areas where there are green spaces - near factories, factories, enterprises, transport organizations, etc.

By taking an inventory of structural elements on the territory of a landscaping facility, the following tasks are solved:

1) periodic recording of the condition, plantings and all structural elements (every 3-5 years);

2) assessment of plantings and all structural elements of the facility in connection with its reconstruction and restoration.

As a rule, during the inventory, any changes are discovered in the original landscape-architectural plan associated with the formation of overgrowth, over-densification of plantings, trampling of lawns, damage to sites and the road network, and disruption of the type of volumetric-spatial structure. A periodic inventory of green spaces and all structural elements of the facility is carried out with the aim of systematically maintaining gardening and park management at the sites, obtaining reliable amounts of work on the care of green spaces and the maintenance of all structural elements. Based on the data obtained from the inventory, statements of volumes of work for major and current repairs of individual elements are compiled - trees, shrubs, lawns, flower beds, road and path networks, park structures, small forms and stationary equipment; to maintain a certain type of volumetric-spatial structure of plantings and their types. The inventory is also carried out in order to determine local or mass preventive measures to combat pests and diseases of green spaces.

With the help of inventory work, the object’s indicators are clarified in accordance with the passport data, such as:

Total area under green spaces, including:

Under trees, shrubs, flower beds, lawns, under paths and playgrounds;

The area under sports flat structures, under buildings and structures, stationary equipment, ponds, swimming pools, etc.;

Types of garden and park plantings, their species composition of trees and shrubs, their number, age, diameter at a height of 1.3 m (for trees), their condition;

The condition and ownership of stationary engineering and architectural structures and gardening equipment - monuments, sculptures, fountains, cascades, gazebos, trellises, etc. - as well as buildings and structures for economic purposes - administrative buildings, greenhouses, utility yard, etc. d., - underground or above-ground engineering networks and communications, their number;

Changes in the type of volumetric-spatial structure, plant density,
Based on the inventory data, an inventory plan is drawn up and adjustments are made to the passport of the gardening facility. All changes that occurred during the period by element are recorded. Data on the inventory of green areas of the city (village) are entered into the general register of urban green areas. The data is summarized in a table of summary data on green spaces in the territories of an urban district, city, and entire settlement. For each object the following must be compiled:

1) a territory inventory plan (or inventory plan), the scale of which depends on the area of ​​the object: for areas up to 5... 10 hectares, the scale is 1: 200 or 1: 500; for areas of 25 hectares and above -1: 1000 or 1:2000;

2) inventory estimate sheets for all structural elements.
The inventory is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the inventory of green spaces in cities, workers, holiday and resort villages, compiled by the Republican Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI). The best time to carry out this work is spring or early autumn. The initial data for conducting an inventory of an object is the existing master plan of the territory in M ​​1:500 (1:200) or as-built drawings (landing, layout) based on a geodetic plan. If there is no design documentation for the object at all, then the owner of the territory is obliged to order a repeat project based on the received geodetic plan. A geodetic plan for the object is ordered from the city geotrust (Gorgeotrest) under a special agreement. A geodetic plan in M ​​1:500 is ordered on the basis of a situational plan in M ​​1:2000 received from the district architect. Inventory of green spaces and structural elements of the facility is carried out in two stages:

the first is field;

the second is desk processing of the learned material.

At the first stage, work is carried out to study existing documentation, clarify the boundaries of the object in red lines and landscape planning data, existing types of spatial structure, study the presence of communications and structures and carry out shooting or additional shooting of plantings from nature to plan with the corresponding entries in the work log. At the second stage, the received data is summarized, entries in journals and statements are analyzed and put in order, a balance of the territory is developed, an inventory plan is drawn up, and a corresponding act of completion of work is drawn up for their acceptance and delivery. Based on the received materials, they begin to clarify (adjust) the passport for the object. Depending on the size of the object and the presence of green spaces, inventory can be carried out in various ways.

For large parks and forest parks, work is carried out in a team manner - a special taxation detachment using the landscape taxation method. For urban landscaping objects - squares, boulevards, gardens, residential areas - work is carried out in an individual way, by applying each plant, all types of green spaces and structural elements to the plans. Work on the inventory of mass urban objects, as a rule, is carried out by the technical inventory bureau (BTI) of the district or city, but with the obligatory involvement of specialists in garden and park construction for landscape planning, dendrological and entomophyto-pathological examination of green spaces, identifying the condition of the object as a whole, violations of the planning network, types of spatial structure, types of parklands. Work on the primary inventory for the purpose of further developing a project for the reconstruction of plantings at the site is financed in full for public facilities - at the expense of the local budget, and for departmental facilities - at the expense of departmental funds specifically provided for in the improvement estimates.

Organizations conducting inventory under contracts compile and store original materials on the accounting of green spaces for each facility, issuing to customers the required number of copies. To carry out field work, a copy of the object plan is taken from geodetic materials of horizontal survey plans - without applying a coordinate grid, polygonometric signs, marks, leveling benchmarks - which is checked against nature, with clarification of the boundaries (red lines) and the situation of the object being taken into account. The correction of the situation is entered into the outline. On the inventory plan of a large park or forest park, tree and shrub vegetation is plotted in landscape taxation symbols: clearings, clearings, ponds, clearings, etc.1 A copy of the geodetic plan is checked against nature to determine the red lines - the boundaries of the object. For the convenience of carrying out an inventory, as a rule, an object is divided into conditional accounting areas, limited by a road and path network or other permanent contours of the internal situation. Serial numbers are assigned to the registration areas on the drawing, the numbers are circled. Specialists conducting inventory keep a work diary, where they indicate the name, purpose and area of ​​the object, its departmental affiliation and external situation.

All trees, shrubs, and flower beds are plotted on the plan according to registration areas according to groups and types of plants. Then, according to this plan, the following data is recorded in the work diary for each object and group of plants:

I. On highways, streets, driveways

Type of garden and park plantings (TSPN) - alleys, rows, groups, hedges; plant number in each type of planting, type, age, trunk diameter, crown shape, size of their projection,

II. In squares, boulevards, gardens - the same data as on main streets and driveways; with clarification of TSPN.

III. In parks - arrays, groves, clumps, groups, tapeworms, hedges, the predominant composition of plant species in each type of planting, the completeness of plantings or the number of trees per 1 hectare of area, average age, condition. For each object, the density (density) of trees and shrubs per 1 hectare of green area and the ratio of trees and shrubs are calculated. Lawns and flower beds are counted by area, and perennials, in addition, by the number of bushes in the counting area.

Trees with a diameter of 1.3 m from the surface of at least 12 cm are “marked” in kind, part of the trunk is painted over (a strip measuring 2x2 cm); on the painted area they write: the type of plant (in one letter, for example, oak - D), the date of observation and assign an inventory number. Plants are linked using the instrumental method of ordinates to permanent or natural bases - road lines, building blind areas, etc. - using an outline with digital and graphic marks. The base line is laid so that the distance between the line and the tree does not exceed 20 m. Then this line is divided into segments of equal length (every 5...Yum) with pegs installed at the dividing points, which should serve as the starting point - point “0” . The tree is tied to the base line when measuring three distances: from the two ends of the segment to the tree and the third distance reference can be a perpendicular (ordinate), restored from the line to the inventory tree. The distance from the sight line to the tree is determined to be close to the distance from the edge of the tree - half the diameter of the trunk at the surface of the earth - to the base line. The tools used are a mirror ecker and a tape measure (20 m).1 All measurements, the type of plant, its size, age, and condition are recorded on the outline. Entries are recorded using conventional formulas: 1D40/u; 2Kl25/x, etc. In the work log, in order not to miss measurements, they are also written down with the formula

Shrubs and perennials in groups are tied along the contour of their borders. The groups are numbered and described in a statement attached to the plan indicating the number of plants by species. In individual cases, the assessment characteristics may be subject to changes and adjustments. All changes are noted in the observation log. In addition, an assessment of lawns, paths and platforms, small architectural forms and equipment, and flower beds is being carried out (Appendix 24). There are other methods for assessing the quality of green spaces. When conducting a site survey, it is necessary to evaluate the plantings and all structural elements from a landscape and architectural point of view. It is very important to evaluate the object as an object of landscape architecture, with its inherent attributes - the type of spatial structure and the presence of certain types of landscape gardening. To date, methods for such assessment have been developed by teams of specialists from the Moscow State University of Forestry and the Academy of Public Utilities named after. K.D. Pamfilova. When caring for green spaces, operating organizations must comply with the requirements for the formation of the object as an object of landscape architecture, maintain the type of spatial structure, the ratio of open and semi-open spaces. Based on graphic material with a complete internal situation and notes from the outline and work diary, an inventory plan of the object is drawn up, which indicates:

1) external boundaries with linear dimensions;

2) the external situation abroad;

3) boundaries and numbers of registration areas and clumps;

4) especially valuable unique or historical tree species, which are numbered with their own numbers in red ink - throughout the object;

5) types of garden and park plantings (GSPN) - hedges,
flower beds and lawns, curtains, groups of trees, shrubs, perennials.
When making an inventory of plantings on streets, squares, alleys, and embankments, graphic plans of these objects, buildings, and structures with the designation of facade lines are used as a basis. The inventory plan shows the number of the registration area, each tree and its number, and shrubs. Plants are drawn on the plan with green ink in symbols. The area of ​​an object is calculated using an inventory plan in the simplest ways: by breaking it down into figures and measuring it using a planimeter or a palette. The measurement accuracy on the plan should be within 0.1%. The residual is proportionally distributed over each section. Currently, an electronic planimeter is being used. Information about plantings located on the even and odd sides of street highways is recorded separately in the journal.

Landscaping objects are examined, as a rule, once every 5 years in order to identify changes in the internal situation and reflect them in inventory materials: on the inventory plan and in the object’s passport. The old situation on the inventory plan drawing is crossed out in red ink. All changes are made with black ink. Outdated entries in the object’s passport are crossed out in one line with red ink, and new ones are entered in the lower horizontal lines of the passport. As necessary, the object passport is replenished with new inserts. Organizations involved in the operation of landscape gardening must notify the Technical Inventory Bureau (BTI) about the construction of new facilities, all changes at existing facilities and the next inventory of green spaces. Inspection of completed inventory work is carried out both in kind and desk-wise. All defects in the work that the contractor must eliminate are recorded on a proof sheet stored in the inventory materials. BTI compiles summary data on landscaping objects in a city or town. Summary inventory data for landscaping objects in the district and city should reflect:

Number of objects, their total area; separately - the length of street plantings;

Dedicated new areas for green spaces, including trees, shrubs, flower beds, lawns, paths and playgrounds, as well as structures, ponds and stationary equipment.

The condition of trees and shrubs by different age groups is also shown. Summary data makes it possible to judge the green areas of a district, district, city as a whole, or village for a given period, and also provide the basis for long-term planning of both operating costs for maintaining plantings and costs for new construction and repairs of facilities.

Government of St. Petersburg


On the procedure for carrying out an inventory of public green spaces and the creation of district working groups for its implementation

Document with changes made:
by order of the State Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Real Estate in St. Petersburg dated April 24, 2017 N 4-r (Official website of the Administration of St. Petersburg, 05/02/2017);
Decree of the St. Petersburg City Committee of the Russian Federation dated July 3, 2017 N 1-р (Official website of the Administration of St. Petersburg, 07/06/2017);
(Official website of the Administration of St. Petersburg, 04/02/2018);
by order of the KKI of St. Petersburg dated March 20, 2019 N 7-r (Official website of the Administration of St. Petersburg, 03/25/2019).


In the text of the order from July 6, 2017, the words “State Inspectorate for Real Estate” in the corresponding cases are replaced by the word “Committee” in the corresponding cases - KKI order No. 1-r dated July 3, 2017.

In order to organize and conduct an inventory of green areas:

1. Approve the composition of information for the formation of a proposal to conduct an inventory of green areas in accordance with Appendix 1 to the order.

2. Approve the Procedure for carrying out an inventory of green areas in St. Petersburg in accordance with Appendix 2 to the order.

3. Create regional working groups to conduct an inventory of public green spaces in the regions of St. Petersburg in accordance with Appendix 3 to the order.

4. Information and analytical department of the Committee for Property Control of St. Petersburg (hereinafter referred to as the Committee):
(Clause as amended, put into effect on July 6, 2017 by order of the CCI dated July 3, 2017 N 1-r.

4.1. To annually ensure the formation of a list of green areas, the inventory of which is carried out in the current calendar year.

4.2. Ensure that information on the periods for conducting an inventory of green areas and the method of receiving proposals from deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, executive authorities and local government bodies of St. Petersburg, citizens and legal entities is posted on the Committee’s website on the Internet information and telecommunication network.

5. I reserve control over the implementation of the order.

Head of the Committee


Act of field survey of public green spaces

Information on the territory subject to inventory:

Date of the meeting of the District Working Group:


District/municipal area:

Area (approximately):


Filled in by checking the box next to the corresponding value.

urban significance

landscaping reserve

local significance

not included in the list of public green spaces

The number of contours of the territory of green spaces in accordance with the Law of St. Petersburg dated September 19, 2007 N 430-85 ___________________________________



covered with herbaceous vegetation

not landscaped

covered with shrubby vegetation


covered with woody vegetation

not landscaped

Objects located without title documents were identified


When filling out the section, the specified information is sent to the relevant Department for Control of the Use of Property in the St. Petersburg region to organize work to suppress the illegal use of the land plot.

Inventory proposal

(date, number, content of offer)

Within the boundaries of the territory under consideration:

Information provided by the Property Relations Committee of St. Petersburg:

Information on land plots registered with cadastral records located within the boundaries of the territory subject to inventory

Information on the property and legal status of land plots located within the boundaries of the territory subject to inventory

Information about the ongoing topographic and geodetic works

Information on applications under consideration for the provision of land tenure, including under agreements for the placement of non-stationary retail facilities

About Red Lines

Information about the planning project and the territory surveying project

Information about territorial zones

Information on agreed upon and currently under consideration improvement projects

Information about the territories of the cultural heritage site

Information about upcoming improvement projects

Information about small architectural forms and improvement objects (playgrounds, fences) contained on the balance sheet of the municipality

Additional information (if available):


Photo tables

On ________ sheets

Notes (if available):

Chairman of the working group:

job title


working group:

job title

Working group members:

job title

job title

job title

job title

Appendix No. 3. Composition of district working groups to conduct an inventory of public green spaces

Appendix No. 3
at your disposal
Control Committee
property of St. Petersburg


Head of the structural unit of the State Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Real Estate in St. Petersburg, which conducted the field survey (as agreed)


Representative of the State Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Real Estate in St. Petersburg (by agreement)

Working group members:

Representative of the St. Petersburg district administration (as agreed)

Representative of the Committee for the Improvement of St. Petersburg (as agreed)

Representative of the St. Petersburg State Treasury Institution "Property of St. Petersburg (as agreed)

(As amended, put into effect on April 2, 2018 by order of the CCI of St. Petersburg dated March 26, 2018 N 6-r.

Representative of the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture (as agreed)

Members of the working group included depending on the issues being considered

Representative of the local government body of the intracity municipal formation of St. Petersburg (as agreed)

electronic text
IPS "Kodeks"

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"
