What do Muslim men dream of. Muslim dream book from a to z

For Muslims, sleep and dreams play a huge role. Supporters of Islam believe that through a dream, Allah communicates with them and sends clues and signs. Some dreams are very explicit and do not need to be deciphered. And some can only be disassembled by real interpreters.

Muslims believe that it is impossible to learn the interpretation of dreams through books. This ability is only possible for those to whom Allah sent down such a gift from above. Moreover, such a gift can be received by those who do not sin, do not allow others to do this, revere their God sacredly and live according to the Koran.

Only such people, according to the supporters of Islam, are able to correctly interpret the "visions of the soul."

In this regard, the Muslim dream book is not some kind of textbook that you can study and then decipher dreams, but rather a kind of manual for those who are interested in dream interpretation and would like to learn a little about Islamic religion, culture and their idea of ​​interpreting dreams.

Three types of dreams according to the Muslim dream book

1. Dreams from Allah. Muslims consider them auspicious. They represent some messages about the future, and dreamers usually see prophets, angels or saints in them. A person should definitely thank Allah for such a vision and tell certain people about his dream.

2. Shaitani - frightening dreams from the devil, through which he tries to scare a person and lead him astray. It is believed that such dreams are visited by Muslims if they spent the day wrong or did not perform some rituals. You can’t tell anyone about such dreams, and you shouldn’t think about the meaning of such a dream.

3. And the supporters of Islam can see in a dream what happened to them in reality. In this case, you need to carefully analyze the dreams and determine the most important. If the dream is too confusing, then you can refrain from interpreting it.

If the dreams brought fear to you or simply caused negative emotions, you should not tell it to anyone.

Interestingly, Muslims do not consider it necessary to decipher everything they see. If a real interpreter is engaged in the interpretation of a dream, and he does not understand the meaning of a dream, then he would rather remain silent about the meaning of the dream than give a false interpretation.

APRICOT - If a person sees in a dream that he is eating apricots, then he will either get sick or lose something important in life.

AGONY - To dream of the agony of a dying person is a happy and joyful life.

ADAM a.s. - whoever sees Adam in a dream, a.s., in a real image, and in all his greatness, he will acquire great power, being worthy of it, for the Almighty said: “I will put a governor on earth.” (Sura Bakra, 30). If anyone -or sees in a dream that he is talking with Adam, a.s., he will become a scientist, an expert. The Almighty said: "And He taught Adam all the names." They also say that the one who met Adam in a dream, a.s., may be seduced by the words of some of his enemies, but after a while he will begin to see clearly and be freed from deception. The appearance of Adam, a.s., in a dream in a changing guise means moving from one place to another, and finally, returning to the original place.

Azan (call to prayer) points to Hajj. It can also indicate dua (supplication to Allah), piety, service to the Almighty and doing good, or peace and deliverance from the machinations of Shaitan (Satan).

ABC - whoever sees the alphabet in a dream will show undoubted success in mastering knowledge.

STORK - to see a stork in a dream portends a gathering of a large number of people in a certain place. Seeing a flying stork in a dream promises you a favorable marriage and a successful journey. If storks come together in a dream, then you will have to communicate with criminals and thieves and be at enmity with them.
AYUB (Job, a.s.) - seeing him in a dream indicates trials, troubles and a favorable outcome. If he who sees him is sick, then he will be healed of his illness, and perhaps he will receive an answer to his desires and requests that Allah prayed for.
ACROBAT, GYMNAST - to see an acrobat in a dream means the unreliability of the place occupied by a person in life.
ACTOR - to see an actor in a dream means that there are deceivers and hypocrites among your friends.
SHARK - to see a shark in a dream - to an early meeting with a secret or overt enemy.
midwife, midwife perhaps her vision indicates the release of a prisoner from prison and deliverance from the anxieties and hardships of life.
ALLAH (HOLY AND GREAT) If someone in a dream sees that Allah is satisfied, pleased with him and turned to him with His Face, then he will have the same meeting with Allah Almighty on the Day of Judgment. It also indicates the acceptance by the Almighty Lord of the good deeds he has done in this world, as well as the reward for them by Almighty Allah Paradise, as a reward for his charitable deeds, if the Almighty Creator dreams of him, and he will have the strength to look at Him. If he sees that the Creator has given him something of the blessings of worldly life, then some misfortune or illness will befall him, due to which he will be rewarded with Paradise in the next world.

If a person sees Allah in a dream in some well-known area on earth, then this means that justice reigns there and that goodness, joy and help will come there. Whoever sees that the Lord speaks to someone reproaching or warning against something, he is a sinner who needs to immediately repent.

If he sees that Almighty Allah descended to him in a dream and thanked him, then he will be endowed with the ability to perform miracles (karamat) and receive the mercy of Allah. Only a select few can see such a dream. But if you see Allah, He is Great and Glorious, in the form of one of his creations or with some shortcomings, then this is a deceitful person who deliberately slanders the Lord, and also follows the innovations in religion and let the one who sees such a dream repent sooner .
DIAMOND, BRILLIANT - a harbinger of family joys.
BARN - in a dream it means wealth and income, and if it is used, then this is a wonderful praise for it. If in a dream the barn is empty, then ruin awaits you. A full barn is for wealth.
A PINEAPPLE - a pineapple seen in a dream is a harbinger of the success that awaits you in the business you have begun.
ANGELS 1 - if someone sees an angel in a dream, then in life he will achieve honor and glory.

If he sees the most honorable of the angels, the goodness, happiness and mercy of Allah will befall him, the rains will descend, his earthly lot will increase, and the death of Shahid (martyr for faith) will befall him.

If he sees that the angels have descended into the mosque, then this is a command to do a lot of good, offer prayers (dua) to Allah, and give alms (sadaqa).

If they descended into the streets, then this is an appeal to him to stop doing evil, and this is also a command to be accurate in measurements and in weights.

If you see angels on the graves, then this is interpreted as the spread of the disease of cholera (waba) among the Ulama (learned theologians) and the death of ascetics who, in the name of Allah, refused the blessings of earthly life. Ibn Sirin said: “We were told that in Mecca, Abul Fadl Ahmad bin Imran al-Harawi, may Allah Almighty preserve him, said that Abu Bakr Jaafar bin al-Hayat ash-Sheikh Salih saw the Prophet in a dream, s.a.s. . He said that a group of poor ascetics were sitting next to the Prophet, s.a.s. Suddenly, - he continued, - the heavens opened up, and, accompanied by angels, the archangel Jabrail appeared, a.s. The angels held basins and jugs of water in their hands. They began pouring water on the hands of the poor and washing their feet. When it was my turn, he continued, I stretched out my hands and heard some of the angels say to others: “Do not pour water on his hands. He is not one of them." Then I turned to the Prophet, s.a.s., and said: “O Messenger of Allah, I may not be one of them, but I love them.” And the Prophet, s.a.s., answered: “The believer is together with those whom he loves.” And water was poured on my hands so that I could wash them. The appearance in dreams of angels, known as angels who bring messages, means signs that warn of impending major changes in the lives of those who meet in dreams with angels. Greatness, strength, power, a joyful event, victory after oppression, healing after illness, calmness after fear, prosperity after difficulties, wealth after poverty, liberation after hardships await these persons. A person who sees angels in a dream will have to perform the Hajj or take part in the ghazawat and give his life for the faith.

If someone sees in a dream how he is fighting with Jibril and Mikail, a.s., or is arguing with them, then this means that in such a situation he will have to experience the wrath of the Almighty from time to time, because his opinion coincides with this with the opinion of the Jews, God forbid!

If in a dream someone Jibril, a.s., gives some food to the sleeping person, then this signifies that this person, inshaAllah, will be among the inhabitants of Paradise. The appearance of the archangel Jibril, a.s., with a sad or preoccupied face is a sign that the person who saw this angel in a dream will face difficulties and punishment. It is known that Jibril, a.s., is also the angel of punishment. Meeting in a dream with Mikail, a.s., indicates that the one who saw this dream will achieve what he wants in the present and future life, if he is pious and devout, and if he is not, then let him beware.

If they see in a dream that Mikail, a.s., appears in any city or village, then the inhabitants of these places will experience heavy rain and lower prices.

If Mikail, a.s., speaks to the sleeping person or gives him some thing, then this is to prosperity, happiness and joy, because it is known that Mikail, a.s., is an angel of mercy. It is said that such a dream indicates the coming of justice after tyranny and the death of hard-hearted tyrants in this country.

If someone sees Israfil in a dream, a.s., with a saddened face and buzzing into the trumpet, the sounds of which are heard, according to the one who sees this dream, only to him alone, then this person will die.

If he believes that the sound of Israfil's trumpet, a.s., was also heard by the inhabitants of this area, then an imminent imminent death will occur there. Meeting in a dream with the angel of death (Azrael, a.s.), whose face expresses joy, means that the dreamer will give his life in the struggle for faith. To see an angry angel of death in a dream portends death without repentance.

If someone sees a dream as if he fought with the angel of death, and he defeated him, then this person will die.

If the angel of death could not overcome him, then this means that the dreamer will be on the verge of death, but then Allah will save him from death. And they say that the one who saw the angel of death in a dream expects a long life. It is said that Hamza al-Zayyat said: “I saw an angel of death in a dream and asked him, turning to him:” O angel of death! I conjure you in the name of Allah! Tell me, does the Almighty have anything good written about me? He replied: “Yes! And the sign of this is that you will die in Helwan.” Indeed, Hamza al-Zayyat died in Helwan. To see in a dream that one of the angels foretells the birth of a son to someone means that this person will have a son who will become a theologian, a kind and noble person, according to the words of the Almighty: “Verily, Allah will illuminate you with good news”, as well as : "I am only a messenger of your Lord to give you a clean boy."
ANGELS 2 - if you see angels with fruit dishes in a dream, this will mean that the one who sees this dream will die as one who died for the faith. Seeing in a dream one of the angels entering someone's house is a warning about the possible penetration of a thief into this house.

If someone sees in a dream how an angel takes away a weapon from him, then this means the loss of strength and prosperity by this person, it is even possible that he will part with his wife.

If someone sees angels in a dream in any place that causes fear in him, then confusion and war may arise in this area. The appearance in a dream of angels on the battlefield marks victory over enemies.

And if someone sees in a dream how the angels prostrate before him or bow to him, then this person will achieve the fulfillment of his cherished desires, exalt himself in his deeds and become famous.

If someone sees himself in a dream as if fighting with an angel, then he will fall into a difficult and humiliating position after his former greatness.

And if the patient sees in a dream how one angel fights with another, then this means the approach of his death. The appearance in dreams of angels descending from heaven to earth in their natural form marks the exaltation of venerable people, the humiliation of unworthy people, as well as the victory of the Mujahideen (those who make an effort, an effort to spread Islam - spiritual, psychological and, in extreme cases, physical). Seeing angels in the form of women in a dream means slander and lies erected against Allah. On this occasion, the following words belong to the Almighty: “Has your Lord only provided you with sons, and taken women from angels for himself? Verily you speak a dangerous word!”

And if someone sees in a dream how he flies with the angels or rises with them to heaven and does not return back, he will gain dignity in this life, and then die for a just cause.

If the sleeper sees that he is looking at angels, misfortune will befall him. This corresponds to the saying of the Almighty: "On the day when they see the angels, there will be no joyful news for sinners."

If the sleeper dreams that the angels are cursing him, this will mean condemnation or weakness of his faith, but if he dreams that the angels are making noise or screaming, this means that the sleeper's house may fall apart.

And if someone sees in a dream how several angels appear in some city, locality or village, then this means that an associate will die there or an unjustly offended person will be killed, or someone's house will fall on its inhabitants.

If someone dreams that angels produce the same products that the sleeper makes, this will signify that he is benefiting from his craft. The appearance in a dream of an angel saying: “Read the Book of Allah Almighty” portends a great honor if the one who sees this dream is from good pious people. If he does not belong to the good people, then let him be on his guard, for the word of Allah applies to him: “Read the record of your deeds, now you yourself are able to demand an account from yourself.” The appearance of angels in a dream in any place on a horse marks the death of a powerful person or tyrant there. The flight in a dream of birds unknown by name means that not birds are flying, but angels. Seeing this in a dream in any place means retribution against the oppressors and help to the oppressed.

If someone sees in a dream the Noble Scribes (“Al-Hafazat”, angels on both sides of a person who write down all his good and bad deeds), this means for him joy and happiness in the present and future life and a happy end to life. This is provided that the dreamer belongs to the number of righteous and virtuous citizens.

If it is not such, then one should be afraid of him, for the Almighty said: “Noble Scribes know what you are doing!” Some of the people who know a lot about this say that the appearance in a dream of an angel in the form of a sheikh (old man) tells about the past, in the form of a young man, he speaks of the present, and in the form of a youth, indicates the future.

If someone sees in a dream that he, as it were, appears in the form of an angel, this portends him relief, if before that he was in trouble, or liberation, if he was previously in captivity, or the adoption of faith, the achievement of great heights of power. For the patient, this dream means the approach of death.

If someone sees a dream in which the angels greet him, this means that Allah will endow this person with insight in life and provide him with a happy outcome. It is said that a certain Jewish merchant named Shamuel, being on his way, dreamed that the angels were blessing him. He turned to the interpreter of dreams about this, and he answered him: “You will accept the Islam of Allah and the Sharia of the Messenger of God, peace be upon you, from the words of the Almighty:“ It is He and His angels who bless you to lead you out of darkness into light !”. This merchant converted to Islam, and Allah led him to the True Path. The reason for his adoption of Islam was that he hid the poor debtor from his creditor.
ORANGE, MANDARIN an orange or tangerine seen by a person in a dream promises him good health.
PHARMACY - if a patient sees a pharmacy in a dream, then he will soon recover, but if a healthy person sees it, he may get sick.
ARAFAT - whoever sees in a dream that he is on Mount Arafat on the day of Arafat and one of his relatives is missing (or missing), then he will return to him joyful, and if he quarreled with someone, he will make peace with him . Arafat may refer to the Hajj as well.
WATERMELON - watermelon portends pregnancy for a woman and early marriage for a girl. If a person in a dream stretches his hand to the sky and eats a watermelon at the same time, then soon he will receive what he longs to acquire. Yellow watermelon is disease, and green watermelon is earthly destiny. If a person throws watermelons into his house, then each abandoned watermelon is to the death of one of the relatives.
PRISONER - to see an arrested person in a dream is an omen that troubles may await you.
ASCETISM, RELIGION in a dream is a manifestation of love and respect from people.
ASTRONOME - it's a liar.
verses of the Qur'an - if these are verses that speak of mercy, and the one who reads them has already left this world, then his soul rests under the mercy of Allah. But if these are verses containing a direct or indirect meaning of punishment, then his soul is under the punishment of Allah. If they are verses of exhortation, then they warn the one who saw them from committing a sin, and if they are verses announcing something, then they portend good and good for him.

Islamic dream book. Interpretation of dreams according to the Holy Quran and the Sunnah / Per. from Arabic. - St. Petersburg: "Publishing house" DILYA ", 2010.

Dreams have always been a mystery to humans. Many centuries ago, they tried to decipher them, to understand the signals that the subconscious mind sends in dreams. In any religion, there are interpretations of dreams that are characteristic of people of this particular denomination.

Presented on our website, the Islamic interpreter considers dreams from the point of view of the worldview of Muslims.

In the Islamic dream book collected centuries-old traditions and wisdom of the East. Solve your dreams with the help of a dream book trusted by millions of Muslims.

Islamic dream book created on the basis of the holy book for all Muslims, the Koran, the encyclopedia "The Body of Knowledge" and, preserved from ancient times, the works of Persian sages.

Also known to the Islamic world, dream books were used as a source of information:

  • Abdu "l-Kerima;
  • Rahmetu Allah.

The dream book is closely connected with Islam, all interpretations are based on the postulates of religion, this is its main difference from other dream books.

Of particular interest is the location of the sections of the dream book, there are always areas ahead that are more significant in the Muslim faith.

In the Islamic dream book, the interpretation of dreams about a person will always stand higher than dreams about animals. Having discovered a Muslim dream book for yourself, you will plunge into the mysterious world of the East.

In the Islamic dream book, time is important. If you had a dream during a daytime sleep, expect an early fulfillment. A night's sleep can come true much later. Lunar days are also considered a weighty argument.

Interpretations in the Muslim dream book

The interpretation of dreams in the Islamic dream book is as close to reality as possible. Danger warning if a predatory beast is dreaming. In a dream, to see a scorpion - among relatives and friends, a person wound up who is not happy with your communication, he can betray. Everything is like in life: no one will be happy to meet a scorpion. Children, as in reality, symbolize joy, happiness. A strange and unfamiliar child in a dream - it is worth preparing for disturbing events in life. There are dreams that are simply about nothing, the brain digests the events taking place in life at night.

Do you want to know more about your dreams? Contact the Islamic dream book

Muslim dream book online is presented on our resource. The site is easy to use, free, entry without registration. Come in and ask in the search form the images and symbols that you dreamed about in a dream. Your attention to the most urgent and modern interpretation of dreams.

Video : The Meaning of Dreams in Islam

In the Islamic world, dreams are equated with prophecy, they are given special attention. The interpretation of dreams is based on the religious beliefs of Muslims and is distinguished by a different approach to the meaning of symbols. Consider the question: an Islamic dream book is the interpretation of dreams. This article will be of interest to representatives of other religious denominations.

At the heart of deciphering the images of a dream are provisions based on the Sunnah and the Koran. The works of Imam Mohammed, the greatest scholar of the Islamic world, are also highly trusted. Muslims sincerely believe that dreams can help in choosing the right path in life., protect from haram (sinful action) and point out shortcomings in the development of the individual.

An important point is the similarity of Islamic values ​​with universal ones. The interpretation of symbols is based on a natural understanding of the images seen in a dream. Sleep is perceived as "observation of the soul", which reads the signs sent down by Allah. Scientists of the Islamic world are deeply convinced that the souls chosen by him can correctly interpret the signs of the Almighty. These souls are marked by special holiness and wisdom - saints and prophets.

The Muslim dream book according to the Quran and the Sunnah represents knowledge about dreams from the point of view of the Islamic religion. Through the dream book, a person can get an idea not only about the images he has seen, but also understand their religious component. Therefore, the Islamic dream book is a deeply spiritual and sacred book.

Characteristics of dreams

Scripture defines three types of dreams:

  1. dreams sent down by Allah;
  2. dreams from shaitan (satan);
  3. dreams from the subconscious.

The signs sent down by the Almighty bring goodness and edification. These are small prophecies that show a person the right path. These dreams are distinguished by the presence of the image of the Prophet, Angels and saints.

Dreams from Satan are filled with nightmares or temptations. These pictures are designed to lead the believer astray and lead in a dark direction. Sometimes the devil affects a person with fear in order to force him to commit a haram (sin).

Scholars of the Islamic world believe that dreams come from the devil only if a person spent the day wrong - succumbed to temptations, did not perform the ritual of going to bed, or did not perform ablution before going to bed. It is forbidden to talk about these dreams to others.

Dreams from the subconscious talk about the experiences of the current day, the impressions of a person. Sometimes these dreams are confusing and incomprehensible: such visions do not need to be deciphered.

Distinctive features of the Muslim dream book

Islamic dream book - the interpretation of dreams according to the Holy Quran is strikingly different from other interpreters. The difference is as follows:

  • The decoding of the images approved by the Holy Scripture is applied.
  • What matters is the interpretation of the images seen by the Prophet himself, and his personal interpretation.
  • The interpretation is always clear and understandable, as close as possible to the natural perception of images.
  • The order of the recorded images is not in alphabetical order, but in order of importance from the point of view of the scholars of the Islamic world.
  • Some images that are usually interpreted negatively / positively acquire a diametrically opposite meaning in the Islamic dream book.
  • The dream book forms the correct behavior and worldview of a person from the point of view of Islam, that is, it is an instructive tool and a guide to action.

How to use an Islamic dream book

To correctly decipher the dream, follow these instructions:

  1. Compare what you see with a certain category: a dream from Allah, a dream from Shaitan, a dream from the subconscious.
  2. Highlight the main line of the dream, discarding unnecessary details.
  3. From the remaining images, select the most significant and look at the meaning in the interpreter.

A believing Muslim should consider each of his dreams through the prism of the revelations of the Almighty. If the dream corresponds to the revelations, it can be trusted. Otherwise, sleep should not be taken into account.

The most famous Islamic dream book is the Tafsir of Dreams by Ibn Sirin, which contains about a thousand dreams and their interpretations.

What to do with a favorable or unfavorable dream

If you happened to see a sign from Allah or the instruction of the Prophet, do the following:

  • Give praise to the Almighty for sleep.
  • Be filled with joyful anticipation of the accomplishment of the sign.
  • Share what you see with those who love and appreciate you.
  • Interpret the dream correctly, because exactly those symbols that you designated through the dream book will come true.

If you happen to have a terrible dream, do the following:

  • Ask Allah in prayer to protect from evil.
  • Ask for protection from the devil - three times.
  • Spit three times to the left.
  • Change your position when falling asleep (roll over to the other side).
  • Perform the ritual of Namaz.
  • Do not tell anyone about the content of the dream.
  • Do not try to interpret it even for yourself.

If you do the listed seven points, the dream will not come true by the will of Allah.

Interpretations according to the Holy Quran

  • The rope symbolizes the covenant of Allah.
  • The ship is a symbol of salvation.
  • Wood is hypocrisy in faith.
  • The stone is a hard heart.
  • The infant is the enemy.
  • Ashes, ashes - an empty thing.
  • Greens and vegetables - replace the good with the bad.
  • A good tree is a good word.
  • Bad tree is a bad word.
  • Garden - good deeds.
  • Eggs, clothes - a symbol of a woman.
  • Light is the path of truth.
  • Darkness is the path of delusion.

Interpretations according to the Sunnah

  • Raven is an unholy person.
  • The mouse is a sinful woman.
  • Rib, glassware - a symbol of a woman.
  • The shirt is a symbol of religion, faith.
  • Milk is knowledge.
  • A black woman with shaggy hair is a plague.
  • Rain is the path of truth and knowledge.
  • Smooth road - .
  • The walls are the commandments of Allah.
  • Open doors are the prohibitions of the Almighty.
  • Home is heaven.
  • Feast (feast) -.
  • The caller to the feast is the Prophet.
  • Camel - greatness.
  • The sheep is the grace of the Almighty.
  • Horse - well-being, goodness.
  • Sweet lemon - a true believer reading the Koran.
  • A date is one who does not read the Quran.
  • Basil - one who pretends to be a believer and reads the Koran.
  • Coloquint - one who pretends to be a believer and does not read the Koran.
  • Oppression is darkness.
  • Avarice is bloodshed, death.
  • The palm tree is a Muslim devoted to Allah.
  • Fire is confusion, destruction.
  • Stars are scientists.
  • Iron weapons - victory, strength.
  • Aroma - praise, a good deed.
  • Rooster is an influential person.
  • The snake is the distributor of heresy.
  • The patient silently leaves the house - to death.
  • A patient with conversations leaves the house - to recovery.
  • Leaving narrow doors - liberation, relief.
  • The death of a person is a return to the Almighty.
  • Land work is work.
  • The dog is not a dangerous enemy.
  • Leo - power and authority.
  • Fox is a wicked person.

Other interpretations

Often dreams have opposite interpretations. For example.

The interpretation of dreams for Muslims is of particular importance: in a hadith from Abu Hurairah it is said that before the end of the world, absolutely all the dreams of a faithful Muslim will be prophetic. In Islam, it is believed that only the chosen people, endowed with wisdom by Allah himself, can correctly understand the meaning of dreams. Therefore, the most accurate and correct interpretations are given only by the Muslim dream book on the Holy Quran and the Sunnah.

What is sleep for a Muslim?

Sleep has always played a big role in the upbringing of a Muslim and delivering him from sins. Imam al-Ghazali wrote the book "The Alchemy of Happiness". In particular, in it he mentioned visionary dreams. It was a kind of "Muslim dream book from A to Z" of antiquity. The following is literally said about dreams in The Alchemy of Happiness. In a dream, the five senses of a person are closed (figuratively they are represented as five doors), and our soul becomes open to comprehending transcendent information about the past, present and future. The information that a person receives from the astral world comes to him either in a "pure form" or in the shell of memories or imagination. The images that are "dictated" by memory correspond to the inner essence of an event. If a person sees something in a prophetic dream, then the prophet sees the same thing, but in reality. Our site contains an alphabetical Muslim dream book that will help you understand the meaning of your dreams, delve deeper into their essence. What is our Muslim dream book based on? The interpretation of dreams is primarily based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah, as well as on the works of the great Imam Muhammad Ibn Sayrin al-Basri and such scholars as Imam Ja "far as-Sadiq and an-Nablusi.

Three types of Muslim dreams

The Muslim dream book for men recognizes three types of dreams: good and favorable, bad and unpleasant, as well as dreams associated with the actions or thoughts of a person in the waking state. How does a Muslim dream book interpret a favorable dream? Interpretation according to the Quran: a good dream is a good news from Allah himself and one part of the prophecy out of 46. The very first auspicious dream, according to the Quran, was the vision of Eve to Adam. Unfortunately, a person can see bad and unpleasant dreams. The Muslim dream book according to the Quran and the Sunnah believes that all such dreams come from Shaitan (this is the Muslim analogue of the Devil). Shaitan is happy to mock a faithful Muslim, placing fear and horror in his soul. Dreams that are caused by Shaitan can induce a person to commit sins. Such dreams can be stupid, and can cause wet dreams, but most often a person has nightmares. If you want to have only pleasant dreams, you need to pray to Allah before going to bed. You can not eat before going to bed and think about something obscene. The third type of dreams includes dreams associated with human activities or thoughts. So, a teacher can see himself in a dream leading a lesson, and a lonely man surrounded by beautiful girls. You may ask: is it necessary to pay money for what your Muslim dream book “tells” about? Dream interpretation is free and will continue to be so in the future! So do not go to sites where you are offered to send SMS to find out the meaning of your dream - our online Muslim dream book is free and the most truthful!
