Is it possible to guess the year? When to guess: myths and reality

Since ancient times, people have sought to know their future. It was believed that Christmastide is the best time for this. That is why people widely used various Christmas fortune-telling.

Fortune telling at Christmas is still widely used today. We suggest considering several of the most common options.

Christmas fortune telling 2016

As the New Year holidays approach, we all begin to ask questions: ? And which Christmas fortune-telling 2016 will be the most accurate and relevant?

Today we will talk specifically about fortune telling for Christmas. There are various Christmas fortune-telling 2016. Fortune-telling on a thread is quite widespread. For this fortune telling we will need threads. Girls must cut the threads of the same length and set them on fire. Whose thread burns out faster, the girl will be the first to get married.

Fortune telling with a ring or needle (to determine the sex of a child)

The ring is tied to a thread and immersed in a glass of water, and the woolen fabric is pierced with a needle (with thread). Next, take the end of the thread into your hand. If the ring (or needle) makes circular movements, then you will have a girl. If the ring or needle begins to swing like a pendulum, then this is a sure sign of the birth of a boy. If the ring or needle remains motionless, then you will not have children.

Fortune telling about the future groom

Various items are placed in the boot: sugar, a ring, an onion, a glass, a gold ring, a rag, a scarf, a coin. The girls take turns pulling one object from the boot. \

Sugar means a sweet life, a ring means marriage, an onion means tears, a glass means a bad life, a gold ring means a rich life, a rag means a poor husband, a scarf means a handsome husband, a coin means a rich husband.

Fortune telling with a rooster

Grains (or coins), water are placed in separate containers, and a mirror is placed. If the rooster approached the mirror, then the future husband will be a womanizer and a reveler; if the rooster preferred grain (or coins), then you will marry a rich man; if the rooster approached the water, then your future husband will be a drunkard.

Fortune telling with matches

This Christmas fortune telling is intended for couples in love. Place two matches on the sides of the matchbox and light them. If the burnt heads are facing each other, then the guy and the girl will be together.

Fortune telling by dreams

Write the name of the intended groom on a piece of paper. Apply lipstick to your lips and kiss the leaf. Place a piece of paper with your name and a mirror under your pillow. If the prospective groom comes to you in a dream, then you will be together.

Christmas fortune telling 2016 by dreams (from Monday to Tuesday):

Take three bay leaves. Write a different man's name on each one. Cast a spell: From Monday to Tuesday I looked from the windowsill, who dreams of me, let him dream about me. Place bay leaves under your pillow and go to bed.

Fortune telling for Christmas using spruce

On the night from Monday to Tuesday, take a spruce (fir, pine) twig and place it under your pillow. Say the words: when I go to bed on Monday, I put a spruce tree under my pillow. May I dream of someone who dreams of me.

Christmas fortune-telling 2016 using a brownie is quite widespread. Drip wax into one mug, pour milk into another. Place both mugs at the doorstep. Say the following words: Master of the house, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.

Simultaneously with the spoken words, milk is poured into the melted wax. And then they carefully watch what happens. If as a result you see a cross, then this means illness and funeral, a flower - love and marriage, a beast - an enemy. If the wax shows stripes or stars, then you should expect success at work or in school. If you see an image of a human figure, then this is to a friend.

Christmas fortune telling 2016 for kings

Before going to bed, put four kings under your pillow and say: who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will have a dream, and I will have him.

If you dream about the king of spades, it will mean that your groom will be old and jealous; if the king of hearts, then the groom will be young and rich; if the king of the cross is the king, expect matchmaking from a military man or businessman; if the king of diamonds, then the groom will be handsome and secured.

Fortune telling with bulbs

The girls take several bulbs, mark them and plant them in the ground. The girl whose bulb sprouts first will be the first to get married.

Christmas fortune telling on a ring

Take the ring and throw it on the floor. If it rolls towards the door, then the girl will soon marry a man who will often travel on business trips. In addition, this can also be interpreted as leaving one’s home.

Also one of the popular fortune telling at Christmas is listening under the window. The girl takes a spoon and knocks on the window with it. If she hears a man's voice in response, then she will get married this year. If it is female, then you should not count on marriage in the coming year.

If you want to know the name of your future husband, then go out into the street and ask the name of the first man passing by.

Each of these things has a specific meaning:

  • Salt - tears
  • Sugar – sweet life, good luck in the coming year
  • Coins - for money
  • Bread - the coming year will be full
  • Ring - this year you will get married
  • Ball - for the birth of a child.

Experienced magicians and psychics claim that there are certain days for fortune telling when you can get the most accurate information about the future. Fortune telling is a way of obtaining information from the other world. And for the prediction to be true, it is necessary to guess on specific days and hours when the connection with the world of the dead is strongest. So, when can we guess?

Days to guess

There is an opinion that the most truthful predictions can be obtained on certain lunar days. It is believed that the connection with the other world is strongest on the 12th, 14th and 18th lunar days. And psychics and fortune tellers also highlight certain numbers in the calendar when you can get reliable information about the future:

  • 2nd - the day is good for all types of fortune telling and magical rituals;
  • The 6th is the day when you can find out your future;
  • 10th - on this day you can get correct information about the events of the past;
  • The 20th is the day when Fate gives the greatest number of signs. Also on this day you can;
  • 22nd - on this day it is good to guess from books;
  • 27th - on this day events of both past and future life are easily revealed. On the 27th you can get all the answers to your questions;
  • The 28th - on this day you can trust your intuition. Most people open their third eye, which allows them to see the future most clearly.

In addition, there are days of the year when you can get a true prediction. These are considered holy days - from January 7 to January 19. You can also guess from March 15 to 20, from June 23 to 28, from November 15 to 21.

A special day for fortune telling is the holiday of Ivan Kupala - July 6. It is these days that a person becomes more receptive to receiving information from another world.

When can you start guessing by time?

You can also guess during the day - from 14 to 16 hours. But at this time, it is usually more difficult for a person to concentrate on the ritual, and he can easily lose touch with the other world.

When can you tell fortunes about your betrothed?

Fortune telling for the betrothed and for love require separate consideration. Love magic is very different from other types of witchcraft, so fortune telling about your betrothed is necessary on certain days. Psychics and soothsayers recommend telling fortunes about love and relationships on Friday evening. This day is patronized by Venus - the planet of love. On Friday, people’s heart chakra begins to work more actively, which means it will be easier for them to perceive information.

You can use the lunar calendar to choose the day of fortune telling for relationships. The most favorable days for fortune telling are the days when the Moon is in Taurus and Libra.

When can you tell fortunes with cards?

Card fortune telling also needs to be distinguished separately from other methods of fortune telling. You can tell fortunes on cards at any time of the day, but on certain days. The most favorable days for fortune telling with cards are Monday and Friday. You should not lay out the deck on Saturday and Sunday - on these days of the week the cards lie.

Fortune telling on favorable days and hours will allow you to obtain reliable information about your future and make a true prediction. We wish you good luck and don't forget to click and

11.03.2014 15:26

There are many different ways to find out what kind of relationship you will have with your loved one. ...

The New Year 2016 is coming, and I really want to look into the future and find out at least a little about what awaits us, is there any hope that our dreams will come true. The magic of New Year's Eve gives us such an opportunity. It is noteworthy that the tradition of fortune telling on the New Year dates back to ancient times, when people believed that it was on this night that mystical forces would be activated, capable of lifting the veil of secrecy about the future. The most popular fortune-telling on New Year's Eve is to write your cherished wish on paper, burn it at the first strike of the chimes and dissolve the ashes in a glass of champagne, then you must drink the resulting magic potion before the last strike. Legend says that if you fulfill all the above points, your wish will definitely come true.

When can we start guessing?

According to old beliefs, you can tell fortunes from December 25 to January 17, but you cannot tell fortunes on Sunday and Monday. This is due to the fact that Monday is a lunar day, and the moon can be deceptive. You can't tell fortunes on Sunday for religious reasons. Fortune telling is considered the most accurate on Friday night, especially on the 13th, on the first day of the year and on your birthday. So, turn off the lights, light the candles and let the magic begin...!

Fortune telling for love

— Fortune telling by matches

Finding out about the feelings of a loved one using matches is considered one of the most accurate and simple methods. During fortune telling, fire has been treated since ancient times as the most powerful element, endowing it with divine power. Take two matches from a new matchbox and fasten them vertically at a short distance from each other. Think about which match will symbolize a man and which will symbolize a woman. Then light them and watch the combustion process: if the matches lean towards each other, then this means mutual feelings of the intended couple; if one of the matches has not changed its shape, remaining in a vertical position, then this indicates the indifference of the one it symbolizes; A quick deflection of the match in the opposite direction from the other will indicate a negative attitude.

— Fortune telling with bulbs

The bow will help you find out the name of your betrothed. To do this, on the night before Christmas, take as many bulbs as you already have gathered candidates for the role of spouse, and write a name on each one. Then you need to lower them into a container of water, saying: “Oh, onion, whisper, who will be the groom?”. All you have to do is wait to see which bulb will sprout first. Actually, the one whose name is written on it will become your husband.

— Fortune telling with a comb

New Year's fortune telling with a comb will help you see your betrothed in a dream. To do this, before going to bed, slowly comb your hair with a clean comb, saying: “Mummer, come to me dressed up.” Then go to bed with the comb under your pillow.

Fortune telling by wish

— Fortune telling by grains

Make your deepest wish, close your eyes and try to imagine it. Then take a handful of grains into your fist and squeeze it tightly so that they do not spill. Count the number of grains collected. If the number turns out to be even, the wish will come true! Odd is still early.

— Fortune telling by cat

If you have a cat in your house, he will help you find out if your wish will come true! To do this, think about what you really want and call the cat. Watch carefully which paw the cat steps across the threshold. If it’s right, your wish will come true!

— Fortune telling on paper

This is the simplest fortune telling for a New Year's wish. In order to find out whether your wishes will come true, take 12 pieces of paper and write one wish on each. When you wake up, take out any three pieces of paper - whatever wishes you choose will come true.

Fortune telling

Through the water in the mirror

This fortune telling will tell you what the coming year will bring to you. To do this, take a decanter filled with water, a mirror and three lit candles. Place candles around the decanter and look through the water in the mirror. What you see in the mirror is what fate has in store for you!

— Patterns on glass

Another simple way to reveal the secret of the future is to freeze glass. To do this you will need a small glass or mirror. Pour water over it and take it out into the cold at midnight (you can put it in the freezer). Wait until the glass is covered with patterns and return to the warmth. And now we begin fortune-telling by pattern: circles - next year you will live in abundance; Christmas tree pattern - a lot of work awaits you; square patterns - difficulties await you next year; triangles, rhombuses - luck and success will be favorable to you...

Fortune telling specialists, or more simply put, fortune tellers, can engage in this practice without regard to prohibited or permitted days. The only thing that matters is the mood of the cards and other fortune telling tools. And if they fall, this is a sure sign that fortune telling should be postponed to a more favorable moment. We can advise beginners to start guessing on Monday or Friday. These days, intuition is more developed, and interpretation will be much easier for you. The lunar fortune telling calendar for 2016 can also help you well. The lunar day will tell you what can be done and what is not advisable.

Each item corresponds to a lunar day in order:

  1. Most often, fortune telling becomes deceptive, and the future at this time is uncertain.
  2. You can ask about what will happen in the next lunar month.
  3. In order not to disrupt the favorable moments of the future, it is not recommended to guess.
  4. An excellent choice would be fortune telling by wish, and asking questions whose answer is yes or no.
  5. Today we need to ask about love.
  6. An ideal day for ANY fortune telling with ANY instrument.
  7. Don't ask about love - they might lie. And any other questions that relate to relationships with others will be answered with the truth.
  8. A great day to learn how your past affects your present.
  9. You can't guess.
  10. Ideal for guessing about family relationships.
  11. Fortune telling with fire, any questions.
  12. On this day, you can ask precise questions that you consider important and relevant.
  13. Don't guess at other people. You can guess at the events that will happen during the week.
  14. Today the Universe can answer you what your true purpose and spiritual path is, and how not to make mistakes.
  15. You can guess any questions.
  16. Today will be an excellent option for fortune telling on financial topics.
  17. It is preferable to guess on questions related to love and marriage.
  18. Refrain from guessing, pay attention to the signs from Above.
  19. An extremely unfavorable and dangerous day for fortune telling.
  20. On this day you will be answered questions related to your environment.
  21. Today you can ask where and in what profession you can expect success.
  22. You can guess at all material values.
  23. It is not advisable to guess.
  24. They will answer questions related to the prospects for the future. For example, a long-term project, building a house, and so on.
  25. You can't guess, but you can ask questions.
  26. An extremely unfavorable day for fortune telling.
  27. You can ask questions about travel and finances.
  28. You will receive truthful answers to all questions.
  29. You need to ask about what you want to free yourself from (break off a love relationship, about illness and consequences, and so on).
  30. This day is quite rare for a lunar day, so ask the most important questions.

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The question of when Christmas fortune-telling takes place is quite easy to answer. It all begins, as it happens according to traditions in Rus', on Christmas Eve before Christmas, that is, on the night of January 6-7. It is believed that this is one of the most powerful nights of the year, when fortune telling will predict the truth and good spirits will want to lift the mysterious veil of a person’s fate.

On the other hand, during the Christmastide period, which means from January 8 to January 18, there will be favorable nights for fortune telling, and special attention should be paid to the night of January 13 and the night of Epiphany Christmas Eve on January 18. These are also days, like Christmas Eve before Christmas, with strong energy. Although, here it should be emphasized separately that the entire Christmastide period has the strongest energy and this is the best period during the year to actively guess and receive truthful answers to your questions.

When answering the question about when you can make fortunes before and after Christmas, you can safely highlight the period from January 6 to January 18. However, Christmas itself must be excluded from the series of these dates, on which fortune telling is not carried out, because this is considered a great sin. Truthful.

Interesting! You need to tell fortunes for Christmas if you have a strong desire and you really believe in rituals. Otherwise, the spirits may be offended and fortune telling will not end well. Also, certain rituals must be carried out according to strict rules, which were formed by the reptiles and have survived in full form to the days of our modern times.

Of course, many unmarried girls, and they are the ones who are most interested in predictions, are interested in the question of telling fortunes about their betrothed at Christmas. Fortune telling can be done from January 6 to January 18 at least every night, excluding Christmas itself. But in order for the spirits to help with the answer, you also need to be able to guess. Below are common rituals that have helped many girls see their betrothed and their future destiny.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

With mirrors

There are very different options for how you can tell fortunes about your betrothed; consider the example of mirrors. The most mystical, but true and truthful ritual. Although, if you tend to get scared by little things, then it is better to prefer simpler methods of fortune telling. Why is this ritual scary additionally because, according to the rules, it is required to be carried out completely alone and by candlelight.

Advice! In Rus', they tried to carry out exactly this fortune-telling in a non-residential building or in the attic. Because if an evil spirit appears instead of the betrothed, then it can take up residence in the room, so it is dangerous to carry out such fortune-telling in living rooms.

The girl needs to let her hair down, remove her belt and all jewelry, unfasten buttons and fasteners so that energy can flow freely throughout her body. Wipe the mirror. Place the second mirror, smaller in size, closer to you and make sure that the mirrors, reflected in each other, form a mirror corridor. Light a wax candle between the mirrors and ask the betrothed to come.

With water

If fortune telling with mirrors seems too scary and serious, do not despair, because there are other ways. For example, the betrothed can be seen using water and a mirror. Water must be poured into a container without edges or glass patterns. There are no requirements for water; it can be taken simply from the tap.

True, you again need to guess alone and at night, by candlelight. Place a mirror on the table and prepared water in front of it, light candles and look through the mirror at the container with water. They say that you can see the image of your betrothed there and immediately you have to shout “Care me.”

With egg

An ordinary chicken egg will help you find out something about your future husband during the Christmastide, when fortune telling is considered as truthful as possible. The advantage of this ritual is that it is not necessary to carry it out alone; you can do everything with girlfriends in an easy atmosphere.

When and how to carry out fortune-telling at Christmas and during the Christmastide is clear, the only question that remains is how exactly to interpret the signs and whether to believe them. Personally, it seems to us that we must believe in everything good and convince ourselves that it will happen. If fortune telling predicts something bad, then don’t take it seriously and just throw such a prediction out of your head.
