Guessing numbers. How to calculate winning lottery numbers using a pendulum? Quick cube roots

Don't know how to guess numbers? I don’t even know how to guess. And it’s probably unlikely that anyone will guess; it’s more likely that 1 in 1,000,000 people will just be lucky. Many people think that they are super geniuses, prodigies with the open superpower of the gift of guessing something. But I want to upset you, this is far from true. Most likely this is a television show paid for by someone and nothing more. After all, a number has, first of all, physical properties - such as numerology, that is, essentially speaking: integer, positive, prime numbers: 1,2,3,4,5... which are interconnected by a sequence, that is, by the number 1. This 1 plus one, and 1 minus 1. And so on... That is, each number is connected, roughly speaking, through one. It is this “unit” that every person wants to know, that is, what numbers will come out next time. No battle of psychics can help you resolve this issue. What to do, how to find out what numbers there will be. In the era of computer technology, the answer comes naturally to mind - in programs. But which ones? After all, there are countless of them on the Internet. Again, if you think carefully, the answer is obvious: specialized programs. You won’t stir pasta with a hammer or hammer in nails with a spoon. For everything on the computer, or practically everything, there is a special “tool” so to speak. And so, for accurate calculation of numbers, for example, there is an excellent program “number forecast”. It is designed (adapted) for counting draws for various lotteries. Of course, there is also simple calculation of numbers. The point of the program is that knowing the previous numbers, the next one will definitely come up. But how can you find out the previous ones, for example, numbers from the circulation archive. There are tables on the Internet in which the robot itself enters these numbers. And you take them, if you want, you operate with them for further calculations, for example, circulations. Various theorems were used there, for example, Einstein, Bernoullet, De Moivre and Laplace, Tarasov, Saliu and many others. In short, the number that has passed the maximum number of tests is drawn more often than others, which means that it is the one that is most likely to be drawn. In this way, the prediction of the numbers being drawn is achieved. If we talk about lotteries, including foreign ones, the “Eurolotto Win Generator” program has appeared on the Internet; it is more adapted to games, and all the lotteries in the World that there are are collected there, there are about 60 of them. Similar algorithms are used to calculate the numbers dropped. After all, in order to calculate what number will come up, you need some numbers, we are not talking about so-called random numbers, for this you again need circulation archives. This is how numbers are calculated. Here is the answer to the question of how to guess numbers using special programs!

People have long ago learned some rules by which various natural phenomena are determined, however, it is very difficult to obtain a certain “schedule”, since not all phenomena are expressed clearly and “accessibly”.

But still, in any phenomenon there is always a certain order. The fact is that everything that happens in our Universe follows some rules and laws, according to which you can sometimes guess the winning numbers in the lottery, for example, group lottery game(after all, 25-40% of all jackpots are won through such a game). For example, a weighty object will fall down, but will not fly up; when water is heated to one hundred degrees Celsius, it will boil, and a coin that appears over and over again in an unexpected way will land “tails” up at least once out of 10 tosses.

Thus, it is determined that if there are rules, then they can be learned, even if this is not so easy to do... And the key to foresight is knowledge of the laws of nature of our world. And one of these laws has been used by people for a long time - dowsing, i.e. dowsing.

To obtain any information from the past or future, fortune tellers, priests, and astrologers at all times used plumb lines that looked like metal objects suspended on chains or thin threads.

The history of the method by which you can guess numbers in the lottery

Over time, in Europe this phenomenon began to be called radioesthesia (from Latin radio - to emit, emit and Greek aistesis - sensation, feeling), i.e. the human ability to feel “radiations”. However, in our country the term dowsing is common (from the Greek bios - life and the Latin loco - to arrange, place), i.e. the human ability to determine the existence and location of certain objects or objects using certain indicators.

By the way, in ancient China, already six thousand years ago, the Chinese used dowsing, although only rulers or aristocrats who carried a plumb line with them and used it in choosing the most important decisions.

Dowsing from India moved to Egypt, then to Greece and Rome. Already from Rome, this method reached the European part of the continent, where people used a ring suspended on a thread for a hundred years. However, from the beginning of the thirteenth century, the Christian Church began to struggle with plumb-line predictions. This is why this practice was gradually forgotten until the eighteenth century.

At that time, far from us, the Austrian naturalist Karl von Reichenbach, the French scientists De France, Emar, Chevrolet, Triston, Gerbois spent a long time figuring out why there are different variations in the plumb line over different objects... True, in our time the conclusions of these scientists seem very ridiculous .

They argued that the positive or negative radioactivity inherent in objects and creatures inevitably causes fluctuations in the plumb line. And when applied over a horoscope, vibrations of the plumb line cause the “energy” of the planets, or, in relation to photography, the “energy” of the people depicted in it. In principle, plumb lines can be used on samples of metals or stones, on geographical maps or photographs, horoscopes or even handwriting, or for guessing lottery numbers.

And by the shape and direction of vibrations of the plumb line, by the strength of its deviation, one can draw conclusions about the properties of materials or mineral deposits in the bowels of the earth, also about the location of missing people or objects, about the health of people or animals, and find an aquifer. By the way, the material of the plumb line also played a huge role. It is recommended to use a plumb line made of the material that “suits” the radioesthetist astrologically.

There is a legend that once Greek sorcerers wanted to know the heir of the Roman emperor Valen, at the request of the latter. Having set up a table of laurel wood, the sorcerers placed on it a bowl made of various metals, with twenty-four letters engraved on it along its edge. One of the sorcerers in white linen clothes, addressing the gods, held a ring on a thread over the bowl. Oscillating, the ring pointed to various letters around the edge of the bowl, and together the letters were supposed to form a specific prediction.

How to guess lottery numbers this way

Write on separate pieces of paper the numbers that will be in the lottery you need. Then, using the described method, check each leaf where there will be an increased fluctuation - perhaps this number will be a winning number in the Spanish lottery.

Looking through each piece of paper, you can immediately put the ones you don’t need aside, you can divide the numbers into different categories, for example, into “understandable” and “not understandable.” Then select 6 or 7 numbers from the ones you understand and maybe you will be able to guess the lottery numbers!

So, now you know one of the methods of how to guess the lottery numbers.

Good luck and big wins!

Math tricks- the simplest to perform, they do not require props, long training and a special place for their demonstration. They are very suitable for children. Check out these entertaining tricks.

Such tricks with numbers you can surprise friends at the table, on a long trip or on a summer day in the shade of a branchy apple tree. The point of these tricks is to guess the numbers conceived by the audience, or to perform some operations on them.

The main thing is that the magician knows the secret: the special properties of numbers. All these miracles are based on mathematical laws, properties of figures and numbers. You can perform such tricks in algebra and geometry lessons.

And although instead of numbers and geometric figures in some tricks we will use various objects, they are all related to numbers. First try to do the most simple tricks for ordinary guessing.

Just remember: these tricks with numbers will only work out when you learn to quickly count in your head. Therefore, we recommend starting with training in mental calculation, and from smaller numbers to larger ones.

Math trick - Guess the number

  • Ask any spectator to think of a number
  • after this he must multiply the number by 2,
  • add 8 to the result,
  • divide the result by 2 and
  • subtract the intended number.

As a result, you boldly call the number 4.

The secret of focus.

For example, the viewer thought of the number 7. 7x2= 14 14+ 8= 22 22: 2= 11 11- 7= 4

Guessed birthday

Contents of this mathematical trick.

Announce to the audience that you can guess the birthday of any stranger sitting in the audience.

  • Call anyone and ask them to multiply the number of their birthday by 2
  • Then have the spectator add the resulting product and the number 5,
  • Now let him multiply the resulting amount by 50.
  • To this result you must add the number of the month of birth (July - 7, January - 1)
  • Say the resulting number out loud.

After a second, you tell the viewer's day and month of birth.

The secret of this mathematical trick.

Everything is very simple. In your head, subtract 250 from the number the spectator named.

You should get a three-digit or four-digit number. The first and second digits are the birthday, the last two are the month.

Number Guessing Trick

For this math trick you will need:

  • pre-prepared sheets of paper (according to the number of spectators),
  • pencils or pens (according to the number of spectators),
  • calculators.

Introduce yourself to the audience as a great mathematician, a trainer of numbers, a reader of other people's thoughts. Ask the audience to think of a number. You can ask absolutely any question, for example: how many days a week would you like to ride a bike, eat semolina porridge, not go to school, or run through puddles. The whole point is not in the question, but in the number conceived by the audience.

Hand out pieces of paper and pens to the audience and ask them to answer your question in writing. Let everyone write how many days a week they would like to eat carrots.

Now let everyone multiply this number by 2, then add 5 to the resulting number of carrots, and then multiply this amount by 50. Now let everyone do the following: if there was already a birthday this year, add 1,750, if not - 1,749. Now everyone must subtract their year of birth from this number and add 7 to this number.

The unraveled result of mathematical calculations

You will need: pre-prepared sheets of paper, pencils or pens, calculators.

Invite the audience to think of a three-digit number and write it down on paper. When guessing a number, one condition must be met: the hundreds digit should not be equal to the units digit and should not be one less or greater than it. If you are still confused about hundreds and units, then in three-digit numbers hundreds are in first place, tens are in second, and units are in third (for example, the number 531 is suitable).

  • Now the spectators must turn over the intended number, i.e. write the numbers in reverse order (135).
  • Then the spectators must take these two numbers and subtract the smaller from the larger (531 - 135).
  • The resulting difference must be turned over again (396; 693) and these two numbers added (396 + 693).
  • Then one of the spectators must add 100 to the received amount, the second - 200, the third - 300, etc.
  • Now you can guess what each viewer got, but on the condition that they add 1,089 to their last number. The first viewer, who added 100, gets 1,189, the second - 1,289, and the third - 1,389.
  • Now ask any of the spectators to name the resulting number.
  • You should get a two-digit or three-digit number. The first number is the number of carrots, the rest are the person’s age. The secret of focus. No matter how much you add or subtract, these are all the tricks of algebra. Only your viewers have no idea about this, the whole secret trick in those numbers that you make them add, subtract, divide.
  • This is what it looks like. For example, you wished for 2 days a week to eat carrots.
  • Now multiply 2 by 2 to get 4.
  • Then add 5 to 4, you get 9, then multiply 9 by 50, you get 450.

Let's say your birthday is July 18, 1997. For example, it is now the month of September and your birthday has already passed.

  • So, add 1,750 to 450, you get 2,200.
  • Now from the number 2,200, subtract the year of birth 1997, you get 203, add 7 to this number.
  • The result is 210 (2 days and 10 years).

In the second case, subtract 1,997 from the number 2,199, you get the number 202, add 7, you get 209. This means that the wish was 2 days for carrots and 9 years for the person wishing for it.

Tip: Before performing this mathematical trick, hand out calculators to the audience so that they do not make mistakes in the calculations, and for yourself, for the first time, write down on a card the order of actions with numbers: what to multiply by, what to add, what to subtract from.

The secret of focus.

In order to find out what happened, you do not need to know the intended number. The main thing is to add to the number 1,089 the number (100, 200, 300, 400...) that they added at the very end. In order not to confuse who got what, at the very end of the trick you can give out cards with the numbers 100, 200, 300 and ask them to hold them while guessing the final result.

Intended number

You will need: pre-prepared sheets of paper (according to the number of spectators), pencils or pens, calculators.

  • Invite your viewers to think of a two-digit number.
  • Now let them multiply the number of its tens by 2,
  • add the number 5 to this product,
  • multiply this amount by 5,
  • to the resulting product will be added 10 and the number of units of the number that was intended.

Let any viewer say that he succeeded. Subtract the number 35 from the result obtained (it’s better to do this in your head or on a calculator, without letting the audience know about your actions), and you will be able to name the number intended by the audience.

The secret of focus.

Everything is based on mathematical patterns that your viewers don't need to know about.

What does it look like in real focus? For example, the viewer thought of the number 38: 3 tens and 8 units.

  • Multiply 3 by 2 to get 6.
  • Add the number 5 to 6, we get 11,
  • multiply this amount by 5, we get 55,
  • add 10 and get 65,
  • add the number of units (8) of the intended number. We get 73, subtract 35.
  • As a result, the planned number is 38.

After you have learned how to do simple mathematical tricks with numbers, try more complex tricks.
