Cancer horoscope for the week of October 16th. Moon without course

You may or may not believe in horoscopes, but we still read them. Often the eye looks for the forecast of our sign. How wonderful it is when something coincides! Especially if something good happens.

The weekly astrological forecast contains a description of the general features of the upcoming seven days, as well as information about the peak events of this period, which should be paid close attention to. A weekly horoscope may contain advice from a professional astrologer that will help you get out of particularly difficult situations and not fall into new traps of fate.


This week, Aries will face a lot of worries in the professional sphere; current obligations will also remind them of themselves. In the middle of the week, a short-term business trip is possible, which will give you a long-awaited rest. A business trip will not only help you take your mind off your current worries, but will also give you a real creative boost. A certain detachment will give Aries a lot of interesting ideas. You shouldn’t immediately impress your colleagues or management with rationalization proposals. It is better to discuss them with a friend or loved one. If your ideas are impressive, you can take them to management. Otherwise, it is better to continue working on thinking about them.

In their personal life, Aries will need great perseverance and the ability to make the right decision. The stability of relationships with a loved one largely depends on this. During this period, quarrels are possible, since the loved one wants variety and, not getting what he wants, he is ready to quarrel over any reason. Free Aries should not spend all their time at home. A little flirting will help you take a fresh look at life.


Taurus will feel a surge of vitality, energy is in full swing, ambition and the desire to become a leader are activated. Public recognition awaits you. You are building your career and have achieved significant success in this matter. You are driven by the desire to achieve more, to increase your material well-being. And, relying only on your strength and knowledge, you can do this. The stars are on your side now. Just figure out what you need to pay attention to first and what to do later. And then any doors will open for you.

On the love front, unfortunately, not everything is so smooth. It happens that it is difficult for you to restore a relationship with someone about whom you are often sad. Moreover, both are to blame for the current situation. Both you and the one next to you deserve more affection and tenderness. To prevent the conflict from developing into war, give up all manifestations of selfishness and stubbornness. Breathe newness into your relationship. A candlelit dinner, a bath with rose petals, or even a banal cup of coffee brought to your loved one, these are the things that can save your shaky marriage.


This week, Gemini will need a lot of energy, but they managed to accumulate it during the relatively calm previous period. This week, Gemini will have to make every effort in all areas of life. Nothing can resolve itself. Problems require your participation in resolving them. With effort, Gemini will be able to achieve good success and luck will begin to appear on the horizon. This situation will add confidence to Gemini in their abilities and they will begin to make even greater efforts, which will allow them to advance long-term plans and start new projects.
A turning point awaits Gemini in their personal life, but this will mainly affect only lonely Geminis who have not yet given their hearts to anyone. Married Geminis should beware of putting too much pressure on their family members this week. Unreasonable demands and authoritarianism on the part of Gemini may be mistaken for nagging by your other half. This situation will definitely lead to conflict, and resolving it can be very difficult.

Any changes this week, even if they are the most unexpected, will be favorable because they are productive and timely. Cancers will reap a good financial harvest. New sources of income will appear, offers will be received that promise profit. You will meet new business partners who will help you implement your most daring plans. Thanks to these acquaintances, you will create a good foundation for the future and improve your material well-being.

You don’t have to count on the same grace in your family. You are more likely to think that single life suited you better. Your desire for independence can push your loved one away. You are confused in your feelings. But is it worth parting with someone who is devoted to you for the sake of momentary blues? And if things are not so simple in family relationships now, calm down and don’t be upset, everything will get better over time. It's easier to break up. Only in the family circle will you find peace and happiness. Moreover, you are so lucky with your loved one.

Despite the lull in the professional sphere, Leos cannot wait for rest. Starting from Tuesday, their business activity will increase. Leos, in addition, will have to reckon with the plans of other people, which will bring with it red tape and delays in plans. Despite the difficulties, by the end of the week there will be signs of improvement, and ultimately Leos will be able to live up to their wildest expectations of success.

In my personal life, everything is not so smooth. Relatives will make claims, accusing you of all serious things. Leos, in turn, will not be inclined to conduct any negotiations or make compromises. During this period, Leo will be required to make informed decisions more than ever. You should not be passive in your relationships with loved ones and tolerate their aggression, as this can greatly affect their attitude towards you in the future.


A time of contradictions - that’s how you can call this week for Virgos. In Virgo’s life at this time everything is fine, a loved one is nearby, there is a stable relationship. But for some reason the cats are scratching at my soul and I want change. Contradictions will also be added by misunderstanding on the part of others, who will not understand the motives for your behavior and sadness.

In the professional sphere the situation is different. Virgos expect success and recognition, both from their team and from management. Unexpected turns in life will not unsettle Virgos and make them give up. They will give a new impetus to activity and professional activity. In order to finally understand their feelings and emotions and come to the right decision, Virgos should set aside one or two days to think about the situation and understand what exactly is not satisfactory about it. Without achieving balance, Virgos will not be able to enjoy professional success. To do this, you need to understand the meaning and purpose of what happens in life.


The new week beckons Libra with the romance of the road. At the first opportunity, Libra will gladly go on a business trip, to the country, or just out of town to spend a pleasant evening there. During this period, Libra may receive a tempting offer from business partners or friends. Even if it is impossible to implement the proposal, the thought that you have not been forgotten will constantly warm you with warmth. In addition, such proposals will give hope for the development of new partnerships. This week for Libra is associated with travel, negotiations and making long-term plans. Completing started projects will fade into the background.

In addition to travel, this week is associated with communication, new meetings and acquaintances. Lonely Libra will be the center of attention at this time, they will arouse a natural desire to get to know each other better. Family Libras will definitely go out into the world, and an interesting entertainment program will be an excellent choice during this period.


This week, Scorpios will be overcome by a spirit of contradiction and unwillingness to compromise. Doing things your own way is the motto that Scorpios will live by this week, and that’s great. But the world does not always want to accept such desires. However, those around you will have to accept Scorpios along with their difficult character and desire for independence. The reluctance to compromise and inflexibility of Scorpios will play a cruel joke, completely ruining many undertakings, even the best ones.

In the romantic sphere, Scorpios will be able to become a winner in any situation, in any dispute. Just don’t put pressure on your partner, as he may not have enough strength and patience to withstand your confidence in his own infallibility. Lonely Scorpios do not have to expect new acquaintances. Even those new acquaintances that may appear during this period will not develop into anything serious.


Sagittarius is now similar to the character in the poems of Grigory Oster. Remember, there was a boy who gave everyone bad advice. Remember, even good advice is needed when you are asked for it. Otherwise, they are perceived as teachings, and not everyone will want to be educated. Therefore, they will try to avoid your company and avoid communication, especially when they understand that recommendations only bring harm. Direct your energy in a peaceful direction. Better yet, in order not to make any mistakes, go for a walk in the forest and admire its beauty.

Sagittarius' task this week is not to create conflict situations in the family. Compromise and empathy are two ways to avoid any difficulties for Sagittarius. Think more about others than yourself. Consult with your significant other more often; your loved one should see that it is not only you who makes decisions in the family. Unfortunately, everyday little things can not only upset you, but can also kill even a very strong feeling. Try not to notice the notorious everyday life.


This week, life will take Capricorns from side to side. Not only Capricorns themselves, but also the people around them will have to adjust their plans. Colleagues and loved ones will be forced to adjust their plans to new circumstances. During this period, unlike previous ones, Capricorns will not have to complain. During this period, the thirst for change will come true. Among all the changes in life, it is necessary to highlight those that can lead Capricorns to success and cut off those that bring neither joy nor benefit.

The storm will not bypass the personal life of Capricorns. This is especially true for those representatives of this zodiac sign who are in a strong union. This week is characterized by a quick change of unbridled happiness and a fall into the abyss of despair. Quarrels with loved ones will bring a storm of emotions, but don’t worry, they won’t lead to a break in relationships. Unpleasant emotions, paradoxically, will only strengthen your relationship. In a quarrel, you will be able to solve those problems that have been brewing for a long time, especially in matters of hierarchy and subordination in the family.


This week, Aquarius will come to understand that life forces you to take into account the opinions of the people around you, their demands and needs. During this period, you should think before shifting your responsibilities to colleagues. Even if it is necessary to delegate authority, it is necessary to explain the reasons for such a decision so that the additional workload does not cause irritation among colleagues. At the end of the week, success awaits. Enthusiasm and creativity will help resolve any issues, but we must not forget that changing circumstances must be responded to in a timely manner.
For free Aquarius, this week is a period of almost complete unlimited happiness. They will flutter like butterflies, rejoicing themselves and delighting the people around them. True, for some reason this situation does not inspire close people; they will be wary and make them a lot nervous. Any attempts on the part of relatives must be stopped at the root, otherwise a real storm in a glass of water may break out. It is better to leave your loved one alone with himself, his own thoughts and problems. In this situation, you can directly say that he not only cannot solve his own problems, but also adds unnecessary worries to you.


The beginning of the week will force Pisces to urgently complete all the things started earlier, because a new project awaits them, the implementation of which will help not only solve problems, but also make their wildest dreams come true. The second half of the week will bring unexpected help from friends or old business partners. Despite this, this week is not the time for career ambitions. During this period, it is too early to think about promotion; objective conditions for it have not arrived. In order to achieve success, you will need hard work and considerable patience.

Not everything is simple in a relationship with a loved one. You will still not be able to achieve the truth, and mutual insults during disputes will be inevitable. In order for the relationship to continue to remain stable, Pisces will need a lot of affection and patience, and the ability to understand a loved one. Lonely Pisces will have a new interesting meeting during this period. They simply exude attractiveness and can easily achieve interest from a person of the opposite sex. But it’s pointless to continue a relationship in which the spark didn’t slip through in the first minutes of acquaintance; it won’t lead to anything anyway.

The week from October 16 to October 22 is not an easy one. First, you need to deal with current affairs and finish what you didn’t have time to do. Until the 18th. And only then the New Moon and the Moon in growth. From October 20. We dream, we prepare, we plan. And we are also developing. As soon as we can.

The week from October 16 to October 22 will have to work hard. First, we finish everything that has not been done. Quickly, until October 18 inclusive. On October 19 we celebrate the New Moon. And since October 20, we have been closely engaged only and exclusively in growth and development. And the future.
But the horoscope will not help. There are no favorable days this week. Basically.

This week there will be time for both earthly affairs (well, finishing whatever you need to do) and not heavenly ones. Well, I mean, October 19 is the day of increased Dunna activity. New Moon aka. But it's a good day. True, you will have to quickly change your mind and urgently focus on tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and other marmalade. It's time for my honor. Well, it's about time.

Although those days when the Moon is without a course will not be easy. Everyone will become like Virgo and Libra. Oh, is this correct? What about this? But try this! Three-year-old in short.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 for all zodiac signs


There are no favorable days this week! Everyone, feel like a Pisces! Losers in life... Well, this is not forever.
Other signs of the Zodiac need to urgently finish everything they started (wash the dishes, finish cooking the borscht). And from October 19 to a low start. We begin to look fiercely and actively into the future and orient our sorrowful affairs towards it (the future). So like this!

Moon phases

  • October 16-18 – Waning Moon
  • October 20 – 22 – Waxing Moon

Favorable days

  • But there are no such people
  • Not this week

Unfavorable days

  • October 19 – Moon in Libra – New Moon

Moon without course

  • October 17, 2017 14:27 - October 17, 2017 20:35
  • October 19, 2017 22:12 - October 20, 2017 04:41
  • October 22, 2017 14:35 - October 22, 2017 14:57

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Aries

Aries in the period from October 16 to 18 is drawn to impulse. Either you are striving for independence, or someone else’s opinion is an encroachment on freedom for you.
But this approach is contraindicated. And you. And your relationships. And to your loved ones. Sharpness and unceremoniousness automatically cause a fighting stance. Be more tolerant. Do not demand total submission from children.
Another reason to freak out is the loot. Prepare for breakdowns of electronics and household appliances. You may have to pay for emergency repairs. From October 19 to October 22, everything will settle down. Mutual understanding and love are on the air.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Taurus

During the period from October 16 to October 19, Taurus break all records for stubbornness. In this regard, any negotiations on the case or conversations with your partner on October 16-17 are contraindicated. You don’t need negativity and unpleasant emotions, do you?
Again, do not do any housework these days. Push back all topics about repairs, rearrangements, and cleaning to the period from October 19 to October 22. These days, household and organizational issues are easier to resolve. Even you.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Gemini

Gemini will have to run between October 16 and October 19. The worst thing is that your energy is at zero. And work at full strength, nope.
Maybe it's time to put work aside. Health, tea and coffee are more expensive.
Heavy physical loads are currently contraindicated for you. Don't throw pearls before swine. Especially during disputes and conflicts. And it’s better to limit your social circle. And don’t hang around in places with large concentrations of the electorate. You don't like all this.
The period from October 19 to 22 will add optimism. And with cupids everything is fine.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Cancer

Cancer October 16-18 is looking for impressions, joy, and fun. I want dolce far niente (blissful idleness). Work, clear eggplant, suffers.
Don't forget, the fun is only 60 minutes!
On October 16-17, forget about the existence of clubs and friendly gatherings. And be quiet with the booze.
This week you get drunk faster and have a harder time with it. From October 19 to October 22, you need to communicate with your family. And enjoy it.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Leo

Leo should not expect goodies from nature during the period October 16-18. You are drawn to rash actions that lead to troubles.
It is better for a Leo student not to catch the teacher’s eye. And you shouldn't hand in assignments either.
At work, and at home, too, eat your butt. Just don’t rush into everything at once.
If you follow the plan, you will do everything.
From October 19 to 22, you can expand your social circle and strengthen any partnerships.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Virgo

October 16-18 Virgo must be more careful. At least on the street, at least in public transport (your own and public). The risk of injury these days is at its maximum. And be careful while driving!
On October 16 and 17, it is better to avoid tests/exams - this is for you right now.
Questions about finances can be successfully resolved on October 19022. There's a lot more money. Enough for everything you want.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Libra

During the period from October 16 to October 18, it is better for Libra not to plan anything together with a partner (be it in marriage or in business). Everything will fall apart at the last moment. Or you will have to adapt to your partner.
Focus on yourself. Rely on yourself.
There may not be enough money for basic things. A car or (say) a washing machine breaks down.
From October 19 to 22, teacher skills are activated. Teach anyone and anything.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Scorpio

Scorpio will also experience tension from October 16 to October 18. Especially in dialogue with a partner (whether in joint life or in business life). Feel free to compromise. But you shouldn’t really step on the throat of your own song. Maybe this conversation can be postponed? In the meantime, take a nap into the fog.
This is not the best time for work and career. There are problems in relationships with management. And with colleagues. Every day at work will count as 10. Everything will improve only by October 19th.

And then you can rest. And have fun. And take care of your immunity.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Sagittarius

During the period from October 16 to October 18, Sagittarius needs to take care of his health. And its prevention.
Your immunity is now at zero. Take care of it, or what?
It's time to use your favorite traditional medicine and eat more fruits. And don’t communicate with those who are already sick.
Sleep more and stress less. Postpone your vacation.
Dedicate October 19-22 to restoring relationships with those with whom you never expected. What if it comes out?

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Capricorn

On October 16-18, Capricorn is better off not going to public places (for example, clubs) in the company of his partner. Have you had any problems for a long time?
Finally, on October 16 and 17, forget about entertainment. Any entertainment.
And by the way, check the alarm system. They can rob. But from October 19 to 22, you will have professional promotion. Well, I mean, the bosses will appreciate you. Prize? Salary increase? You're fine.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Aquarius

October 16-18 Aquarius has the chance to become a peacemaker. We will have to resolve the conflict. It’s better to dodge, because nothing will work out for you today. Communication with people (of any kind) is also fraught with complications. Problems may arise in contacts with friends, relatives, and neighbors. Never make (or accept) promises. And don't flash in front of your superiors. Basically. But from October 19 to 22 you have excellent prospects. Especially in terms of studying and traveling.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Pisces

On October 16-18, Pisces should refrain from dating and traveling. It’s also not worth corresponding by email. And you can’t sit behind the wheel. The car can break down out of nowhere. But from October 19 to 22, you can really get a little joy from the world.
Spend more time with your significant other.

Tendencies towards suspicion and manipulation in communication between people will intensify. In the information that will begin to arrive from this day, it makes sense to dig deep, looking for non-obvious points that do not lie on the surface.

Thursday New Moon in Libra. During the beginning of the Lunar month, the topic of personal and social contacts will be relevant. It is recommended to weigh everything and consider it from different angles, and not do anything about which there is doubt. The participation of Uranus in the New Moon warns that many things will not develop according to plan.

On Sunday, Mars moves from Virgo to Libra, where it will remain for about two months. This is not a suitable period for individual activity. We need to do everything together, or even better, not do anything ourselves, but look for the right people, negotiate, inspire, etc.

General horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 for all signs

Aries. Horoscope from October 16 to October 22, 2017

Aries, the events of the week will be related mainly to other people, their affairs, their money and your relationships with them. The first half of the week will be favorable for personal and business relationships. In addition, the environment is good for other people's money - applying to a bank for a loan, helping someone in financial matters. The new moon on Thursday will intensify the theme of choosing between partnership and freedom. It will not be too easy to find a common language with another person on Friday. On Saturday, the topic of other people's money is relevant. New financial relationships will appear. On Sunday you will be active and assertive in building relationships, but careless assertiveness can lead to a quarrel.

Calf. Horoscope from October 16 to October 22, 2017

Taurus, on Monday and Tuesday, improve your health. On Wednesday there will be an important acquaintance, signing of an agreement, communication with a business partner, legal advice or a lot of news from a husband/wife or business partner. The new moon on Thursday will give rise to new things in work: employment, new work responsibilities, changes in the team. And in the beginning of the Lunar month, the topic of health, treatment, and wellness procedures will become relevant. On Friday, your plans for the day will change dramatically. An important event of the day will be a dialogue, information from another person, a conversation with a husband/wife or business partner. Saturday is suitable for developing business and personal relationships. On Sunday you will have to work energetically.

Twins. Horoscope from October 16 to October 22, 2017


Gemini, on Monday and Tuesday you will develop a strong interest in some hobby or a serious creative idea. On Wednesday there will be communication with foreigners at work, an important conversation or bureaucratic, “clerical” matters. You can also sign papers about your obligations, for example, adopting an animal from a shelter. On Thursday you will be irritable towards your loved one, fans and children. Friday will be remembered for conversations at work or about work. Wellness treatments are beneficial on Saturday. On Sunday, a passionate date or energetic leisure time with active entertainment, sports, and adventure awaits you.

Cancer. Horoscope from October 16 to October 22, 2017

Cancer, on Monday and Tuesday, focus on home and family matters, and you will solve an important issue. On Wednesday, it is possible to go on an excursion abroad, participate in an entertainment competition, go to a concert, or attend a gala event. On Thursday you need to work on the energy level - perform practices to harmonize the family atmosphere. On Friday you will flirt purely to warm up your mind, and if you like more intellectual entertainment, then go on an excursion or poetry evening. You won’t have to think about your responsibilities, but you’ll want to rest on Saturday. On Sunday, the risk of a quarrel at home, a domestic injury, or the breakdown of some household item increases. To avoid this, redirect your energy to something positive, such as starting renovations.

A lion. Horoscope from October 16 to October 22, 2017

Leo, on Monday and Tuesday you will have an important meeting or trip. These are also good days for streamlining relationships with others. On Wednesday, moving, important guests in the house, and paperwork related to housing and family are possible. On Thursday you will be annoyed by those around you. Changes may begin in your relationship with your family, new people will appear in your environment, and then this topic will be relevant for a whole month. Friday is unfavorable for travel and movement. Sudden difficulties among relatives or someone you know are likely. Dedicate Saturday to household chores. On Sunday, the risk of a quarrel with someone close to you, injury on the road, or problems with relatives increases.

Virgo. Horoscope from October 16 to October 22, 2017

Virgo, on Monday it will be important to you how you look, how you are perceived, and what they say about you. Being self-obsessed will prevent you from hearing others. On Tuesday you will be emotionally unstable and irritable, but if you find something interesting to do, the energy will go there. This activity should not be associated with risk, haste, sports or other activities where you can get injured. An important meeting is coming up on Wednesday. On Thursday, an unexpected money situation will arise, which you will have to sort out within a month. On Friday you will find a trip, a conversation, a letter, news. On Saturday it will be difficult to find you in one place - you will be running somewhere and meeting someone all day. The money situation is expected to be tense on Sunday.

Scales. Horoscope from October 16 to October 22, 2017

Libra, on Monday and Tuesday you will be focused on one thing that is of great importance to you personally. On Wednesday you will be drawn to beauty. Perhaps you will spend the day at a museum or a beauty salon. Along the way, you will also have time to resolve some financial issue. On Thursday the mood will be irritable and unstable. You may harm yourself. Spend a day reflecting on yourself and you will realize that you have untapped potential. On Friday you will be hindered by unexpected circumstances. You will spend Saturday worrying about financial matters. The surge of energy on Sunday should be used for active recreation, otherwise unspent energy will result in irritability and quarrels.

Scorpion. Horoscope from October 16 to October 22, 2017


Scorpios, on Monday you will be busy with activities that require solitude and concentration. On Tuesday you have to explain something, express an opinion, give a speech. An important conversation or trip will take place on Wednesday. A speech, lecture, moral teaching will be successful. On Thursday, a secret will be revealed - maybe yours, or maybe something that was hidden from you. Take care of your health on Friday. Avoid secret affairs and closed places. On Saturday you will immerse yourself. Most of all, you will be concerned about self-development, personal problems, and appearance. This position of the planets often indicates a visit to a hairdresser, cosmetologist, or stylist. Sunday will be spent on practical matters - earning money, shopping, financial endeavors.

Sagittarius. Horoscope from October 16 to October 22, 2017

Sagittarius, Monday and Tuesday are suitable for organizing life and resolving important issues in a positive way. On Wednesday there may be an important conversation that you want to hide from other people, or communication on the Internet. It is possible to receive documents from an archive, an important book from a book depository, etc. On Thursday, a fundamentally new situation will arise regarding friends and like-minded people, and you will be preoccupied with it for a month. New friends or a new group of people with common interests may appear. On Friday, circumstances will interfere with group activities and communication with friends. You will spend Saturday alone, but on Sunday you will want to be visible, and you will spend the day energetically and interestingly.

Capricorn. Horoscope from October 16 to October 22, 2017

Capricorns, on Monday and Tuesday you will be doing well at work. To do this, move unimportant matters aside. Focus on what's important (an important business project, a promotion, etc.). On Wednesday, a group trip abroad, a social event, a network conference, a seminar, or a meeting with a patron is possible. On Thursday, new unexpected circumstances will arise at work. On Friday, unexpected trouble awaits you at work. Your friends will be glad to see you on Saturday. On Sunday you will be drawn to loneliness, and your friends will be persistent in attempts to communicate, which will not add to your agreement. But something may go wrong with one of your friends, and then you will abandon your plans to be alone and rush to help.

Aquarius. Horoscope from October 16 to October 22, 2017

Aquarius, on Monday and Tuesday it will be good to communicate with authoritative people, with university teachers, with representatives of local government. The trial will be successful. These are favorable days for traveling abroad and communicating with foreigners on an important occasion. On Wednesday there will be an important conversation or paperwork at work, a business trip, or a speech on a professional topic. On Thursday, new circumstances will arise somewhere far from you. At first you may not know about them. But within a month this situation will seriously affect you. It is not recommended to go on long trips on Friday. On Saturday you won’t be able to completely forget about work, and you’ll spend Sunday with friends.

Fish. Horoscope from October 16 to October 22, 2017

Pisces, on Monday and Tuesday you will deal with business and financial issues and solve them successfully. On Wednesday, a trip abroad, communication with foreigners, legal news, communication with local government, and for students - participation in an important conference are likely. On Thursday, a fundamentally new, unexpected and not very pleasant situation will arise, which you will deal with in the coming weeks. On Friday you can’t take risks, get into extreme situations, or go all-in. Saturday is good for traveling abroad and communicating with people living far away, including online. There is an increased risk of injury on Sunday. Avoid risky activities. Instead, focus on discussing business plans and preparing for the work week.

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Astrological forecasts help women attract good luck and avoid troubles on a weekly basis. The horoscope will help lovely ladies get rid of emotional stress and achieve success in areas of interest in life.

The coming week will be eventful. Particular attention should be paid to planning and preparing for important matters. This does not mean that pressing problems should fade into the background, but that the gaze will be mostly directed forward in search of new perspectives and ways to solve protracted problems. It is important to act without looking back, without touching on the past. This is a period of renewal of female energy and life in general.

Aries Woman

Fire Sign women should be lucky this week. The period is marked by the influence of moderate and destructive Mercury. You won't be bored: dangers will be an integral part of your everyday life. It is in such a turbulent time that fate will give you a chance to make up for lost time. But in order to jump on the departing train, you will need composure and determination.

On Monday, do the most important and urgent things - this is the only day favorable for you. Afterwards, all the exciting questions should be put aside and instead of solving everyday problems, start searching for your purpose. By putting your soul in order, you will bring all other areas of your life back to normal.

Taurus Woman

Taurus should check the state of their “rear” and vital resources: if your energy is strengthened, you have nothing to worry about. From the point of view of astrologers, the week will be colored by the destructive interference of restless Uranus in your life. First of all, this planet will affect the professional sphere, creating small but very exciting difficulties. You will have to abstract yourself from problems so as not to create even greater confusion with your emotions.

The stars indicate that the time has come to devote all your free time to feelings and love: you are too busy. Replenish your personal life with a new breath of inspiration by giving your loved one more than you received from him.

Gemini Woman

The coming week will force Gemini to change the rules of the game. Seven days will pass under the auspices of Saturn, which is positive for you, marked by its presence in Sagittarius. Even things that have bothered you for a long time and only caused irritation will be resolved almost by themselves. Saturn will only require positive thinking from you.

On Monday, the aspect of Saturn and the Sun can put a spoke in your wheels, so on October 16 you should slow down. The rest of the week will go by in one breath if you manage to maintain a positive attitude.

Cancer Woman

The period from October 16 to October 22 will be a climax for Cancer women. A hot topic that requires special attention will be your thoughts. Try to control them: what you think about now determines your future. A moderately calm Moon will give you an even mood, stable well-being and opening prospects. This should please you, because you will be able to decide on your desires and find spiritual harmony.

The first four days the Moon will be moderately strong. The transition to Scorpio, which will take place on October 20, will weaken her strength, but not her grip on you. At this time, it is advisable to refrain from personal initiatives and sorting out relationships with loved ones.

Leo Woman

For Lionesses, the active planet will be Mars, whose militant energy will push for change and the fight for a better life. Astrologers report that an idle lifestyle will negatively affect your luck. Now is not the time to rest - the time has come for active action and work on yourself.

Starting from Monday until Saturday, Mars will not lose even a percent of its strength, being reinforced by the constellation Virgo. Don't be afraid to put forward your conditions both at work and in your personal life. The only thing that all women representing the Sign of Leo should be wary of is Tuesday. A negative relationship between planets will prevent you from finding the root of the problems. Betrayal from loved ones is possible.

Virgo Woman

This week, negative currents emanating from Neptune will overshadow the influence of your patron planets. You will have to come to terms with destructive activity. Don't sit idle, use any available practices to increase your energy.

Unfortunately, Virgos, accustomed to relying on common sense, will change their rule, becoming more naive and pliable. It is important for you to take a defensive position while observing life events. Use feminine cunning, showing yourself as the weak side, but at the same time retaining all the fortitude to strike back, if necessary. Don't let others lead you and your life.

Libra Woman

For Libra, Jupiter will act as a mentor and patron. Do not rush to rejoice: his energy is destructive for you. The heavenly giant will require women to take an emotional break away from problems and stressful situations. You will have to find a middle ground between work and rest.

The most productive and, to some extent, happiest day awaits Libra on October 19th. On Thursday, Mercury, entering into aspect with Jupiter, will defuse the atmosphere, allowing you to take care of accumulated matters.

Scorpio Woman

Astrologers advise Scorpios not to interfere in the course of events unless circumstances force them to do so. Beware of inertia: the rules of the game will change frequently. This is all due to the increased activity of Venus. This planet will do its best to test your strength. Amidst the trials the Universe has in store for you, try to maintain positive thoughts. Your attitude will set the right rhythm. The problem can be eradicated only by looking at it from a different angle.

Strengthened by the constellation Libra, Venus should not take the helm of your life. Yes, its influence will be negative, but you are able to resist it. Don't lose hope, believe only in the best and use positive attitudes to help you become a confident and independent woman.

Sagittarius Woman

Sagittarius, this week you will enter a transition period that can change a lot in life. Pluto, who is in alliance with Capricorn, will become a mentor in this difficult matter. You will have to learn to trust your loved one and all people in general, putting aside fear, mistrust and suspicion. It will be easier and safer to implement your plans when working as a team.

Until Friday, nothing threatens your luck. On October 20, Pluto will meet Mercury. This is a rather dangerous day when you will be required to move away from your familiar strategy. At this time, which is uncertain by all measures, you should let go of the initiative, but not the hope for a happy occasion.

Capricorn Woman

The coming week may give rise to unnecessary nervousness. The whole point is that strengthened and destructive Neptune will come closer to your energy than all other planets. Lost guidelines and blurred priorities will become the most important problem in the coming days. You have to make time for an honest conversation with yourself.

Astrologers and site experts are confident that you should not rely on luck and intuition during this period. Use only sober calculation. All the energy of the Universe will be concentrated on your problems, making you extremely vulnerable. At such moments, it is worth maintaining strength of spirit and not giving up.

Aquarius Woman

Dear ladies, for you the main cosmic object will be the Sun, which will negatively affect your feminine energy. Fortunately, astrologers know how to deal with the approaching negativity and stay afloat, maintaining your luck. You will need to find a stronger person than you. You will be able to build your happiness on his advice and methods for achieving success.

In addition, the impulsive Sun will push you to spend extra money. Save, curb your desires, even if against the background of this moral and emotional discomfort increases. You can cope with it, but it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to deal with financial troubles.

Pisces Woman

This week, Pisces women will be determined and uncompromising. Ardent Mars will become a wise teacher and help get rid of envy, resentment and troubles. According to astrologers, your needs and opportunities will change, so there is no reason to worry about a missed chance to change your life: new doors will open before you.

Fortune prediction for the week of October 16 - 22 for all zodiac signs

On October 17, Mercury moves into the sign of Scorpio. This celestial aspect awakens our curiosity and desire to get to the bottom of things. In some places this may be good, but it can harm personal relationships. Are you sure you want to know all the ins and outs of your significant other? Should you wake up a sleeping dog?

October 17-20, conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter against the backdrop of the opposition between the Sun and Uranus. Days that can be called “nervous”: the likelihood of unnecessary domestic conflicts and domestic injuries increases.

October 20 - New Moon in Libra. The beginning of a period of renewal, ideal for making plans and making wishes.

From October 22, Mars moves into the sign of Libra. At times when Mars does not show its best qualities, people in whose natal charts it is especially strong should be especially careful. Traditionally, the time of Mars in exile is considered a period of car accidents and street conflicts.

  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Twins
  • Cancer
  • a lion
  • Virgo
  • Scales
  • Scorpion
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Fish



How convenient it is to pretend to be the famous king from “An Ordinary Miracle” and say that all your shortcomings are solely to blame for your relatives. It was from them that you inherited some traits, but here your parents did not educate you, and here you became a victim of circumstances. In general, pretend that everyone is to blame for everything, but not dear Aries.


On Tuesday, representatives of the element of Fire will literally be burning at work, devoting all their strength to their loved one, or simply to their cause. And until everything is finished, the fire sign will never calm down. True, this means that he will not give peace to those who are nearby either. But this can be attributed to production costs.


Sometimes it is useful to remain silent. Even if you categorically disagree with some point of view. There is no need to demonstratively prove that you are right. Nothing will change anyway, but you can seriously ruin your reputation in the eyes of influential people.


A wonderful day for various fun repair projects. You can joyfully wave a grinder or make a pleasant buzz with a drill. And if you don’t want to make noise, then why not meditate while gluing wallpaper?


You shouldn’t become sullen and sour when you hear the phrase “healthy eating.” It doesn't have to be raw celery you munch on instead of steak for lunch. A healthy menu presupposes normal meals (not on the run and not when necessary) and the rejection of all smoked meats and snacks, which are famous for the counters at the checkout counters in supermarkets. In general, think about the time to transfer your menu to the “healthy” category.


It’s better to do it and regret it than not to do it and regret the missed chance for the rest of your life. So don’t be afraid to admit your feelings, make dates, do things that will just blow your mind. Be reckless, perhaps this is exactly what the one you have feelings for is expecting from you.


Be more attentive to your health. Try to avoid crowded places today and not get too cold. A cold insidiously follows you on your heels. So take care of yourself.



Being a sports theorist is undoubtedly interesting and even somewhat exciting. But it won't do you any good. So that's enough, it's time to move from theory to practice. Lay out the mat and start doing a set of exercises. Moreover, the back and neck have been asking for this for a long time.


Today the stars advise Taurus to allocate their time. Plan this day so that even the smallest things are taken into account (otherwise they will steal precious minutes). And even if there is a very pleasant company or a very cozy atmosphere somewhere, don’t stay late and don’t run out of schedule.


Set realistic goals. Then everything will work out. And if you chase something invented, then the result will be from the world of fantasy and dreams. Basically, be serious today and just do your job.


Even your incredible love of communication has its limits. Today it will come, because on Thursday Taurus will have to endlessly meet, talk, listen, communicate and be constantly in the spotlight. After lunch, this will greatly tire out the representatives of the Earth element.


Buy a lottery ticket, take part in some promotion, or argue with someone, even if it's just a click. Luck is on your side today. And if you decide to test her, she won’t mind.


A great day to visit a beauty salon. Why not get a bright manicure “away with the autumn blues,” or dye your hair some blue or crimson, or simply get a fashionable and interesting haircut?


On Sunday, do not listen to any advice, make decisions entirely on your own. Even if you are scared and hard, and even if it seems that you are moving in the wrong direction.



This day could be called successful, if not for Monday evening, when troubles gather in a bouquet and for some reason decide to present themselves to a representative of the air sign. Try to maintain external calm and do not give in to provocations.


On Tuesday you will have to do things you don't like. The Geminis would be happy to postpone them until better times, but the authorities demand it. So you have to do something that you absolutely don’t like. But anyway, sooner or later you would have to take on this work.


Try not to touch money issues this Wednesday. If your work is related to finance, avoid making important decisions and concluding serious transactions. And during non-working hours, cancel shopping trips and do not plan your home budget.


Thursday morning will be truly successful for many representatives of the Air element. Everything is going as well as possible, as if some huge puzzle has suddenly come together and all you have to do is fill in a couple of empty cells. Well, enjoy the moment.


On Friday, the stars strongly recommend Gemini to get some sleep. Cancel parties and guests. Spend a quiet and relaxing evening, take a relaxing bath and drink soothing tea. And go to bed, as they say, with chickens. You need to regain your strength.


Why don't you think about buying New Year's gifts? Maybe it’s worth taking a walk through shopping centers today, and not storming them on the eve of the holidays. Go shopping, you will definitely find something special and unusual for those closest to you.


Dedicate most of this Sunday to the younger generation. Be both a friend and a mentor, listen and advise. Yes, maintaining a balance is not easy, but you will definitely succeed.



Cancers will not meet the first day of this week in the best mood. And the Sun is shining in the wrong way, and for some reason the clouds are covering this very Sun, and the rain will start inappropriately, and it will be dry, not like autumn. In general, Cancers have grunts for every taste, they don’t even need a reason.


Remember the song “If I get sick, I won’t go to the doctor”? So forget it immediately. Today, if you suddenly feel like your body isn’t working properly, hurry up and make an appointment with a doctor. And don’t even think about hiding anything from a specialist, tell us about all your ailments, this is what will help make the correct diagnosis.


Cancer on Wednesday morning is like that king who drove the hero to an unknown place for unknown reasons. The water sign itself does not know what it wants. So he harasses his loved ones with his claims and demands. However, by lunchtime you yourself will feel embarrassed for such behavior.


Today you are likely to receive important news. Just don't act right away. Think it over carefully, pay attention to the nuances. If you follow the lead of your first emotions, you will break even more trouble.


A good, calm day awaits representatives of the Water element. You are already tired of quarrels and showdowns, of all sorts of news (even with a “plus” sign). And you want the most ordinary silence and the simplest peace. So today they will become your companions from morning to evening.


Saturday is very favorable for real estate transactions, discussing inheritance issues and opening bank accounts. But borrowing money and applying for loans is strictly not recommended.


Today, the stars give the go-ahead to show off a little and show off their talents to the world. Indeed, why bury them in the sand when you can surprise and delight with them?!

a lion


You should start Monday with a review of your wardrobe and a critical approach to your appearance. Why? Yes, because today the old rule “you meet people by their clothes” will work. And even if you are a genius, but your appearance is not presentable enough, nothing will work out.


Today, representatives of the element of Fire will demonstrate their leadership qualities, even if you have to choose that very “weak link” and remove this interfering factor in order to achieve a great goal. Not everyone will like this policy, but when have you ever listened to someone else's opinion?


On Wednesday there may be a misunderstanding with your loved one. Omissions and understatement, half-hints and no specifics. In general, everything that Leo cannot tolerate. It is not surprising that the fire sign will literally explode, demanding an explanation.


On Thursday, the stars recommend that representatives of the element of Fire take risks and try themselves in the art of cooking, even if before that you didn’t really know how to fry an egg. And if a white cap is your uniform, you can safely enter some competition or act as an expert in culinary master classes.


On Friday, everything interferes with Leo. The fire sign cannot even really concentrate, because everyone needs him for the most insignificant issues. Actually, don’t plan anything serious for Friday, and there will be nothing to distract you from.


An interesting day awaits representatives of the element of Fire. Leos will clearly feel the wind of change, which will fan such a flame in the soul of the fire sign that Leo will be afraid of himself. The main thing is not to rush and not to try to get ahead of events; at your command, the wind will not blow stronger.


Don't keep ideas to yourself. Be sure to share with your loved ones, ask their opinion, listen to criticism and take it into account (just don’t snap back, otherwise the interlocutor will not want to listen to you further). And start making plans!



Monday may be overshadowed by a conflict with someone close to you. Without thinking at all about the consequences, you will rush with your saber drawn into the fight for justice. And as a result, you will only aggravate the situation and everything will end in a quarrel.


If you suddenly feel unwell today, this does not mean that you need to immediately run and buy the entire pharmacy. Allow the body to fight the uninvited guests-bacillus. And in general, there is no need to panic so much about a common cold.


On Wednesday, be prepared for someone to interfere with your plans. However, it will be more of a positive intervention. That is, the same offer that cannot be refused and which will entail both financial profit and professional growth.


Sometimes it is useful to remember the good old folk signs and simply follow them. Isn’t it difficult for you to cross to the other side of the street if a lady with an empty bucket comes towards you in the morning (and why isn’t she sitting at home)? Here you go.


On Friday, your absent-mindedness can turn out to be very dangerous, because ill-wishers will seem to feel that the earth sign has lost its vigilance and will try to put a spoke in your wheels.


If you lend money today, you can immediately forget about it. Therefore, if you cannot refuse, borrow exactly the amount that you do not mind losing. In the first half of the day, the stars recommend visiting the pool or going for a light jog.


Sometimes there are not just too many events, but too many. Like, for example, this Sunday, when Virgos do not have time to switch from one to another. However, you yourself complained that you were bored, so the Universe heard you, you definitely won’t be bored today.



On Monday, emotions run high and do not allow representatives of the Air element to control themselves. That's why Libras do impossible stupid things, say things they shouldn't and simply act as if they weren't them at all.


Tuesday morning promises to be hot. The air sign will not even have time to notice how it rushes by. And all because the volume of work and tasks, concentrated for some reason in the morning, could easily be distributed over three full working days.


Wednesday will become a day of pride for many Libras for their beloved child or soulmate. And even if a prize or award, medal or certificate is presented not to you, but to your loved ones, the joy of the air sign is no less from this, rather the opposite.


Sometimes it’s useful to change some little thing or detail, and everything will suddenly open up from a different angle, become simple and understandable. For example, go to work, study today, or even take your child to kindergarten along a different route. This simple method will help you cope with a problem that you have been trying to find the answer to for a long time.


Oh, and even the simplest and most familiar things are difficult for Libra today. People around you think that you are doing your usual work, but in fact, representatives of the air sign are performing a feat, overcoming and fighting with themselves. Who would know how hard it is!


Someone is deliberately trying to mislead you. Therefore, on Saturday you should be especially attentive to everything you hear. Until you make sure and double-check everything yourself, do not draw any conclusions, they may turn out to be false.


On Sunday you will have to act as a toastmaster. Well, or at least the speaker. In general, in public. So be prepared and don't hesitate! You will definitely succeed. Just don’t overdo it, there shouldn’t be too many good presenters.



Today, Scorpios can devote themselves to paperwork. For example, registering transactions and documents with a notary, obtaining certificates from various institutions, checking documents and concluding contracts.


On Tuesday, Scorpios are very nervous because someone misses deadlines and does poor quality work. Firstly, you are responsible for this, and secondly, this also affects the result, and you put so much effort into ensuring that everything was in the best possible way.


The water sign on Wednesday is similar to Chinese fireworks - there is no way to guess what the next salvo will be. However, Scorpio himself does not know this, but only shows the world his constantly changing moods. I must say that the world will not like this too much.


Why don't you do auto training? Just make the thought that “everything is good in the world” your own. Repeat it and enjoy everything that surrounds you. You'll see, this simple method will paint the sad gray world into bright and happy colors.


Friday is the best time to visit the dentist. And even if this is not the most pleasant date you have made recently, you still shouldn’t postpone it. It’s better to get by with a light one-time treatment than to go to the doctor later like going to work.


A very pleasant Saturday awaits most representatives of the Water element. Today, surprises are quite likely, pleasant ones of course, and even gifts that will raise your mood by several points.


Scorpio will suffer most of Sunday. But don’t worry, nothing serious, just the agony of choice that is so exhausting. On the one hand, you want to buy or do something, on the other hand, it seems that all this is completely unnecessary and you can completely relax or save money. In general, not a day, but sheer torment.



Monday will be more reminiscent of a chess game, Sagittarius will have to think through so many clever logical moves, so many combinations to run through their heads. But you only need to choose one thing, the right direction.


Sagittarians are gloomy and joyless. All the fire sign wants is to pupate, close its shell and hide from this world somewhere deep and far away so that no one will find or touch it. Not your day, in a word.


When did you sign up for the Salvation Army? Don't you remember? Then why, throughout Wednesday, people with problems of varying degrees of complexity flock to Sagittarius and not just ask, but demand immediate participation in their destiny. And if at first the fire sign tries to resist, by lunchtime he will understand that he has nowhere to go and will begin to help.


Today Sagittarius will wake up already tired. Sometimes this happens to you too. The fiery engine of a fire sign is still not a perpetum mobile and cannot constantly operate at such speeds. It's time to think about a vacation or at least take a day off.


Don't grab the kettles, pots and pans today. Before you put your hand under the tap, carefully check whether boiling water is flowing from there. And it’s better not to turn on the iron today either, it’s in cahoots with them, waiting for the moment to burn you.


Who said housework is boring? Some people may have sadness and melancholy, but not Sagittarius. The fire sign will come up with a thousand and one ways to turn the disgusting Saturday spring cleaning into something enchanting and amazing. The family will remember this show for a long time.


Be careful with new cosmetic products. In general, it would be better to do without experiments and use only what has been tested and tested for a long time. Because very serious allergic reactions to any cosmetics are possible, from facial wash to mascara.



A day of increased romantic danger. Why dangers? Yes, because an earth sign can literally lose his head from the feelings that wash over him, forgetting about everything in the world.


Tuesday will be very difficult for most representatives of the sign. However, you will cope with all the tasks, even if you have to sacrifice something that you have long thought about and what you have long wanted.


Be attentive to the little things, it is some seemingly insignificant detail that will become that very thread, by pulling which you will be able to unravel a complex and very tangled tangle. So record everything and remember it.


Capricorns cannot tolerate poor quality work. They demand excellence not only from those around them, but from themselves, first of all, in order to inspire and set them in the right mood by their example. It should be noted that this is a very exhausting activity; try to be almost perfect all the time.


Friday for many representatives of the Earth element will be a day of summing up. Of course, Capricorns will rejoice at how well done they were (and will not forget to boast about it), but at the same time they will have to admit their mistakes, and this will somewhat ruin Capricorn’s mood.


Even if you really want to buy yourself some new things, think about whether this money was intended for general family needs and whether your family will be puzzled by the fact that a significant amount has disappeared from the budget. Otherwise, you will have to answer unpleasant questions.


On Sunday, Capricorns will decide to come up with activities for the near foreseeable future for all family members, plus they will include distant relatives and friends. And even if any of them tries to resist, the rebellion will be suppressed immediately and mercilessly. Well, the representatives of the earthly element are ready to fight for their plans, as if they were some kind of lions.



Today, most representatives of the air sign, like that famous knight glorified by the great Cervantes, fight monsters, they are also windmills. You complicate everything so much that those around you try to retreat, just to avoid falling under the hot hand, otherwise you will inadvertently pierce you with your spear.


A successful Tuesday for representatives of creative professions. But those representatives of the sign whose activities are related to numbers, especially finances, should be more careful and double-check everything several times.


On Wednesday, many representatives of the Air element will unexpectedly receive an offer to change jobs. Moreover, representatives of the air sign may be offered to try themselves in a role that is completely unfamiliar to them. Don't refuse! You'll see, this will be the very chance you've been dreaming of for so long.


Remember the old “pay your taxes and sleep well” PSA? So, paraphrasing it “repaid the debt and sleep well,” you will understand what the heavenly office expects from you today. Debts can be either monetary or, for example, old promises.


On Friday, most likely you will witness an unpleasant quarrel. Don't try to interfere in the conflict. Let the parties decide for themselves who is right and who is wrong. Otherwise, you will still find yourself guilty of something you didn’t do and didn’t even think about.


Workaholic Aquarius is on a roll on Saturday. The air sign manages everything and everywhere. Makes plans and immediately puts them into practice. And in general, he looks more like a cheerful, hard-working bee than a person who actually has a day off today.


Why not have a cozy party with your closest friends? Nobody talks about a noisy holiday or a luxurious feast. So, gatherings with tea, sweets and intimate conversations, because you have been missing the latter so much lately.



Your critical meter is going through the roof on Monday, don’t you think? You are too generous with your comments. You will find shortcomings everywhere and report them immediately, and so caustically that the mood of the person being criticized will be irrevocably spoiled.


On Tuesday, representatives of Water, to their own surprise, will manage to do more than usual, without making any special efforts. Of course, you will be pleased with this. Just don’t turn your nose up, because it’s not your merit. This is a favorable coincidence of circumstances and nothing more.


It would be a good idea to visit a cosmetologist today, take care of your skin, and think about an “anti-stress” program so that even on gloomy autumn days your face looks fresh and youthful. Just let a specialist handle all this. It’s not worth creating a program for yourself using magazine clippings with masks for all occasions.


A day of surprises and surprises. Just some endless miracles on turns. One has only to exhale and try to relax, and Pisces is again carried along by a rapid stream. Need I say that by the evening the water sign simply won’t have any strength left?


On Friday, the water sign will play the first violin. And who, if not you?! Be prepared for everyone around you to follow you and listen to your every word. Yes, the task is not easy, you will have to comply. But how nice it is when you get that same leader’s jersey.


On Saturday, Pisces will want to be in charge. Rub the pans until they shine, arrange the ladles “according to height” and, in general, grind, wash and rearrange everything so that you can feel like you’re in a completely new home without any financial outlay.


Try not to plan any activities on Sunday. Spend this day off as calmly as possible. Let your motto for today be “quieter than water, lower than the grass.”

suddenly something good was predicted for them too...
