What kind of moon is it on September 7th?

A feature of the fourth phase of the waning Moon is the slowdown of all processes in the surrounding world and the fading of energy. The human body becomes passive and easily succumbs to apathy and fatigue. It is not recommended to plan active actions and carry out serious projects at this time.

At work, you should refrain from doing important and complex things; time is conducive to completing projects and analyzing the work done. It is not recommended to start new projects, enter into contracts or make changes during the fourth phase.

For household chores, this is a period of easy and unburdensome work - cleaning, putting things in order, getting rid of everything unnecessary will be the most optimal activities for the last days before the New Moon.

Do not plan purchases or expenses for the current time. Nowadays it’s easy to make a mistake and lose money. For the same reason, it is not recommended to invest in any projects, even the most reliable ones.

It is recommended to reduce communication in the last days before the New Moon, as there is a possibility of conflicts and quarrels. It is not advisable to hold negotiations and business events now. Family celebrations and meetings should also be postponed to a later time.

During the fourth quarter of the waning Moon, it is worth taking care of yourself - cosmetic and skin care procedures will give it a healthy and attractive appearance. You can now continue playing sports and exercising in moderation.

The time is also favorable for medical effects - wounds will heal quickly, operations will not bring unwanted complications. Now it is recommended to strengthen the immune system, since due to overwork, infectious diseases are possible.

Positive influence of the fourth phase of the waning moon:

  • a good period for completing serious matters and summing up their results;
  • During the current period, it is favorable to clean up the house and remove unnecessary things;
  • the right time for self-care - cosmetic and cleansing procedures, moderate physical exercise will give you a blooming appearance and lift your spirits;
  • The time is ideal for carrying out planned medical operations and interventions.

Negative influence of the fourth phase of the waning moon:

  • an unfavorable time for starting new things, implementing grandiose projects, changing jobs, since there is too little strength in the body;
  • It is not recommended to make purchases and invest money in the fourth phase;
  • Communication during this period is best reduced to a minimum with both business and personal circles;
  • In the last days before the New Moon, it is recommended to take care of increasing immunity - there is a possibility of illness.

Moon in Leo

Time for gifts and renewals, please yourself and your loved ones. It's worth keeping an eye on your finances. Be careful during financial transactions or transactions, there is a risk of fraud. Vigilance will protect you from scammers and bring long-awaited results.

During this period, there is a desire to show off, favorable days for changing your image. Flattery and praise will be especially pleasant, but be careful, others may speculate on this. A meeting with friends will be held at the highest level, it will bring pleasure, this is the time of the holiday so beloved by Leo.

Take care of your health, it is better to do sports without stress on your back and heart. A good period for finding a partner; dating during this phase of the Moon will be beneficial, and new relationships will be long-lasting.

The influence of the lunar day

27 lunar day

Feel free to start new things and projects during the 27th lunar day. The time has come to implement everything that was previously planned - a change of job, promotion to services are more likely today than ever. Even when doing old familiar things, try to choose the most complex and serious ones, because now their resolution will be much easier and faster. This applies to both work issues and household matters.

Move any financial transactions to the lunar day number 27. This will be a good time for both acquisitions and investments. Today is special in that money itself is attracted to the one who spends it.

A good day for communication and large events. Today you can make important business contacts and even find your soulmate. For those who have already acquired one, it is recommended to have a heart-to-heart talk - this will bring you closer and bring trust into the relationship.

If you decide at this time to start playing sports or lead a healthy lifestyle, the period has been chosen correctly. This will bring the expected result.

Positive influence of the day:

  • resolve the most complex issues that have been put on the back burner;
  • work, household, financial affairs started at this time will bring results even higher than expected;
  • The day is good for all types of communication.

Influence of the day of the week

A beautiful day of the week ruled by Venus. It is advisable to put aside all complex matters, hard work, solving complicated problems and unpleasant communication. This is a day of beauty, creativity, romance, emotions and love. It is worth spending time with pleasure in all its forms. Pamper yourself. On Friday you can afford it.

What not to do on Friday

This is an unfavorable day for the following things:

  • hard and focused work;
  • making important decisions;
  • complex household chores;
  • serious financial transactions.

What to do on Friday

  • Beauty. Friday is the most favorable for everything related to beauty. Any manipulations with appearance will be successful. Visiting a hairdresser, beauty salon, solarium, manicure or pedicure salon. Experiment with hairstyle, makeup, bright clothes and jewelry.
  • Any purchase of beautiful things will be successful: decorative and interior items, flowers, clothes, shoes and jewelry.
  • Love and relationships. Venus is the goddess of love. This romantic day is simply meant for sensual emotions. Meetings with loved ones, dates, dating, romantic evenings, intimate relationships - this is what you should do on Friday.
  • Creativity and art. This is a good day for anything related to creativity: music, handicrafts, drawing, floristry, etc.
  • Fun, entertainment and delicious food. Venus is a feminine and terrestrial planet. She loves fun, pleasure and sweets. Therefore, any event related to entertainment and delicious food will be successful on Friday.

17th lunar day

On the 17th lunar day, it is undesirable to start new large-scale undertakings. At this time, small current tasks, planning of future projects and business negotiations are successful. It’s better not to communicate with your superiors. You can change jobs. This is an unfavorable time for household chores. A suitable day for financial transactions. The energies of the 17th lunar day give the joy of communication, love and intimacy. This is the ideal period for travel. If possible, it is recommended to go on a one-day vacation.

Waning Moon (3rd phase)

The third phase of the Moon is a favorable time for resolving important issues and changing the type of activity. In its last days, it is better to devote yourself to summing up the work done and making plans for the near future. It is advisable to complete important tasks before the beginning of the fourth phase of the Moon.

The third phase is a suitable period for taking love relationships to a new level, renewing broken connections, and serious conversations. These days, it is advisable to limit communication with unfamiliar, suspicious people. This is a good time to fulfill previously made promises and pay off debts. The most effective household chores at this time are washing and wet cleaning.

Moon in Pisces

The Moon in Pisces is the time to enjoy beauty and express feelings. This is a favorable period for creative work. Not the best days for any rational activity. It's a good time to talk to your boss. It is not advisable to move to a new place of work. Good days for washing, wet or general cleaning. Not the best time for large monetary transactions. It's a good time to go on dates and communicate with family and friends. During this period, it is recommended to attend cultural events and feel the beauty of life. This is a favorable time for any travel.


Thursday is a favorable day of the week for new beginnings, teamwork, and making plans for the near future. This is a suitable period for conversations with superiors and a change in activity. Not the best time for money transactions.

The lunar calendar for September 7, 2017 informs about the lunar day, the phase of the Moon, the position of the Moon in relation to the zodiac constellations on this day. It indicates the time of moonrise and sunset, the degree of its visibility. It contains the lunar horoscope for September 7, taking into account the influence of the lunar day, the phase of the Moon, the position of the Moon in the Zodiac sign and the day of the week.

The moon enchants us, it is sung in poetry and prose, it is painted in oils, it is admired, it is extolled. But the Moon is not just a beautiful planet that lights our way in the night. The Moon is the Earth's natural satellite and the closest planet to us.
In addition, the Moon has a special effect on earthly processes and organisms. For example, the ebb and flow of the oceans, seas, rivers and streams depend on lunar rhythms. Our well-being, health and state of affairs also directly depend on the Moon.
In this section we present to your attention the lunar calendar for September 2017. Here you can easily find the date when the Moon will be in the Full Moon, New Moon phase, as well as the days of the waxing or waning Moon. To calculate the desired lunar day, you no longer need to watch the silver night beauty for a long time and carry out complex calculations and calculations. Now all you have to do is go to our website and select the month you are currently interested in.
With the help of the lunar calendar, you can plan your actions and important moments in life thirty days in advance and be sure that everything you plan will definitely come true. This is very convenient both for ordinary people who monitor their life rhythms, and for gardeners, businessmen, doctors, hairdressers and even dog handlers!

Moon phases in September 2017

Full Moon – September 6, 2017
Third quarter – September 13, 2017
New Moon – September 20, 2017
First quarter – September 28, 2017
Waxing Moon - from September 1 to September 5, 2017 and from September 21 to September 30, 2017
Waning Moon - from September 7 to September 19, 2017

Lunar calendar of favorable days

Favorable lunar days in September 2017 for beginnings

The lunar calendar for September has 30 days. The first lunar day falls on the new moon. This is a good day for new beginnings, analyzing the past, learning lessons, and forgiving old grievances. If you want to quit smoking, it is better to do it on or shortly after the new moon.
On such days, we quarrel less, understand others better, and endure illnesses more easily. Energy and strength appear, everything planned can be accomplished. 14, 20 lunar days guarantee lightning success - on these days you can open companies, sign contracts, make deposits.

⦁ September 20, 2017 - 1st lunar day /new moon/
⦁ September 21, 2017 - 2nd lunar day
⦁ September 22, 2017 - 3rd lunar day
⦁ September 24, 2017 - 5th lunar day
⦁ September 25, 2017 - 6th lunar day
⦁ September 26, 2017 - 7th lunar day
⦁ September 29.30, 2017 - 10th lunar day
⦁ September 1.2, 2017 - 12th lunar day
⦁ September 3.4, 2017 - 14th lunar day
⦁ September 9, 10, 2017 - 20 lunar day
⦁ September 10, 11, 2017 - 21 lunar days
⦁ September 14, 2017 - 24 lunar day
⦁ September 18, 2017 - 28 lunar day

September 2017 New Moon in Virgo. Forget about sex and spending money on this day, so that you are not overtaken by disappointment from the pleasure you did not receive. Better take care of your children and home. Work tirelessly and then the day will not be in vain.

Unfavorable lunar days in September 2017 for beginnings

These days the Moon moves from one phase to another. At this time, people behave inappropriately and do not understand what is happening. The number of accidents is increasing, everything is falling out of hand. On 9, 15, 29 lunar days it is necessary to refrain from movement. This doesn't mean you shouldn't leave the house, you just need to be as careful as possible.
On Satanic days you should not start new businesses or sign contracts, because everything will not work out as planned. It is better to postpone all serious matters for more successful days. The full moon is also considered an unfavorable day when quarrels and conflicts arise out of nowhere.

⦁ September 23, 2017 - 4th lunar day
⦁ September 28.29, 2017 - 9th lunar day
⦁ September 4.5, 2017 - 15th lunar day
⦁ September 6, 2017 - 16th lunar day /full moon/
⦁ September 7.8, 2017 - 18th lunar day
⦁ September 12,13, 2017 - 23 lunar day
⦁ September 16, 2017 - 26 lunar day
⦁ September 19, 2017 - 29th lunar day

In September 2017 there is a Full Moon in Pisces. Many people have a dull sense of reality at this time. Many people expect sensitivity, delicacy, and a deep understanding of their inner world from those around them, but this often does not happen.
On this day, many people react too sharply to rudeness and attacks directed at themselves. And even the most harmless jokes seem like an insult. This day is especially difficult for people who do not know how to look at things realistically; the world seems hostile to them on this day.

Moon without course in September 2017

⦁ 02 September 19:30 - 02 September 23:06
⦁ 05 September 8:15 - 05 September 8:28
⦁ 06 September 23:29 - 07 September 15:01
⦁ 09 September 18:52 - 09 September 19:22
⦁ September 11 3:54 - September 11 22:29
⦁ September 13 21:35 - September 14 1:12
⦁ September 16 0:23 - September 16 4:09
⦁ September 18 3:55 - September 18 7:52
⦁ September 20 8:30 - September 20 13:06
⦁ September 22 16:04 - September 22 20:40
⦁ September 24 10:33 - September 25 7:01
⦁ September 27 14:08 - September 27 19:24
⦁ September 30 3:13 - September 30 7:40

The third phase of the Moon is the period of realizing accumulated energy and receiving the results of the work done. The main thing is to spend your energy carefully and thoughtfully, otherwise you can fall into a depressed state and ruin relationships with loved ones or colleagues.

Affairs. The third phase is a favorable time for solving complex and important tasks, finishing things started in previous periods and analyzing the work done. For these days, you can plan a serious conversation with your boss, or a change of job. This time is not suitable for signing contracts - transactions will be unsuccessful. It is better to limit communication with suspicious and unfamiliar people - there is a possibility of becoming a victim of deception. It’s good to do household chores: washing, cleaning. During this period, it is recommended to pay off debts and fulfill previously made promises. It is better to devote the last days of the phase to relaxing with your family and communicating with friends.

Haircut and hair care. A haircut on the waning moon will keep your hair healthy, but will slow down its growth. During this period, it is good to cut your bangs, as well as for those who do not like to change their hairstyles often. You can experiment with hair color - the dye will quickly wash off.

Beauty, self-care. The third phase is a favorable time to visit a beauty salon. Skincare treatments will help maintain a healthy appearance and prolong youth.

Health. Intense physical activity will give good results.

Nutrition. There are no food restrictions these days - you can eat any food.

Symbols - butterfly, dove.

One of the clean days, bright, very calm. The main condition is to constantly be in a state of harmony and balance, even if someone has insulted or offended you. Forgive your colleagues or household members for their unceremonious behavior, but under no circumstances teach them how to live. Sex is also contraindicated. It is better to spend the day in solitude, be quiet and modest, and do household chores. It is very useful to do everything related to cleansing: washing the floors, wiping the dust, taking a shower. The day is favorable for concluding a marriage that will be based on harmony. Leave service zeal aside - it will not bring a positive result. Consumption of animal food (except fish) and mushrooms is not recommended. You can't kill birds.

Divination: For a career.

Dreams: Dreams of these lunar days will help relieve internal tension and get rid of complexes.

Health: Medically, the spleen is associated with the 16th lunar day. This is the day of blood renewal.

Conception: Peaceful disposition and quiet character, love of animals and plants. Striving for ideals and spiritual purity. Many will seek comfort from your child. Travel and change. Balance, healing. Don't say rude words on this day.

Birth: Those born on this lunar day will have good health and live a long, fruitful life. They love white and purity, with a penchant for blues and silvers. They don't judge others. Their symbol is the “stairway to heaven,” signifying the difficult path of ascent. At the first stage of their spiritual advancement they hear nothing; at the second and third stages they come to understand the language of plants and animals. They have a strong imagination. They are gentle dreamers. They love nature very much. They achieve a lot in their lives and enjoy well-deserved respect.

Moon phase: Full moon.

The most mysterious time, which most clearly reflects on a person’s well-being. On a full moon, you can toss and turn in bed until the morning, but still not fall asleep. It seems that energy is in full swing, you want to run somewhere and do something. At the same time, the level of anxiety increases, people with increased sensitivity are tormented by bad premonitions, which, fortunately, are not always justified. People are most open to receiving information; this is the ideal time to communicate with the public, give speeches, presentations, and concerts.

The full moon is a period of the highest emotional instability, so at this time you should not start sorting out relationships, enter into conflicts, or engage in frank conversations. This period can become either the final stage of any undertaking or the first stage of something new. Often, on a full moon, relationships are struck, marriages are concluded, important decisions are made about ending something or starting a new activity.

During the full moon, the number of all kinds of disasters increases, usually of a local nature, but nature itself reacts very violently to this phase. Doctors will confirm that during the full moon they have a lot of work, heart attacks and strokes become more frequent, the conditions of previously stable patients worsen, and chronic illnesses painfully remind themselves of themselves. Surgeons do not like to perform operations during the full moon, since the risk of severe bleeding increases, and workers in psychoneurological institutions observe exacerbations in their patients.

That is why during the full moon it makes sense to undergo a full examination by a doctor, because this period helps to identify hidden diseases that may not be indicated at other times. But in general, the time is favorable for establishing new personal and business relationships, making important decisions, concluding deals, and stabilizing family relationships.
