What should you wear to celebrate the New Year? How to celebrate the year of the goat

Our favorite holiday is coming soon. And now is the time to talk about how to celebrate the New Year 2015.

On December 31, 2014, we will celebrate the New Year, called by astrologers as the year of the Blue Wooden Goat (or Sheep).

The sheep is a fairly meek animal, so astrologers do not predict any serious changes for us. The year should be calm and without shocks.

The modest goat does not like noisy companies and loud holidays, so you should not celebrate this New Year on a grand scale. It is worth meeting him with your family or with your closest and dearest people.

And after the chimes, wishes made and joyful “hurray”, you can get out into people and have fun as your heart desires.

The ideal place to celebrate the 2015 New Year will be the countryside. After all, a goat is a rural animal that does not like the bustle of the city. Snowball fights and sledding or skiing will be a great start to the new year. You can also take a steam bath and cook something delicious over coals.

How to celebrate New Year 2015. Decorating the house.

Blue The color and element of wood have not changed since last year, but don’t repeat it, give your home sophistication and sophistication.

When you decorate your home or work office, use soft colors (primarily shades of blue) and original things. Create comfort and warmth in the room.

Wooden crafts and woolen toys are well suited for decoration.

This holiday can be called a haven for the imagination of needlewomen, because many beautiful toys can be made from wool.

Have you noticed that goats often have a bell hanging around their neck? This means that this element can become a symbol of the holiday this year. Hang a bell at the entrance for good luck, or in any other place at your discretion.

When thinking about it, think about homemade toys. Arm yourself with imagination, inspiration and the necessary materials, you can make many simple but very interesting toys. And if you have children, be sure to involve them in creating toys and decorating the Christmas tree. But don’t overdo it with rain and tinsel, this year it will be unnecessary.

New Year. What to wear for the holiday?

The main thing is to dress with taste. It can be a luxurious and sophisticated outfit or a simple but original dress. Stick to one color in your outfit and add a festive touch with accessories and jewelry.

Don't wear anything shiny or tight. Choose something soft and pleasant to the touch, this is exactly what our goat will like.

For men, a dark blue suit, or a soft sweater and jeans will suit you.

Be sure to create volume in your hair and add curls. Do not slick your hair or comb it into a ponytail.

Create the most natural makeup possible. Delicate blush, a little gloss on the lips and light eye shadow. Bright war paints will not work this year.

New Year. What to cook?

The motto of this holiday is “simple, but tasteful.” This also applies to the table. There is no need for unnecessary luxury on the table. But the presence of greens and vegetables is a must.

But remember that you need to listen to your feelings and intuition, and then your holiday will be at the highest level.

In the following articles we will talk in more detail about how to better prepare and how to celebrate the New Year 2015.

Each year is marked by a certain symbol of the year, which is repeated only every 12 years - no more often. These symbols, like the horoscope that is familiar to us by date of birth, are determined by the horoscope, but the eastern one - by the year of birth of a person. For today, the year of the blue Horse is in charge, and the year of the Goat, or, otherwise called, the Sheep, will come to us. Someone is sure that the Goat and the Sheep take over the reigns every other time, i.e. every 24 years, but in essence, these are astrological “twins”. So, it’s up to each of you to decide what to call 2015 – with a Goat or a Sheep. For example, children born in 2015 will most likely be called born in the year of the Goat, because... the word “sheep” has already become an insult more than the name of an animal.

At the same time, each dominant animal has its own characteristics and 2015 is determined by the following of them:

  1. Animal – Goat, Sheep;
  2. Color – blue, in some sources blue-green;
  3. Material – wood;
  4. Entry date: February 19, 2015.

The character of the animal, although vain and often compared to the “fidget”, is still calmer in the animal world. Based on this, we can draw conclusions regarding the coming year and what it brings to humanity as a whole. Thus, the year of the Horse foreshadowed a lot of painstaking and exorbitant work, but the next year of the Sheep guarantees that you will be able to reap the fruits of your labors, so that as you work this year, the result will be reflected in the next. You still have a chance to flex your strength and take a step towards achieving your goal, advancement at work, etc.

The Year of the Goat promises benevolence. Be prepared to greet guests with all your cordiality, do not refuse them hospitality, then you can count on the same in a similar situation when the guest is you. But what is New Year without a holiday? This is simply impossible to imagine, and it is advisable to prepare for the celebration in advance so as not to “scare” the Goat with your New Year’s bustle. At the same time, preparation should affect not only the purchase of a Christmas tree and gifts, but also the decor of the hall and all rooms of the home, table setting, choice of holiday attire, etc.

Proper New Year 2015

You only need to start preparing for the celebration in advance, but the celebration of 2015 can be carried out:

  1. On the night of December 31, 2014 to January 1, 2015. This day is a holiday throughout the world and is recognized as the official New Year;
  2. On the night of February 19, 2015. On this day, the Year of the Goat will actually begin according to the ancient Eastern calendar. Each subsequent New Year begins on different days, but always later than January 1.

Now you can purchase decorations for your home and table at discounts, which will allow you to make costs economical, as well as spread out, which will not cause harm or a blow to the family budget. Look at what you already have at home from previous years, these could be beautiful Christmas tree decorations, tinsel, garlands, etc. If this is your first New Year in your home, then you need a variety of decorations. What the coming Year of the Goat requires of us in room decor:

  • Less glitter and provocative objects;
  • More comfort and home warmth;
  • Ideally colors are blue, green and beige. You can use shades of these colors, as well as dilute them with yellow.

Don’t overdo it with glitter; the best thing about the New Year will be the ringing of bells. Therefore, the apartment should be decorated with different bells, and a bell should be hung at the entrance to the apartment. This is not only required by the symbol of the coming year, but there is a belief that the ringing of the bell drives away evil spirits.

Each of us is concerned about what clothes men and women wear, but often in these worries we completely forget about one thing - the festive table setting. There is no need to look at how other people decorate tables for the holiday, no need to envy their taste - make your dreams come true. What is actually required?

Festive outfit for New Year's Eve Goats

Now it's time to touch on the topic of New Year's outfit. The look should be thought out in advance, especially since you have time to find your style and size of clothing. What are the rules for celebrating the New Year 2015?

In addition to the fact that, all women are interested in festive makeup, perfume and hairstyle that is worth doing.

  • Makeup should be natural; now you should not use bright colors. However, it is quite possible to make creative art on your face.
  • Among the variety of perfumes, it is worth choosing floral and natural scents. Avoid bright perfumes with a strong aroma, or do not use perfume at all. A scented shower gel, milk, spray or body cream will help you smell nice. For example, now you can buy a bottle of Camay shower gel with a small amount of perfume in it.
  • Hairstyle needs special attention. You should not choose smooth hairstyles, comb-overs and straightened strands. Focus on movement - curly or wavy hair, unusual curls, beautiful braids and weaves - the Goat will like all this!

Choosing a company for the New Year

Already today, before the holiday, everyone has a choice regarding who to celebrate the New Year 2015 with. Some prefer to do this exclusively with their family: spouse, children and parents; others - with friends, you can so rarely meet with them; still others - at work, because this is a great reason to earn more money; the fourth celebrate the holiday alone with each other - these are most often young couples and families with newborn children; There are others who don’t celebrate the occasion at all, but simply sleep in a warm bed. How exactly you want to celebrate the holiday is up to you to decide for yourself. But we are ready to give some tips that can be highlighted from the fact that 2015 is the year of the Goat.

  1. Avoid noisy and aggressive companies;
  2. Do not spend the holiday in restaurants or other non-residential premises;
  3. It’s worth getting together with your loved ones, with your family, but only with your closest ones. There is no point in calling cousins ​​and distant relatives if they are not your most beloved, of course;
  4. The best way to celebrate the holiday is in the village, so you should go to your relatives and not invite them to your place;
  5. If there is no choice, then gather guests at your home;
  6. After the chimes, you can go meet your friends and make some noise near the Christmas tree;
  7. Avoid excessive intoxication, quarrels and fights this New Year's Eve.

Recently, a real tradition has emerged Celebrate the New Year according to the Eastern calendar. The coming year will come to us under the auspices of the sign of the Blue Wood Goat. To appease her, you should think not only about what dishes to serve, but also about what outfit to greet the Goat in.

It is advisable to choose outfits according to the color preferences of the hostess of the year. These are colors such as green, blue, turquoise and purple, as well as their various shades. In addition, white and milky colors, as well as any shades of gray, are perfect for this New Year's Eve, since they are the natural color of this wonderful animal. The most important thing is that the image you choose is completely complete and the outfit fits the person perfectly. When choosing a toilet, you can use calmer, pastel and soft shades in addition to the main colors. Clothes can be made from natural and soft fabrics, such as velvet, suede, wool or cashmere. They will best remind you of the mistress of the year. But you can’t wear synthetics, even though you really like the style of the dress or suit.

Men should also think about their attire in advance. It is recommended to choose discreet suits in gray, brown or dark blue for New Year's Eve. You should choose the most suitable shirts for them, which should be ironed perfectly. A neat haircut and perfectly polished shoes will complete the look. But a suit is not necessary, so you can get by with a natural sweater and gray jeans.

Girls and women need to remember not only about the outfit, but also about makeup and. They should fit perfectly with the chosen toilet, but at the same time they should not look careless or careless. It’s quite easy to choose a hairstyle this year; it should contain various curls or just curls, as they The Goat will definitely like it. For decorations, you can safely give preference to anything made of wood.

Both children and adults are looking forward to the New Year 2015. After all, New Year's holidays are one of our favorite ones, regardless of age. And in order to create a truly worthy celebration, it is better to prepare for the New Year 2015 in advance. And the stars will be able to tell us how to organize this event so that the blue wooden Goat, the symbol of the coming year, will bring good luck. Now we will try to find out how to decorate your home, where and with whom to celebrate and, of course, what to prepare for the holiday table.

How to decorate a house for the New Year 2015

Any holiday begins with the decoration of the premises, be it a huge hall in a restaurant or your own home. Since the symbol of 2015 is the goat, and its element is wood, you should take this into account when decorating your home. Various wooden attributes will only bring you good luck, these can be wooden figurines, frames, and so on. However, don’t overdo it, too many of these things won’t create a New Year’s mood either.

Also read: How to celebrate New Year 2016

Since the colors of the coming year are blue and green, I think it will be relevant to add them to your interior. It is also worth noting that the goat loves comfort, and colors such as beige and cream will only help in creating comfort. Bells placed above the entrance to the apartment will also not be amiss. This will bring you luck and good fortune in the coming year. Also, do not forget that the Goat really loves greenery, it would be nice to add indoor plants, such a decision will only be a joy for the Goat. And the main attribute is your imagination, the more you fantasize and invent, the better.

What to wear on New Year's Eve 2015

The eternal question is what to wear. We ask ourselves similar questions every day in everyday life. Girls choose their outfit especially carefully, especially on New Year's Eve 2015. The main principles by which you should choose a New Year's dress are natural fabrics. When celebrating the Year of the Goat, it is important that it be elegant, preferably made in the same color scheme. It is better to dilute the image with accessories, also made from natural materials.

I think that the Goat will not be pleased by the presence of a huge number of rhinestones and sequins; it is better to give preference to furs, cashmere, velvet, and generally soft and pleasant to the touch fabrics. Curls of any shape will successfully complement your look, the main thing is to avoid smoothly combed hair.

Where and with whom to celebrate New Year 2015

During the New Year holidays, one of the most important principles, thanks to which you can have a good time, is the choice of place and company. Since the Goat is very calm, cautious and shy, the style of celebration should be designed in the same vein. A good solution would be a family circle. You should not choose a noisy company with an unpredictable ending. After all, the Goat is a pet and loves peace and stability. And so that the holiday is not too boring, it is better to come up with a scenario in advance. A very good idea would be to go with your family out of town to the dacha and spend the New Year's weekend there.

New Year's table 2015

New Year's treats are one of the most important parts of the New Year, because what is a holiday without a deliciously prepared dinner. What does our Goat prefer on this day? It is very important that there is a sufficient amount of greenery on the table. I think our symbol will really like various vegetable salads and greenery decorations. There are no special restrictions in the choice of meat; here the housewife can give free rein to her imagination and cook at her own discretion. However, when preparing a dessert, you should take into account its calorie content; try to create something lighter, for example, ice cream, jelly, or simply put fruit on the table. I think that the Goat will only be happy with such sweets. And sweet drinks such as juices and fruit drinks will bring her special pleasure. However, when preparing dinner, the main thing is not to overdo it; do not turn the holiday into an ordinary process of eating food. Pay special attention to the idea of ​​holding a holiday. Rest assured, the Goat will note this.

Astrologers declared the year 2015 to be the year of the Blue Wooden Goat (or Sheep). In fact, it will not come on the first of January, but much later - on February 19 (according to the Chinese calendar). If we compare it with the previous, “horse” year, it should be noted that 2015 will be much calmer: The Sheep is a meek animal, and therefore no special shocks or radical changes are expected. You can relax and get ready to reap
numerous fruits of last year’s labors, and this is a reason to celebrate the New Year 2015 with particular joy.

But if you are preparing to celebrate the holiday in a big way and “loudly,” perhaps this is not the best idea. The shy Goat will not be delighted with large companies and noisy discos. You need to celebrate this year with your family or with your closest friends, and when the Chimes sound, gifts with congratulations are presented and wishes are made, you can go “in public” and have a lot of fun.

Just remember: The Goat has exquisite tastes, so entertainment must be worthy of this person. In general, do not overdo it with songs and dances. Here Russian folk wisdom also agrees with Eastern astrology: the Goat doesn’t really need an accordion.

Another option for celebrating the New Year 2015 is to go out of town. The goat is a villager, and she will like the idea of ​​decorating a Christmas tree right in the yard, cooking something on the coals, and after a hot bathhouse falling into fluffy snow. Go to your dacha or camp site and celebrate the first morning of 2015 skiing or skating, or maybe just having a fun snowball fight - why not the start of a successful year?

How to decorate a house for New Year 2015

Do you still have blue balls, ribbons and streamers, as well as bonsai trees? They will also be useful for you to celebrate the coming year. Like last year's talisman, the Goat (or its astrological twin the Sheep) this time belongs to the element of wood, and the color remains the same - blue. But this does not mean that you need to repeat everything! The softness and sophistication of the symbol of 2015 must definitely be manifested in home decoration.

When decorating an apartment (as well as a house or office, or indeed any room) for the holiday, give preference to subdued tones and elegant items; you should feel cozy and warm. Like under a sheep's blanket.

The following will be good for New Year's home decorations in 2015:

  • felt toys
  • wood crafts
  • knitted openwork napkins
  • thread balls

For needlewomen, decorating a house this year will be a sheer pleasure - there is something to apply their skills and imagination to. You can invent and make anything from wool! And of course, regardless of whether you have a fireplace, you should definitely hang up woolen socks - both Western Santa and Eastern Sheep will like it. So we can expect a double portion of gifts from fate in the coming year.

An important symbol of the coming year is bells and bells (remember, there must be one on an elegant goat’s neck). Place bells above the entrance to your apartment for good luck!

When deciding how to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year 2015, be sure to involve children in the process. This year, it’s not enough to simply place purchased balls and cones from the nearest supermarket on the branches. Exclusive handmade toys - this is what a New Year's beauty should have without fail. Where to get them is up to you: you can buy “hand-made” ones in an expensive specialized store, or you can arm yourself with improvised materials, imagination and inspiration - and make toys with your own hands. When decorating the Christmas tree, don't forget about the bells. But it’s better not to overdo it with tinsel and rain.

New Year 2015: what to wear on the festive night?

Needless to say, the New Year's outfit should be exquisite. You can choose a luxurious evening dress or something very simple and laconic, the main thing is that it is tasteful. It is better to give preference to an outfit made in one color scheme and achieve a “festive” look with the help of jewelry and accessories. Natural stones (aquamarine and emerald will be especially good), original jewelry - all this will help make your look special.

It is unlikely that the Goat (and the Sheep too) will like smooth and shiny fabrics, an abundance of sequins, sparkles and other excesses - choose something soft to the touch, reminiscent of the delicate fur of the talisman - velvet, suede, cashmere or fine wool.

In addition to the New Year's blue and all its shades, you can use warm pastel colors in your suit - beige, cream, milky.

Men can wear a navy blue or café-au-lait suit, or opt for a knitted sweater and jeans - all of which will be equally appropriate.

Hairstyles for the New Year 2015 can be almost anything. The main condition is that there must be curls. Moreover, they can be given any shape - from a magnificent “explosion in a pasta factory” to a high and strict styling. But what shouldn’t be in a New Year’s look is smoothly combed or straight hair.

If we talk about makeup for the New Year 2015, then there are two options. The most natural make-up - delicate skin, cheekbones slightly touched with blush, lip gloss. Or make-up in an art style - the Goat will also really like this bohemian look. But whatever you choose, the main thing will be to have taste and a sense of proportion.

What should be on the New Year's table in 2015

A minimum of decorations, white dishes, silverware – the motto for the New Year’s table can be the famous “simple, but tasteful.” The goat will like a lot of greens, fruits and vegetable dishes - that's obvious. Dairy products should also be on the table - salads dressed with sour cream, several types of cheese, something interesting made from cottage cheese.

It’s hard to imagine a Goat with a chicken leg in its teeth, so there shouldn’t be a lot of meat dishes (vegetarians – this is your time!), and you definitely shouldn’t include lamb kebabs or young goat stew on the menu.
