How to rationally draw up a family budget. Planning the right family budget

Updated: 2019-5-18

Oleg Lazhechnikov


I often come across the fact that people don’t know where they spend their money, they don’t know how much they spend on food, on gatherings in a cafe with friends, on clothes, on unexpected expenses, and so on. At the same time, they borrow money, complain that there is not enough money, but they really want to go somewhere, or buy a laptop/bicycle... The question immediately arises, do you really want to? Or, what do you want more, spend money on beer on weekends, or go to the sea? Of course, at sea, but I spend so little on entertainment, there will be an answer. In reality, a person does not know that some of his expenses in total for several months or a year amount to a trip to the sea.

In no way am I advocating saving on what is important to you. But it’s better to know and understand how much money it actually takes from you, so that you can make an informed choice. No less important is knowing your real desires, your real dreams. I wrote about this in an article.

You have leverage over your family members :) For example, a wife comes to her husband and says, we don’t buy me anything, we don’t spoil me, but you bought yourself a MacBook for 50 thousand, ah-ah. Silently, the husband opens the budget, makes a selection for the year and shows that, in addition to the MacBook, he only bought a couple of T-shirts for himself during the year, while the wife has already bought 100 thousand worth of clothes for herself in the whole year, she just didn’t buy everything at once, but bought little by little , periodically.


In general, a budget is a great thing for understanding how your expenses stack up. In reality, many people think that it’s only 1000 rubles more expensive, but in fact, these thousands of rubles for the whole year (and for some even in a month) add up so much that you can buy a car! A toy :) Actually, I’m not kidding, saving the family budget is the only way it comes together - from the little things, this is the main feature. Saved 1000 rubles = earned 1000 rubles. I recently calculated that my smoking friend spends about the cost of a good laptop on cigarettes per year. That is, if he didn’t smoke, he could change his laptop once a year.

I just ask you not to confuse economy with poverty. Trying to increase your earnings is a necessary and obligatory desire, and in no way contradicts saving. As in business, there is always an accountant who optimizes costs. And, if you go in two directions at the same time, earning money and consciously weeding out unnecessary expenses, you can reach your goal much faster.

I sincerely do not understand the situation when requests grow faster than income. What's the point of spending everything and getting into debt/loans, for what? Isn't it better to save or invest to gain financial independence and freedom? Otherwise, you can earn millions and still beg.

So, the advantages point by point.

  • Control. You always know clearly what you are spending your money on. There are no questions about where half the salary went and who spent it.
  • Conscious choice. After a couple of months of budgeting, you really know how much each expense item is, and you may well want to adjust it (reduce/increase). This way, unnecessary expenses are eliminated.
  • No debts. Getting into debt/loans is minimized because you can calculate everything in advance and avoid it.
  • Easier to plan your purchases. If you want to buy something big or go somewhere, it's much easier to plan with a budget. You will be able to find out in what month you will have a sufficient amount, which is very convenient, or how you need to change your spending structure in order for this amount to appear.
  • Useful for long trips. You can always plan in advance how many months the money will last.
  • Convenient for dismissal. You can find out how much time you have and calculate when it’s time to start looking for a job.
  • Disciplines. Both in terms of spending and in terms of life in general.

I've been budgeting since 2008. I tried it once and liked it. Thanks to the budget, I was able to plan more than one trip, or rather understand the possibility of its implementation in a specific month under specific conditions. He also helped me a lot after I was fired in 2010.

Then I immediately calculated how many months of free life I could get, what countries I could go to and what things I could buy. Accordingly, I knew in what month the earnings would appear or when I needed to go to work (in case of failure).

In general, what I like most is the feeling of security/security when you can plan everything in advance (for 3-6-12 months) and be calm.


There are (for me) much fewer of them.

  • Tracking expenses and planning a family budget takes time. With the right approach, it doesn’t take much, but it takes. But sometimes it’s even nice to take it and write down a plan for the next six months and include useful purchases and long-awaited trips.
  • There is a possibility of getting stuck on saving money and going beyond some acceptable limits. Or else, become a miser, starting to save on everything in general. It is worth understanding that everyone has their own boundaries, that for one it is saving, for another it is squandering.
  • Addition to the previous paragraph. There is a chance of getting stuck on your current income level and focusing only on saving. Or in other words, “not allowing” yourself to have more money can create a kind of psychological barrier.

How to manage a family budget

As I wrote above, the basic principles (well, or advantages) are spending control, conscious choice and eliminating unnecessary expenses. And this is what a budget is based on: you plan expenses for the required period of time and then stick to them. Also, during the process you need to note these expenses in order to correlate actual expenses with planned ones.

How strictly to do all this is up to everyone to decide for themselves. At first I kept everything very strictly in order to understand where and what was going, and then I relaxed, began to round off and keep everything approximately. The result is a floating budget, in which the main thing is the absence of unnecessary expenses, matching expenses with income (needs and capabilities), and not strict compliance and saving for the sake of saving.

  • There are income items and expense items. The number of articles here and there can be absolutely any, the main thing is that it is convenient for you. I started with a lot of detail, and then I simplified everything and combined many of the articles. If you don’t know where to start, then start with any items; usually, after a couple of months, budgeting becomes more and more clear. Although I still adjust sometimes.
  • In my opinion, income and expense items should be written such as those that you will later analyze, or for which you need to track the dynamics. If this is not important to you, then in general you can make one expense item and one income item. In general, you can put your entire budget into a paper envelope, that is, put the amount you are going to spend into it at the beginning of the month, and then see if there is anything left or not.
  • I write down my expenses every day, it's more convenient, and it only takes a couple of minutes. But basically the app on my phone does everything for me, recognizes SMS messages and records them in the database. And when you need to plan something serious, for example, wintering in Thailand, then you can sit for half an hour.
  • Both husband and wife can manage a budget, either together or alone. As you agree, in general. Or more precisely, who will like it more. True, when they lead together (both expenses are noted and planned), it will be easier to discuss something than if someone distances themselves from it.
  • I won’t say whether it’s worth maintaining a joint or separate budget. There are different opinions on this matter. I personally accept both options. When a couple is both self-sufficient and earns money, then, firstly, everyone is calmer and more confident in the future, and secondly, they will only be glad to have a separate budget.
  • You can budget without planning at all. That is, simply mark income/expenses and check if everything is in order (control). Some apps and online planning services do not.
  • The essence of spending control is to ensure that you have a positive balance (reserve), that is, a positive difference between income and expenses. Maybe not every month, but every quarter or year. Well, so that the trend can be seen, whether you live in a minus or in a plus. This reserve can be accumulated or spent on something useful.
  • Typically, all smart books advise putting 5-10% of your income into a financial buffer or investing, regardless of your goals. 5-10% is, indeed, an amount that is practically unnoticeable for any income. I don't have that kind of strictness. Sometimes I go into the buffer (I go into minus), sometimes I put aside 50%.

Programs for maintaining a family budget

How to choose a program

You can create any family budget table in Excel that is convenient for you, or use ready-made services/applications for budgeting, fortunately there are a lot of them now (Zen-Money, Monefy, etc.).

Some services have their own website service and mobile application, some only have an application, some only have a website. In my opinion, the more convenient option is when you can use both the application on your phone and the online version on the website from your laptop. This was one of the reasons why I chose Drebedengi at one time and have been using them for many years.

You can also do it the old fashioned way - write it down on a piece of paper. However, there is a risk that this piece of paper will be lost at one point, and it is much easier to correct something in the electronic budget.

How did I choose a program for maintaining a family budget? I went to Google Play, downloaded about 5 Android applications that I liked based on the screenshots and descriptions, and started trying them. About 10 minutes for each application. As a result, there were two left that were more or less clear to me, or in other words, where I was satisfied with the logic of budgeting. It is important that my principle of management in my head coincided with the intention of the author of the application. Otherwise, you will have to spend a very long time delving into how to do what. No, everything should be intuitive. Next, I tried to track my expenses for a couple of days to understand whether it was convenient for me or not.

From 2008 to 2013, I kept a budget in Excel. You can download a simplified template of my budget. Or here’s my budget (a more complex file) taking into account different income/expense channels (cards, electronic money).

One sheet in Excel is one month. The budget is monthly and scheduled for 2-3 months in advance, no less. To plan six months in advance, you need to create 6 more sheets named “monthYear” (for the formula to work), and so on.

Each month has two columns - planned expenses and actual ones. The first column is for planning, the second for current expenses.

In my file (especially in the second one) there are formulas, if you are not comfortable with them, then it is better to try to do something of your own or use ready-made services. Otherwise you'll have to figure it out. In short, in the second file you can mark expenses by day depending on how you spent them: cash, electronic money, cards. And the balance is then calculated in exactly the same way for all these places where funds are stored.

Drebendengi Service

Since 2013, I have transferred the budget to the site and am very pleased. Now I track all my expenses on my phone and plan them online on my laptop.

Many operations are automated, for example, all expenses on a bank card automatically fall into the budget. Thus, if you practically don’t use cash (and I’m trying to minimize it), then there’s almost no need to mark anything. Read a separate post and their phone application, because it’s too long to talk about.

So a simple table in Excel is good only for a start, for testing, so to speak. And after you have decided that there is a budget, you can switch to services, including paid ones.

P.S. Do you manage a family or personal budget?

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Thanks for reading

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    Every family, and not only in our country, faces the need to manage a family budget. This is relevant, it is important and it is necessary for the family to feel happy. Let's talk planning...

    - This is money earned by all family members, which is important to be able to spend correctly. Many average families are faced with the problem of not having enough money before payday. Why is this happening? Maybe it's a small salary, or maybe it's an illiterate use of money? We will try to find answers to these questions in this article.

    First of all, you need to understand that this is money earned together for the month and additional income (part-time work, financial assistance from relatives). To learn how to spend money correctly and not get into debt, you need to know not only the important rules of spending money, but also the mistakes that young families most often make.

    Common mistakes in planning a general family budget

    As a rule, the average family's expenses include expenses for clothing, food, utilities and other needs, which are divided into three categories:

    • permanent (payment for gas, water, internet, and so on);
    • variables (leisure, entertainment);
    • mandatory (loan repayment, if any).

    Among the common mistakes of improper spending of funds, the following should be highlighted:

    1. Lack of spending system, that is, money is spent chaotically, without systematization and reasoning. In such a family, a salary is a real holiday that ends in a few days. After receiving wages, the family immediately begins to spend all the money and after a week is left without a penny. In this situation, experts advise that for the first three days after getting paid, you should behave as if there is not enough money. This way, you will be able to avoid euphoria and unnecessary waste of money.
    2. The family has a big cult of food. The family spends most of the budget on groceries and food, I mean “a lot”, much more than was possible. Spending a lot on food can be a big shock family budget and ultimately lead to debt. After your payday, you immediately go to the supermarket and start indiscriminately buying the most expensive food products. Professional accountants and economists advise against going to the store immediately after receiving your salary. Also, do not shop on an empty stomach. And the best thing that will help such a family is: keeping track of expenses, making a list of essentials, going to the store as little as possible, for example, only on weekends, and purchasing the necessary products according to the list.
    3. Uncontrollable pocket expenses, which include spending on cigarettes, various drinks, coffee in a cafe, and so on. If you treat yourself to ice cream or a delicious bun every day on the way home, you can not only gain weight, but also be left without money until payday. By giving up such seemingly insignificant expenses, you can save at least 1000-3000 rubles a week. Try to calculate the volume of such “small” expenses over the course of a week, and make sure that this is actually far from a trifle.

    Methods for competent family budget planning

    There are many methods that can guide you without giving up what you need. This will require competent optimization of spending. Experts advise keeping records of income and expenses. This could be a special program on the computer (we wrote about a free program that we use in our family), a special application on the phone, or you can simply create an expense notebook and enter all the expenses for the day there every day. Within a few months and even weeks, you will have a clear idea of ​​where all the money is being spent. Thus, you will be able to create and reduce costs several times. From my own experience, I can say with 100% confidence, and I have been keeping track of income and expenses for more than 2.5 years, that it works, and within a month it enormously changes the worldview on the attitude towards money (I wrote my report in the article). Here are some more of the simplest and most affordable ways to plan a family budget.

    “5 envelopes” method

    You may have not 5, but more envelopes, which need to be given appropriate names:

    • public utilities;
    • Internet;
    • cloth;
    • travel and so on.

    After receiving your salary, in each envelope, depending on its name, you need to invest the amount of money that you are willing to spend on specific expenses, for example, clothes. After that, within a month, take from the envelope the money that was allocated specifically for the purchase of clothes. Keep receipts and make notes when doing so. Thanks to this method you will be able to achieve family budget planning and even save money, for example, to buy a TV.

    Pareto method (80/20)

    This is a fairly simple technique that will tell you how to make a family budget, and will help you save money. The main rule is to immediately set aside 20 percent of the total amount after receiving your salary. This money can be deposited into a bank account or left on a card. The remaining 80% can be spent at your discretion, adhering to the main rules of saving:

    • buy only the essentials;
    • keep a ledger of expenses;
    • sometimes deny yourself something.

    Three Application Areas Method

    It is similar to the Pareto method, but 80% of the remaining money must be divided into two parts, for example, 30 and 50 percent. Thus, the spending scheme will look like this:

    1. 50% of the money is spent on mandatory needs (payment for electricity, water, gas and travel).
    2. 30% of the money can be spent on your favorite things and going to a restaurant.
    3. 20% needs to be saved.

    Making a family budget table

    Competent monthly family budget planning carried out by compiling a table of income and expenses of working family members. Both official and unofficial sources of income must be entered into this table. You can draw the table on a piece of paper by hand or use an Excel document. You can download the finished table from our website in the article and adapt it to your own needs.

    As a rule, if we plan family budget table expenses and income consists of the following sections:

    1. Income of husband, wife, other family members.
    2. Expenses: fixed, variable, mandatory.
    3. Expenses for children, spouse, wife.
    4. Unforeseen expenses.
    5. The final amount of all expenses.
    6. Savings from the family budget, in other words, what is left of the salary.

    If necessary, it is possible to add additional sections and subsections to the table, but it must take into account all the expenses and profits of the family. Ideally, the family budget table looks like this:



    Remember! Planning and keeping records of expenses and income is easy!

    This is not done so that you save completely, count every penny and put your “teeth on the shelf”, but regard this work as a “watchdog” that protects you from unreasonable spending!

    These are the most basic points that you should definitely know! I’m sure you want to know many more subtleties on this issue, how money should be distributed, in what proportions and sequence, etc., which is why we will soon meet with you again on the “I AM MOTHER” blog.

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    Do you want to learn how to properly manage your family budget? Read our article.

    Even large earnings with illiterate planning and improper spending of money are not a guarantee that the income will be enough for all needs. Therefore, it is important to build a family budget in such a way that money is spent rationally.

    The components of the family budget are the income of family members.

    In a classic family consisting of 3 people (two parents, a child), it is formed from the income of 2 workers, and is distributed in 4 main areas:

    • to provide for the family
    • for husband's personal expenses
    • wife's expenses
    • child support

    Deviations are also possible: only 1 person works, there are no children in the family. Then 1 of the points is excluded, but 3 remain stable.

    Types of family budget

    The family budget can be divided into 3 types:

    • joint
    • separate or independent
    • mixed, shared or joint

    Joint and separate family budget

    We traditionally use the first category of the family budget. Working family members pool their incomes and take money from this total amount for all expenses that arise. Recently the trend has changed somewhat. More and more often there are families using an independent or joint type of budget.

    It is not always the same person who earns money and manages it. On this basis, the joint budget is divided into 4 subtypes:

    1. Two people in a family earn money and share expenses together.
    2. Only 1 family member earns, but two share the budget
    3. The budget consists of the income of two people, but one manages it
    4. One person brings money to the family and 1 distributes it, and the manager is not necessarily the one who earns

    Benefits of a shared budget

    This type of farming has its advantages:

    1. There are no secrets about the family's financial condition. Everyone knows how much they can spend before the next funds arrive.
    2. Convenient to save for large purchases or create a reserve
    3. Closer, more trusting relationships are formed


    In families that have chosen a joint method of budgeting, the problems that arise against this background are no exception:

    1. If earnings vary greatly, there may be dissatisfaction with the distribution of expenses
    2. When two people manage finances, it is sometimes difficult to make a common decision
    3. There is no way to save an impressive amount on your own to spend it on a gift for your spouse

    In addition to the above, there is a possibility that those who earn less will not strive to increase their personal income if their needs are fully satisfied from the general treasury.

    Separate budget

    • In this case, everyone manages the budget at their own discretion, while not being financially dependent on each other. This model is typical for Western countries. The decision to pay for both family and personal expenses is made by everyone independently, depending on their circumstances. They can agree on large expenses
    • The advantage of such a budget is that there is no reason for quarrels regarding financial issues. In addition, based on their income, everyone spends on themselves as much as they need
    • The level of income must be significant, but even in this case, if you spend money unwisely, then it is unlikely that you will be able to make large purchases. Again, expenses for children, for maintaining a house. This is also fertile ground for disagreement.
    • There will be no grounds for disputes around the financial issue if the incomes of both are stable and not particularly limited in size. With a haphazard approach, costs only increase

    Shared or mixed budget

    This type of budget is a combination of the first two. At the same time, spouses allocate some part of the money for general family expenses, and spend the rest on their needs. Each person's share is usually agreed upon in advance.

    This type is an intermediate link between joint and separate budgets. For people who support parents, children from a previous family, or relatives, a mixed budget is more suitable than others.

    Rational family budget. How to save your family budget?

    A rational budget is one in which the expenditure portion does not exceed the revenue portion. This balance can only be achieved through planning. There are certain planning rules, of which 3 main ones can be distinguished:

    1. Know exactly how much money is coming into the family. This is easy to do, just take a notepad and pen and perform simple calculations of the net profit of each family member
    2. Determine your monthly expenses as accurately as possible. They are usually divided into mandatory and optional. The first group includes payments for utilities and loan repayments. Second: buying clothes and other goods, paying for car repairs and refueling, purchasing groceries
    3. Use the remaining finances correctly - buy something that will allow you to receive additional funds in the future or put it in the bank

    If the balance between income and expenses turns out to be negative, you will have to give up something. Mandatory payments are mandatory because they cannot be delayed in any case, otherwise there will be negative consequences.

    Family budget expense items

        1. An optional portion of expenses will have to be reviewed. Start with large purchases planned for the current month. Consider whether there is an option to postpone them
        2. To begin with, you should make a list of all necessary expenses, determining the order of each action or thing in terms of importance. At the very end are the names of things whose purchase is optional
        3. If there is a choice between purchasing an electric oven at a cost equivalent to the amount allocated for a week’s food, then the second is definitely a priority. You can collect for the oven gradually, adding up the amounts remaining at the end of the month. Otherwise, having spent all your income on the oven at once, you will find that you simply have nothing to put in it, because there is no money left for food
        4. You can save on unexpected expenses if you don’t buy new things thoughtlessly. When a washing machine or vacuum cleaner breaks down, try sending it in for repairs - this is the most rational option
        5. Calculate how much you need to leave for the purchase of products, especially expensive ones. It has been proven that it is better to make purchases for a period of a week or more, instead of replenishing supplies every day. Ideally, don’t go to the supermarket at all until you’ve run out of what you were supposed to use in a week or two.
        6. Although expenses on clothing are considered secondary, there is no way to avoid them - children grow up, we ourselves gain or lose weight, something goes out of fashion

    How to properly manage a family budget?

    • Buy wardrobe items only what you need
    • attend sales
    • use coupons and discounts
    • be interested in prices because at discount outlets they may be higher than at other stores

    Allocate money for recreation and entertainment

    Nothing brings a family together like carefree time spent together.

    Save at least a little, but regularly, just in case something unexpected happens. At all times, and especially during a crisis, you cannot be completely confident in the future, but you have the power to make it a little easier if you have some reserves.

    Video: How to save money?

    How to plan and save your family budget in advance: tips

    The generator of ideas for improving life and well-being in most families is the woman. Sometimes they get too carried away with saving, deny themselves a lot, and still have no money left until their next paycheck. Therefore, it is worth listening to advice on how to rationally shop at the supermarket and save money in other situations:

    1. Make a list in advance and take from the shelves only what is on it. Impulsive purchases turn out to be unnecessary
    2. Buy more often from online stores, many things are cheaper there.
    3. Don't take a large amount with you
    4. Try to buy products that last a long time, as well as household chemicals, not at retail, but wholesale - in large packages. It will cost a lot of money right away, but it will be cheaper in the end.
    5. Don’t spend money casually yourself and teach the rest of your family to do the same. Even the daily purchase of such small things as magazines, juices, chips, seeds is ruinous for the family budget
    6. Be sure to count your change and the total amount in your wallet. Without accurate knowledge of the amount of funds you have on you, you will not be able to spend them wisely
    7. If you or other family members visit clubs, gyms, and clubs, then it is more profitable to buy a subscription for a year. In this case, the cost of an individual lesson will be reduced by 4-5 times. Sign up for a group, it's much more economical than individual lessons
    8. Replace all light bulbs with energy-saving ones. They are more expensive, but last longer, and energy consumption is reduced by up to 5 times
    9. When buying a refrigerator, choose class A. Install it away from heating appliances so that it consumes less electricity
    10. If the kitchen has an electric stove, make sure that the burners are clean and in good working order, otherwise the electricity consumption will increase by a factor of 2. Avoid overheating by periodically turning off the stove for 12 minutes
    11. Proper operation of household appliances also affects saving money. Even if you make it a rule when using an iron to first iron things that require a low temperature, and then increase the temperature and iron the rest, the savings will be noticeable
    12. Install water and gas meters. Make sure it doesn't drip anywhere

    Be responsible when planning your family budget. Act consistently in one direction, and you will avoid most problems, both financial and in terms of building a strong family, where relationships are built on trust.

    Video: Family budget planning

    A family is a state in miniature: it has a head, an adviser, “ subsidized population", income and expense items. Planning, distribution and sequestration ( familiar words?) family budget is an important task. How to save and save without going on a starvation diet? — Create a table for recording funds received by the family and review the structure of payments.

    • Money– one of the greatest instruments created by man. They can buy freedom, experience, entertainment and everything that makes life more comfortable. But they can be squandered, spent in an unknown direction and senselessly squandered.

    Legendary American actor of the early twentieth century Will Rogers said:

    “Too many people spend money on things they don’t need to impress people they don’t like.”

    Has your income been less than your expenses over the past few months? Yes? Then you are not alone, but in a big company. The problem is that this is not a very good company. Debts, loans, penalties and late payments are growing like a snowball... it's time to jump out of the sinking boat!

    Why do you need to keep a family budget?

    “Money is just a tool. They will take you where you want, but will not replace you as a driver,” Russian-born writer who emigrated to the States, Ayn Rand learned from her own experience the need to plan and budget her own finances.

    Unconvincing? Here three good reasons start planning your family budget:

    1. Calculating a family budget will help you figure out long-term goals and work in a given direction. If you drift aimlessly, throwing money at every attractive item, how will you be able to save and go on a long-awaited vacation, buy a car or make a down payment on a mortgage?
    2. Family budget expenses table sheds light on spontaneous spending and forces you to reconsider your purchasing habits. Do you really need 50 pairs of black high heels? Planning a family budget forces you to set priorities and refocus on achieving your goals.
    3. Illness, divorce or job loss can lead to a serious financial crisis. Emergencies happen at the most inopportune times. This is why everyone needs an emergency fund. The structure of the family budget necessarily includes the column “ saving“- a financial cushion that will help you stay afloat for three to six months.

    How to properly distribute the family budget

    A few rules of thumb for family budget planning that we will present here can serve as a rough guide for making decisions. Everyone's situation is different and constantly changing, but the basic principles are a good starting point.

    Rule 50/20/30

    Elizabeth and Amelia Warren, authors of the book " All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan" (in translation " Your Whole Wealth: The Ultimate Money Plan for Life") describe a simple but effective way to create a budget.

    Instead of breaking down a family's expenses into 20 different categories, they recommend dividing the budget structure into three main components:

    • 50% of income should cover basic expenses, such as paying housing, taxes and buying groceries;
    • 30% – optional expenses: entertainment, going to a cafe, cinema, etc.;
    • 20% goes to pay off loans and debts, and is also set aside as a reserve.

    80/20 rule

    Step 2: determine the income and expenses of the family budget

    It's time to look at the structure of the family budget. Start by making a list of all sources of income: wages, alimony, pensions, part-time jobs and other options for bringing money into the family.

    Expenses include everything you spend money on.

    Divide your expenses into fixed and variable payments. Fill in the fields for variable and fixed expenses in the table for maintaining a family budget, based on your own experience. Detailed instructions for working with the excel file are in the next chapter.

    When distributing the budget, it is necessary to take into account the size of the family, living conditions and the desires of all members of the “unit of society”. A short list of categories is already included in the example table. Consider the categories of expenses that will be needed to further detail the structure.

    Income structure

    As a rule, the income column includes:

    • salary of the head of the family (indicated “husband”);
    • salary of the general adviser (“wife”);
    • interest on deposits;
    • pension;
    • social benefits;
    • part-time jobs (private lessons, for example).

    Expense column

    Expenses are divided into constant, that is, unchangeable: fixed tax payments; home, car and health insurance; constant amounts for Internet and TV. This also includes those 10–20% that need to be set aside for unforeseen cases and “rainy days.”

    Variable expenses column:

    • products;
    • medical service;
    • spending on a car;
    • cloth;
    • payment for gas, electricity, water;
    • personal expenses of spouses (entered and planned separately);
    • seasonal spending on gifts;
    • contributions to school and kindergarten;
    • entertainment;
    • expenses for children.

    Depending on your desire, you can supplement, specify the list or shorten it by enlarging and combining expense items.

    Step 3: Track your spending throughout the month

    It is unlikely that you will be able to draw up a family budget table right away; you need to find out where the money goes and in what proportions. This will take one to two months. In a ready-made excel spreadsheet that you can download for free, start adding expenses, gradually adjusting the categories " for yourself».

    Below you will find detailed explanations for this document, since this Excel includes several interrelated tables.

    • The purpose of this step is to get a clear picture of your financial situation, clearly see the cost structure and, at the next stage, adjust the budget.

    Step 4: Separate Needs from Wants

    When people start recording their spending, they discover that a lot of money " flies away"for completely unnecessary things. Impulse, unplanned expenses seriously hit your pocket if your income level is not so high that a couple or two thousand go unnoticed.

    Refuse to purchase until you are sure that the item is absolutely necessary for you. Wait a few weeks. If it turns out that you really cannot live without the desired item, then it is indeed a necessary expenditure.

    A little advice: Put your credit and debit cards aside. Use cash to learn how to save. It is psychologically easier to part with virtual amounts than to count out pieces of paper.

    How to properly plan a family budget in a table

    Now you know what is really happening with your money.

    Look at the categories of expenses you want to cut and make your own plan using a free excel spreadsheet.

    Many people don't like the word " budget”, because they believe that these are restrictions, deprivations and lack of entertainment. Relax, a personalized spending plan will allow you to live within your means, avoid stress and sleep better rather than worrying about how to get out of debt.

    “An annual income of £20 and an annual expenditure of £19.06 leads to happiness. An income of 20 pounds and an expense of 20.6 leads to suffering,” Charles Dickens’ brilliant note reveals the basic law of planning.

    Enter your prepared family budget into the table

    You have set goals, determined income and expenses, decided how much you will save monthly for emergencies andlearned the difference between needs and wants. Take another look at the budget sheet in the spreadsheet and fill in the blank columns.

    A budget is not a static figure fixed once and for all. If necessary, you can always adjust it. For example, you planned to spend 15 thousand monthly on groceries, but after a couple of months you noticed that you only spend 14 thousand. Make additions to the table - redirect the saved amount to the “savings” column.

    How to plan a budget with irregular income

    Not everyone has a permanent job with regular paychecks. This doesn't mean you can't create a budget; but this means you have to plan in more detail.

    • One strategy is to calculate the average income over the past few years and focus on this figure.
    • Second way- determine a stable salary from your own income - what you will live on, and save the excess into an insurance account. In lean months, the account balance will decrease by exactly the missing amount. But your “salary” will remain the same.
    • Third planning option– maintain two budget tables in parallel: for “ good" And " bad» months. It's a little more complicated, but nothing is impossible. The danger that awaits you along this path: people spend and take out loans, waiting for income from the best months. If the “black streak” drags on a little, the credit funnel will eat up both current and future income.

    Below you will find solutions on how to distribute the family budget according to the table.

    After we have decided on the main goals, let's try to distribute the family budget for the month, indicate current income and expenses in the table, in order to manage funds wisely, to be able to save for main goals, without missing out on current and everyday needs.

    Open the second sheet " Budget"and fill in the fields of monthly income, annual income, and the program will calculate the results itself, example:

    In columns " variable expenses" And " fixed costs» Enter estimated numbers. Add new items where " other", in place of unnecessary names, enter your own:

    Now go to the tab of the month from which you decided to start saving and planning family expenses. On the left you will find columns in which you need to record the date of purchase, select a category from the drop-down list and make a note.

    • Additional notes are very convenient to refresh your memory if necessary and clarify exactly what the money was spent on.

    Simply delete the data entered in the table as an example and enter your own:

    To account for expenses and income by month, we suggest looking at the table on the third sheet in our Excel " This year", this table is filled in automatically based on your expenses and income, sums up and gives an idea of ​​your progress:

    And on the right there will be a separate table that will automatically summarize all expenses for the year:

    Nothing complicated. Even if you have never tried to master working with Excel tables, selecting the desired cell and entering the numbers is all that is required.

    Poll: How old are you?

    Educational and methodological development for teaching the basics of financial literacy for high school students (8 - 11) in social studies lessons

    on the topic: Ways to rationally build a family budget.

    Completed by: history and social studies teacher

    Svistunova Irina Viktorovna

    MAOU Lyceum No. 93 of the city of Tyumen



    Introduction 3

    Main part 4

    Conclusion 17

    Bibliography 18

    Appendix 19


    Every third Russian today makes unnecessary purchases. To successfully plan a personal budget, you need to punctually keep records of all income and expenses.

    The ability to manage personal finances rationally is necessary for everyone, without exception. Thus, wealthy citizens need it in order to learn to control and “stop” absolutely unnecessary spending, thereby regulating personal finances. For the middle class, these skills will be useful in order to “painlessly” save money to buy an apartment or car. As for those Russians whose personal finances leave much to be desired, by learning to save rationally, they will take the first and very important step towards getting out of the financial impasse in which they find themselves.

    Lesson development

    Goal: to connect theory with practice in social studies lessons on financial education for high school students.

    Main part

    Methodological justification of the topic.

    One of the key directions of educational policy is the acquisition of basic knowledge and skills of the population in the field of financial literacy, the formation of reasonable financial behavior of citizens of the Russian Federation, their responsible participation in the financial services markets, and increasing the effectiveness of protecting their interests as consumers of financial services.

    Young people today are entering an increasingly complex financial world and must be prepared to make individual financial decisions, especially for children from low-income families living in rural areas and small towns.

    Lesson plan (with technological map).




    Methodological substructure of the lesson






    Techniques and their







    Organizing time.

    The main part of the lesson.




    Case method



    technology of activity-based teaching method.


    electronic educational resources;


    individual group

    Lesson topic:

    Lesson type: y rock for the initial formation of financial literacy skills in matters of formation and distribution of the family budget.

    Lesson type: With mixed.

    Grade: 10-11, age 16-17 years.

    Methodological goal: creating conditions for the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in matters of financial rational behavior of students.

    Goals of education (training, upbringing, development).


    Systematization of information on the topic of the lesson, finding optimal ways to solve financial problems in the structure of the family budget


    Improve skills in working with additional sources of information, develop students’ ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, generalize, and draw conclusions.


    Orient students towards reasonable, financially sound activities, cultivate a communicative culture through group work, and form an active life position.

    Teaching methods:

    Verbal (story, conversation, discussion);

    Visual (slide show)

    Search (information search)

    Practical (preparation and defense of mini-projects)

    Didactic methods: information-receptive, problem-based: problematic presentation; heuristic; research.

    Material and technical support of the lesson: Power Point Project presentation.

    Intersubject and intrasubject connections: mathematics, economics, history.

    Key concepts: budget, income, expenses, balanced budget, rational behavior.

    Lesson structure:

    1. Organizational moment (3 min.)

    2. Induction (motivation and goal setting) (10 min)

    3. Learning new material (20 minutes)

    4. Advertising (10 min)

    5. Reflection (5 min)

    6. Homework (2 min)

    Lesson content:

    1.Organizational and preparatory stage of the lesson.

    (organizational moment, teacher’s readiness for the lesson, checking students’ readiness for the lesson, sanitary condition of the classroom)

    Teacher: Good afternoon We are very glad to see you. As we prepared for this class, we thought of you and we hope for your cooperation and creativity. Today we have a very unusual job ahead of us. And it’s unusual, because today we are conducting a lesson on the technology of a project lesson. What is needed for any project lesson? Of course, knowledge.

    Stage of organizing knowledge identification: frontal conversation between students and teacher on the material covered.

    Suggested questions for conversation:

    1. What is economics?

    2. Name what factors of production are. List them.

    3. What relationship exists between factors of production and factor income?

    4. What is the main economic problem that determines the life of every person and society as a whole and is the focus of economic science?

    5. List the main actor in the economy.

    Topic of today's lesson: “Ways to rationally build a family budget.”

    The questions that we will consider are not difficult for you to understand, but are very important for each of you. We will get acquainted with the family budget, consider various sources of family income, the structure of family expenses and practice drawing up a family budget.

    The stage of acquiring new knowledge.

    At this stage of the lesson, there is a frontal conversation between students and the teacher about learning new material (students take notes in notebooks).


    Budget - (from the Old Norman bougette - wallet, bag, leather bag, bag of money) - a scheme of income and expenses of a certain object (family, business, organization, state, etc.), established for a certain period of time, usually one year .

    Message to students:

    1. Do you have personal money at your disposal?

    2. List your sources of money.

    3. Name the main sources of your parents’ money.


    The family economy begins from the moment the family is born, with the newlyweds developing principles and strategies for a decent, at least secure, and perhaps rich family life, with the organization and daily management of the household. Modern economic thought views the family as an important consumer and producer, whose life activities are carried out to realize the social, economic and spiritual needs of the individual, the family itself and society as a whole.

    Today, the institution of family is experiencing a crisis. Families are influenced by a combination of economic, legal, and moral relations. The transition to a market economy and the elimination of state support had a noticeable impact on the family budget. The generally accepted form of organizing the family economy is the family budget, which represents the formation of family income, its use, and the coordination of income and expenses. But even in a family, it is important to spend money correctly and rationally. It is necessary that every family knows how to properly allocate their budget. Every person should know the basics of home accounting.

    It should also be noted that without the competent formation of the income side and the effective use of the expenditure side of the family budget, as well as the predicted investment of a certain share of the family budget income, the systematic and effective development of the family and the implementation of its plans are impossible.

    A family budget is a plan for regulating a family’s monetary income and expenses, usually drawn up for a monthly period.

    Family budget structure.

    Income is the total amount of money and material goods earned or received by people during a certain period.

    In our country and in most countries of the world, wages are the predominant source of family income. So your parents have wages as their main source of income. But many families, along with wages, also receive income from the ownership of other factors of production.

    Think about where and what kind of income your parents can receive (children’s opinions)

    Students are asked to fill out the cluster:

    “Sources of family budget income”

    Answers (options):



    student son




    secondary employment (taxi work)

    profit from business activities

    income from renting out an apartment that was inherited


    Try to formulate the economic concept of what family income is. (guys' opinions)

    Family income is money that family members receive from outsiders or organizations and can use to pay their own expenses.

    Teacher: At all times, it was believed that you need to be able not only to earn money, but also to spend it wisely.

    How do you understand the economic term “expenses”? (guys' opinions)

    Where does your family spend its income? (guys' opinions)

    Expenses are the money spent on supporting the family. As a result of drawing up a balance of family income and expenses, a deficit (deficiency) or accumulation (excess) of the family budget is revealed.


    All family expenses can be divided into two categories: mandatory and discretionary.

    What expenses do you think we can call mandatory? (guys' opinions)

    Give examples from personal life experience of mandatory expenses. (guys' opinions)

    What expenses would you classify as discretionary? (guys' opinions)

    What is the difference between mandatory and discretionary expenses? (guys' opinions)


    Let's turn to economic science.


    Engel's law is an economic law according to which consumer behavior is related to the amount of income they receive, and as income grows, the population's consumption of goods increases disproportionately. Spending on food increases less than spending on durable goods, travel or savings. And the structure of food consumption is changing towards higher quality products. Income growth leads to an increase in the share of savings and consumption of high-quality goods and services, while reducing low-quality ones.

    The law was founded by the German scientist Ernst Engel in the 19th century. The author himself defined its essence in that the share of expenses spent on food (the so-called Engel coefficient) is greater, the lower the level of income.

    Statistics show that households in low-income countries spend the majority of their budget on essentials such as food. In developed and prosperous countries, only a tenth of income is “eaten up”; the rest of the money, in addition to paying mandatory payments, is dispersed on leisure, education, medical services and luxury goods, as well as savings and savings. Consumers make their food purchasing decisions based on their overall budget, which includes spending on other goods and services. Part of the cost of food products in the total family budget, for example, in the UK is 11-15%, in the USA - 8-10%, and in Russia and Ukraine - 35-55%. Households in low-, middle- and high-income countries have different consumption and demand patterns. At the same time, the poor are forced to choose foods that are less calorie-dense and nutritious, but cheaper.

    The population of rich developed countries prefers higher quality and, accordingly, more expensive goods. It is for this reason that the amount of food purchased in different families may differ slightly, but there will be significant differences in the content of nutrients and calorie content of the standard food sets of these countries. Relatively inexpensive foods, such as cereals and vegetables, make up the majority of diets in poorer countries, while higher-value foods, such as dairy products and meat, are more often included in household diets in prosperous countries.

    Residents of low-income countries are more sensitive to changes in income than residents of developed countries with a prosperous economic situation for the majority of households. In addition, the consumption structure varies differently depending on consumer goods: less responsive to price changes in categories such as food and clothing, housing rent, medical care, but families can save money in a situation of rising prices on luxury goods and entertainment, for example, relaxation.

    At the same time, in European countries the share of expenditures of the total family budget on paying for apartments and utilities is quite high. In Europe it is 14-16%, and in Japan - over 21% of total expenses.

    The main items of expenditure for the family budget in Switzerland are payments for medical, pension and personal insurance, on which more than 22% of all family expenses are spent. The item of expenses for housing and utilities is quite significant - 16.9%. The average Swiss citizen pays about 13.7% in taxes. 12.5% ​​of the personal budget is spent on education, entertainment and recreation. Payments for communications and transport account for only 9.9% of total expenses, food and drinks – 7.7%, medicines and paid medical services – 4%, clothing and shoes – 2.9%. Payment to service sector enterprises, including laundries, hairdressers, fitness centers - 3.2%. And the Swiss are willing to spend about 1.2% on tobacco and alcohol.

    In the USA, the family budget is distributed in the following proportions: 24% of it goes to paying rent, property taxes or paying off a mortgage loan; utilities account for 8%; and transport – 14%. Americans spend on food and drinks (about 14%; on clothing - 4%; and on recreation and entertainment - 5%. Family and personal expenses also include insurance and savings - 9%, medical services - 6%, charity and gifts - 4%. A US resident plans the remaining 12% of his expenses for personal hobbies and other needs or uses them to pay off consumer loans, car loans and interest on credit cards.

    In Russia, up to 40% of a family’s budget can be spent on food products, up to 30% on rent and utilities, 8% on transport, 5% on non-food services, 5% on clothing and footwear, the remaining 12% on education, treatment, recreation and entertainment. However, this consumption structure is directly dependent on the size of income. The higher their level, the smaller the share of food, and expenses are distributed among other categories, mainly in the sections: clothing, entertainment and recreation.

    Russia lags behind developed countries to a greater extent in the consumption structure of poor families. The gap between the income of the poorest and the richest in our country exceeds 15 times. In such a situation, a tenth of the population - the poorest - spends half of their income on food, in the USA this figure does not exceed 30%, and in the UK - 25%.


    Which financial document plans family income and expenses? (in the family budget)

    What is a family budget? (guys' opinions)

    Teacher: Family budget - a list of family income and expenses.

    The budget can be: balanced, surplus and deficit

    How do you understand what a balanced budget is? (opinions of the guys).

    There are three types of family budget: joint, shared and separate.

    1) Joint budget.

    2) Shared budget (Joint - separate).

    3) Separate budget.

    The main function of the family budget is to control the current financial affairs of the family through a balanced distribution of income and expenses. It is clear that the expenses incurred by the family during the month must be no less than the income it receives during this period.

    The next functions of the family budget are planning (it consists of distributing finances according to necessary expense items) and analysis (evaluating expenses, their necessity and usefulness and the ability to repeat them in the future).

    The budget also performs a restrictive function, forcing one to think about the possibility and expediency of certain expenses, and a regulatory function (after all, it is designed to regulate income and expenses). After drawing up a family budget and making calculations for all items, you need to make sure that the expenditure side of the budget does not exceed the revenue side. If, however, such a trend is detected, then you should either find a way to reduce expenses on certain items, or start looking for additional sources of financing.


    How do you understand what an excess budget is?

    Teacher: The difference between income and expenses is called the cash balance. Currently, more and more families prefer to invest the remaining funds in their family budget in banks so that they bring them new income - interest. It’s a shame, but the budget is not always balanced; sometimes it can be in deficit.

    What is a deficit budget?

    The family budget can be classified as a consumer budget. The consumer budget presents a table that compares the family’s cash income and expenses, and draws conclusions about the need to change them in one direction or another in order to balance them!

    Thus, the family budget should always be balanced!

    Wisdom says: Try to be smart, not rich: you can lose wealth, but smartness is always with you.

    Financial literacy is a complex field that involves understanding key financial concepts and using this information to make smart decisions that promote economic security and human well-being. These include making decisions about spending and saving, choosing appropriate financial instruments, planning a budget, saving for future goals, such as education or a secure life in adulthood (Appendix 1).

    Stage - securing the material:

    (Students work in groups of 2 people, each group has a problem statement on the table, the computers on which the students will work have a table with empty columns for the family budget already inserted.)

    Students need:

    1.Understand the problem situation and make the necessary decision

    2. Defend your decisions with reasoned reasons.

    3. Fill in the family budget items and, using Microsoft Office Excel, graphically depict (bar chart) the financial situation of the family budgetW.

    Address to students.

    It must be remembered that it is necessary to take into account money both for the short and long term. A personal budgeting program will help you with this.

    Short-term personal budget planning is usually undertaken within one month, its main task is to ensure that monthly expenses do not exceed monthly income.

    Task 1: draw up a table (structure) of your personal budget, which will take into account all monthly income and expenses. This table will roughly look like this.

    Task 2: carefully consider (and enter into the table) all your sources of income, and then calculate your total monthly income. Simple calculations will allow you to understand how much money per month you can spend on certain things.

    Task 3: record how much money per month will be spent on mandatory payments and daily expenses. After paying all your bills and all your purchases, calculate how much you actually spent. That’s when it will finally become clear to you how much one month of life actually costs you and your family. And so that absolutely all monthly expenses are included in the expenses section (even such “invisible to the eye” as buying a Snickers or a lighter), keep track of expenses every day.

    Task 4. At the end of the month, after all the calculations, soberly assess all your income and expenses. This will allow you to understand how much of your income is needed, for example, to pay off monthly mandatory payments, and how much can be set aside, say, for a New Year's party. If, after filling out the table, you see that expenses exceed income, carefully analyze the situation: what could you give up, what could you buy cheaper?

    3. Answer the questions: Do you spend your money wisely? Is there a chance to increase your income? Reduce your expenses?

    Now let's talk a little about long-term personal budget planning. Let's break this process down into four stages.

    1. First, let’s clearly define our main financial goals (you need to save for a house, apartment, car, children’s education, vacation). Of course, to achieve such grandiose goals, you will have to tighten your belts and give up some of your usual monthly expenses.

    2. Then we’ll make some preparations for a rainy day. Alas, no one is immune from emergencies and crises, sudden illnesses and unemployment. It would be nice to have three to six months' salary in your stash. In addition, life, health and property should be insured.

    3. At the same time, let us never forget that all the most important events in life (marriage, birth of a child, study, moving to another city, retirement) greatly affect the budget, and therefore you should plan in advance the expenses associated with these events.

    4. And finally, we will always be aware of what is happening in the country and the world. Sometimes you have to reconsider your tastes, habits and ambitions in order to stay afloat if difficult times come. Let's learn to save and live within our means today.

    Reflection on activities in the lesson.

    Teacher: The family budget is mainly made up of parents. Do you take part in planning the family budget? What help can children provide in rationally spending the family budget? What conclusion will you draw for yourself based on the results of our conversation?

    Lesson summary stage:

    (Questions are formulated with the stated objectives of the lesson)

    1. What are the factors of production and the types of income generated from them?

    2. What is the structure of the family budget?

    3. What is your family's main income?

    4. What new types of income can be offered to families in times of economic crisis?

    Today in class the following students receive grades for fruitful work and correct answers...


      Based on the results of 2015, the Ivanov family realized that their monthly expenses were growing by 2% per month. Based on this, they predicted an increase in their monthly expenses in 2016.

    What is the name of the logical operation that the Ivanovs performed?

      Citizen N takes out a bank loan in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. at 25% per annum for a period of 2 years. What amount will he pay to the bank after the specified period a) 200 thousand rubles. b) 250 thousand rubles. c) 300 thousand rubles. d) 400 thousand rubles.

    Homework: Students are asked to make a list of financial activities that would help maintain a stable family budget.

    Possible answers:

    1. Providing insurance coverage for the family. Often in a family, the main part of the income is brought by one of the spouses, through whom the entire budget is formed. At a certain period of time, the breadwinner supports several people - children, spouse, and other relatives. In this case, the most valuable asset for the family is the life and capacity of the breadwinner and therefore his life must be insured. In the event of the sudden death of the breadwinner or his disability, the family should receive an insurance payment, the amount of which will ensure a normal standard of living for several years.

    2. Formation of a reserve fund. The size of this fund should be from 3 to 6 months of family expenses. This is especially true for those households where the main share of income comes from wages when performing hired work. Any reduction in the company, dismissal, change of job, in general, cessation of regular income can adversely affect the family budget. It is this reserve that is the so-called “safety cushion” and its task is to support the family’s current expenses during a temporary lack of income. For these purposes, it is recommended to use bank deposits with the possibility of partial withdrawal of funds.

    3. Investment plan. In this section, specific tools are selected whose main task is to fulfill a person’s financial goals. Such instruments can be bank deposits, securities, mutual funds, precious metals, currency, OFBU, real estate, etc. The presence of different financial instruments in a person’s portfolio ensures the distribution of risks, and it is advisable to spread them across different currencies, as well as invest not only in Russia, but also abroad. Currently, Russia has an international reliability rating much lower than developed countries in Europe and the United States, and this must be taken into account when drawing up a financial plan.

    4. Pension savings plan. In addition to state pension provision, which also provides opportunities to increase your capital by transferring the funded part of the pension under the management of private management companies or non-state pension funds, you can also form your own pension capital. During your working life, for these purposes, it is advisable to alienate part of your income into the so-called “emergency reserve”, from which you will live after you want to go on a well-deserved rest. This does not have to be done upon reaching retirement age; you can set your retirement date, for example, at 45 years. If for 30 years, every month you save $100 on a deposit at a rate of 8% with monthly capitalization, then by the end of this period the accumulated amount will be almost $150,000, of which $114,000 will be accrued in the form of interest.

    Report on conducting classes using educational and methodological development.

    The lesson was held in 11th grade. Difficulties were in creating an emotional background for the lesson and ensuring the unity of teaching, education and development, as well as in the distribution of educational time.

    The following circumstances can be cited as the reasons for the difficulties: at present, the ratio of the activities of the teacher and students in the educational process has changed, which requires the search for new relationships in the “teacher-student” system; in this lesson, the share of independent cognitive activity of the student (implementation of the project) has increased significantly, in each There were students in the class who did not have time to complete the assignments.


    This lesson technology confirms the presence of a positive trend in the development and implementation by school teachers of the ideas of meta-subject teaching for schoolchildren, however, there are serious problems in constructing and conducting such lessons.


    We have come to the following understanding of what it is: learning how to save a family budget, use it rationally and find new sources of its formation is one of the most important needs of the modern younger generation.

    Financial literacy is having the knowledge and skills necessary to make responsible, competent and confident economic and financial decisions. In his actions, a financially literate citizen must be able to see the full range of available opportunities and the risks associated with them. A financially literate citizen must be able not only to read the terms and conditions of financial products, but must also be able to create new conditions (new relations of production) that will contribute to the development of society as a whole (job growth, guaranteed incomes, fairer distribution of surpluses, etc.) .d.).

    A financially literate citizen should know more than the difference between income and expenses in the family budget. A citizen must be aware of the level of poverty in the country and its dynamics; about the differences between progressive and regressive taxation, etc. All this requires that the citizen be able to understand the basics of how the economy works and what the structural causes of poverty, inequality and economic crises are.

    American entrepreneur Henry Wyss believes: “The government spends billions of dollars to combat bankruptcies, depression, suicide and divorce, but no one allocates even a single cent to teach Americans how to spend their money correctly. Every family throws at least 20% of their money into the trash and at the same time complains about its lack. The current situation defies any logic.” He is right, because increasing the financial literacy of the population is impossible without the help of specialists.

    Many families are not serious about planning their family budget. They don’t even think that their savings can generate income, for example, if they put them on deposit. This will help eliminate the desire to spend your savings, and after a while it will bring additional income in the form of interest.


    1. Federal Law of July 10, 2002 N 86-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2015) “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”

    2. Federal Law On Banks and Banking Activities (as amended by Federal Laws dated 02/03/96 N 17-FZ, dated 07/31/98 N 151-FZ, dated 07/05/99 N 126-FZ)

    3. Federal Law of December 26, 1995 N 208-FZ (as amended on June 29, 2015, as amended on December 29, 2015) “On Joint Stock Companies”

    4. Bulatov A.S. Economy. // M.: International relations. 2012. 152 p.

    5. Social studies. Grade 11. A basic level of. Bogolyubov L.N., Gorodetskaya N.I., Matveev A.I. 2010.

    6. [Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation]

    Pensions were first introduced for naval officers in France in 1673. During the French Revolution, in 1790, a law was passed on pensions for civil government employees who had served thirty years and reached the age of fifty. Mass and universal pension provision first appeared in Germany in 1889, in Great Britain in 1908, in France in 1910. It implied linking the size of pensions with the size of insurance premiums and salaries of insured workers, compulsory pension insurance of hired workers against old age, disability and loss of a breadwinner

    The first mentions of state pension provision on the territory of modern Russia date back to ancient times. When the princes and governors of the Slavic squads took care of food, arming their subjects and providing for them in case of injury and upon reaching old age.

    1663 - the appointment of “therapeutic” monetary payments for the wounded.

    18th century - the publication of legislation on providing assistance to the wounded and disabled at the expense of the state budget, the extension of pensions to civil servants and the military.

    19th century – extension of pension provision to private enterprise.

    20th century - the release of regulations on social security for workers, which was associated with the revolutions taking place in the country. Replacing the pension system with the social insurance system.

    The end of the 20th century - the implementation of pension reforms and the introduction of a new model in 2001.

    A pension is a guaranteed monthly payment to provide for citizens in old age in the event of complete or partial disability, loss of a breadwinner, as well as in connection with achieving an established length of service in a certain field of work.

    How to secure your pension:

    1. Getting a job

    2. Obtaining an insurance certificate

    3. Control over the process of payment by the employer of contributions to the Pension Fund

    Strive to earn a lot of experience and work for a company that pays “white” wages, not “in envelopes.” From January 1, 2010, the employer will not pay a single social tax to the budget, but insurance contributions for each employee from the official salary, which are taken into account on his personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

    I consider the optimal profession to be a doctor. All employees in the medical field have “white” and decent salaries. Using the pension calculator on the website of the Russian Pension Fund, you can calculate your future pension.

    The main task of the pension calculator is to explain the procedure for forming your pension rights and calculating the insurance pension, as well as to show how the size of the insurance pension is affected by:

    The amount of your salary;

    The pension option you have chosen in the compulsory pension system;

    Duration of labor (insurance) experience;

    Military conscription, maternity leave and other socially significant periods of life;

    Applying for a pension after reaching the established retirement age.

    As of the current moment (2015), there is a law in Russia that allows men to retire at the age of 60, and women - upon reaching the age of 55.

    Thus, having worked 30 years in medicine, with a salary of 44,530 rubles (average salary in the city of Tyumen), my pension will be 30,133.39, which I calculated using a pension calculator.


    Personal finance experts advise:

    Stay within the budget you planned for at least three months. Gradually you will get used to a different, more modest way of life and will not experience psychological discomfort and nostalgia for the times when you could afford a little (or a lot) extra;

    Achieve a family budget structure in which monthly loan payments do not exceed 30% of monthly income;

    Follow the "golden rule of ten percent." Most experts recommend regularly saving 10% of your income. They motivate this, in particular, by the fact that a person does not even remember what ten percent of his salary is usually spent on. It turns out that he could easily do without these expenses, and it would be better to invest this “golden tithe” into something useful.

    Taking money seriously requires a serious approach. Regardless of whether a person earns a lot or a little, a responsible approach to finance requires a financial plan. You need to know the structure of your income and expenses, what part of the funds you can invest and thereby increase your savings. You must know in what time frame you can bring all your goals to life and how you will do this.

    Let's try to do the calculations. Let's say you would like to buy a car that costs $16,000 within the next 5 years. How can you do this (for simplicity of calculations, we will not take into account possible changes in car prices):

    Option 1. Buy dollars and save by investing in a safe. If you save $270 monthly, you will be able to buy a car in 5 years.

    Option 2. Take a foreign currency loan from a bank at 12% per annum for 5 years. Then during this period you will have to pay $355 monthly, and in the end, you will pay the bank $21,354, which is a third higher than the cost of the car. But you can ride it right away.

    Option 3. Open a foreign currency replenishable deposit with a rate of 8% per annum with monthly capitalization in dollars and save $355 every month. Then you can buy a car in 3 years and 3 months without any overpayment.
