How to use a test to determine ovulation. How the ovulation test works: review, features, instructions and reviews

Ovulation is the most important stage of the menstrual cycle: at this time the chances of getting pregnant are highest, as an egg is released from the ovary, ready for fertilization. It is important for women planning to become mothers to know when exactly ovulation occurs, since its occurrence depends on individual factors. It is important to note that the egg lives outside the ovary for only 24 hours, so the main thing is not to miss this moment. In this article you will learn how to determine ovulation without a test, how and when to do an ovulation test, as well as what tests there are.

How to calculate the days of ovulation?

Women planning a pregnancy are wondering: how to find out the day of ovulation? Everyone knows that the female menstrual cycle - the time interval from the first day of the last menstruation to the first day of the next - is regular. Moreover, as a rule, such regularity is clear and ranges from 21 to 35 days. According to medical observations, ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of menstruation.

It is important for women to keep a menstrual calendar to know the length of their cycle, its consistency, and monitor any shifts that may signal health problems. Using this schedule, you can also calculate the days of ovulation, which will help determine the day the egg is released with a small error.

Under the influence of certain factors, ovulation may begin a couple of days earlier or later. Thus, with a 28-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 12-16. Taking into account that sperm can live in the female body for several days, conception should begin to be planned 5 days before the expected day of ovulation.

It is important to note that the calendar method of calculating the day of ovulation is only suitable for those women who have a regular cycle. If it is impossible to predict the date of the next menstruation, you need to use other methods.

How to determine ovulation - 7 methods

In addition to the described calendar method, you can determine ovulation using the following methods:

  1. Ovulation test. An ovulation test can be purchased at any pharmacy; fortunately, today there are a large number of tests from different manufacturers. The price of an ovulation test varies depending on the quality of the test and the type of test. The average price of an ovulation test (test strip) is about 250-400 rubles (100-200 UAH). Electronic ovulation tests have a higher cost due to their high reliable results and the ability to be used many times. A package of 5-7 test strips is enough for diagnostics for a month.
  2. Basal temperature. Measuring basal temperature allows you to determine ovulation without a test at home. This technique is based on daily measurement of temperature in the rectum in the morning immediately after waking up at rest for at least 5 minutes. In the first half of the cycle, it is usually below 37 degrees, before ovulation it drops a little more, and the next day it rises sharply and remains at this level (37.3-37.6 degrees) until the onset of the next period. The measurement results are recorded daily and a graph is built from them to notice the approach of ovulation. The method of measuring basal temperature is suitable for those girls who have a regular menstrual cycle.
  3. Ultrasound to determine ovulation. This method is the most accurate, but it is not limited to one procedure. The examination begins approximately 3-4 days before expected ovulation in a regular cycle. Then, every 2-3 days, an ultrasound is performed to monitor the growth of the dominant follicle. In case of an irregular menstrual cycle, the first study is carried out on days 5-7 of the cycle. Just before ovulation, the follicle reaches a diameter of 2 cm, and an egg-bearing tubercle appears on it, which is displayed on an ultrasound machine. After ovulation occurs, the follicle disappears, and a small amount of fluid is visible behind the uterus.
  4. . Using your own observations, you can determine ovulation without a test. Before ovulation, many women experience pain and tingling in one side of the lower abdomen, increased sensuality and sexual desire, as well as an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge, liquid and viscous consistency. Such signs are associated with changes in hormonal levels.
  5. Examination by a gynecologist. During an examination, an experienced doctor can determine the release of the egg, which is associated with a change in the appearance of the genital organs. Before ovulation, the amount of cervical fluid increases, the cervix softens and opens slightly. Such symptoms occur 2 days before ovulation and persist for 2 days after its onset.
  6. Blood chemistry. This method is rarely prescribed, it is quite expensive, and you will have to donate blood from a vein several times per cycle to determine hormone levels. It is necessary for long-term infertility and helps to determine whether ovulation occurs at all. At the same time, the level of LH and FSH is determined, the increased value of which indicates the approaching release of the egg. After ovulation, progesterone levels in the blood increase.
  7. The phenomenon of saliva crystallization. This unique test is also carried out in connection with changes in the level of hormones in a woman’s body before ovulation, which affect the condition of not only vaginal discharge, but also saliva.

Is it possible to determine ovulation at home?

To determine ovulation at home at the moment a mature egg is released from the ovary, it is not necessary to seek help from a doctor. Most of the methods presented can be used at home. For a more reliable result, they can be combined with each other.

So, it is allowed to monitor the level of basal temperature at home and your own sensations, which do not always accurately show signs of ovulation. When measuring basal temperature, it is important to adhere to clear rules so as not to miss the moment of ovulation, and also to keep a chart for at least 3 months in a row.

There are some factors that indirectly affect this method:

  • drinking alcohol the day before;
  • lack of night sleep;
  • sexual intercourse 3 hours before measuring temperature;
  • high body temperature due to illness;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • fluctuations in room temperature.

This suggests that such methods can be used, but there is a risk that the research will be uninformative. The most popular and reliable method of determining ovulation at home is the use of special tests based on obtaining data on changes in female hormonal levels.

How does an ovulation test work?

An ovulation test allows you to determine the day of ovulation at home without visiting a medical facility. The ovulation test works by determining the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. A small amount of it is always contained in a woman’s urine, but 2-3 days before ovulation the concentration of LH increases sharply. It is during this period that women who want to become pregnant need to plan to conceive a child.

Each cycle in the female body a follicle matures, rarely 2 or 3. During this time, the female hormone estrogen is produced in the follicle cells. And as it grows, the production of the hormone increases. When sufficient estrogen levels are reached for ovulation, a sharp surge of LH occurs. After this, over the course of 1-2 days, the follicle ruptures, and the mature egg rushes into the fallopian tube, which is ovulation.

The time interval for follicle development can vary even in one woman in different cycles. But thanks to an ovulation test, you can find out about a jump in LH levels.

Before using an ovulation test, you need to determine the length of the menstrual cycle. With a regular cycle, you can start taking tests 17 days before the expected menstruation. That is, with a cycle of 30 days, you need to use tests from the 13th day. If the cycle is irregular, you should choose the shortest one over the last 6 months, and use it to calculate the day the tests will begin.

If there are frequent long-term delays and lack of cycle regularity, there is no point in performing an ovulation test. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the follicle using ultrasound.

There are several types of them, so you should figure out which one is best to choose to get a more reliable result.

What are the ovulation tests?

Main types of ovulation tests:

  1. Dipstick or strip tests are the most popular. They work on the same principle as pregnancy tests. Externally, they look like a paper strip on which a reagent that acts on LH is applied on one side.
  2. The test tablet is a small plastic case with windows.
  3. The inkjet test is considered the most reliable. It is a strip coated with a special reagent.
  4. Reusable electronic test - a small portable device with a set of test strips.
  5. A test showing the result using saliva.

To obtain an accurate result, before using any type of ovulation test, it is important to carefully read the instructions included with it.

How to do an ovulation test?

Test strip. The test strip is used in a similar way to a pregnancy test. To do this you need to do the following:

  • take a dry, clean container and collect a small amount of urine in it;
  • open the package with the ovulation test;
  • lower the test strip into the urine to the specified level;
  • wait 5 seconds;
  • place the ovulation test on a flat surface;
  • After 10 minutes, check the result.

One strip always turns red - it is a control strip and reacts to any liquid. It is located along the edge of the test field. If the control line is not visible, this indicates a defective test.

The appearance of the second stripe indicates the imminent onset of ovulation. The closer it is, the brighter the second stripe will be. When it becomes the same as the control or darker, we can talk about ovulation over the next 24-48 hours. These days will be the most favorable for fertilization. Once the LH surge has been determined, there is no need for further testing; this usually occurs on day 3 or 4 of diagnosis.

Tablet test. When using an ovulation tablet test, place a few drops of urine in one window. The result will appear after 2 minutes in the second window. At a high LH concentration, 2 bright stripes will appear, just like the strip test. This type of reliability test is considered better than paper strips.

Jet test. The ovulation jet test is very easy to use. It does not need to be immersed in a container with urine; it is enough just to briefly place it under a stream of urine. The result is assessed by the brightness of the test strip after 3-5 minutes.

Reusable digital (electronic) test. In a reusable electronic test, you take one of the strips, moisten it in urine and insert it into the device. It will indicate the approach or absence of ovulation. They are distinguished by a high level of information content, the result is determined 3 minutes after the study. If there is a sufficient level of LH concentration in the urine, a smiley face will appear on the display, and if ovulation does not occur soon, an empty circle will appear.

How to use a digital ovulation test:

A test showing the result using saliva. When using a test that monitors the phenomenon of saliva crystallization, a small amount of saliva is placed under the lens. This is due to a change in its composition before ovulation. The level of salt content in it increases, which is what the test records. A special sensor will show the pattern on the saliva, and you can decipher it using the attached instructions.

This ovulation test is a miniature microscope and looks like a lipstick. Salt crystals form on the surface of the glass 72 hours before ovulation, and the same amount of time after it. You cannot use it for gastrointestinal diseases and problems with the ovaries, as well as for dental diseases: in such cases it will show the wrong result.

When to take an ovulation test?

When testing, you must follow several rules that will help you get the most reliable result:

  1. You cannot take the first morning urine for diagnosis: immediately after waking up, the concentration of LH in the urine is higher, and the result may be incorrect.
  2. It is best to take the test at the same time every day. The most favorable time interval is from 10 am to 8 pm. Before this, you need to refrain from urinating for at least 4 hours.
  3. Diagnostics should be carried out 1 or 2 times for 5 days in a row.
  4. Testing twice a day is more effective because the peak LH surge lasts less than 24 hours. This will help you be more likely to catch such a moment.
  5. You should not drink a lot for 3-4 hours before using the ovulation test: excessive fluid intake helps to reduce the concentration of LH in the urine, which can affect the result.
  6. The test package should be opened just before use. It should not be exposed to moisture or dirt.
  7. Do not touch the part where the reactive substance is applied with your hands.
  8. Use only freshly collected urine for testing.

How likely is the test to show ovulation?

According to clinical trials, ovulation tests are 99% accurate. An unreliable result may be obtained due to a defective test, some problems in the female body, or failure to follow all testing recommendations.

Erroneous results are due precisely to the fact that the test does not show ovulation itself, but the level of change in LH over time. This is not a complete guarantee that it has grown only due to early ovulation. An increase in the level of luteinizing hormone may be associated with the following reasons:

  • renal failure;
  • ovarian wasting syndrome;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • postmenopause.

That is, a false positive result can be obtained due to temporary or permanent hormonal dysfunction, since the level of LH is always elevated in a woman’s body. It also occurs due to an increase in the concentration of other hormones, not just LH.

The molecular structure of luteinizing hormone is similar to hCG, TSH and FSH. HCG is present in the female body during pregnancy. Also, its injections are used to stimulate ovulation, which can also provoke a false-positive result without increasing LH levels. After such injections, there is no point in doing ovulation tests.

Even nutrition can cause an erroneous result, since some plants contain phytohormones. If you are missing your period or suspect a hormonal imbalance, you should not rely entirely on the test result.

In order not to miss ovulation, you can combine testing with other diagnostic methods. The most reliable of them for hormonal problems is ultrasound.

What does a negative ovulation test mean?

A negative result, first of all, may indicate an early start of testing, when there is still a lot of time before the egg leaves the follicle. It may also be due to the fact that ovulation has already occurred and the woman missed it.

A woman’s ovulation shift may be due to the following reasons:

  1. Stressful situations.
  2. Overwork.
  3. Diet.
  4. Taking certain medications.
  5. Various diseases.
  6. Long trips.

A negative result with a high LH level is detected when using an ovulation test with an expired expiration date, damaged packaging or a low-quality product.

It is also important to remember that the absence of ovulation for 2-3 cycles throughout the year is normal. With age, the number of such cycles increases. If, for several months in a row, ovulation tests persistently show a negative result, the woman should seek advice from a gynecologist.

Benefits of Ovulation Tests

  • Using this method of diagnosing the onset of ovulation helps a woman plan her intimate life. An ovulation test allows you to determine the most favorable time to conceive a child or, conversely, to protect against unwanted pregnancy.
  • The ovulation test is easy to use. There is no need to build special charts, measure basal temperature daily and perform difficult manipulations. It is enough just to lower the test into a container or under stream of urine.
  • They are convenient to use at home at almost any time of the day. Testing takes a short time, just a few minutes.
  • They also simply determine the result; you just need to compare the color intensity of the test strip and the control strip. Also, the interpretation of the results is described in detail in the instructions attached to the test.

Each cycle in a woman’s ovaries, as a result of hormonal processes, one follicle matures. Very rarely - two or more.

Detailed information about the menstrual cycle can be found in our article “Favorable days for conception”.

As the follicle matures, its cells produce female hormones - estrogens. And the larger the follicle reaches, the more estrogen its cells produce. When the level of estrogen reaches a level sufficient for ovulation, a sharp release of luteinizing hormone (LH) occurs, after which, within about 24-48 hours, the follicle ruptures (ovulation) and the egg, ready for fertilization, rushes into the fallopian tube to meet the male sperm. The period of follicle development can differ not only among different women, but even within one woman – in different cycles.

It is on determining the moment of a sharp increase in the level of LH in the urine that the action of modern home ovulation test strips is based.

On what day should testing begin?

The day you start testing should be determined depending on the length of your cycle. The first day of your cycle is the day your period begins. Cycle length is the number of days that have passed from the first day of the last menstruation to the first day of the next.

If you have a regular cycle (always the same length), then you need to start taking tests about 17 days before the start of your next menstruation, since the corpus luteum phase (after ovulation) lasts 12-16 days (on average, usually 14). For example, if the usual length of your cycle is 28 days, then testing should begin on the 11th day, and if 35, then on the 18th.

If the cycle length is not constant, select the shortest cycle in the last 6 months and use its duration to calculate the day to start testing.

In the absence of regularity and the presence of large delays, the use of tests without additional monitoring of ovulation and follicles is not reasonable. Both because of their high cost (if you use tests every few days, you can miss ovulation, and using these tests every day is not worth it), and because of their low reliability (see below - “Erroneous results”).

For convenience, you can use our planning calendar, which will help you calculate the approximate timing of ovulation and testing schedule for both regular and floating cycles.

When used daily (or even 2 times a day - morning and evening), home tests give good results, especially in combination with ultrasound. When using ultrasound guidance, you can avoid wasting tests and wait until the follicle reaches approximately 18-20 mm, when it is able to ovulate. Then you can start doing tests every day.

Using the test

Tests can be taken at any time of the day, but if possible you should stick to the same test time. At the same time, in order for the concentration of the hormone in the urine to be as high as possible, it is advisable to refrain from urinating for at least 4 hours and avoid excess fluid intake before testing, because this may lead to a decrease in the concentration of LH in the urine and reduce the reliability of the result.

The best time for testing is morning.

Evaluation of results

Evaluate the test results and compare the result line with the control line. The control line is used for comparison with the result line. The control line always appears in the window if the test was carried out correctly.

If the result line is significantly paler than the control line, then the LH surge has not yet occurred and testing should be continued. If the result line is the same or darker than the control line, then the hormone release has already occurred and you will ovulate within 24-36 hours.

The most suitable 2 days for conception begin from the moment you determine that the LH surge has already occurred. If sexual intercourse occurs within the next 48 hours, your chance of getting pregnant will be maximized. Once you have determined that a release has occurred, there is no need to continue testing.

Planning the gender of the child

It is impossible to plan in advance the birth of a child of a certain gender, but there is a theory according to which the probability of conceiving a boy increases on the days closest to ovulation, and on the days most distant - girls. Thus, to increase the likelihood of having a boy, it is necessary to abstain from sex while the ovulation test shows a negative result. To increase the likelihood of having a girl, on the contrary, it is necessary to stop sexual contact as soon as the test shows a positive result. However, this method cannot provide 100% reliability.

Erroneous results

Unfortunately, ovulation tests do not show ovulation itself, but a change in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) over time.

A significant rise in LH is very characteristic of the ovulation phase, however, the rise in LH itself does not provide a 100% guarantee that the rise in the hormone is associated specifically with ovulation and ovulation has taken place. An increase in LH levels can also occur in other situations - with hormonal dysfunction, ovarian wasting syndrome, postmenopause, renal failure, etc. Thus, for any temporary or permanent dysfunction, tests may give false positive results if the hormone level is elevated.

In addition, false-positive results are possible under the influence of other hormones, which are not at all associated with changes in LH levels. For example, in the presence of the pregnancy hormone - hCG - tests will give a false positive result due to the similarity with LH in the molecular structure (the structure of LH is similar to other glycoprotein hormones - FSH, TSH, hCG), as some pregnant women have already seen for themselves . After hCG injections to stimulate ovulation, tests also give a positive result, which is not associated with an increase in LH levels.

After hCG injections, ovulation tests are not informative.

It is possible that the results of these tests can be influenced by fluctuations in other hormones (FSH, TSH) and even nutrition (phytohormones in plants). Therefore, in the absence of menstruation or any suspicion of hormonal disorders, you should not rely on test results. It is necessary to determine the presence and timing of ovulation using more reliable diagnostic methods. For example, using

Diagnosing the onset of ovulation using a test is well known to those who have taken a responsible approach to pregnancy planning. Modern rapid tests allow you to calculate ovulation without material and time costs at home. The tests operate on the principle of detecting changes in a woman’s hormonal levels in body fluids.

The range of ovulation tests is very wide and makes it possible to choose the ideal option for every woman. Modern technologies make it possible to make random conception a thing of the past. Ovulation tests are suitable for everyone who wants to become pregnant: they have no contraindications, are easy to use at home, and do not require constant medical supervision.

Ovulation concept

Ovulation is the process of the release of a mature egg from a ruptured follicle into the fallopian tubes, where fertilization becomes possible. Predicting ovulation is an important period for intentional conception, and the use of tests to determine ovulation occurs according to specific instructions.

Ovulation itself occurs in the middle of the cycle in most women, so for the reliability of testing it is necessary to monitor continuously for five days. The use of tests allows you to accurately determine the moment of ovulation - the day of the cycle suitable for conception.

Why do you need an ovulation test?

Ovulation tests respond to an increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone (in the blood, urine, saliva). This hormone is responsible for the onset of ovulation. Determining the value during the ovulatory peak allows future parents to plan sexual intercourse with the highest probability of successful conception. The viability of an egg ready for fertilization is limited to a day, so ovulation tests are used twice a day to obtain accurate data, covering a period of several days before and after expected ovulation.

What does it look like

The ovulation test is similar in appearance to a pregnancy test - a strip with indicators designed for one-time use.

The control strip of the test system acts as a color standard, and the second strip, whether or not it appears as a result of a urine test, is a confirmation of ovulation if the shades of color match. Thus, ovulation tests are carried out by analyzing collected urine or stream and give the result with the described symbols.

How it works: instructions for use

The time for using the test can be calculated independently or by seeking help from a doctor. Estimated ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, so tests should be used 2-3 days before it begins to monitor bodily changes. If a woman’s cycle is not stable, then predicting ovulation takes several months to identify individual patterns.

Types of ovulation tests:

  • Strip test (strip).
  • Tablet.
  • Jet test.
  • Reusable test system (reading device).
  • Digital test (for collecting saliva).

In accordance with the instructions for a specific test system, it is necessary to lower the strip with the reagent into a container with freshly collected urine and wait for the specified time, and then wait for the result to appear - the strip or the icon stated in the description. There are also ovulation tests that do not require urine collection: to use them, just one drop or placing them under the stream is enough.

During normal menstruation

The standard menstrual cycle is considered to be 28 days. If a woman’s cycle is stable over a long period of time (according to her observations), does not change from month to month, and proceeds without disturbances, then the day of ovulation can be calculated by calculating the middle of the cycle from the first day of menstruation. For example, with a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs on the 14th day. Therefore, to confirm such calculations, you should start using an ovulation test from the 11th day of the cycle, that is, three days before the expected rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg.

With an irregular cycle

Even a stable cycle can undergo changes under the influence of these factors. If the menstrual cycle is not regular, then its stabilization should take place under medical supervision. In case of an irregular cycle, it is possible to calculate the exact time of ovulation provided that the hormonal levels correspond to the norm. Otherwise, the test results will not be reliable, despite the longer period of their use.

Ovulation is associated not only with the characteristics of the female body, but also with external influences. Its timing is influenced by stress, heavy loads, the use of aggressive medications, and climate change.

How to do research correctly

An ovulation test package usually contains five tests and detailed instructions for use. Each company's system is different, which is reflected in the instructions. At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to allocate time to carry out the analysis in accordance with what is indicated on the packaging, and purchase containers for analysis in advance.

How to use

As for any other analysis, urine to determine the release of an egg using a test system is taken fresh, not stagnant, collected in the middle of the urination process. Each test has a surface with a reagent that will turn the color of the control strip when the level of luteinizing hormone is elevated.

If the shade of the second stripe that appears is paler than the control, this only means the body is beginning to prepare for ovulation. Within a day or two, the second test strip will reach the color of the control one, which will indicate impending ovulation in the coming hours.

How many times a day to do

Accurate tracking of ovulation involves taking the test twice a day: in the morning, about an hour after waking up, and in the evening before going to bed. This method allows you to record the smallest changes in test data, which makes it possible to select the optimal time of conception. However, testing twice a day is more expensive financially, so many couples settle for testing once a day.

Biomaterials for determining ovulation

Determining the preparation of the female body for a possible pregnancy is possible by analyzing the following biomaterials:

  1. blood;
  2. urine;
  3. saliva.

In the first case, research is possible only by a qualified specialist. Blood sampling for biochemical analysis takes place in a medical institution. As a result, data on various indicators appears, including hormone levels. This method is the least convenient of all possible, since it does not involve careful tracking of ovulation and serves to check the general hormonal background of a woman.

In the second case, a rapid ovulation test can be performed independently. Test systems for urine analysis are inexpensive, easy to use, and allow you to monitor any changes.

The third option for determining ovulation, which involves analyzing a saliva sample, is the most expensive. The reusable system is a powerful but compact microscope and a glass slide onto which you need to drop saliva (in the morning, on an empty stomach). During ovulation, a pattern resembling fern leaves will be clearly visible in your saliva. At any other time of the cycle, such “frost” is not detected on the glass.

When and at what time of day is it better to do it: morning or evening

To take into account the smallest changes in the test result, measurements can be taken both in the morning and in the evening. However, to detect an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone, a daily analysis with daily frequency is sufficient. In this case, you should stop at the morning test, when the urine has not yet been affected by the liquids consumed during the day.

From what day of the menstrual cycle should the test be done?

The specific days of diagnosis are purely individual and directly depend on the length of the cycle.

The start of testing is counted from the first day of menstruation, focusing on the middle of the cycle.

So, with the most common cycle of 28 days, ovulation tests should begin on the 11th day from the start of menstruation. For a cycle of a different duration, the given diagram will serve as a starting point: for a shorter one, the difference in days must be subtracted, for a longer one, add.

How to determine the result yourself

The result is determined within a maximum of 10-15 minutes, depending on the selected test system. Possible indication options are detailed in the instructions for a specific test and may include:

  • the second strip, which must be compared with the first, control;
  • reagent window that changes color;
  • digital symbols (plus sign, smiley, etc.).

As a negative answer will show

If the concentration of luteinizing hormone is still insufficient, the test indicator will either not appear at all or will be pale and barely noticeable.

If after the analysis the test has not changed in any way, then this may be an indicator of either a negative result or a poor-quality test system. Therefore, when choosing an ovulation test at a pharmacy, you should pay attention to the expiration date and integrity of the packaging in order to exclude a false negative result.


A positive result is a brightly colored stripe, an electronic mark, or a specific pattern on the microscope glass (depending on the type of test). If the ovulation test result looks positive, it means that the egg will be released from the follicle soon. Cases have been recorded when the ovulation indicator even exceeds the color norm described for confirmation, which indicates that the egg is ready for fertilization within a few hours.

Weakly positive

The indicator may also show an ambiguous result - a stripe that is visually distinguishable, but does not correspond to the intensity of the control color.

This can be either the result of an incorrectly performed procedure or an indicator of the very beginning of the production of luteinizing hormone.

In this case, it is necessary to continue testing according to the selected scheme.

False positive: reasons

Testing that shows ovulation when it is not present is called a false positive. Its causes may be hormonal imbalances, increased production of luteinizing hormone due to drug therapy, or incorrect analysis. A false positive result is obtained when testing stagnant urine, so for reliable data it is necessary to use not the first urine after a night's sleep.

Types of tests to determine ovulation: which one to choose

The main criteria for choosing a test are the cost of the system, the reliability of the results, and the speed of their detection. Ease of use is also an important characteristic. In addition, it is worth considering the factor of reusability.


The strip test (strip) is a thin paper strip with a luteinizing hormone-sensitive zone and a control mark.

It needs to be lowered into a container with urine for 10 seconds and wait for the result to appear within 10 minutes. This test system is inexpensive.


The test tablet is a plastic case with two windows, into one of which you need to drop urine, and in the other, an ovulation indicator will appear after 3 minutes. This method is rated as more reliable than strip tests, but is more expensive.


They look identical to strip strips, but work according to a different method: a strip of paper with a reagent is placed under a stream of urine and the result is obtained on the indicator after 5 minutes.

Reusable highly sensitive

They consist of an electronic device that provides information about the result in words on the screen, and a set of strips for immersion in urine. The advantage of such a system is the ease of evaluating results and the possibility of reusable use.

Electronic reusable

Outwardly they resemble a lipstick case, the device itself is a microscope that analyzes a saliva sample and reveals in it a specific “frost on glass” pattern characteristic of luteinizing hormone. The electronic (digital) test eliminates errors in the interpretation of the result.

What determines the accuracy of the results?

The accuracy of the results is important to consider in any research.

During ovulation, it is worth considering the following points that can affect the results:

  • luteinizing hormone concentrations;
  • correctness of the procedure;
  • using fresh samples of body fluids.


Using any type of ovulation test is, first of all, a confirmation of the confidence of future parents in their desire to conceive a child.

Accurate determination of the period suitable for conception allows you to achieve the desired pregnancy in the shortest possible time. In addition, this method of pregnancy planning has no contraindications and is characterized by highly reliable results.


The disadvantage of testing using blood sampling is the inability to track periodic changes, since the test is one-time and may simply not cover the required period.

One of the possible ways to diagnose ovulation is ultrasound, but this method has a number of limitations: it is carried out only in the clinic, completely depends on the experience of the ultrasound specialist, and costs a lot of money.

Modern ovulation tests are varied and give the opportunity to choose based on various characteristics:

  • prices;
  • method of application;
  • declared reliability of the results;
  • preferences of the woman using them.

Express systems have virtually no disadvantages. The only disadvantage is the inevitability of material costs for the purchase of consumables. A financially free method for calculating ovulation is to measure basal temperature and plot graphs based on daily procedures, but this method requires a preparatory period of at least three months to identify patterns of temperature changes.

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Women who want to experience the joy of motherhood often undergo a preliminary examination and prepare their bodies for conception. It is also important to identify the days on which it will be much easier for them to get pregnant, for which they use different methods to determine ovulation. On what day to do an ovulation test, how to do it, with what frequency - read our article.

Features of identifying the day of ovulation

Before we look in detail at what day to do an ovulation test in a 28-day cycle, let’s figure out what it is from the point of view of the body’s functioning. In simple words, once a month a woman’s egg matures, which is accompanied by the release of the hormone estrogen. When the level of the latter reaches a sufficient value, a “burst” of luteinizing hormone occurs.

After this, the egg enters the fallopian tube within 24-48 hours, which indicates its readiness for fertilization. This is ovulation.

The test allows you to identify and evaluate the level of LH.

Types of Ovulation Tests

Today, there are several types of tests that differ in their operating principle and cost. It will tell you on what day to do the ovulation test, and instructions on how to use each of them. They act based on the reaction of the reagent with which they are impregnated to the volume of the hormone in the urine.

You can define it using the following types:

  • Test strips (strip test). Widely used due to low cost and ease of use.
  • Cassette. They act in the same way.
  • Jet. They differ in the testing method.
  • Tablets. They are considered more reliable compared to strip tests.
  • Electronic. The most informative.

There are saliva detection devices that are digital and reusable, and are highly costly and effective.

Calculating the day for an ovulation test

Since LH (luteinizing hormone) is always present in the body and only sharply increases in volume before ovulation, tests must be done for several days in a row to detect a “spike”. For ladies with a regular cycle, up to 5 days are enough to detect it.

But first of all, you need to figure out what day to do an ovulation test after your period. A special formula is provided for this. It involves the duration of the cycle. It is determined according to the following principle: the duration from the first day of menstruation to the beginning of the next. You need to subtract 17 from the cycle size. The resulting number is the day that needs to be counted from the beginning of the previous menstruation. On this day, start testing.

On what day to take the test in a 28 day cycle?

So, calculation on what day to do an ovulation test if the cycle is 28 days: 28-17. The resulting number is 11. This means that from the first day of menstruation you need to count 10 days and, starting from the 11th, carry out testing. It is worth remembering that each body works with its own characteristics and in some cases five days may not be enough to detect a hormone release. According to reviews, sometimes 7-10 tests are required.

On what day to do the test with a cycle of 23-34 days

On what day to do an ovulation test with a 30-day cycle or another, you can find out from the table:

  • On the 5th – with a cycle of 22 days;
  • 6th – 23 days;
  • 7th – 24 days;
  • 8th – 25 days;
  • 9th – 26 days;
  • 10th – 27 days;
  • 11th – 28 days;
  • 12th – 29 days;
  • 13th – 30 days;
  • 14th – 31 days;
  • 15th – 32 days;
  • 16th – 33 days;
  • 17th – 34 days;
  • 18th – 35 days;
  • 19th – 36 days;
  • 20th – 37 days;
  • 21st – 38 days;
  • 22nd – 39 days;
  • 23rd – 40 days.

On what day should I test if I have an irregular cycle?

These calculations are optimal for normal, undisturbed cycles. But what if menstruation is not systematized and it is not possible to identify a clear cycle, even with a small error?

Experts recommend starting at the minimum date and testing until a sharp increase in luteinizing hormone is detected. That is, the correct answer on what day to do an ovulation test with an irregular cycle will be - starting with the smallest one that was observed in the woman. If it was not possible to identify it in advance, it is better to start from the fifth day. Of course, in this case, many more strips will be needed to identify the optimal moment for conception.

It is worth remembering that even in the most normal organism, failures can occur. For example, you can get pregnant if you conceive on “safe” days before and after your period - such cases are quite common. This once again confirms that ovulation does not necessarily occur in the middle of the cycle and is not always regular. The following reasons may affect the change in deadline:

  • stress;
  • illness, infection;
  • climate change.

Rules for conducting analyzes

Having figured out from what day to do an ovulation test with an irregular cycle or with a systematic one, you should clarify the basic rules for its implementation. In order for the analysis result to be more accurate, you need to perform it according to the instructions, and also adhere to generally established principles:

  • The analysis should be carried out at the same time every day until the result is revealed.
  • Hours of use are from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Do not use morning urine (the first urine after sleep).
  • A couple of hours before the test, refrain from drinking large amounts of liquid.
  • Do not urinate for at least 3 hours before the test.

Each package of tests usually contains 5 strips. According to statistics, this amount is often sufficient, but more may be required. The analysis method is standard:

  • Collect urine in a clean container.
  • Lower the strip to the special mark.
  • Hold for 10 seconds (or according to instructions).
  • Place the drug on a flat surface.
  • After 5 minutes, check the result.

The result of each day should be recorded and compared with the previous ones. For other types of drugs, another method of use is suggested, for example:

  • Jet. Having determined on what day to do the ovulation test, place the strip under a stream of urine.
  • Tablet: place a drop of urine on the window. You can use a pipette for this. The answer will be shown in the second window.
  • Electronic. Consists of a reusable device and strips. Based on the instructions, place them under the stream or dip them in a container.

Video - about ovulation tests

The video contains useful information on test methods and comments.

Error in tests

It is no secret that the tools used may turn out to be unsuitable and show an error. Usually, this is due to an expired expiration date, a violation of the integrity of the packaging, or the presence of a defect. But there are cases when the result is incorrect for other reasons:

  • Failure to follow instructions, improper use.
  • Taking medications that increase the level of luteinizing hormone.
  • Different hormone content. For some ladies, the test will show a positive result on any day due to its high content, and for some, it will not be easy to see changes on the control line even at the time of ovulation.

When to start conceiving

Having identified on what day to do an ovulation test with a cycle of 28-29 days (or according to your parameters) and having carried out tests and analytics, we will clarify the possible options that appear on the strip:

  • The band is clearly expressed: ovulation will occur in the next 12-48 hours.
  • The second band appears weakly: there is no ovulation.
  • There is no line: the test is unsuitable, since the hormone is always present in the body, but in different doses.

Let us remember that ovulation occurs 1-2 days after detecting an increase in hormone levels. At the moment of ovulation, the test will also show it. The highest surge will last about 12 hours, so if you take a test some day after ovulation, the result will be negative.

You need to start conceiving a few hours (5-10) after diagnosis, so that the egg has time to leave the ovaries. She lives for about 24 hours, so delaying the moment too much is also not recommended. It is worth remembering that cells are not static and continue to move, and conception does not occur immediately after the act, but after some time necessary for the cells to meet and fertilize.

If conception has already occurred, and the test shows a reaction, you should urgently contact a gynecologist. This often means a threatened miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy.


It would be a good idea to consult with your doctor in advance and get tested. This way, a woman will be able to understand whether the level of the hormone in her body is normal and whether it is worth carrying out tests to identify a favorable time. The doctor observing the patient can also tell you what day to do the ovulation test.

Dreaming of a child, every girl wants to see a positive ovulation test, which will tell her about the best day to conceive. But you need to know how to use it correctly, what features of recognizing the result need to be taken into account, and what factors can distort it. We will also consider the main types of tests to determine which is better.

Calculations before performing an ovulation test

We know that ovulation takes a very short period (1-3 days) in the female cycle. Therefore, being able to determine it with a high degree of reliability is very important for couples who want to conceive a baby. Ovulation occurs almost in the middle of the monthly period and is between two phases:

  • Follicular. Lasts 11-17 days. Characterized by the development of an egg that matures in the follicle.
  • Luteal. Takes 14 days. After the accompanying release of the cell rupture, a corpus luteum grows on the wall of the follicle.

As you can see, the first part of the cycle is different for everyone, because it depends on the content and rate of production of estrogen in the body, which stimulates the growth and development of the follicle and cell. But the second part has a common length for all women, because it depends on the period of functioning of the corpus luteum. After the death of the unfertilized cell, it is structurally destroyed, and the whole cycle is repeated again. If conception occurs, then for the full development of the embryo, progesterone is necessary, which the corpus luteum produces.

Thus, to find out when to do an ovulation test, you need to make the following calculations:

  • Find out your cycle length. To do this, mark the first days of the oncoming menstruation on a calendar. It is necessary to calculate the number of days between the dates and compare them with each other. Ideally, the result should be 27-29 days with a deviation of 1 day in different months. If the indicator is in the range of 25-31 days, this is not critical as long as it is constant. If the numbers give different results every month, the cycle is considered irregular. It would be useful to find out whether this is related to the presence of the disease.
  • Subtract 17 from the result obtained. This value is formed from the sum of two constant values: 14 – the length of the second period, 3 – the maximum possible duration of ovulation. But usually, a cell lives for a day, so this time is taken with some reserve.
  • If the indicators are irregular, you need to take your minimum. Substitute it into the formula, subtracting 17. In such a situation, the resulting date is approximate and will often require a longer period of analysis.

When to take the test

Let's calculate, using an example, on what day to do an ovulation test, if the cycle is rhythmic and lasts 29 days, and the last menstruation began on the 4th:

  • From 29 we subtract 17. We get 12 days.
  • From the 4th number we count 12.
  • Testing must begin on the 16th. Ovulation is expected on the 18th-19th.

Such a reserve of time is necessary so as not to miss such a brief favorable moment. After all, any situation can affect the rhythm of processes:

  • Disease, infection;
  • Use of drugs containing hormones;
  • Stress, overexertion;
  • Climate change, travel to hot countries, even for a short time - on vacation.

Tests will need to be carried out every day, starting from the counted day, until a clear result indicates a follicle rupture or cell release. That’s why many manufacturers complete the package with 5 strips. This allows a woman to find out the desired day with one package. Of course, with irregular rhythms or in case of delayed follicle rupture, testing is required longer - sometimes up to 7-10 days.

Today, different types of tests are used, based on the analyzed material:

  • By urine;
  • By blood;
  • By saliva.

Urine tests

The first option is the most common due to its lower cost. There are several types, classified according to the method of application:

  • strip tests: urine collected in a container;
  • jet: when urinating directly on the strip;
  • electronic: the strips are inserted into a device that explains the result itself.

In each case, the second strip on the ovulation test is analyzed, namely its shade - how much it matches the control one.

General rules for urine analysis

All tests that analyze urine operate on the same principle. The difference lies only in the method of application or evaluation of the result. It is known that before the vesicle in which the cell is located bursts, luteinizing hormone is released into the body. It is due to its level and gradual, and sometimes sharp increase that analytics occurs.

A reagent is applied to the stripes, which reacts with luteinizing hormone (LH) and, based on its concentration, changes the shade. Therefore, the strip may slightly change color or become more saturated. There are often situations when the analyzed one becomes even brighter than the control one. The brightness of the shade indicates the level of LH content. By the way, if a girl has not used tests before, it is worth checking her normal level first. There are situations in which such testing does not give results:

  • if a woman normally has a high level of LH;
  • if the LH content even at the time of the peak is low.

Based on this, it can be understood that in a particular situation this type of test will be ineffective, since the result will be inaccurate or will give a false idea of ​​the situation.

To prevent ovulation test strips from showing a false result due to an error in use, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Morning urine is very concentrated. It is able to show a high LH content with a slight increase. It cannot be used.
  • For analytics, you need to choose a time in any day range (you shouldn’t take it later or earlier), when the body works most rhythmically. Measurements are carried out in the same way - at the same hours every day.
  • Large fluid intake or diuretic products and drugs should be avoided so as not to decrease LH concentrations.
  • You do not need to visit the toilet immediately before testing for at least 3-4 hours.

These are general rules that apply to any type of test, even if it is not specified in the instructions.


The application itself depends on the type. If this is a standard strip test, you need to follow these instructions:

  • Collect urine in a container. A small amount is required, but enough to dip the strip to the special mark.
  • The strips are in individual sealed wrappers. You should not open them ahead of time, so as not to distort the result.
  • Lower the strip and hold for the time specified by the manufacturer. Usually about 15-20 seconds.
  • Set aside the strip. To do this, it is better to choose a dry surface, without slopes. You must wait 5 minutes (or another time if noted in the manufacturer’s instructions).
  • Evaluate the effect.

Analysis of results

The results vary widely:

  • A faint line on an ovulation test most likely appears on the first or second day of testing. This indicates a slight increase in hormone concentration. We need to continue testing tomorrow at the same time.
  • The color has changed more noticeably, but is not striking in brightness. It is worth trying the frequency twice so as not to miss the right moment.
  • A bright shade, sometimes even brighter than the control one. This indicates a clear increase in LH. The cell has already come out or will come out in 10-12 hours. Accordingly, you can begin fertilization. It is better to carry out the act on the same day and the next, because the cell lives for a day and is able to wait for the males to make contact.
  • The strip does not change or is completely absent. The test is ruined. This can happen due to depressurization of the packaging, improper use, or expiration date. Marriage is also possible. No brand is immune from this, even from a well-known and responsible manufacturer.

It is worth mentioning that with non-standard LH levels, the test may give a false answer, no matter positive or negative. If you want to use tests, you should first undergo tests and examination in a hospital. In any case, this is recommended when planning conception. This also applies to the spouse; he needs to have a spermogram done to understand how viable and active his cells are. Conclusions are also drawn based on blood compatibility. It is known that with different rhesus factors, it will take a long time to wait for the successful implantation of the embryo. And sometimes the uterus even rejects an embryo with a different Rh.

If you conduct analytics and conception has already occurred, sometimes you can also get a false effect. It is known that the ovulation test during pregnancy sometimes changes color significantly. As reviews say, even the pregnancy detection strip does not show the same effect as the ovulation strip.

The most famous brands of strip strips include Frautest, Eviplan, Evitest, Ovuplan, etc. Almost every brand has subtypes, the packaging of which includes 1, 5 or 7 strips. It is easy to choose a more profitable option in a particular case. There are also comprehensive kits, for example Frautest Planning. In addition to tests of this type for ovulation, his kit includes two more tests for pregnancy and 7 containers into which urine can be collected. A very convenient package if there is a possibility that conception will occur without problems.

Jet tests for ovulation

By choosing the jet type of test, the girl gets a slightly more convenient use. It can be used not only at home, but anywhere. It is used in stages:

  • Unpack the strip.
  • Place her under the stream and urinate.
  • Set aside for a few seconds or minutes (according to specific brand instructions).
  • See what the ovulation test shows and evaluate the degree of change in shade.

The effect can be obtained similar to that described above. The differences between these types are only in the method of application, but in terms of action, reaction to LH and the features of deciphering the result, they are identical.

Some inkjet tests have caps that they are inserted into before testing. This will allow you to more accurately place it under the stream and not get your hands dirty. For example, ICA LG Factor, Eviplan and Evitest.

Digital tests - features of result assessment

It is also worth describing the digital versions of urine tests. Their peculiarity is the special order in which the answer is read. In particular, the girl does not need to check the shades herself, compare them with the control ones, which always raises a lot of questions, and sometimes it is completely difficult. In this device, the answer will be indicated on the screen.

The most famous brand of this type is Clearblue digital. Its package includes 7 strips, separately packaged, and electronic equipment. Use according to the instructions:

  • Open one of the strips. Do not do this in advance, so as not to provoke a false result.
  • Remove the cap from the device. Insert the strip into the holder, making sure that the arrow on it matches the similar one on the device.
  • Wait until the “test ready” signal appears on the monitor. If the strip is inserted incorrectly, there will be no signal. We need to fix the situation.
  • Place the device under the stream for 5-7 seconds or lower it into pre-collected liquid for 15 seconds. At the same time, make sure that it does not get on the body.
  • Set aside the device without removing the strip. Almost immediately (up to 20 seconds) the message “test ready” will appear on the monitor. This serves as a signal that the testing was completed correctly and you need to wait for an answer. Otherwise, the strip should be taken out and analyzed again from the beginning.
  • After 3 minutes the answer will be shown on the screen.

A digital ovulation test is convenient for recognizing the result, which can be one of three and is indicated on the screen:

  • “There is no LH surge” - indicates that the follicle will not break through soon. The tests will take a few more days.
  • An empty circle indicates the presence of some LH content. It is necessary to analyze the liquid tomorrow or even twice if there is a danger of missing the moment.
  • Smiley – indicates the highest LH level. The cage is already on its way or is about to leave. Sexual intercourse can be safely planned for this and the next day.

The cost of a digital test will, of course, be higher than a strip test. The disadvantage of this option is the need to buy a new device every time. It would be more convenient to purchase only the strips themselves, if necessary.

Devices for the study of saliva - advantages

There are also two types of devices that analyze saliva: microscopes and electronic ones. Their principle of action is the same - they characterize the salts contained in saliva. It is known that when the hormonal background changes at the moment of rupture of the follicle, salts form a pattern that is similar in outline to a fern leaf.

In a microscope device, the girl independently observes structural changes through a viewing glass, and in an electronic microscope, the result is visible on the screen. Accordingly, their cost will be slightly different. And they are many times more expensive than urine tests. This can be explained quite simply - this is a reusable device that can last even several years.

It is worth choosing this option if you have problems with cycle counting and the regularity of menstruation. After all, you don’t need to constantly spend money on purchasing strips, and you always have the opportunity to test your saliva. Its convenience lies in its ubiquity of use. Many devices are very miniature. You can carry them with you; they are no larger than a powder compact. A woman does not need to look for a toilet; she can conduct the test even in a public place. In terms of convenience, these are undoubtedly the best ovulation tests, although they are not optimal in price.

How to use

Use occurs by applying a smear to a glass slide, placing it in a microscope and viewing the drawing. If it is an electronic device, a swab is applied to one digital window, and the result is read on the second. The drawing can take the following forms:

  • The fern leaf is outlined with a dotted line of the same size. This is a common condition in the first period of the cycle, when the follicle is just developing.
  • Transverse lines begin to appear in the middle of the leaf – the estrogen content increases, i.e. the follicle reaches maturity.
  • A clear leaf of a fern - the cell has torn the follicle and is rushing into the reproductive tract.

It is mandatory not to eat for several hours before the test. Ideally, take a smear in the morning before brushing your teeth.

This type of test helps you see the different stages and gradual changes in the pattern. After conducting a one-time study, you can already understand how many days later the follicle is planned to rupture for a specific display. Based on such diagnostics, you can even plan your gender. Some electronic devices indicate this on the screen. Based on the characteristics and vital activity of sperm, during sexual intercourse at a time when the cell is already on its way, there is a greater chance of conceiving a son. If you carry out fertilization on the eve of her birth (2 days before) and do not “consolidate” the result later, then you can predict the conception of a daughter with the greatest probability.

Which saliva test to choose?

The most popular microscopes today are Ovulux, Arbor-elite, and MAYBE MOM. A prominent representative of the electronic version of the “laboratory” for the study of saliva is the Eva-test D. And the ovulation test Ovu-test allows you to analyze cervical mucus, and not just saliva. The principle of changing the pattern in this situation is the same.

Due to such diversity, choosing an ovulation test that is optimal in quality and cost will not be difficult. If a girl has no problems with rhythms and just needs to confirm the fact of the “birth” of a cell, she can be satisfied with the most common and inexpensive option. Regarding reliability, there are practically no bad reviews about them. If there are problems with conception and the process is expected to take a long time, it is easier to purchase an expensive but reusable device once in order to use it at any convenient time.
