The battle for the crown. New Year's show "My little pony

Dreamland Equestria from the animated series "Little Pony" has long been the dream of a huge number of girls and boys from different corners our planet. They're ready to dive in magic story and share all the hardships and hardships in the fight against evil forces the main characters Fluttershy, Rainbow Dam, Pinkie Pie, it all awaits on Christmas tree My little Pony which will take place on December 30, 2017.

On the basis of this beloved children's series, a show of the same name was created, which now makes it possible for the children of our country to see their favorite characters not only on TV, but also live. It is enough just to get to the magical, musical performance "Little Pony".

The uniqueness of this show lies in the fact that the audience can not only watch it, but also take a direct part in the action, thanks to the established interactive connection between auditorium and the stage. Young viewers will take part in competitions and games, fighting together with the heroes of the play for the honorary title of the Queen of the New Year's Ball. All this will not leave indifferent any viewer, regardless of gender and age.

New Year's performance at the IMC Planet KVN

"Battle for the Crown" - a bright, theatrical musical interactive show for children and teenagers, created under license from the American company Hasbro Studios and DHX Media - the creator of the animated series My Little Pony.

Viewers will meet their favorite characters from the well-known and popular animated series My Little Pony. Twilight Sparkle will once again open a portal to the land of Equestria and come to the aid of Sunset Shimmer in the fight for the crown of the Queen of the Prom. Of course, all the girls of Equestria will help her and support her: the entertainer Fluttershy, sweet and touching rainbow dash, the most smiling Pinkie Pie, sweet Applejack and beautiful Rarity.

Children, along with the heroes, will go through all the trials and intrigues that will be arranged by the restless Sonata, Adagio and Aria, who dream of snatching victory from Sunset Shimmer. It will not do without witchcraft and dishonest, cunning tricks on the part of this trinity. But Twilight Sparkle, relying on the help of the audience, will be able to support Sunset during her performance at the Ball.

On the show you will find:
- Meeting with any characters!
-Constant interactive with the audience!
- Author's songs and music from your favorite cartoon!
- Incredible costumes and scenery!
- Sea of ​​jokes and fun!

Attention! Useful Leisure!
It's no secret that, by nature, children are better at absorbing information that comes from their favorite characters with whom they associate themselves. That is why a large educational component has been introduced into the performance!

We got invitations to the pre-premiere show of the show "My Little Pony". We never went to such places, so it was terrifying, how interesting.

Before the start of the show, the producer made a speech, thanked the audience and said that this performance is a regular one, a "New Year's highlight" will be added in December. I was pleased that there was no Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden (this is in mid-October, then!)

After introductory remarks The creators began the performance itself - there was a lot of music, dances, songs, interactive. Everything is as close as possible to the original, i.e. to the cartoon and its sequel. For children's understanding, the plot is quite accessible (ideally - from 5 to 9 years old): appreciate and love your friends, help in Hard time, share failures and successes with friends, etc.

The music was sometimes very loud, but the main screenings will be on another site, so it makes no sense to evaluate by this parameter. The costumes are very good: in the first part, these are large pony puppets that manage to dance in sync (yes, on four legs), and in the second, when the ponies turn into girls from Equestria, these are bright, colorful costumes, very similar to cartoons . The "correct" wigs deserve special attention. the heroines in the cartoon differ in hair color and the children recognize them by them.

They sing live in the performance - an indisputable plus of the event; on the one hand, the dances are modern, on the other hand, they are quite accessible, and the children danced with pleasure along with the heroes. By the end of the performance, the most active traditionally gathered near the stage, and the show turned into a party (mostly girls).
Our summary: I liked it, we are waiting for the New Year's version!

The animated series "My Little Pony" is loved by children from the most different countries. Surely, every kid watching the adventures of his favorite heroes dreams of at least once in his life to find himself in magical land Equestria. Here he will be able to meet the smiling Pinkie Pie, cute Rainbow Dem, the entertainer Fluttershy and other characters. So worth buying Christmas tree tickets My little pony right now for your children, and maybe a gift card too! The cost of tickets for the Christmas tree starts from 850 rubles.

The show "My Little Pony" was created on the basis of the famous American animated series. Children from Russia are also very familiar with this project. That is why kids dream of seeing their favorite characters live. All guests of this unique music program will get this opportunity. This is a colorful and modern interactive show. Together with the heroes, the guys will have to resist the villainous machinations, as well as compete for the title of the Queen of the New Year's ball. The restless Aria, Adagio and Sonata, who seek to snatch victory from Sunset Shimmer, will repair goodies all sorts of obstacles. However, the little guests of the performance will help the good to triumph.

December 30, 2017, Battle for the crown

The presentation has many interesting competitions and games, as well as an exciting scenario. All fans of the animated series will be delighted. They will be amazed by the magnificent stage and musical arrangement representation. The game of actors also will not leave anyone indifferent. After watching the performance, children will begin to understand what true friendship is.

During the show My little pony fight for the crown children will have the opportunity to play with their favorite characters, take pictures with them, and dance. Your baby's dreams are very easy to turn into reality!

Fascinating New Year's animation in the lobby awaits you thirty minutes before the start of the Christmas tree. After the performance, you will have the opportunity to please your child with a beautiful branded backpack filled with sweets!

Soon soon New Year! Alina and I have already managed to visit the first New Year's performance. More precisely, at its pre-premiere show. Last Friday, DIKOBRAZ PRODUCTION presented to the Moscow public a new musical New Year's show “My little pony. Battle for the crown.

The show was created based on the animated series "My little pony which many girls love different ages. Love for a pony did not bypass Alina either! She has different toys pony - soft pony Rainbow, plastic pony different sizes and flowers, clothes with cartoon characters and a plasticine set with a plastic pony that can be decorated with different patterns, pigtails and more.

Before the start of the performance, Alina asked to take a picture of her with her favorite characters.

and, of course, we did not pass by the buffet)

The bell rang and we went to the hall, the nets to their seats and ... the show began! And they appeared on the stage - magical Ponies, residents of the country of Equestria.

Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Alina's favorite Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack and Spike the dragon!

Pony! They are just like in the cartoon! I myself was very pleasantly surprised by this similarity! And how funny they move!

A unicorn named Twilight Sparkle and her dragon friend Spike.

There is a large movie screen on the stage, on which the image changes depending on the action!

The ponies celebrated Sparkle's birthday, and then the magic began! Through a magic mirror, ponies transform into cheerful and friendly girls who play in a musical group!

At the school where the girlfriends are studying, there is a competition for the best musical group. And the girls participate in it and want to win. But not everything is so simple, there are rivals in the competition. And they are trying in every possible way to destroy the friendship and prevent them from winning the competition. The three harmless girls are also very bright and musical.

They enchant some of the members of the group, but friendship wins over all the witches' charms and the girls, whose names are the same as the ponies, win!!!

The performance is very musical and bright! Actors constantly communicate with the audience! Alina got up from my chair and joyfully danced along with the heroes of the show! And she's not alone.)

Before the final song, the children were asked to come up to the stage and it turned out like at a real concert in the dance floor.

So bright and kind musical show happened!

In the days new year holidays will be even more interesting. Since miracles will await the children even before the start of the show itself: already in the foyer, the little guests, having passed through the portal mirrors, will find themselves in the New Year's city of magic - Ponyville!
