How to make rose syrup. Fragrant rose petal syrup Rose petal syrup recipe

A rose is a flower whose beauty has been sung by poets for thousands of years. The fragrant aroma and lush, bright flowers made the rose a real queen of flowers. It is not for nothing that a beautiful, young girl is often compared to a delicate rose bud. In other languages, the name of this flower sounds very similar, since it has a common Latin root:

  • English – rose, garden rose;
  • German – Rosa, Kulturrosen;
  • French – la rose.


A rose bush, depending on the type of plant, can be from 25 to 250 cm in height. The stems are straight, often covered with thorns. Inflorescences can be very different - from very tiny to very large, up to 20 cm in diameter. The number of petals in a bud can vary from a few to several dozen. The color palette is presented very widely: today there are only pure blue and black roses. The aroma of the flower also depends on the species - some have a citrusy or spicy scent.


Natural views

Rosehip is a low, usually wild-growing shrub with white or pink flowers with a single row of petals.

Old garden roses

  • Alba is a shrub whose height can reach 250 cm, has double, white or pale pink flowers;
  • Aishire is a climbing plant with small inflorescences of white or pink color;
  • Bourbon - a rather tall shrub with large double inflorescences of a round shape, white, pink or red;
  • Damascus is a plant characterized by a large number of thorns, the color palette ranges from light pink to bright red;
  • Moss - this species can be distinguished by its pedicels and sepals covered with moss-like growth;
  • Noisette - a tall shrub with small inflorescences that have a wide variety of colors and a weak aroma;
  • Tea plants are a species that have a unique aroma reminiscent of the smell of good tea.

Modern garden roses

  • Floribunda - roses of this species are characterized by large inflorescences, different in shape and color, often odourless;
  • Grandiflora is a species with straight stems and abundant flowering, often used in landscape design;
  • Climbing large-flowered roses with long, creeping shoots and fairly large inflorescences;
  • Miniature - a low plant with very small inflorescences;
  • Polyanthas are a low shrub with white, pink or red inflorescences that are odorless.

Where does it grow?

Today this flower can be found in almost all countries of the world. Rose is a heat-loving plant that needs sunlight, so the largest number of species grow in countries with a temperate or subtropical climate. However, there are also winter-hardy varieties that can grow in the northern regions.


The largest amount of useful substances is contained in rose petals, so this part of the plant is used for medicinal and culinary purposes. Pink petals are prepared at the moment when the buds have already opened, but have not yet begun to fade. The best time to collect rose petals is early in the morning, when the dew has not yet disappeared. The collected petals are laid out on a flooring made of paper or natural fabric. The raw materials should be dried in the shade, under a canopy.


  • has a wide variety of colors;
  • has a pleasant, fragrant aroma;
  • contains useful substances;
  • used in cosmetology, folk medicine and cooking.

Chemical composition

  • essential oils;
  • Sahara;
  • bitter substances;
  • mucus;
  • tannin substances;
  • resins;
  • flavone glycoside;
  • quartzetite;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • vitamins: B, C, K and carotene.

Beneficial features

  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • relieves some types of pain;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • has a regenerating effect;
  • is a mild laxative;
  • has an anthelmintic effect;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • considered a natural antibiotic;
  • soothes skin itching.

Iced rose petal tea tones and strengthens the body

Harm and contraindications

Since medicinal products from rose petals are used mainly externally, such treatment is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance. You should not consume drugs from rose petals in food if you have serious gastrointestinal diseases or in early childhood.


In cooking

  • the most famous delicacy made from rose petals is jam;
  • pink honey is a thick and sweet non-alcoholic syrup;
  • candied rose petals are used to decorate confectionery products;
  • pink vinegar is a rare but quite interesting salad dressing;
  • rose petals are used to prepare rose wine, liqueurs and other alcoholic drinks;
  • With rose petals you can brew a very tasty and aromatic flower tea.

Crushon with pink petals

Freshly blossomed rose petals can be used to make a refreshing alcoholic drink. Prepare 400 grams of rose petals, rinse and dry slightly. Add half a glass of granulated sugar, add 40 ml of cognac and 350 ml of white wine. Leave in a cool place for 60 minutes, then strain. Before serving, the drink should be diluted with another 350 ml of wine and a bottle of champagne.

To prepare this delicious and beautiful decoration, you will need 100 grams of rose petals, 2 egg whites and 2 tbsp. powdered sugar. Beat the whites into a stiff foam. Using thin tweezers, dip the petals one at a time into the protein foam, roll in powdered sugar, and then place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. When the petals are dry, you can pour them into a container where they will be stored.

In medicine

In medicine, as in cooking, only one part of the plant is used - the petals. Medicines made from rose petals (including rose oil) help fight the following diseases:

  • angina;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • purulent inflammation on the skin;
  • diarrhea;
  • rheumatism;
  • bronchitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • skin allergic reactions.

Folk recipes

  • For inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity You should rinse your mouth with rose petal infusion twice a day.
  • For conjunctivitis This same infusion will help. Wipe your eyes with a cotton swab soaked in rose water 3-4 times a day, and before going to bed, apply lotions and keep them for half an hour.
  • For constipation You can resort to an old folk remedy: 30 minutes before each meal, chew 5-6 rose petals well and then eat them.
  • For sore throat take equal parts honey and crushed rose petals and mix well. Keep a teaspoon of the mixture in your mouth for 30 minutes, then spit it out. For the first 3 or 4 days of illness, this procedure should be repeated 2 times a day.


Rose petal juice is a healthy and aromatic skin care product. It is very easy to prepare: wash the rose petals, put them in a saucepan and add a small amount of water. Cook over low heat until the petals give off all their color. Then the juice should be cooled and poured into a glass container. The juice will keep in the refrigerator for several days. To make the potion not only useful, but also beautiful, it should be prepared from petals of the same color. In addition, never use store-bought roses for cosmetic or medicinal purposes. Also, only eat rose petals grown by yourself.


Rose petal syrup is very tasty and aromatic. It can be consumed as a treat or as an aid to the treatment of colds. To prepare this syrup, rinse 1 kg of rose petals well, place in a saucepan and add a liter of water. Cook the petals over low heat until they soften. Then strain the broth and pour it back into the pan. Add 1.5 kg of sugar and bring to a boil. Then pour in the juice of one lemon, stir and remove from heat. Roll the syrup into jars, which should then be turned upside down and covered with a thick cloth. When the syrup has cooled, the jars can be placed in the refrigerator.


An infusion of rose petals is better known as rose water. For several centuries, women have been using it for facial care. Recipe for making rose water:

Finely chop the rose petals, then 2 tbsp. put the raw materials in a thermos and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, cool and strain. Pour into a clean container and store in the refrigerator.


Rose petal tincture is more of a tasty warming drink than a medicine. However, if you exclude sugar from the recipe, the rose tincture can be used for compresses and rubbing. Rose petal tincture is prepared as follows:

Pour 200 grams of sugar into a saucepan and add half a glass of water. Cook the syrup over low heat, stirring constantly. Place 100 grams of rose petals into the pan and cook for another 2 or 3 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and cool the mixture. Add a liter of vodka and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into a glass jar, seal tightly and leave in a dark place for 15-20 days. Then strain the tincture and pour into a clean container.

In cosmetology

  • Cream for moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Pick petals from five medium-sized roses and grind in a blender or meat grinder. Melt a small piece of beeswax and 2 tbsp. butter and add to the resulting mixture. Then pour in 1 tsp. vitamin A, which is sold in ampoules. Mix the mixture thoroughly and place in a glass container. Store in the refrigerator for no longer than 4 days.
  • Mask for skin rejuvenation. Pick the petals from one rose and chop them finely. Pour in a small amount of hot water until the consistency of liquid porridge. Then place the mixture in a water bath and keep for 10 minutes. Apply the cooled but still warm mask to the face and décolleté, take a horizontal position and lie down for half an hour. Rinse off the remaining mask with warm water.
  • Mask to make hair soft and silky. Finely chop the petals of one rose and place in a saucepan with 250 ml of milk. Bring the milk to a boil and remove the pan from the heat. The warm mass should be applied to the hair and left for 12-14 minutes. After completing the procedure, rinse off the mask with plenty of warm water.

What are the benefits of rose petals? The healing properties of rose petals have been known since ancient times.

In ancient times, doctors used infusions of rose petals to treat nerve diseases, and for respiratory diseases, they fumigate the premises with the aroma of incense. Even with such a serious illness as consumption, they were allowed to inhale the aroma of rose flowers; for diseases of the heart and kidneys, they were treated with infusions of rose petals. All women put rose petals on their faces to refresh them and give them youthful freshness.

Rose petals were used to treat inflammation: in combination with vinegar, inflamed wounds were treated; petals infused with wine helped with gastrointestinal disorders; and the petals, together with honey water, helped perfectly as an antipyretic.

The benefits of rose petals are obvious, but you need to keep in mind that in rare cases there are cases, so before using, make sure that you are not allergic.

What are the benefits of rose petals?

Rose petals contain:

General properties of rose petals:

  • bactericidal;
  • regenerating;
  • antispasmodic;
  • soothing;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The petals of white rose flowers contain a large range of resinous and mucilaginous substances, and they are mainly used:

  • in the form of jam as a mild laxative;
  • in the form of an infusion as an anthelmintic;
  • as an antibiotic agent in the treatment of purulent wounds, bedsores, burns.

Red rose petals are useful for:

  • intestinal disorders, as they have a good astringent and fixing effect;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sore throat;
  • stomatitis;
  • purulent wounds, burns ( rose petals are also useful);
  • conjunctivitis.

Both fresh and dry rose petals can be used for medicinal purposes. The best time to collect is in the morning after rain or after dew.

After collection, they are not washed and used either immediately or dried in well-ventilated areas.

What are the benefits of rose petals and how are they used?

Balm for bronchitis and bronchial asthma:

  • 500gr;
  • 6 dry plantain leaves;
  • 100g dry rose petals;
  • 100g honey;
  • bottle (1l) Cahors.

Place everything in a saucepan, let it boil and immediately remove from heat. Let it stand for a day. Squeeze. Keep refrigerated. Drink 5-6 times a tablespoon. You need to drink the tincture in 2 courses. One course every 6 months.

Benefits of rose petal jam

This is the great benefit of rose petal jam.

How to make wonderful aromatic jam from rose petals?

0 5 kilograms of finely chopped petals, mix 0.5 kilograms of sugar and leave for 2 days in a closed container. Then prepare the syrup: add the juice of one lemon and one glass of water to a kilogram of sugar, stir and bring to a boil. Dip the mixture of petals and sugar into the syrup and cook until the petals soften (they should not squeak on your teeth)

Benefits of bath with rose petals

To cleanse the skin with various lesions to relieve fatigue and overwork, a state of anxiety and tension, you can prepare a bath of rose petals.

Pour boiling water over half a glass of well-packed petals, we need 200 mol, and let it sit for half an hour under the lid. Then add the aromatic infusion, along with rose petals, to the bath. A slightly wilted bouquet can be used to prepare an infusion and roses.

Benefits of a bath with rose petals.

  1. An excellent remedy for the treatment of nervous diseases.
  2. Relieves fatigue, anxiety, tones.
  3. Positively affects the heart.
  4. Cleanses the skin perfectly.
  5. Increases the body's performance.

Benefits of rose petals for face and body

1) A mask of rose petals is universal for everyone:

  • 5 crushed petals
  • 2 tsp olive oil or sour cream, fermented baked milk, honey.

Let it sit for an hour. Gently apply to face and leave for 20 minutes.

2) Mask for nutrition and hydration:

  • petals of one rose
  • oatmeal 3 tbsp
  • honey-1 tbsp
  • some water

Grind the flakes and petals using a blender, add a couple of tablespoons of water, honey and mix. Apply the mask for 20 minutes.

3) Mask for oily skin:

Keep on face for 20 minutes.

4) Anti-wrinkle mask

  • glycerin-1 tbsp
  • a glass of milk
  • rose petals-3 table spoons

Pour hot milk over the petals and place in a water bath for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and add glycerin. Keep for 20 minutes. You can put the remaining mixture in the refrigerator and store for 3 days.

5) To refresh your face, you need to regularly make a wonderful mask:

  • 2 tbsp chamomile
  • 1 tbsp fresh rose petals
  • 2 tbsp St. John's wort
  • 1 tbsp linden blossom
  • half a tablespoon of mint

Grind all ingredients into powder. Cleanse your face, apply a rich cream and sprinkle powder on top of the cream. Lie down for 20 minutes. The face will become fresher, pinker, and brighter.

6) Mask for the chest: mix rose petals (you can dry them) with cream to make a mass like cream, apply and warm the chest, then rinse off after 15 minutes. This mask, thanks to the beneficial properties of rose petals, rejuvenates the skin, fights stretch marks, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

7) For dry skin, oil from rose petals is indispensable: place three glasses of dry rose petals in a glass jar, compact well and pour in peach or almond oil so that all the petals are covered, put in a warm place for two weeks, the oil should turn reddish. Wipe your face with this wonderful oil several times a day. The oil cleanses the face well of cosmetics.

I make rose petal oil and add it to all my cosmetics. It is better, of course, to use rose petals grown in the garden or at the dacha; store-bought roses are always treated with something, so they will not bring any benefit.

That's how many uses and beneficial properties rose petals have! I look forward to your comments!

Be happy, beautiful, loved!

Recipe rose petal syrup:

To infuse the drink you will need a three-liter bottle and a week of sunny weather. The blossoming buds of roses are cut off and separated into petals. When determining the proportions of the product, only the petals are weighed.

The petals are washed. Take two thirds and set aside. The remaining one third is placed in a saucepan, 50 ml of water and a teaspoon of citric acid are added.

Rose petals are boiled until they turn bright red. As a rule, 5 minutes of boiling is enough. This part of the petals is responsible for the color of the future syrup. If you do not boil some of the petals, the drink will be almost colorless. When the leaves are boiled with lemon, the pink color appears in all its glory, so the drink will become bright.

Sugar is poured into a clean sterilized jar.

Throw in the remaining fresh petals.

The bottle is filled with hot boiled water, the temperature is 60-70 degrees.

Add the petals boiled in lemon; by this time they will have cooled down. Stir the contents of the bottle with a wooden spoon with a long handle.

When the sugar is completely dissolved, the bottle is placed on a sunlit windowsill.

After 7 days, the syrup is filtered through several layers of gauze and poured into a bottle with a screw cap.

Syrup from rose petals is stored in the refrigerator, served as a separate drink, or diluted with vodka to prepare alcoholic cocktails.

If you need to get not syrup, but wine from rose petals, then some changes are made to the technology. The proportions of the products are left the same, but the petals are filled with raw water. Petals boiled in lemon are a must. On day 8-10, the fermentation process will begin. The bottle is kept in the sun for a month, then the wine is filtered and placed in the refrigerator.

Rose petal jam has long been considered an exquisite delicacy. You can also make a similar sweet with petals of other flowers.

Basic Rules

Flowers with a persistent aroma are suitable for jam: roses, rose hips, jasmine, pansies, violets, chrysanthemums, almonds, apricots, cherries. For flowers, you need to carefully separate the petals from the core and stamens.

In home cooking, you can only use flowers that grew in a private garden or field, without the use of chemicals. Jam from a luxurious bouquet of roses received for a holiday can cause food poisoning, since store-bought flowers absorb a huge amount of harmful substances during storage.

Raw materials for jam should be collected early in the morning, before the dew has disappeared. Then the petals will better retain their taste after processing. If the petals are colored, it is better to choose the darkest ones, they have the richest scent.

To extract the aroma from whole petals, you need to rinse them in cold water and soak them in freshly squeezed lemon juice for 2 days. For a more delicate structure of the jam, you can grind the washed petals through a meat grinder, then soaking will not be required.

Since the petals themselves are not very sweet, making jam from them will require a large amount of granulated sugar. On average, this is 1.5 kg per 250-300 g of flower petals.

The delicate petals boil quickly, so it is important not to overcook the jam on the stove. 40-50 minutes is enough. boil over low heat in a small amount of water (1 glass per 250-300 g of petals).

To prevent jam from flower petals from losing its aroma and becoming candied at home, you need to put it in a glass jar and pour 1 tbsp on top. l. cognac

Cooking from rose petals, recipes

Thick rose petal jam
To make the jam as fragrant as possible, you need to take rose petals with the brightest colors.
Rose petals - 400 g, granulated sugar - 1 kg, water - 1 glass, lemon - 1/2 pcs.

Collect rose petals, remove debris, cut out the white part at the base of the petal with scissors. Wash in cold water and spread in a thin layer on a paper towel and dry.
Place the petals in a saucepan, mix them with 0.5 kg of sugar. Cover with paper and leave for 6 hours so that the petals release juice.
Pour water into the pan, add the remaining sugar and stir. Turn on medium heat and cook, stirring constantly.
When it boils, keep it on the stove for another 5 minutes. Cool to room temperature.

Repeat the procedure again. Then put the cooled jam back on the fire and add freshly squeezed juice of 1/2 lemon (you can replace it with 1 teaspoon of citric acid dissolved in 2 tablespoons of warm water). At this moment, the color of the petals should become brightest. Bring the jam to a boil and simmer for 25 minutes. over low heat. Place the finished thick jam into sterile jars and roll up.

Rose petal jam “Sweet Dreams”
This unusual fragrant jam has a completely unique taste. The perfect sweet gift, made with love!
Rose petals – 100 g, sugar – 1 kg, water – 1 glass, lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.

To make the syrup, pour a glass of boiling water over the sugar and simmer over low heat until the liquid begins to become viscous (drip from the spoon in a thick “string”). It's time to add the rose petals. The petals should be clean, dried, with the whitish part at the base removed. It is better to choose roses with a bright aroma and scarlet or pink color.
Bring the syrup with petals to a boil and leave for 12 hours, then boil again, keep on low heat for 30 minutes. and add lemon juice. The color of the jam will become brighter. Simmer for another 5 minutes. and roll into jars.

Rose petal syrup
Rose petals (tea rose is ideal) - 300 g, granulated sugar -200 g.
Remove sepals from rose petals, shake, place in a colander and rinse thoroughly.
Scald the petals in a colander with boiling water and transfer to a saucepan. Cover with granulated sugar, close with a lid and refrigerate for 1 day.
Place 2-3 layers of cheesecloth in a colander and place the petals in syrup. Let the syrup drain and squeeze out the petals.
Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, reduce heat and simmer for about 1 hour until the syrup thickens, skimming constantly.
Cool the syrup and pour into prepared containers (bottles). Store in the refrigerator, sealed.

Tincture “Pink Roses”
Both the beauty and the incomparable aroma of roses will be very romantically combined in a tincture on the petals.
1 liter of vodka, 250 g of granulated sugar, 150 g of rose petals, 150 ml of water.
Boil syrup from water and granulated sugar. Then add washed and dried rose petals to it and cook over low heat for 10-12 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Remove syrup from heat and cool to room temperature. Strain into a clean, dry jar, add vodka, close the lid tightly and shake vigorously.
Place the tincture in a dark, cool place (or better yet, in the refrigerator) for 15-20 days.

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Where you can buy Crimean cosmetics and all sorts of goodies. And, judging by the comments, many were interested in Rose Petal Syrup. Therefore, I decided not to delay the review.

I was interested in the syrup simply as a dessert, but it turns out that it also has beneficial properties. For those interested, read the description below.


Rose petal syrup is an unusually aromatic and healthy treat for your whole family. Without exaggeration, tea rose is a storehouse of useful substances. Its petals contain large quantities of B vitamins, carotene, vitamin C, as well as rare vitamin K, which is involved in hematopoiesis.

Rose syrup significantly relieves the symptoms of sore throat and bronchitis in children and adults, strengthens gums, and helps get rid of stomatitis. It is also useful for gastritis and stomach ulcers. When consuming the syrup, irritation and chronic fatigue syndrome are relieved, it helps to cope with insomnia and even vegetative-vascular dystonia. Rose syrup is an excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency, strengthens weakened immunity during colds, and will help you recover faster after surgery and serious illnesses.

Rose petal syrup is also an exquisite dessert that will give such ordinary products as ice cream or cheesecakes a pleasant taste and extraordinary aroma.

Compound (by the way, on the store’s website you can find both descriptions and compositions of all products)

As you can see, the composition does not contain harmful preservatives, dyes, or flavors.

sugar, essential oil rose petals, glucose-fructose syrup, citric acid.


I really love ice cream; the simplest - milk or cream, without fillers - nuts, jam, chocolate, etc. I like to add something myself, and usually it’s syrups or jam.

Therefore, when I was studying the assortment of the site and saw such an unusual syrup, I automatically added it to the cart (hah, I also automatically sent several more products there, but in the end I decided to try one thing first, and now I’ll know what’s going on with delivery You can safely order more from SDEK).

IN impressions

I’ll say right away that I roughly imagined how he would turn out, because... I buy syrups from time to time. I know that they are usually more sweet than tasty. And, although the syrup seemed very unusual, I didn’t expect it to be incredibly tasty.

The syrup is in a glass bottle with a screw cap.

It looks like regular syrup (I think many are familiar with rosehip syrup - this one has about the same consistency).

It is not thick, not too liquid.

Aroma: sweet, it seems to me, with a hint of honey. The syrup does not smell like roses (fresh flowers), of course. Well, this is just me, just in case, I’m clarifying, otherwise someone might think that the aroma of the syrup is the same as that of a bouquet of roses.

The aroma reminds me very much of the smell of tea made from rose petals, or, more simply put, dried petals tea rose (which is precisely what is included in the syrup)

Taste of syrup, as I expected - sweet. Very sweet, and at the same time tender, slightly “honey”. And just like that, I feel a very light, pleasant sourness + something that is difficult for me to describe (this is, apparently, the taste that rose petals give). Both the taste and aftertaste are pleasant (I don’t feel any sharp cloying, although at first the syrup seems very sweet). In general, the sweetness, although bright, is so... delicate, or something.

I usually add syrup to ice cream. It does not add too much of a strong aromatic or flavorful accent to the dessert, however, it feels very good, and the taste is more interesting and unusual with it.

Also, as it turned out, you can surprise your loved ones and friends with both syrup and rose petal tea. When a friend came to see me and I put the syrup on the table, she was amazed (of course, you can’t find such an outlandish product in my city, even in supermarkets).

I can recommend rose petal syrup primarily to those with a sweet tooth, to those who like to try new and interesting things and to those who like to surprise guests with something original. Don't fantasize (don't forget that There are no artificial colors or flavors in the composition, and therefore both the taste and aroma are simply natural (let me remind you - don’t expect the scent of fresh roses), and then you won’t be disappointed.

I liked the syrup (besides, it is not only original, but also healthy). I want to try all types (like jam)

If you are interested - review of the store where I ordered the syrup

Thank you all for your attention to the review. I wish you a great mood
