Lyudmila Grigorievna Puchko dowsing for everyone. System of self-diagnosis and self-healing of a person


From the publisher


Part one. Multilevel model of the human body

Chapter 1. Seven bodies (seven vibration ranges) of man. A system of self-diagnosis and self-healing inherent in human nature

Physical body

Etheric (energy) body

Subtle bodies (astral, intuitive, causal, mental, spiritual)

Chapter 2. Etheric (energy) body

2.1. Information-bioenergetic model of the etheric body. Structural connections. Psychobioenergetic homeostasis

2.5. Self-regulation system

2.6. Infection is a mechanism for selecting energy in the etheric body. Seven ranges of radiation from pathogens of infectious diseases

Chapter 3. Five subtle bodies

3.1. Macrocosm and Microcosm, their relationship. Basic cosmic laws

3.2 The concept of subtle bodies. The structure of subtle bodies, shape and connection between them

3.3. Classification of damage to thin bodies

3.4. Methods for eliminating damage to subtle bodies

3.4.1. Removing Aural Trauma Caused by Aural Entities

3.4.2. Elimination of alien energy structures (earthly spirits)

3.4.3. Elimination of Engrams

3.4.4. Eliminating programs

3.4.5. Elimination of violations of the shape of subtle bodies, structural connections and synchronization between them

Chapter 4. System diagnostics. An algorithm for detecting and eliminating the causes of damage to all seven human bodies. Connection with the subconscious

Chapter 5. Numerical, geometric and composite vibration series

Chapter 6. Graphic numerological mandala - a way to configure the subconscious for radiaesthetic work

Chapter 7. Physical body. Diagnosis of organic disorders and methods for their elimination

Part two. Radiesthetic method of restoring health

Chapter 8. Radiesthetic effect and working with a pendulum

Chapter 9. Practical methods of radioesthesia research of energy channels and influence on them

9.1. Lung channel

9.2. Colon channel

9.3. Stomach channel

9.4. Spleen-pancreas channel

9.5. Heart channel

9.6. Small intestine channel

9.7. Bladder channel

9.8. Kidney channel

9.9. Pericardial canal (sexual canal)

9.10. Channel of three parts of the body

9.11. Gallbladder channel

9.12. Liver channel

9.13. Anteromedian canal

9.14. 3rd medial canal

9.15. Description of the scheme of bioenergetic connections between channels (organs)

9.16. Bioenergetic massage (general scheme of massage of the external passage of energy channels)

9.17. Vacuum therapy

9.18. Massage of the internal passage of energy channels

9.19. Therapeutic and preventive massage according to the Do-In system

9.20. Methodology for radioesthetic detection of energy plugs and methods for eliminating them in channels

9.21. Removing energy jams by “turning on” consciousness

9.22. Determination by the R-method of the presence of energy in the chakras and energy “traffic jams” in chakra connections

9.23. Radiesthetic diagnostics of “miraculous” meridians

9.24. Radiesthetic diagnostics of internal organs using the iris of the eyes, the auricle, the soles of the feet and teeth

9.25. Points of intervention in emergency situations

9.26. Study of the human infectious plan using the P-method

Chapter 10. Other areas of practical application of the p-method

10.1. Determination of poor quality food products (nitrate, radioactive, etc.). Identification of food allergens. Selection of drug dosage and choice of procedures

10.2. Determination of an individual diet for diseases of any organ

10.3. Determination of geopathogenic zones

10.4. Determination of adverse radiation from clothing, shoes, cosmetic creams, plants, paintings, etc.

Chapter 11. Experience in using the radiesthesia method in medical practice

About the possibilities of the R-method, which I use in medical practice


One of the most advanced integrative techniques, holotropic breathing or pneumocatharsis, was created by the American scientist S. Grof [ 14 ], who, developing the doctrine of psychotrauma, introduced the concept of a system of condensed experience (SEX) - a pathological stable formation in our unconscious, arising around the initial psychotrauma. Even when realized, COEX system still cannot be consciously controlled and continues to actively influence our psyche (subtle bodies), deforming and blocking our behavior. The destruction and annihilation of such COEX systems is a necessary condition for the healing of the psyche, the awakening of its deep reserves, and work with the subtle world. Subsequently, a new generation of integrative techniques was created, which are a further development of pneumocatharsis [ 40 , 63 ].

All of the listed methods of both the first and second groups, aimed at restoring the subtle bodies, are, as a rule, complex, far from safe, absolutely unacceptable for independent practical use and not very effective.

At the same time, there is an ingeniously simple method, known to mankind since ancient times, with the help of which any person who does not have extrasensory sensitivity, using the modern level of knowledge about the multi-level structure of a person, can, on the one hand, discover the diagnostic system inherent in the very nature of man, and, using it, independently detect damage in all of your bodies, that is, find out the cause-and-effect relationships of your diseases: on the other hand, using the same system, eliminate the damage found, without resorting to the most complex ancient Eastern and modern Western methods, which, we repeat, are far from safe and not very effective in practical use.

What kind of method is this? This is the so-called radiesthesia method, better known as dowsing. The term "radiesthesia", translated into Russian, means "sensation of waves, vibrations."

What is the essence of this method?

It is known that all objects of the living and inanimate world emit, but the sensation from receiving these radiations in the form of heat, cold, tingling, etc. organically inherent only in extrasensory gifted people. However, according to American statistics, there are few such people: only 2-4%.

Biologically, the average person does not physically feel radiation from surrounding objects. In other words, the radiation reception system inherent in human nature has a threshold level, and the received level of radiation from surrounding objects for a biologically average person is below the threshold level of his biological system, and therefore the biologically average person does not experience any physical sensations. However, in approximately 25% of biologically average people, when tuning (focusing attention) on a certain object and receiving radiation from it, an ideomotor act is spontaneously formed and, if this person has a frame, pendulum, vine or just a flyer in his hands, then it begins to rotate . This is the so-called radiaesthetic effect, known to mankind since the 8th century BC. It is this figure that dates back to the rock paintings depicting the figure of a man holding a vine in his hands.

The radiaesthetic effect was known on all continents to various peoples, ranging from the Polynesians, Peruvians, Indians and ending with the Egyptians, Persians, Romans, Greeks, Druids, Slavs, etc. It was used by different segments of the population, ranging from emperors, kings, kings, priests and ending mining workers, for various purposes. Thus, historical facts are known when the radiesthetic method was used by King Solomon, Catherine II, the father of the Catholic Church reformer Martin Luther, who was a mining worker [ 41 , 42 , 65 ]. M. Lomonosov, I.-V. were interested in the radiaesthetic phenomenon. Goethe and other outstanding personalities. By the highest order of Catherine II, the symbol of radiesthesia - the vine - was introduced into the coat of arms of the city of Petrozavodsk.

Dowsers (in modern terminology, radiesthesists, dowsers, or simply operators) used the radiesthesia effect when searching for minerals, water, missing people, etc. It is known that in Germany more than 60% of mining deposits were found by radioesthetists [ 41 ]. In Saudi Arabia, radioesthetists have already found in our time sources of water in the Arabian Desert, and thus rejected the expensive “project of the century”, according to which, in order to irrigate the Arabian deserts, it was proposed to melt the ice of the Arctic Ocean and transport this water to the deserts through specially laid pipes.

At the end of the 19th century, the R-method began to be used for the first time in Germany for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes [ 41 ]. The best diagnosticians were considered to be doctors who knew the R-method. This method was proposed to be introduced into training at medical institutes, but when it was introduced into teaching practice, it was discovered that only a quarter of students could master the R-method. For the rest, the pendulum or frame did not rotate, which indicated a lack of radiation reception [ 41 , 65 ].

The theory of radiesthesia was absent, but this did not prevent the Germans from seriously using the R-method in practice, and Germany can rightfully be called the birthplace of the second birth of radiesthesia. It was in Germany that for the first time in the 20s of this century the P-method began to be used to detect geopathogenic zones, it was in Germany that the so-called “cancerous” houses (houses located in geopathogenic zones, as a result of which living in them led to cancer) ) and it was in Germany that companies producing various protective materials against geopathogenic radiation first began to be organized. It is not surprising that it was in Germany that the R-method was first introduced in the world into the practice of medical clinical examinations of patients, individual selection of medications, medicines, herbs, etc. for them. Currently, the R-method is used in clinics in England and France [ 31 , 41 ].

It is known that the sensation of waves is inherent in all living organisms on Earth (plants, animals, insects, fish, etc.). Of course, it is inherent in every person. But its manifestation in a biologically average person (with the exception of operators) is not registered due to the fact that, as mentioned above, the received level of radiation in a biologically average person lies below the sensitivity threshold of his biological system: it is, as it were, a subthreshold level.

The question arises whether it is possible to increase the sensitivity of the reception in some artificial way, and then the radiaesthetic effect could be recorded in any person who is far from extrasensory abilities. Such a technique has been found, and it consists in selecting the metal of the pendulum. It has been empirically proven that five metals - aluminum, copper, titanium, brass, bronze - can increase the sensitivity of radiation reception in a biologically average person. With the correct choice of one of these metals, which can be done using a very simple technique outlined below, any biologically average person in almost 15 minutes can discover the ability to receive radiation, discovering a radiaesthesia effect. The radiesthetic effect can be detected in almost 95-98% of people. The exception is people with a large number of foreign energy structures (damage in the aura), in whom, before awakening the radioesthesia effect, it is necessary to clear the aura of these structures.

A person armed with the R-method is able to effectively and simply, without resorting to the most complex spiritual psychotraining used in Eastern systems and far from safe for a person with an unprepared consciousness, and without the use of complex integrative Western techniques, to accomplish the following:

1. Explore the true structure of a person, consisting of seven bodies (vibration ranges), using knowledge that has come to us from time immemorial and formed the basis of ancient and modern eastern medicine (Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Indo-Tibetan branches).

In this book, the author, based on the systematization of the knowledge of eastern medicine, which is quite scattered across various eastern systems, managed to create a unified multi-level model of the human body, within the framework of which any person proficient in the P-method can conduct research on his body using systemic diagnostics, the concept of which first introduced in this publication.

2. Investigate damage to subtle bodies (borderline astral (emotional), mental (mental), karmic, spiritual and emotional states). Find the causes of damage to the subtle bodies (programs induced by other people; self-programming; engrams; entities in the aura; karmic reasons, etc.).

3. Eliminate damage to all seven bodies, without again resorting to the most complex techniques developed in Eastern systems and alien and not safe for us, who were born on the canonical territory of Christianity and feed spiritually and mentally from the Christian egregor.

4. Preventively protect yourself from a polluted mental and physical environment (remove programs, protect yourself from suppressive personalities, unfavorable environments), using numerical and geometric symbolism of vibrations as part of the esoteric teachings that have been revealed to us in recent years and have received a radiophysical interpretation at the level of modern knowledge.

Methodology for selecting individual geometric and numerical symbols, developed by Peremykina L.A. together with the author, is original and published for the first time. (In the West, the method of compiling so-called numerical codes [ 13 ] represents a trade secret). The author considered it possible to publish this material, taking into account the difficult situation in which modern people have found themselves, who have been under the yoke of atheism for a long time with its vulgar materialistic interpretation of the world around them and the complete denial of the subtle world, which is as real as the material world and greatly influences on the spiritual and mental sphere of man.

Preventive protection from a polluted physical environment includes the ability to choose, using the R-method, food, shoes, clothing, household items that do not have harmful radiation, herbs, medicines, individually selected for our body, so individual and so unprotected. (At the time when the manuscript was in print, in the newspaper “Eternal Life”, No. 4, 1995, a message appeared that our compatriot E.Ya. Meltsev, for the first time in the world, managed to obtain a patent (No. 2021749) for the determination by dowsing method interaction of plant and human energies.)

5. Practically fight latent (“dormant”), slow (sluggish) infections, being able to select exactly the means (herbs, minerals, geometric and numerical symbols, etc.) that specifically kill infections and neuroinfections.

The ancient method of radiesthesia, combined with modern knowledge of the structure and function of the human body as an integral biological system, as well as with the experience accumulated by humanity over thousands of years, can rightfully be called the radiaesthesia phenomenon of the 20th century.

The fundamentals of the radiaesthetic method of studying the structure and function of the body as a single biological system are presented in the first part of the book. The second part describes in sufficient detail practical techniques for mastering the R-method, which are accessible, in fact, to every person.

Part one



“Know yourself,” the ancient sages suggested, believing that knowing yourself is the highest knowledge that a person should strive for. Naturally, the process of knowing oneself does not come down to groundless and fruitless self-examination in one’s own feelings, which can end in a painful state for a person. By the process of self-knowledge, the ancient sages understood the knowledge of the true structure of a person, which makes it possible to comprehensively reveal the individual “I”.

What are the sources of knowledge of this human structure? There are three of them.

First source - religious experience . All seven world religions (Christianity, Buddhism, Zen Buddhism (Japan), Taoism (China), Hinduism, Islam, Judaism) are united in their understanding of human structure. Man is the creation of God, he was created in the image and likeness of God, and consists of three parts: the physical body, soul and spirit. There is no discrepancy between religious denominations in understanding the purpose of the constituent parts of man. The spirit is given to man for the pursuit of knowledge of God, merging with the Divine; soul - for self-knowledge, self-improvement; the physical body with its inherent sensory organs - for understanding the surrounding world. Deviation from a person’s destiny is punished by numerous diseases.

So, a person is a physical body, soul and spirit.

Second origin - introverted knowledge . What it is?

At all times, there have been people who, using natural channels of intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, spiritual psychotraining, elements of meditation, insight, could gain knowledge about the true structure of man. Pieces of introverted knowledge obtained at different times formed the basis of spiritual schools and directions. These are, first of all, all schools of Eastern and Western esotericism - schools of yoga, Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Sufism, Theosophy, Anthroposophy, occultism, the Pythagorean school, monuments of ancient Greek mysticism and others.

It would seem that introverted knowledge contains elements of subjectivity and is therefore not reliable. However, confirmation of the existence of an objective principle in this knowledge is that, firstly, this knowledge, obtained in different eras, by different people living on different continents, coincides with each other, and in significant moments often complement each other, describing a person with different sides; secondly, repeatability and reproducibility of the results of the experiments.

Human thought has not stood still, and over many generations, methods and techniques have been developed to simplify the acquisition of this knowledge. At the moment, any average operator, and upon mastering the R-method, the description of which this book is devoted to, any biologically average person who does not have the gift of clairvoyance, can view all the structural elements of his body and for this he does not need to fall into a trance or resort to complex spiritual psychotraining, as was done in the ancient East. And finally, thirdly, elements of introverted knowledge are confirmed by modern theoretical discoveries in the field of fundamental physics [ 69 ], but more on that later.

What is the human structure in the light of introverted knowledge? As noted above, these are seven bodies, of which the densest (physical body) is the frame, on which, like nesting dolls, six other bodies or shells are strung, which we experience differently in everyday life.

Bodies in various spiritual schools of the East and West have different names; the general terminology here has not yet been established. Therefore, this book will present the most commonly used terminology [ 33 ]: physical, ethereal (energy), astral (emotions), intuitive (spiritual), causal (karmic), containing the experience of past reincarnations, mental (thoughts), spiritual (the “I” itself). The sequence of the arrangement of bodies and their connection with energy human centers differ in different publications.To get around this difficulty, some authors [ 33 ] propose that the last four subtle bodies belonging to the mental category be designated by the numbers Ml, M2, M3, M4 (see Fig. 26).

In Christianity, the concept of the spiritual shell (intuitive body) has a broader meaning. In the descriptions of the Holy Fathers [ 24 ], the soul is a feeling and understanding substance, that is, in our interpretation, it is an integral shell, including the astral and mental bodies. Moreover, in the teachings of the early Christian Gnostics [ 46 ] the soul included the experience of past incarnations, that is, the karmic shell.

In accordance with the cosmogonic concept [ 9 ], all seven human bodies are seven shells, seven ranges of vibrations (seven states of matter), each of which is divided into seven subranges.

So, the human structure is seven bodies (shells) having seven ranges of vibrations (seven states of matter).

Third source - basic science . Until 1993, she could use mathematical equations to describe only four states of matter - solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma, that is, the composition of the physical body. The study of phenomenal human abilities, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, etc., forced physicists to create concepts and hypotheses about the existence of some fields unknown to physics. The concept of Okhatrin-Istskhakov has become most widespread [ 15 ] about the existence of so-called microlepton holograms around humans. In accordance with this concept, biologically active points (BAP) on the human body emit particles (microleptons) that are smaller than an electron. With the help of microlepton fields, a person interacts with other people and the world around him. And the very fact of interaction was even recorded using a device created by Okhatrin. However, this semi-quantitative, semi-qualitative theory, of course, could not satisfy fundamental science. And in 1993, our compatriot G.I. Shipov (Russia has not yet become depleted of talents!) based on the geometrization of Einstein’s equations, a fundamental physical theory was created [ 69 ], which was able to describe three more states of matter, making it possible to describe now all seven human bodies. The fifth state of matter is a physical vacuum or ether, which allows us to describe the human etheric body. The sixth state is supra-vacuum: these are torsion fields or torsion fields, which make it possible to describe our subtle bodies (astral and three mental bodies). The seventh state is Absolute “NOTHING”, from which “EVERYTHING” flows, which allows us to describe our spiritual body, the existence of energy entities in space and explain many facts obtained from religious experience.

The new paradigm of G.I. Shipov is difficult to overestimate. His fundamental theory, which has received international recognition, not only makes it possible to explain many religious and esoteric ideas about man and higher spiritual beings, but also makes the first attempt to combine the knowledge of religion and science into one holistic picture of the world.

The theoretical development of a description of the seven human bodies, built on the basis of the fundamental Shipov-Einstein equations, will undoubtedly be done by the next generation of physicists and biophysicists.

Let us consider in detail what each of the seven human bodies represents.


What do we know about the physical body? The privilege of studying the physical body belongs to Western European science, which studied the composition, structure, structure of the organs of the physical body in a difficult struggle with the dogmas of the medieval church. Let us recall that the medieval Christian church banned the study of the physical body, declaring the flesh sinful. It is known that the Christian Church went through seven dark periods in its history, including the medieval Inquisition, when Christians destroyed Christians, knowledge, books [ 70 ]. Therefore, every discovery of Western European science was considered almost an epoch-making event, for example, the discovery of blood circulation.

Having experienced the euphoria of the first discoveries, Western European science came to the incorrect conclusion that man is just a collection of physical and chemical atoms and molecules, and nothing exists except the physical body. Let us recall Cabanis’s famous statement that the brain secretes thoughts in the same way as the liver secretes bile. Later he abandoned this concept, recognizing the theory of vitalism (vital energy), but this concept still finds its followers.

How did Western European science study the physical body? It’s very simple: she divided it into organs and systems and created institutes to study them - the institute of the brain, eye, urology, gastroenterology, etc. With this division into parts, the most important thing that makes the body a system was thrown out - these are the information and energy connections that exist between the organs, which represent nothing more than the second, etheric or energetic body. It is in it that, when the circulation of energy is disrupted, numerous functional disorders are born, which Western European science, creating cybernetic models for individual organs without their connection with other organs, has not learned to diagnose, having at its disposal perfect diagnostic instruments, such as, for example, a tomograph, the creation of which awarded the Nobel Prize, let alone treat, creating perfect chemical preparations.


The privilege of studying the second body (etheric or energetic) belongs to various branches of Eastern medicine: Indo-Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese and others. Eastern medicine did not analyze the functioning of the organs themselves. The main attention in Eastern medicine was paid to the circulation of vital energy, which was called Chi or Qi among the Chinese, Ki among the Japanese, and Prana among the Indians. It was believed that if energy circulates correctly and the energy balance is maintained (bioenergetic homeostasis), then the organs will never get sick, since they feed on this vital energy, and adequate energy nutrition allows the organs to remain healthy.

Different branches of Eastern medicine studied different energy parts of the etheric body. Thus, the Indo-Tibetan branch was primarily engaged in studying the processes of accumulation and transformation of vital energy in energy centers (chakras), developing recommendations for conserving energy in them and proper circulation of energy along the main energy highway - the spine (Sushumna) and two side highways (Ida and Pingale nadi ). Indo-Tibetan medicine knew 64,000 small channels through which vital energy circulates. The discovery of new small channels and the search for methods of influencing them for therapeutic purposes continues to this day (Korean branch - Su Jok).

The Chinese branch of oriental medicine discovered biologically active points (BAP) on the human body, which, when connected in a certain sequence, form channels (meridians) through which vital energy circulates. Chinese medicine studied 14 main channels or meridians. Almost all of them, with the exception of the posterior-median, anterior-median and meridian of the three heaters, have the name of the organ to which the energy is supplied: the channel of the lungs, colon, stomach, spleen-pancreas, heart, small intestine, bladder, pericardium (sexual ), gallbladder, liver.

All channels are energetically connected to each other. Violation of the free circulation of energy (formation energy jam ) in channels or interchannel connections leads to numerous functional disorders, the study of which has made it possible to draw up a set of rules (Yin-Yang syndromes - lack or excess of energy), according to which a diagnosis can be made and only after that treatment can be started, that is, energy circulation can be established in the channels.

The Japanese branch of Oriental medicine thoroughly studied the flow of energy in temporary biological circuits, the so-called eight “miraculous” meridians, which are formed when the circulation of energy in any channel is disrupted, and continued the study of “miraculous” meridians (energy pools), combining these concepts with the concept chakras A new direction has been created in the Japanese branch - Aku Yoga, which is based on the concepts of “wonderful” meridians, the initial information about which appeared in ancient Chinese medicine, and chakras, which were first described in the Indo-Tibetan branch.

Finally, one of the branches of modern oriental medicine (PRC) has thoroughly studied the command energy-information zones on the head, the disruption of which causes diseases of central origin.

Since the knowledge acquired by different branches of Eastern medicine was secret for many centuries, remaining the privilege of those close to the Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese emperors and yogic teachings, they, of course, were not exported to the West (with the exception of some fragmentary information) until the 50s our century, when for the first time the etheric body was photographed by our compatriots - the Kirlian spouses using high-frequency photography methods. Therefore, when studying Eastern medicine, the lack of a systematic approach in descriptions of the etheric (energy) body is clearly visible.

The author of this book offers a systematic presentation of knowledge scattered across different branches of Eastern medicine, within the framework of the model of the etheric (energy) body he created, the description of which is devoted to the sections of the first part of the book.


Various yoga systems are devoted to the description of subtle bodies [ 29 , 33 , 63 ]. In accordance with introverted knowledge, each subtle body has its own functional purpose, its own shape, structure, a detailed description of which is given below. There are structural connections between subtle bodies. In addition, each subtle body has its own biorhythm of work, synchronized with the biorhythms of the other subtle bodies. The connection is visible not only between the five subtle bodies, but also between the etheric body and all subtle bodies. At the same time, the etheric body, through its energy centers (chakras), supplies the main building material (vibrations) for the life of all subtle bodies. Hence the huge role of the etheric body in maintaining the general psycho-bioenergetic homeostasis of a person, and it is the etheric body that plays the leading role in maintaining human health.

Subtle bodies can be damaged in the same way as the etheric and physical bodies. The shape and structure of subtle bodies may be disrupted, and there may be a failure in the synchronization of the work of all bodies. Negative emotions to which a person is subject, if they become stable, can attract (in accordance with cosmic law, which is discussed in more detail below), similar vibrations from space, and then a whole network of damage is created in the form of existence in the aura (the totality of all subtle bodies) of a person - aural entities, in the etheric body - ethereal entities that lead to numerous mental (overt, hidden and borderline) disorders and psychosomatic diseases.

Damage to the subtle bodies can occur in humans starting from the prenatal (uterine) period [ 64 ]. Already at the cellular level, there is a recording of all negative sensations and the accompanying background (physical pain, words of surrounding people, sound, etc.), which subsequently create damage to the subtle bodies.

These records on the track of the entire temporary living space are stored in the human subconscious. A data bank is also stored here about damages that came from past incarnations of a person, which in the future can lead to karmic diseases. The record of damage, stored at the bottom of the subconscious, is the basis of the diagnostic system inherent in human nature itself. Each person can diagnose himself if he learns to communicate with his subconscious and extract from there information about the damage to all his bodies.

There are many different ways to communicate with the subconscious mind that were mentioned earlier. The simplest, most effective and accessible to every biologically average person who is not endowed with the gift of clairvoyance, clairaudience, spirit vision, etc., is the R-method, the description of which is the subject of this book.

In addition to the diagnostic system, nature has endowed each person with the ability to self-heal, laying in him a system for receiving radiation from all objects of the living and inanimate world surrounding a person. Using very simple techniques described in this book, any biologically average person can discover in themselves a system for receiving radiation, manifested in the appearance of an ideomotor act that ensures the fixation of the radiaesthetic effect.

It turns out that for self-healing you can use a phantom, by which we will further understand the energy-informational display of various organs and systems of the human body in the figure. The creation of a phantom is very simple: just place a finger, a photograph, or a tuft of the patient’s hair on a drawing depicting the organ or system being studied, and an energy-informational connection is immediately created between this patient and the drawing.

When using a photograph or a tuft of hair, you must attach a piece of paper indicating the date of the examination if the photograph or tuft of hair refers to a different point in time.

By smoothly moving the pendulum along the pattern and carefully observing its rotation, in other words, performing dowsing with your gaze (torsion fields), you can immediately determine damage in any system of the patient’s body by changing the direction of rotation of the pendulum.

Having found the damage, the patient, using the system diagnostic algorithm given in the chapter “System Diagnostics,” clearly formulates the name of the reasons that caused this damage in the body system under study. In this case, with the help of words, a connection is established between the patient’s consciousness and subconscious. When the cause of damage to the system is precisely determined, the pendulum begins to rotate, as if over a healthy organ. All causes of damage are classified by the author. Further, by consciously selecting known means used in traditional and alternative medicine (they may include prayers, herbal medicine, running, bioenergetic massage, hydrotherapy, a vibration series, discussed in detail below, medications, etc.), the patient unmistakably according to the corresponding rotation The pendulum finds the optimal means to eliminate damage in the system under study. Next, the dose is determined in the same way. Here again the connection between consciousness and the subconscious is used through oral speech. The subconscious knows and remembers everything.

Particularly noteworthy is the fantastic effect that we get by using the geometric and numerical symbolism of vibrations to eliminate damage to the subtle bodies of a person, that is, damage lying in the mental sphere of a person. First of all, let us define what the geometric and numerical symbolism of vibrations is. In accordance with cosmic laws, as noted above, everything vibrates, everything radiates. It turns out that all the vibrational flows of the zodiacal constellations, planets, cosmic rays, letters, numbers, geometric figures, etc. are possible. display as geometric and numeric symbols. It is known [ 3 ] that symbolic language (especially the language of geometric figures) is a universal language created by nature itself. It was described in secret esoteric teachings and known to the Initiates.

If images belong to the astral world, then symbols belong to the subtle causal world (the world of cause-and-effect relationships), and, using geometric and numerical symbolism, we purposefully go out to eliminate damage to all human bodies, having precisely identified the cause of these damages. With the help of the subconscious, using the R-method, we select the symbol or set of symbols that will provide the necessary spectrum of radiation to solve the problem set by the consciousness (for example, to eliminate damage in the astral body). If the set of symbols chosen by the subconscious mind represents only numbers, it is - numerical vibration series . If only geometric symbols are present, we have geometric vibration row . If, in addition to numbers, there are geometric signs or images of humans, animals, plants, etc., composite vibration row .

As soon as you put a dot after the last symbol found, the vibration series chosen by the subconscious begins to work, and (lo and behold!) your entire mental sphere immediately begins to change, eliminating everything that interferes with your harmonious life: various depressive states, negative thoughts, etc. .d. With the help of vibration series, you can cope, for example, with alcoholism, without resorting to the terrifying method of sewing in ampoules; with smoking; with self-programming (daily obsessive, joyless thoughts), etc. A vibratory series of geometric and numerical symbols works if the patient’s subconscious has agreed to get rid of alcoholism, smoking, etc. With the help of vibration series, you can cope with any aural and etheric entities, with any program induced from the outside, for example, popularly known as the “evil eye”, “damage”.

Vibrational series were created by Light High Creative cosmic entities. Currently, this knowledge has opened up for modern man as an aid in his fight against disease and evil. The human subconscious knows what spectrum of radiation it needs to eliminate this or that damage to the body. This is the essence of the self-healing system. inherent in human nature itself.

The difference between the proposed R-method of restoring the human body from various non-traditional methods (extrasensory, use of modules by R.G. Shakaev [ 53 ], traditional medicine methods, etc.) is to find root cause damage and determining the corresponding individual a method of healing using the system of receiving radiation inherent in human nature itself.

In accordance with cosmic laws, formulated 8000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ by Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice Great Hermes) and mostly confirmed by modern science, every cause has its effect, every effect has its cause. Without finding the cause, there can be no healing, but only the effect can be eliminated, that is, temporary relief is obtained.

Therefore, we invite the reader to plunge into the world of his own “I” and learn the true structure of his body. At the same time, you can easily detect all damage in your body using the R-method, and also eliminate them by selecting individual healing methods. To this end, we will take a deeper look at all human bodies, their structure, possible damage and methods for eliminating them. Let us first consider the etheric body, the normal state of which plays a fundamental role in maintaining health.


2.1. Information-bioenergetic model of the etheric body. Structural connections. Psychobioenergetic homeostasis.

The etheric body is a self-regulating and self-healing information-bioenergetic system. Eastern wisdom says: “The human body contains everything necessary for its complete healing.”

The etheric body consists of the following structural units, each of which performs a specific function ( (Fig. 1)):

Energy inputs,

Energy centers (chakras),

Bioenergy centers of the brain and spinal cord - command control panels associated with certain areas on the head,

Self-regulation device

Energy channels (meridians),

Energy consumers (organs and subtle bodies),

Waste energy outputs.

Energy inputs are the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, feet, biologically active points, chakras, Sushumna (the central energy highway running along the spine), Ida and Pingala nadi (two lateral energy highways parallel to the spine and ending in the right and left nostril, respectively) .

Light energy enters through the eyes, sound energy through the ears, air energy through the nose, radiation energy from the Earth through the feet, cosmic energy through the BAT, chakras, sushumna, ida and pingala nadi.

The ancestral (hereditary) energy received from ancestors, even before the birth of a person, accumulates in the kidneys and spreads through the meridian of the three heaters, determining the hereditary traits of the body.

All this variety of energies, having entered the body, is transformed into a single form, which received the code name bioenergy , and further addressed strictly to its consumers. Through Sushumna, Ida and Pingala nadi, bioenergy primarily enters the bioenergy centers of the brain and spinal cord (command control panels). Passing through the central energy highway, energy is not only transformed, but also accumulated in energy centers (chakras) . According to classical Indo-Tibetan medicine, there are seven of them. In accordance with modern introverted data, their number is much larger and amounts to 18 [ 1 , 72 ]. In the chakras, the reception and transformation of primary cosmic energy into the energy of other vibrations that feed the subtle bodies also occurs. Each chakra is connected to its own subtle body and supplies it with building material (vibrations) for normal life. This shows the enormous role of the chakras as receivers, accumulators and converters of energy. It is clear that all the efforts of Indo-Tibetan medicine were aimed at learning to control the chakras and maintain energy balance in them. For this purpose, a whole arsenal of means of influencing the chakras was developed: sounds, colors, microelements, asanas, breathing exercises, graphic mandalas, etc. All methods of influencing and controlling chakras are discussed in detail in the section “Energy centers (chakras)”.

The energy accumulated in the chakras is further distributed through 14 central channels (meridians) and a network of small channels (there are 64,000 of them) to the organs, nourishes them, and then the waste energy is dissipated into the surrounding space diffusely (from the surface of the body) or locally, for example, through the eyes.

The distribution of energy through 14 main channels was studied by the ancient Chinese branch of oriental medicine. She developed a set of rules that identify violations of the free circulation of energy, which formed the basis for meridian diagnostics, the essence of which will be described below.

The golden contribution of ancient Chinese medicine to the study of the human body can safely be considered the discovery of energy connections between channels, and therefore between organs, something that is completely absent in Western medicine. These connections are subject to three rules, described in ancient Chinese medicine as “noon-midnight”, “mother-son”, “husband-wife”, which make it possible to influence an organ through another organ or organ system. In cybernetic models created to describe any disease in Western European medical science, there are no main input parameters - parameters that take into account the energetic connection of one organ with other organs.

The main postulate of ancient Eastern medicine is the postulate about psychobioenergetic homeostasis (constancy of energy), according to which all the links that make up the energy system (etheric body) work in such a way as to maintain a constant certain level of bioenergy. Psychobioenergetic homeostasis is a new concept for Western European orthodox medical science, which knows four homeostatic regulators, namely:

A regulator that maintains constant blood pressure and body temperature through the blood-lymph, which connects all organs through chemicals;

Endocrine glands, which provide regulation of the body's vital processes with the help of hormones;

The central nervous system (CNS), which regulates the body’s relationship with the external environment, controlling behavioral reactions, coordinating the activities of all organs of the body;

The autonomic nervous system (ANS), which regulates the activity of internal organs, endocrine and exocrine glands, blood and lymph nodes, and partly muscles.

If all the energy links of the etheric body must work in such a way as to maintain the constancy of energy at a certain level, then each link must have a self-healing and self-regulating function, that is, a self-regulation system must operate in the etheric body. In the channels and entrances of energy, this system was discovered by ancient Chinese medicine in the form of the formation of temporary biological circuits - the so-called “miraculous” meridians, the study of which was continued by the Japanese branch of oriental medicine, which thoroughly described their course. This is a very important discovery, according to which, in the event of a disruption in the circulation of energy in the main channels (formation of energy jams), the self-regulation system of the channels is turned on autonomously. A special section of this book is devoted to a description of the self-regulation system.

Why is it important to learn how to manage your self-regulation system and, in general, monitor the maintenance of your psycho-bioenergetic homeostasis? The fact is that no external bioenergetic treatment (for example, extrasensory) will give stable and lasting results until the self-regulation system in the human body starts working. Hence the fragility of the results of extrasensory treatment that does not know this internal mechanism.

Using the P-method according to the methods described in the book, you can very quickly and easily find traffic jams in channels and interchannel connections, as well as in the system of eight “wonderful” meridians; detect a disorder in the functioning of areas on the head (command control panels); view whether chakras are open or closed; determine whether the organ battery is charged or discharged; identify other damage in the etheric body. And then learn to control the etheric body, using the subconscious to select methods that eliminate damage in the etheric body.

When searching for damage, special attention must be paid to the study of infectious diseases. The infectious plan is the Achilles heel of Eastern medicine: not a single branch of Eastern medicine describes methods for finding infections, which in the etheric body act as a mechanism for selecting energy and disrupting bioenergetic homeostasis.

The P-method fills this gap. The book contains methods for finding infections and methods for selecting agents that accurately and selectively destroy acute, latent (“dormant”), and slow (sluggish) types of infections. Special sections of the book are devoted to a description of infectious disease research methods.

2.2. The main bioenergetic links of the etheric body

Let us consider in more detail the individual elements (links) of the etheric body: channels, energy centers (chakras), areas on the head, self-regulation apparatus. Let's start with the channels.

2.2.1. Energy channels (meridians) and interchannel connections

The energy channel (meridian), as noted above, is a union of biologically active points (BAPs) anatomically located on the body. A channel is a path along which energy is distributed to nourish the organs of the physical body.

BAPs were discovered by ancient Chinese medicine 40 centuries ago. They differ from neighboring points on the body by increased oxygen consumption, increased electrical conductivity, increased painful sensitivity and a special temperature regime. At first, 365 of them were discovered, now more than 5,000 are known.

Meridians are a system of main highway directions along which energy circulates. In addition to them, there is an extensive network of small canals (64,000). Ancient Chinese medicine studied 14 main channels: lung, colon, stomach, spleen-pancreas, heart, small intestine, bladder, kidney, pericardium (sexual channel), triple warmer, gall bladder, liver, posteromedial, anterior median.

Twelve canals are symmetrical or paired, two canals (posterior-median and anterior-median) are unpaired. They control our central nervous system, supplying it with energy.

Ancient Chinese medicine argued that the circulation of energy begins with the lungs. Air is the main supplier of energy. The energy sequentially passes through all 12 main paired meridians in 24 hours, staying in each of them for 2 hours. Two unpaired channels operate around the clock. Each channel has its own minimum and maximum energy potential. The maximum is achieved at the moment of energy passage, the minimum - after 12 hours. Thus, starting to circulate in the lung meridian from 3 to 5 o’clock, the energy then passes into the colon channel, the optimal operating time of which is from 5 to 7 o’clock. The maximum energy in the lung channel is from 3 to 5 am, the minimum energy is from 15 to 17 o'clock. Accordingly, the maximum energy in the colon channel is from 5 to 7 am, the minimum is from 17 to 19 hours. Knowing the maximum and minimum energy stay in the channel is important for choosing the time of direct or indirect impact on the channel.

Energy is polar: it can be positive - “yang”, which serves the processes of excitation in the body, and negative - “yin”, which serves the processes of inhibition. The manifestation of energy when circulating through the channels is neutral, since it is balanced by the action of two principles - “yang” and “yin”. Diseases begin when an imbalance appears in any direction.

The transition of energy from channel to channel determines the existence of an energy connection between channels (interchannel communication). Ancient Chinese medicine studied three main types of interchannel connections: direct and two types of indirect connections existing between channels (organs), and presented them in the form of a diagram depicted in Fig.24 The doctrine of these connections will be presented below.

2.2.2. Energy jams in channels and interchannel connections, leading to functional disorders in the human body. Meridian diagnostics. "Yin-yang" syndromes. Methods for eliminating traffic jams

There are three equivalent international channel designations: English, French, German. We will use the French notation.

All BATs belonging to a specific channel are numbered along this channel. On each channel there are so-called standard points (points):

Exciting (tonic);

Calming (sedative);

Diagnostic (signal, herald point, alarm point);

- “lo-point” (the point of energy transition from one channel to another);



The role and significance of these points will become clear as we continue to consider the channels. Here we only note that the standard points differ from other points of the meridian in their greater therapeutic effectiveness.

Energy circulates in the channel in the direction from the first point to the last. Violation of the free circulation of energy (formation of energy “plugs”) in channels or interchannel connections is the cause of many functional disorders in the body. Thus, the formation of only one energy plug in the gallbladder channel leads to the emergence of 32 types of diseases. The causes of violation of the free circulation of energy are divided into :

Causes lying in the subtle bodies (engrams, programs, aural entities);

Causes lying in the etheric and physical bodies (ethereal entities, infections, external and internal harmful environmental influences, organic disorders).

Ancient Chinese medicine thoroughly studied only one type of cause - harmful external and internal environmental effects on the body. She systematized biological signals of natural origin that are formed when energy circulation in a particular channel is disrupted, and compiled a set of syndromes known as “yin-yang” syndromes that accompany various functional disorders.

Disruption of energy circulation can be observed both in the external and internal passage of the channel. External stroke is a combination of BAP on the surface of the skin. Internal move - this is a section of the channel that passes inside the human physical body and directly delivers energy to the organ.

During the period of optimal operation (the period of maximum energy filling) of each channel, which lasts two hours, the organ that is connected to the channel is charged with energy. When the energy leaves a given channel and goes into another channel (and 80% of the energy leaves), the organ continues to be recharged with the remaining 20% ​​of the energy. If the organ is discharged, this happens for the following reasons:

There is no energy in the chakras,

There was a malfunction in the operation of the command control panels (brain and spinal cord),

The self-regulation system does not work,

An energy plug has formed in the external or internal passage of the channel.

These reasons are very easily detected by the P-method.

In ancient Chinese medicine, an energy plug was detected using meridian, pulse and other types of diagnostics.

Of all the types of diagnostic methods used by ancient Chinese medicine, the simplest and most accessible for widespread self-use is the method meridian diagnostics , which, according to experts [ 34 ], is in no way inferior to pulse diagnostics, which takes many years to master.

The essence of meridian diagnostics is as follows.

Ancient Chinese doctors noticed that when the functioning of an organ is disrupted, some BAPs located along the corresponding meridian harden with excess energy and become painful when touched. In some cases, pain occurs without touching. Lack of energy is expressed in swelling and insensibility of the points.

Meridian diagnostics is based on this principle, according to which it is necessary to pay attention to the place on the surface of the body where there are biological signals of natural origin (pain, itching, rash, boil, swelling, moles, etc.). Next, you should determine which meridian passes through this part of the body; then compare your condition with the “yin-yang” syndrome and draw a conclusion about the disruption of energy circulation in this channel.

Ancient Chinese medicine distinguishes four qualitative states of disease:

“very yang” - a large excess of energy,

"yang" is a simple excess of energy,

"yin" is a simple lack of energy,

“very yin” is a big lack of energy.

When studying the channels, we will use the “very yang” and “very yin” syndromes, caused by energy jams and corresponding to the maximum deviation from the norm. We will use meridian diagnostics as an auxiliary one. The main one is system diagnostics .

To break through energy blockages in the channels, ancient Chinese medicine used a whole arsenal of means, the most important of which were acupuncture, moxibustion, vacuum massage, bioenergetic massage, and acupressure.

Modern means of influencing the channel include: exposure to the BAP with direct or alternating current of a certain frequency and amplitude (electroacupuncture), laser exposure (light injection), ultrasound exposure and various combined methods.

We will use six types of influence on the channel in order to eliminate the energy plug:

First aid (acupressure pressure on some of the most important points of the channel, including resuscitation points). In this case, the symptoms (pain or numbness) are reduced, but there is no treatment as such;

Bioenergy massage along the external course of the canal. It differs from the classic Swedish (muscle-strength) massage in that we use our biofield, without pressure, using the contact touch method, to normalize the circulation of energy along the channel. Bioenergy massage is carried out during the optimal operating hours of a given channel or through other channels connected with this channel directly or indirectly;

Influence on the internal passage of the channel by holding the breath according to the scheme: deep inhalation - maximum holding - exhalation - delay - final exhalation - inhalation again, etc.;

Exposure to radiation of herbs used in folk medicine, but with individual selection using the P-method using a phantom;

Cleaning the canal with your gaze (torsion field) according to the methods of Arabic medicine;

Exposure to radiation from vibration rows.

All of the above methods of influence are discussed below.

2.3. Energy centers (chakras)

2.3.1. Primary and secondary chakras

Energy in the form of vibrating flows moves along the spine along the main energy highway, which in Indo-Tibetan medicine is called “Sushumna”, as well as along two side parallel highways (“Ide” and “Pingala” nadi), forming seven cone-shaped vortices, which in Sanskrit received the name chakras. Nadis are channels connecting the chakras with organs. There are a total of 64,000 of them. In Indo-Tibetan medicine (the yogic branch), special importance is attached to three channels: sushumna, ida and pingala.

Indo-Tibetan medicine identifies seven main chakras, which have the following Sanskrit names (numbered from bottom to top) and location:

1. Muladhara (coccyx area),

2. Svadhisthana (between the pubis and navel),

3. Manipura (solar plexus),

4. Anahata (heart level),

5. Vishuddha (base of throat),

6. Ajna (frontal triangle, in the area between the eyebrows),

7. Sahasrara (top of the head).

Graphic images (mandalas) of chakras and the location of chakras on the human body, according to Indian tantra, are presented on rice. 2, 3

The main functions of the chakras are the reception and generation of energy, its transformation and accumulation, information and energy distribution between chakras and organs, as well as between chakras and subtle bodies.

The connection of the main chakras with subtle bodies and organs in the physical body, as well as the influence of each chakra on the physical and mental state of the human body with balance and imbalance of energy in the chakras is presented in table 1. As can be seen from the table, energy disruption in one or more chakras leads first to very serious functional diseases, and then to organic and mental disorders.

In addition to the seven main chakras, there are additional chakras connected to each other by certain energy flows and chakra connections [ 72 ].

Additional chakras and connections between them are presented on rice. 4-8. For ease of examination, the numbering of the main and additional chakras in the figure is given, starting with “Ajna,” which is designated by the number 1.

The state of the additional head chakras (4, 5, 6, 7) is extremely important for the body [ 72 ]. Disruption of the normal functioning of additional chakras 4, 5 and main chakras 1, 2 causes a number of pathological conditions of the brain - schizophrenia, epilepsy, arachnoiditis, etc. Additional chakras 6, 7, together with chakra 3, collect cosmic energy of the desired type, converting it into vital energy ( Ki, Chi, Prana).

The appearance of “traffic jams” in chakra connections, as well as a complete break or asymmetry in them, resulting from such reasons as engrams, programs, dormant infections, aural entities, etc., leads to such complex diseases as diabetes, neurogenic impotence, multiple sclerosis, etc. A sure sign of schizophrenia is the appearance of new connections between additional chakras 6, 7, 2 and space (“devil’s horns”) (Fig. 8). Therefore, early radioesthetic diagnosis of the chakras, both main and additional, is desirable, as well as the determination of the pathology of chakra connections, which are carried out using a system diagnostic algorithm (see Chapter 4).

2.3.2 Methods of controlling energy centers (chakras)

Chakra control methods stem from a consideration of the structure of the chakras, which was discovered 40 centuries ago using introverted methods.

What is a chakra?

The following elements are distinguished in the chakra:

A resonating cavity that responds to a certain wavelength (color) and to certain sounds (mantras);

Command control center attached inside the spinal cord sheath canal (Padma);

Nerve plexuses;

The endocrine gland that lies at the base of each chakra.

All four elements can be affected.

Indo-Tibetan medicine has developed a whole arsenal of means of influencing the seven main chakras. These are Hathi yoga exercises (asanas), breathing exercises (Pranayama), special techniques of color and sound effects (mantras), meditation on a graphic representation of the chakra (mandala) and others.

The practice of asanas (especially inverted poses), if not started in childhood and without an experienced teacher, is not safe for a Westerner, who usually experiences a blockage in the spine by the age of 25. The same warnings apply to Pranayama, which has a destructive effect on the body if used incorrectly. In polluted cities one can practice Pranayama only mentally.

IN table 1 The five lower columns present the simplest and completely safe methods for the patient to independently influence each chakra.

The column “Mantra” (bijna) shows the main combinations of sounds (bijna), the pronunciation of which increases the energy potential in the chakra.

For example, if using the R-method you discover that your Muladhara chakra is closed, then repeatedly pronouncing the sounds “Lam” will increase the energy potential in this chakra. The number of utterances must be a multiple of 3 (3, 6, 9, etc.). At a minimum, the mantra is recited 36 times. Only one chakra is cleansed in one session.

Modern sound therapy, which is called melotherapy . Currently, modern composers have created special musical compositions that enhance the energy in the chakras. Among them, the composition of the French composer Jean Michel Jaret “Oxygen” stands out, which affects all 7 chakras. Having assessed the effectiveness of this influence, Buddhist monks introduced it into worship in Japanese Buddhist temples.

The largest melotherapy music center is located in Paris, where there is a rich music library with a large selection of musical works, individually selected for the patient, ranging from classical works (Bach, Mozart, Haydn, etc.) to modern rock music.

A one-sided passion for rock music leads to an asymmetry of chakra connections connecting the lower Muladhara chakra with the rest of the chakras, and is fraught with destructive consequences for the body, including mental disorders.

Since the mantras “OM” and “AUM” help to establish a connection with the higher spiritual plane and connect to the eastern egregor, the Orthodox Church, warning about this, does not recommend practicing these mantras. Therefore, in the table, instead of the mantra “OM”, the combination of sounds “BOM” is indicated, reminiscent of the ringing of a bell, and instead of “AUM” the combination “Amen” is given, which ends all Christian prayers.

IN table 1 The “Color” column shows colors that affect the 7 main chakras. The simplest color influence involves the patient wearing clothes and individual toiletries of a certain color, as well as creating a color composition at home with a predominance of a color or color spectrum that is absent in the patient’s aura. Usually the person himself instinctively reaches out to the color that can help him cleanse the corresponding chakra. This principle is the basis for the early diagnosis of mental and psychosomatic disorders, developed by the Austrian psychologist Lüscher (Lüscher test, which has received international recognition and is widely used here and abroad when hiring, concluding marriage contracts, etc.).

Modern color therapy is based on the principle of the influence of color on the chakra. The largest modern color therapy center is located in London.

The next column is microelements. The simplest method of exposure is to include in your daily diet foods that have a rich selection of microelements: honey, bee bread (a bee product), apple cider vinegar, milk, chocolate, seaweed, etc. The selection of food products must be strictly individual and carried out using the R-method. Sometimes, only by taking comb honey, individually selected by the R-method and containing both honey and bee bread, it was possible to remove the imbalance of energy in the two upper chakras (Ajna and Sahasrara) and prevent the development of cerebral tumors in patients suffering from very complex disorders associated with the closure of these chakras.

The column “Acupuncture Points” indicates acupuncture points, exposure to which using moderate pressure for 2-5 seconds leads to normalization of the chakra, which is controlled by the R-method.

The column “Platonic solids” shows geometric figures, wearing which in the places of the approximate location of the chakras or including their images in the composite vibration series gives a good effect in eliminating the imbalance of energy in the corresponding chakra. These are the so-called crystalline forms (Platonic solids), the influence of which on energy centers was discovered in ancient times. You can make these geometric figures from copper wire ranging in size from 10 to 30 cm, place all five bodies on the corresponding chakra projection zones on the body and lie down in deep relaxation for some time. Experiments conducted here and in the USA have shown that frame models of the Platonic solids, made of copper wire, have a powerful harmonizing and activating effect on the chakras [ 63 ].

The selection of methods for influencing the chakras is carried out using the R-method using a phantom.

2.4. Energy-information zones on the head

One of the branches of modern oriental medicine (PRC) has studied energy-information zones on the head, which in modern reflexology are called craniopuncture zones [ 74 ]. These zones correspond to the projections of organs located on the surface of the cerebral cortex, and in the human etheric body they play the role of command control zones. In total, oriental medicine considered 18 zones. Proskurin V.V. three more zones were discovered [ 74 ]: 19, 20, 21. The connection of the zones with the energy channels they influence is presented in Table 2.

table 2. Connection between zones on the head and energy channels


Energy channels and their designation


Lungs (P)


Colon (GI)


Stomach (E)


Spleen-pancreas (RP)


Hearts (C)


Small intestine (IG)


Bladder (V) and kidneys (R)


Pericardium (MC)


Gallbladder (VB) and liver (F)

Year of issue: 2005

Genre: Alternative medicine

Format: DjVu

Quality: Scanned pages

Description: The book “Dowsing for Everyone” analyzes the basic teachings of different countries - from ancient times to the last word of modern science - on human health and pathology, which, through the multi-level model of the human body created by the author, are combined into a single system of practical application and adapted for modern man. Using the ancient method of radiesthesia (dowsing), taking into account modern knowledge, the model of the human body developed by the author provides clear ways of diagnosis and self-diagnosis, and most importantly, treatment and self-medication. The main postulate of ancient medicine “know yourself” finally acquires a concrete and substantiated embodiment.
Behind the external ease and simplicity of explanation of the main provisions lie fundamental problems of the structure of the universe, to which modern science is trying to answer (A. Einstein, 1925, G. I. Shipov, 1993, P. P. Garyaev, 1994) . Taking into account this knowledge, a system for diagnosing and treating L.G. was developed. Puchko.
Science knows that the main forms of the state of the Microcosm (human) and Macrocosm (Universe) are matter and energy. Microcosm, or a person, in addition to the physical or material body, also has an etheric (energy) body and five subtle bodies, which make up the structural framework of the physical body.
The connection of the material body, which includes nerve plexuses and brain centers that regulate all physical and mental processes in the body, with other bodies is carried out through a system of energy centers (chakras) and energy channels (meridians). In this process, active participants are consciousness (knowledge, thinking) and the subconscious (the totality of unconscious information from the surrounding world, personal hereditary information and prototypes). The volume of information perceived by the conscious mind is sharply limited (1.6 bits/sec), while the subconscious mind perceives almost all unconscious information (109 bits/sec).
Everything in the Universe emits and receives energy. Our subconscious, as a part of the Cosmos, also performs these functions. In other words, he knows everything about himself and, through the information channel, about the Universe.

The author, using the method he developed, proposes to receive this information about oneself from the subconscious using an ancient, simple, safe and most advanced method - radiesthesia using a pendulum, which is an indicator of supersensible perceptions of subconscious information, for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment.
A correctly used radiesthesia method has practically no boundaries for identifying the limitless possibilities of personal potential. The nature of the rad and aesthetic effect is currently not completely clear. The closest to its understanding is the microlepton theory of the staff of the Russian University of Traditional Medicine and Bio-Energy, which explains the reaction of the pendulum by the presence of microlepton radiation from all objects of the material world. (Microleptons are ultra-light, weakly interacting particles).
A person, using his energy body and subtle bodies, tunes into the object under study, enters into wave resonance (using holographic and soliton mechanisms), reading information through his traditional senses and second-order senses: clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance.
Of particular interest is the section devoted to the description of working with phantoms. Modern science is also trying to explain this phenomenon with the help of theoretical and experimental developments of holographic and soliton nature. (Soliton is a circular standing wave, holographic soliton is a stereoscopic standing wave).
It is known that the main source of information about the growth and development of a cell, tissue, or organism as a whole is chromosomes. Using the methods of linguistic genetics and mathematical linguistics, it has been revealed that the nucleotide sequences of chromosome DNA are speech-like structures that interact with human consciousness and speech.
The languages ​​of the genome (DN K chromosomes) and human speech have common roots and a universal grammar. It is assumed that the soliton field of DNA chromosomes can serve as a wave intermediary between the external codes of human speech and the internal codes of the chromosomal apparatus.
A version of the work of the genome with its inherent quasi-consciousness is accepted. It is shown that such a bio-computer has a holographic memory and, accordingly, the ability to generate and recognize images, a special case of which can be the “Word”. That is why a clear verbal formulation of settings is necessary when drawing up vibration series.
The author of the book “Dowsing for Everyone” reasonably proposes the use of contact between the subconscious and consciousness, carried out through the chromosomal apparatus, with the help of speech, which corresponds to the fundamental position of linguistic genetics.

The proposed methodology, developed by the author taking into account modern knowledge, is safe, effective, does not require a lot of time and money, and has a high degree of reliability. Almost every person has latent dowsing abilities, and with training and hard work you can develop these abilities to the maximum.
The radiesthesia method, applied according to the scheme described in this book, is capable of identifying pathological deviations of the body that are invisible and cannot yet be measured by other technical means, that is, it becomes possible to diagnose the condition of living organisms, and most importantly, restore the functions and structure of various organs, systems and the entire organism in in general.
The knowledge offered is extremely important and relevant.
The book “Dowsing for Everyone” is intended for doctors, biologists, scientists, as well as for everyone who wants to be healthy and happy.

"Dowsing for everyone"


Information-bioenergetic model of the etheric body. Structural connections. Psychobioenergetic homeostasis
The main bioenergetic links of the etheric body

  • 2.2.1. Energy channels (meridians) and interchannel connections
  • 2.2.2. Energy jams in channels and interchannel connections, leading to functional disorders in the human body. Meridian diagnostics. "Yin-yang" syndromes. Methods for eliminating traffic jams
Energy centers (chakras)
  • 2.3.1. Primary and secondary chakras
  • 2.3.2 Methods of controlling energy centers (chakras)
Energy information zones on the head
Self-regulation system
Infection is a mechanism for selecting energy in the etheric body. Seven radiation ranges for pathogens of infectious diseases
Macrocosm and Microcosm, their relationship. Basic cosmic laws
The concept of subtle bodies. The structure of subtle bodies, shape and connection between them
Classification of damage to thin bodies
Methods for eliminating damage to subtle bodies
  • Removing Aural Trauma Caused by Aural Entities
  • Elimination of alien energy structures (earthly spirits)
  • Elimination of Engrams
  • Eliminating programs
  • Elimination of violations of the shape of subtle bodies, structural connections and synchronization between them


Lung channel
Colon channel
Stomach channel
Spleen-pancreas channel
Heart channel
Small intestine channel
Bladder channel
Kidney channel
Pericardial canal (sexual canal)
Channel of three parts of the body
Gallbladder channel
Liver channel
Anteromedian canal
Postomedial canal
Description of the scheme of bioenergetic connections between channels (organs)
Bioenergetic massage (general scheme of massage of the external passage of energy channels)
Vacuum therapy
Massage of the internal passage of energy channels
Therapeutic and preventive massage according to the Do-In system
Methodology for radioesthetic detection of energy plugs and methods for eliminating them in channels
Removing energy jams by “turning on” consciousness
Determination by the R-method of the presence of energy in the chakras and energy “traffic jams” in chakra connections
Radiesthetic diagnostics of “miraculous” meridians
Radiesthetic diagnostics of internal organs using the iris of the eyes, the auricle, the soles of the feet and teeth
Points of intervention in emergency situations
Study of the human infectious plan using the P-method
Determination of poor quality food products (nitrate, radioactive, etc.). Identification of food allergens. Selection of drug dosage and choice of procedures
Determination of an individual diet for diseases of any organ
Determination of geopathogenic zones
Determination of adverse radiation from clothing, shoes, cosmetic creams, plants, paintings, etc.

Puchko Lyudmila Grigorievna (February 19, 1937 - October 24, 2010) - academician of the Russian and International Engineering Academies, candidate of technical sciences, radio physicist, specialist in space communication systems; She devoted about 40 years to studying the human body and developing methods of self-knowledge, self-diagnosis and self-healing.

In 2006, for the development of new approaches to (self-)diagnosis and (self-)healing of a person, the foundations of which are set out in the books “Dowsing for Everyone”, “Multidimensional Medicine” and “Radiesthetic Human Cognition”, the author was awarded the International Prize with a diploma “ Leader of Russia's economic development." He is a co-author of the “Method for dowsing diagnostics of object pathology”, for which a patent was issued in the Russian Federation.

Books (8)

Dowsing for everyone. System of self-diagnosis and self-healing of a person

The book outlines a system of (self) diagnostics and (self) healing of a person, developed by the author and which has no analogues in the world, based on the radioesthesia method (dowsing) and using all the most valuable from ancient oriental medicine, the achievements of modern medicine and fundamental science in general, the results research and practical experience of the author and his students.

Using this system, you can easily solve many practical problems, such as: is it possible to eat this or that product, wear this or that clothing, jewelry, use this or that cosmetics, build a house in a chosen place, how to arrange furniture safely for health in the home and office, etc.

Multidimensional medicine

New diagrams and symbols. Complete atlas.

This book by L.G. Puchko “Multidimensional medicine. New diagrams and symbols. Complete Atlas” opens up new opportunities for those who use the “Multidimensional Medicine” technique in their lives.

In the publication, the author has collected, systematized and corrected all the information necessary for full and effective work: the conceptual apparatus of Multidimensional Medicine, examples of fundamental principles, an algorithm for constructing vibration series, a complete set of diagrams of Multidimensional Medicine, etc.

The book presents for the first time new symbols (symbols of the pre-alphabet and crystal symbols), the use of which will help eliminate various problems, such as difficulties in interpersonal relationships, karmic “knots”, etc. The practical use of these symbols has shown their high effectiveness. The publication also contains a methodology for conducting an experiment developed by G.A. Nepokoichitsky to determine the accuracy of radiaesthesia work.

Multidimensional medicine in questions and answers

The book offered to the reader is devoted to the analysis of fundamentally new methods of healing a person from a wide variety of diseases, which can sometimes haunt a person for almost his entire life. Thanks to the huge number of letters from readers, the system of self-diagnosis and self-healing of a person developed by L.G. Puchko is constantly being improved and is becoming more and more accessible to many people.

Multidimensional man

Multidimensional man. A new highly effective algorithm for human self-healing and treatment of animals.

The book is devoted to fundamentally new methods of healing from the so-called incurable and intractable, chronic diseases that can haunt a person almost all his life.

Highly effective algorithms for (self-)diagnosis and (self-)healing of a person are based on the hypothesis that has existed since ancient times that, along with the physical body, all living beings also have “subtle” bodies. Thus, the author considers any living organism to be “multidimensional”. It is assumed that these bodies have radiation in the ultrahigh frequency range. Unfortunately, at present there is no technical equipment capable of carrying out measurements at these frequencies, so representatives of modern scientific medicine deny their existence.

L.G. Puchko suggests that it is in the “subtle” bodies of a person that the deep causes of diseases are located, without eliminating which it is impossible for a person to heal.

Radiesthetic cognition of man

“Radiaesthetic cognition of man. A system of self-diagnosis, self-healing and self-knowledge of a person.”

In addition to eliminating existing problems in the body, in his new book L. G. Puchko offers an algorithm for preventing the consequences of negative life situations, for example, family troubles, conflicts at work, etc.

Moreover, the author has developed an algorithm for optimizing connections between a person’s “Higher Self” and people around him, which will help avoid conflicts in society, defuse the tense atmosphere in the family and thereby prevent the very emergence of negative life situations that have such a detrimental effect on health.

This book can be a textbook for doctors of all specialties interested in alternative medicine, as well as for everyone who wants to become healthy and happy.

Human life and health in questions and answers of Multidimensional Medicine

The book “Human Life and Health in Questions and Answers of Multidimensional Medicine” is a collection of letters that combines two books: “Multidimensional Medicine in Questions and Answers” ​​and “Multidimensional Medicine. New questions and new answers."

This publication presents letters from people who have mastered the basics of Multidimensional Medicine. The authors of the letters talk about amazing cases of self-healing. Their algorithms for eliminating the most complex diseases are undoubtedly of great interest to creatively thinking followers of L.G. Puchko.

Multidimensional medicine

Multidimensional medicine. System of self-diagnosis and self-healing of a person.

Multidimensional medicine is a fusion of knowledge of Western and Eastern medicine, ancient and modern esoteric knowledge and agnostic experience of all major world religions, which made it possible to systematically describe the multidimensional structure of a person, consisting of seven bodies - a physical and a six-layer energy frame surrounding the physical body.

The author managed to develop an algorithm with the help of which, and using the radiesthesia method (dowsing), it is possible to identify in each person an individual recording matrix in the wave form of chronic diseases caused by underlying causes, and eliminate them using the method of vibration series, which has no analogues in the world.

The method is easy to use, safe, effective and recommended to anyone who wants to get rid of complex chronic diseases, regardless of the duration of the disease.

Multidimensional medicine. New questions and new answers

“Multidimensional medicine. New questions and new answers" is a continuation of the dialogue between the author and readers, which began in the first book in this series, "Multidimensional Medicine in Questions and Answers."

This publication contains many more letters where people who have mastered the basics of Multidimensional Medicine talk about amazing cases of self-healing. Their algorithms for eliminating the most complex diseases are undoubtedly of great interest to creatively thinking followers of L.G. Puchko. The author calls some of the letters from readers included in the new book “a goldmine of folk wisdom.”

Reader comments

Irena/ 04/26/2019 to tell a person about Higher matters, I lightly look at the Pythagorean numerical matrix... if a person came at the GROUNDING stage - me and my home - it is very ineffective to spend your energy on raising his vibration... yes, it is possible and dangerous.

Yasana/ 04/22/2019 Hello. Seven years ago I tried to study Lyudmila Puchko’s books, but apparently I wasn’t ready at that time. Now I’m rediscovering all this for myself, since I work in an alternative medicine clinic. Bio-resonance testing. For some, this seems dangerous. strange. Gentlemen, everything depends on the person’s readiness to absorb this knowledge and apply. everything in due time. Don't rush to conclusions.

Anna/ 02/14/2019 Half the street is doing it. Multidimensional medicine is a good idea and everything helps.

Julia/ 11/23/2018 Rain / 05/7/2018. Tell me the name of Puchko’s latest book, which talks about self-defense

Michael/ 11/19/2018 I haven’t read these books, I only became interested in this pseudoscience now - when my wife was admitted to a mental hospital after working on the methods of Puchko and Pavlov. Think ten times before doing this. And look at the photo/video - how Puchko herself looked, in my opinion, not very cool.

Leah/ 10/31/2018 It is written in the Book of Fundamentals: Each flesh awakens to heal itself.

Oksana/ 06/22/2018 An indicator that the country is beginning to get rid of the legacy of the 90s and restore a healthy society will be when these figures begin to be imprisoned. You should at least look at these figures, even in the videos of their seminars. And compare them at least with the notorious fitness trainers. These multidimensional people are clearly not healthy, both physically and mentally. And statements about prolonging youth from Puchko’s lips generally sound comical. Let's start with the fact that she looks terrible in every sense at the same seminars, and she also died before even the average age in Russia. But for those who cannot look or think, this noodle is apparently very suitable.

Konstantin/ 06/3/2018 Good Day - who works in KHARKOV - RESPOND. Otherwise it’s difficult to work on your own - write to --- ( [email protected]) .

Rain/ 05/07/2018 Everything is not as simple as it might seem. This is working with the elemental forces of the other world. The so-called elementals (not to be confused with elementaries). When you create a vibration. series with the help of a pendulum (a pendulum is just a tool, it is rotated by the Spirit, it can be pure or not, how to find out - Puchko writes in later books, this is very important), these elemental forces begin to work, precisely creating what was prescribed in the installation for the vibration row. Yes, the effect is amazing, it cannot fail to impress (although there are people whose pendulum does not “turn on”). But then what happens is that Puchko did not write in any of her books, but what Madame Blavatsky warns about: after vibration. series has been worked out, these elementals (ignorant in their essence) begin to rush chaotically at a terrible speed, thereby accelerating karma. And if earlier karma was extended over a long period, after that it begins to accelerate and a person may not be able to stand it, and that is why almost everyone starts the return of all diseases and the addition of new ones that I had not even thought about yet. She writes that only Adepts of magic (who can be listed on one hand) can provide protection from this, and we mere mortals are unprotected. That is, the phenomenon has been produced, but no one can say what will happen next. no panacea has yet been found. The adherents keep their secrets so well that on Everest, where they have their real home, it is impossible to pass, drive or fly, which is why it is considered the most dangerous in terms of the number of deaths. No one will be allowed to approach their habitat, except those chosen by them (like Blavatsky, for example). Therefore, I recommend using Puchko’s technique (only the latest books, in which she specifically talks about protection) if your relatives (not you yourself) , because it's useless) there is a psycho. diseases, including schizophrenia. This is very eff. a method to quickly and easily save you and your family from the suffering of obsession (you will see that schizophrenia is precisely the possession of unclean spirits that have attached themselves to the unclean thoughts of the owner), since it is in the case of psychosis. diseases of. Medicine and the church are almost powerless and it takes years and life. In other cases, only in the most dangerous cases. Good luck.

Elena/ 04/29/2018 Good afternoon! Please tell me! Are there specialists who have mastered this method from Rostov-on-Don?

Andor/ 02/19/2018 It’s difficult.. But it works.... Thank you for the knowledge...

Galina/ 02/06/2018 Well, why are you writing nonsense, the books are posted, at least open them. I’ve just started studying, my head is spinning, of course, there’s a lot of information, you can’t just grab it. For me, having gone through various practices but never having solved the main problems, this is a tool. Everything I have learned is confirmed in the book. But you have to learn to work according to the method, and this is your own tool for life.

Cat/ 10/27/2017 My mother also studied. I sat with a pendulum, they cut out some circles with swastikas, and burned something. In short, it ended badly. She began to fade away, stopped eating, did not eat for 15 days. I was forced to call a psychiatrist. They took it and pumped it out. Now it's normal. I don't have crazy ideas. An ordinary pensioner. Bakes pies. He communicates with his grandchildren. Conclusion: a person should not delve into pseudo-scientific areas. It might end badly.

Anna/ 10.26.2017 The method is unique and unparalleled. The most important thing is that you don’t need connections or a lot of money. Just hard work and the desire to become healthy! It really takes a lot of time, especially at first. IT'S WORTH IT! One of the advantages is that you can work out whenever and with whomever you want! You solve health problems for yourself, or your loved ones, or animals! Or better yet, with the people around you! Always freedom of choice! If you can’t do it, think carefully and read the forum materials. Theoretically, it should always be better; in principle, no one should be worse. Look for the reason within yourself. The author of the method is Puchko L.G. - a unique personality of our time! She gave an algorithm, and we can find its application in various fields. By the way, the technique works not only with health, but also with problems in other areas at the same time. THANK YOU so much Lyudmila Grigorievna!

Multidimensional medicine L.G. Puchko is a sensational healing technique using the capabilities that are inherent in every person. Find out more about unique methods of treating and diagnosing diseases that are accessible to everyone.

In the article:

Multidimensional medicine L.G. Puchko - what is it?

Multidimensional medicine L.G. The beam is an alloy Eastern alternative medicine and Western medical knowledge. Modern developments of esotericists from Europe and Asia also became part of the scientific base, on which five books were written about a unique treatment method without drugs and doctors. Besides, ancient records of alchemists and magicians methods found by the author also formed their basis.

Lyudmila Grigorievna Puchko

Before creating a technique called multidimensional medicine, L.G. Puchko studied and healing experience of all world religions. In almost every sacred place for a representative of a particular religion, not only cases of healing are described. Angels and other messengers of the Lord often gave people advice on the treatment of diseases and their prevention.

Multidimensional vibrational medicine L.G. The beam is based on the fact that a person consists of more than just a physical body that everyone can see. Besides it, there are six more subtle human bodies. Most authors believe that there are seven bodies, and the physical is the eighth. This number of subtle bodies is due to the number of chakras, of which there are seven. However, L.G. Puchko does not take this factor into account.

The subtle bodies of a person, the complex of which is the aura, create protection from energy attacks. This is a natural defense that every person has. It can protect both from illness and disease if it is strong enough for this. There are special techniques to enhance this protection.

In addition, the subtle bodies contain information about human diseases. According to the author of the method and many other specialists in alternative medicine, physical illnesses begin with diseases inside the subtle bodies. Diseases are recorded in the matrix in wave form, and Puchko’s technique is aimed at identifying and destroying them.

“Multidimensional medicine - a system of self-diagnosis and self-healing of a person” and other books by L.G. Puchko

L.G. Puchko “Dowsing for everyone. System of self-diagnosis and self-healing of a person (introduction to multidimensional medicine)"

The first book by L.G. Puchko became “Dowsing for everyone. System of self-diagnosis and self-healing of a person (introduction to multidimensional medicine)". It outlines the essence of the Puchko method, as well as the basic principles of the system of self-diagnosis and self-treatment. It contains the experience of the author and her students, as well as the results of medical research that confirm the effectiveness of the methods. In addition, other topics related to dowsing are touched upon - nutrition, the use of clothing and jewelry, the construction of houses and offices, as well as the arrangement of furniture in the house. to these matters can change a person’s life completely, as the author assures.

The first book was intended for physicians who are interested in alternative medicine, experienced healers, and biologists. But it is not forbidden to read it and learn healing techniques and representatives of other professions if there is a desire to be healthy and happy.

Multidimensional medicine - a system of human self-diagnosis and self-healing

The second book is called “Multidimensional medicine - a system of human self-diagnosis and self-healing”. It describes in more detail methods for diagnosing and treating diseases without using traditional principles of medicine. This book is perfectly adapted for perception by people who do not have experience in healing or medical education. It is dedicated specifically to the method of vibration series, which has no analogues.

Radiesthetic cognition of a person. System of self-diagnosis, self-healing and self-knowledge of a person

Puchko's third book - “Radiesthetic cognition of a person. System of self-diagnosis, self-healing and self-knowledge of a person". It is dedicated to working on optimizing one’s “I”, as well as eliminating negative life situations. Every conflict in the family or incident at work affects a person’s biofield. From this book by a famous author you can learn how to deal with this problem. The knowledge contained in it will help you establish relationships with people and learn to live without harm to yourself and others.

Multidimensional man. A new highly effective algorithm for human self-healing and animal treatment

The fourth book is called “Multidimensional man. A new highly effective algorithm for human self-healing and treatment of animals". Almost entirely it is devoted to new methods of treating chronic diseases. For the methods of treating L.G. outlined in the book. Puchko received an international award and a diploma “Leader of Economic Development of Russia.” Techniques have also been developed that are suitable for treating animals. Their essence remains the same - identification of diseases in the subtle bodies of a person and their treatment.

Multidimensional medicine in questions and answers

Puchko's fifth and so far last book - “Multidimensional medicine in questions and answers”. It is dedicated to answering questions from people who have read previous books. In addition, the book contains a detailed analysis of both human and animal diseases, as well as all existing methods of treating them - from traditional to non-traditional.

L.G. Puchko - dowsing for everyone

Set out in the books of L.G. Beam dowsing is available to everyone. Anyone can use the methods of this author. They are effective even in relation to chronic diseases, regardless of their duration.

Judging by the reviews, Puchko's books are somewhat difficult to understand. She introduced many new terms. You will have to understand these definitions if you want to recover without medications and trips to the clinic.

In addition, with the help of those outlined by L.G. You can get a bunch of principles pretty quickly. Working with it is both simple and complex at the same time. Technically, there are no difficulties, because to work with a pendulum you do not have to master the 78 meanings of Tarot cards or purchase expensive magical tools. On the other hand, it requires experience.

Puchko vibration series - method and its effectiveness

Chronic diseases have deeper nature than is commonly believed. They begin on the subtle plane of a person, and if they are not eliminated in time, diseases will turn into physical form. Each person has a recording matrix, which is arranged as individually as, for example, a fingerprint.

Diseases are recorded in the matrix of the human bioenergetic structure in wave form. To identify them, the radoesthesia method is used. Simply put, this is working with a pendulum, which is known to most people interested in fortune telling. Puchko’s vibration series are aimed at destroying diseases that were discovered using a pendulum.

Vibration series

Puchko's vibration series have their own classification. For example, there are protective vibration rows, corrective, liquidating, restorative and others. They differ from each other in their fundamental settings. The choice of a fundamental setting is where work with vibration rows begins. Installation example:

I create a vibration series that works only with me, according to the principle of “do no harm” to me and the surrounding living organisms, with radiation from the element of Fire, eliminating the program of hatred imposed by Irina in August 1980, which damaged the forward and reverse channels for controlling the central biocomputer (CBC) of the urinary system - at the cellular level, which caused back pain, and also eliminates all resonant pathologies remaining after the elimination of the main pathology.

To strengthen the vibrational range, you can add the power of the elements, for example, Fire, as described in the installation example. The Energy of Creation can only be used in extreme cases, since it is restored extremely slowly. You can set anything in the installation, for example, removing kidney stones. It may enhance medicinal herbs or medications you usually take.

After this, you can start working with the diagrams that are available in the books of L.G. Puchko. The vibration series is a set of symbols that must be determined using tables and other materials from the author. The combination of symbols creates a wave that erases the root cause of the disease at the wave level. To work with Puchko diagrams, you will need a pendulum, which you can either buy or make yourself.

The disease record may appear as a single wave or soliton. What is a soliton in multidimensional medicine? A holographic soliton is only a way to record a disease. Working with it is no different from working with a single wave. Soliton moves throughout the body, causing many symptoms that appear in different parts of the body. The wave is tied to a specific part of the human body.

Principles of working with a pendulum according to Puchko

According to Puchko, pendulum is the main tool for creating a vibration series that treats diseases, as well as diagnosing people, animals and even premises and consumer products. Mastering it is not as difficult as it might seem. However, you should not overdo it with persistence; at first, do not engage in diagnostics with a pendulum for more than half an hour.

Lyudmila Puchko

From the publisher
From the author
Part one. Multilevel model of the human body
Chapter 1. Seven bodies (seven vibration ranges) of man. A system of self-diagnosis and self-healing inherent in human nature
Physical body
Etheric (energy) body
Subtle bodies (astral, intuitive, causal, mental, spiritual)
Chapter 2. Etheric (energy) body
2.1. Information-bioenergetic model of the etheric body. Structural connections. Psychobioenergetic homeostasis

2.2.2. Energy jams in channels and interchannel connections, leading to functional disorders in the human body. Meridian diagnostics. "Yin-yang" syndromes. Methods for eliminating traffic jams
2.3. Energy centers (chakras)
2.3.1. Primary and secondary chakras
2.3.2 Methods of controlling energy centers (chakras)
2.4. Energy-information zones on the head
2.5. Self-regulation system
2.6. Infection is a mechanism for selecting energy in the etheric body. Seven ranges of radiation from pathogens of infectious diseases
Chapter 3. Five subtle bodies
3.1. Macrocosm and Microcosm, their relationship. Basic cosmic laws
3.2 The concept of subtle bodies. The structure of subtle bodies, shape and connection between them
3.3. Classification of damage to thin bodies
3.4. Methods for eliminating damage to subtle bodies
3.4.1. Removing Aural Trauma Caused by Aural Entities
3.4.2. Elimination of alien energy structures (earthly spirits)
3.4.3. Elimination of Engrams
3.4.4. Eliminating programs
3.4.5. Elimination of violations of the shape of subtle bodies, structural connections and synchronization between them
Chapter 4. System diagnostics. An algorithm for detecting and eliminating the causes of damage to all seven human bodies. Connection with the subconscious
Chapter 5. Numerical, geometric and composite vibration series
Chapter 6. Graphic numerological mandala - a way to configure the subconscious for radiaesthetic work
Chapter 7. Physical body. Diagnosis of organic disorders and methods for their elimination
Part two. Radiesthetic method of restoring health
Chapter 8. Radiesthetic effect and working with a pendulum
Chapter 9. Practical methods of radioesthesia research of energy channels and influence on them
9.1. Lung channel
9.2. Colon channel
9.3. Stomach channel
9.4. Spleen-pancreas channel
9.5. Heart channel
9.6. Small intestine channel
9.7. Bladder channel
9.8. Kidney channel
9.9. Pericardial canal (sexual canal)
9.10. Channel of three parts of the body
9.11. Gallbladder channel
9.12. Liver channel
9.13. Anteromedian canal
9.14. 3rd medial canal
9.15. Description of the scheme of bioenergetic connections between channels (organs)
9.16. Bioenergetic massage (general scheme of massage of the external passage of energy channels)
9.17. Vacuum therapy
9.18. Massage of the internal passage of energy channels
9.19. Therapeutic and preventive massage according to the Do-In system
9.20. Methodology for radioesthetic detection of energy plugs and methods for eliminating them in channels
9.21. Removing energy jams by “turning on” consciousness
9.22. Determination by the R-method of the presence of energy in the chakras and energy “traffic jams” in chakra connections
9.23. Radiesthetic diagnostics of “miraculous” meridians
9.24. Radiesthetic diagnostics of internal organs using the iris of the eyes, the auricle, the soles of the feet and teeth
9.25. Points of intervention in emergency situations
9.26. Study of the human infectious plan using the P-method
Chapter 10. Other areas of practical application of the p-method
10.1. Determination of poor quality food products (nitrate, radioactive, etc.). Identification of food allergens. Selection of drug dosage and choice of procedures
10.2. Determination of an individual diet for diseases of any organ
10.3. Determination of geopathogenic zones
10.4. Determination of adverse radiation from clothing, shoes, cosmetic creams, plants, paintings, etc.
Chapter 11. Experience in using the radiesthesia method in medical practice
About the possibilities of the R-method, which I use in medical practice

One of the most advanced integrative techniques - holotropic breathing or pneumocatharsis was created by the American scientist S. Grof ["" "14" 14], who, developing the doctrine of psychotrauma, introduced the concept of a condensed system experience (SKO) - a pathological stable formation in our unconscious, arising around the initial psychotrauma. Even when realized, COEX system still cannot be consciously controlled and continues to actively influence our psyche (subtle bodies), deforming and blocking our behavior. The destruction and annihilation of such COEX systems is a necessary condition for the healing of the psyche, the awakening of its deep reserves, and work with the subtle world. Subsequently, a new generation of integrative techniques was created, which are a further development of pneumocatharsis ["" "40" 40, "" "63 " 63].
All of the listed methods of both the first and second groups, aimed at restoring the subtle bodies, are, as a rule, complex, far from safe, absolutely unacceptable for independent practical use and not very effective.
At the same time, there is an ingeniously simple method, known to mankind since ancient times, with the help of which any person who does not have extrasensory sensitivity, using the modern level of knowledge about the multi-level structure of a person, can, on the one hand, discover the diagnostic system inherent in the very nature of man, and, using it, independently detect damage in all of their bodies, that is, find out the cause-and-effect relationships of their diseases: on the other hand, using the same system, eliminate the damage found, without resorting to the most complex ancient Eastern and modern Western methods, which, we repeat, are far from safe and not very effective in practical use.
What kind of method is this? This is the so-called radiesthesia method, better known as dowsing. The term "radiesthesia", translated into Russian, means "sensation of waves, vibrations."
What is the essence of this method?
It is known that all objects of the living and inanimate world emit, but the sensation from receiving these radiations in the form of heat, cold, tingling, etc. organically inherent only in extrasensory gifted people. However, according to American statistics, there are few such people: only 2-4%.
Biologically, the average person does not physically feel radiation from surrounding objects. In other words, the radiation reception system inherent in human nature has a threshold level, and the received level of radiation from surrounding objects for a biologically average person is below the threshold level of his biological system, and therefore the biologically average person does not experience any physical sensations. However, in approximately 25% of biologically average people, when tuning (focusing attention) on a certain object and receiving radiation from it, an ideomotor act is spontaneously formed and, if this person has a frame, pendulum, vine or just a flyer in his hands, then it begins to rotate . This is the so-called radiaesthetic effect, known to mankind since the 8th century BC. It is this figure that dates back to the rock paintings depicting the figure of a man holding a vine in his hands.
The radiaesthetic effect was known on all continents to various peoples, ranging from the Polynesians, Peruvians, Indians and ending with the Egyptians, Persians, Romans, Greeks, Druids, Slavs, etc. It was used by different segments of the population, ranging from emperors, kings, kings, priests and ending mining workers, for various purposes. Thus, historical facts are known when the radiesthetic method was used by King Solomon, Catherine II, the father of the reformer of the Catholic Church Martin Luther, who was a mining worker ["" "41" 41, "besu" "42" 42, "" "65" 65]. M. Lomonosov, I.-V. were interested in the radiaesthetic phenomenon. Goethe and other outstanding personalities. By the highest order of Catherine II, the symbol of radiesthesia - the vine - was introduced into the coat of arms of the city of Petrozavodsk.
Dowsers (in modern terminology, radiesthesists, dowsers, or simply operators) used the radiesthesia effect when searching for minerals, water, missing people, etc. It is known that in Germany more than 60% of the mining deposits were found by radioesthetists ["" "41" 41]. In Saudi Arabia, radioesthetists have already found in our time sources of water in the Arabian Desert, and thus rejected the expensive “project of the century”, according to which, in order to irrigate the Arabian deserts, it was proposed to melt the ice of the Arctic Ocean and transport this water to the deserts through specially laid pipes.
At the end of the 19th century, the P-method began to be used for the first time in Germany for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes ["" "41" 41]. The best diagnosticians were considered to be doctors who knew the R-method. This method was proposed to be introduced into training at medical institutes, but when it was introduced into teaching practice, it was discovered that only a quarter of students could master the R-method. For the rest, the pendulum or frame did not rotate, which indicated a lack of reception of radiation ["" "41" 41, "" "65" 65].
The theory of radiesthesia was absent, but this did not prevent the Germans from seriously using the R-method in practice, and Germany can rightfully be called the birthplace of the second birth of radiesthesia. It was in Germany that for the first time in the 20s of this century the P-method began to be used to detect geopathogenic zones, it was in Germany that the so-called “cancerous” houses (houses located in geopathogenic zones, as a result of which living in them led to cancer) ) and it was in Germany that companies producing various protective materials against geopathogenic radiation first began to be organized. It is not surprising that it was in Germany that the R-method was first introduced in the world into the practice of medical clinical examinations of patients, individual selection of medications, medicines, herbs, etc. for them. Currently, the R-method is used in clinics in England and France ["" "31" 31, "" "41 " 41].
It is known that the sensation of waves is inherent in all living organisms on Earth (plants, animals, insects, fish, etc.). Of course, it is inherent in every person. But its manifestation in a biologically average person (with the exception of operators) is not registered due to the fact that, as mentioned above, the received level of radiation in a biologically average person lies below the sensitivity threshold of his biological system: it is, as it were, a subthreshold level.
The question arises whether it is possible to increase the sensitivity of the reception in some artificial way, and then the radiaesthetic effect could be recorded in any person who is far from extrasensory abilities. Such a technique has been found, and it consists in selecting the metal of the pendulum. It has been empirically proven that five metals - aluminum, copper, titanium, brass, bronze - can increase the sensitivity of radiation reception in a biologically average person. With the correct choice of one of these metals, which can be done using a very simple technique outlined below, any biologically average person in almost 15 minutes can discover the ability to receive radiation, discovering a radiaesthesia effect. The radiesthetic effect can be detected in almost 95-98% of people. The exception is people with a large number of foreign energy structures (damage in the aura), in whom, before awakening the radioesthesia effect, it is necessary to clear the aura of these structures.
A person armed with the R-method is able to effectively and simply, without resorting to the most complex spiritual psychotraining used in Eastern systems and far from safe for a person with an unprepared consciousness, and without the use of complex integrative Western techniques, to accomplish the following:
1. Explore the true structure of a person, consisting of seven bodies (vibration ranges), using knowledge that has come to us from time immemorial and formed the basis of ancient and modern eastern medicine (Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Indo-Tibetan branches).
In this book, the author, based on the systematization of the knowledge of eastern medicine, which is quite scattered across various eastern systems, managed to create a unified multi-level model of the human body, within the framework of which any person proficient in the P-method can conduct research on his body using systemic diagnostics, the concept of which first introduced in this publication.
2. Investigate damage to subtle bodies (borderline astral (emotional), mental (mental), karmic, spiritual and emotional states). Find the causes of damage to the subtle bodies (programs induced by other people; self-programming; engrams; entities in the aura; karmic reasons, etc.).
3. Eliminate damage to all seven bodies, without again resorting to the most complex techniques developed in Eastern systems and alien and not safe for us, who were born on the canonical territory of Christianity and feed spiritually and mentally from the Christian egregor.
4. Preventively protect yourself from a polluted mental and physical environment (remove programs, protect yourself from suppressive personalities, unfavorable environments), using numerical and geometric symbolism of vibrations as part of the esoteric teachings that have been revealed to us in recent years and have received a radiophysical interpretation at the level of modern knowledge.
Methodology for selecting individual geometric and numerical symbols, developed by Peremykina L.A. together with the author, is original and published for the first time. (In the West, the methodology for compiling the so-called numerical codes ["" "13" 13] is a trade secret). The author considered it possible to publish this material, taking into account the difficult situation in which modern people have found themselves, who have been under the yoke of atheism for a long time with its vulgar materialistic interpretation of the world around them and the complete denial of the subtle world, which is as real as the material world and greatly influences on the spiritual and mental sphere of man.
Preventive protection from a polluted physical environment includes the ability to choose, using the R-method, food, shoes, clothing, household items that do not have harmful radiation, herbs, medicines, individually selected for our body, so individual and so unprotected. (At the time when the manuscript was in print, in the newspaper “Eternal Life”, No. 4, 1995, a message appeared that our compatriot E.Ya. Meltsev, for the first time in the world, managed to obtain a patent (No. 2021749) for the determination by dowsing method interaction of plant and human energies.)
5. Practically fight latent (“dormant”), slow (sluggish) infections, being able to select exactly the means (herbs, minerals, geometric and numerical symbols, etc.) that specifically kill infections and neuroinfections.
The ancient method of radiesthesia, combined with modern knowledge of the structure and function of the human body as an integral biological system, as well as with the experience accumulated by humanity over thousands of years, can rightfully be called the radiaesthesia phenomenon of the 20th century.
The fundamentals of the radiaesthetic method of studying the structure and function of the body as a single biological system are presented in the first part of the book. The second part describes in sufficient detail practical techniques for mastering the R-method, which are accessible, in fact, to every person.

Part one

Chapter 1
“Know yourself,” the ancient sages suggested, believing that knowing yourself is the highest knowledge that a person should strive for. Naturally, the process of knowing oneself does not come down to groundless and fruitless self-examination in one’s own feelings, which can end in a painful state for a person. By the process of self-knowledge, the ancient sages understood the knowledge of the true structure of a person, which makes it possible to comprehensively reveal the individual “I”.
What are the sources of knowledge of this human structure? There are three of them.
The first source is religious experience. All seven world religions (Christianity, Buddhism, Zen Buddhism (Japan), Taoism (China), Hinduism, Islam, Judaism) are united in their understanding of human structure. Man is the creation of God, he was created in the image and likeness of God, and consists of three parts: the physical body, soul and spirit. There is no discrepancy between religious denominations in understanding the purpose of the constituent parts of man. The spirit is given to man for the pursuit of knowledge of God, merging with the Divine; soul - for self-knowledge, self-improvement; the physical body with its inherent sensory organs - for understanding the surrounding world. Deviation from a person’s destiny is punished by numerous diseases.
So, a person is a physical body, soul and spirit.
The second source is introverted knowledge. What it is?
At all times, there have been people who, using natural channels of intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, spiritual psychotraining, elements of meditation, insight, could gain knowledge about the true structure of man. Pieces of introverted knowledge obtained at different times formed the basis of spiritual schools and directions. These are, first of all, all schools of Eastern and Western esotericism - schools of yoga, Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Sufism, Theosophy, Anthroposophy, occultism, the Pythagorean school, monuments of ancient Greek mysticism and others.
It would seem that introverted knowledge contains elements of subjectivity and is therefore not reliable. However, confirmation of the existence of an objective principle in this knowledge is that, firstly, this knowledge, obtained in different eras, by different people living on different continents, coincides with each other, and in significant moments often complement each other, describing a person with different sides; secondly, repeatability and reproducibility of the results of the experiments.
Human thought has not stood still, and over many generations, methods and techniques have been developed to simplify the acquisition of this knowledge. At the moment, any average operator, and upon mastering the R-method, the description of which this book is devoted to, any biologically average person who does not have the gift of clairvoyance, can view all the structural elements of his body and for this he does not need to fall into a trance or resort to complex spiritual psychotraining, as was done in the ancient East. And finally, thirdly, the elements of introverted knowledge are confirmed by modern theoretical discoveries in the field of fundamental physics ["" "69" 69], but more on that later.
What is the human structure in the light of introverted knowledge? As noted above, these are seven bodies, of which the densest (physical body) is a frame on which, like nesting dolls, six other bodies or shells are strung, which we experience differently in everyday life.
Bodies in various spiritual schools of the East and West have different names; the general terminology here has not yet been established. Therefore, this book will present the most commonly used terminology ["" "33" 33]: physical, ethereal (energy), astral (emotions), intuitive (spiritual), causal (karmic), containing the experience of past reincarnations, mental (thoughts), spiritual (the “I” itself). The sequence of the arrangement of bodies and their connection with human energy centers differ in different publications. To get around this difficulty, some authors ["besu.boom. ru/apteka/biookazia/iteratura.htm" "33" 33] propose that the last four subtle bodies belonging to the mental category be designated by the numbers M, M2, MZ, M4 "" "26" (see Fig. 26).
In Christianity, the concept of the spiritual shell (intuitive body) has a broader meaning. In the descriptions of the Holy Fathers ["" "24" 24], the soul is a feeling and understanding substance, that is, in our interpretation, it is an integral shell, including the astral and mental bodies . In addition, in the teachings of the early Christian Gnostics ["" "46" 46] the soul included the experience of past incarnations, that is, the karmic shell.
In accordance with the cosmogonic concept ["" "9" 9], all seven human bodies are seven shells, seven vibration ranges (seven states of matter), each of which is divided into seven subbands.
So, the human structure is seven bodies (shells) having seven ranges of vibrations (seven states of matter).
The third source is fundamental science. Until 1993, she could use mathematical equations to describe only four states of matter - solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma, that is, the composition of the physical body. The study of phenomenal human abilities, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, etc., forced physicists to create concepts and hypotheses about the existence of some fields unknown to physics. The most widespread concept is Okhatrin-Istskhakov ["" "15" 15] about the existence of so-called microleptonic holograms around a person. In accordance with this concept, biologically active points (BAP) on the human body emit particles (microleptons) that are smaller than an electron. With the help of microlepton fields, a person interacts with other people and the world around him. And the very fact of interaction was even recorded using a device created by Okhatrin. However, this semi-quantitative, semi-qualitative theory, of course, could not satisfy fundamental science. And in 1993, our compatriot G.I. Shipov (Russia has not yet become depleted of talents!) based on the geometrization of Einstein’s equations, a fundamental physical theory was created ["" "69" 69], which was able to describe three more states of matter, giving the opportunity to describe now all seven human bodies. The fifth state of matter is a physical vacuum or ether, which allows us to describe the human etheric body. The sixth state is supra-vacuum: these are torsion fields or torsion fields, which make it possible to describe our subtle bodies (astral and three mental bodies). The seventh state is Absolute “NOTHING”, from which “EVERYTHING” flows, which allows us to describe our spiritual body, the existence of energy entities in space and explain many facts obtained from religious experience.
The new paradigm of G.I. Shipov is difficult to overestimate. His fundamental theory, which has received international recognition, not only makes it possible to explain many religious and esoteric ideas about man and higher spiritual beings, but also makes the first attempt to combine the knowledge of religion and science into one holistic picture of the world.
The theoretical development of a description of the seven human bodies, built on the basis of the fundamental Shipov-Einstein equations, will undoubtedly be done by the next generation of physicists and biophysicists.
Let us consider in detail what each of the seven human bodies represents.
What do we know about the physical body? The privilege of studying the physical body belongs to Western European science, which studied the composition, structure, structure of the organs of the physical body in a difficult struggle with the dogmas of the medieval church. Let us recall that the medieval Christian church banned the study of the physical body, declaring the flesh sinful. It is known that the Christian Church went through seven dark periods in its history, including the medieval Inquisition, when Christians destroyed Christians, knowledge and books were destroyed ["" "70" 70]. Therefore, every discovery of Western European science was considered almost an epoch-making event, for example, the discovery of blood circulation.
Having experienced the euphoria of the first discoveries, Western European science came to the incorrect conclusion that man is just a collection of physical and chemical atoms and molecules, and nothing exists except the physical body. Let us recall Cabanis’s famous statement that the brain secretes thoughts in the same way as the liver secretes bile. Later he abandoned this concept, recognizing the theory of vitalism (vital energy), but this concept still finds its followers.
How did Western European science study the physical body? It’s very simple: she divided it into organs and systems and created institutes to study them - the institute of the brain, eye, urology, gastroenterology, etc. With this division into parts, the most important thing that makes the body a system was thrown out - these are the information and energy connections that exist between the organs, which represent nothing more than the second, etheric or energetic body. It is in it that, when the circulation of energy is disrupted, numerous functional disorders are born, which Western European science, creating cybernetic models for individual organs without their connection with other organs, has not learned to diagnose, having at its disposal perfect diagnostic instruments, such as, for example, a tomograph, the creation of which awarded the Nobel Prize, let alone treat, creating perfect chemical preparations.
The privilege of studying the second body (etheric or energetic) belongs to various branches of Eastern medicine: Indo-Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese and others. Eastern medicine did not analyze the functioning of the organs themselves. The main attention in Eastern medicine was paid to the circulation of vital energy, which was called Chi or Qi among the Chinese, Ki among the Japanese, and Prana among the Indians. It was believed that if energy circulates correctly and the energy balance is maintained (bioenergetic homeostasis), then the organs will never get sick, since they feed on this vital energy, and adequate energy nutrition allows the organs to remain healthy.
Different branches of Eastern medicine studied different energy parts of the etheric body. Thus, the Indo-Tibetan branch was primarily engaged in studying the processes of accumulation and transformation of vital energy in energy centers (chakras), developing recommendations for conserving energy in them and proper circulation of energy along the main energy highway - the spine (Sushumna) and two side highways (Ida and Pingale nadi ). Indo-Tibetan medicine knew 64,000 small channels through which vital energy circulates. The discovery of new small channels and the search for methods of influencing them for therapeutic purposes continues to this day (Korean branch - Su Jok).
The Chinese branch of oriental medicine discovered biologically active points (BAP) on the human body, which, when connected in a certain sequence, form channels (meridians) through which vital energy circulates. Chinese medicine studied 14 main channels or meridians. Almost all of them, with the exception of the posterior-median, anterior-median and meridian of the three heaters, have the name of the organ to which the energy is supplied: the channel of the lungs, colon, stomach, spleen-pancreas, heart, small intestine, bladder, pericardium (sexual ), gallbladder, liver.
All channels are energetically connected to each other. Disruption of the free circulation of energy (formation of an energy “plug”) in channels or interchannel connections leads to numerous functional disorders, the study of which has made it possible to draw up a set of rules (“Yin-Yang” syndromes - lack or excess of energy), according to which a diagnosis can be made and only after that, begin to treat, that is, to establish the circulation of energy in the channels.
The Japanese branch of Oriental medicine thoroughly studied the flow of energy in temporary biological circuits, the so-called eight “miraculous” meridians, which are formed when the circulation of energy in any channel is disrupted, and continued the study of “miraculous” meridians (energy pools), combining these concepts with the concept chakras A new direction has been created in the Japanese branch - Aku Yoga, which is based on the concepts of “wonderful” meridians, the initial information about which appeared in ancient Chinese medicine, and chakras, which were first described in the Indo-Tibetan branch.
Finally, one of the branches of modern oriental medicine (PRC) has thoroughly studied the command energy-information zones on the head, the disruption of which causes diseases of central origin.
Since the knowledge acquired by different branches of Eastern medicine was secret for many centuries, remaining the privilege of those close to the Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese emperors and yogic teachings, they, of course, were not exported to the West (with the exception of some fragmentary information) until the 50s our century, when for the first time the etheric body was photographed by our compatriots - the Kirlian spouses using high-frequency photography methods. Therefore, when studying Eastern medicine, the lack of a systematic approach in descriptions of the etheric (energy) body is clearly visible.
The author of this book offers a systematic presentation of knowledge scattered across different branches of Eastern medicine, within the framework of the model of the etheric (energy) body he created, the description of which is devoted to the sections of the first part of the book.
Various yogic systems are devoted to the description of subtle bodies ["" "29" 29, "" "33" 33, "besu" "63" 63]. In accordance with introverted knowledge, each subtle body has its own functional purpose, its own shape, structure, a detailed description of which is given below. There are structural connections between subtle bodies. In addition, each subtle body has its own biorhythm of work, synchronized with the biorhythms of the other subtle bodies. The connection is visible not only between the five subtle bodies, but also between the etheric body and all subtle bodies. At the same time, the etheric body, through its energy centers (chakras), supplies the main building material (vibrations) for the life of all subtle bodies. Hence the huge role of the etheric body in maintaining the general psycho-bioenergetic homeostasis of a person, and it is the etheric body that plays the leading role in maintaining human health.
Subtle bodies can be damaged in the same way as the etheric and physical bodies. The shape and structure of subtle bodies may be disrupted, and there may be a failure in the synchronization of the work of all bodies. Negative emotions to which a person is subject, if they become stable, can attract (in accordance with cosmic law, which is discussed in more detail below), similar vibrations from space, and then a whole network of damage is created in the form of existence in the aura (the totality of all subtle bodies) of a person - aural entities, in the etheric body - ethereal entities that lead to numerous mental (overt, hidden and borderline) disorders and psychosomatic diseases.
Damage to the subtle bodies can occur in humans starting from the prenatal (uterine) period ["" "64" 64]. Already at the cellular level, there is a recording of all negative sensations and the accompanying background (physical pain, words of surrounding people, sound, etc.), which subsequently create damage to the subtle bodies.
These records on the track of the entire temporary living space are stored in the human subconscious. A data bank is also stored here about damages that came from past incarnations of a person, which in the future can lead to karmic diseases. The record of damage, stored at the bottom of the subconscious, is the basis of the diagnostic system inherent in human nature itself. Each person can diagnose himself if he learns to communicate with his subconscious and extract from there information about the damage to all his bodies.
There are many different ways to communicate with the subconscious mind that were mentioned earlier. The simplest, most effective and accessible to every biologically average person who is not endowed with the gift of clairvoyance, clairaudience, spirit vision, etc., is the R-method, the description of which is the subject of this book.
In addition to the diagnostic system, nature has endowed each person with the ability to self-heal, laying in him a system for receiving radiation from all objects of the living and inanimate world surrounding a person. Using very simple techniques described in this book, any biologically average person can discover in themselves a system for receiving radiation, manifested in the appearance of an ideomotor act that ensures the fixation of the radiaesthetic effect.
And then something fantastic begins, but it has a real basis and gives the opportunity for self-healing to any person who has mastered the radiaesthetic method.
It turns out that for self-healing you can use a phantom, by which we will further understand the energy-informational display of various organs and systems of the human body in the figure. The creation of a phantom is very simple: just place a finger, a photograph, or a tuft of the patient’s hair on a drawing depicting the organ or system being studied, and an energy-informational connection is immediately created between this patient and the drawing.
When using a photograph or a tuft of hair, you must attach a piece of paper indicating the date of the examination if the photograph or tuft of hair refers to a different point in time.
By smoothly moving the pendulum along the pattern and carefully observing its rotation, in other words, performing dowsing with your gaze (torsion fields), you can immediately determine damage in any system of the patient’s body by changing the direction of rotation of the pendulum.
Having found the damage, the patient, using the system diagnostic algorithm given in the chapter “System Diagnostics,” clearly formulates the name of the reasons that caused this damage in the body system under study. In this case, with the help of words, a connection is established between the patient’s consciousness and subconscious. When the cause of damage to the system is precisely determined, the pendulum begins to rotate, as if over a healthy organ. All causes of damage are classified by the author. Further, by consciously selecting known means used in traditional and alternative medicine (they may include prayers, herbal medicine, running, bioenergetic massage, hydrotherapy, a vibration series, discussed in detail below, medications, etc.), the patient unmistakably according to the corresponding rotation The pendulum finds the optimal means to eliminate damage in the system under study. Next, the dose is determined in the same way. Here again the connection between consciousness and the subconscious is used through oral speech. The subconscious knows and remembers everything.
Particularly noteworthy is the fantastic effect that we get by using the geometric and numerical symbolism of vibrations to eliminate damage to the subtle bodies of a person, that is, damage lying in the mental sphere of a person. First of all, let us define what the geometric and numerical symbolism of vibrations is. In accordance with cosmic laws, as noted above, everything vibrates, everything radiates. It turns out that all the vibrational flows of the zodiacal constellations, planets, cosmic rays, letters, numbers, geometric figures, etc. are possible. display as geometric and numeric symbols. It is known ["" "3" 3] that symbolic language (especially the language of geometric figures) is a universal language created by nature itself. It was described in secret esoteric teachings and known to the Initiates.
If images belong to the astral world, then symbols belong to the subtle causal world (the world of cause-and-effect relationships), and, using geometric and numerical symbolism, we purposefully go out to eliminate damage to all human bodies, having precisely identified the cause of these damages. With the help of the subconscious, using the R-method, we select the symbol or set of symbols that will provide the necessary spectrum of radiation to solve the problem set by the consciousness (for example, to eliminate damage in the astral body). If the set of symbols chosen by the subconscious mind represents only numbers, this is a numerical vibration series. If only geometric symbols are present, we have a geometric vibration series. If, in addition to numbers, there are geometric signs or images of humans, animals, plants, etc., a composite vibration series is obtained.
As soon as you put a dot after the last symbol found, the vibration series chosen by the subconscious begins to work, and (lo and behold!) your entire mental sphere immediately begins to change, eliminating everything that interferes with your harmonious life: various depressive states, negative thoughts, etc. .d. With the help of vibration series, you can cope, for example, with alcoholism, without resorting to the terrifying method of sewing in ampoules; with smoking; with self-programming (daily obsessive, joyless thoughts), etc. A vibratory series of geometric and numerical symbols works if the patient’s subconscious has agreed to get rid of alcoholism, smoking, etc. With the help of vibration series, you can cope with any aural and etheric entities, with any program induced from the outside, for example, popularly known as the “evil eye”, “damage”.
Vibrational series were created by Light High Creative cosmic entities. Currently, this knowledge has opened up for modern man as an aid in his fight against disease and evil. The human subconscious knows what spectrum of radiation it needs to eliminate this or that damage to the body. This is the essence of the self-healing system. inherent in human nature itself.
The difference between the proposed P-method of restoring the human body from various non-traditional methods (extrasensory, the use of R.G. Shakaev’s modules ["" "53" 53], methods of traditional medicine, etc. d.) consists of finding the underlying cause of the damage and determining the appropriate individual method of healing using the system of receiving radiation inherent in human nature itself.
In accordance with cosmic laws, formulated 8000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ by Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice Great Hermes) and mostly confirmed by modern science, every cause has its effect, every effect has its cause. Without finding the cause, there can be no healing, but only the effect can be eliminated, that is, temporary relief is obtained.
Therefore, we invite the reader to plunge into the world of his own “I” and learn the true structure of his body. At the same time, you can easily detect all damage in your body using the R-method, and also eliminate them by selecting individual healing methods. To this end, we will take a deeper look at all human bodies, their structure, possible damage and methods for eliminating them. Let us first consider the etheric body, the normal state of which plays a fundamental role in maintaining health.
Chapter 2
2.1. Information-bioenergetic model of the etheric body. Structural connections. Psychobioenergetic homeostasis.
The etheric body is a self-regulating and self-healing information-bioenergetic system. Eastern wisdom says: “The human body contains everything necessary for its complete healing.”
The ethereal body consists of the following structural units, each of which performs a specific function ("" "1" (Fig. 1)):
- energy inputs,
- energy centers (chakras),
- bioenergetic centers of the brain and spinal cord - command control panels associated with certain areas on the head,
- self-regulation apparatus,
- energy channels (meridians),
- energy consumers (organs and subtle bodies),
- waste energy outputs.
Energy inputs are the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, feet, biologically active points, chakras, Sushumna (the central energy highway running along the spine), Ida and Pingala nadi (two lateral energy highways parallel to the spine and ending in the right and left nostril, respectively) .
Light energy enters through the eyes, sound energy through the ears, air energy through the nose, radiation energy from the Earth through the feet, cosmic energy through the BAT, chakras, sushumna, ida and pingala nadi.
The ancestral (hereditary) energy received from ancestors, even before the birth of a person, accumulates in the kidneys and spreads through the meridian of the three heaters, determining the hereditary traits of the body.
All this variety of energies, having entered the body, is transformed into a single form, which received the conventional name of bioenergy, and is then addressed strictly to its consumers. Through Sushumna, Ida and Pingala nadi, bioenergy primarily enters the bioenergy centers of the brain and spinal cord (command control panels). Passing through the central energy highway, energy is not only transformed, but also accumulates in energy centers (chakras). According to classical Indo-Tibetan medicine, there are seven of them. In accordance with modern introverted data, their number is much larger and amounts to 18 [ "" "1" 1, "" " 72" 72]. In the chakras, the reception and transformation of primary cosmic energy into the energy of other vibrations that feed the subtle bodies also occurs. Each chakra is connected to its own subtle body and supplies it with building material (vibrations) for normal life. This shows the enormous role of the chakras as receivers, accumulators and converters of energy. It is clear that all the efforts of Indo-Tibetan medicine were aimed at learning to control the chakras and maintain energy balance in them. For this purpose, a whole arsenal of means of influencing the chakras was developed: sounds, colors, microelements, asanas, breathing exercises, graphic mandalas, etc. All methods of influencing and controlling chakras are discussed in detail in the section “Energy centers (chakras)”.
The energy accumulated in the chakras is further distributed through 14 central channels (meridians) and a network of small channels (there are 64,000 of them) to the organs, nourishes them, and then the waste energy is dissipated into the surrounding space diffusely (from the surface of the body) or locally, for example, through the eyes.
The distribution of energy through 14 main channels was studied by the ancient Chinese branch of oriental medicine. She developed a set of rules that identify violations of the free circulation of energy, which formed the basis for meridian diagnostics, the essence of which will be described below.
The golden contribution of ancient Chinese medicine to the study of the human body can safely be considered the discovery of energy connections between channels, and therefore between organs, something that is completely absent in Western medicine. These connections are subject to three rules, described in ancient Chinese medicine as “noon-midnight”, “mother-son”, “husband-wife”, which make it possible to influence an organ through another organ or organ system. In cybernetic models created to describe any disease in Western European medical science, there are no main input parameters - parameters that take into account the energetic connection of one organ with other organs.
The main postulate of ancient Eastern medicine is the postulate of psychobioenergetic homeostasis (constancy of energy), according to which all the links that make up the energy system (etheric body) work in such a way as to maintain a constant certain level of bioenergy. Psychobioenergetic homeostasis is a new concept for Western European orthodox medical science, which knows four homeostatic regulators, namely:
- a regulator that maintains constant blood pressure and body temperature through blood-lymph, which unites all organs through chemicals;
- endocrine glands, which provide regulation of the body’s vital processes with the help of hormones;
- the central nervous system (CNS), which regulates the relationship of the body with the external environment, controlling behavioral reactions, coordinating the activities of all organs of the body;
- the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which regulates the activity of internal organs, endocrine and exocrine glands, blood and lymph nodes, and partly muscles.
If all the energy links of the etheric body must work in such a way as to maintain the constancy of energy at a certain level, then each link must have a self-healing and self-regulating function, that is, a self-regulation system must operate in the etheric body. In the channels and entrances of energy, this system was discovered by ancient Chinese medicine in the form of the formation of temporary biological circuits - the so-called “miraculous” meridians, the study of which was continued by the Japanese branch of oriental medicine, which thoroughly described their course. This is a very important discovery, according to which, in the event of a disruption in the circulation of energy in the main channels (formation of energy jams), the self-regulation system of the channels is turned on autonomously. A special section of this book is devoted to a description of the self-regulation system.
Why is it important to learn how to manage your self-regulation system and, in general, monitor the maintenance of your psycho-bioenergetic homeostasis? The fact is that no external bioenergetic treatment (for example, extrasensory) will give stable and lasting results until the self-regulation system in the human body starts working. Hence the fragility of the results of extrasensory treatment that does not know this internal mechanism.
Using the P-method according to the methods described in the book, you can very quickly and easily find traffic jams in channels and interchannel connections, as well as in the system of eight “wonderful” meridians; detect a disorder in the functioning of areas on the head (command control panels); view whether chakras are open or closed; determine whether the organ battery is charged or discharged; identify other damage in the etheric body. And then learn to control the etheric body, using the subconscious to select methods that eliminate damage in the etheric body.
When searching for damage, special attention must be paid to the study of infectious diseases. The infectious plan is the Achilles heel of Eastern medicine: not a single branch of Eastern medicine describes methods for finding infections, which in the etheric body act as a mechanism for selecting energy and disrupting bioenergetic homeostasis.
The P-method fills this gap. The book contains methods for finding infections and methods for selecting agents that accurately and selectively destroy acute, latent (“dormant”), and slow (sluggish) types of infections. Special sections of the book are devoted to a description of infectious disease research methods.
2.2. The main bioenergetic links of the etheric body
Let us consider in more detail the individual elements (links) of the etheric body: channels, energy centers (chakras), areas on the head, self-regulation apparatus. Let's start with the channels.
2.2.1. Energy channels (meridians) and interchannel connections
The energy channel (meridian), as noted above, is a union of biologically active points (BAPs) anatomically located on the body. A channel is a path along which energy is distributed to nourish the organs of the physical body.
BAPs were discovered by ancient Chinese medicine 40 centuries ago. They differ from neighboring points on the body by increased oxygen consumption, increased electrical conductivity, increased painful sensitivity and a special temperature regime. At first, 365 of them were discovered, now more than 5,000 are known.
Meridians are a system of main highway directions along which energy circulates. In addition to them, there is an extensive network of small canals (64,000). Ancient Chinese medicine studied 14 main channels: lung, colon, stomach, spleen-pancreas, heart, small intestine, bladder, kidney, pericardium (sexual channel), triple burner, gallbladder
