Glass noodles. The benefits of funchose for the nervous system

So what is it and what is it eaten with? Do not know? Then let's get to know it, because it is a tasty and healthy product!

White vermicelli, translucent noodles, Thai pasta, glass pasta - all these are names for funchose. In some countries, funchose is mistakenly called rice noodles, although it is not such. Funchoza can be served hot, but gourmets claim that it tastes much better cold.

It is difficult to determine which cuisine of the world to include funchose. It is believed that this is the national dish of Dungan cuisine. Funchoza is widespread in China and Central Asia. According to other sources, this is a dish of Japanese cuisine, spreading throughout Southeast Asia.

There is also a version that the homeland of funchose is Thailand - an exotic eastern country, which is known for its attitude to healthy food. The Thai motto is “sanuk-sabai” - pleasure for the soul, ease of being and bodily comfort. For Thais, everything should be "sanuk-sabai". And heaviness in the stomach is not sanuk-sabai... Therefore, Thailand is considered to be the birthplace of funchose.

Funchoza is a noodle that is traditionally made from munch bean starch. It is definitely not translated into Russian. There are variant names: fencheza, fenchoza, funcheza, fenteuza, fucheza.

Funchoza is a satisfying, pleasant, but tasteless noodle. Glass noodles are flavored by sauces; they are traditionally served with soy sauce. In oriental cuisine, funchose is salted very rarely and is not seasoned with sauces with pungent odors, so that they do not drown out its delicate natural aroma. Glass noodles can be prepared in any form: fried, boiled, including in broth.

Funchoza perfectly absorbs tastes and smells, so it is suitable as an excellent side dish for any food. Even a small amount of spices will brightly highlight the taste of a dish made with funchose.

Funchoza is used in soups and salads and goes well with fish, meat (especially chicken) and vegetables. It makes great friends with seafood and goes well with a dish with fried mushrooms.

Funchoza is ideal for diets. You can eat funchose salad, prepared independently and without frills, endlessly. But like all oriental dishes, it is quite spicy, and this will increase your appetite and lead to you eating more than you planned. So be careful with these salads.

The ingredient contains special components that promote cell growth and division. Another important factor is that it is gluten-free. Funchoza is a legendary means of increasing the body's strength. Japanese ninjas preferred funchose.

Funchose contains many B vitamins, which strengthen the nervous system, vitamins PP and E, as well as various minerals necessary for the human body, such as potassium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, magnesium, zinc and selenium.

Funchose also contains approximately 7-8% protein. Glass noodles are rich in complex carbohydrates, which provide long-term energy flow to the body's muscles. Consuming large amounts of complex carbohydrates reduces the daily intake of fat and sugar without losing the energy a person needs.

Funchose contains 8 amino acids, which are necessary for the creation of new cells. Funchoza is an ideal product for maintaining your mood and figure.

The calorie content of funchose is 344 kcal per 100 grams.

Starch noodles or glass noodles funchose- a dish of Asian cuisine, especially popular in Japan, Korea and China. To make noodles, starch from legumes, cassava, potatoes, and canna is used; in modern production, corn starch is used. Starch noodles are round in shape and vary in diameter. It is found in the commercial network in dried form. Glass noodles themselves do not have a special taste, but they easily absorb tastes and odors. Funchoza is well suited as a side dish; it is prepared with seasonings from pickled vegetables and served cold or hot with meat, mushrooms, fish, etc.

The benefits and harms of funchose

The beneficial properties of starch noodles include their rich vitamin and mineral composition. Funchose contains vitamin PP, tocopherol (E), thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9). Noodles are rich in micro- and macroelements such as sodium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, selenium, magnesium, iron, etc. It should be noted that the calorie content of funchose itself is quite high. Funchoza is not salted during the cooking process; all spices and herbs are added to the sauce. In Asian countries, spicy and sweet and sour salads, soups and main dishes are prepared with noodles. The calorie content of funchose is 320 kcal per 100 g of product. Valuable B-group vitamins and vitamin PP contained in funchose have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and help strengthen it. Acts as an antidepressant. Vitamin PP also affects the structure and function of the skin. Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect and is involved in energy metabolism.

Funchoza is useful for people getting rid of extra pounds. Complex carbohydrates in noodles provide muscle tissue with energy. Daily consumption of funchose allows you to reduce your intake of fat and sugar. At the same time, vital energy and good health are preserved. Essential amino acids contained in funchose play an important role in the construction of new body cells. This makes starch noodles a useful product for maintaining health. It should be noted that funchose does not contain the source of many food allergies - the protein gluten. The use of cheaper corn starch in the production of funchose reduces the consumer and taste properties of noodles. Unscrupulous manufacturers use lead to bleach raw materials. Such funchose is harmful to health.

Funchoza is a product of Asian cuisine. It became known to our country only recently, but by this time it had already gained significant popularity.

This dish can be found in various restaurants and cafes. But you can prepare these noodles yourself under normal conditions at home.

However, before you prepare funchose, you should still figure out what kind of product it is and become familiar with its properties.

Funchoza - what is it?

Usually on packages with funchose it is written that these are Chinese rice noodles. However, this is not at all true.

They are not always made from rice; real noodles are made from mung bean starch, so they become translucent when cooked. These are not noodles, but rather even vermicelli or spaghetti.

Where do noodles come from, what does it look like and what does it taste like?

The homeland of funchose is not China, as many lovers of oriental cuisine believe, but Thailand. It was in this country that this product was first made.

Since ancient times, Thais have been considered fans of only healthy and wholesome food. Therefore, these people consumed this product in large quantities.

In addition to Thailand, funchose is also common in other countries. It is widely used in Dungan, Korean, Japanese and Chinese national cuisines. This dish is very popular in Southeast Asian countries.

In appearance, it is not long noodles, as many people think, but thin thread-like transparent vermicelli, which looks like spaghetti. Cooked funchose becomes slippery and transparent, which is why it is often called transparent vermicelli.

Sometimes in many stores you can find funchose of a different shape.

For example, to prepare soup with shark fins, funchose in the form of triangles is often used. This shape perfectly imitates the appearance of shark fins.

This product has no taste or smell. Therefore, it is not consumed as a separate dish.

A large amount of herbs and spices are usually added to treats made from these noodles; this gives the funchose a piquant and unusual taste.


Real funchose is made from mung bean starch. In order to make sure that it is real, it needs to be boiled. Usually during the cooking process it becomes transparent and colorless.

If it begins to turn white, then it is vermicelli made from corn flour. It is undesirable to consume this product, since in the process of producing this funchose, dyes with lead are used to bleach it, which is very harmful to the body. Eating this food can lead to dangerous consequences, causing serious health problems, including cancer.

Glass vermicelli has analogues. For example, noodles made from the konnyaku plant. They call it shirataki.

After welding, it also takes on a ghostly appearance and has neither taste nor smell. However, konjac grass contains coarse, poorly digestible fiber.

This product does not contain complex carbohydrates, so it is not recommended for people who expend large amounts of energy. These noodles are mainly used in dietary nutrition.

Also very often in stores you can find noodles made from the starch of cassava, quinoa and canna rhizomes. It is very similar to funchose made from mung bean starch - it is just as transparent and has the same taste properties.

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Calorie content

Funchoza is a fairly high-calorie product. Approximately 100 grams contain 320 kcal. However, during the cooking process, vermicelli loses a lot of calories.

This is due to the fact that cooked noodles swell and absorb a large amount of water. In its finished form, the calorie content of funchose is only 87 kcal per 100 grams.

It is important to know that the calorie content of this dish depends on the method of serving. For example, funchose in a salad with spices will have a higher calorie content than in its pure form.

A short overview of this Asian cuisine product in the video:

The benefits and harms of funchose

This product is very beneficial for the body. It contains several varieties of starch, which have a large amount of vitamins and organic substances.

Approximately 100 grams of vermicelli contains the following beneficial substances:

  • Group of vitamins B – B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and B12. It also includes groups of vitamins E and PP. These vitamins normalize metabolism and strengthen the nervous system. Vitamin E normalizes cell function and improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • High level of minerals: sodium – 182 mg, phosphorus – 153 mg, potassium – 30 mg, calcium – 17 mg, magnesium – 12 mg. It contains small amounts of the minerals iron, manganese, zinc, copper and selenium. These substances are necessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism;
  • Contains dietary fiber (approximately 2 grams);
  • The presence of saturated acids in the amount of 0.12 grams and unsaturated acids - 0.18 grams. These substances carry out normal brain function.

Although this product is very beneficial for the body, it also has some disadvantages:

  • Typically, in many Asian restaurants, salads with funchose are seasoned with spicy and fatty sauces. They increase the calorie content of the product and increase appetite;
  • Rice noodles are not recommended for frequent consumption. Because rice has a constipating effect on the stomach and can lead to constipation.

Use in cooking

Funchoza is used to prepare all kinds of dishes. Very often in restaurants or cafes of oriental cuisine it is used to prepare salads.

It can also be used for cooking soups or side dishes. This dish is very tasty with meat or vegetables. Of course, in order to prepare this product with your own hands at home, you should carefully read popular recipes.

Step-by-step recipes

Korean noodles


  1. Pour water into a small saucepan and place over medium heat. After the water boils, add rice noodles to it. It should cook for about 7-10 minutes;
  2. Then we cook the vegetables. Carrots need to be washed well and cut into thin strips. You can also grate it on a coarse grater. Chopped carrots must be mixed with salt and given some time to steep. 7 minutes will be enough;
  3. Next, remove the seeds from the bell pepper and cut it into strips. The pepper pieces need to be fried in oil and placed on a sieve to drain off excess oil;
  4. Place the cooked noodles in a colander and rinse with cool water;
  5. Then mix it with carrots and add crushed garlic cloves. Mix everything well;
  6. At the end, add bell pepper, sprinkle with vinegar, salt and pepper. Mix everything again and leave for a while to let the salad infuse.

The same salad can be prepared with cucumber, as in the video below:

Hearty lunch with meat

Ingredients you will need:

  • Half a kilogram of rice noodles;
  • 400 grams of chicken meat;
  • One radish;
  • One piece of carrot;
  • One piece of bell pepper, preferably red;
  • A couple of cloves of garlic;
  • 100 grams of vegetable oil;
  • Soy sauce - optional;
  • Table salt - to taste.


  1. Chicken meat should be washed with cold water and cut into small pieces. Then put the frying pan on medium heat, pour oil into it and put pieces of meat there. The meat must be stirred so that it does not burn;
  2. Peel the carrots and radishes and grate them on a Korean carrot grater;
  3. Next, place a saucepan of water over medium heat and bring to a boil. Place rice noodles in boiling water and cook for about 3-5 minutes. Then we take it out into a colander and rinse it under cool water. To make the noodles shorter, cut them with kitchen scissors;
  4. Cut the bell pepper into strips. After this, put a frying pan on medium heat, pour oil into it and add bell peppers, carrots and radishes. Season everything with crushed garlic cloves, add salt and fry, stirring occasionally;
  5. At the end, mix everything in a deep bowl and season with soy sauce. That's it, the treat is ready.

Funchoza is a healthy and nutritious product. It has a beneficial effect on health and improves the functioning of the entire body. In addition, dishes prepared from this vermicelli are very tasty and nutritious.

And the cooking process is not very complicated, so you can cook it yourself. Funchose treats will turn out excellent and will become a favorite dish for the whole family!

Finally, we present to your attention another recipe for a wonderful dish with funchose and beef:

Currently, in addition to rolls, sushi and other rice-based dishes, another Asian dish - noodles - has also become very popular in our country. In the menu of restaurants and delivery services of Asian cuisine you can find several types of it, one of which is called funchose or glass noodles. Today you will find out what the beneficial properties of this product are and what it includes, and diet lovers will find out how many calories are in funchose.

Features of funchose

Funchoza can be purchased dried or prepared. They call it glass because after cooking it becomes transparent. Another distinctive feature of these noodles is the lack of a characteristic taste, so funchose is used as an ingredient for:

  • soups;
  • side dishes;
  • salads

Many people mistakenly believe that funchoza is rice noodles. But in fact, glass and rice noodles differ from each other in appearance, taste and other characteristics.

So, rice noodles are made from rice flour and turn white when cooked. And after heat treatment, funchose acquires a translucent shade and resembles glass threads. They also differ in their calorie content.

Funchoza has a high calorie content - 320 kcal per 100 grams of finished product. This calorie content is the result of the presence of legume starch in the noodles, but it is sometimes produced based on corn starch. And this often became the cause of scandals and lawsuits against manufacturers.

The fact is that mung bean funnel has the best characteristics in terms of taste and value. Quite often, unscrupulous manufacturers bleached raw materials with lead and sent the products for sale. Because of this, in some countries of the world the sale of this type of noodles is completely prohibited.

Beneficial features

The benefit of this product lies in its vitamin and mineral composition. The noodles contain many vitamins of groups PP, B and E. It also contains minerals such as:

  • iron;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium.

When cooking, the noodles are not salted, but that's it. herbs and spices are added to the sauce, with which it is seasoned. The noodles themselves have no taste; they are served as part of hot and sweet and sour salads, with fish or meat dishes, as well as with vegetables. In Asian countries there are a huge number of recipes based on funchose.

Number of calories and energy value

As already mentioned, the calorie content of funchose itself is high. But, due to the fact that these noodles in their pure form do not have a characteristic taste, they are rarely served as an independent dish. Accordingly, the calorie content will differ.

100 grams of product contains:

  • 320 kcal;
  • 0.7 g proteins;
  • 0.5 g fat;
  • 84 g carbohydrates.

Despite its calorie content, funchose is still considered a dietary dish, good for weight loss. After all, it contains complex carbohydrates that give energy to the muscles. By consuming these noodles daily, you can significantly reduce your sugar and fat intake, which will have a positive effect on your health and give you energy. Noodles also contain amino acids that form new cells.

These noodles can be consumed by allergy sufferers, since they do not contain gluten, which is the cause of allergic diseases. Therefore, funchose is a healthy and safe product suitable for everyone, despite its calorie content.

By the way, 320 kcal is the number of calories in raw form, but in boiled form it is significantly lower - only 87 kcal per 100 grams.

Cooking funchose is quite simple - boil it for three minutes, then rinse under cold water, you can fry a little extra.

Funchose is served in salads, side dishes, and also as a main dish with the addition of:

  • seafood;
  • fish;
  • meat;
  • vegetables;
  • mushrooms

How to cook funchose during a diet

Those who count calories and carefully monitor their diet can also cook themselves something with these noodles. Salad with funchose is especially popular; its calorie content is low and it will not be harmful to your figure. In addition to noodles, you will need:

  • vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • seasonings

All ingredients not only low-calorie, but also healthy, so this salad is very good for everyone, not just those on a diet. To calculate the calorie content of the finished salad, you need to add up the calorie content of all the products. Moreover, all of them, except funchose, are used raw in its preparation.

One of the salad ingredients is red bell pepper. Its calorie content is about 26 kcal per 100 grams. It has the following beneficial properties:

  • contains vitamin C in large quantities;
  • increases stress resistance;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Despite the fact that it is called sweet, it does not contain much sugar, so even diabetics can eat this pepper.

Cucumber has a calorie content of 19 kcal per 100 g, more than 95 percent of its composition is water. It is capable of the following:

  • actively cleanse the kidneys;
  • strengthen the nervous system;
  • restore the water-salt balance of the body.

Onion contains 41 kcal per 100 grams and has the following properties:

  • used to fight infections;
  • supports the cardiovascular system due to the presence of potassium;
  • iron in onions cleanses the blood and is present in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • helps with fatigue and insomnia.

The other three components of the salad with funchose have the following calorie content and properties:

  • garlic (149 kcal) – has a warming property;
  • vinegar (21 kcal) – reduces the total calorie content of the dish and actively breaks down fats;
  • greens - helps to better digest the dish and stimulates metabolism.

On average, 100 grams of ready-made salad will have calorie content about 111 kcal. Sometimes you can buy a ready-made salad based on the following ingredients:

  • funchose noodles;
  • cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • seasonings;
  • garlic;
  • vegetable oil.

Such a salad will have a different calorie content and, due to the dressing with oil, will be considered more useful than the one that is seasoned with vinegar.

But, regardless of how you plan to consume funchose noodles, remember the following:

So that funchoza noodles are not only tasty for you, but also a healthy dietary product, its need to cook properly and pair it with the right products. Knowing all this, you can enjoy an incredible Asian delicacy without harming your figure.

Not every housewife has had to use this oriental product in her kitchen, but experts believe that it is necessary to get acquainted with it. Funchoza is “glass noodles”, distinguished by its unusual appearance and taste, which, without exception, is liked by everyone who tries it. This dish is also unusually light and satisfying.

What is funchose made from and is it healthy? This question often interests housewives. How to properly prepare funchose at home? What dishes can be prepared from “glass noodles”? We will try to answer these and many other questions in our article.


Funchoza is a thin rice or which is prepared using starch from potatoes, mung beans, yams, sweet potatoes, corn, canna or cassava. The noodles are called “glass” because they acquire a characteristic transparency during the cooking process. One of the main advantages and features of funchose is that this product does not have a pronounced taste. Noodles absorb the taste and aromas of the products with which they interact during the cooking process. Therefore, funchose is usually served with various sauces, vegetable or meat additives.


It is known that the homeland of funchose is China. The starting point from which “glass noodles” began their victorious march around the world is Chinese, or rather, Historians reasonably believe that these delicious noodles made from mung bean starch were brought to their homeland by the legendary Marco Polo. Subsequently, through the efforts of Italian chefs, the dish was transformed into the well-known pasta.

Russian consumers call funchoza two rice noodles, which become milky white after boiling, and funchoza itself - very thin starchy noodles, called “glass” because of their transparency obtained during cooking.

What is the benefit of the product?

These noodles are known as a fairly nutritious dish with a significant carbohydrate content. The calorie content of 100 g of product is 320 kcal. Experts note the presence of a large amount of PP and B vitamins in funchose, which contribute to the improved functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems. According to them, due to the significant content of various micro- and macroelements (phosphorus, manganese, zinc, etc.), noodles promote the construction of new cells in the body. It is recommended to take into account that only high-quality products are endowed with beneficial properties. Noodles made from cheap corn raw material lack the properties of mung starch composition. One of the important advantages of glass noodles is its hypoallergenicity, ensured by the absence of gluten in its composition.

About the dangers of “glass noodles”

Many experts claim that this dish is completely harmless; if desired, it can be eaten daily (provided that there is no factor of individual intolerance to the product).

The only limitation during the diet is that during this period funchose is consumed without any sauces. There are a lot of special recipes with this noodles, according to which you can prepare delicious dishes suitable for dietary nutrition. However, it should be taken into account that the calorie content of even the most ordinary salad with funchose depends on the indicators of its auxiliary components.

Thai, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese cuisines offer a wide range of options for using “glass noodles.” It is known that funchose is a perfectly harmonizing component of many vegetable and meat dishes. It is mainly used as an exotic side dish or as a component of an original salad. What should housewives remember about who intend to please their family with delicious funchose?


In recent years, dishes made from funchose have become increasingly popular (recipes for the most popular ones are presented in the article). Funchose is used for soups, salads, deep-fried dishes; it goes well with seafood, fish, meat, vegetables and all kinds of fragrant and spicy additives. “Glass noodles” are used to prepare many snacks and salads. Funchose dishes are consumed both hot and cold.

How to choose the right noodles in the store?

The question of how to make funchose so that it turns out tasty and brings pleasure to guests is certainly important. But no less important is the question: how to choose the right funchose in the supermarket, without making a mistake and being confused in front of a wide choice? Experts recommend that when choosing funchose, you pay special attention to its density, smell and color. Good quality noodles are translucent with a slight gray tint. No matter how thick the funchose is, it is very fragile and brittle. The smell of the product is also of great importance when choosing - in good quality noodles it is very light, with an almost imperceptible note of beans or nuts. If the funchose looks cloudy, bends easily without breaking, sticks together or has foreign odors, it is better not to purchase it.

About storage conditions

Funchoza is very demanding on storage conditions. Experts recommend storing the product in a well-ventilated, dry and cool place. “Glass noodles” are especially sensitive to excess moisture - the product easily becomes damp, and its nutritional and taste properties are lost. It is recommended to store noodles in glass jars, and the lids should not be too worn. Thick paper bags are also suitable for this. Under no circumstances should funchose be stored near spices or other strong-smelling foods - noodles easily absorb surrounding aromas.

How to properly prepare funchose at home?

To prepare a delicious snack or noodle salad, this product must first be boiled. And do it right. “How to cook funchose at home?” - the housewives ask.

If the diameter of the funchose is up to 0.5 mm, simply pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and leave for 5 minutes, then drain the water. If you bought thicker noodles, they should be cooked as usual: put in boiling salted water and boil for about 3-4 minutes. To avoid sticking during the cooking process, it is recommended to add a little oil (vegetable) to the water.

The readiness of funchose can be judged by the presence of characteristic transparency and gray color. If funchose is overcooked, it will look soggy, and if undercooked, it will stick to your teeth. Properly cooked noodles should be soft but still have a slight crunchiness. In order to prevent the finished funchose from sticking together, experienced cooks advise adding a little vegetable oil to the cooking water (1 tablespoon of oil per 1 liter of water). Experts warn anyone who is interested in how to cook funchose at home: special care should be taken when doing this.

If funchoza is purchased in the form of “skeins”, it is prepared as follows: the skein is tied with thread, water is poured into a deep saucepan (1 liter of water per 100 g of noodles), 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 table are poured into it. spoon of oil (vegetable), bring to a boil. Next, a skein of noodles is lowered into the pan, boiled for 3-4 minutes, drained in a colander and placed under cold (running) water. Then, holding the skein by the thread, shake it to remove excess water and place it on a cutting board. After this, the thread is removed, and the funchose is cut crosswise into strips of the required length with a long sharp knife.

“Glass noodles” are combined with a very large number of products - fried meat, cut into pieces, fish, chicken, fried, stewed or fresh vegetables, various seasonings, sauces, spices are added to it. Housewives assure that, if desired, you can prepare a lot of dishes from funchose . The most popular recipes are presented later in the article.

Funchoza is not only noodles

Various sauces and additives add real variety to starch or rice noodle dishes. With pieces of poultry, meat, seafood, fresh, stewed and a variety of sauces and exotic spices and seasonings, funchose can be turned into a dish that will cause surprise and admiration of household members and guests. How to make funchose? This question interests many.

According to culinary specialists, cold appetizers, hot dishes, and various salads are prepared from this product. Russian consumers are especially fond of salad with funchose, to which pickled or fresh vegetables are added. According to reviews, these salads are distinguished by their extraordinary taste, piquancy and high content of vitamins, valuable nutrients and microelements.

There is nothing particularly difficult in preparing funchose, as it might seem at first glance. Indeed, even the most inexperienced housewife can prepare a simple glass noodle dish. However, in order to create a complex composite treat with funchose, you must first become familiar with some culinary subtleties and tricks. So, how to make funchose?

With beef

One of the simple and incredibly tasty hot dishes is “glass noodles” with beef.

Step-by-step preparation of funchose with beef fillet:

  1. Pour 1 tablespoon into a deep frying pan. a spoonful of oil (vegetable) and fry 300 g of meat, cut into thin slices, in it.
  2. When it acquires a golden hue, you should add two carrots (small) cut into strips and one radish (green) to the pan.
  3. Next, you need to cut 1 onion into half rings and add to the vegetables and meat.
  4. Fry everything together for another 10 minutes.
  5. Then add chopped garlic (2 cloves), soy sauce (two tablespoons), black pepper to taste, salt, and simmer for about another 5 minutes.
  6. Add pre-boiled funchose (300 g) to the prepared meat and vegetables, mix gently, cover with a lid and heat for 2 minutes over low heat.

The dish is served garnished with fresh herbs.

Korean salad

Korean funchose salad with meat is a very tender, appetizing and incredibly colorful dish of Korean cuisine. Using the recipe provided below, you can prepare and serve an appetizing and aromatic dish with vegetables and meat in just half an hour. A Korean-style salad with funchose turns out to be quite filling, since the noodles are quite high in calories. The vegetables included in the salad give it lightness and flavor. This dish is considered universal: it is used as a full-fledged salad, as a side dish, and as a second course.


Preparing the salad is distinguished by its simplicity. The dish fits perfectly into the holiday menu and can give guests a good mood with just its appearance. According to reviews, it is absolutely impossible to resist the taste of this salad. Korean funchoza with meat (6 servings) is prepared from:

  • 300 g funchose noodles;
  • sweet bell pepper (2 pcs.);
  • onions (1-2 pieces);
  • 1 carrot;
  • 300 g pork pulp;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • table salt (added to taste);
  • ground black pepper (to taste);
  • granulated sugar.


For those who are interested in how to make funchose in Korean with meat, experienced housewives offer some recommendations on how to properly prepare the dish.

This recipe uses the thinnest type of funchose, so pour boiling water over it and wait 5 minutes. After this time, the water is drained, the noodles are thoroughly washed and placed in a colander. The onions are peeled, cut into rings or half rings and placed in a frying pan, previously watered with vegetable oil and well heated.

The meat is thoroughly washed and dried, cut into squares or bars, and placed in a frying pan with onions. The carrots are peeled and grated on a grater specially designed for chopping carrots in Korean. Next, add the carrots to the pan and mix everything thoroughly. The ingredients are fried until the meat is cooked.

After this, you need to remove the stalk of the red bell pepper and clean it of seeds. The pepper is cut into half rings, added to the frying pan with other ingredients and fried for several minutes, after which the heat is turned off and the prepared food is cooled.

While the hot components of the dish are cooling, you should deal with the fresh ingredients. The cucumber must be thoroughly washed and sliced ​​thin or chopped using a special Korean carrot shredder. Garlic is peeled and chopped with a knife or passed through a press. Finely chop the dill. Place funchose, fried and fresh vegetables, meat into a spacious container, add sugar, pepper (black, ground), and salt to taste. Mix everything thoroughly.

Fried funchose: ingredients

“Glass noodles” can not only be boiled. Many housewives ask: how to properly fry funchose? The proposed recipe describes the technology for preparing a dish with fried “glass noodles”. To prepare four servings use:

  • 0.5 packs of noodles;
  • dressing for funchose - 1 pc.;
  • 100 g meat (fillet);
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • 2 carrots;
  • one bell pepper;
  • one onion;
  • 2 sprigs of chopped herbs.

Cooking according to recipe

The fillet is passed through a meat grinder and marinated in funchose dressing for 15 minutes. Next, heat the oil (vegetable) in a frying pan, fry the onion, then add the marinated meat. Everything should be fried for 5 minutes. Then add grated carrots, fry until fully cooked and transfer to a separate cup. Next, soak the noodles in hot water for 5-7 minutes, after which they must be rinsed in cold water. Then the funchose is fried in oil (vegetable) for 4-5 minutes with constant stirring, the cooked meat and other vegetables are added, everything is thoroughly mixed and fried until fully cooked.


This Korean dish is more difficult to prepare, but, according to reviews, it is incredibly tasty and aromatic.

First you need to prepare. To do this, mix soy sauce (one tablespoon), sugar (half a tablespoon), one tablespoon each of green onions (finely chopped), ginger (grated), one clove of garlic (finely chopped) and sesame oil (two tablespoons). spoons). Boil 100 g of funchose, put it in a deep pan, and add sauce, mix thoroughly. Separately, fry until tender 1 onion cut into half rings, 1 carrot, which is cut into thin strips, and 25 g of spinach. Pork (50 g) is cut into strips, fried until golden brown, add 2 sliced ​​champignons, soy sauce (one tablespoon), black pepper, salt, sesame seeds to taste. The meat is stewed with mushrooms for 10 minutes. Place the cooked meat and vegetables into a pan with funchose, mix everything thoroughly and heat over low heat for 2 minutes.

Serve to the table, garnished with a slice of lemon and fresh herbs.
