Japanese funchose noodles. No allergens in funchose

Funchoza, the benefits and harms of which remain a mystery to most of the Russian population, increasingly appears in collections of recipes as one of the components of salads. What to expect from consuming this product, how to properly prepare and store it, read this article.

Funchoza - what is it?

In China and Japan, they know well what funchose, or glass noodles, are, because here they are a traditional dish. In Russia it is sometimes called rice noodles.

It looks transparent, has no specific taste or smell, but easily takes on the aroma of the products it is cooked with.

These noodles are actually made from beans. The bean starch is extracted, the mixture for the base is prepared, the funchose is rolled into the thinnest sheets and cut into pieces.
The Chinese and Japanese use glass noodles to create many dishes. It takes on the aromas and tastes of what it is flavored with or where it is added, and is the basis of various recipes.

Chemical composition and calorie content of noodles

Funchoza contains mineral salts of iron and selenium. Selenium is especially useful for men, as it has an anti-cancer effect on the prostate gland and preserves sperm motility.
Funchose contains carbohydrates (starch), which account for about 75% of the total mass fraction of the product. The amount of proteins and fats is insignificant, does not exceed 1%.

Real glass noodles contain vitamins and mineral salts:

pantothenic acid;
folic acid;
minerals (Na, K, Mg, Mn, Cu, P, Ca, Zn, Se, Fe).

The calorie content of boiled funchose is low, much less than that of egg noodles. There are only 80 kcal per 100 g of product.

Benefits for the human body

Glass noodles are gluten-free (a protein found in wheat), which makes them a valuable product. Many people develop gluten intolerance after 50 years of age; people with celiac disease should not consume this protein either.

Other beneficial properties of funchose:

Is a source of complex carbohydrates;
helps maintain healthy and youthful skin, contains the necessary mineral salts;
strengthens the nervous system thanks to B vitamins;
helps reduce the amount of sugar and fat in the diet, providing sufficient energy to muscle tissue.
After dishes with funchose, you don’t feel like eating for a long time; noodles are nutritious, bring a boost of energy and improve your mood, and therefore are often used in menus for weight loss.

Use in cooking

To buy high-quality funchose, you need to carefully read the information on the packaging. It should state that the noodles are made from beans and are gluten-free.

Funchoza is very hygroscopic and quickly absorbs all odors, so it should be stored in a plastic box with a lid, on a kitchen cabinet shelf, away from light.

With the addition of glass noodles, they make delicious salads with meat, vegetables, seafood, and mushrooms. Prepare it immediately before use. As a result of storing the prepared product for a long time (more than 1 hour), its appearance and taste deteriorate.

For example, for a salad of funchose with vegetables and baked chicken breast, you will need the following products:

Noodle packaging;
cucumber – 1 pc.;
sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
carrot – 1 pc.;
baked chicken fillet – 300 g;
chili pepper - to your taste;
walnut oil - to your taste.


1. Funchoza is not boiled, but simply poured with hot water. In 10 minutes it is ready.
2. Vegetables and fillets are cut into strips.
3. Mix funchose, meat and vegetables. Season the composition with nut oil and chili pepper.
4. Decorate the salad with sprigs of herbs.
Funchose can be added to soups, but this should be done at the very end of cooking, when all other products have already been cooked.

Beneficial properties of funchose during diet

For those who want to lose weight and stick to a diet, counting all the calories in their diet, glass noodles are a real godsend.
Funchoza absorbs water well during cooking, so the calorie content of the finished dish is much lower than other types of noodles. A 150 g serving contains only 120 kcal.

When on a diet, funchose is best combined with low-calorie foods - mushrooms and vegetables.

By mixing it with different ingredients and spices, you can get hundreds of delicious, dietary dishes that are healthy for your figure.

Contraindications and possible harm

Real funchose, prepared from beans using the correct technology, is completely safe for health and cannot cause harm.
However, there are known cases when counterfeit batches of glass noodles were supplied from China to Russia. An unscrupulous manufacturer added corn or potato starch instead of bean starch. To make the fake look like a natural product, it was lightened using special bleaches containing lead and aluminum salts.
As a result, funchose turned out to be hazardous to health and could cause significant harm after consumption. The Chinese government has banned the activities of manufacturers who violated technical standards.
When purchasing glass noodles in a supermarket, it is advisable to carefully study the information on the package and trust only trusted manufacturers. Then dishes made from funchose will bring not only pleasure from consumption, but also health benefits.

Japanese cuisine continues to gain popularity in the food market, especially for rolls and sushi. However, the menu from Japan is much more varied, more original and can bring great benefits to the body. For example, not everyone in our country is familiar with such a dish as funchoza. The benefits and harms of funchose are the topic of the article.

What is funchose and what is it made from?

Vermicelli funchose is one of the famous products of Asian cuisine with unique benefits, which is also called glass noodles. It consists of thin, almost transparent long threads with a white tint. The cross-sectional diameter of the noodles may vary. The pasta itself has almost no taste, but has the ability to absorb all the tastes and aromas. Therefore, this side dish perfectly complements various meat and fish dishes, and goes well with fresh, pickled and stewed vegetables.

This is due to the fact that when dry, pasta resembles rice noodles, but after cooking it becomes translucent. These noodles are made from the starch of mung beans (also called mung beans).

Reference! In Russia, glass noodles are often confused with rice noodles, but rice noodles are made from rice flour, due to which they become white after cooking, while funchose after cooking takes on a translucent appearance.

The benefits of rice funchose are also great, but they are not comparable to the beneficial properties of bean vermicelli.

In Asian countries (China, Japan, Korea), bean pasta is used as an ingredient that benefits the body. The benefits and harms of funchose for the body have been known since ancient times; this product is truly indispensable in Asian cuisine. It is rarely used as an independent dish; the fact is that the product has almost no taste.

Chemical composition and calorie content of funchose

Funchose contains starch from beans (mung, potato, yam, cassava and canna). Nowadays, corn starch is most often used to make glass noodles. At the same time, its replacement of more expensive components led to the fact that the Chinese government was forced to impose sanctions on such manufacturers.

The fact is that cornstarch does not impart the same taste as mung beans. This led to companies bleaching the product with lead. Thus, vermicelli from such raw materials was harmful to the health of consumers. It should be noted that the harmful noodles also spread outside the country.

Funchose calorie content per 100 grams is 320 kcal.

Bean noodles do not contain gluten, so overweight people can add them to their diet. Bean noodles contain B vitamins, which have beneficial properties for the nervous system, PP, which benefit the hematopoietic system, as well as valuable minerals and trace elements.

Useful properties of funchose

The benefits of legume funchose have been known for a long time:

  1. Scientists say that if you include bean noodles in your diet 2-3 times a week, this will contribute to a balanced diet and prevent damage that can be caused to the digestive system.
  2. Funchoza made from green beans is an alternative to pasta with health benefits, which has a lot of useful ingredients with unique properties.
  3. The absence of gluten in the product makes funchoza noodles a product that is beneficial and harmless for allergy sufferers.
  4. Vitamin E, which is contained in glass noodles, slows down the aging process and acts as a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes harm from environmental influences.
  5. Bean noodles contain a minimum amount of salt, which makes this product very useful for people suffering from kidney and liver diseases.
  6. For people with diabetes, bean vermicelli can also form part of the diet. Bean starch is able to slowly convert into glucose, so it will not harm diabetics.
  7. For the elderly, bean vermicelli will be of great benefit; it is quickly absorbed and saturates the body with useful vitamins and minerals.

Is funchose useful for losing weight?

Funchoza and its benefits and harms in the diet often become the subject of controversy. Many diets have been developed based on glass noodles that will not only help you lose weight, but also benefit the body. The bean product is not only easily digestible, but also has the property of satisfying hunger for a long time. The calorie content of funchose is quite high, but it can be beneficial for weight loss. The point is the glycemic index; calories from bean noodles tend to be absorbed by the body quickly, due to which fat deposits do not have time to form. When prepared, the calorie content of funchose is only 90 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Funchoza and its benefits for weight loss are explained by the fact that properly prepared bean noodles have the beneficial property of improving the tone of the gastrointestinal tract, removing toxins and waste, and also normalizing the water-salt balance and neutralizing harm from exposure to an unfavorable environment. These properties benefit the body's metabolic processes. However, in addition to its weight loss properties, the product can also harm the process. This can happen if a person has an individual intolerance or if he abuses the product. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the state of the body at the time of introducing funchose into the diet, as well as control the size of portions, in which case it will bring benefit and not harm.

Is it possible to give funchose to children?

Glass noodles and their benefits and harms for the child’s body cause a lot of controversy among experts. Funchose is allowed to be included in the diet of children from one year old. The use of this product is especially important for allergy sufferers.

Important! Funchoza can be given to children only without seasonings and sauces and after consultation with a pediatrician.

Funchoza will not bring harm to a nursing mother; on the contrary, it will be very useful: easily digestible and hypoallergenic vermicelli has the property of quickly satisfying hunger. The beneficial properties of funchose for pregnant women are also relevant. The mass of vitamins and microelements in bean pasta will help the formation of the fetus, and their beneficial properties will stimulate the activity of the woman’s gastrointestinal tract.

How to cook and what to serve funchose with

In order for funchose to have all the beneficial properties, it is important to prepare it correctly, but this is not easy to do. Bean noodles can be cooked in the same way as regular pasta. The cooking method is written on the noodle packaging. Dry glass noodles must be placed in a bowl and filled with boiling water. Leave it in this form for 5 minutes. Afterwards the water is drained.

In addition, to ensure that cooked noodles do not lose their beneficial properties, you should follow these rules:

  1. If the thickness of the pasta is less than 0.5 mm, it should not be cooked; just pour boiling water over it for 5 minutes.
  2. If the noodles are thicker, then they are cooked in a large amount of very boiling water.
  3. To avoid sticking, you can add a little olive oil to a pan of water.
  4. The best option would be to cook the noodles before the feast; if you leave the finished products for more than an hour, they will lose all their quality and stick together into a lump.
  5. Additionally, you can lightly fry the noodles.

Reference! If desired, the noodles can be rinsed under running water.

Due to the fact that the bean product does not have a pronounced taste, it is added to salads or as a side dish, provided that a large amount of sauce is added.

Glass noodle recipes

Funchoza is an ideal noodle for those who want to lose extra pounds, as it contains fewer calories than regular noodles. It can be added to salads, appetizers or as a side dish with sauce.

Korean-style salad with funchose

Funchoza in Korean is a salad with great health benefits; it can be served as a festive dish or an everyday snack. This delicious unusual dish will not leave anyone indifferent.

  • funchose noodles – 200 g;
  • Korean funchose sauce – 80 g;
  • carrots – 3 pieces;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 red bell pepper;
  • yellow bell pepper;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • soy sauce and refined vegetable oil - 50 g each.


  1. The vermicelli must be boiled according to the instructions on the package. Afterwards, rinse the noodles under running water.
  2. Add soy sauce and oil to the prepared funchose, then mix thoroughly.
  3. Vegetables need to be cut into thin strips, garlic should be finely chopped.
  4. Place the carrots in a bowl and mash them a little with your hands so that the vegetable releases juice.
  5. Add the noodles and remaining vegetables to the carrots and mix well.
  6. Next, add the dressing and chopped parsley.
  7. Place the salad on a plate and garnish with herbs.

Funchoza with chicken

All types of meat, mushrooms, and seafood go well with bean noodles. Combinations of such ingredients with funchose will allow you to get a tasty and healthy dish that will not cause harm, but will benefit your health.

  • bean noodles – 200 g;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 300 g baked chicken fillet;
  • chili pepper to taste;
  • walnut oil to taste.


  1. Prepare funchoza according to instructions.
  2. Cut vegetables and chicken fillet into strips.
  3. The noodles are mixed with meat, vegetables and seasoned with oil and pepper.
  4. The finished salad is decorated with greens.

Harm of funchose and contraindications for use

Noodles are rich in beneficial properties and have virtually no contraindications for consumption and do not cause harm. There is a risk of harm to the body when consuming low-quality, cheap noodles made from corn starch. Therefore, it is important to carefully study the composition before purchasing funchose.

How to choose the right funchose

In order to benefit from the product, it is important to choose the right noodles in the store. First of all, you need to pay attention to the expiration date and composition:

  1. Real funchose cannot contain starch analogues from beans, any artificial additives, preservatives, or emulsifiers.
  2. A low-quality product will also be visible visually, since they skimp on the composition of such noodles, and the packaging will be broken and sticky.

Rules for storing funchose

  1. The product quickly absorbs odors, so funchose should be stored away from foods with strong aromas.
  2. Glass noodles should be stored at room temperature, in a dry and well-ventilated place.
  3. You can store bean noodles in paper bags or in containers for cereals and pasta.


The benefits and harms of funchose are obvious. Real glass noodles cannot harm the body. It is important to monitor the quality of the noodles. To do this, when purchasing, you should study the composition on the package. The instructions on the package will also help you prepare glass noodles correctly. Finished products are used to add to salads, snacks or as a side dish.

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Funchoza noodles (fenchese, fenchose) are a product that has an important place in Asian culinary culture. In our country, funchose is known primarily as starch (glass) noodles, since it consists of thin white threads that become completely transparent after cooking.

Many believe that funchose is made from rice, and some dishonest sellers take advantage of this by passing off rice noodles with corn or potato starch as funchose, although there is no similarity between them - neither in appearance nor in taste. Rice noodles are made from rice flour, and during cooking they turn white, while the funchose threads become like translucent glass threads.

The basis of funchose is mung bean starch, which is why you can often find another name for funchose - starch noodles. The story of its origin is shrouded in mystery. China, Korea and Japan claim the title of homeland of funchose. In addition, golden mung beans are also grown in India. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly where the first portion of fenchose was prepared. One thing is certain: she comes from somewhere in Southeast Asia.

Funchoza: composition

Funchoza bean noodles contain legume starch. Today, corn starch, which is cheaper and of lower quality, is increasingly used to make this product. It should be noted here that noodles made from cornstarch are not as good as those made from mung beans. Therefore, dishonest manufacturers began to bleach raw materials with lead, which, of course, could not benefit the funchose. As a result, such a product has become simply harmful to human health. It is also noteworthy that such noodles were sold not only within the country, but also exported to other countries. The last big scandal related to the poor quality of funchoza noodles was in 2010, when the Czech authorities found aluminum in the product and banned the sale of Chinese funchoza in the country.

Useful properties of funchose

Funchoza is quite high in calories: 100 g. The product contains 320 kcal. At the same time, funchoza noodles themselves do not have a distinct taste, and therefore they are often served as a side dish for cape and fish, and therefore the total calorie content of the product changes.

As for the vitamin and mineral composition, funchose contains a lot of vitamin E, B and PP. It contains a lot of phosphorus, potassium, selenium, iron and magnesium.

B vitamins in this product have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, and vitamin PP is beneficial for the circulatory system.

Funchoza bean noodles are useful for allergy sufferers because they do not contain gluten. Due to the minimal amount of fat, Chinese noodles can be included in a weight loss diet. But for visible results, it must be consumed without fatty, sour, sweet and hot sauces.

Chinese noodles have no contraindications except in cases of individual intolerance.

Use of bean noodles in cooking

As mentioned above, the main feature of funchose is its almost complete absence of taste. On the one hand, this is an advantage, since the lack of taste allows you to create new combinations of products and obtain new tastes. Actually, this is the main drawback - funchose cannot be eaten separately, as an independent product. Usually the noodles are not even salted during cooking, and all the spices and salt are added to the sauce, which is served with funchose.

In Asian countries, spicy and sweet and sour salads with Chinese lamp, as well as first and second courses based on it, are popular. Most often, fuchosa noodles are served with chicken, cucumbers and fresh carrots.

Salads with Chinese noodles are best served warm - cold noodles lose their visual appeal and stick together.

Recipes with funchose

Making noodles is very simple. Place dry noodles in boiling water (do not add salt!), after 3-5 minutes of cooking, discard the noodles in a colander and rinse with cold water.

For you - a simple video recipe for salad with funchose

Funchoza noodles- a famous oriental product, which consists of thin translucent threads, most often rolled into balls (see photo). This unusual vermicelli has no taste, and after heat treatment it acquires a completely transparent texture. That is why it is often called glass noodles.

The homeland of funchose is Southeast Asia. In Korean, Japanese and Chinese cuisines, this product is considered traditional.

Four types of noodles are commonly called funchoza:

  • a natural product made from the starch of beans such as mung, yam and chickpeas;
  • a cheaper version of noodles made from corn or potato starch;
  • starchy noodles made from tropical plants such as cassava and sweet potato;
  • soy vermicelli, for the production of which soy starch is used.

An analogue of bean funchose is shirataki noodles. This is also thin vermicelli, but only konjac root is used for its production.

Transparent noodles were first mentioned in the book China of the Han Dynasty. It says that this vermicelli was a popular product back in 206 BC. At the same time, it was included in the diet of every person, from ordinary workers to emperors.

In 2002, during excavations, archaeologists discovered pottery containing the remains of ancient, hardened noodles. As it turns out, this container was used during the Longshanoid culture of Qijia, that is, at least four thousand years ago. An interesting fact is that vermicelli, made so long ago, was well preserved, so scientists were easily able to study the product. It turned out that the ancient noodles included two types of flour (bristle and millet).

Many people are mistaken when funchoza is considered a type of rice noodle. These are two different products that differ not only in appearance, but also in taste. Rice flour is used to make rice vermicelli. After cooking, such a product acquires a soft structure and white color. Traditional funchose is noodles made from legume starch. During cooking, it becomes tender and transparent.

How to select and store funchoza noodles?

To choose a high-quality funchose, first of all you need to pay attention to its appearance. Its structure must be dense and necessarily translucent. Natural oriental noodles have a white color with a grayish tint, as well as a slight bean smell.

Good funchose has a fragile structure and a smooth surface. There should be no impurities in the noodles. If the product is cloudy and has an off-flavor, do not buy such noodles.

When choosing funchose, do not forget to study the composition and look at the shelf life of the product. It is not recommended to purchase noodles that contain corn starch and all kinds of chemical additives.

This product should be stored at room temperature in a dry place. At high humidity, starchy vermicelli quickly becomes damp and loses its taste. To store funchose, it is better to use an airtight glass container or bags made of thick paper.

After cooking, do not leave the funchose in the liquid: it will turn sour in literally fifteen minutes and lose its appetizing appearance.

Use in cooking

In cooking, thin and wide instant-cooking funchose is used. The only difference between these starch products is the size. Moreover, such noodles can be either an independent dish or an additional component that goes perfectly with a lot of different products. Most often, funchose is combined with the following ingredients:

  • fish;
  • meat;
  • chicken;
  • seafood;
  • vegetables;
  • cheese;
  • fruits;
  • mushrooms;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • cottage cheese;
  • various sauces.

Noodles are ideal for making first courses, salads, appetizers and side dishes. It is noteworthy that this glass vermicelli is combined not only with classic oriental products, but also with any others.

As for the preparation of funchose itself, it can be prepared in several ways. We will talk about them in the table below.

In this case, the noodles are cooked in a water bath. A special container is prepared into which the required amount of vermicelli is placed. The entire process of preparing funchose using this method usually takes about twelve minutes.

in boiling water

Thin noodles are placed in boiling water and left to steep under the lid for five minutes. Note! There is no need to cook the product. It is recommended to immediately place the finished funchose in a colander and rinse with cold water, otherwise the vermicelli may stick together.

in a frying pan

Place raw noodles on hot oil and fry for three minutes with constant stirring. It is recommended to remove the finished dish using a slotted spoon so that most of the fat remains in the pan. Fried funchose turns out crispy and very tasty.

To cook funchose in the usual way, take a liter of water and a tablespoon of vegetable oil for one hundred grams of noodles. Combine the liquids and boil, then add salt and noodles rolled into a skein. Cook the product for no more than four minutes, after which be sure to drain in a colander and rinse with cool water. You can leave the finished funchose in the form of long threads, but if necessary, it can be cut into small strips.

If boiled noodles are served as an independent dish, it is recommended to pre-season them with sauces. There are many options for such dressings, but the fastest of them is prepared as follows: soy sauce, hot red pepper, sesame oil and ground coriander (one teaspoon each) are mixed in a common bowl. Before use, the sauce is infused in the refrigerator for two hours.

Benefits and harms

The benefit of high-quality funchose is that it is a healing product that has a beneficial effect on the condition of muscle tissue. Thanks to bean starch, such noodles provide the body with energy, and this is very important during mental and physical work.

This type of noodles is highly valued for its low calorie content, as well as its minimal fat content. Funchose contains only complex carbohydrates, which means this product can be safely included in the diet menu.

When consumed regularly, these noodles have a good effect on the functioning of the digestive system, as well as on the intestinal microflora.

Due to the high content of amino acids, starch funchose has restorative and rejuvenating effects. This product promotes the formation of new cells and slows down the aging process.

This unique Asian vermicelli is often included in the diet of diabetics and people suffering from kidney disease.

The great thing is that natural bean funchose is not capable of harming the body. However, some manufacturers make noodles based on such a harmful substance as corn starch. This is often done to reduce the cost of the product. Be extremely careful when purchasing this vermicelli so as not to stumble upon a harmful craft.

Funchoza is a very unusual type of noodle, which has a rather interesting transparent texture and a lot of useful substances!

Funchoza noodles are a product that appeared on the shelves of Russian stores with the development of the popularity of Asian cuisine. It is very often used in the preparation of oriental dishes, giving them special taste and nutritional qualities. What is the essence of this product? What positive and negative properties does it have? And most importantly, how to prepare it correctly? More on this later.

What it is?

Chinese funchose noodles are a product that, according to ancient Eastern legends, was sent by the samurai themselves. In Eastern culture it is perceived as a path to longevity and health. Asians are confident that funchose has only beneficial properties. And this is true, but only if the product was made without violating technology and from the right, natural ingredients.

Many people call funchose rice noodles, however, this formulation is not entirely correct. The thing is that to prepare the original product, oriental cooks use a mixture of canna rhizomes, quinoa, cassava, as well as beans and some other plants that have a high starch content. Some manufacturers make the product from potatoes and rice, with the addition of small amounts of aluminum and zinc.

Rice noodles and funchose: what is the difference?

Often on the shelves of Russian stores they try to sell ordinary ones under the guise of funchose. How to distinguish between these two products? Almost all experts on this ingredient give the same answer: no way! Externally, these products are very similar to each other, and the main difference can be discovered after the cooking process. So, if after heat treatment the cooked noodles retained their transparent appearance, this means that the client was not mistaken and acquired real funchose. But if, in the end, it acquires a white tint, this indicates that the pack contains real rice noodles.

What is the difference between these two products? It consists of the ingredients from which they were made. So, rice noodles are made from a combination of cheaper and less healthy ingredients: corn starch and rice. In the case of funchose, you can find useful ingredients in the composition that contribute to the normal development of the body and improve some of its functions.


Real funchose noodles are a very healthy product, by consuming which you can improve the functioning of your body and prevent some diseases. Thus, people who often eat dishes that contain funchose rarely experience nervous disorders; they practically do not know what a bad mood is. The components that make up this product have an antioxidant effect on the body, preventing its aging and cell fading.

Many nutritionists consider it a positive thing that such noodles do not contain gluten. Thanks to this fact, the product cannot cause allergies. Regular consumption of funchose helps remove cholesterol from the body, which normalizes the activity of the circulatory system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and cleanses the blood of harmful components.

Fans of this product who consume it for breakfast never experience a loss of energy during the working day. This is due to the fact that the components that make up funchose noodles enrich the human body with useful energy, which is enough for the whole day.

Useful components in the product

Noodles contain a large number of useful components that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Thus, its structure contains a high content of carbohydrates, of which there are 84 per 100 g of product. The amount of protein and fat in the composition is negligible - 0.7 and 0.5 g, respectively. When boiled, it is a very low-calorie product - 100 g contains only 90 calories.

In addition to carbohydrates, fats and proteins, funchose noodles contain a high content of vitamins E and B, as well as PP, which is very rarely found in everyday foods. Among the microelements, nutritionists very often highlight sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, selenium, as well as manganese and copper, which are beneficial for the body.

However, the manufacturers of this product assure that such a useful composition of minerals and vitamins can only be found in a high-quality product, and not in rice noodles or other substitutes.


It would seem that with so many useful components in the product, it simply cannot be harmful. However, this is not quite true. In its original form, funchose is a low-calorie product that can be eaten in large quantities. That is why there are often cases of overeating, which results in a negative effect on the pancreas, and on the intestinal tract as a whole. In order to avoid this phenomenon, you should clearly dose your daily portion.

Funchose producers warn customers against purchasing low-quality noodles, as in this case, the customer may face a lot of problems. Most of them are usually associated with differences in the composition of components.

How to cook noodles correctly

Properly prepared funchose is the key to a tasty and nutritious dish. Culinary experts recommend not to overcook the product, since in this case it loses not only its attractive appearance, but also some of its nutrients.

In order to properly cook the noodles, you should determine the time for its preparation - it should not exceed five minutes. Place the noodles in boiling water. It is not recommended to add salt to the noodles during the cooking process - traditionally, the taste is imparted to it with the help of sauces and various additives that are served along with it.

How can you tell when the noodles are ready? Easily! We need to test it, so to speak, for strength. If it springs slightly on the teeth, but no longer sticks together, this indicates that it is time to drain the water and throw the funchose into a colander. After cooking, it is advisable to rinse the noodles in cold water - this will give them their attractive transparent appearance.

Salad with funchose and chicken

You can surprise your household with an original salad of funchose rice noodles. Its preparation will require a small amount of time, as well as a minimum of ingredients and culinary experience.

You should start preparing the dish by boiling the noodles (500 g) and washing them. After it is ready, you need to make the sauce. It is prepared from three tablespoons of olive oil, 0.5 teaspoon of sugar, 150 ml of wine vinegar, and spices to taste (you can use salt, black and red pepper). All of the listed ingredients should be mixed and set aside for a certain time.

250 g of chicken breast should be washed well, dried with a towel and cut into medium-sized cubes. After this, you need to fry it in a hot frying pan, poured 1 tbsp. l. olive oil until the fillet is golden brown.

In a separate bowl, combine five cherry tomatoes cut into 4 pieces, tear a couple of lettuce leaves and cut a head of onion into half rings. To these ingredients you need to add fried meat, salt, pepper, and mix. Place the noodles on top of the entire mass and pour the sauce over it all. The salad with funchose noodles is ready - it can be served!

Noodles with vegetables

This product goes well with various vegetables. Funchoza noodles according to the recipe given below are prepared very simply and quickly. To do this, boil it (300 g) and put it aside for a while. While it cools, you should do the vegetables. It is necessary to cut bell peppers and a couple of cucumbers into strips, and also peel a couple of tomatoes and chop them into cubes. 100 g of cauliflower also needs to be chopped.

After all the vegetables are ready, they should be combined, add noodles to them, salt and pepper, mix thoroughly, sprinkle with a small amount of soy sauce, and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Funchoza noodles with vegetables are ready - they can be served.

With Chiken

The product in question goes well with different types of meat. That is why no one will be indifferent to funchoza noodles with chicken, cooked in a hurry.

To do this, you need to boil 300 g of chicken fillet and cut it into small cubes. 300 g of cucumbers and 150 g of carrots should be chopped into strips, the same should be done with 400 g of bell pepper (it is best to take red).

In a separate pan, boil 200 g of noodles and, throwing them in a colander, mix with the chicken. After this, add all the vegetables to the ingredients and pour the sauce over everything and mix thoroughly.

The sauce for this dish is prepared from three crushed cloves of garlic, finely chopped chili pepper, 60 ml of soy sauce and the same amount of olive oil. All ingredients must be thoroughly ground and stirred.

With chicken and mushrooms

You can use mushrooms and chicken as additional ingredients - this is another way to prepare funchose noodles.

In order for the dish to turn out most delicious, it is important to observe all the proportions indicated here. The creation of a culinary masterpiece should begin with boiling the noodles, of which you should take 100 g. After they are thrown into a colander, you can start preparing other components.

Boil 200 g of chicken fillet in lightly salted water, then cool and cut into small slices. 100 g of onions should be chopped into thin strips, the same should be done with 400 g of bell pepper and 300 g of carrots. 200 g of mushrooms should be cut into thin slices.

After all the ingredients are ready, you need to fry the mushrooms and onions in a hot frying pan using 60 ml of olive oil. The degree of readiness of the ingredients is determined by whether there is mushroom juice in the pan - when it is gone, it means you can add chicken fillet to the mass. After five minutes of heat treatment, you need to add the remaining vegetables to the ingredients and, stirring, simmer in this composition for 10-15 minutes.

When everything is ready, the vegetables should be mixed with the noodles and stirred.

With shrimps

Funchoza noodles with shrimp prepared according to this recipe will definitely not leave any seafood lover indifferent.

You should start creating such a dish by preparing the vegetables. To do this, you need to heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in a frying pan and fry chopped vegetables in it: half a bell pepper and the same amount of carrots. After a couple of minutes, you need to add 10 peeled and pre-boiled shrimp to the vegetables, simmer in this composition for a minute and pour in a sauce made from crushed garlic cloves, chopped green onions (3-4 feathers), and a couple of tablespoons of sesame oil. After this, remove the pan from the heat.

While the vegetables cool, you need to boil the funchose. As soon as the noodles are ready, you need to combine them with vegetables, mix well and sprinkle 0.5 tsp on top. sesame seeds and finely chopped parsley.

This original dish can be served either cold or hot.
