How to decorate a family hearth for a wedding. The ceremony of lighting the family hearth at a wedding

Lighting the family hearth at a wedding is one of the most sentimental and lyrical rituals. The candle flame is a symbol of family warmth, comfort and happiness, therefore it is the parents who give part of their home to the new family. To make this ritual look even more touching, you can add more romantic attributes to it, for example, decorate candles.

Carrying out the ceremony

To carry out the ceremony you will need three candles - two thin candles and one voluminous, beautiful product. During the ceremony, the parents of the newlyweds come on stage. The mother-in-law and mother-in-law hold lighted thin candles in their hands, with the lights of which they light another, the most beautiful candle - a symbol of the newlyweds’ home. The main candle can be in a special candlestick and stand on the table, or it can be in the hands of the newlyweds. Lighting the hearth from two maternal candles symbolizes the transfer of the family warmth of the parental home to the home of the married children. It does not matter when the ceremony is performed - at the beginning or at the end of the evening, but it is important to create twilight in the hall.

In some cases the ritual continues. Guests can help with this. They form a circle around all participants in the ceremony, each guest holding a candle. The bride, the new owner of the family hearth, goes around the guests and lights each candle, thereby sharing the warmth of her new family. If such a continuation of the ceremony is planned, then it is recommended to choose a convenient and reliable option as the main symbol, which will be convenient for setting fire to other wicks. By the way, in this circle of guests with lit candles the first dance of the newlyweds will look very impressive.

What kind of candles are needed?

As already noted, for the ceremony you need to purchase three candles: one is the main one, beautiful, the other two are simpler. Products can be decorated with ribbons, rhinestones, coffee beans and other elements - there are no restrictions here. It also doesn’t matter what the models are made of - wax or its substitutes, although wax is still used most often; it is non-toxic, does not smoke and burns for a long time, unlike paraffin. Size, color and shape don't matter. You should adhere to the following recommendations for choosing candles:

  • when choosing candles with a beautiful design or decorating them yourself, it is important to take into account that the decorative details cannot lead to a fire and do not interfere with the ceremony participants holding the products in their hands;
  • for the mothers of the bride and groom, it is better to choose thin and long candles without voluminous decor, so that they can conveniently transfer fire to the young family; the product held by the bride must have a conveniently located wick for ignition;
  • if it is planned to continue the ceremony, the bride will have to go around the guests and light their candles, the main symbol should also be chosen in an elongated form;
  • it is necessary to foresee the safety of candles in advance and prevent wax from getting on the skin of the hands, as well as provide protection from heat; for this purpose, it is better to purchase models with stands and holders; to protect your hands, you can use candlesticks or napkins;
  • You can also keep the products in glasses to protect the skin of your hands, but then it is advisable to make sure in advance how convenient it will be to light the wick.

After the ceremony

Once the ceremony is completed, the candles can be left on the table where the ceremony was performed until the end of the celebration. After the wedding, the new young family takes their candle to their new home and keeps it as a souvenir. You can continue to use the product if necessary, for example, light it every anniversary and save it until your child’s wedding in order to convey to him the warmth of your home. The parents of the newlyweds also take their copies home.

If the products are made of wax, then you can perform one more ritual: store them for four years and burn them on the anniversary of the wax wedding.

How to decorate?

To decorate candles, especially the main family hearth, you need to use different decorative elements in any colors. You can purchase ready-made beautiful wedding models, or you can design the product yourself, because it is more economical, since a large amount is already spent on the wedding, and you will also get an exclusive option that has never been used anywhere before. If the wedding is decorated in a certain color, then it is better to decorate the candles with decor in thematic shades - this way they will fit very harmoniously into the wedding interior and create an even stronger effect. To decorate the symbol of the family hearth, you can use ribbons, lace, flowers, beads, and rhinestones. When using flowers, you should choose fresh samples, because they will remain without water until the end of the holiday. Below are two options for designing wedding candles.

It is better to combine them with flowers from the bride’s bouquet and the groom’s boutonniere.


Prepare the following items:

  • 3 candles;
  • 3 candlesticks;
  • satin ribbon of the desired color;
  • Natural flowers.

Manufacturing includes the following steps:

  1. Having placed the candles in candlesticks, carefully remove the remaining paraffin;
  2. carefully wipe the candlesticks so that no dirt remains on them;
  3. we wrap each candle with ribbon, while trying to do it at the same level;
  4. Using pins and needles, we attach flowers in the middle.

Marine style

Prepare items such as:

  • white candles – 3 pcs.;
  • blue or light blue satin ribbons;
  • white lace – 3 pcs.;
  • any decorative marine element as a pendant - miniature anchor, starfish, shell - 3 pcs.

Manufacturing includes steps such as:

  1. We wrap each white candle with three thin ribbons to create uniform stripes - blue, white, blue, white and so on;
  2. We insert a cord into the prepared pendant and knit a nautical knot, loose and loose, on each candle on top of the ribbons, so that the decoration is in the center of the knot.

A creative person can show imagination in any direction and realize the most daring ideas when decorating wedding candles. When designing products, follow several recommendations.

  • You can use artificial flowers instead of real ones, for example, make them from polymer clay. First, we form a ball, then stretch it out in the shape of a drop, use nail scissors to cut the top into five equal parts and, using a toothpick, turn each part of the drop into a petal.
  • The overall design of the candles should be in harmony with the theme of the wedding and be combined with the decoration of glasses, champagne bottles, and so on. If the holiday does not have any theme, then it is recommended to decorate wedding symbols in classic pastel shades.
  • When decorating candles, it is very important to provide for safety. Make sure that the decor is not placed too high and close to the wick. The quality of materials plays an equally important role; you need to use elements that will not begin to melt or fall off when the temperature rises when the fire is lit.

How to make wedding candles with your own hands in emerald color, see the video below.

The most spectacular and touching moment of the wedding ceremony is considered to be the beautiful ceremony of lighting a candle at the family hearth.

According to an ancient tradition that goes deep into the history of mankind, a candle flame serves as a symbol of home warmth, family comfort and well-being. Therefore, with this ritual, parents pass on a piece of their family hearth to the bride and groom, so that love, comfort and prosperity will always reign in the young family.

The real decoration of the celebration can be called a spectacular and touching ritual called “Lighting the Family Hearth.”

At a wedding, the script for this wonderful ceremony necessarily includes the lighting of candles. Therefore, you need to stock up on three candles in advance.

Two thin candles are needed for a symbolic parental hearth, and one of the most beautiful and voluminous ones is needed for a unique home for young spouses.

This beautiful ritual can be performed in various forms.

In one of the most common options, the action takes place in the following order.

  • To begin the beautiful ceremony, the hosts invite the parents of the newlyweds. Since ancient times, the fire of the family hearth has been kept and supported by a woman. Therefore, the right to light and carry the parental candle is given to the mothers of the bride and groom.
  • Fathers of the newlyweds can also take part in the wedding ritual. To do this, they are invited to light two candles and give them to the mothers of the young spouses. This symbolic gesture emphasizes the man's responsibility for creating a strong family.
  • The groom's mothers bring two lights of burning candles to the large and beautiful candle of the newlyweds' family hearth.
  • The main wedding candle, symbolizing the family hearth of a young family, is in the hands of the future keeper - the young wife. The bride can place the candle on a special candlestick, which can be placed on a separate table.
  • Mothers bring their lighted candles and at the same time light the flame of a large wedding candle from both sides. With this gesture, they seem to convey their parental love and the warmth of their home to adult children in order to light up their family hearth.

All guests of the celebration can participate in the ceremony if they wish.

First, they receive unlit thin candles and stand in a circle or in one row. The newlywed comes up and lights their candles one by one.

With this action, the bride shares the warmth of her family hearth and opens her heart and home to her family and friends. For this option, select a convenient and reliable candle that will be convenient for lighting guests’ candles. The first dance of the bride and groom in a circle of guests with lit candles will look spectacular.

And if instead of a circle the guests form a figure in the shape of a heart, then the wedding dance of the newlyweds and the evening will be filled with the double meaning of beauty and harmony of married life. You can choose any time for this wonderful wedding ritual. Since it does not take much time to carry out the ceremony of the family hearth, it can be carried out both at the beginning and at the end of the wedding.

The only condition for holding this ceremony is the opportunity to effectively and spectacularly focus the attention of all participants in the celebration on the flame of three wedding candles. This is only possible in the twilight of evening light.

What items are needed for the ritual?

In the beautiful ritual of lighting the fire of the family hearth, wedding candles will be an obligatory attribute. Newlyweds can purchase them in wedding salons or in specialized departments of stores.

You can buy a beautiful candle with a special decorative design, or you can decorate a purchased ordinary wide candle with your own hands with various wedding symbols: rings, flowers, doves, a pair of swans.

If you manage to purchase a chameleon candle that flickers in different colors when lit, then such an attribute will look great in the dimness of the wedding hall and will shroud this touching ritual in mystery and enigma.

It is advisable that wedding candles meet the following requirements.

  1. The main wedding candle should be the most beautiful, large and attractively decorated. The newlyweds select the shape and appearance in accordance with their preferences and wishes.
  2. For a photo session of the newlyweds with a lit candle for the family hearth, it is recommended to use a beautiful stand or candlestick.
  3. As candles for parents, it is best to purchase thin candles of short length, which will harmonize favorably with the large candle of the young ones. Since mothers will use the flame of parental candles to light the symbolic hearth of the newlyweds, it is not recommended to choose shaped candles for these purposes due to their inconvenience.
  4. If possible, then you should abandon the purchased wedding main candle. It is advisable to decorate it yourself with your own hands and thus fill this wedding attribute with a piece of warmth from the hands and hearts of the newlyweds.
  5. Wedding ceremony “The family hearth will be unusually romantic and symbolic if candles left by the parents after their wedding are used when lighting. It is recommended that newlyweds continue this wonderful tradition so that their future child can use the candle from their parents’ wedding hearth at their wedding.

According to popular belief, it is believed that a candle lit from a wedding family hearth can be used to make your deepest wish.

Therefore, it is best for guests to keep them as a memory of that bright and happy day of uniting two loving hearts into a strong family union. Newlyweds often ask the question: “What to do with lit small candles and can they be extinguished?”

There are several opinions on this matter: some believe that the candles must be extinguished, and this will be a symbol of the young people belonging to each other, while others want to leave the candles lit to emphasize their individuality.

In fact, it doesn’t matter at all whether you leave the candles burning or not. The newlyweds make this decision jointly and at their own request. Sometimes at wedding celebrations during the ceremony of transferring the fire of the family hearth, candles are replaced with aromatic lamps in the shape of hearts, small graceful houses, small fireplaces, and a beautiful flower. When holding a wedding hearth lighting ceremony, it is best to agree in advance with the administration of the wedding venue about the possibility of turning off the overhead electric lighting.

Then this beautiful, touching ritual will be more spectacular and effective.

Script with words from toastmaster

Before the ceremony of lighting the family hearth begins, the presenter places three candles on a special table and addresses those present:

“Dear newlyweds! Your marriage ended with the union of two halves into a single whole. Now you will receive a piece of the sun as a gift - a family home. How sunlight serves as the source of life for all

The earth and the family hearth serve as an inexhaustible source of vitality for a young family. Take care of such a priceless gift throughout your life together.

The fire of the family hearth should always burn and give the light and warmth of the fire to the family, so that no cold wind can blow out the unquenchable flame of home comfort.” After these words, the presenter can tell a parable about the wonderful and magical possibilities of the fire of the family hearth.

There are several stories on the theme of lighting a family hearth.

One of them reads: “A large Family lived in one house and they had Happiness. But then one day Happiness decided to leave this house. When leaving, it asked family members to say goodbye to their most cherished dreams and wishes.

The wife chose an expensive fashionable fur coat, the daughter asked for a wealthy groom to be her husband, the son’s dream was a new prestigious car, and only the father asked for a constant fire at home. Happiness, having heard such a wise answer, decided to stay in this house and fulfilled all the wishes of the family members. This is not surprising, because everyone knows that in a house where the hearth is burning, Happiness always lives.”

There is another version of the parable: “Once a sage asked his three disciples to fill a dark cave with warmth and light. One brought a lot of gold, but it didn’t make it any warmer or brighter. Another student thought about it and decided to bring silver. It slightly illuminated the cave arches, but did not warm the old sage at all. The third brought brushwood, took a splinter and lit a fire, the fire of which dispersed the pitch darkness of the cave and filled it with warmth and comfort. And, according to the ancient tradition of our ancestors, the candle of the young family’s hearth is lit as a sign of love and wisdom.” After these words, silence falls in the hall or a quiet, quiet melody begins to sound.

In the twilight, the flickering lights of two lit candles appear.

The mothers’ hands hold candles, and the toastmaster pronounces the following text:

The presenter continues: “Your mothers filled the lights of their candles with boundless love and reverent tenderness. Endless care, hope for a happy life for your grown children - in the name of these beautiful impulses, wedding candles are lit today.”

Such a touching and solemn speech evokes sentimental emotions among wedding guests.

According to the scenario, mothers approach the bride with lit candles, whose hand is holding a large wedding candle.

The candle lights ignite the flame of the main candle, which begins to flare up more and more brightly. The groom approaches the happy bride with a burning candle for the family hearth, takes her palms in his and exclaims: “Now we have our own family hearth!”

The guests begin to applaud the young couple beaming with happiness and wish them a happy family life. During the lighting ceremony, the toastmaster may invite guests participating in the ceremony to stand around the newlyweds and their parents.

In this case, a relaxed, cozy atmosphere of love and respect is created.

At the conclusion of the ritual, the toastmaster says the words:

The young family will have to carefully preserve the candle of the wedding hearth until their grown children find their betrothed and find their happiness. And when a disagreement or quarrel occurs in the family life of the young, it is recommended to light a candle in your home, remember together the brightest day of your wedding, and then peace and harmony will reign in the young family for a long time.

In this video you will hear a lot of useful tips on how to light up a family hearth:

In addition to memorable wedding dates, the family hearth can be lit at the birth of your children.

The key ceremony “Lighting the Family Hearth” will be remembered for a long time by guests and newlyweds for its touchingness and significance.

Any wedding celebration takes place according to certain traditions and rituals. It begins with the bride price and ends with the sale of the cake. In addition, there are other, no less significant ceremonies.

One of the most sentimental and lyrical is the tradition of lighting a family hearth. Since ancient times, it was the flame from a candle that was considered a symbol of warmth, comfort, harmony, happiness and family. That is why parents, as the closest people, transfer their warmth to the home of a young family.

Wedding Hearth Tradition

The meaning of the ritual is very deep and one might even say sacred. But since close and dear people are present at the wedding, the candle is lit in front of a full hall. This requires complete silence and darkness.

All the lights in the hall are extinguished and, under the words of the toastmaster, the most intimate things happen. The family hearth itself consists of two candles. One is in the hands of the parents, and the other is in the newlyweds.

Parents often say parting words and a congratulatory speech with a lit candle in their hands, and after the words have been spoken, they pass it on to the young family, lighting their candle with their flame.

Ritual of lighting the hearth

In order for the ceremony to take place, it is worth knowing when it is best to perform it. Please note that it would be completely unacceptable to organize a ceremony at the very beginning of the entire celebration. It is necessary that each ritual be performed in a designated place.

Be sure to discuss with the wedding event host when the ritual will take place. In most cases, he is given a place at the end of the celebration. Often this is before they take it out.

In essence, it turns out that first the groom bought the bride, then they registered the relationship at the registry office. Afterwards, it’s worth entertaining the guests and young spouses.

Well, when all the points are completed, you can move on to the lyrical part. Young spouses are waiting for their parents to hand over to them a family hearth filled with warmth, kindness and love.

Script and words of the transfer of the family hearth

The ceremony itself can be carried out according to several interesting scenarios. The newlyweds should decide which of the script texts to choose even before organizing the celebration.

Think in advance which method suits you most.

  1. The host invites the mother of the bride and groom, the newlyweds.
    Mothers say warm words, while each woman holds a thin candle in her hands. At the same time, young spouses with a thick candle in their hands are waiting for their flame to light up. After kind words of parting words, mothers light the newlyweds’ candle. As a rule, this is the most touching moment, during which most of the guests present shed tears.
  2. The toastmaster asks the parents to light the candle for the young couple.
    Fathers get up and light mothers' candles with lighters or matches. Then the mothers carefully light the hearth of the young. Fathers in this ceremony symbolize the responsibility for creating a family.
  3. A candle stands on the table in front of the young couple.
    Mothers press their candles tightly together and light the hearth of the newlyweds. Thereby, they convey all their boundless love, wishing harmony in the new family.

There is another, no less interesting ritual. After the young family hearth is lit. Absolutely all guests present are invited to stand in a tight circle, closing the young couple.

Each guest has one thin candle prepared in advance. The bride walks through everyone present and uses her candle to light the hearth of everyone present. Thus, the spouses say that they are open to their relatives and friends and are waiting for them to visit them as soon as possible.

Pay attention to how the ceremony will be conducted. For a more spectacular perception, it is worth creating twilight or dim light. Then more attention is focused on the bright flame.

How to decorate candles with your own hands?

Since the hearth is represented by candles, it becomes clear that they are the central place in the ceremony itself. It is especially important to beautifully decorate the candle of young spouses. It becomes the main focus of the entire ceremony. Parental foci are no less significant.

As a rule, they buy thin candles, which themselves are not very bright and noticeable. In order for the product to look bright and festive, it is worth thinking in advance about how it can be decorated.

There are several ways: both simple and more complex.

  • ribbons;
  • lace;
  • rhinestones;
  • beads;
  • flowers.

What will you need?

Think about which method is closest to you.

From this alone, you will have to build on the materials you choose.

  1. Candle – 3 pieces.
  2. Candlestick – 3 pieces.
  3. Satin tape.
  4. Fresh flowers.

Step by step guide

Follow the simple instructions, then you will be able to decorate your family hearth.

  1. Place the candles in a candle holder and carefully remove any remaining paraffin.
  2. Wipe the candlesticks dry so that no dirt remains on them.
  3. Wrap each piece with a thick satin ribbon. At the same time, try to do it so that they all turn out to be approximately at the same level.
  4. Attach fresh flowers to the center, securing them with a needle.

Choose a satin ribbon based on. As for the colors, they should be in harmony with and. In addition, pay attention to their durability.

Since the ceremony will take place almost at the end of the event, your flowers should stand without water and retain their original appearance. The family hearth is a symbolic rite, so it would be extremely awkward if there were dried flowers or a crooked ribbon on it.

Family hearth at a wedding.


After the ceremony of the family hearth, it would be appropriate to arrange the first marriage dance of the newlyweds. That is, one sentimental and slightly sad note turns into another. The ritual is not so traditional, so it can be easily changed by discussing various options with the toastmaster.

Recently, many people have been replacing the candle with sand in a flask. It looks no less spectacular and new.

Beautifully decorated candles are often used to decorate a banquet hall. In addition, they participate in a beautiful and solemn ceremony of handing over the hearth. We will tell you how to decorate wedding candles with your own hands.

The wedding ceremony, as one of the most important events in a person’s life, has a magical and symbolic nature. Almost all details of the ritual have some hidden meaning, rooted in the distant past. Candles at a wedding also have their own meanings. Firstly, this is a reference to the Orthodox wedding ceremony, when the future husband and wife hold candles in their hands. The fire of the candles symbolizes the pure and fiery love of the young people for each other. Husbands and wives keep wedding candles for the rest of their lives. Nowadays, church weddings are more a rarity than a rule, but candles carry the same meaning.

In addition, a live fire correlates with the warmth and comfort of a home, warming the whole family. It is this meaning that is played out in the now popular ritual of handing over the hearth. This is a beautiful and deeply symbolic ceremony that will require three beautifully decorated candles. Each couple - the groom's parents, the bride's parents and the newlyweds - take a candle. The older generation lights their candles and together brings the fire to the candle of the young family, passing on to them a piece of their wisdom, experience and love. During this ceremony, parents usually give advice to the newlyweds and talk about how they managed to preserve and carry the fire of their love through all the years of their life together.

Now in stores you can find a huge number of all kinds of candles that will decorate the interior of a banquet hall. However, homemade decor is much more valuable. For which candles should you prepare an original design? Firstly, candles are required to be decorated for the ceremony of handing over the hearth. Secondly, if the newlyweds do get married in a church, then a modest, discreet, but stylish decoration is also prepared for the wedding candles. Thirdly, candles can become a key detail in the interior design of a banquet hall - in this case, you also need to prepare a special decoration for them.

Rules for decorating wedding candles

The choice of technique and style for decorating a wedding candle depends on its purpose. For wedding candles, the most appropriate would be a small wreath of fresh flowers, combined with flowers from the bride’s bouquet, or a wreath of artificial flowers created from ribbon and fabric. A small ribbon bow decorated with rhinestones would also be appropriate.

More interesting, complex and varied are the ways of decorating interior candles and candles for the ceremony of handing over the hearth.

The main rule for the first type of candles is that the decor should be made in accordance with the colors and style of the wedding. For example, for an orange wedding, you can make your own cheerful orange candles in the shape of an orange, or candles into which dried orange is fused.

Candles for the hearth should be decorated in the same style with other wedding accessories - glasses of the newlyweds, champagne, an album for wishes, a pillow for rings and others. Most often, ribbons and lace are used for decoration. We will look at all the ways to decorate candles for a wedding with your own hands below.

Fresh exotic flowers are a very bright and beautiful decoration. So decorating a candle in this way is very simple - just attach a bright flower matching the wedding colors to the candle using a glue gun or regular glue. An example of this design for wedding candles is shown in the photo:

However, more often flowers are used to create compositions for candlesticks or wreaths into which candles are inserted. Artificial flowers made from fabric and ribbons can also perform the same function.

Fabric decor is the most common: firstly, it looks very beautiful and stylish, and secondly, it is simple to implement. There are several techniques. First, create flowers from ribbons or fabric, which are attached to the surface of the candle with glue, creating a beautiful pattern.

The easiest way is to make flat multi-colored roses from ribbon. You can make flowers of different sizes and colors by securing them on a wide green ribbon in the center of the candle and additionally decorating them with rhinestones or beads. You will learn how to make the desired decoration from ribbons with your own hands from this master class:

The combination of lace and wide satin ribbons in a contrasting shade to the lace looks very beautiful. You can also combine satin ribbons of different widths and contrasting shades. They are attached to the candle using glue. A good master class on using this technique is shown in the video:

Decorating a wedding candle using decoupage

Decoupage is a very simple way to decorate a candle with your own hands, which gives a very good result. You will need a thick candle, an ordinary napkin or a decoupage napkin, as well as an iron or a hot spoon that can be heated over a stove or over another candle. A thin napkin easily melts into paraffin. The technique is shown in the video:

You can not use the entire napkin, but cut out individual designs - this will look more stylish. In addition, a small pattern will go well with ribbons or other decor.

Other ways to decorate candles for a wedding

Wedding candles decorated with beads, rhinestones, flowers or other elements made from polymer clay look very beautiful. These decorative methods can also be combined with decoration with ribbons or lace. There are many options. You can cover the entire surface of the candle with beads without leaving any gaps, as in the photo below - a good option for a disco-style wedding.

You can make a beautiful pattern from rhinestones of different colors and beads. The easiest way to attach these decorative elements is with a glue gun. Transparent glue holds well and will not be noticeable.
Another interesting option is to create original jewelry from polymer clay. Plastic can be bought at the store. The technique for creating such decor is shown in the video:

Usually, for decoration, ready-made candles are taken in white or a pastel shade of one of the brighter colors. However, you can make a candle yourself at home. These candles look the most original. An interesting technique is one in which sea shells, dried petals, flowers, coffee beans, and so on are melted into a candle. To do this, take two forms of different sizes (for example, two boxes), one of which is inserted into the other. Grains, petals, and dried fruits are poured into the gap formed between the forms. After this, the gap is filled with candle mass. To obtain it, store-bought candles, broken into pieces and freed from wicks, are melted on the stove. After the candle has hardened, the smaller inner mold is removed, the empty space is again filled with paraffin so that the candle is not hollow, not forgetting to insert and secure the wick.

Vika Di

There are many wedding traditions and rituals in the world. People approach this event not only with great responsibility and some superstition. The ransom, the bride's bouquet, the groom's pendant - all this has been passed down to us from previous generations. And we to give the holiday a certain priesthood, a sacrament, decided to preserve these rituals. One of the most important traditions remains the home for a wedding. It symbolizes the creation of a small family, the beginning of a new life for the young.

What is a family hearth at a wedding: the history of the ritual

Lighting the family wedding hearth is the oldest tradition at a wedding. It is always held with great trepidation for both the newlyweds and their parents. This interesting attribute of marriage has very old roots. After all, fire has been considered a miracle cure since ancient times. He cleansed, led people to a new goal and warmed them with his warmth.

Fire has symbolized life since ancient times, and this is how it became entrenched in people’s memory.

The ceremony of lighting the family hearth at a wedding always fills the hearts of spectators with awe and reverence, and quite often even makes guests cry. Ritual " Family hearth“means continuity of generations, the beginning of independent life for the young. This tradition gave rise to something new, long and happy.

Photo of the wedding hearth

The ritual should be performed by the mothers of the bride and groom, because we know that women have long been considered the guardians of the family hearth.

How to make a home fireplace for a wedding with your own hands?

A home fireplace for a wedding is usually made by the parents of the bride and groom. Putting into it pieces of life experience, love, tenderness, words of blessing, parents pass the hearth to their beloved children.

The wedding hearth serves as a kind of amulet for a young family on a difficult path in life

Making this attribute is not so difficult with your own hands. All you need are candles: you can buy them at the store and decorate them to your liking, or even make them yourself at home.

To do this, you need to carefully grind the wax, paraffin and candle mass, then melt it all and fill the mold of your choice with the resulting finished mass. As for decorating a candle, this the process is quite painstaking and labor intensive. It is necessary to draw up a sketch of the desired design in advance, so as not to waste time on this later.

There are many options and methods for creating it. Don’t neglect to attend a master class on making a wedding hearth, where you can get acquainted with its creation and listen to advice from professionals. There you will be asked to make a fireplace yourself and apply the acquired knowledge directly through experience. The craftsmen will share with you ideas on how you can decorate your family hearth in a simple and at the same time original way.

Photo of a family hearth at a wedding, made by yourself

There are many options for decorating wedding candles, which are quite simple and can be easily done at home. A wide variety of materials can serve as decoration: lace, ribbons, flowers and leaves made of polymer clay, beads, seed beads, colored paper, fabric or braid. Decorating a family hearth for a wedding with your own hands will be very interesting and exciting. You can surprise the newlyweds, relatives, and guests.

When and how is the family hearth lit at a wedding?

It is usually left to the mothers of those getting married to light the fireplace at a wedding, because... They are the guardians of family comfort, but fathers often help them with this. Two parent candles give birth to a new strong family. This ritual is primarily in the nature of some kind of parental blessing for a long and happy family life. The ceremony of lighting a family hearth is always done with trepidation, and is not complete without parental tears. Often this lyrical scene ends the whole celebration.

The transfer of home at a wedding is part of the plot of the entire event, and it is organized mainly by the host, but most often the newlyweds and parents make some adjustments. As a rule, at this moment the lights in the hall are turned off, romantic and calm music is turned on, the toastmaster announces the beginning of the ritual by telling a myth or legend. The newlyweds with a single candle, holding hands, stand in front of the guests.

The parents come up and light their candles, after which the mothers give their blessing to the newlyweds.

This is how they condemn their children to a long and happy family life. Then the parents of both parties simultaneously bring their candles to the children's separate candle, and the new hearth is instantly lit. After the ritual a young couple can bypass all the guests and light their candles with your own flame, thereby opening your home to family and friends.

Photo of the hearth at a wedding

What to do with the family hearth after the wedding?

A young family should save the candle after the wedding as a guarantee of mutual understanding. You can even light it on every wedding anniversary to bring back memories! It is advisable to keep it until the next generation finds its soul mate and finds family happiness: then with the help of this candle you can light the family flame of your children.

How to replace the family hearth at a wedding: modern alternatives

Modern newlyweds want to make their wedding unique and unusual, so they often break away from tradition and come up with something new. But how can you replace the family hearth at a wedding?

  • Sand ceremony. Its essence lies in the fact that the newlyweds pick up small vessels with sand, mostly blue and pink. Then, to the accompaniment of slow, romantic music, sand is poured into a common vase. The result may be a beautiful and original design, which in the future will serve as a decoration for your home interior.
  • Planting flowers. The newlyweds plant a flower in a pot together. It is better to do the initial stage of planting in advance so that the flower does not have time to die. At the celebration, the bride and groom will only have to pour a little soil into the pot on both sides and water it.

Joining with tape

  • Joining with tape. The newlyweds should bring a satin ribbon to the wedding and wrap each other's hands to the appropriate music. Then you should put the tape into one common box to later store as a memory.
  • Mixing cocktails. The newlyweds take two glasses with different drinks and pour them into one, and then drink in equal quantities. The result is a familiar combination - martini and juice, for example, or something more original.

A symbolic gesture at a wedding can also be throwing a fish into a small aquarium or the common release of balloons with a common wish.

  • « Rite of the Alchemist" Bottles with colorful liquids and various names (“Respect”, “Love”, “Loyalty”, “Support”, “Patience”) are placed on the table in front of the future spouses. The presenter invites the bride and groom to separately create their own cocktail of love by first mixing any three ingredients. They then hang the pendants around each other's necks as a sign of mutual affection.

To better understand the ritual process, we recommend watching a video of a family hearth at a wedding with a different way of lighting wedding candles.

In the video of the lighting of the family hearth at a wedding, we also see the completion of the ritual: after lighting a common candle, the newlyweds dance a waltz, and the candles of the guests skillfully illuminate the space for them:

11 June 2018, 16:06
