How to take a painting abroad by plane and not get problems. How to pack paintings for moving How to transport a wet painting

Often there is a need to fly to another city or country. From home, of course, I want to take as many memorable and important things as possible. However, if this thing is big picture, then it is worth knowing whether you can take it with you.

Shipping Requirements
Let's start with the fact that all airlines have different requirements for transportation. various items art. The only thing they have in common is the size limit. The average number is approximately one hundred centimeters on all sides with packaging.

However, without a document stating that the painting is of no value to the state, you may not be allowed to leave the country with it. Some travelers were lucky, and they passed without permission. But is it worth the risk?

In order to consider at the border that the canvas is not of proper value, the border guards must examine it for compliance with the documents, so it is worth packing in a transparent film.

Packing the painting for the flight
So that nothing happens to the picture, it should be wrapped in some kind of packaging material. It can be plain paper or mica, or even film.

It is advisable to ask to pack specialists who understand this specificity. So you will have confidence that the art object will remain safe.

If the canvas is valuable, then it is even better to wrap it with a film first so as not to damage it, taking it out for inspection, and then putting it in a cardboard box or even a not very heavy box. Ideally, also insure for some amount to protect yourself in case of trouble.

Transportation by plane
You can take the painting to the salon. Usually, the staff goes forward and takes even larger things into the cabin of the aircraft than is allowed. The canvas can be placed on a shelf, if possible, or by a window, provided that this does not contradict the rules of passenger safety during the flight.

If there are any problems with the design of the picture, then it can always be rolled up into a roll, if the structure of the material from which the plot is made, after putting it in a tube. Also, it is possible to pay a certain amount and arrange it as a transportation of fragile luggage, insuring the painting for a certain amount.

Information on the topic of transporting paintings by plane is offered on many forums, but scrolling through the message feed, you can immediately understand that their authors often offer information that contradicts each other. We have tried to put together the basic requirements for the air transportation of works of art and invite you to read them further. However, given that each airline serves passengers according to its own regulations, it is better to contact the company manager in advance to clarify the details of how to transport the paintings on the plane.

The technical side of the issue of transporting the painting

Transportation in a tube

To transport a painting by plane, you need to remove the canvas from the stretcher and roll it into a roll with the pattern inside. Further, it will be easiest to choose a tube of the appropriate size for the roll. Before being placed in a tube, it is recommended to wrap the canvas with cardboard or paper and glue the ends with adhesive tape.

Shipping in a box

In some cases, folding a work of art into a roll threatens to lose its presentation. For example, craquelure may appear on the oil layer, and there is also a risk of tearing the paper web. Pictures in this case are transported in a special plastic folder for artists or a wooden box. The picture is allowed to be transported both in the luggage compartment of the aircraft and in the cabin. Moreover, if the size of the box does not allow it to be placed in the compartment for hand luggage above your seat, you can ask the flight attendant for help to find a suitable place for the picture.

How to transport a work of art by plane without problems? Yes, it's very simple: buy a place near the emergency exit, and next to you there will be a lot of space to lean the picture against the wall at your feet.

Transportation of antique paintings by plane

When exporting works of art abroad, often we are talking about antiques. The canvas can be painted centuries ago, and unnecessary manipulation with it can harm the integrity of the canvas, and the frame in many cases is of high value. Please note that during loading and unloading a fragile item may be irreparably damaged. To avoid such misunderstandings, observe a simple condition: the transportation of paintings by air must be carried out in wooden boxes, and the works of art themselves must be wrapped in pimply cellophane.

We remind you that each airline sets its own requirements for the dimensions and weight of hand luggage, on the basis of which the rules for transporting paintings by plane are created.

For example, Aeroflot allows you to carry hand luggage on board, weighing up to 15 kg in business class, 10 kg in economy and comfort class, the dimensions of hand luggage are the same for everyone - up to 115 cm on the sum of three sides.

How do I legally arrange baggage in the form of a painting for transportation by plane?

You already know how to transport a painting by plane across Russia. Now let's look at the question of how to transport works of art across the border, taking into account the design of all required documents. To ensure that the transportation of paintings by plane does not cause problems, it is necessary to evaluate works of art in advance and obtain permits for their export. To do this, you need to contact the Service for the Preservation of Cultural Property and the Department of Culture of the Russian Federation.

To get a prompt response to the request, you need to provide these authorities with the following documents:

    application for the transportation of the painting abroad;

    registration certificate legal entity/ photocopy of the international passport;

    details of the canvas: artist, year of painting, dimensions of the canvas, name of technique, certificate or check from the author;

    3 photos of the canvas in full size, signed with the details of the canvas.

Transportation of paintings by air to another country may require additional values ​​to be entered in the customs declaration and payment of duties - when the work of art represents a high value for the country cultural value. Otherwise, following the rules for transporting antiques by plane, you may not be allowed to leave Russia.

There are several ways to export paintings abroad. The most popular and convenient of them is air transportation.

Self-pickup of paintings aircraft preferred in the following cases:

  • If you need to take the work to a foreign exhibition, which involves the personal presence of the artist/owner of the work;
  • In a situation where it is planned to export an artistic canvas as a gift;
  • If the painting is sold, and the master wishes to personally hand over the valuable cargo to the buyer on the spot;
  • If you need to move overseas permanent place residence.

We follow the letter of the law

The export of works of art (in particular, paintings) is regulated by the RF Law on the Transportation of Cultural Property.

There are three key points in this law:

  1. Only their legal owner or trustee has the right to export cultural property. The power of attorney must be legally executed in accordance with the law;
  2. When transporting, it is necessary to have proof of ownership of the exported goods;
  3. Among the accompanying documents, it is mandatory to have a certificate from the Department of the Ministry of Culture for the Central Federal District on the cultural value of the work.

Along with this, it should be taken into account that each airline may have its own requirements for the transportation of specific and valuable cargo. And these rules change quite often. Therefore, it is better to clarify the nuances with the chosen air carrier in advance.

It will not be superfluous to take into account the general norms for the transportation of art objects.

Getting ready for the examination

As a rule, for independent export of paintings abroad, only a positive conclusion of the examination is sufficient.

This procedure is necessary to confirm the authenticity of the painting, its cultural value and the legality of export.

The examination is carried out by certain specialists of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and is a paid service.

The following documents are required for the operation:

  1. Statement of the owner indicating personal data and a description of the painting;
  2. When exporting two or more paintings, a list of works will be required;
  3. Photographs of each piece of art on both sides (front and back) 10*15 cm in two copies;
  4. Copy of passport (page with photo + registration).

If the desire to export the paintings is not against the law, the applicant will safely receive permission for this procedure.

Packaging is a guarantee of safety

Properly selected packaging will ensure the delivery of valuable cargo safe and sound. When choosing a packaging material, you should start from the size of the picture.

If the dimensions allow transportation by hand luggage, then a tube can be used as packaging. A tube made of multilayer cardboard will protect the canvas from mechanical stress and dirt and will cost quite inexpensively.

A small canvas can be packed in a plastic folder or a cardboard box. It is only necessary that the dimensions correspond to the dimensions of the allowable hand luggage: no more than 10 kg of weight (no more than 15 kg when flying business class). The sum of the dimensions of the three sides should not exceed 115 cm.

When transporting large canvases or several paintings, plywood or wooden boxes are used at once. Transportation is carried out in the luggage compartment.

Professional assistance in transporting paintings

If you value your time, entrust the care of packing valuable cargo and preparing documents to ArtPost.

We offer at your service:

  • Quick examination in one day, followed by obtaining a certificate and permission from the Department of the Ministry of Culture: an invaluable plus in a force majeure situation when deadlines are running out;
  • High-quality and careful packaging of paintings by a professional team.

If you have any questions, we are happy to provide you with a free consultation.

Transportation of any cargo has its own characteristics. There are many nuances regarding the methods of transportation and the availability of a package of accompanying documentation.

A separate category is made up of fragile objects, as well as objects that are works of art and are of particular value. These include paintings from private and public collections. It should be noted that an amateurish approach to the transportation of paintings and other works of art is a risky undertaking, since failure to follow the basic rules can lead to damage or destruction of a rarity.

Packaging of paintings for transportation

There are many types of packaging materials that are used to transport paintings. As a rule, several packaging methods are used at once, and the choice of materials is determined in each case individually. Packing of paintings for transportation is made on the basis of the type of paintings, the time of year when transportation is carried out, and weather conditions.

  • Stretch film. It reliably protects works of art from dirt, dust and damage. But due to the fact that it does not allow air to pass through, condensation forms, which can adversely affect appearance paintings. Therefore, stretch film is used either when transporting over short distances, or as additional protection against damage.
  • Air bubble film. Its properties and application are approximately the same as those of stretch film. It can only be used for short-term storage and transportation over short distances.
  • Corrugated cardboard. This type, like the two previous ones, should be considered as a one-time packaging material, but not as the main one. Corrugated board is used together with mica tape or bubble wrap. Carefully packaged in this way, the picture can be transported over long distances. If the picture is transported in a frame, then most often 3- and 5-layer corrugated cardboard is used for packaging, the sheets of which are adjusted to the size of the canvas itself.
  • Wooden boxes, cassettes, and crates. These types of packaging can be considered the most reliable: it will be quite difficult to damage the contents. This method is used when transporting paintings, both for short and long distances. The undoubted advantage of this method of packaging is the possibility of its repeated use.

The Pelican Moving company has been transporting antiques and fragile items for more than 14 years and has established itself in this area as an experienced carrier who knows all the nuances of proper and careful transportation. We carry out careful transportation of paintings with and without a stretcher. Our company guarantees the safety of valuable cargo at all stages and prompt delivery within the agreed time frame.

What determines the cost of transportation

The cost and package of services provided by our company depend on the value of the cargo, the number of canvases, the presence of framing and the distance. The level of packaging complexity, the use of special insulating materials or cases, the need for climate control are also taken into account. An important place in pricing is played by the type of transport required and the need to cross state borders.

Transportation of paintings abroad

Our company assumes obligations for the transportation of paintings, both within Russia and abroad. We guarantee the safety of the property of our clients and the integrity of each canvas.

When carrying out international transportation, we take care of all the paperwork and cargo escort, customs clearance when crossing the border of the Russian Federation and obtaining permits from the Ministry of Culture for the export of items of national artistic value. Your cargo will be quickly, and most importantly - carefully delivered to the address.

What do we offer

  • Careful packaging and transportation of paintings in a frame.
  • Ergonomic transport of unframed canvases. Hosts, wound on a dense pipe and placed in a tube, will overcome thousands of kilometers in safety.
  • Transportation of canvases in a stretcher.
  • Joint transportation of several pictures at the same time in specially equipped boxes is possible.
  • Using the services of professionals, you can transport any picture without any hassle.

    Stages of work:

  • After receiving the application, our specialists, upon arrival, find out the scope of work, clarify the details of the order and determine the complexity of the packaging.
  • After agreeing on a preliminary estimate and concluding an agreement, we proceed to draw up the necessary documents allowing the export of the painting abroad or other accompanying invoices. As an additional guarantee, it is possible to obtain an insurance policy.
  • We pack the paintings with high quality and carefully load them into specially equipped transport.
  • During transportation, employees constantly monitor the movement of the cargo.
  • At the final destination, the customer is notified of the delivery.

Efficiency and transparency of work is an immutable rule of our team!

Paintings are property that is difficult to value. Its cost depends on a lot of factors - quality, artistic value, fame of the artist. From the point of view of transportation, a painting is a fragile cargo that requires careful packaging and careful transportation. And if we are talking about crossing the border, then also declaring. If the painting is a national treasure, it will be extremely difficult (if not impossible) to take it out of the country.

How are paintings shipped?

Works of art can be irrevocably damaged: if a regular cargo can be purchased again, having received compensation from a transport company or insurance, then you are unlikely to find a painting identical to the damaged one (unless we are talking about a mass-produced product). Yes, oil paintings are restored, but restoration is not always possible.

Negative factors in the transportation of paintings

  1. Mechanical effects: shaking, shock, excessive load on the frame. The most susceptible to these influences are paintings under glass (for example, watercolor), as well as works without frames made on paper. However, it is possible to ruin an oil painting if it is not well protected. Therefore, in any case, the paintings are packed in boxes or laid out on pallets.
  2. Mud and water. Neither one nor the other is terrible for the work done oil paints: after minor restoration, they will become like new (dried oil can even be washed). Another thing is watercolor, graphics, paintings made with tempera. Even if the works are placed under glass, they can deteriorate: frames with glass are not tight enough, and water, dirt, and just dust can get inside. Paper, unlike oil on canvas, cannot be washed. Therefore, such paintings protect from water and dirt.
  3. Changes in temperature and humidity. Many paintings can only be stored under certain conditions. It's not just about temperature, it's also about humidity. Yes, paper high level moisture, the paper may get wet, warp, or become moldy. Too low humidity makes the paper brittle. Old works are especially sensitive to changes in humidity levels.

How to protect paintings from dirt and water, but at the same time not increase the level of humidity? Film and other sealed packaging are not suitable: without air circulation, moisture begins to condense and the paper gets wet. Therefore, most often, paintings are protected from dust by wrapping them in wrapping paper, and transported in special vehicles or compartments prepared for valuable cargo.

How are paintings transported?

Wholesale paintings are rarely transported. However, sometimes it is required. They use air transport, ships, trains, cars, that is, all types of transport.

air transportation

Airplanes are used, as a rule, to transport especially valuable paintings. These can be works of art by famous artists, classics of the past. In the cargo compartment where the painting will be located, optimal conditions must be created. The mode is selected depending on the material and technique used by the artist.

Sea transport

If we are talking about large consignments of goods, paintings that are not of particular artistic value are usually transported by sea. These can be decorative elements created in China and purchased by a trading company from Russia. They are transported in sealed containers, with other cargo, on pallets or in strong boxes.

Railway transport

This type of transport is used for the transportation of wholesale lots, much less often for single paintings. They are placed in a container or a closed freight wagon. As on a ship, it is important to ensure tightness and optimal temperature conditions.


Cars are used as an auxiliary transport for the transportation of bulk shipments, as well as the main means of delivery when it comes to short distances. The picture is packed, installed on a pallet, or somehow fixed in the back of a car.

Transportation of paintings across the state border

With intercity transportation, as well as with delivery works of art from other countries to Russia, usually there are no problems. Another thing is if you need to take the picture out of the country. The goals can be different: an exhibition, a gift, just a sale to a foreign buyer. The export of works of art that are of cultural value and are registered with the state is prohibited.

Thus, you need to prepare to pass the border. The ease of registration depends on what kind of items you are carrying:

  1. A wholesale batch of paintings made by the factory method will be allowed to cross the border without any problems if all documents are issued for the goods (in particular, bills, invoices, etc.);
  2. Still raw pictures (those that were painted a day or two before departure and did not have time to dry). The customs officer will certainly let such paintings through, but there is still a risk of delay: customs officers are not required to understand the art and techniques of painting and may not let even a raw canvas through.
  3. Finished author's works. They will have the most trouble.

Even if you painted the picture yourself, and not just bought it from some artist, you need to prove to customs officers that it has no cultural value (at least not yet), that is, it is not registered with the state and is not part of national treasure. They do this in the department of Rossvyazokhrankultura, where they issue a referral for examination by specialists, and then provide a certificate. Experts check if the painting is a work famous artist whose work has become the property of Russia. If not, you will receive a certificate and be able to clear customs. It is worth making out in advance - a few weeks before the trip.

If the painting has a cultural value, you need to obtain special permission from government authorities to transport it abroad. Otherwise, criminal liability is possible.
