Forms for holding February 23 at school. Scenarios for Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday for school

Leading: Three girls under the window were daydreaming in the evening...
1st Maiden: I wish I could get married soon, I'm really tired of girls!
2nd Maiden: I wouldn’t marry just anyone!
3rd Maiden: I would marry a businessman, Like a stone wall! Mom would love a son-in-law, but where can I get one like that?
1st Maiden: Well, I would probably marry a sailor! And while he was swimming in the sea, I would live without knowing grief!
2nd Maiden: There are no sailors these days, It’s just a rarity! I wish I could marry the military - strong, extraordinary! I would be happy with a guy as strong as a rock.
3rd Maiden: We, girls, were daydreaming... All the guys were crushing, They could lie on the sofa, but just play with tanks!
Leading: Oh, these young people, all of you can’t bear to get married! May I get into the conversation? I know where the guys are! Not one, not two, not three...
Girls (in unison): Where is this?! Speak!!!
Leading (points to the men sitting in the hall): Look here: The guys are here! Not warriors - so what? Everyone is stately and good-looking! One person per sister...
1st Maiden (runs up to one of the men): Chur, I'll take it!
2nd Maiden (runs up to another): I liked this one!
Zya Maiden (to the third): This one smiled at me!
(Girls together): All the guys are good, it’s a real holiday for the soul!
Leading: Girls, you are almost right - today is a holiday, and this is a holiday of our wonderful men! Strong, brave, persistent and self-confident. So let's congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts..

Leading: Boys, dads and grandfathers are dear,
Happy men's holiday!
You are kind, smart, strong!
We want to congratulate you!
You always protect our happiness,
Don't let evil come to us.
Listen, work you dream and dream -
Everything to keep us light!

Meet! our youngest participants!

(Ditties – primary school)

How good the girls are

We tried our best!

Congratulations - top class!

Here it is, first class!

Leading: Today is not just a February day. Today is a special day. And we congratulate our men: fathers, sons, brothers, classmates.

A good soldier is distinguished not only by dexterity and strength, but also by intelligence and ingenuity. This is what we will check now. Let's see how you can solve riddles.

This part of the army will care about the land,
And all because her name is...? (answer: infantry)

You will walk kilometers with them,
They are only there to help, yours...? (answer: boots)

Shoots as accurately as a karateka hits,
And the name of this soldier will be...? (answer: tanker)

She is always with me, hanging by the machine,
Sometimes it’s a toy, but still...? (answer: grenade)

Everyone says she's stupid
And it will only be...? (answer: bullet)


There are no clouds on the horizon,
And an umbrella opened in the sky.
A few minutes later it descended….(Parachute)


It flies up without acceleration, reminds me of a dragonfly -
Takes flight
Our Russian….(Helicopter)


At night, at noon, at dawn
He carries out his service in secret. (Border Guard)


Who walks in the parade
Ribbons curl behind your back,
Ribbons curl, and in the squad
There are no girls. (Sailors)


You can become a sailor
To guard the border
And serve not on earth,
And on a military ship... (Ship)


All the difficult riddles have been solved
They surprised me and lifted my spirits!
Now I suggest you dance,
Dads will now invite “ladies”!

(Dance “Father and Daughter”)

The snow still sparkles like winter,
The creaking of the sleigh is still sharp,
But every morning a tit song
It becomes softer and longer.

So, February is almost over.
More and more often we hear cheerful drops.
And the river ice is not so strong now,
And we are not afraid of a snowstorm.

(11th grade, song)

You are heroes! You are in our class
Like at the front every day:
Rod in attack time after time
Our omissions and laziness;
But towards us in a formidable formation
Teachers rise again...
We surrender to you without a fight!
Happy twenty-third of February!

(10th grade - “Oh God, what a teacher!”

You burst into our lives unexpectedly

By changing our reality.

Thoughts flicker like flashbulbs

We run cross-country without a break

It all started in first grade

Then in the second also from foreign language

You are a wizard, you are from another planet,

You are from our dreams!


Oh my God, what a teacher!

Our beloved leader,

And we want a high five from you,

Not deuces, not deuces!

There are not enough kind words in the world,

To describe our love

And in the morning we all run together to you,

You are like time, heal all sadness!

We know our love is mutual,

You are so beautiful and we love you,

You are a wizard, you are from another planet,

You are from our dreams.


You are Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt rolled into one

You are cooler than Van Damme, Schwarzenegger and Stallone,

You are wizards from another planet,

You know the answers to all questions!



Being a man is not an easy task.
Set a goal in life, and, sweeping aside fear,
Walk, accompanied by the braying of donkeys, giving back to the offenders,
And yet seeing - “the sky is in the clouds”!
Appreciate the short time allotted by nature,
I. in any difficulty, be able to control yourself.
"Only he is worthy of life and freedom,
Who goes to battle for them every day!”
Know how to find love. And in her alone, beloved,
See the tenderness of women all over the Earth.
And we need to raise our son with dignity.
It’s three times more beautiful if you have three sons!
I want to wish you good luck now,
Good health to you, and may fate protect you.
Yes, being a man is a difficult task,
But high is the honor for those who solve it!

Leading: What should a real man be like? What is he like? We have the answer to these questions.. Attention to the screen!

(from the mouth of a baby)


On a wonderful men's holiday,

On the day of strength and glory of the country,

We wish you strong happiness,

Sons of Great Russia!

Meet Nigmatulina Gulmira, 8th grade!(verse “Boys are playing at war”)


What kind of men are there in the world?
Men-babies and eternal children,
Men who love chic and shine,
Gourmets and those who are accustomed to eating appendages,
Men are fools and men with brains,
And there are even men with horns.
Men are rich and without coins,
Men who have never heard “no” in their lives
Men who are waiting for the ideal
Men who cannot be removed from their pedestal
Men are freeloaders and scoundrels,
But in general... the men are all GREAT!

(11th grade, song)


A man, he is the head in any business,
Everywhere he is senior in rank.
To all young men in life more than once or twice
Take the exam as a man.
Grow, uproot every flaw,
Love your loved ones and school;
Always be a reliable support to your friends,
Protector of the weaker sex.

(Scene “Boys through the eyes of girls”)


Even though life is harsh at times, be strong
And quickly discover a reliable path for yourself.
Learn not to survive, but to live, go forward,
Always be friends with luck and on the way
Catch your success quickly, be healthy,
And you will comprehend the essence of love and life.

(5th, 6th grade song)


I wish you a wonderful day
Less shaving foam
Which they love to give so much
On February 23rd.

I wish you money, and more!
With them there is peace of mind;
Good health, live longer,
There are more cars in the garage.

May everything you wish be done
Let God help you in your business.
Let people bring positivity
Like this cute little poem.

(8th grade, song “I am a sailor, you are a sailor)


You are the most important person!
You are dad, no more words are needed
And this holiday is yours forever!
You are a protector, a fence from troubles!
Let luck go with you
And may you have enough strength
After all, every day is a tough battle
Be very happy, Dad, dear!
(9th grade, song)


Congratulations, men,
Happy February 23rd!
What is the essence of all your strength?
Guess it, friends!
Strength is in your tender glances,
In sweet, reverent words
And in successful decisions,
In good righteous deeds.
We wish you good luck
And brilliant victories.
Smile at us more often!
Many years of happiness to you!
(teachers, song)


Even though you haven't served yet,

You are persistent, strong, uncapricious,

The eye is sharp and the hand is steady,

Future Defender of the Fatherland!

After all, if there is a war

Bring fire and destruction into our house,

You won't stand on the sidelines -

Protect your mother, sister, friend!

And to win again,

Be healthy, smart, cheerful,

Study diligently for "five"

And do more sports!


Why do we need men?

- We need them in order to give a surname to our children. You can’t imagine what it’s like to realize that the surname of your beloved man, like a piece, is passed on to your beloved children.

To entertain us! So that life would not be boring.

Our past, our present and our future are connected with them.

They have cool t-shirts that they share with us if we ask.

They are needed to keep us warm. Our hands are often cold. Men are great warmies. You can’t buy these in stores, you won’t find them on another planet.

So that they give us gifts. Without this it’s boring.

For a ride in a car! And they bought us cars!

So that we can repair computers or rearrange the system in them. We rarely understand anything about this.

So that we have someone to care for and love!

Take care of us, men!

Final song "Take care of my heart"

February 23 at school. Scenario

Presenter. Hello, friends! This holiday is only yours, our dear guys! Today we have prepared many different interesting competitions for you. A real man is courageous and quick-witted, he is gallant and can get away with any situation. We have prepared real tests for you. So let's spend time together and have fun.

So, in our first competition we will test your strength. But since the time of gladiatorial and fist fights is long gone, we will test your strength in new ways.

Competition "Pereduy"

For the competition you need: one egg, blindfolds, a flat horizontal surface.

The competition participants are divided into pairs. The boundaries of each player are drawn on the selected surface. The participants' task: within 30 seconds they must blow the egg to the opponent's side. The task is complicated by the fact that the guys do this with their eyes closed. The competition is held until one winner is identified.

Presenter. You have more than enough strength. Now let's check how gallant you are men. After all, a true romantic not only knows a lot about beautiful flowers, but also knows what they mean. Let's see how savvy you are in the floral theme.

Competition "Scarlet Flower"

For the competition you need: 14 cardboard cards for each participant. The names of the colors are written on seven cards, and the designations of these colors are written on the others.

Participants’ task: within 1 minute they must correctly match the flower and its meaning. For example: lily of the valley - unexpected joy; water lily - invincibility; rose - love; lily - innocence; forget-me-not - longing; clove - courage; violet - modesty. The winner is the participant who made the largest number of correct pairs.

Presenter. Now you definitely know the language of flowers and you will never go wrong if you want to express your feelings without words. In the next competition we will test not only your strength, but also your manual dexterity.

Competition "Don't burst, balloon"

For the competition you need: balloons. Each participant in the competition receives a balloon.

The participants' task: they must inflate the balloon as much as possible, but at the same time it must not burst. After this, the guys must tie a ball, but without threads, and only when everything is done can they compare the balls and identify the winner.

Presenter. It's not so easy to tie a ball without thread, but you passed the test perfectly. Our next competition is for the most courageous guys.

Competition “Sour, bitter, sweet”

For the competition you need: lemon, onion and chocolate.

The participants' task: they must eat these foods in reverse order. At the same time, maintain a calm and even satisfied appearance as much as possible. The winner will be the one who can withstand this test.

Presenter. Yes, this competition was for the most persistent guys. A real man will be able to figure out any problem, he will always come out unscathed. Let's see if you can do it.

Competition “I will get out of any situation”

For the competition you need: cards on which ridiculous situations will be written. The task of the participants is to offer the most interesting way out of these situations. Participants should answer without hesitation. The winner will be the participant whose answer is the most striking.

➢ You are in a madhouse, but absolutely healthy. Prove it.

➢ You want to buy something in a store that you have long dreamed of. There is only one copy of it in the store. Another person is looking at her. You quickly grab it and run to the cash register, and there it turns out that you didn’t take the money with you. Your actions?

➢ You have an appointment, you are already late and you know that the girl is waiting for you. And besides, it was still raining outside. Which exit?

➢ You are going to an exam and decide to refresh yourself. We accidentally stained our white shirt with ketchup. What will you do?

➢ You meet a friend on the street, start asking him about everything, and suddenly you realize that you just made a mistake. Your actions?

➢ You bought a gift for a friend. But on his birthday you drop it and break it. What will you do?

➢ You go to a special event and only in the middle of the celebration you notice that the T-shirt is worn inside out. What to do?

➢ You go to a cafe on the street. You take the tray, but on the way out you stumble, and your tray with all its contents falls on your neighbor. How to get out of this situation?

➢ You bought a rose for a girl, but while they were carrying it, all the petals fell off. You only notice it when you give a flower. How to explain?

Presenter. It looks like you will be able to cope with any problems. But what kind of a Man is this without a beautiful lady? Everyone has their own princess in their heart. Let's test your artistic talents.

Competition "Dear Lady"

For the competition you will need: white paper, markers, a blindfold.

The participants' task: they must draw the lady of their heart. They do all this blindfolded. At the same time, competition participants must use different markers each time they draw different parts of the body. The more colors you use, the more interesting the drawings will be.

Presenter. Now we know your ideal. We hope that you will definitely find it. A real man is always a gourmet, although he does not always understand what he is being treated to. Let's test your taste capabilities. Can you guess what we are going to treat you with?

Competition "Taster"

For the competition you need: honey, jam, jelly and jam, a blindfold.

The participants' task: they must try the preservatives blindfolded and then name what they are. Only two of the four can be given alternately. The participant must say what products these sweets are made of. The winner is the participant who accurately determines what he is trying.

Presenter. Now try cooking. Of course, no one will force you to cook jam, but a real man can always cook dinner for himself if something happens.

Competition "The food is served"

For the competition you need: potatoes and knives.

The participants' task: they must peel the potato and cut it. The vegetable should have a high content of eyes. This is not a timed task. The winner is the one who fulfills the conditions of the competition as accurately as possible.

Presenter. You will not get lost in any trouble! Now we will test your accuracy. The task will not be easy, but I hope that you will cope with it perfectly.

Competition "Sharp Hit"

For the competition you need: a box and five chocolates.

The participants’ task: they must throw candy into the box at a distance of three steps. The competition is complicated by the fact that the player must stand only on his left foot and throw with his left hand. The winner is the one who threw in the maximum number of candies.

Presenter. Remember that a real man is a gallant gentleman. Usually they ask you to compose an ode to your beautiful lady, and we offer an ode to your favorite nails, hammers and the most common everyday problems.

Competition "Rhyme"

For the competition you need: cards on which rhyming words are written (current - hammer, putty - rope; hole - resin; nail - cane), according to the number of players.

Participants' task: within 5 minutes they must compose a poem. Then the authors read their works.

Presenter. Your poems were received with a bang. Men have a rational approach to everything that happens, and we will test your intuition.

Competition "Guess what's inside"

For the competition you need: a box, a bell, keys, 2-3 teaspoons, a rattle, a table tennis ball.

Participants of the competition, 5 people, receive a closed box containing one of these items. The participant can only shake it. This can only be done twice.

The participants’ task: by the sound they hear, they need to determine what kind of object is inside.

Presenter. Every man should be an actor. Now we will test your abilities in this difficult task.

Competition “What a wonderful wonder?”

For the competition you need: cards on which the names of birds, animals and insects are written (butterfly, woodpecker, magpie, spider, sparrow, penguin, ostrich, elephant, camel).

Participants of the competition take turns on stage and receive cards.

The participants’ task: they must depict the animal, bird or insect that is named on the card. You cannot speak, you can only use facial expressions and gestures.

Presenter. A real man must be an athlete. For the next competition we chose one of our favorite sports - football.

Competition "Score in the goal"

All competition participants go on stage. They choose one person to be the “goalie.” He and the contestant stand with their backs to each other and move away a few steps. The goalkeeper places his feet shoulder-width apart - this will be the goal.

Participants’ task: on the command “Hit!” the competitor hits the ball. If he hits, he ends up at the end of the line, but if he doesn’t, he’s out of the game. Each player is given one shot attempt.

Presenter. Our next competition is not only for the fastest and most attentive, but also for the luckiest.

Competition “Where are you, little key?”

For the competition you need: a lock and a large bunch of keys.

Two people are invited to participate. Each of them receives details.

Participants’ task: on the command “Start!” the guys are trying to open the lock. Whoever completes it first will be the winner.

Presenter. A real man has an excellent memory. Let's check if yours is that good.

Competition "Try to repeat"

Ten girls and one boy are invited for the competition.

The first girl says her name and makes some movement, such as clapping her hands. The second girl calls her neighbor’s name and repeats her movement, and then introduces herself and does something, and so on for all the girls until the end. They only repeat after their neighbors.

The participant’s task: he has to name all the girls by name and repeat all the movements after them.

Presenter. You are probably already tired, and we will test your strength one more time, because a real man must be strong.

Competition "Smash the Bottle"

For the competition you need: empty plastic bottles.

Participants in the competition receive bottles.

Participants’ task: on the command “March!” they begin to crush them. This can only be done with your hands. The winner of the competition is the one who completes the task the fastest.

Presenter. We know that real men will go through fire, water, and copper pipes. And we know for sure that you are exactly like that. So, you have proven to us that you can really always protect us weak girls. Of course, we had no doubt about it! We are proud that such children study with us. We have another surprise in store.

Each boy receives a diploma of a Real Man.

Presenter. Now let's go together to the festive table.

Scenario for the February 23rd holiday at school"Ship Battle" is designed for students in grades 4-6 - very entertaining, full of competitions and excitement. Such a program will be fun, create a festive atmosphere, and at the same time, in an entertaining way, introduce the children to the features of serving in the navy.

Preparing for the holiday on February 23 at school.

In addition to sea-themed accessories, you will need paper flags in two colors for organization. There must be at least 15 of each color. We give these flags to the team that wins the next competition (each with its own color). Then we count the flags.

Leading: Guys! We have gathered today to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day! Do not think that serving in the Russian army is very far from you, in fact, time flies and it is quite possible that some of you will be lucky enough to serve in the ranks of the navy. Therefore, we invite you to test yourself in the game “Sailors Are Going to Battle!” First, as always, we need to gather teams of true friends. Sailors call this “crew,” where everyone is responsible for their own area of ​​work. So, let's line up on the deck, or, as they say in the navy: call everyone up, which means line up on the deck. And your successes will be judged by representatives of the fair sex, who, by the way, are not supposed to be taken on board!

(we line up the boys at attention opposite a row of signs; the signs are turned face down. They should have the inscriptions on them: captain, boatswain, pilot, doctor, radio operator, cook, cabin boy, mechanic, navigator - each sign is repeated twice).

Game part of the "Ship Battle" scenario:

"Mechanics Competition"

At the start there are two glasses of water, and at the finish there are two plates. Each mechanic is given a tablespoon.

Leading: Let's listen to the assignments! Taking a spoon, the mechanic runs to the glass, scoops up water with it and quickly goes to the plate. This way you should transfer all the water. Whoever does it faster wins!

"Competition of pilots and navigators"

Place the pins on the floor in a chaotic order - they will represent rocks and reefs. We will also need two scarves - we will use them to blindfold the participants.

Leading: Finally, we are going to sea! But not everything is smooth here either! Not only romance awaits sailors, but also all sorts of dangers, for example, underwater reefs. Now your pilots and navigators will be blindfolded in turn, and the player’s task is to get around the pins-rocks so as not to hit them. (we count the number of obstacles that have not been knocked down, the team that has more of them earns a flag).

"Jung Competition"

We blindfold the youngsters with the same scarves, and scatter checkers or chess on the floor. We also give out a box where the “garbage” will be placed.

Presenter: Yu Ngi, and now you have a lot of work! You will have to clean the deck after a storm, because the ship must always be in perfect order. Everything about everything - one minute! Whoever collects the most “garbage” in their box will receive another point for their team!

For this stage of the competition, prepare two sheets of paper with the proverbs “Only the brave conquer the seas!” and “Patience and work will grind everything down!” The sheets must be cut into fragments like puzzles.

Leading: So, now our skilled radio operators are entering the fight: they will have to put together and read a message that can be an excellent parting word for any sailor!

"Cock Competition"

You will need two onions, two cutting boards and two knives.

Leading: The most important people on a ship are, of course, after the captains! - this is coca. Let's ask our ship's cooks to go to the place of their duel: look, you need to peel the onion, cut it and not cry! The one who deals with the bow faster will win!

"Doctors Competition"

Here you only need two medical bandages, which we first unwind and simply place in disarray on the bottom of the boxes.

Leading: So, let's see how good our ship's doctors are! After all, the storm left not only the deck in disarray, but also the medicines! Therefore, you, our doctors, need to twist the bandages in a new way. Speed ​​competition - the fastest wins!

"Captains Competition"

Leading: You all, of course, understand that the captain is the person who is responsible for literally everything on the ship, so the captain must know more than the rest of the crew. This is what we will check: captains, name all the words you know related to the sea and ships!

"Boatswains Competition"

Here you need two cards with tasks that the boatswains will give to their subordinates: 1. the entire crew, except the captain, scrubs the deck and sings in chorus. The captain stands at the helm and smokes a pipe. 2 The whole team, except the cook, is having a fun lunch. The cook pours soup into bowls and pours wine into glasses.

Leading: who is the boatswain? The boatswain is the captain's right hand, so everyone on the ship must obey his commands. But we will complicate the work of our boatswains by receiving cards with instructions for action; they will have to explain the resulting situation to their crew without words, that is, using only facial expressions and gestures. Who will do it better will be decided by a jury of our ladies!

"Dance Competition"

Stock up on a musical recording of the sea dance “Apple”. You will also need a person to show the children the basic elements of dance.

Leading: Any sailor should be able to dance “Bullseye”! so it will be a competition for the whole team! Watch and repeat! Try not to disappoint the beautiful ladies from the jury, because they decide whose team will dance better!

"Strongman Competition"

Prepare a rope.

Leading: Did you dance?! Now let's measure our strength - we'll pull the rope!

"Fan Contest"

Leading: What is a sailor if his family and friends are not waiting for him at home? Yes, this is just an unhappy person! But our sea wolves are definitely welcome and loved! Come on, girls, here’s a task for you: remember as many proverbs, sayings, poems and songs about sailors and the seas as possible!

After this task, we count the number of flags that each team earned. But all participants in the maritime competition must receive gifts! Those who simply distinguished themselves in the program can also be recognized with comic medals, for example, with the inscription “Thunderstorm of the Seas” or “Sea Wolf”.

Then follow other congratulations and entertainment for the holidays. (You can choose from this selection:

On the eve of the men's holiday, I would like to hold a very interesting and fun concert at a school institution so that it will be remembered for a long time. Therefore, many teachers and parents have a question: how to celebrate February 23 at school in a fun way that will be remembered for a long time? You can organize an unusual holiday with a variety of competitions and games. To do this, you should carefully consider an interesting idea and determine the most fun competitions for Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is very important to have a joyful and wonderful pre-holiday day.

When holding a school holiday on February 23, you need to come up with a wide variety of competitions.

The following can be used:

  • Defenders Competition. This competition for February 23rd for school is best done with friends in high school. To carry it out, it is necessary to divide all the boys into several teams. Any team needs to send several girls. At the signal, each boy must move his classmate to the opposite side. The winner is the team that copes with the conditions in a shorter time, as well as the one who has more girls on the opposite side.
  • Characteristic. To carry out this task it is necessary to involve girls. To do this, it is necessary for each person to prepare a piece of paper with a pen; the teacher must prepare certain cards with the names and surnames of classmates. Each schoolgirl comes to the table, chooses a card, and within a certain time gives a description of a classmate whose name will be written on the card. It is necessary to select beautiful epithets that describe the character and behavior of the student. The girl who has the most adjectives in a certain time wins.
  • The battle. When the question arises: how interesting it is to celebrate February 23 at school with classmates, you need to remember about the fun and funny competition. To carry it out, you need to borrow a bench from the gym and prepare two pillows. Two boys stand on opposite sides, on command they begin to fight with pillows, the one who can stand on a small bench wins, you can also come up with several rounds, the winner will be the one who has more victories.

Fun competitions

Congratulations to the boys

  • Strongest. For this competition, a certain number of matchboxes must be prepared, and the inside must be removed. After this, place the top part on the box; on command, each student must flatten the matchbox with one blow. The winner is the one who can best flatten the box.
  • Minefield. For this competition, the entire class must be divided into two teams. After this, place bottles of sparkling water. The essence of the competition is that each team member must run to the opposite side of the class, running around all the bottles, but not touching them. Go back in the same way. The best team is the one that completes this task faster and more accurately.
  • Rope. The competition for boys is best held for primary school students. To do this, you need to divide all the schoolchildren into two teams and prepare a rope. The essence of the competition is to pull the rope to your side. The competition can be made fun and playful, with several stages. The winner is the team that can win the opponents to their side.
  • Patrol. A very interesting and creative competition for Defender of the Fatherland Day for school classes. The essence of the task is that certain things are selected and covered with a special blanket. On command, the cape is removed for a certain time, after which the guys must remember as many things as possible that are there. After a certain time, the cover is closed again, a piece of paper and a pen are given, and within a certain period of time you need to write a larger number of objects that are under the cover. The one with the most items on the list wins.
  • Scene. You can prepare a special military-themed skit. To do this, it is important to select a work, determine roles between classmates, and prepare props and clothing.
  • Dance. How else can you celebrate February 23 at school? Girls can prepare a beautiful and fun dance on a military theme.

War dance


Finally, I would like to add that in order to get a truly fun and joyful holiday on February 23, you need to come up with varied and creative competitions that will evoke only positive emotions among schoolchildren.

The most important thing is to prepare good prizes that must be awarded to the winners; other guys should also not be ignored. In this way, you can involve as many students from different classes as possible in participation.

Congratulatory dance video:

Video of a funny skit on Defender of the Fatherland Day:

Characters: presenter, readers

Progress of the performance

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests. I would like to congratulate all the men and boys present here on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish:

Let everything come true in life,

In study and work it turns out,

So that it's a joyful event

Was warm every day.

All the best to you,

I wish you great health.

Best of luck

And for many, many years

Three readers come out.

1st reader. Dedicated to you, future defenders of the Fatherland! Name:

2nd reader. Army!

1st reader. Surname:

3rd reader. Russian!

1st reader Surname:

2nd reader. Invincible!

1st reader. Year of birth:

3rd reader.1918!

Scene 1

The song “The Order is Given” plays. Everyone sings one verse.

1st reader(reads an excerpt from E. Bagritsky’s poem “The Death of a Pioneer”).

We were led by youth

On a saber march,

Our youth abandoned us

On the Kronstadt ice.

War horses

They carried us away.

On a wide area

They killed us.

But the blood is feverish

We rose

But the eyes are blind

We opened it.

A commonwealth arises

Crow with a fighter.

Strengthen your courage

Steel and lead.

The song “Across the Valleys and Over the Hills” sounds, lyrics by P. Parfenov. Everyone sings one verse.

Scene 2

2nd reader.

Touching the three great oceans,

She lies, spreading out the cities,

Invincible, wide, proud!

The melody “Get up, huge country” sounds, music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach. Poems are read against the background of the melody.

3rd reader.

Sunday the day before

Cloudless skies.

1st reader.

Black shadows grew in the fog,

The cloud in the sky is dark.

The first shell exploded in the distance,

This is how the war began.

2nd reader(reads an excerpt from a poem by Rimma Kazakova)..

In the photograph in the newspaper

not clearly depicted

fighters, a little more children,

heroes of the world war.

They were filming before the fight -

in an embrace, four of them at the ditch.

And the sky was blue

there was green grass.

Nobody knows their last names

There are no songs or books about them.

Here is someone's son, and someone's darling,

and someone's first student.

They lay down on the battlefield -

barely beginning to live.

And the sky was blue

there was green grass.

Forgetting that bitter year is not close

we could never.

All over Russia there are obelisks,

like souls torn from the earth.

They covered life with themselves, -

barely starting life,

so that the sky is blue,

there was green grass.

B. Okudzhava’s song “Oh, war, what have you done, vile one...” sounds. Everyone sings one verse.

3rd reader(reads an excerpt from “Requiem” by R. Rozhdestvensky).

Towards the peals of roaring thunder

We rose into battle lightly and sternly.

On our banners is inscribed the word:

Victory! Victory! In the name of the Fatherland -

All in unison: Victory!

1st reader. In the name of the living -

All in unison. Victory!

2nd reader. In the name of the future - All in unison. Victory!

3rd reader. We must crush the war!

The melody of D. Tukhmanov’s song “Victory Day” sounds.


Our words are gratitude to you.

Accept it rightfully.

Forever and ever, comrades,

All in chorus: Glory, glory, glory!

The song “Sunny Cool” is playing, music by A. Ostrovsky, lyrics by L. Oshanin. Everyone is singing.

Girl 1.

We congratulate the boys

And we wish them health,

To grow big

They were excellent students.

Girl 2.

To our pugnacious half

We send our congratulations.

There are reasons for congratulations -

Hurray for the defenders of the country!

Girl 1.

The winds blow in February

The pipes are howling loudly.

Like a snake rushes along the ground

Light drifting snow.

Girl 2.

Flying away, they rush into the distance

Aircraft flights.

It celebrates February

The birth of the army.

The holiday ends with congratulations to future defenders of the fatherland. Military marches sound. Girls give boys gifts.
