Theatrical program for May 9 for schoolchildren. Theatrical performance script for Victory Day

"Memory Album"
Choreographic and vocal production.

Roles: Grandmother, Grandfather, Grandson, Granddaughter. (you can add characters at the discretion of the director)

List of props:

1. Bayan

2. The table is round.

3. Chair.

4. Radio

5. Album

6. Letter

7. Chairs

8. Tablecloth and other small household utensils to create the interior of the room.

9. Jacket with medals.

In the corner of the stage, the decoration of the living room of the house is displayed. This is the living room of my grandparents, a WWII veteran.

In the living room, a grandfather sits in a chair and leafs through his front-line album; at the other end of the stage a girl is highlighted, she sings a song alone “Earring with Malaya Bronnaya” verse chorus, she finishes singing the light from the girl is removed and full light is given to the living room, a grandmother appears with a jacket with medals,

- Grandmother:(to grandfather) Well, I’ve got everything in order, put it on.

- Grandfather: Where's your medal?

- Grandmother: Oh, I totally forgot about that. Now. (leaves)

He looks in the mirror, examines himself and his medals. Turns on and tunes the radio. The radio broadcasts a parade on Red Square. Doorbell. Two grandchildren run into the living room with their grandmother. (Family composition is at your discretion).

They enter the living room with flowers, flags, and a cake. Grandson in a cap.

They all say hello and congratulate each other on the holiday.

Granddaughter: Grandma, let me help you.

Grandmother: Well, let's go, my assistants.

While everyone is preparing, the grandson takes his grandfather’s album and begins to look at it.

Grandson:(Approaching grandfather) Grandfather, what kind of album is this? And the photographs here are so strange, not in color.

Grandfather:(grinning) And this is my front-line album.

Grandson: What does frontline mean? And why is everyone dressed the same?

Grandfather: There, Semyon, are my photographs from the war. And they were dressed the same, because that’s what our uniform was.

Grandson: Grandfather, tell me about the war! Is war scary?

Grandfather: War, Senya. It's very scary! But we went to war boldly, without fear, because we knew that we were going to defend our Motherland.

Song"Front Path"

Granddaughter: Grandfather, tell me better how you met your grandmother.

Grandfather: Oooh, it was a long time ago, I don’t even remember.

Grandmother: Well, you don’t remember!

Grandfather: Yes, time has passed... well, don’t be angry.

Grandmother: Oh, a lot of time has passed, but I still remember. It was summer, the linden blossomed. We had a dance, and your grandfather didn’t dare come up to me all evening, but in the end he became bolder. I will never forget this waltz.

Dance "Random Waltz"

Grandson and granddaughter: Grandfather, Grandfather! What troops did you serve in?

Grandfather: I, my friends, am a pilot after all. Served in the 302nd Fighter Aviation Division. And on one mission he drove three “Messers” into the ground at once.

Granddaughter and Grandson: WOW! Were you afraid?

Grandfather: Yes, the guys were afraid. But so that I wouldn’t be so scared, I always sang my favorite song when I went into battle.

Grandchildren: What, what song?

Grandfather: ( humming) Because, because we are pilots….

Song "Because we are pilots"

Granddaughter: (Sitting on grandfather’s lap) Oh grandfather, how interesting…. You tell me, I’ll grow up, but I’ll never forget your stories. (Hugging him) Oh, what's that in your pocket? (pulls out) some kind of triangle, strange. What is this?

Grandfather: and this, Dasha, is a letter from my front-line comrade, to his mother. But I still couldn’t convey it. Since then I have kept it close to my heart in my dress jacket.

Grandson: Grandfather, can we read it?

Grandfather:(Unfolding the letter) you can. gives the letter to his grandson.

Grandson:(Reads the letter)

“Hello, dear mommy, don’t worry about me. I am alive, healthy, fighting and even went through baptism of fire. When we are in Kronstadt, I will definitely send you silk for a dress. Take care of your health, mom. I really regret that I didn’t have time to fix your roof during my short vacation. Take care of yourself, mom. And I will beat the enemy to the last strength. Your Alexey"

Dance "Fight with Death"

“Darkie” is playing on the radio.

Grandchildren: Oh, Grandma! Turn up the radio, we know this song!

Bgrandma: Well done, but how do you know her?

Granddaughter: We learned it at school with the music teacher.

Grandfather: Well done. And your grandmother and I, oh, how we danced to it.

Grandfather dances with grandmother, grandchildren jump around and rejoice.

Dance "Darkie"

The grandson takes the album (addressing his sister): Have you seen your grandfather's album?

Granddaughter: No, what's there?

Grandson: There, our young grandfather and our grandmother are there too. And also the entire aviation division and everyone with orders, like grandfather’s on his jacket. And also...

Grandfather: Oh, you pranksters, come here, I’ll show and tell you everything myself.

Song “Cranes” + slide show with front-line photographs.

Grandson: Grandma, why do you have an accordion in your closet, and even a broken one? We tried to play on it, but nothing worked.

Grandmother: Not an accordion, but a button accordion. Who gave you permission to look into the closet?

Grandfather: Come on! And this is my button accordion, but I haven’t played it for a very long time. And earlier, at a halt, as you stretch your furs, your soul becomes lighter.

Instrumental number with accordion “In Zemlyanka”

Grandfather: This was perhaps the most unforgettable day; I have never been so happy. 8 at night and 9 in the morning we fired into the sky with all types of personal weapons - we saluted the Victory! It is impossible to describe it in words. There was a sea of ​​flowers on the street, everyone was crying, hugging, and rejoicing. This, Semyon, was happiness. Great happiness!

The song “Victory Day” is sung by all concert participants and spectators.

To carry out festive events for Victory Day, concert programs are often required, which can be shown on the open areas of Houses of Culture or the stages of recreation parks, during moments of mass festivities on the occasion of this wonderful and beloved holiday, in these cases, one of the winning ideas for the storyline The concert may be analogous to the performances of front-line brigades. We offer one of the options with entertainment and games - Scenario of the festive program for May 9 “Music of Victory”

Scenario of the holiday program for May 9

The ceremonial start of the program.

It is better to make the beginning of the program solemnly patriotic, for example, by including the “Immortal Regiment” block from this, and only then move on to the concert block.

Leading: The theme of our concert program was suggested to us by letters from the front. Each of the letters from the front is fate. Behind every line there is a big life. And we understood the simplest truth: for all the people who created the Victory, both those who fought and those who worked for the Victory, the main thing was peace.

Presenter: It seems that this is already clear. But remember, how many stories about the horrors of war have you heard from veterans? They didn't like to remember this. But they remembered their friends and sang songs of those years with pleasure. And what songs!

Leading: And your favorite war films tell not only about fear and pain. They have a place for love, true friendship, and good humor. But many of these films were shot by people who lived through the forties, at the front.

Presenter: Yes, these films have everything: military brotherhood, internationalism, love for the Motherland, and faith in victory.

Leading: Do you remember Captain Titarenko, commander of the singing squadron? It is his words that will become the main leitmotif of this concert.

Presenter:“Who said that we need to give up singing in war? After a battle, the heart asks for music doubly!”

Leading: During the war years, 45 thousand artists went to the front. The front-line brigades included singers, musicians, actors, readers, and circus performers. They gave 1.5 million concerts in the rear and on the front line. There were up to ten concerts a day. Artists under bullets, risking their lives, raised the morale of Soviet soldiers and marched to Victory with songs.

Presenter: Thank God, our land has not heard the sounds of war for many decades, and yet, perhaps on this day we should remember the songs of those years? Moreover, they are all life-affirming, and even funny. Exactly what you need at every holiday!

Performance of the "front" brigade

A “front-line brigade” appears: musician, reader, singer, “entertainer”. Specialties are conditional; each artist can be a reader, a singer, or an accordionist.


Is reading poem “Who said that we should give up singing in war?”(Author V. Lebedev-Kumach)

The remade song of War Correspondents sounds


From Moscow to Brest

There is no such place

Wherever we wander in the dust.

With song and accordion,

And sometimes with a revolver

We went through fire and cold.

Without a sip, comrade,

You can't make a song,

So let's pour it a little at a time.

For everyone who spoke,

With an army of marchers,

Let's drink to those singing under fire!

How the soldiers walked

We weren't expecting flowers

And onto the stage, like the last battle:

With full dedication

Coped with the task

And we have another concert with you.

From the winds and vodka

Our throats are hoarse,

But we will say to those who reproach:

“Roam with us,

Spend the night with us,

Fight with us for at least a year!”

Where we've been

They didn't give us a stage.

Without spotlights, ramps and scenes

Let the suits be in tatters,

Morning, noon and night

We always performed as an encore!

So let's drink to victory,

For the circus and operetta.

But we won’t live long enough, my dear,

A new day will come

A friend will sing a song,

And he will remember you and me with it!


Is reading poem "Wait for me and I will come back" (Author K. Simonov)

Song "Oh, roads"


Is reading excerpt from the poem “Vasily Terkin” from the words: “To go into any fight” to the words: “Or some kind of saying.” ( Author A. Tvardovsky)

Front ditties

The ditties from 41-45 are performed, for example, the option below.

(download by clicking on the file)


Well, friends, you sing beautifully.

Looks like we came in vain?

But as the poet said, “it’s not evening yet,”

And our meeting will not be fun.

Another poet said: Yes there were people

And in our time, there won’t be such people.

(Sorry, for the free interpretation),

And now we will test your dexterity.

Let's play partisans, are you ready?

The conditions are as simple as a horseshoe.

Team game - relay race "Partisans in the swamp"

PROPS: chalk if the surface of the site is asphalt, or a stick with which you can draw on the ground.

Two teams are participating. The goal is to pass through the swamp in a chain “footprint to footstep”. The teams line up one after another, the first one has chalk. On command, the first numbers walk along the distance, outlining their tracks, when the first numbers reach the other side of the “swamp”, the second numbers follow the tracks, trying not to fall into the “quagmire”.

The game is being played


No, the word "peace" will hardly remain,

When there will be wars people will not know.

After all, what was previously called the world,

Everyone will just call it life.

And only children, experts on the past,

Having fun playing war,

Having run around, they will remember this word,

With whom they died in the old days.

Entertainer: The post-war generation of boys probably remembers that the most difficult thing when playing war in those distant times was to find an opponent. Nobody wanted to be either a fascist or a policeman. But being partisans is a completely different matter. So now you have your own invisible fighters. And how dexterous they are! It's time for a guerrilla song.

The song “Darkie” is performed if technically possible, a karaoke video is displayed on the screen

(download by clicking on the file)

Entertainer: Are there any successful scouts among you? Shall we check? We will not get used to the images of enemies. We simply form two teams of rivals, but capture the language. you still have to.

Game “Who will bring the most “tongues”?”

This is a team competition based on the game “Breaking Chains”, when one team stands tightly clinging to each other and shouts to the opposing team: “Forged chains, unchain us!”, And they ask: “Which one of us?” The one who is named runs with all his might, trying to break the “chains”; if he succeeds, he takes the strongest player and leads him to his team; if he fails, then he himself joins the ranks of the established team. Only in this case the conditions change a little. The teams line up opposite each other. Each captain appoints three to four “scouts” who, on command, must break the enemy line and lead the “tongue” away, or be captured.

The game is being played

Entertainer: I would also like to remember those who did not perform visible feats. Yes, they worked. "Everything for the front, everything for Victory!" - the slogan with which the whole country lived. But remembering losses and exploits, we often forget about those for whom these exploits were performed: mothers, children, loved ones - wives and brides who wrote letters, prayed, who waited. And it is no coincidence that a simple song about the love of a simple girl became a military symbol.

Song "Katyusha" or other concert number

Entertainer: No matter how much we would like to stay with you, friends, the trumpet is calling. After all, a front-line artist has many viewers. And it should be noted that in peacetime we are no less in demand. Especially on a day like this. We congratulate all residents on this bright holiday, Victory Day. Let our common sky be clear, and the clouds be only stormy. Happiness to you, dears!

Girl reading poem “Children made the sun from their palms”(Author O. Maslova)

Concert number



Woman 1

Woman 2

Sergeant Major

She is Tatyana Alexandrovna

He is Sergei Konovalov


Woman 1. Pour yourself some more, just like that, I brewed a fresh one, with mint, my signature...

Woman 2. Well, let's have another glass. Oh, and it’s been a long time since you and I, Lidochka, sat and talked. There is no time. Things... things... And life goes by... My Petka is already finishing college, but it seems like just yesterday she was babysitting him. Do you remember how he didn’t like porridge, he really didn’t like it... Do you remember, he brought chickenpox from the kindergarten, he walked around in green stuff, and as if it were misfortune, we bought tickets to the circus, oh, and there were tears.

Woman 1. I remember, of course, how! You will forget this! I already have a fiancé over there, Olezhek! I can't believe my eyes!

Grandson. Well, grandma... stop...

Woman 2. What time is it already? Oh, turn on the TV quickly, the evening news has already started, I never miss it...

Woman 2 takes the remote control, turns on the screen, the lights on the stage go out, and on the screen is a report from the Vesti program about an attack on a veteran. The women look, their facial expressions become more serious.

The light turns on.

Woman 1. Oh God, how is it possible, how is it possible...

Woman 2. Nothing is sacred to them.

Woman 1. No, this is terrible, how can it be, how can it be, because if it weren’t for these old people, what would have happened to us!

Woman 2. It’s painful to watch, they don’t know what price these old men paid for the victory, because these are not just orders, this is human pain, these are tears and death...

Woman 1. My grandmother did not like to talk about awards; she remained silent more and more. Through life she remembered, carefully opened her world to me, spared me: “I’m sorry, baby, that I was there... That I saw it... After the war, I got married. I hid behind my husband. I hid myself. And my mother asked: “Be quiet! Shut up!! Don't confess." I fulfilled my duty to the Motherland, but I am sad that I was there. That I know this... And you are just a girl. I feel sorry for you...". You know, the name, I often see how she sat and listened to herself. To the sound of your soul. I checked it against the words.

The women freeze. The lights go out.

Poem reading (off stage)

Step by step we remember, day by day,
Explosion after explosion, death after death, pain after pain,
Year after year, scorched by fire,
Year after year, bleeding.
We don't just remember the day of the war,
We do not remember for tears and memoirs.
In our time, we should remember him.
We remind the whole Earth of this!

1 dev: Wore my first adult dress
First high heel shoes
Oh, I really wanted to dance this waltz! -
Beads and ribbons, hand in hand!
1st youth: The graduation ball spun you and me
Here comes the dawn in the window opening!
1 maiden : No, not the dawn, this is the glow of battle!
2 maidens: This is June - twenty-second,
Year forty-one - war.
Sounds of explosions, stomping feet, bright flashes of light
3 maidens: We didn’t know, we were waiting for dawn...
Vmes: The trumpets are blowing! The trumpets are blowing!
3 maidens: It seemed to us that dancing was all it was.
And these are the trumpets calling the guys.
2 y.o.: We're all still
They were called guys
So where is this word? -
We say goodbye to him!
Guys - summons from the military registration and enlistment office
And girls need to decide for themselves!

Song 1.

Sergeant Major (lying on the bed, reasoning): In the west, they are completely stuck in a positional war; in the east the Germans bomb the canal and the Murmansk road day and night; in the north there is a fierce struggle for sea routes; in the south, blockaded Leningrad continues to fight stubbornly. (Pause) And here... The resort... From the silence and idleness the soldiers are thrilled, as if in a steam room, and young widows are doing their job, and they get moonshine almost from the squeak of a mosquito... When will they send non-drinkers? We need non-drinkers... Non-drinkers...

The hostess comes in:

Mistress:(sarcastically) The anti-aircraft gunners have arrived, Fedot Evgrafych.

Sergeant Major: Have you arrived with the commander?

Mistress: It doesn’t seem like it, Fedot Evgrafych.

Sergeant Major: God bless! Power to share is worse than nothing.

Mistress:(mysteriously) Wait, rejoice,—

Sergeant Major: We will rejoice after the war.

The foreman comes out, and women soldiers stand in front of him. The foreman was dumbfounded, took off his cap, and scratched the back of his head.

Older girl: Comrade sergeant major, the first and second squads of the third platoon of the fifth company of a separate anti-aircraft machine gun battalion have arrived at your disposal to guard the facility,” Sergeant Kiryanova reports to the platoon deputy commander.

Sergeant-major: “So-so,” the commandant said, not at all according to the regulations. - So they found non-drinkers...

Song 2.

Women soldiers are sitting near the fire, talking.

Sonya: Oh, Zhenechka, how beautiful you are!
Galya: You should be on stage, Zhenya! So I always dreamed of becoming a singer, wearing long dresses, having a lot of fans...
Zhenya: (fooling around) I imagine - singer Chetvertachok! (kisses Galya).
Galya: The name is, of course, funny! The caretaker at our orphanage gave it to me, and all because of her short stature.
Lisa: Oh, Zhenya, oh! Just make a sculpture of you!
Rita: Beautiful! Beautiful people are rarely happy.
Zhenya : Girls! And I'm not afraid of anything! My father told me: “The daughter of the Red Commander should not be afraid of anything.” I also rode a horse, shot at a shooting range, sat with my father in an ambush for wild boars, rode my father’s motorcycle around a military town... And how many affairs I had with the lieutenants, who were drawn into a glass!
Lisa: And I have been living all 19 years waiting for happiness. Friends who went to study, who got married, and I looked after my sick mother and helped my father in the forestry.
Rita: You know, girls, what I remember most vividly is a school evening - a meeting with the heroes - the border guards. I accidentally ended up next to Lieutenant Osyanin and sat, afraid to move... And then... Then he went to see me off. I cheated and took him the farthest route. I was the first from our class who married not just anyone, but a red border guard commander. A year later I gave birth to a boy. I was the happiest woman in the world! Damn war!!!
Sonya: How long do I want to live?
I don't want to die, friends.
If only I could live and suffer and love
I would waste years again without counting

Galya: If only I could live, and love, and burn
And there's not much life left
Why did we have to overcome
This difficult road of ours

Zhenya: Life is like a stone, heavy to carry
Along the military path behind you
And how they approached the edge of the earth
Somehow we ourselves didn’t notice.

Song 3.

PICTURE 4.Nowadays. Table covered with a tablecloth, teapot, mugs. Two women drink tea and talk. The grandson sits to the side with a book (laptop).

Woman 1. Yes, it’s all hard, it’s hard to talk, it’s hard to watch movies on TV...

Woman 2. When I think that our fathers and grandfathers lived two lives - a military one and... I get goosebumps...

Woman 1. Who lived and who didn’t...

Grandson. Granny, why are you sad? They sat so well. Do you remember what you told me about your grandfather, I like this story so much, maybe you can tell me?

Woman 1.(smiling). Well, it’s not a sin to talk about it.

PICTURE 5. Excerpt from Terkin About the accordion or lunch at the pass).

PICTURE 6.Nowadays. Woman 1 calls her friend on the phone.

Woman 1. Name, hello, hello, my dear. I'm calling you. I heard, but they caught those bandits, well, those about whom we were looking at me then. They will punish, they will punish now. What can I say? It hurts, it hurts that everything is like this in our time. There is no room for memory. No. Yes, yes, you're right. What about our children? How are your grandchildren? Will there be good in their lives? Well, okay, okay, rest, dear. (Hangs up). Still caught. Caught. But can what has been done be changed?

On stage are a man and a woman in military uniform. They sit on the floor of the stage. Background - summer meadow.

She:"We were happy...

We crossed the border, “the homeland is liberated. Our land... I didn’t recognize the soldiers, they were different people. Everyone was smiling. They put on clean shirts. From somewhere, flowers in their hands, I didn’t know such happy people. I’ve never seen them before. I thought that when we entered to Germany, then I will have no mercy, there will be no mercy for anyone. So much hatred has accumulated in my chest! Resentment! Why should I feel sorry for his child? Why should I feel sorry for his mother? Why should I not destroy his house? He did not regret... He killed... Burned... And I? I... I... I... Why? Why-why? I wanted to see their wives, their mothers, who gave birth to such sons. How they would look us in the eyes I wanted to look them in the eye...

I thought: what will happen to me? With our soldiers? We all remember...How will we survive this? What strength is needed to withstand this? We came to some village, children were running around - hungry, unhappy. They are afraid of us... They are hiding... I, who swore that I hated them all... I collected from my soldiers everything that they had, what was left of the ration, any piece of sugar, and gave it to the German children. Of course, I didn’t forget... I remembered everything... But I couldn’t look calmly into the hungry children’s eyes. Early in the morning there was already a line of German children near our kitchens; they were given first and second courses. Each child has a bag for bread slung over his shoulder, a can for soup on his belt and something for the second - porridge, peas. We fed them, treated them. We even stroked them... I stroked them for the first time... I was scared... I... I! Glazhunetsky child... My mouth was dry from excitement. But I soon got used to it. And they got used to it..."

He:“The native land was liberated... Dying became completely unbearable, burying became completely unbearable. They died for someone else’s land, they buried them in someone else’s land. They explained to us that we had to finish off the enemy. The enemy is still dangerous... Everyone understood... It’s such a pity to die... Nobody wants it anymore...

After the war, I was afraid of the sky for a long time, even to raise my head to the sky. I was afraid to see the plowed land. And the rooks were already calmly walking along it. The birds quickly forgot the war...

Students read the poem:

When fireworks thundered from one end to another.
Soldiers, you gave to the planet
Great May, victorious May.

Student 2.
Even then we were not in the world,
When in a military firestorm
Deciding the fate of future centuries,
You fought a holy battle.

Student 3.
Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with victory,
Soldiers of May, glory to you forever
From all the earth, from all the earth.

Closing song or video.

"I was born to watch"

A short history of the silent Mashenka Grigorievna

Video No. 1 at 0:57

Scenery: bench on the left side of the stage

[A girl runs onto the stage, holding a notebook and textbooks. He is in a hurry, reading notes. Several other girls are hurrying after her]

Zina: Oh, I studied this anatomy half the night, I don’t remember anything.

Tonya: Yes, Zin, you probably already don’t remember how much two plus two is!

[girls laugh]

Zina: Listen! Talk to me again here! I’ll tell your Romka everything about how I’m following you...

Tonya: Oh, will you tell me that?

Zina: But I’ll tell you!

Tonya: Well, tell me!

Zina: I'll tell you if I promised!

Lena: Come on, be quiet, you two! We've had a lot of fun here. You can be heard all over the street. Half the city will find out before Romka does, and then somehow they’ll inform him. [already under his breath] These are fools, honestly...

[Zina and Tonya were making noise when they heard]

Attention! Moscow speaks!

Lena: God forbid. Began!

Video No. 1 3:09-4:44

[during the video, fighters in tunics emerge from the audience, walk along the aisle between the rows, reach the stage, sit on the ground, take off their tunics, under them are bloody T-shirts, the boys freeze and do not move until the very end of the performance]

[a military man approaches the girls, gives them a first aid kit, points to a bench, salutes, leaves]

[ Lena sits down on the bench]

[ Tonya sticks up Zine in the chest, crying]

[ Masha still silent, modestly examining the first aid kit]

Lena : [Sighs] Don’t cry, Tonka. This guy wasn't the last one. You'll find another Romka like him. [Looks into the audience for a while] I feel sorry for the guy. There was no fear in trusting such a person. Mash, come here.

[ Masha approaches Lena, sits next to her]

Lena: I'll go to the front.

[ Zina turns to friend]

Zina: Where will you go?

Lena: To the front, I say. That's where I belong. I don’t want to sit back and wait for the funeral for my father and brothers to come. I want to shoot the Germans myself.

Zina: Should we shoot?

Lena: Fire. Right in the head of the vile bastard. So that they know who they went to war against.

Tonya: [wiping tears] Aren't you afraid?

Lena: I'm not afraid of a damn thing! [Laughs]

[Lena gets up from the bench, waves her hand and goes off stage]

Video No. 1 6:46-7:25

GZK Zina: Lena went to the front as a soldier, and that same week we were assigned to be nurses in battle. They were sent to the nearest company to help the soldiers, bandage, and operate. We knew little, except to treat a scratch and apply a bandage, but in wartime our skills were worth their weight in gold. Without us, the soldiers could not have done it, and no one could have done it. Going into the unknown was practically not scary. They smiled in the face of danger, even though their knees were shaking. We, like Lenka, are brave, we, like her, are strong and proud.

[All three girls come to the front of the stage and put on doctor's caps]

[in the background there is a medical chronicle without sound, it is spinning all this time

Video No. 1 9:00-9:23 ]

[A soldier enters the stage, limps, lies down on a bench, and another soldier comes out with him]

Soldier-1 : Here you are, Mashenka, they brought a Teddy Bear. You should be more careful with him, Marya Grigorievna.

Masha: I definitely will.

Soldier 1: Well, thank you, Masha!

[Soldier 2 remains, Masha turns away and begins to mind her own business]

[Soldier 2 begins to move from time to time, with his other hand, and begins to moan]

Soldier 2: D...drink...

[Masha does not react, does not hear]

Soldier 2: P-iiiit...please...

[Masha turns around, looks at him, shakes her head]

Soldier 2: Girl...drink.... I'm very thirsty...

Masha: You are not allowed.

Soldier 2: I wish I could wet my lips... at least...

Video No. 1 12:10-13:15

Hans Zimmer – Lost but won

[Masha covers her face with her hands]

[Soldier 2 relaxes his hand, it falls, he dies]

Metronome sounds

[To the sound of a metronome, men in black appear, cover the young man's face with a handkerchief, lift him up, carry him away, and place him next to other corpses under the stage]

[ Soldier 3 steps onto the stage]

Soldier-3: Marya Grigorievna, a letter has arrived for you! Hold it! I haven't written to you for a long time, right? And so young! Is there really no one to write to?

Masha: There is someone who likes you.

Soldier-3: I wish I could have answered more boldly! You're a funny girl, Masha! Well, come on!

[ Soldier 3 leaves ]

[Masha picks it up and opens the letter. It was written on behalf of Tony]

GZK Tonya: My dear Mashenka! I am writing to tell you that in the morning of this day our Zinochka died under German shelling. [Hans Zimmer - Brothers ] [Zina appears from behind the scenes, smiles at the audience, shrugs, then lies down next to the other dead] It’s very hard for me to write to you about this. I didn't even expect this to happen again. Last month Lenochka also died. [Lena also appears, but on the other hand, also lies down] You and I are left alone. Now we are standing in Stalingrad. I love you, your Tonya.

Video No. 1 18:56-21:53

[While the words about Stalingrad are going on, Masha stands in the middle]

[People covered in blood and dirt begin to emerge from the hall, approach the stage and lie dead on top of the dead, a mountain of corpses begins to appear]

[Tonya flies onto the stage, other girls are with her, fussing and running]

Tonya: Masha! How long have I not seen you, Masha! Oh, and you are completely different!

Masha: And you are the same!

Tonya: How much time has passed!

[He reaches out to hug, when suddenly Masha turns her head into the hall and looks]

Masha: Look. [ Whispers ]

Girl-1: Bah! Look, the Germans are coming! The Germans are coming!

[All the girls run backstage]

Video No. 1 26:32-27:20

[People walk out of the hall again and lie down in the aisle. Small children are now with them, they also lie down on the ground]

Get up, huge country!


[Masha comes out all alone, stands on the front stage, looks into the audience for a while]

Masha: This is the forty-second year. I'm no longer nineteen years old, I've grown up. I was born a girl, a woman, I was not created for war. I was born to watch the battles, not be a part of them. I should have become a happy mother, but my hands are covered in blood. My heart is wounded. My strength is running out, but I will stand until the end. I am not a soldier, but I am a support and a fighting friend for a soldier. Even if thousands and hundreds more die, I will not flinch. I'll jump on a mine and stand in front of a bullet. Me, and behind me all of Russia. All brothers and sisters [people on the floor begin to rise, the mountain separates, comes to life] - we will all stand until the bitter end. Unbending. Invincible. There are more of us, we are stronger. The fascist invaders will flee in horror. We will save the Motherland from their onslaught. And not a single one! No more people will suffer! We will go to the end! In the rear, at the front, in hospitals...

[all the people have already straightened up, they all speak together in one voice]

[ loud and clear ]


Video No. 2 up to 2:04

[ A minute of silence is announced]


(the sound was removed from it and a metronome was installed)
