Congratulations to the librarian. Cool and official congratulations on Librarian's Day for colleagues and friends Scenarios for competitions for Librarian's Day

Today the holiday is celebrated
Libraries all over the country
They keep a lot of books,
And we really need them
We sincerely want to congratulate
Librarians now
We wish them great luck,
Let them work for us
Let them smile more often
They always give us books,
Live without troubles, insults and grief
And they never get tired!

Thoughts of generations on the bookshelves.
And you just have to stretch out your hand,
A great genius will speak to you,
That I could look into other people's souls.

Books will show the life of the past century,
They will teach you to distinguish truth from lies,
The ancient Egyptians had a library
It’s not for nothing that it’s called a “pharmacy for the soul.”

Yes, books are so important in our lives,
After all, since childhood, books and I have been friends.
And All-Russian Library Day
Every person should check it out.

Congratulations on your professional holiday, All-Russian Library Day! Let the contribution to the development of science, culture and education be gratefully appreciated by society, let the popularity grow, and the need for a role in the consciousness of modernity intensifies. Thank you to the employees for their careful storage and attitude towards the storehouse of knowledge, an inexhaustible source of enlightenment, the kingdom of wisdom. I wish that in the age of rapid flow of information, every person has time for a classic pleasant pastime with a book in his hands.

All Russia celebrates
Happy Library Day.
This is great, because it means
Intelligence wins!

A storehouse of wisdom and intelligence
The library will save:
And scientific volumes
And ditties for fun.

Librarians, you today
Congratulations from my heart,
Enjoy your work
And I wish you happiness.

Bring enlightenment
You are among the masses and good,
May your calling give you
The shower is very warm.

Happy World Library Day!
May your life be happy forever.
May work always be a joy
And good, sympathetic people.

Let the world of books bring you impressions,
Amazing, bright moments.
And, of course, good luck to you always
Mood, respect and patience.

Your work is among prose writers, poets,
Among hundreds of thousands of different books,
The source of knowledge is books, we know this,
We draw education from them.

On All-Russian Library Day,
Librarians, salute to you today!
Let the wise from the printed words river
They will bring you to the shores happy!

Few people read today -
Libraries know this.
But what can you do - progress -
It's harder to generate interest.
However, loyal people
Books will always go to church.
There is an atmosphere here, the smell of books -
You need to remember this moment
And honor the most beautiful place,
Where the soul can warm itself.
Truly libraries
For our thoughts as a pharmacy.

Today is an interesting holiday,
Russian Library Day.
We congratulate you and wish you
Be in trend for many, many years!

We also want to develop
Don't stand still, change.
So that the circle of readers only grows,
There would be a demand for books again!

I congratulate you with all my heart
Happy Russian Library Day!
They are cultural treasures,
Man cannot live without them!

After all, a book is a reliable, faithful friend,
It will teach us and entertain us.
Thanks to all libraries
What wisdom the book gives us!

Who instilled in us a love for books -
For this, honor and praise to you!
You decorate our world
We are always grateful to you!

Let the path in life be easy,
May all your dreams come true,
And as if in a fairy tale, let it be
Full of love and beauty!

Congratulations to the librarian in verse

Lots of different shelves
There is a special smell of books here!
There is always silence
Only pages sometimes
The voices will rustle,
It's not loud here!
It's comfortable and convenient here,
It's calm and easy here,
It feels so good!
The librarian meets here,
Amazingly sweet
Good for visitors!
And he will help everyone with advice,
And well-read, smart!
Congratulations, librarian,
After all, you are the only one!
We wish you a lot of light,
Happiness, joy, warmth!

Comic congratulations to the librarian

Your ideal is literature,
And the house looks like a museum,
Do you prefer nature?
The impulse and syllable of the soul are stronger.
Maybe it was just necessary
Go to the dentist
Or study to become a lawyer,
To find recognition.
But God knows - you are where you need to be,
And let your friends be jealous
After all, hundreds of books are a reward for you.
So be happy always!

Short congratulations to the librarian

We sincerely congratulate you on this amazing event! Please accept our sincere wishes for goodness and immense happiness, mutual understanding and success in all your endeavors! Let words fill your soul with grace, and let your work bring true pleasure!

Official congratulations to the librarian in prose

Many people have been familiar with the wonderful world into which library visitors are immersed since childhood. People of the older generation know this especially well, because once upon a time, in order to read a treasured book or take home a collection of fairy tales, you had to stand in line. I wanted to make friends with the librarian; it seemed that then he would give out the treasured book faster. And then, you will open the long-awaited pages and immerse yourself in the world created by the author.
Many came to the quiet reading rooms, filled with the unique smell of paper, printing ink, and something else elusive, to write notes, study, or just read in silence. And here the librarian came to the rescue, who always quickly and accurately found the necessary literature.
Today, despite the age of the Internet, libraries still remain attractive to thousands of readers who come here with pleasure to learn something new, communicate, and exchange information.
We congratulate our librarian on a wonderful holiday!
Let the world that you create for us give you many interesting sensations! We wish you prosperity and prosperity, good health, good luck and many new works that you will be happy to offer to us, your readers!

Congratulations to the librarian

The age of technology has arrived
And many are accustomed to the Internet!
And I’m still in a hurry with pleasure,
To your favorite, dear library!
It’s like I’ve known her employees for a long time,
I love and respect librarians!
They will be able to find an article for me,
They give me advice on how to choose a book!
And if I want to know more about the news,
Please, here are the newspapers for you!
They will support the conversation, giving you a smile,
Everything will be written down in the subscription!
And, really, I’m happy today, friends
Put in a good word for the librarian!
I wish you great love,
More readers in the halls!
And always be happy
Comfort and home warmth!

A friendly toast to a librarian on his birthday

Before I toast you personally, I would like to note that the cultural sphere and the people working in it rarely enjoy public attention. Even less often do they become the object of study, but it is the level of cultural development that speaks most clearly about the level of development of the country.
The well-known stereotype that a librarian is a “gray mouse,” quiet, inconspicuous, is completely false: a huge number of interesting people work in libraries. A striking example is you. A very important person is the librarian: an example of culture, and to some extent a teacher too. She should have such an expression on her face that you would want to approach her. Patience, goodwill, tact, the ability to smooth out situations, sociability, and sociability are necessary for a librarian in his work. Being able to connect with the reader is the most important thing. And, as for the children's library, the librarian must have a very strong tolerance for different children, be able to talk to them, and hold the audience
You, our dear birthday girl, have no problems communicating with readers, when they often themselves do not know what exactly they need, and expect the librarian to guess what they need. Often people come to the library not only to just borrow a book, but also to communicate, and you need to find an approach to them. Because you are very friendly... very erudite... very tolerant, tolerant.
You also have difficulties: lack of time when you need to find a book for a person, and it happens that you can’t find it right away, because you can’t re-read everything. We wish you that people will more often admire the fact that you are a librarian! Today, mostly all are economists, accountants, entrepreneurs and lawyers. And you are a librarian! Is it possible to meet a librarian every day? We wish you love, admiration and reader gratitude, our glorious librarian!

Congratulations to the librarian with a quote in prose

“The greatest treasure is the library,” wrote V. Belinsky. “The whole life of mankind was consistently deposited in the book: tribes, people, states disappeared, but the books remained.” Since May 27, 1995, Library Day has rightfully been a professional holiday for librarians - Librarian's Day. The contribution of Russian libraries to the development of domestic education, science and culture is invaluable and their role in the life of society is high. The role of books in the socio-political, historical and cultural life of every nation is invaluable. We sincerely congratulate all library workers on their professional holiday. We wish that the flow of inquisitive readers does not dry up in the halls of libraries, that your work helps communication and mutual understanding between peoples of all nationalities.

Congratulations in prose to the librarian

On this amazing day, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! We want to wish only the most sincere, warmest and kindest events in life! Let the book of your earthly journey be voluminous and excitingly interesting, and let there be no place for negative characters in it!

Congratulations in prose to the librarian

On this amazing day, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! We want to wish only the most sincere, warmest and kindest events in life! Let the book of your earthly journey be voluminous and excitingly interesting, and let there be no place for negative characters in it!

Congratulations in verse to a librarian

Select a book, poem, article
Sometimes I, well, just can’t.
And then I go with a question
Only to him, only to him, only to him...
Choose an author or poet,
To find answers to questions,
He will help, he knows them all,
Best of all, best of all, best of all...
When I meet him I will wish him:
There is a lot of happiness, it heals the soul,
He is worthy of success and love:
Live like this, live like this, live like this!

Recognition of the significant role of libraries in the life of the modern Russian state is an important task of our time. The wealth of libraries and their importance in society grew rapidly as humanity made more and more discoveries in understanding itself and the world around it.

Libraries contain all the knowledge that has been accumulated by generations of different peoples over a very long historical path. Every year on May 27, our country celebrates Library Day. This significant day is a professional holiday for all librarians in Russia.

This holiday dates back to 1995 and was established by the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin. It was the first president of the Russian Federation in 1995 who issued Decree No. 539 “On the establishment of an all-Russian day of libraries.”

First library

The day of May 27 was not chosen by chance. After all, this very day is the date of foundation of the first state public library in Russia - the Imperial Public Library, which now bears the name of the Russian National Library.

The history of librarianship is an important part of the history and culture of the entire society.

The very first library in Rus' is the library at St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, which was founded by Yaroslav the Wise in 1037.

Profession librarian

From century to century, the librarian has occupied, and will continue to occupy, an important place in public life, since he works in the field of spiritual culture. Perhaps the work of a librarian is not as noticeable as the work of a doctor or teacher, and it is impossible to see any final result of their work. But the impact their work has on society is invaluable.

It can be difficult to navigate the huge flow of literature published today.

And a librarian who is well acquainted with the book collection can always give advice on where to find the answer to a question of interest.

And therefore, Library Day is not only a professional holiday, it is also a recognition of the importance of this profession.

Don’t forget that the wonderful All-Russian Library Day is not only a professional holiday for bibliologists, bibliographers, librarians, teachers, it is also a holiday for all those who love books.

Library humor

Unexpected reader requests

"Woe in the Fog" ("Woe from Wit")

“The Man from Los Angeles” (I. Bunin “The Mister from San Francisco”)

“The Bourgeois Nobleman” (J.B. Moliere “The Bourgeois Nobility”)

“Poverty is not a gift” (N. Ostrovsky “Poverty is not a vice”)

“Oblomok” (I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”)

“Cloud in Boots” (V. Mayakovsky “Cloud in Pants”)

“Prelude” (M. Gorky “In People”)

Chingiz Khan “The First Teacher” (Ch. Aitmatov “The First Teacher”)

Astafiev “Sighted Psycho” (instead of “Sighted Staff”)

McCullough "The Five Singing" ("The Thorn Birds")

Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm" and "Besprizornitsa" ("Dowry")

“Returning home from St. Petersburg” (Radishchev A. “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”)

N.V. Gogol "Taraz Bubel" ("Taras Bulba")

E. Uspensky "School of Fools" ("School of Clowns")

"Falcon Song" by M. Gorky ("Song about the Falcon")

“A story about a small town” (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The History of a Town”)

N.V. Gogol "On the road of the farm to Danko" ("Evenings on the farm near Dikanka")

M.Yu. Lermontov "Merchant's Wife Maria" ("Princess Mary")

V. Pikul “I wish you health” (“I have the honor”)

M. Gorky "Old Woman Baskerville" ("Old Woman Izergil")

Goncharshchikov "Oblomov" (I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov")

M. Gorky "Under water" ("At the bottom")

Anecdotes and funny stories from library life

From applications to the book depository

Reader: Give me RYASH, PISH and VOSH.
Librarian: - ???
Ch.: - Well, what’s unclear here? “Russian language at school”, “Teaching history at school” and “Educating schoolchildren”.
B.: - !!!

- Give me how man has ruined nature.

From the work plan:
“Visit current debtors at home”

Give me Komsomolskaya Pravda for this and next month.

Give me Pushkin's article about Eugene Onegin

The librarian smiles!

A reader asks
I don’t remember the author, but I need “Mash in the Nobility” - “The Bourgeois in the Nobility” by Moliere;
Yugo "Gavron" - Hugo "Gavroche";
"Gulliver's Travels with Wild Geese";
Request from a 5th grade student: “Give me everything about Icicle Castle.” They searched the entire library, and it turned out to be the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg;
"Plekhanov miniature" - "Palekh miniature";
Griboedov “Mountains and Fog”;
Griboedov “Happiness from the Mind”;
Gorky “The Old Woman from Irga”;
Gogol "Chanel";
Ostrovsky “Mayhem”;
Green “Rowing on the Waves”;
Evgrafovich “Fairy Tales” - “Fairy Tales” by Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E.;
Give me the Pskov meager charter - I mean the Pskov judicial charter;
Who wrote Marx's Capital?;
Pechorina "Lermontov";
Fantastic novel by S. Lem "Benefit" - "Solaris" by S. Lem;
About punctuation marks, - we mean “punctuation marks”;
About Bonaparte Bagration - about Napoleon Bonaparte;
Text of S. Yesenin’s poem “Anna Karenina” - “Anna Snegina”;
Scott "Ivanhoe" - W. Scott "Ivanhoe";
Give the book "Tom Cruise" - "Robinson Crusoe";
V. Julie “The Mysterious Island” - Jules Verne “The Mysterious Island”;
Give literature about mathematical scientists;
Bruno Leske - Filippo Brunelleschi;
About the hero of the Civil War Brunza - about Frunze
Either “I’ll run through the taiga” or “I’ll run away through the taiga” - Arsenyev V.K. "Dersu Uzala; Through the Taiga"

Questions for all!!! :-)

Why do unscrupulous people exist?
What is the chemical composition of chips?
Is the crow the crow’s wife?
If possible, extend the books to yesterday’s date, I handed them in today.
The meaning of the expression “Keep yourself from an idol” - it meant “Do not make yourself an idol”
How to complain to the Strasbourg court?
Information about discoveries with imagination - give examples of discoveries made under unusual circumstances - a dream, insight, etc.
How to organize a brainstorming session?
What do the expressions mean - “Cobbler's chest”, “Hourglass stomach”, “Jellyfish head”, “Cat purring syndrome” - these are various diseases.

Fairy tale "Sit and relax. How a librarian was hired"

Poems about libraries and librarians

Sometimes you get tired of peace
And the person will get bored...
I'm in this situation
I always go to the library.
I wouldn't be able to avoid coming here.
I am connected to books forever.
And in life I'm not alone,
While I'm going to the library

Babenko G. L.

The source of knowledge is not particularly in fashion,
It’s much easier - press a key! -
And without difficulty it seems like
And he speaks when he has something to say.
No need to work with your eyes or hands
And you don’t need to strain your brain at all,
A panacea for sadness and boredom -
You look at yourself, lying down on the bed...
But you can’t compare the picture, even if it’s in motion,
With the intensity that a living syllable gives:
You read classics, immortal creations,
You lose peace and tranquility.
They have something to say, something to tell,
What to teach descendants from century to century.
All their words are victory over grayness,
Over everything that a person should not live over.
What to choose - decide for yourself, people,
Questions in life are different for everyone.
But let the book be the main one for at least a day,
On All-Russian Library Day!

We congratulate the employees:
Not joiners, not carpenters,
Not bakers, not turners -
And in our reasonable age
Congratulations to those who work
He tries, he worries,
Who touches our soul
Within the walls of libraries!
The workers are wonderful
Clear in soul and heart,
You are so needed for society
And it's no secret!
We wish you spring
Today's mood!
Good luck and creativity to you
For many, many years!

May there be many changes in the world,
The library will not be touched by decay.
Teacher, mechanic and poet
Both a businessman and a local historian
All questions will be answered here

There are people in the library all day long,
There's a lot to do in the library.
You can visit clubs here
And study foreign
And listen to music and play KVN

Let them not talk about us often,
A team of enthusiasts is working -
True to their profession
librarians of the country!

Come to us, man

Music by N. Mishukov
Poems by O. Timmerman

Every day and every moment
In cities and villages
Book pages rustle
Sad and happy.
Libraries lights
Glowing everywhere
Come to us, man,
Come to us, man,
Join the miracle.

Chorus: La-la, la-la, la-la, la-la,
La la la
La-la, la-la, la-la
La-la, la-la, la-la, la-la,
La la la
Join the miracle.

Life itself confirms
Arguing with the darkness:
Doesn't happen from the mind
No grief.
Our run is getting faster and faster,
The task becomes more and more difficult.
Come to us, man,
Come to us, man,
To become richer.

Chorus: La-la, la-la...
To become richer.

Let us help you take the height,
Find the way in the fog.
We are at the pilot station,
In the ocean of books.
The twenty-first century has arrived -
Do not forget about it.
Come to us, man,
Come to us, man,
Behind the magic light.

Chorus: La-la, la-la...
Behind the magic light.

B The river has opened to infinity,

AND galaxies alien worlds

B serene, mysterious, eternal

L a stream of books flows from above.

AND when the distances become clear,

ABOUT revealing to us the texts of fate,

T the eager reader will learn about

E the only right way.

TO nigi generously inspire a person,

A book keeper - ......

Tatyana Borisovna Lovkova

Associate Professor of the Department of Library Science and Reading Theory, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

State University of Culture and Arts. Saint Petersburg


On All-Russian Library Day
To the librarian, writer and reader of the early 21st century

Library, quiet glory
Deception did not last us long
Calm, comfort, fun
Only sleep and morning fog.

The librarian's calling is
Have a fighting character
We are sincerely rooting for you
For creativity and creation.

We do not wait with languor for hope -
We keep the spirit of culture alive,
So that the writer is young
I found my publications here.

We burn with love for books,
Hearts are still alive for honor
We, the reader, will dedicate
Beautiful impulses from the soul!

Comrade, believe: she will rise,
Star of native literature,
Russia will wake up from its sleep,
And on the ruins of KITCH culture
They will write our names!

Guardians of the book collection,
Where the thought of centuries shines with beauty!
The reader will find the young one or the gray one
You have the answer to all your searches!

We wish you to prosper from century to century,
To the surprise of all the ignorant.
Accept our admiration and admiration
On All-Russian Library Day!


To the librarian on All-Russian Library Day

Librarian - you! Guardian of the wonderful gates!
In your domain there is a sea of ​​tomes,
And in this cathedral rich in wisdom
You are a true reader - glad!

Here the honor of knowledge is defended in dispute,
Once entering this marvelous garden,
Among the volumes you will find - a hundredfold!
Light of truth

In a leisurely conversation.

The rustling of pages and their tart aroma
Weaving a thread of fate in a mysterious pattern,
They will tell us thousands of stories,

They will warm your soul and console you in grief -
The magical city of books is always with you -
Librarian - you! And, fabulously rich!

Congratulatory song
On All-Russian Library Day!

Ring out the voice of joy!

Sound praiseworthy choruses!

Long live book maidens!

Readers are a glorious, exalted class!

Pour a glass of champagne!

We are here together

Wine sparkles

Forget your sorrows!

Let's raise our glasses and move them together!

Long live books

Long live reason!

Let knowledge, the Sun, burn!

How this lamp fades

Before the clear sunrise of dawn,

So stupidity and stupidity always recede

Before the sun of the immortal mind!

Long live the books, may the darkness disappear!

"Captains of the Book Seas" - a scenario for an event for schoolchildren, dedicated to the profession of a librarian

[in prose]

Congratulations on Librarian's Day in prose

A librarian is a unique profession, even somewhat mysterious. He, like a good wizard, rules the whole world of dreams, fairy tales, travel, romance! I wish you patience, inspiration and prosperity on this significant holiday. Let the Temple of Knowledge be replenished with new readers. Let the book fund not become scarce. And may everything in your life be at its best! Happiness, smiles, joy! Happy Librarian's Day!

Dear, I congratulate you on Librarian’s Day! Your love for books arose in childhood, and since then you have dreamed of becoming the mistress of the book kingdom! You succeeded. It’s so nice to see a person who devoted himself to his favorite business! May your work give you joy. I wish you new additions to your library and intelligent readers who treat books with trepidation and love!

I congratulate you on Librarian’s Day - a professional holiday of true book lovers and everyone who is passionate about reading. On this wonderful date, the value of which, unfortunately, is not always clear to many these days, I want to sincerely thank you for your loyalty to your cause, dedication to your profession and constant willingness to accompany those who wish to the wonderful world of books. Happy holiday to you!

Surrounded by inexhaustible knowledge, you give people amazing acquaintance with the books of great writers. Your work is invaluable to each of us! Please accept congratulations on your professional holiday – Librarian’s Day! We bring you gratitude, experience and wisdom, thanks to which the world of literature and classical masterpieces has become accessible to both children and adults! Be healthy and happy!

Librarian is a good and necessary profession, because you bring people the most important thing - education. May your library always have many visitors, may your loved ones appreciate and love you simply for being you, may good health and inspiration go with you throughout life! Interesting books and educated readers!

Happy wonderful day, Happy Librarian’s Day, I congratulate you with all my heart! I want, first of all, to say a huge thank you for preserving such the greatest asset of humanity as books. A book is a fascinating world of knowledge, and therefore I wish you more readers in your library so that they appreciate you for your work, to which you devote yourself completely!

The silence of the spacious halls will not be broken even today, as we congratulate you, dear librarians, on your professional holiday in the best traditions of mysterious, wise institutions of knowledge. There will be no loud screams, but there will be quiet gratitude for your important and useful work. You live in a world of priceless treasures: keep the works of classics, notes of travelers, and the achievements of talented scientists. On this day we wish you happiness and a room full of grateful and polite readers!

Shelves, hundreds of troublesome tasks and books, books, books... And above all this - you, the mistress and mistress of the library! Just one look at you is enough for all stereotypes about librarians to collapse! Beautiful, graceful, ultra-modern, you amaze with your talent for maintaining the library at the proper level! Happy Librarian's Day to you, smart girl and beauty!

Our dear book keeper! We congratulate you on Librarian's Day and wish you to be extremely happy. May all the bright stories about goodness and love described in the books you adore come true and make your life truly fabulous. Thank you for the noble cause to which you devote your life. May people always be grateful to you and may books never go out of style. Happy holiday!

“The library has been and will be
The sacred temple of living printed words.
Young Bunin was one of its priests,
And for thirty whole years – the sage Krylov.”
V. Cherkesov

“If, as a result of some devastating catastrophe, all centers of education and culture disappear from the face of the earth, if there is nothing left in the world except libraries, the world and humanity will have the opportunity to be reborn” Dmitry Likhachev
Library (Greek “book” and “place of storage”) is an institution that collects and stores printed and written works for public use, as well as carries out reference and bibliographic work.
The activities of libraries to serve readers are carried out in two main forms. A library subscription gives the reader the right to receive a publication from the library at his or her disposal for a certain period of time. In another case, the reader has the opportunity to get acquainted with the book only in the library premises (usually in a specially designated reading room). Some libraries operate only a subscription service or only a reading room; in others, these forms of service are combined, although not both are possible for all storage units.

May 27, 1995 A decree “On the establishment of an all-Russian library day” was signed in Russia.
According to the decree, the all-Russian Day of Libraries was declared on May 27. The date coincides with the founding in 1795 of the first state public library in Russia - the Imperial Public Library, now the Russian National Library.

On this day, traditionally, libraries hold events aimed at increasing interest in reading and the role of books in the life of a modern person, children’s literary quizzes, book presentations are organized, and also, according to tradition, all debtors can return books to libraries without penalties.

Libraries first appeared in the ancient East. Usually the first library is called a collection of clay tablets, approximately 2500 BC. e., found in the temple of the Babylonian city of Nippur. The Library of Alexandria became the largest center of ancient books. In the Middle Ages, centers of book learning were monastery libraries, which operated scriptoria. Not only the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the Church Fathers, but also the works of ancient authors were copied there. It is believed that the very first library in Rus' was founded by Yaroslav the Wise in 1037 at the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

Today is your holiday, book keepers!
Knowledge is placed in its place.
Here is a shelf of novels, where there is love and intrigue,
This place is famous among ladies who read.
Here is a childhood shelf - “teremok” and “about turnips”,
Where are Chukovsky, Barto, Mikhalkov and Marshak.
For historians, the bookcase here is very rare,
Take them and read them, because knowledge is just a step away!
There are books for schoolchildren - they are treasure troves of knowledge!
And all this is kept by you, fairies of book peaks,
We wish you happiness, fulfillment of desires,
May you find light for your soul in books! ©

In Russia, library day -
Tribute to books!
A man leans towards them
In the Great Warehouse.
On indelible lines
Finds meaning, knowledge.
We wish in future centuries
Glory and prosperity to you. ©

Please accept congratulations and bows,
And wishes for joy forever!
Let columns of readers come to you
Sign up for Library Day!
Work tirelessly for many years,
Giving people food for the soul,
And be forever young, loved
And forever, like today - good! ©

Today is a holiday only for the initiated,
What matches the animals from the Red Book...
I want to unite us, separated,
My wish is that we read more,
And, illuminated with secret knowledge,
Every person will live better!
I want to congratulate you, Russians,
On All-Russian Library Day! ©

There is always silence in the library,
That world was completely given over to books.
Instead of a map there is a card index,
Its own magical book world has been recreated there.
Let the fires not befall you,
And let the reader not forget the path to you.
On library day, let the fanfare
Great knowledge will be replaced by sadness. ©

Libraries are always quiet.
This is a world knowledge country!
Librarians are very smart
They often dream about books!
We sincerely congratulate you now!
New ideas for you for our class hour.
Be healthy, glow with happiness.
Enjoy life even in bad weather! ©

Guardian of books and their connoisseur,
A living guide to them:
Nature, people, cities -
Librarian without difficulty
It will help you understand the topic.
He is friends with books with everyone:
From antiquity to the present day.
For adults or for children
Will create any exhibition,
The new book will be encrypted,
The event will be held
And will carry you along
Readers on a long journey.
Check out the library
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