Cool corporate New Year greetings to colleagues. Cool congratulations to colleagues on the New Year Congratulations to the queen on the New Year corporate party

Comic congratulations on the upcoming New Year to colleagues from your department.

Beautiful congratulations to colleagues

I wish you to get enough sleep in the New Year,
And looking in the mirror with a smile, they admired themselves.
The work was successfully completed before lunch.
And in the evening after work so that they don’t stay.

So that they would wait for you at home, love you, protect you,
And the best gift was chosen for you on New Year’s Day.
So that time flies and you grow younger in spite of yourself,
May you be damn lucky in the New Year!

Dear Colleagues!

Have a sweet New Year!
Always treat your work with love!
Concerns are met and solved easily,
You don't know how tired you are at work!

May your loved ones surround you,
Even all expectations will be fulfilled.
Let the sun wake you up with a warm ray
And in life you are always lucky in everything!

We would like to celebrate today
And celebrate the New Year with fresh strength!

Comic New Year greetings to colleagues

Comic Happy New Year card

Dear colleagues, we want to congratulate you!
May the New Year 20.. fulfill everything we are silent about.

May your families be happy, friendly,
Of course, we can overcome everything together.

May times come at our work,
That life will come as a cup that is full.

On the day of joy - advance payment, as well as on salary day,
We need potato sacks to cook with.

Otherwise, so that the salary does not go into your pockets,
And the plastic card is crazy!

May we be lucky everywhere, in the lotto and casinos,
And the dishes were beaten for good luck at the same time!

Comic New Year greetings to colleagues from the boss

In the year 20.. everything should suddenly come true!
As a boss, I declare: I’m raising everyone’s salaries!
From January, see the calculation,
And then praise me!

But I will demand from you:
1. Being in a great mood – that’s it!
2. Doing your business is two things!
3. If you’ve done something, then help a colleague – that’s three!
4. And fourthly, don’t sleep on the table!
5. Well, fifthly, New Year 20.. celebrate together!

It seems like I reported everything and didn’t miss anything!
Well, if you didn’t miss it, you need to miss it urgently! 😉

Comic New Year greetings to female colleagues

Dear employees, forever beauties,
For your husbands you are companions, but for us you are colleagues.
Happy new year to the future
We congratulate you,
In the 20th... this is what we wish:

Don't get sick, don't be sad,
delicious to eat. sleep for a long time,
dress up, buy,
to be surprised, to surprise,
to become prettier and younger,
and warm us with a smile!

New Year greetings for colleagues

We are sitting in the New Year's company in the company of dear,
And dumplings and beer warm our souls.
Colleagues are all dancing and the tree is on fire,
The boss is the most beautiful of all, but he looks askance.

He looks angry, they forgot to refill,
We won’t ruin our careers now!
We'll dance for the bosses, sing about the Christmas tree,
Colleagues, we rejoice! We are all looking forward to the holiday!

In our team, there are enough women,
I would like to have more, to be honest.
What beauties, my lady and miss,
You look sharp, every whim.

Today we will fulfill all the dishes for you,
And we offer you a toast, because women are class!
In short, colleagues, let’s leave it aside,
We'll just congratulate this lyric.

Each other today, to the fullest!
Hurray, happy new year! Dear team!

Playful New Year greetings to colleagues

Happy New Year, dear colleagues,
You are beautiful today, sweet,
You are very elegant today,
They came in a good mood.

May it be funny for many people in the New Year,
Let our team have fun,
Even the boss is not angry today,
And he says funny words.

Today we are not just colleagues,
Today we are simple friends,
We forget in our everyday run,
At work we have one life.

On the New Year I must wish you:
Be healthy in the new year,
To sadness and any bad weather
They visited your family.

So that your enemies don't get angry anymore,
And they forgave each other forever.
On New Year's Eve, let everyone have fun.
May luck find us all.

New Year's jokes about men: “New Year's classification of men”

Of course, the complete exploitation of men by women is prohibited by law. But according to the law of nature it is allowed.
Take the average man. We carry out New Year's classification on it.

So, from the age of two to ten, he sincerely believes that Santa Claus exists. He writes letters to him, asking for a gift, since he studied well all year, helped his mother and behaved well. And then on January 1st he looks under the Christmas tree in anticipation of a gift. And he finds...

From 11 to 15 years old, as a rule, he does not believe in Grandfather Frost. And all because one day on a holiday he noticed painted lips and recognized “grandfather” as his teacher.

From 16 years old to 45 years old. At first he works part-time as Moroz at matinees. And then he fulfills his duty as a parent.

And starting from the age of 45, he himself looks like a real Santa Claus. And makeup is no longer needed!

On the eve of the celebration of the Year of the White Rat, traditional events will take place in the workplace, so you should prepare toasts in advance for the corporate party on New Year's Eve in order to adequately congratulate your colleagues. In most cases, a humorous form is acceptable, but humor may differ depending on the type of activity. For example, not every team will welcome jokes about “rat behavior” and similar common expressions and hints. For this reason, it is important to choose the right toast so as not to end up in an awkward position.

When writing or selecting such small congratulatory texts for a corporate party, it is recommended to adhere to simple rules:

  1. the toast should not be offensive to one, group (department) or all employees;
  2. You shouldn’t mention topical issues in your New Year’s greetings;
  3. It is better to check humorous texts by telling several colleagues and make sure they are 100% successful;
  4. if in doubt, it is better to choose traditional ones and wishes (a lot also depends on the presentation);
  5. It’s better to have two or three backup options in case the chosen toast fails or, conversely, succeeds and the team wishes to give you the floor one more time.

New Year's Eve is a solemn and fun event. It can be ruined if you make vulgar or trivial toasts in a state of extreme intoxication. You also need to know the rules of etiquette:

I don't drink alcohol! Non-drinkers should not refuse to make a toast. Etiquette allows you to make a speech with a raised glass of water. If you are with friends or family, you can use soda or juice.

New Year's toasts in the year of the White Rat 2020

I wish everyone a Happy New Year
Behave boldly like a pig:
Take women into circulation right away,
Without further ado and straight to the point!

Squeal and grunt wildly, wildly,
Celebrate this New Year with fun,
Celebrate the holiday dashingly, dashingly,
And so as not to suffer from a hangover...

I will always say a good toast,
Pour your glass fuller.
For drinking everything to the dregs,
We didn't turn into pigs!

Walking carefree is good
Feel free to drink champagne!
Lying around drunk is not funny
To get drunk in moderation!

Let's raise a glass to progress,
Unity of mind and soul,
And so that in the world forever
Eradicate all rats!

May there be a trough full of happiness!
Good luck to everyone without measure!
Let the ladies be open to everyone!
The gentlemen will be active!

Let the pig squeal with delight
You will make noises of love!
Don't behave like a beast
Everywhere, always so that we can!

Large increases without haggling
Let the employer add,
Morality won't last long
And let the working day be shortened!

For the unity of the sexes! -
I openly say a toast to everyone,
Let the door of love be open,
Here's to all the mice and rats!

I wish everyone a Happy New Year
Drink the most noble drinks,
And let the whole year pass
In valiant, pleasant parties!

When Santa Claus made the Snowman, he had some snow left and he asked what else he needed. The snowman could not answer the question, the wise creator gave him a snowball and invited him to mold what he saw fit. I raise this glass so that each of us has the opportunity to build our own lives.

Everything in life has its own color and the more colors, the brighter and happier the picture of life. The monochrome version with white and black stripes is, of course, a classic, but in this case it has gone out of fashion forever. Let's drink to the rainbow colors of our lives and bright events!

Cheerful, carefree and dreaming children grew into serious and boring adults. I wish that each of us always remembers this child and sometimes trusts him with the reins of our lives. It may not happen often, but these moments will be the most memorable.

One day a sage was asked if he really believed in the power of the horseshoe hanging above his door. To which he replied that a horseshoe brings happiness regardless of whether he believes in it or not. Let's drink to good luck! May she accompany us through life, even when we have lost faith in her.

The proposed New Year's toasts for 2020 are mostly suitable for corporate parties, family celebrations and friendly gatherings.

Beautiful phrases for corporate events in prose

Colleagues, on the eve of the New Year I would like to wish you fabulous salaries, magical working conditions and bosses who will always be in a wonderful mood! Let your experience and knowledge become more valuable than any wealth. But if someone decides to buy them, bargain until the last minute!

In the New Year with new strength, with new ideas, with new goals. But I would like to take at least something from last year, so I suggest taking with you: experience, company traditions, a friendly and responsible team, as well as a charge of positivity and vigor with which we are now seeing off the old year.

They say that with whom you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it. Believe me, dear colleagues, there is nothing better than spending the next year in our friendly team. After all, as another sage said, whoever works is how he rests! Let's drink to our wonderful New Year's cooperative and our colleagues' no less wonderful ability to do great work!

The Year of the Dog says goodbye to the world amid a volley of fireworks, which means the time has come for the arrival of another symbol - the White Rat. May happiness, success and prosperity come to all my colleagues during this period. I really want to believe that 2020 will be the beginning of career achievements and unexpected financial achievements for all of us. Let our bosses appreciate us and let our salaries increase. Happy holidays!

There lived a man who did not work anywhere. And everyone around him worked, earned money, bought cars and apartments. And he also wanted a car and an apartment. And then this man came to us and got a job. I worked for a while and bought a car, then an apartment. And he began to live the way all our workers live.

Funny New Year's Toasts 2020 Year of the Rats

First toast: “Goodbye! We won’t see you sober today!”

Let's drink to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden: for as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, don't age, and there is always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!

Let's drink to the only day of the year when you can sit on the Christmas tree. and not to visit the forest! Here's to the New Year!

They ask one electrician if his profession is interesting? “My profession is, of course, interesting, but dangerous. If you connect the wrong wires, for example, you’ll get fucked!” So let's drink to the fact that in the new year life will not enter into intimate relationships with us!

New Year is not a luxury, but a means of transportation through time!

I congratulate you on this chic, fast-paced, beautiful, powerful holiday and I wish that after the New Year’s table we will not be denied our main means of transportation - our legs! So let's drink to the perpetual motion machine!

The girl gently asks the guy:

- Do you love me?

“Of course,” he answers just as tenderly.

-Will you marry me? – the girl continues.

– What is your way of suddenly changing the topic of conversation?! – the guy was indignant. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year our loved ones will be deprived of this vice!

New Year is coming soon. A young woman was driving in heavy snow. Then she remembered how her father advised her: “If you get into a snowfall and see a snowplow, go get it.” Just when she thought so, a snowplow appeared. The young lady settled in behind him and drove off slowly. An hour later, the driver got out of the snowplow cab, approached her car and asked the lady:

- Why are you following me?

“My father advised me to hide behind a snowplow during a snowstorm and follow it,” she answered.

- Oh, that's the thing! “Okay, we’ve already cleaned this parking lot, let’s go to another,” the driver agreed.

Let's drink to the fact that in the new year we will have a reliable shelter from storms, and not just snow ones!

A mother enters her son’s room and sees: the lights are off, a geography textbook is hanging on the wall, a burning lamp is on the table, and her son is on his knees praying:

- Lord, make sure that the Volga flows into the Black Sea, as I wrote in my geography test!

So let's drink to God having mercy on us all in the new year!

In a math lesson:

– Sidorov, name a two-digit number.

- Thirty one.

- Why not thirteen? Sit down. Two. Petrov, give me a two-digit number.

- Forty five.

- Why not fifty-four? Sit down. Two. Rabinovich, name a two-digit number.

- Twenty two.

- Why not. There you go again with your Jewish jokes! Sit down. Three.

Let's drink to a fun new year!

New toasts for the New Year 2020 of the Metal Rat

On New Year's Day, you can wish for anything at the table. For example, different New Year's toasts: On New Year's Eve, we all look forward to the weather pampering us with snow and pleasant, not too severe frost. After all, not everyone can sit through the entire New Year's Eve at the festive table. High spirits, cheerful company... What could be better for a walk on this most magical night of the year?

Therefore, let’s raise our glasses so that in the new year we will be pleased with all the surprises of nature: hot sun, cool day, summer shower, thunderstorms, and drifts of fluffy snow.

A little white bear cub asks his mother:

-Mom, did we have brown bears in our family?

-No, son, we are purebred polar bears.

-Or maybe they were Himalayan?

-No, there were no Himalayan ones either.

-Damn, why am I so cold?

So let's drink to the fact that in the new year we will be more frost-resistant and not afraid of either natural disasters or human shortcomings that can cause us harm.

It is possible that guests will like it if the next toast is a logical continuation of the previous one. This way you can more fully express your thoughts and wish your friends exactly what they and you want.

People say: “One bee can’t make much honey.”

May our friendship remain as strong, unbreakable and sometimes mutually beneficial in the new year, but the latter, of course, is a little joke.

On New Year's Eve, toasts are made to the health and happiness of not only the adult half of humanity. Let's not forget about the kids and their well-being next year, so it wouldn't hurt to include a children's toast-anecdote. Funny New Year's toasts only lift your spirits.

Mom told her little son that there is a kind Grandfather Frost in the world - a real one, with a red nose and beard. He brings gifts to good children. This miracle happens only once a year - on New Year's Eve. The kid decided to write a letter to Santa Claus and ask him for what he needs most:

-Dear Grandfather Frost! You are big and you can do anything. Can you send me a new hat, mittens and fur coat for the New Year? Mom says that you are very kind and give gifts to good children.

The boy carefully sealed his letter in an envelope, and the curious postmen guessed that the letter from a small child could only be addressed to Santa Claus. They had difficulty deciphering the child's handwriting, but still decided to buy the boy what he dreamed of, but there was not enough money for mittens.

Just before the New Year, the baby received a parcel containing a brand new fur coat and hat. The boy writes a response letter in which he thanks Grandfather Frost:

-Santa Claus! Thank you for the gifts, I was very happy when I saw the fur coat and hat. But the mittens were probably taken out by the postmen at the post office.

So let's drink to the lucky guesses and assumptions that will illuminate our lives next year!

Funny New Year's toasts will help lift the spirits of a group gathered to celebrate the New Year:

One day, by some miracle, a young penguin wandered into the desert. He walks and is surprised, looking around. He looks and looks and doesn’t believe his eyes. He meets a camel. Penguin stops him and asks in amazement:

-Listen, Camel, is there a lot of ice here in the desert?

-No, are you crazy?

-Why did they pour so much sand?

For the correct explanation of all questions and problems! Let's pour!

One day two surgeons are talking:

-Well, how did you perform the operation, is everyone alive and well?

Another surgeon looks in bewilderment and answers:

-So they asked the pathologist to replace me...

So let's drink to the fact that in the new year we will definitely hit the target and make as few mistakes as possible.

May we have no shortage of spiritual food or ordinary lunch in the new year!

Short funny toasts

First toast: Goodbye! We won't see you sober today!

So let's drink to the fact that the coming year will be better than the previous one, but much worse than the next!

How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it!!! So why are we sitting and not drinking?

Let's drink to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden: for as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, don't grow old, and there's always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!

At this table all the women are beautiful, like Snow Maidens. But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women will be warmed with love for us men in the New Year. For the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!

We always celebrate New Year with champagne! So let us drink so that the life of each of us will be like a glass of this sparkling drink - exciting, rich and overflowing!

It's time to drink to the one who is welcomed everywhere - both in hostels, and in cramped Khrushchev buildings, and in expensive villas, to the one whom all people are happy to welcome, regardless of their position - to the New Year 2020, friends!

Let's raise our glasses to the fact that in the New Year we will have as many good and interesting deeds, extraordinary events and pleasant meetings as there are lights on the New Year's garland!

The coming year is the year of the Rat, and I want to drink so that none of us are given a rat, and there is only comfort and wealth in the house.

Let's drink so that in the coming year there will be shooting around us... but only with champagne, right on target and at close range!

Let's drink to the only day of the year when you can sit on a Christmas tree... and not be in the forest! Here's to the New Year!

Let's drink to the fact that every next New Year our holiday table will be more and more bursting with food, our smartphone will be more and more bursting with congratulatory calls from friends and more and more children and grandchildren will give us gifts.

Let's drink to the fact that in the New Year you will always have someone to share any mood with.

In the New Year, may our lives be pure, like a drop of spring water, and happiness playful, like champagne in this crystal glass!

May all the troubles in the new year be as short as the change of one year to another!

May we be in harmony with everyone in the new year, and above all with ourselves!

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year! Let it become successful and bright for us, give us a lot of material and moral pleasure from our work, and bring development to our business. May you go to work next year with joy and a smile, and may the atmosphere in our team be friendly and positive!

Happy New Year, my dear colleagues! I wish everyone to be in a wonderful mood today, I wish us to have a lot of fun, and may the whole coming year be as easy and successful as this holiday for us. Let us leave all the mistakes and failures in the past and, with new strength, absolute confidence and grandiose plans, set out on a new path. I wish you all love, inspiration and good luck!

Happy New Year,
My dear team!
So that there is a lot of happiness,
So that there is always positivity.

We worked hard
It's time to rest
So let's raise our glasses.
With coming! Hooray!

We plowed like horses
At work for a whole year.
They deserve it! And today
Let's party, people!

From my heart I wish you
Relax like never before.
Happy New Year!
Be happy, friends!

We plowed, we plowed
And a little tired
The horses are dying from work,
And it’s already a new year for us!

Happy New Year to you, colleagues,
Let's start celebrating
Everything is possible today on a holiday,
Even dance on the table.

Let all your strength not run out,
There are plenty of them left,
So until next year
There were enough of them!

Let the holiday take you today
Will spin in a whirlwind of happiness,
Be happy with everything in life,
Never bother you!

New Year, corporate party,
Laughter, smiles, creativity,
Jokes, dancing, congratulations,
New birth year!

Let him bring everyone: good luck,
To whom - a fur coat, to whom - a dacha,
Who wants a new Mercedes?
Everyone - career and progress!

Let the sounds of fireworks
The hands on the clock will close,
And they will strike twelve times
Our chimes are ringing at this hour!

We gathered as a team,
To show off at a corporate event,
A holiday to celebrate
Celebrate the New Year for everyone.

Let the money flow into our cash register,
So that you get tired of counting them,
So that there is always a possibility
We need to update our outfits.

So that the boss is only kind,
He forgave us for being late,
Million dollar contracts
He certainly concluded.

For a successful year,
Need a nice walk
Together with a friendly team
Have a snack, dance.

I sincerely congratulate you,
May all your wishes come true,
May the New Year bring you joy,
Will bring recognition to all of you.

Let the old year go!
It won't happen again.
Well, a new one will bring
Everything we dream about so sweetly!

Let your dreams come true
The most vivid impressions!
Be with luck on first name terms
And pleasant gifts to everyone!


Wish you here:
Can't find yourself in a salad
Don't get caught in a ridiculous shot
Like a ferocious gladiator.

Don't get your reputation wet
Don't wake up in prostration,
Leaving a corporate event
Even though he was drunk, he was beautiful.

The universally beloved, mischievous and elegant New Year is ready to knock on the door again. It will inevitably come, and with it the time for friendly feasts, lively parties, corporate celebrations: the time has come to select and prepare original congratulations, comic wishes for the New Year to friends, employees, dear people, and colleagues. Especially for this occasion, an atmospheric selection of congratulations in verse will definitely come in handy.

Comic New Year greetings to colleagues with the earthy Yellow-bellied Piggy (its time of reign is coming)

What, colleagues, do you wish?

In the Year of the Pig you won't yawn

And don't grunt under the table,

Bring all wages home.

And row it in bags.

Buy a house for yourself and your mother,

A new fur coat for my wife,

And what you want - for yourself.

We worked tirelessly for a year,

It's time to rest:

Happy New Year wishes

The mistress of everyone is the Pig.

Yellowbelly, earthen,

Generous for travel,

And also business trips,

Internships, training –

The year will be busy. Yes.

With constant relocation, the salary will increase,

And your career will smile - the ladder will suddenly go up.

So, for all of us: salary increases, rent reductions,

Lavish tablecloth. And more goodness to everyone!

The chimes, the pig's grunt,

Prepare your ears -

I will congratulate you all and distribute gifts:

This is wealth, this is luck,

Here's health, mood,

That's luck and courage,

Here is the car and the garage.

Choose, take,

Don't forget about me:

I appreciate our team.

Happy New Year to all. Oink-oink!

Today you can grunt loudly -

It’s not even a sin to chew,

And twist the trick under the tree,

And hit the floor with your belly.

Such a year - the Pig - is coming,

Takes away all the sadness and negativity,

Brings a bag of luxury,

And a cheerful laugh.

May Little Pig be kind to us,

And gives us golden ingots!

And it happens that a pig flies

On New Year's Eve, carrying the whole load away:

From sadness and worries, negativity and troubles.

He will bury it with his little snout, stomp it with his foot and close it.

From her wishes to everyone (I wrote them down in advance):

Love, kindness, money in a Swiss bank,

Walks on the seashore,

Generous hugs, hot kisses,

And a villa on the Cote d'Azur!

Chinese pig comes to us -

Makes friends with New Year.

He's a bully, a fun guy,

He loves thrifty people, tact.

He can't stand deception

And a holey pocket.

He is smart and an esthete,

Workaholic and poet.

And so that Piglet is kind:

I wish us all strength,

And patience and effort,

Fulfillment of all desires.

May the year be successful -

Happiness will come to everyone!

Short funny New Year's greetings to colleagues

The Yellow Pig is not the only hero of cool New Year greetings for colleagues. Especially for those who don’t like the Asian symbol, funny Happy New Year greetings - a comic collection of poetic wishes: with our dear red-cheeked Moroz Ivanovich, fluffy Christmas trees, the constant Olivier basin, cute Snow Maiden and cheerful Snowmen.

Santa Claus is not a simpleton, he doesn’t come just like that.

But today is his day - it’s not too lazy to congratulate us all:

To wish you good health and raise your salary five times,

Throw a housewarming party - pay off the mortgage.

To reconcile the son-in-law with the mother-in-law, to make the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law related.

And, to make sure everything is sure, it gives three bags of happiness!

Happy New Year, team,

I wish everyone positive:

Always be on top

So that the family is strong,

And rustle the banknotes.

Get creative guys

And love to you all, girls!

Let's stop talking!

Is everyone quiet?

Is everyone ready?

Okay, open the bottles.

And fill the glasses.

New Year is knocking - it's time

Congratulate everyone. Hooray!

The snowman rolled in

He threw a banquet,

He doesn't give us toys,

Not noisy firecrackers,

And the fun, the mood,

Collective luck.

Hello from Snegurochka

And protection from all troubles!

Happy New Year, team,

Let's have fun until we drop!

Snow. Chimes. Olivie.

Herring under a fur coat on the table.

And shrimps with martini,

And cheese for whiskey now:

Let it be like this all year round -

Congratulations, people!

365 starts again,

The countdown has begun -

The New Year has come to us!

We will have everything: luck,

Love and passion for her to boot,

Profit, revenue, catch,

Dividend, gain, rise,

Both profit and increase,

And immense luck!

They blinded the snowy woman,

And they screwed up the cutlets,

Gifts were distributed to the children

May our holiday be hot.

Congratulations to everyone, friends,

Let's walk until the morning!

The dog year is coming to an end -

Aggression is no longer in fashion,

Congratulations without any fuss

And I wish you to become wiser!

The Snow Maiden is flushed

From dancing and fun.

And the snowman melted -

Today is housewarming:

The New Year has settled in, and gifts are being distributed:

Enjoy the positive

Get creative

Good health to everyone, don't get sick,

And congratulate each other!

I wish you on New Year's holiday,

So that the generous Santa Claus is kind,

Under our lush, fit Christmas tree,

Distributed gifts - not in rubles:

Dinar Kuwaiti and Bahraini,

Omani rial, British pound,

Let the euro, the pound, and the Swiss franc,

And all about three to six zeros!

What can you wish for, colleagues?

What to please you with today?

And I’ll say (five more times):

Happy New Year:

May our dreams come true

Projects are successfully designed,

Plans are being planned successfully,

And the budget is more than financed!

Congratulations. Congratulations! I wish each of you:

Never miss a chance

Hold the Maiden Fortune by the hand,

Visit the hospital only for a medical examination,

Be loved and pamper yourself!

Cheerful Santa Claus

Gave us surprises:

Puffer fish, truffles,

Watermelon Densuke, eel,

Diamond, black and red caviar.

This is how the New Year will be

It will come to all our houses!

Exclusive trips to everyone to the Maldives, Al Maha,

Chateau Lafite, Mouton-Rothschild and Screaming Eagle –

I wish you all, colleagues, and, of course, the best!

I hasten to wish my colleagues a Happy New Year

I want to see you all - and this is the best reason.

Let the joy of meetings enter your hearts,

May this year be generous!

Who fell asleep under the Christmas tree,

Covered with tinsel,

Who buried himself in jellied meat,

Who got out and climbed in... -

YouTube will show us this

In the meantime, we are waiting for miracles!

Help yourself. Congratulations.

Hug. Kiss.

Let's walk with all our hearts,

It's fun to celebrate the holiday!

Happy New Year greetings to work colleagues - funny and more

In order to successfully greet and then celebrate the New Year, it is necessary and even necessary to spend the old year with dignity - with humor and a good mood. For the send-off - cool poetic lines:

We see off the departing one, We greet the new one in a friendly manner.

Dog, you taught us to run, chew everything on the fly,

Do not tremble in front of your competitor, and keep your nose to the wind.

Yes, we thank you for everything, but we will terminate the partnership.

Other horizons await – let’s direct our gaze towards them.

Let's say goodbye to the Dog - let's fly after the Pig!

Last year: thank you - you brought us together very much,

The team all worked together - as one.

We won’t shout “for an encore”, if you leave, go away.

We will live like people - the wise Pig is coming!

Fold-eared puppies grew into seasoned dogs,

This Yellow Year of the Dog has come to an end. And so he was.

With which I congratulate you all and wish you peace,

Balance, generosity and only pleasant troubles!

The past year was covered with last year's snow,

The New Year is coming, let's celebrate it with laughter,

Songs, humor, jokes, witty jokes.

Chu! Five minutes left, fill your glasses

May victories await us all, we are universalists!

Don't be sad about the past:

What did not come true will come true.

A new one is coming to our door,

Brings happiness and success!

There are too many congratulations from everyone:

Good news awaits us all!

The debit and credit matched, the salary arrived in time,

We got dressed up in the morning and are all going to work:

Celebrate the New Year and bid farewell to the old one!

Our team is the best! So, we will be successful:

Capitals, pedestals and successful quarters!

Congratulations to all of you, friends, and I invite you to the table!

Other options for New Year/New Year greetings to colleagues are also possible - funny ones in prose, pictures, SMS mailings. The main thing is for it to be fun and joyful, creative and playful. Happy New Year to everyone, and good mood to you! May everything turn out exactly the way you want and desire!

Happy New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas to colleagues, partners, organizations, and clients are best prepared in advance. To decorate them beautifully and send them by Russian Post or electronically.

The New Year is associated with hopes for the best, so in our congratulations we say words about faith in a happy future, good luck, joy and happiness. We wish health, success and prosperity to all our loved ones and acquaintances. On this long-awaited holiday, it is very important not to forget to congratulate not only family and friends, but colleagues and business partners.

Most people, when asked what the most important holiday in our country is, without hesitation, answer that it is New Year. Both children and adults have been looking forward to New Year's holidays and weekends since the beginning of December, and many people celebrate the coming year not once, but twice - both at a corporate party with colleagues and with their families.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it is considered good form to congratulate not only your closest relatives and friends on this holiday, but also to send postcards and New Year greetings to colleagues in poetry and prose.

Depending on the relationship in the team, it is customary to send official congratulations or informal pictures and congratulatory texts in your own words with humor on December 31 or January 1 to your work colleagues. And here visitors to our site will find cool, funny and official congratulations on the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig for colleagues and superiors.

Beautiful official congratulations on the New Year 2019 of the Pig to colleagues in prose

New Year 2019 is the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig according to the Chinese calendar. And according to the myths and legends of China, this animal loves comfort, abundance and prosperity, and gladly helps people improve their material well-being. Therefore, in the Year of the Pig, it is customary to wish all acquaintances and friends, first of all, success in financial matters, good luck at work or in business, and material prosperity. But, of course, also for the New Year 2019 you can and should wish happiness, fulfillment of all desires and good luck in love - a kind and peaceful Pig will gladly contribute to the fulfillment of such wishes.

Before the New Year holidays, colleagues usually congratulate each other on the upcoming New Year, hold corporate parties and give symbolic gifts. And people working in large organizations also congratulate colleagues from other departments and branches, sending congratulatory texts from their entire team to employees of other offices. And according to business etiquette, in such cases, the most appropriate would be official Happy New Year of the Pig greetings to colleagues in prose, written on a beautiful postcard or sent by email.

The best official greetings for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig

Please accept congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May the New One bring you prosperity, dreams come true and hope for a successful future. Let success be your faithful companion in everything. I wish you peace, patience, harmony, goodness, good luck, family happiness! Happy New Year!

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year. New Year is a holiday of magic, beloved and expected by everyone. He always carries within himself hope for the best, hope for good changes. Undoubtedly, the past year has brought many joyful changes, but there have also been disappointments. Therefore, we should not forget that no matter what happened last year, it has already passed, and the New Year is a good reason and opportunity to start over. And let only new, fresh, joyful things accompany the Happy New Year. I sincerely wish all of us, traditionally, health, success, worthy partners, money transactions and high performance.

May the New Year 2016 bring you many pleasant discoveries and new interesting surprises, may only pleasant, kind, beautiful and lucky people be present in your environment, and may they fill your life with pleasant emotions with their good qualities and deeds. Happy New Year!

Dear friends! The New Year is coming - a time of new hopes, successes and victories. What the coming year will be like depends on each of us. Therefore, first of all, I want to wish you all faith in yourself and your strengths, great achievements, discoveries and hopes. We will definitely bring them to life! Let the coming year only multiply the number of happy moments, let people dear to you be nearby, and the warmth of the family hearth attract welcome guests. Encourage the tired, smile at those who are lonely - and life will repay you a hundredfold for your care. Please accept my heartfelt wishes for health, well-being, happiness and prosperity! Have a great mood and happy New Year holidays! Happy New Year!

The last leaf of the calendar has been torn off, and with it everything that happened this year goes into the past! Let's take the best from the year we've lived, and forget about debts and troubles! Time to start new things, set new goals, strive for new heights! Let our beloved Grandfather Frost come not only to children, because adults also really want magic, and adults have no less cherished desires that only a good wizard can fulfill. I wish that everyone's dreams come true in the New Year!

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! New Year is a special holiday: it gives hope for happiness and good luck, and brings the joy of new beginnings. The past year has been full of important events and achievements. In the coming year we wish you good health, happiness, mental fortitude, self-confidence and optimism. May your family and friends always be with you, and may prosperity, love and prosperity reign in your homes.

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May the New Year give you prosperity, the fulfillment of your cherished dreams and strengthen your faith in the future. May success accompany all your endeavors always and in everything. I wish you peace, harmony, patience, kindness, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year!

Dear our clients. Happy New Year! We wish you creative and financial growth, successful conclusion of contracts and responsible partners in the New Year. And thank you for partnering with us!

May the coming year bring many pleasant events and happy moments. Let new perspectives appear and your goals come true! We wish you and your loved ones good health, good luck and love! Have a good mood and fulfill your most cherished desires on New Year's Eve!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the New Year! I wish you good health, great personal happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible energy, and the implementation of all professional plans! May the New Year invariably bring you success in the important work you are doing! May your best endeavors always be accompanied by creative inspiration and creative initiative, and may your energy and ingenuity serve as the key to the successful implementation of your plans. I would like to wish you that you will always be surrounded by the warmth and love of your loved ones, the respect of colleagues and friends, and that excellent mood and elation will always accompany your life! Love, kindness and prosperity!

Reliability, stability and prosperity are the key to the success of our cooperation! Please accept our sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May the coming year be full of new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success! And the first lines of all news programs will be occupied not by show business news, but by news of your sensational successes! Good luck and happy holidays!

I cordially congratulate you on the New Year! The New Year is usually associated with hopes for the best, so let all the good things that made you happy in the past year find their continuation in the coming year! I wish you good health, the implementation of your plans and plans, respect and mutual understanding in the team. Happy New Year!

Dear friends! The past year has been busy and fruitful. He filled us with vital wisdom and strength. May the coming New Year be accompanied by further successes and achievements, bring joy, mutual understanding, harmony and love. May the most difficult problems be solved and the best hopes and wildest dreams come true. May the coming New Year 2010 be for everyone A year of new achievements and accomplishments to you!
Happiness, health, joy, success and all the best!

New Year is a holiday of our childhood. New Year is the most wonderful holiday of all. Celebrating the New Year is always associated with the expectation of something new, that our hopes and dreams will come true. From early childhood, we have retained in our souls a vivid impression of the New Year celebration: this is the festive bustle in the house, decorating the Christmas tree with colorful toys and garlands. We always looked forward to the arrival of Santa Claus. Early in the morning, with bated breath, we looked under the tree with the hope of seeing there the treasured gift that our parents had carefully placed.
New Year is a fairy tale from our childhood! The workshop team congratulates investors, administration, and the entire friendly team of the enterprise on the upcoming New Year!

New Year is a wonderful time, filled with the spirit of expectations, joyful forebodings and hopes! I congratulate you on this mysterious and local holiday, which every year opens the doors of the future to us!

I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ! The only time a year there is a unique event that the calendar gives us. This is an amazing and unusual day when, having seen off one year, we immediately meet another. And this is very symbolic, since on this day we strive to leave all problems and worries behind in the old year, and take with us a good mood, victories and achievements into the new year! May all your most secret dreams come true, and may your home be illuminated with the bright smiles of your family and friends. I wish you health, goodness, prosperity, strength of spirit and faith in the future! Happy New Year!

Inhaling the winter air mixed with the aroma of spruce, tangerines and something else wonderful and fabulous, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year!
May all your hopes, all your wildest wishes and expectations come true, because this holiday is magical! Good health to you and only happy days in the new year!

The New Year is usually associated with hopes for the best, so let all the good things that made you happy in the past year certainly find their continuation in the coming year. May the New Year give you prosperity, the fulfillment of your cherished dreams, strengthen your faith in the future, and may success accompany all your endeavors always and in everything. I wish you peace, harmony, patience, kindness, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year!

Dear friends! The New Year is a fresh start for many. Many will want to live differently from January 1 - without insults, mistakes or defeats. Let these good beginnings come true. I wish this for you with all my heart! Happy New Year!

On New Year's Day we all believe in miracles. Another new page in life is opening before us. We are entering the New Year with the most wonderful mood, with the kindest wishes and brightest feelings. Keep them in your soul, in your heart throughout the coming year. And even if you are angry and want to quarrel, stop and remember this wonderful moment, the happy faces of your family and friends and those wonderful words that you said to each other on New Year’s Eve. Life will definitely thank you for your kindness and optimism. Happy New Year!

Dear citizens! I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! May all your cherished dreams come true this year! May happiness, faith, hope and love always live in your homes! Happy holiday to you!

Dear Colleagues! Another year has come to an end! It’s a bit of a pity, because those wonderful events that brought our team together are becoming a thing of the past. But don’t be discouraged, because there is still a lot of new things ahead that we have to experience together! Let everything that comes in the New Year bring only changes for the better, prosperity and income growth to our team! Happy new year dear friends!

Dear Sirs! I have the honor to congratulate you on a powerful and fast-paced New Year! May Luck, Recognition and Success be your constant companions this year. Well-being to you and your families!

Dear Sirs! Our team cordially congratulates you on the upcoming New Year and wishes success and prosperity to you and your company.
Your colleagues, (company name).

Celebrating the New Year is a mysterious, exciting, and always joyful time. And these simple words “Happy New Year!” With new happiness!" we say them with special feeling, because they can only be said once a year! This is a great opportunity to speak out and congratulate you all on this enchanting holiday and wish you good health, good luck and endless happiness!!! Happy new year friends!

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year! May each of these nights bring quiet family happiness and joy to your home. Do not skimp on goodness and it will return to you multiplied! What else does a person need? Only confidence in the future and thoughts pure as snow. I wish you all the above and happy holidays!

I wish that in the New Year good luck and success follow you on your heels, happiness and love become your constant companions, and health your most faithful friend. Happy New Year!
