The heroes of the work are fathers and children. "Fathers and Sons" main characters Secondary characters fathers and sons

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov- the central character of the novel; commoner, staunch democrat and nihilist. As a medical student, he has a skeptical attitude towards the world. Confessing nihilism, he is the ideological mentor of Arkady Kirsanov and the main opponent in disputes with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. He used to hide his real feelings under the guise of an indifferent pragmatist. Having met Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, she is subjected to a test of love, which in the end does not stand up.

Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov- hereditary nobleman; friend of E. V. Bazarov, son of N. P. Kirsanov from his first marriage. At the beginning of the novel, he shares the nihilistic views of E. V. Bazarov and is his student, but subsequently refuses his ideas. By nature, he has a soft sentimental character. In love with a girl Katya, whom he later marries.

Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov- landowner; father of A.N. Kirsanov and brother of P.P. Kirsanov. Like his son, he is endowed with a calm and subtle nature. He loves a young peasant woman, Fenechka, from whom he will have a son, Mitya. Passionate about poetry and art in general, in one of the episodes he reads Arkady Pushkin. Upon the arrival of Bazarov, he cordially receives him; unlike his brother, he does not take part in disputes about nihilism.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov- retired guards officer, brother of N.P. Kirsanov, an aristocrat, strictly committed to the principles of liberalism. In disputes with Bazarov, Pavel Petrovich is his main ideological opponent, who vehemently defends his point of view. The themes of love, nature, art, and science often become the source of disputes between the two heroes.

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova is a landowner who became a widow in her young years. Upon receiving Arkady and Bazarov, he becomes the subject of the latter's interest. Cold and reasonable, she prefers a quiet, calm life to violent unrest, which is why she refuses Bazarov in love.

Ekaterina Sergeevna Lokteva- landowner, younger sister of A. S. Odintsova. A quiet, kind and modest girl, brought up under the strict guidance of her sister. She loves nature and loves music. At the end of the novel, he marries Arkady.

bauble- a young peasant woman in the Kirsanovs' house, beloved of Nikolai Petrovich. Despite her lack of education, she is endowed with all the virtues of a meek and sympathetic girl. From Nikolai Petrovich, he has a little son, Mitya. In the last chapter, it is shown that she becomes Kirsanov's wife.

Option 2

In 1862 I.S. Turgenev created the novel "Fathers and Sons", in which he reveals the important problem of conflict between generations. This problem helps to reveal a whole system of heroes, different in character.

The first in the book before the reader appears Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. He is an aristocrat, a landowner, but he is completely incapable of handling the economy and the estate. He is a person who respects the traditions of his parents and follows them. Nikolai Petrovich received a full education, loves art, plays the cello himself and reads Pushkin. Despite the divergence of views with his son, Kirsanov does not conflict and tries to understand and accept his worldview. At the moment when Arkady takes Pushkin's collection from him and puts a book by some German writer, Nikolai Petrovich does not get angry with him, but only smiles.

At the beginning of the work, the son of Nikolai Arkady and his friend Yevgeny Bazarov come to the Kirsanov estate. Both of them are people of the 60s. He has different views on life from his father, but in general they are similar in nature. He has a rather gentle character, he is also educated and easily understands his father. After communicating with Bazarov, Arkady falls under his influence and tries to be a nihilist, but in fact he is a sentimental romantic like Nikolai Petrovich. Soon the young man realizes this and falls in love with Katya.

Bazarov Evgeny- the son of a simple doctor, raznochinets. He did not receive a proper education and could not hold high positions. He covers up his insignificance with the denial of everything - nihilism. He can treat people perfectly, but Russia does not need him. "First you need to clear the place," says Bazarov to Nikolai Petrovich. He destroys all the foundations, customs, and he no longer cares who will build a new one. Bazarov is presented in the form of an "extra person". And such his beliefs influenced his fate. He would never become a musician, an artist, because he does not recognize art in all its manifestations. It is important for him that a person be useful to society. Because of nihilism, he considered his falling in love with a mistake and began to fight these feelings, crush romance in himself. He began to experience depression amid the fact that he internally betrayed his beliefs. At the same moment, he decides to go to treat a typhoid man. Employment of thoughts, reflections led to injury and infection through the blood. On the basis of different views on life, Evgeny and Pavel Kirsanov begin to clash. The second one is trying to kindle all disputes, since he cannot tolerate such a person nearby, in whom he sees a competitor to himself.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov- brother of the previously mentioned Nicholas. Despite their relationship, their characters are completely different. Like his brother, he is educated, an aristocrat. He always holds himself high, does not allow weakness, swagger in himself and does not tolerate it from others, strictly observing the principles. He loves everything in the English manner. He is a smart man, but bilious, who does not tolerate rivals, for example, Bazarov. "He was not born a romantic, and his smartly dry and passionate, French-style misanthropic soul did not know how to dream..." - this is how the author characterizes it. The character of Nikolai Petrovich is revealed in the story about him by Arkady. In his youth, the hero experienced a personal drama: he went up the career ladder, but unhappy love destroyed everything. Beloved Princess R. dies and Pavel Petrovich gives up hope for a happy life.

At one of the evenings, young people meet Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. This is a strong, calm woman, a widowed countess with a rather vivid life story, during which she experienced a lot of things and now her desire for peace is due to this. By the age of 20, her father had lost all his means and was forced to go to the village, where he soon died, leaving his daughters practically nothing. Anna did not give up and discharged the old princess Avdotya Stepanovna Kh., but the upbringing of her twelve-year-old sister was not easy. By a lucky chance, the heroine marries a certain Odintsov, a wealthy sedate man who dies after 6 years, leaving her a huge fortune. “She went through fire and water ... and copper pipes,” people said about Anna. She always remained calm and friendly, her eyes expressed serene attention to the interlocutor.

Sister Katherine 8 years younger than Anna, she was a calm and intelligent girl, with a meek and gentle look. Arkady listened to her playing the piano and fell in love. At the end of the work, young people play a wedding.

On the same evening is Evdoxia Nikitishna Kukshina. This is an ugly, unkempt woman with a new and progressive outlook on life, fighting for women's rights. "Emancipe" calls her Bazarov.

Also at the end of the work, Nikolai Petrovich marries bauble- a peasant woman serving in the Kirsanovs' house. They have a son, Mitya, after learning about whom Arkady partially condemns his father because they are not yet married.

Bazarov's parents- impoverished people. His father was a doctor, and his mother was a noblewoman by birth. Both love their only son.

The main characters of the work Fathers and Sons (Description of characters)

The composition of the novel by I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" is monocentric, which means that all the characters are subordinated to one goal: to reveal the image of the protagonist.

Evgeny Bazarov is a 30-year-old medical student. By social status, Bazarov is a commoner, and by origin he is the son of a simple doctor who says about his grandfather that he plowed the land. Bazarov is proud of his roots and feels close to the people.

Bazarov is a rather cold person. He cannot find a common language even with his own parents. Bazarov can be called "an extra person." This is closely related to his beliefs. Evgeny Bazarov is a nihilist who is critical of all generally accepted values.
This theory of nihilism influences the fate of the hero. He denies love, but falls in love himself, he wants to be closer to the people, but there is a wall of misunderstanding between them. But Bazarov does not give up his convictions, he tries to suppress them. The theory, faced with real life, does not stand up and breaks the hero. Against the background of these internal fractures, he decides to treat the typhoid peasant, which leads him to infection and death.

To show all the convictions of Bazarov the nihilist, Turgenev confronts the hero with the older generation, a prominent representative of which is Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. This is an aristocrat. Unlike Bazarov, he is far from the people and will never be able to understand him. Kirsanov takes an example from English culture: clothes, books, manners.

Throughout the novel, the author pushes the views of Kirsanov and Bazarov on various issues. Pavel Petrovich cannot understand how one can live and not believe in anything. He believes that only people without moral values ​​can do without principles. The points of view of the characters constantly clash. And then we see that Kirsanov is a man of a bygone era. This is also indicated by the history of his life.

Pavel Petrovich, the son of a military general, who dreams of becoming a military man, thanks to his determination, by the age of 28 he really achieved a lot. However, an unsuccessful love for the mysterious Princess R turned his whole life upside down: he quits his service and does nothing else. In the image of Pavel Petrovich, a whole generation is represented, which can only live out its life.

Another image necessary to reveal the main character is the image of Anna Odintsova. The author tests Bazarov with love. Odintsova is a young rich widow of twenty-eight. She is smart, beautiful and, most importantly, independent of anyone. Odintsova loves comfort and peace of life very much. It is the fear of destroying a quiet life that breaks off all the love relationships of the heroine with Bazarov. However, Bazarov, going against his theory, irrevocably falls in love with Odintsov and does not pass the love test.

Another representative of the "fathers" is Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. However, he doesn't look like his brother at all. He is kind, gentle and romantic. Nikolai Petrovich prefers a quiet, calm life in ancient times. He is madly in love with his son Arkasha.

Arkady Kirsanov is a young educated nobleman. Having fallen under the spell of Bazarov, he also tries to be a nihilist. But soon the soft and sentimental hero realizes that he was not created to be a nihilist.

The images of Arkady and two "pseudo-nihilists" - Kukshina and Sitnikov - emphasize the theory of nihilism. They try to imitate Bazarov, but it looks quite funny. Both Kukshina and Sitnikov do not have their own views. These images are given as a parody of nihilism. They are described by Turgenev satirically.

If Anna Odintsova is a love test for Bazarov, and Princess R is for Pavel Petrovich, then there are also female images that perform the same function. The image of Katya, with whom Arkady falls in love, is needed in order for him to get rid of the ideas of nihilism. Fenechka, she is closest to the ideal type of Turgenev's girl. She is simple and natural.

Bazarov's parents, Vasily Ivanovich and Arina Vlasyevna, are simple and kind people who love their son very much. Outwardly, Bazarov treats his parents dryly, but still he loves them. Here Bazarov the theoretician and Bazarov the man collide.

Important in the work are the images of ordinary men. Bazarov indicates his closeness to the people, understands all their problems, but there is no mutual understanding between them. The common people are alien to Bazarov.

I. S. Turgenev showed great skill, describing various types of heroes, thereby revealing the image of the main character - Bazarov.

Sample 4

Evgeny Bazarov

Evgeny Vasilievich Bazarov is about 30 years old, he is fond of natural sciences, he is studying to be a doctor. Bazarov considers himself a nihilist, he rejects art and love, he recognizes only facts proven by science. Evgeny Bazarov is sharp in his judgments, a hard and cold person.

Bazarov falls in love with Odintsova. The feeling that the characters have for Anna Sergeevna destroys the nihilistic theories and ideals of Yevgeny. Bazarov can hardly cope with the collapse of his ideals.

Eugene becomes infected with typhoid when a person suffering from this disease is autopsied. A brief illness kills the hero.

Arkady Kirsanov

Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov - Bazarov's junior comrade. Arkady is 23 years old. The hero considers himself a student of Bazarov, but he does not delve into nihilistic ideas. After graduating from the university, he returned home to Maryino. Arkady is a kind and unsophisticated hero. He respects the noble way of life, loves art and nature, believes in real feelings. Arkady marries Katerina Lokteva. In family life, the young man finds his happiness.

Nikolai Kirsanov

Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov is the father of Arkady Kirsanov. Nikolai Petrovich is a nobleman and landowner. In his youth, he wanted to become a military man, but could not do it because of his lameness. Kirsanov is a smart and kind person. His first wife was the daughter of an official. The hero loved his wife. Nikolai Petrovich was widowed early. From his first marriage he had a son, Arkady, whom he loves very much. Bazarov calls Nikolai Kirsanov a "golden man" for his kindness, hospitality, and warmth in communication.

Nikolai Kirsanov has a romantic temperament, he is a calm, gentle person. Kirsanov marries a peasant girl, Fenechka, and they have a son, Mitya.

Pavel Kirsanov

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - the elder brother of Nikolai Kirsanov, uncle of Arkady. Pavel Petrovich is a proud, narcissistic, arrogant person. He considers himself an aristocrat with refined manners. Unrequited love happened in the life of Pavel Petrovich, the hero is internally unhappy. The elder Kirsanov goes abroad, practically does not keep in touch with his relatives.

Minor characters

Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov and Arina Vasilievna Bazarova

Parents of Evgeny Bazarov. Vasily Bazarov is engaged in medical practice, helping the peasants. Good talkative person. Arina Bazarova is a sweet elderly woman belonging to a noble family. She is pious and superstitious. Arina Vasilievna loves her son, it is very difficult for him to experience his death.


Anna Sergeevna Odintsova is a young landowner, 28 years old. After the death of her parents, the younger sister Katerina remained in the care of the girl. Anna Sergeevna married Odintsov, a middle-aged nobleman. Some time later she became a widow. Odintsova and her sister live in Nikolskoye, on the estate of Anna Sergeevna.

Odintsova has a beautiful appearance. Anna Sergeevna has an independent, resolute character, a well-read and cold mind. A woman is accustomed to luxury and comfort, leads a secluded lifestyle from secular society.

Ekaterina Sergeevna Lokteva

The younger sister of Anna Odintsova, she is 20 years old. A modest and intelligent girl who loves music and nature. Katerina is afraid of her sister's tough temper, the girl was brought up in strictness. Katerina is practically overwhelmed by her sister's authority. However, unlike Odintsova, the girl found her happiness: the mutual love of Arkady and Katerina grew into a strong union.

Victor Sitnikov

Considers himself a student of Evgeny Bazarov. Sitnikov is a timid, weak-willed person who follows fashion trends. The hero is ashamed of his noble origin. Victor's main dream is public recognition, fame. After marriage, a weak character also manifests itself in family relationships. The hero obeys his wife in everything.

Avdotya Kukshina

Avdotya is an acquaintance of Bazarov and Sitnikov. Avdotya lives separately from her husband, which was a rarity in those days. Kukshina has no children. Avdotya manages the estate herself. Kukshina is untidy, according to the author, she is not a beautiful woman. Avdotya likes to spend her free time reading and is fond of chemistry. At the end of the story, the reader learns that she went abroad to study architecture.


A peasant girl, simple and kind. She most of all fits the description of the ideal of the Turgenev girl. The author admires the sincerity and openness of the heroine. At the end of the story, Fenechka becomes the wife of Nikolai Kirsanov.

The officers of the regiment, about which the author spoke in this work, have generalized features that were formed in these people because they led a very similar lifestyle

No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but the three most important words in my life are hope, believe and wait.

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    This, in my opinion, is a very touching story - about the humanity of animals. All the characters are very touching. Not cute, but touching. For example, a she-wolf ... How can she be called cute?

  • The plot of the novel "Fathers and Sons" by Turgenev is built around a dispute between the old way of life and new views. The first represent two heroes of the work: the landowners brothers Nikolai and Pavel Kirsanov.

    Pavel senior. He is a bachelor, a retired officer. His character is heavy - he is used to the fact that everyone agrees with him. His younger brother Nikolai prefers peace in the shadow of his brother.

    Pavel's opponent - Yevgeny Bazarov - is a friend of his nephew Arkady. Bazarov is from a poor family, he despises the old order, but just like Pavel Kirsanov, he strives to become an indisputable authority. Arkady Kirsanov can be called a minor character.

    Table characteristics of the characters "Fathers and Sons"?

    There are not very many main characters in the work "Fathers and Sons".

    First, this is Evgeny Bazarov. A very confident young man. Practically revolutionary. I wanted serfdom to be abolished, the wealthy began to work. He considered Russian people dark, and not particularly intellectually developed. Nihilist.

    Secondly, Arkady Kirsanov. He is a friend of Eugene, he is only 23 years old, but he is very led by his friend, gentle, at the same time he loves life, his wife and relatives.

    Thirdly, N. P. Kirsanov is the father of Arkady. Refers to the older generation. He did not serve because his leg was broken, he is engaged in his landowner's affairs, but not very well. Loves children.

    Fourthly, P. P. Kirsanov is the brother of Arkady Kirsanov. Self-satisfied, caustic and at the same time a dandy, loves high society. From the very beginning, he disliked Evgeny Bazarov.

    Fifthly, Anna Odintsova is a typical woman of that time. Cold, prudent, but knows how to show tenderness and gentleness when she needs it.

    Quote characteristics of the characters "Fathers and Sons"?

    The novel "Fathers and Sons" is one of my favorite works since school, I have re-read it several times, and each time it is perceived differently. I guess it's a matter of age. When the worldview changes, the attitude towards different heroes also changes.

    I suggest you take a look at the specs. P.P. Kirsanov: in terms of appearance, he is of average height. His appearance appears graceful and thoroughbred. His face is without wrinkles, and his eyes are bright, oblong. He is the son of a general, was brought up at home, after - in the Corps of Pages.

    Evgeny Bazarov- tall, his face is thin and long, his forehead is wide. The nose is pointed, the eyes are large and greenish. The son of a doctor, studied at the medical faculty.

    Brief description of the characters "Fathers and Sons"?

    There are five main characters in the work of Ivan Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". This is the father and son of the Kirsanovs, the uncle of the family, a friend of the younger Kirsanov, Bazarov, and the landowner, a neighbor of the Kirsanovs, Odintsova.

    Senior Kirsanov is a quiet and peaceful person, prone to compromises. His brother is Pavel, a self-confident, proud and wayward man, a retired officer.

    Arkady is the younger Kirsanov, a spineless young man who easily falls under the influence of Bazarov. Evgeny Bazarov is a nihilist. He is stubborn, does not back down in an argument, and has a keen interest in science. Anna Odintsova is a prudent woman who is afraid of strong feelings.

    Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" reveals several problems at once. One reflects the conflict of generations and clearly demonstrates a way to get out of it, preserving the main thing - the value of the family. The second one demonstrates the processes taking place in the society of that time. Through dialogues and skillfully crafted images of heroes, a type of public figure that has barely begun to emerge is presented, denying all the foundations of the existing statehood and ridiculing such moral and ethical values ​​as love feelings and sincere affection.

    Ivan Sergeevich himself does not take sides in the work. As an author, he condemns both the nobility and representatives of new social and political movements, clearly showing that the value of life and sincere affection is much higher than rebelliousness and political passions.

    History of creation

    Of all the works of Turgenev, the novel "Fathers and Sons" was the only one written in a short time. From the moment the idea was born to the first publication of the manuscript, only two years passed.

    The first thoughts about the new story came to the writer in August 1860 during his stay in England on the Isle of Wight. This was facilitated by Turgenev's acquaintance with a provincial young doctor. Fate pushed them in bad weather on the railway and under the pressure of circumstances, they talked with Ivan Sergeevich all night. New acquaintances were shown those ideas that the reader could later observe in Bazarov's speeches. The doctor became the prototype of the main character.

    (The Kirsanov estate from the film "Fathers and Sons", the location of the filming is the Fryanovo estate, 1983)

    In the autumn of the same year, upon his return to Paris, Turgenev worked out the plot of the novel and began writing chapters. Within six months, half of the manuscript was ready, and he finished it after his arrival in Russia, in the middle of the summer of 1861.

    Until the spring of 1862, reading his novel to friends and giving the manuscript for reading to the editor of the Russian Messenger, Turgenev made corrections to the work. In March of the same year, the novel was published. This version was slightly different from the edition that was published six months later. In it, Bazarov was presented in a more unsightly light and the image of the main character was a bit repulsive.

    Analysis of the work

    Main plot

    The protagonist of the novel, the nihilist Bazarov, together with the young nobleman Arkady Kirsanov, arrives at the Kirsanovs' estate, where the protagonist meets his friend's father and uncle.

    Pavel Petrovich is a refined aristocrat who absolutely does not like either Bazarov or the ideas and values ​​​​he shows. Bazarov also does not remain in debt, and no less actively and passionately, he speaks out against the values ​​and morals of the old people.

    After that, young people get acquainted with the recently widowed Anna Odintsova. They both fall in love with her, but temporarily hide it not only from the object of adoration, but also from each other. The protagonist is ashamed to admit that he, who spoke vehemently against romanticism and love affection, now suffers from these feelings himself.

    The young nobleman begins to be jealous of the lady of the heart for Bazarov, there are omissions between friends and, as a result, Bazarov tells Anna about his feelings. Odintsova prefers him a quiet life and a marriage of convenience.

    Gradually, relations between Bazarov and Arkady deteriorate, and Arkady himself is fond of Anna's younger sister Ekaterina.

    Relations between the older generation of the Kirsanovs and Bazarov are heating up, it comes to a duel, in which Pavel Petrovich is injured. This puts a bullet between Arkady and Bazarov, and the main character has to return to his father's house. There he becomes infected with a deadly disease and dies in the arms of his own parents.

    At the end of the novel, Anna Sergeevna Odintsova marries for convenience, Arkady and Ekaterina, as well as Fenechka and Nikolai Petrovich, marry. They play their weddings on the same day. Uncle Arkady leaves the estate and goes to live abroad.

    Heroes of Turgenev's novel

    Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov

    Bazarov is a medical student, by social status, a simple man, the son of a military doctor. He is seriously interested in the natural sciences, shares the beliefs of nihilists and denies romantic attachments. He is self-confident, proud, ironic and mocking. Bazarov does not like to talk much.

    In addition to love, the protagonist does not share admiration for art, has little faith in medicine, regardless of the education he receives. Not referring to himself as a romantic nature, Bazarov loves beautiful women and, at the same time, despises them.

    The most interesting moment in the novel is when the hero himself begins to experience those feelings, the existence of which he denied and ridiculed. Turgenev clearly demonstrates the intrapersonal conflict, at the moment when the feelings and beliefs of a person diverge.

    Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov

    One of the central characters of Turgenev's novel is a young and educated nobleman. He is only 23 years old and barely graduated from university. Due to his youth and temperament, he is naive and easily falls under the influence of Bazarov. Outwardly, he shares the beliefs of the nihilists, but in his heart, and further in the story it is clear, he appears as a generous, gentle and very sentimental young man. Over time, the hero himself understands this.

    Unlike Bazarov, Arkady likes to speak a lot and beautifully, he is emotional, cheerful and values ​​affection. He believes in marriage. Despite the conflict between fathers and children shown at the beginning of the novel, Arkady loves both his uncle and his father.

    Odintsova Anna Sergeevna is an early widowed rich person who at one time married not out of love, but out of calculation in order to save herself from poverty. One of the main characters of the novel loves peace and her own independence. She never loved anyone and never became attached to anyone.

    For the main characters, she looks beautiful and inaccessible, because she does not reciprocate with anyone. Even after the death of the hero, she remarries, and again by calculation.

    The younger sister of the widow Odintsova, Katya, is very young. She is only 20 years old. Catherine is one of the most endearing and pleasant characters in the novel. She is kind, sociable, observant and at the same time demonstrates independence and obstinacy, which only paint a young lady. She comes from a family of poor nobles. Her parents died when she was only 12 years old. Since then, she has been raised by her older sister, Anna. Ekaterina is afraid of her and feels uncomfortable under the gaze of Odintsova.

    The girl loves nature, thinks a lot, she is direct and not flirtatious.

    Father of Arkady (brother of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov). Widower. He is 44 years old, he is a completely harmless person and an undemanding owner. He is soft, kind, attached to his son. By nature, he is a romantic, he likes music, nature, poetry. Nikolai Petrovich loves a quiet, calm, measured life in the countryside.

    At one time he married for love and lived happily in marriage until his wife died. For many years he could not come to his senses after the death of his beloved, but over the years he found love again and she became Fenechka, a simple and poor girl.

    Refined aristocrat, 45 years old, uncle of Arkady. At one time he served as an officer of the guard, but because of Princess R. his life changed. A secular lion in the past, a heartthrob who easily won the love of women. All his life he built in the English style, read newspapers in a foreign language, conducted business and life.

    Kirsanov is a clear adherent of liberal views and a man of principles. He is self-confident, proud and mocking. Love at one time knocked him down, and from a lover of noisy companies, he became an ardent misanthrope who in every possible way avoided the company of people. In his heart, the hero is unhappy and at the end of the novel he finds himself far from his loved ones.

    Analysis of the plot of the novel

    The main plot of Turgenev's novel, which has become classic, is Bazarov's conflict with the society in which he found himself by the will of fate. A society that does not support his views and ideals.

    The conditional plot of the plot is the appearance of the main character in the Kirsanovs' house. In the course of communication with other characters, conflicts and clashes of views are demonstrated, which test Evgeny's beliefs for stamina. This also happens within the framework of the main love line - in the relationship between Bazarov and Odintsova.

    Contradiction is the main technique that the author used when writing the novel. It is reflected not only in its title and is demonstrated in the conflict, but also reflected in the repetition of the protagonist's route. Bazarov ends up twice on the Kirsanovs' estate, visits Odintsova twice, and also returns twice to his parents' house.

    The denouement of the plot is the death of the protagonist, with which the writer wanted to demonstrate the collapse of the thoughts expressed by the hero throughout the novel.

    In his work, Turgenev clearly showed that in the cycle of all ideologies and political disputes there is a large, complex and diverse life, where traditional values, nature, art, love and sincere, deep affections always win.

    Novel "Fathers and Sons"


    - one of the most famous works of Russian literature of the XIX century.

    This article presents the characteristics of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Sons" in the table: a description of the main and secondary characters.

    Characteristics of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Sons" in the table

    Heroes of the novel "Fathers and Sons of Turgenev"
    Brief description of the heroes
    Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is a young man. He is about 30 years old. Bazarov is a nihilist who is critical of everything. Bazarov is a cold, sharp, tough person. He is not a nobleman, but he is proud of his simple origin. Bazarov is studying to be a doctor, is fond of the natural sciences. At the end of the novel, Bazarov becomes infected with typhus and soon dies.
    Arkady is a young nobleman of 23 years old, Bazarov's junior comrade. Arkady falls under the influence of Bazarov and "becomes" a nihilist. But at heart he remains a romantic. Arkady loves nature and art. He is a kind, gentle young man.
    Nikolai Petrovich - Arkady's father, a landowner. He is 44 years old. He has been a widower for 10 years. Nikolai Petrovich is a sweet, kind person, romantic, loves music and poetry. Nikolai Petrovich loves his son Arkady very much. From a peasant woman, Fenechka, he has another son, Mitya.
    Pavel Petrovich is the uncle of Arkady Kirsanov. He is about 45 years old. This is a former "secular lion" from St. Petersburg, an aristocrat with refined manners and habits. Pavel Petrovich is a proud, arrogant and proud person.
    Anna Sergeevna is a young rich widow, a landowner. She is 28 years old. She is a beautiful, smart, independent woman. She is calm and polite. Most of all in life, Anna appreciates comfort and peace. Odintsova is a cold woman, unable to love anyone.
    Fenichka, or Fedosya Nikolaevna, is a young peasant girl. She is about 23 years old. This is a beautiful, modest, but poorly educated girl. The peasant woman Fenechka becomes the wife of the nobleman Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov.
    Ekaterina Sergeevna Lokteva is the younger sister of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. Kate is about 20 years old. This is a sweet, kind, smart girl with character. She loves music and nature.
    Princess Nelly R. is the beloved of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. They don't have a relationship. After the break, Pavel Petrovich loses the meaning of life and after many years he still remembers the princess.
    Evdoksia (Avdotya) Nikitishna Kukshina is an acquaintance of Bazarov, Kirsanov and Sitnikov. Kukshina is a young landowner. She lives separately from her husband and considers herself a woman of progressive views and a fighter for women's rights. Kukshina is an ugly, nondescript and untidy woman.
    Viktor Sitnikov is a young man, a friend of Kukshina and Bazarov. He considers himself a student of Bazarov. Sitnikov is the son of a wealthy merchant, but at the same time he is ashamed of his origin. Sitnikov is a stupid person who follows fashion in everything: both in clothes and in looks.
    Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov is an elderly man. He is 61 years old. This is a retired military doctor, a simple and good person, a talkative and energetic old man. Vasily Ivanovich loves his only son Yevgeny very much.
    Arina Vlasyevna Bazarova - Bazarov's mother, a noblewoman by birth. She has her own small estate. Arina Vlasyevna is a kind and intelligent woman, a good housewife.
    Servant Peter is the servant of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Peter considers himself an educated, "improved" servant, only because he can read in syllables. Peter is a stupid and selfish person.

    This was a description of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev in the table: a description of the main and secondary characters.

    See: All materials on the novel "Fathers and Sons"

    "Fathers and Sons"(Russian doref. Fathers and Children) - a novel by the Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818-1883), written in the 60s of the XIX century.

    The novel became a landmark for its time, and the image of the protagonist Yevgeny Bazarov was perceived by young people as an example to follow. Such ideals as uncompromisingness, lack of reverence for authorities and old truths, the priority of the useful over the beautiful, were perceived by the people of that time and were reflected in Bazarov's worldview.


    Actions in the novel take place in the summer of 1859, that is, on the eve of the peasant reform of 1861.

    Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov arrive in Maryino and stay with the Kirsanovs (father Nikolai Petrovich and uncle Pavel Petrovich) for some time. Tensions with the older Kirsanovs force Bazarov to leave Maryino and go to the provincial town of ***. Arkady goes with him. Bazarov and Arkady spend time in the company of local "progressive" youth - Kukshina and Sitnikov. Then, at the governor's ball, they meet Odintsova. Bazarov and Arkady go to Nikolskoye, Odintsova's estate, and Mrs. Kukshina, wounded by them, remains in the city. Bazarov and Arkady, carried away by Odintsova, spend some time in Nikolskoye. After an unsuccessful declaration of love, Bazarov, who frightened Odintsova, is forced to leave. He goes to his parents (Vasily and Arina Bazarov), Arkady goes with him. Bazarov, along with Arkady, is visiting his parents. Tired of the manifestations of parental love, Bazarov leaves his father and mother discouraged, and, together with Arkady, goes back to Maryino. On the way, they accidentally stop at Nikolskoye, but, having met with a cold reception, they return to Maryino. Bazarov lives for some time in Maryino. A surge of passion spills over into a kiss with Fenechka, the mother of the illegitimate son of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, and because of her he shoots himself in a duel with Pavel Petrovich. Arkady, returning to Maryino, leaves alone for Nikolskoye and stays with Odintsova, becoming more and more carried away by her sister Katya. Having finally ruined relations with the older Kirsanovs, Bazarov also goes to Nikolskoye. Bazarov apologizes to Odintsova for his feelings. Odintsova accepts an apology, and Bazarov spends several days in Nikolskoye. Arkady declares his love to Katya. After saying goodbye to Arkady forever, Bazarov returns to his parents again. Living with his parents, Bazarov helps his father treat the sick and dies from blood poisoning, accidentally cutting himself during the autopsy of a person who died of typhus. Before his death, he sees Odintsova for the last time, who comes to him at his request. Arkady Kirsanov marries Katya, and Nikolai Petrovich marries Fenechka. Pavel Petrovich goes abroad forever.

    Evgeny Bazarov Anna Odintsova Pavel Kirsanov Nikolai Kirsanov
    Appearance An oblong face, a wide forehead, huge greenish eyes, a nose that is flat on top and pointed below. Long blond hair, sandy sideburns, a self-confident smile on thin lips. naked red hands Noble posture, slender figure, high growth, beautiful sloping shoulders. Bright eyes, shiny hair, a slightly noticeable smile. 28 years Medium height, thoroughbred, 45 years old. Fashionable, youthfully slender and graceful. Gray hair with a dark sheen cut short. The face is bilious of the correct form without wrinkles. Remarkably handsome, black eyes. Plump, slightly hunched, just over 40 years old. Soft liquid gray hair, small sad black eyes
    Origin The son of a military doctor with peasant roots. Raznochinets Aristocrat. The father is a swindler and a gambler. Mother - from a princely family Nobleman, aristocrat, officer's son
    Upbringing homemade, free Brilliant upbringing received in St. Petersburg Home, and then in the Corps of Pages
    Education Student of St. Petersburg University, Faculty of Medicine Military service Petersburg University
    Character traits Kind and sensitive, wishing to appear as an indifferent cynic. Sharp and unyielding in judgment. Hard worker, self-confident, energetic, courageous. Loves people, but in his own way, independent, not distinguished by politeness, sometimes behaves defiantly Clever, proud, free in judgment, reasonable. Incapable of hobbies, indifferent, selfish, cold Proud, self-confident, impeccably honest. Intellectual, insightful, noble, principled. The English admire him. Strong-willed character Slim person. Esthete, romantic, dreamy and sentimental, naive. Idealist, too modest and complacent. Weak-willed, impractical, but kind, hospitable, loving his family
    Socio-political views Nihilist democrat (denies everything but science) Democratic liberal conservative Liberal
    Life goals Nihilists did not accept "doing nothing", they aspired to activity. The main goals of youth are to denounce and destroy, someone else had to build a new world in a cleared place. He wants to fall in love with Bazarov, but he cannot. She appreciates the state of comfort very much, she is afraid of losing inner harmony, so the heroine is not ready to surrender to feelings. The human essence is such that it simply cannot exist without love. In the absence of love, a life goal disappears, a person gets tired early and grows old from grief. Aristocrats are the main force influencing the development of society. "English freedom" or constitutional monarchy is the ideal of the aristocracy. Progress, Glasnost and Reforms – Ways to Achieve the Ideal The hero is trying to establish new relationships with the serfs, looking for spiritual support in art, and happiness in love.
    Relationships with others He speaks to the peasants as equals. Constantly arguing with aristocrats The heroine is free from all prejudices, has her own opinion, does not seek to prove anything to anyone. Lives by the rules that she likes, while rejecting and indifferently accepting the vulgarity of life A typical proud aristocrat who looks down on others. It does not accept the latest technologies, achievements of science and medicine. Although the hero shows admiration for Russian peasants, he does not know how to talk to them, he only frowns and sniffs cologne. He is cruel to Bazarov, because he cannot boast of noble origin Friendly and gentle with all people, regardless of their origin
    • Bazarov E. V. Kirsanov P. P. Appearance A tall young man with long hair. Clothes are poor and unkempt. Pays no attention to his own appearance. Handsome middle aged man. Aristocratic, "thoroughbred" appearance. Carefully looks after himself, dresses fashionably and expensively. Origin The father is a military doctor, a poor simple family. Nobleman, son of a general. In his youth, he led a noisy metropolitan life, built a military career. Education Very educated person. […]
    • Kirsanov N.P. Kirsanov P.P. Appearance A short man in his early forties. After an old fracture of the leg, he limps. Facial features are pleasant, the expression is sad. Handsome well-groomed middle-aged man. He dresses smartly, in the English manner. Ease in movements betrays a sporty person. Marital status Widower for over 10 years, very happily married. There is a young mistress Fenechka. Two sons: Arkady and six-month-old Mitya. Bachelor. Has been popular with women in the past. After […]
    • Nihilism (from Latin nihil - nothing) is a worldview position, expressed in the denial of the meaningfulness of human existence, the significance of generally accepted moral and cultural values; non-recognition of any authorities. For the first time, a person preaching nihilism was presented in Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons. Evgeny Bazarov adhered to this ideological position. Bazarov is a nihilist, that is, a person who does not bow to any authorities, who does not take a single principle on faith. […]
    • The action of the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" takes place in the summer of 1859, on the eve of the abolition of serfdom. At that time in Russia there was an acute question: who can lead the society? On the one hand, the leading social role was claimed by the nobility, which consisted of both fairly free-thinking liberals and aristocrats who thought the same way as at the beginning of the century. At the other extreme of society were revolutionaries - democrats, the majority of whom were raznochintsy. The protagonist of the novel [...]
    • Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov from the very beginning did not like his nephew's friend Bazarov. According to both, they belonged to different class groups: Kirsanov did not even shake hands with Bazarov when they first met. They had different views on life, they did not understand each other, opposed each other in everything, despised each other. Often there were clashes and quarrels between them. After a while, they began to communicate, and, consequently, quarrel less, but the spiritual confrontation remained. The bomb was […]
    • The action of the novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” dates back to 1859, and the writer completed work on it in 1861. The time of action and creation of the novel is separated by only two years. It was one of the most intense epochs in Russian history. At the end of the 1850s, the whole country lived in a revolutionary situation, under the sign of an imminent sharp turn in the fate of the people and society - the impending liberation of the peasants. Again, for the umpteenth time, Russia "raised on its hind legs" over an unknown abyss, and for some its future was illuminated […]
    • Regarding the ideological content of the novel Fathers and Sons, Turgenev wrote: “My whole story is directed against the nobility as an advanced class. Look into the faces of Nikolai Petrovich, Pavel Petrovich, Arkady. Sweetness and lethargy or narrowness. An aesthetic feeling made me take just good representatives of the nobility in order to prove my topic all the more correctly: if cream is bad, what about milk? .. They are the best of the nobles - and that is why I have chosen me to prove their failure. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov […]
    • In his work, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev always tried to keep up with the times. He was keenly interested in the events in the country, watched the development of social movements. The writer approached the analysis of the phenomena of Russian life with all responsibility and tried to thoroughly understand everything. The writer accurately dates his novel “Fathers and Sons” to 1859, when educated raznochintsy began to play a prominent role in Russian society, replacing the fading nobility. The epilogue of the novel tells about life after […]
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    • The disputes between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich represent the social side of the conflict in Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons. Here, not just different views of representatives of two generations collide, but also two fundamentally different political points of view. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich find themselves on opposite sides of the barricades in accordance with all parameters. Bazarov is a raznochinets, a native of a poor family, forced to make his own way in life on his own. Pavel Petrovich is a hereditary nobleman, keeper of family ties and […]
    • The image of Bazarov is contradictory and complex, he is torn apart by doubts, he is experiencing mental trauma, primarily due to the fact that he rejects the natural principle. The theory of life of Bazarov, this extremely practical person, physician and nihilist, was very simple. There is no love in life - this is a physiological need, there is no beauty - this is just a combination of the properties of the body, there is no poetry - it is not needed. For Bazarov, there were no authorities, and he weightily proved his point of view until life convinced him. […]
    • The most prominent female figures in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" are Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, Fenechka and Kukshina. These three images are extremely unlike each other, but nevertheless we will try to compare them. Turgenev was very respectful of women, perhaps that is why their images are described in detail and vividly in the novel. These ladies are united by their acquaintance with Bazarov. Each of them contributed to changing his worldview. The most significant role was played by Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. She was destined to […]
    • Each writer, creating his work, whether it be a fantasy novel or a multi-volume novel, is responsible for the fate of the characters. The author tries not only to tell about a person's life, depicting its most striking moments, but also to show how the character of his hero was formed, in what conditions he developed, what features of the psychology and worldview of this or that character led to a happy or tragic denouement. The finale of any work in which the author draws a peculiar line under a certain […]
    • In Fathers and Sons, Turgenev applied the method of revealing the character of the protagonist, already worked out in previous stories (Faust, 1856, Asya, 1857) and novels. First, the author depicts the ideological convictions and the complex spiritual and mental life of the hero, for which he includes conversations or disputes of ideological opponents in the work, then he creates a love situation, and the hero passes the “test of love”, which N.G. Chernyshevsky called “a Russian person on rendez- vous. That is, a hero who has already demonstrated the significance of his […]
    • The novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” contains a large number of conflicts in general. These include a love conflict, a clash of worldviews of two generations, a social conflict and an internal conflict of the protagonist. Bazarov - the main character of the novel "Fathers and Sons" - is a surprisingly bright figure, a character in which the author intended to show the entire young generation of that time. It should not be forgotten that this work is not just a description of the events of that time, but also deeply felt quite real […]
    • Dear Anna Sergeevna! Let me turn to you personally and express my thoughts on paper, since saying some words aloud is an insurmountable problem for me. It is very difficult to understand me, but I hope that this letter will clarify my attitude towards you a little. Before meeting you, I was an opponent of culture, moral values, human feelings. But numerous life trials made me take a different look at the world around me and reevaluate my life principles. For the first time I […]
    • Dueling test. Perhaps there is no more controversial and interesting scene in I.S. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" than the duel between the nihilist Bazarov and the Angloman (actually an English dandy) Pavel Kirsanov. The very fact of a duel between these two men is an odious phenomenon, which cannot be, because it can never be! After all, a duel is a struggle between two people who are equal in origin. Bazarov and Kirsanov are people of different classes. They do not belong to one, common layer. And if Bazarov frankly does not care about all these […]
    • The idea of ​​the novel arises from I. S. Turgenev in 1860 in the small seaside town of Ventnor, in England. “... It was in August 1860, when the first thought of “Fathers and Sons” came to my mind ...” It was a difficult time for the writer. He had just broken with Sovremennik magazine. The reason was an article by N. A. Dobrolyubov about the novel “On the Eve”. I. S. Turgenev did not accept the revolutionary conclusions contained in it. The reason for the gap was deeper: the rejection of revolutionary ideas, “peasant democracy […]
    • What is actually the conflict between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov? The eternal dispute of generations? Opposition of supporters of different political views? A catastrophic disagreement between progress and stability bordering on stagnation? Let us classify the disputes that later developed into a duel into one of the categories, and the plot will become flat, lose its sharpness. At the same time, the work of Turgenev, in which the problem was raised for the first time in the history of Russian literature, is still relevant today. And today they demand changes and [...]
    • In the novel by I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, the main character is Yevgeny Bazarov. He proudly says that he is a nihilist. The concept of nihilism means a kind of belief based on the denial of all cultural and scientific experience accumulated over many centuries, all traditions and ideas about social norms. The history of this social movement in Russia is connected with the 60-70s. 19th century, when there was a turning point in society in traditional social views and […]