Night with a stranger. Night with a Stranger, school of modern play Night with a Stranger

Many years ago, I went to the School of Modern Drama with pleasure and recommended to everyone the play “A Man Came to a Woman”, where Irina Alferova and Lyubov Polishchuk shone in the main roles, playing alternately with Albert Filozov. I watched both shows. And although they differed based on the temperaments of Alferova and Polishchuk, both were beautiful, and remained in my memory as a vivid memory. Therefore, when the opportunity arose to visit the new play "Night with a Stranger" with Irina Alferova in the title role, I was very happy and looked forward to enjoying the pleasure of 10 years ago.

Situation comedy, I think that's what it's called, but it's not funny. The story is rather sad, melodramatic, but with a happy ending. The husband (Yuri Chernov) owed a large sum of money to one businessman, gave a receipt, but there was no chance of paying off. Well, almost none. Men agree to resolve this issue with the help of a wife, whom the husband is ready to give up for one night in exchange for a receipt. The businessman, wonderfully played by Vladimir Shulga, is not averse to having fun and seeing what comes of it all. It seems to the viewer that the plot is entirely reminiscent of the film "Indecent Proposal", but that was not the case.
Very unusual and modern, in my opinion, the action scene is presented. On the one hand, everything is extremely simple and concise: they outlined the outline of the room and its content in white on black. And on the other hand, there is an element of interactivity: live feed from the cameras from the corridor, where the performance often actively unfolded; projection of photographs and frames suitable for memories and music.

The first act is a bit long and boring. It seems that the actors did not come up with enough dialogue to develop communication, to interest each other, although we feel that everything is moving towards this. That these two are here is not accidental, that they are both the core and the mystery. When Alferova comes out in a dress, you can’t take your eyes off her. You can not listen and not look, but only follow the movement of the waist, hip and shoulder lines across the stage. A decent viewer is perplexed why every time the oligarch tries to leave, his wife literally begs him to stay, and this is rather tense and drawn out over and over again, until a new heroine appears on the stage, which brings animation and finally the plot of the whole performance. But at the most interesting place is the intermission and the most daring assumptions of the development of an unpredictable plot. The correct answer is known only to those who go to the performance and do not leave after the first act.

The hall was full. The audience is extremely diverse: from grandparents with fans and binoculars, to girls of school age. I sat surrounded by fans. By the way, the hall is very stuffy, do not dress warmly. The audience liked the performance very much, because they applauded for a long time, shouted “Bravo!” and gave a lot of flowers. Making their way through the armchairs to the exit, everyone whispered to each other admiringly, what a wonderful actress Alferova is!

It's annoying to be in boring white cotton underwear on the night you spend with the man of your secret dreams. The only thing worse than that was seeing him sneak out early the next morning.

Ashley Carson huddled under the covers, watching from under a fan of lowered eyelashes as her lover buttoned up his tailored trousers. Last night, she did something incredible, which came as a complete surprise to herself: she got into bed with Matthew Landis. Satiated with love, slightly aching body sang a hymn to her recklessness, but common sense kept repeating that she had done stupidity of stupidity - and not with anyone, but with the most likely contender for the post of senator from South Carolina.

His black short hair, which until recently she had ruffled with her fingers, gleamed slightly in the timid rays of the rising sun. The snow-white shirt, tight-fitting to broad shoulders, glowed like a beacon in the predawn twilight and seemed freshly ironed. And this despite the fact that a few hours ago, Ashley just pulled it off when their business meeting, dedicated to organizing a dinner to attract sponsors for his campaign, ended unexpectedly in the bedroom.

Ashley could dream about Matthew as much as she wanted, but she was absolutely sure that these dreams would not come true. Her days were spent in the chores of running a restaurant, so she had little time for even the simple pleasures she had learned to cherish.

Matthew, on the other hand, has always been in the center of public attention, largely due to his appearance and charisma.

Matthew put on his jacket, and Ashley thought: will he say goodbye or will he silently leave? She wanted to believe that he would say goodbye, but the fear that he would not do so was too strong.

Just in case, I inform you that the floorboard at the door creaks, so that it will not be possible to sneak out secretly.

Tensing, Matthew froze and slowly turned around. He was unshaven, under emerald eyes that made people vote for him and in which, as Ashley thought, a shadow of guilt flickered, sacks lay. In five months, in November, he could become an incredibly attractive senator, succeeding his mother.

In the next second, his face turned into a mask devoid of any emotion.

Didn't understand. The last time I ran away was when I was twelve, stealing magazines of known content from under my cousin's mattress. Matthew shoved his tie into his pocket. - I got dressed.

But only? Well, then I was wrong. Ashley slipped out of bed, wrapping herself in the sheets. “It’s just that yesterday you didn’t care about moving silently. She nodded at his shoes, which Matthew held in his hand, standing in nothing but socks.

I didn't mean to wake you, he replied simply.

A night filled with great sex drains you of your strength and prevents you from running away at dawn, Ashley thought. Evidently Matthew didn't think the night was special.

You are very sweet, - hiding her pain, she said.

The shoes clattered to the floor. Watching Matthew put on his shoes, Ashley couldn't help but notice that the likely future senator's elegant Gucci shoes looked out of place on the worn hardwood floor of her house. What a pity that this contrast does not affect her desire to drag him into her bed again ...

Ashley, regarding the night...

Stop. You don't have to say anything. We are adults, free from obligations. Ashley put on her robe and let the sheet fall. - We are not even friends, but just business partners who succumbed to a sudden attraction.

Although it was sudden, most likely for Matthew. She dreamed about him during and after their several meetings, in which they discussed a dinner for sponsors at her restaurant.

It's good that our points of view coincide. Matthew grabbed the doorknob. His gold cufflinks gleamed in the dimly lit room.

You'd better leave so you can change," she said.

Matthew stood for an eternity - three long beats of her heart - and then stepped out into the corridor. Ashley followed him. Her house was also a restaurant - in the past she ran it together with her two named sisters, who had recently married and moved in with their husbands.

More than one floorboard creaked under Matthew's sure footsteps as they walked toward the exit.

Ashley opened the front door, avoiding his eyes.

I will hand over the signed copies of the contract with all the clarifications to your assistant.

Last night, Matthew stayed for this very reason after a business dinner - to discuss all the nuances for the last time. Ashley had no idea that after a few casual touches, real flames would break out between them.

Which has already gone out. Matthew quickly got his emotions under control - he was itching to leave. Ashley was hurt by this, her pride helped her keep her back straight much better than the corset she wore to recover from scoliosis.

Matthew put his hand on the door.

I will call you.

Banal words.

Not worth it. She doesn't need such promises. So that she waited with bated breath for his call, or, forgetting about self-esteem, she dialed the number herself and came across an answering machine? - We started with a business. Let's finish on it.

Ashley held out her hand to him. Matthew looked at her carefully, took her hand in his, leaned over to kiss Ashley... on the cheek, and walked out onto the veranda.

Damn him!

It is too early. Get some sleep.

Is he kidding?! Lucky she has something to do after he's gone. Ashley was sure she wouldn't be able to sleep.

She watched him make his way to the parking lot, where two cars were parked: his Lexus sedan and her tiny Kia Rio. Suddenly realizing that watching him walk out of her life was only adding to her pain, Ashley slammed the door shut.

All her resolve instantly vanished. Pride was still with her, but she no longer helped to stay on her feet, and after taking a few steps, Ashley slid down the wall to the floor.

She could not blame Matthew for what had happened, since she herself had taken an active part in the events of that night. They were in the kitchen as Ashley wanted to give him a taste of the dessert her sister Claire intended to make for dinner.

Standing side by side at the refrigerator door, they bumped into each other a couple of times. Then Matthew slowly raised his hand and wiped the creamy filling from her lips. She didn't think about the stupid white cotton underwear until he took it off at the bedroom door, but quickly forgot about it for the next few hours.

Pain throbbed inside. To deal with it, you need to be distracted. Ashley's head turned towards the small wardrobe. Slapping her bare feet on the wooden floor, she walked over to it and opened it. Her eyes fell on a pale pink satin vintage negligee. This was fashionable to wear in the 1920s. Her fingers ran over the wide lace ribbons that criss-crossed the bodice, caressing the hemline and the angled neckline.

How she dreamed of such underwear in her youth, forced to wear more practical and durable cotton, which did not tear right away, catching on the metal hooks of the corset! She no longer needs a corset, a thin bandage is enough to support her left shoulder. The bandage is almost invisible. And Ashley also has invisible scars on her heart - "memorial gifts" from people who thought that something was wrong with her because of her illness.

Ashley headed to the bathroom, wishing she'd worn that shirt yesterday. It is unlikely, of course, that would have helped her keep Matthew, but he would have remembered her - perhaps - not only as the owner of the restaurant, but also as the woman with whom he spent the night.

Dressed in a chemise, she sat down on a French Restoration ottoman purchased at an auction. The delicate satin of beautiful lingerie - something she had given her sisters as a wedding present - chilled her skin, still burning from a night of love with Matthew. Nearby was a scented candle, which Ashley lit to briefly plunge into the world of dreams. After a few seconds, the air smelled pleasantly of lavender.

Sometimes such a romantic meeting can occur under very unusual circumstances. Small entrepreneur Vlasov got involved in a dubious deal, as a result of which he owed the investor a significant amount of money. The deceived businessman, realizing that it is pointless to expect a return of his money from an unsuccessful intermediary, decided to punish him. The play "Night with a Stranger" was staged by the Bulgarian director Plamen Panev based on a play written especially for Irina Alferova by playwright Natalya Savitskaya. The heroine of Irina Alferova is beautiful, gentle, virtuous. But in her life there is a secret that she does not reveal to anyone. Sometime in the past, she spent a night with a stranger that left an indelible impression in her life and something else. A night with a stranger is romantic, erotic, unusual. And love? Love will catch up with the heroine Alferova years later. The play "Night with a Stranger" is the winner of the international competition of Russian-language dramaturgy "Characters - 2011".


In the 2020 season, the Moscow Stage of the School of Modern Play will host the performance "Night with a Stranger" with the participation of theater actors. Do not miss!

The play "Night with a Stranger" at the "School of Modern Play" theater

If a playwright writes a play for a specific actor, that actor is not just a star, but a legend. This is exactly what Irina Alferova is like, for whom Natalya Savitskaya invented (or didn’t invent, but told) a story about a Woman - mature, wise, full of dignity, reminiscing about life without drama. The play is also about how our actions are reflected in the fates of other people, how sometimes life is unpredictable, accidentally confronting us with those whom you can’t even find on purpose.

About the staging:

This production seems to have no beginning - everything started spinning a long time ago, when a young and frivolous girl spent one passionate night with a stranger.

Now, on the stage, she is no longer young, but a beautiful woman, self-confident and accomplished. With her - a man, he is successful and has good manners. These two are the key to two situations: one that happened under the influence of fleeting passion many years ago, and the other is more delicate. A debtor who has borrowed an unreasonably large sum yields his wife to the creditor for the night instead of paying the debt.

Here is the intrigue: He and She are in the room - how did they get here, whether they are strangers to each other, how everything will be resolved.

Perhaps only Alferova, with her inherent dignity and simplicity, will be able to embody this role. There is no pathos or bitterness in the heroine, there is only wisdom, the ability to follow your inner voice and the absence of regrets. The cult actress will be paired with Vladimir Shulga, and the duet will have a story full of mysteries, romance and eroticism.

The Bulgarian stage director Plamen Panev managed to create a subtle, psychological, light and deep performance at the same time that convinces the audience: love has no statute of limitations, sometimes it stays with us for life, even if we try to forget about it.

And even though the guests will come to the theater, and not to the cinema, they will watch not a blockbuster, but a performance, they will follow the twists and turns of the plot with great attention.
