Dried melon. The benefits of dried melon for the body - how to dry it at home

There are few people in the world who are indifferent to the aroma and taste of ripe melon. But, like all other varieties of melons, this “false berry” has one significant drawback - the fresh shelf life is too short. In an effort to gain the opportunity to savor the fragrant gift of nature all year round, which was written about in the Bible itself, people learned to dry melons. And it turned out that dried melon is in no way inferior to its fresh prototype either in taste or in terms of healthiness. So what is dried melon useful for, what vitamins does it contain?

All the beneficial properties of dried melon are based on the fact that in their fresh state, these melons are a storehouse of microelements, vitamins and amino acids necessary for the human body. Drying, carried out correctly, allows you to preserve vitamins A, B, C, PP, E, folic and pantothenic acids, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, beta-carotene, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, iodine in the product , zinc, starch, fluorine, sugar, fiber, proteins and mineral salts. As a result, this delicacy can eliminate many diseases and improve the functioning of the body, in particular the digestive system.

A treat that heals: the benefits of dried melon

The microelements and vitamins present in melon, preserved in the form of dried fruits, have a positive effect on the regeneration and rejuvenation of the body, healthy hair, skin, capillary vessels and bones. Despite the fairly significant caloric content, dried melon helps to lose kilos due to its beneficial effect on the digestive system: constipation is eliminated, all “garbage” is removed from the intestines and even kidney stones are removed.

Calorie content of dried melon

Fresh melon is considered a low-calorie product: only 35 kcal per 100 g. But the calorie content of dried melon is an order of magnitude higher: 100 g contains 341 - 385 kcal, depending on the type of “false berry”. However, candied melon does not become a harmful product for those who are watching their own weight. Dried melon can be used instead of sweets and cakes.

Harm of dried melon

As in its fresh form, dried melon is categorically not acceptable for simultaneous consumption with sour milk, honey and alcohol.

In such combinations, a product useful for the digestive system turns into a provocateur of the development of disorders. Children under one year of age are not given such dried fruits due to insufficient development of their digestive system.

You should not eat dried melon if you have the following diseases:

  1. diabetes;
  2. obesity;
  3. liver diseases;
  4. gastrointestinal diseases.

Considering the above, it should be noted that the benefits and harms of dried melon for the body are completely incommensurable. Chronic patients with the above diseases, of course, should beware of this product, and for healthy people this delicacy can be harmful only in case of excessive overeating.

Dried melon during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Dried melon is often called a feminine product. During pregnancy, such a melon can eliminate the risk of developing vitamin deficiency and, with the help of the enzymes and microelements it contains, will help “build” the baby’s skin, nails and hair and preserve the appearance of the expectant mother who has suffered in an interesting position. You can eat candied melon during any trimester of pregnancy, without forgetting that the amount of calories in dried melon is significant.

But the question of whether melon can be consumed while breastfeeding does not give doctors a clear answer. False berries, both ripe and dried, can provoke the development of allergic reactions in infants. In addition, elements from melon that get into milk can “come back to haunt” the baby with digestive disorders in the form of gas or stomach colic.

It is necessary to decide whether a nursing mother can have melon in the form of dried treats in the following way: you need to monitor whether the child has allergies and gases after introducing vegetables and fruits that are more familiar to the place of residence into the diet. If not, then the mother can eat a little melon and see how the baby’s body reacts to it. If the reaction is positive, candied melon can be eaten. After all, it provokes an increase in milk production by the female body.

Use of dried melon in cooking

On the shelves today there is dried melon in the form of small candied fruits, a larger dried melon Pigtail - the standard in the form of a product braided from strips, and other shaped delicacies from this melon crop. This product can be used as an independent dessert or as a component in the preparation of complex desserts, baked goods and drinks. The most popular is Thai dried melon.

Drying melon at home

If we are talking about the industrial production of candied melon, then special drying chambers are used.

But if you wish, you can make your own delicacy at home.

You can dry the melon:

  • in the sun;
  • in the oven;
  • in the drying chamber.

Algorithm for making melon sushi at home:

Dried melon is prepared from a sweet, high-quality fruit. The finished product is a real delicacy that is loved by both adults and children. In industrial conditions, special chambers are used for drying.

Beneficial features

The benefits of dried melon are identical to the fresh version, since all minerals and vitamins are preserved in it. The fruit is an ideal product for rejuvenating the body. Dried fruits have a beneficial effect on the condition of bones and hair. If you regularly eat dried melon, your cardiovascular system will improve. It is recommended to include the product in your diet for dropsy, jaundice and urolithiasis. Dried melon has a positive effect on the nervous system.

It is useful for pregnant women to consume dried melon, as it contains folic acid. It also contains an enzyme that helps cope with insomnia, stress and loss of energy. Dried melon contains beta-carotene, which is necessary to nourish the skin, and it also improves the condition of hair and nails.

Dried melon contains dietary fiber, which cleanses the intestines of waste products, which in turn improves the functioning of the digestive system. The product contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, improves brain activity and is involved in a large number of processes in the body.

Dried melon contains chlorine and sodium - minerals that are responsible for water balance. Dried fruit contains large quantities of potassium, which has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

Use in cooking

Dried melon is used as an independent snack, which is served for dessert. It is also used as a filling for baked goods, or as an addition to various desserts. If desired, dried melon can be used to prepare various drinks.

In the summer, you can prepare dried melon at home yourself. The fruit must be washed, cut and seeds removed. Then the melon is cut into slices, the thickness of which should not be more than 2 cm. Remove the peel and the hard part next to it. Take a baking sheet and place the slices so that they do not touch each other.

The oven needs to be preheated to 220 degrees, and only then place the baking tray with fruit into it. Drying time at this temperature is 15 minutes. After this, reduce the temperature by 85 degrees and open the door slightly. Cooking time 6 hours. Every 30 minutes. The pieces need to be turned over. After this, place the melon in a room that can be ventilated until it is completely dry.

You need to store melon in a glass jar or bag.

Harm of dried melon and contraindications

Dried melon can be harmful when combined with the wrong foods, as this can cause eating disorders. First of all, it is not recommended to combine the product with honey, fermented milk products and alcohol. It is not recommended to consume dried melon for people with diabetes. The calorie content of the product is high, so it is not recommended to abuse the sweet dessert. You should not eat melon if you have problems with the liver or stomach.


Melon - benefits and harms of ripe, dried or dried melon for human health, for women during pregnancy

A juicy fruit with a sweet aroma and bright taste - that’s what a melon is, which is more correctly called a berry from the pumpkin family. Even one slice will improve your mood, improve your well-being, and give you a boost of energy thanks to its beneficial properties. However, one must be careful with the gift of nature. If you like melon, you should know the benefits and harms of the product.

Health Benefits of Melon

Fragrant melon is not only a delicacy, but a storehouse of medicinal substances necessary for human health, a large set of vitamins and microelements:

  1. The product contains folic acid - very useful for women, and ascorbic acid.
  2. Phosphorus, cobalt, fluorine, sulfur, sodium strengthen the body, renew cells, and improve metabolism.
  3. Iron, chlorine, iodine activate brain activity and help the thyroid gland work.
  4. Calcium protects bones from fractures, potassium and magnesium are saviors of the cardiovascular system, zinc is a natural immunostimulant.

The benefits of melon for the body are great. B vitamins support the nervous system, improve memory, and restore damaged tissue. Vitamin A regulates the reproductive function of the body, has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, and improves vision. The berry enhances the therapeutic effect of antibiotics while reducing their toxicity. It should be noted that this tasty product can also act as a gentle laxative. In a word, you need to eat melon delicacy, but there are contraindications to its use.

Pregnant women love juicy fruits; their pulp helps produce the “joy hormone”. Is melon good for pregnancy? Yes, because it is non-caloric, increases hemoglobin in the blood, effectively relieves edema, improves intestinal motility, regulates stool, and relieves the problem of hemorrhoids. However, its pulp is very sweet, the sugar in its composition is easily digestible, harmful if exceeded. Melon - its benefits and harms - is strictly taken into account during breastfeeding, since even one juicy slice eaten by the mother can cause stomach upset in the baby.

Is melon harmful for pancreatitis?

The properties of melon are such that a ban on it is imposed in the acute phase of the disease, and during the period of remission you can eat it, but not on an empty stomach and not after a hearty meal. For diseases of the pancreas, this berry should not be eaten in unlimited quantities. A high percentage of fiber and sugar can cause flatulence and aggravate the disease. You need to choose ripe, sweet fruits to protect yourself from hydrochloric acid, which is produced under the influence of melon juice.

Is melon harmful for diabetes?

Sweet temptation tempts even patients with diabetes and is quite acceptable for this disease - provided that the person eats little, monitors blood glucose levels, and takes prescribed medications. It is worth listening to the advice:

  • It is necessary to choose a fruit that is not very ripe; it contains less fructose.
  • It is better to eat the product separately, no earlier than an hour after another meal. When combined with other foods, it causes strong fermentation in the intestines.
  • Melon for diabetes during the season is consumed as follows: the patient should give up other foods with a large amount of carbohydrates.

Dried melon - benefits and harm

A delicacy and very tasty product is dried fruit. What are the benefits of dried melon? The same as fresh culture. The beneficial properties of the fruit are perfectly preserved during heat treatment, so it is recommended for people with cardiovascular and nervous diseases, genitourinary diseases, and jaundice. Women should definitely pamper themselves with this wonderful dried fruit: it contains a lot of folic acid, which has a healing effect:

  • responsible for the hormonal sphere;
  • fights depression;
  • improves immunity;
  • rejuvenates the body.

The harm of dried melon, or, more correctly, its side effects, is manifested in the fact that it is not combined with certain foods, and this can lead to digestive upset. Alcohol, milk and dairy products, as well as honey should not be present in the stomach. Patients with diabetes and those suffering from obesity should avoid it: dried melon has a high calorie content, and it also contains a lot of natural sugar. It is worth considering that the dried product purchased in a store or at the market may have been treated with chemicals; it must be washed before use.

Seeds - benefits and harm

Melon seeds are good, the benefits and harms of which are obvious. The oil from them normalizes the functioning of the intestines and liver, has a diuretic and choleretic effect, relieves cough, and helps reduce sugar levels. Melon seeds are recommended for men with problems with the prostate gland, impotence, prostatitis. In addition, the zinc content in the seeds makes them a powerful aphrodisiac. The unusual product has no harmful properties, but its fat content is high. You should not get carried away with eating seeds, so as not to overload the spleen.



Dried melon: calorie content, benefits and harm, best preparation recipes

It is important for modern people to pay attention to what they eat. Melon has excellent qualities: it is characterized by fleshiness, aroma, and an extraordinary sweet taste. When consumed in moderation, it is beneficial. But not everyone knows the benefits of dried melon. And it brings no less benefits to the human body than fresh, and is just as sweet, aromatic and tasty.

The benefits and harms of treats

Melon is a melon crop from the pumpkin family, which is a round-shaped false berry with a yellowish, whitish, brownish, greenish tint and longitudinal stripes. Ripening period is up to two months. It can grow almost anywhere.

A problem that is important for lovers of this fruit is its absence in winter. But there is a way out - dried fruits. Their taste is significantly different from the taste of fresh berries. Dried melon is extremely useful. It is unusually rich in useful substances: vitamins A, C, D, PP, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic acid, beta-carotene, iron, starch, sugar, mineral salts, proteins and fiber.

Important! The list of beneficial properties of dried melon is in no way inferior to fresh one, because vitamins and other beneficial substances are not lost during drying.

The pulp of the fruit helps strengthen capillaries, hair and bones, and improve the functioning of the circulatory system. The berry is beneficial for those who have problems with the cardiovascular organs, suffer from jaundice, dropsy, urolithiasis, and experience disturbances in the functioning of the nervous and mental systems. Folic acid in the product can provide an invaluable service to women during pregnancy and menopause.

Dried fruit has a beneficial effect on restoring hormonal balance, improves the body's immunity, memory, and also helps avoid depression. Thanks to the presence of special enzymes in its composition, the berry helps to overcome insomnia, gain strength, balance the psychological state during irritability, while preventing nerve cells from being destroyed, maintaining their viability.

Important! Considering how many calories there are in dried melon (341 Kcal per 100 g), in contrast to fresh berries, which contain a little more than 30 Kcal per 100 g, if you want to lose weight with these dried fruits, you need to be careful and not overuse them.

Beta-carotene, found in the fruit, nourishes the skin, gives shine to hair, makes nails stronger, and helps maintain a tan in the summer. The berry helps to some extent get rid of freckles, age spots, and acne.

As for possible harm, the berry itself cannot harm, but in combination with honey, products of alcoholic and dairy origin, digestive disorders are possible. Diabetics are also advised to avoid eating dried melon due to the high level of sugar it contains.

Abuse of this fruit (like any other product) can discourage the desire to eat it again for a long time. It is not recommended to give melon to children under one year of age, as it is a rather heavy product.

What can you use dried melon for?

Dried melon is a unique delicacy with an exquisite taste. It is used as a dessert, appetizer, salad ingredient, tasty addition to ice cream, baked goods, salty sandwiches and many other “tailor-made” dishes are made with it.
Stocks of dried fruits from this fruit will be useful in every home, because dried melon can add a special taste to familiar dishes, and is also an ingredient for preparing new exotic dishes. It is used in making tea and is also used for cosmetic purposes. With a generous harvest, you can make various preparations for the winter from melon.

Which melon is best to take for drying?

Only high-quality selected fruits need to be dried. Sugar varieties with fairly elastic pulp are best suited for drying. These include “Collective Farmer”, as well as “Gulyabi”, “Ditma”, “Persian”. The fruit should be strong and slightly unripe.

Popular methods

There are several ways to dry melon fruits. They should be free of moisture, unlike dried fruits, in which a small amount of moisture is acceptable. Before starting the drying process, the berries must be thoroughly washed, cut into pieces, and seeds removed. Then you need to remove the top hard layer and cut the pulp into small strips - up to two centimeters. After this, the pieces are evenly distributed depending on the chosen drying method.


Drying berries in the fresh air and in open sunlight is necessary in the summer; attic spaces with good ventilation are also suitable for natural drying. You need to dry it on an easily absorbent and at the same time quickly drying clean material or tie it on a thread or wire.

Drying occurs until the moisture from the fruit has completely evaporated; approximately this process lasts from 8 to 12 days. Be sure to turn the melon pieces over every day to ensure they dry evenly.

However, this method of drying has a drawback - insects that are not indifferent to the sweet taste of the berry can harm the preparations, so they need to be covered with gauze.
It would be interesting to know how you can dry grapes, cherries, plums, apples, bananas, beets, basil, eggplants, zucchini, garlic, and mushrooms.

In an electric dryer

Melon dried in an electric dryer is also used in a variety of recipes. With this method, the beneficial properties of the product are absolutely not lost. In an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits, the optimal temperature for drying this berry is 60 ° C, and the workpieces will dry for approximately 8 hours. The blanks need to be laid out on trays in one layer at a short distance from each other.

In the oven

The best option for drying melon is the oven. The process occurs in several stages. The oven is heated to 220 °C, the slices are placed on a tray so that they do not touch each other, inserted into the oven and left for a quarter of an hour.

Then the temperature is reduced to 85 ° C, the oven door should be opened slightly and left in this position for approximately 6 hours. The pieces are turned over every 30 minutes. After this, the dried pieces remain in the room until they are completely dry.

How to check readiness

The readiness of dried berries is determined quite easily: it should be soft, slightly sticky and quite elastic. Properly dried pieces have a light brown tint.

How to store dried melon at home

The best ways to store dried fruits are glass jars or fabric bags. You can also braid them, place them in cling film and store them in the refrigerator. Since not fully ripened melons are used for drying, the dried version may seem not sweet enough to lovers of sweets, so the finished dried melon can be sprinkled with powdered sugar before use.

Dried melon is undoubtedly a very healthy, tasty and easy-to-use product, which is practically not inferior to fresh, and in some respects even surpasses it. And the fact that you can feel a little summer in the middle of winter makes it especially attractive.

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Dried melon, its benefits and ways to get the treat at home

There are few people in the world who are indifferent to the aroma and taste of ripe melon. But, like all other varieties of melons, this “false berry” has one significant drawback - the fresh shelf life is too short. In an effort to gain the opportunity to savor the fragrant gift of nature all year round, which was written about in the Bible itself, people learned to dry melons. And it turned out that dried melon is in no way inferior to its fresh prototype either in taste or in terms of healthiness. So what is dried melon useful for, what vitamins does it contain?

When dried, all the advantages of melon are preserved

All the beneficial properties of dried melon are based on the fact that in their fresh state, these melons are a storehouse of microelements, vitamins and amino acids necessary for the human body. Drying, carried out correctly, allows you to preserve vitamins A, B, C, PP, E, folic and pantothenic acids, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, beta-carotene, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, iodine in the product , zinc, starch, fluorine, sugar, fiber, proteins and mineral salts. As a result, this delicacy can eliminate many diseases and improve the functioning of the body, in particular the digestive system.

A treat that heals: the benefits of dried melon

The microelements and vitamins present in melon, preserved in the form of dried fruits, have a positive effect on the regeneration and rejuvenation of the body, healthy hair, skin, capillary vessels and bones. Despite the fairly significant caloric content, dried melon helps to lose kilos due to its beneficial effect on the digestive system: constipation is eliminated, all “garbage” is removed from the intestines and even kidney stones are removed.

A tasty treat lifts your spirits and harmonizes your nervous system and hormonal levels. It is useful to eat dried fruits from melon pulp for those who have problems with the genitourinary, circulatory and cardiovascular systems, depressive and nervous conditions, urolithiasis, dropsy, jaundice, vitamin deficiency, decreased immunity and potency, prostatitis, chronic fatigue and insomnia. Look at the article: Melon: health benefits and harm.

Calorie content of dried melon

Fresh melon is considered a low-calorie product: only 35 kcal per 100 g. But the calorie content of dried melon is an order of magnitude higher: 100 g contains 341 - 385 kcal, depending on the type of “false berry”. However, candied melon does not become a harmful product for those who are watching their own weight. Dried melon can be used instead of sweets and cakes.

Harm of dried melon

As in its fresh form, dried melon is categorically not acceptable for simultaneous consumption with sour milk, honey and alcohol.

In such combinations, a product useful for the digestive system turns into a provocateur of the development of disorders. Children under one year of age are not given such dried fruits due to insufficient development of their digestive system.

You should not eat dried melon if you have the following diseases:

  1. diabetes;
  2. obesity;
  3. liver diseases;
  4. gastrointestinal diseases.

Considering the above, it should be noted that the benefits and harms of dried melon for the body are completely incommensurable. Chronic patients with the above diseases, of course, should beware of this product, and for healthy people this delicacy can be harmful only in case of excessive overeating.

Dried melon during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Dried melon is often called a feminine product. During pregnancy, such a melon can eliminate the risk of developing vitamin deficiency and, with the help of the enzymes and microelements it contains, will help “build” the baby’s skin, nails and hair and preserve the appearance of the expectant mother who has suffered in an interesting position. You can eat candied melon during any trimester of pregnancy, without forgetting that the amount of calories in dried melon is significant.

But the question of whether melon can be consumed while breastfeeding does not give doctors a clear answer. False berries, both ripe and dried, can provoke the development of allergic reactions in infants. In addition, elements from melon that get into milk can “come back to haunt” the baby with digestive disorders in the form of gas or stomach colic.

It is necessary to decide whether a nursing mother can have melon in the form of dried treats in the following way: you need to monitor whether the child has allergies and gases after introducing vegetables and fruits that are more familiar to the place of residence into the diet. If not, then the mother can eat a little melon and see how the baby’s body reacts to it. If the reaction is positive, candied melon can be eaten. After all, it provokes an increase in milk production by the female body.

Use of dried melon in cooking

On the shelves today there is dried melon in the form of small candied fruits, a larger dried melon Pigtail - the standard in the form of a product braided from strips, and other shaped delicacies from this melon crop. This product can be used as an independent dessert or as a component in the preparation of complex desserts, baked goods and drinks. The most popular is Thai dried melon.

Drying melon at home

If we are talking about the industrial production of candied melon, then special drying chambers are used.

But if you wish, you can make your own delicacy at home.

You can dry the melon:

  • in the sun;
  • in the oven;
  • in the drying chamber.

Algorithm for making melon sushi at home:

The finished product is stored in a glass container or a bag made of natural fabric. There is also a lot of useful information in the article: The most famous types of melons are the distinctive features of unique varieties.

Calorie content and chemical composition of dried melon. Beneficial and harmful properties of the product, contraindications for use. How to prepare, store and eat dried fruits. Recipes for healthy delicacies and interesting facts about them.

The content of the article:

Dried melon is a popular type of dried fruit prepared from the fruit of the plant of the same name (Cucumis melo) by drying. The annual melon crop belongs to the Pumpkin family. Asia is called its homeland. The most varieties are cultivated there. It is a light-loving and heat-loving plant, resistant to drought, does not like high air humidity. A healthy, properly cultivated shoot can produce from one to 10 fruits, weighing from 1.5 kg to 10 kg each. Most often they are oval, less often round, green, yellow, brown or white. They ripen from 2 to 6 months. Used in cooking and cosmetology. There are more than a hundred varieties; the most suitable for drying are Kolkhoznitsa, Torpeda, Ananasnaya, and Gulyabi.

Composition and calorie content of dried melon

Caloric content of dried melon is 341 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:
  • Proteins - 0.7 g;
  • Fats - 0.1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 82.2 g;
  • Water - 9 g.
Vitamin composition per 100 g of product:
  • Vitamin A - 67 mcg;
  • Beta-carotene - 0.4 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.04 mg;
  • Vitamin B5 - 0.2 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.06 mg;
  • Vitamin B9 - 6 mcg;
  • Vitamin C - 20 mg;
  • Vitamin E - 0.1 mg;
  • Vitamin PP - 0.5 mg.
The record holder for the content in the product is vitamin C. This is a vital vitamin necessary for the growth and regeneration of cells, gums, blood vessels, dental and bone tissue. Helps the absorption of iron, speeds up recovery. Plays a critical role in protecting against infections by triggering processes in the immune system. It also synthesizes hormones, participates in hematopoiesis, triggers metabolism, and helps normalize the exocrine function of the thyroid and pancreas. It is a very strong antioxidant.

Of the sugars, dried melon contains mono- and disaccharides - 7.3 g.

Minerals per 100 g of product:

  • Cobalt - 2 mcg;
  • Fluoride - 20 mcg;
  • Manganese - 0.035 mg;
  • Copper - 47 mcg;
  • Iodine - 2 mcg;
  • Zinc - 0.09 mg;
  • Iron - 1 mg;
  • Sulfur - 10 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 12 mg;
  • Potassium - 118 mg;
  • Sodium - 32 mg;
  • Magnesium - 13 mg;
  • Calcium - 16 mg.
It is in micro- and macroelements that all the benefits of dried melon are concentrated. The increased potassium content helps normalize the body's water balance and improve heart function, heal nerves and strengthen muscles. Half of all salts in the body are potassium salts. They remove excess water, reduce swelling and restore strength after overwork and serious physical activity.

Thanks to sodium, the passage of nerve impulses occurs. The element is part of the intercellular fluid and blood. Helps in regulating water balance, preventing dehydration. Its deficiency leads to convulsions, neuralgia, vomiting, deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract, poor digestibility of monosaccharides and amino acids.

Surely everyone knows that calcium, which is present in melon, is the basis for the normal condition of bones and teeth. However, not everyone knows that it is practically not absorbed without vitamin D. Therefore, it makes sense to consume calcium products with medications containing cholicalciferol.

Magnesium is the basis for complete human mental health. Many anti-stress drugs are based on it. In addition, this component supports the full functioning of connective tissue. A deficiency of the element leads to varicose veins, myopia, hernias, curvature of the spine, poor joint flexibility, and constant dislocations.

Phosphorus is good not only for bones and teeth, but also for vision. Its deficiency leads to fatigue and weakness, loss of appetite, decreased concentration, frequent colds, and feelings of anxiety and fear.

Beneficial properties of dried melon

It’s good when a product not only satisfies our gastronomic needs, but also has a positive effect on the body. Despite the fact that the calorie content of dried melon is quite high, it managed to retain almost all the beneficial components contained in the fresh product.

Regular consumption of these dried fruits will help achieve the following positive effects:

  1. Improved heart function. Fueling the heart muscle is especially important after 40 years. But even before this age, you should not forget about the main motor of the body. Unfortunately, many cardiovascular diagnoses have become significantly younger in recent years. The fast pace of modern life leads to wear and tear of the heart muscle, problems with blood pressure, and narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels due to poor nutrition. Therefore, you need to grab every opportunity to support your heart. Moreover, if it is such a pleasant way to eat a delicious product.
  2. Cleansing the liver of toxins. Even those who watch their diet, trying to eat only healthy ingredients, are not immune from the use of low-quality water and poor ecology. Toxins settle in the liver and have a detrimental effect on the entire body. The substances contained in dried melon will help to gently remove toxins and thereby improve the health of the entire body.
  3. Removing stones from the kidneys and bladder. All products that have a diuretic effect help achieve this positive effect. They remove sand and small stones from the kidneys and bladder without causing colic or other pain syndromes.
  4. Normalization of the gallbladder. A slight choleretic effect will help solve the problem of bile stagnation, removing its excess from the bladder and its ducts. This will serve as an excellent prevention of gallstone disease. And for those who already have small stones, the product will try to remove them. In modern medicine, cholecystectomy - surgery to remove the gallbladder - is one of the most common procedures on the gastrointestinal tract, and dried fruits will help you not become part of this unpleasant statistic.
  5. Fighting stress and insomnia. The micro- and macroelements contained in the product will help you not to react sharply to external stimuli, not to take everything to heart, and to deal with unpleasant situations more calmly. Normalizing the functioning of the nervous system will help solve problems with anxiety, overcome insomnia and anxiety, and get rid of tearfulness and depression.
  6. Restoring strength after fatigue and illness. The high energy value will come in handy after illnesses (especially influenza and acute respiratory viral infections), heavy physical exertion, and nervous exhaustion.
  7. Prevention of vitamin deficiency. The components of the product will help retain beneficial substances in the tissues, thereby preventing the body from feeling the harmful effects of vitamin deficiency. It's all about the diuretic effect: melon acts very gently, removing only excess liquid, but not allowing the salts to come out along with it.
  8. Strengthening Bones. Joints become more mobile, dislocations, sprains, and fractures are prevented.
  9. Relief from constipation. A slight laxative effect will help defecation, prevent stagnation of feces, thereby preventing poisoning of the body. This will also help prevent hemorrhoids and neoplasms. This will not disturb the intestinal microflora.
  10. Reducing menopause symptoms. The changes that occur with age in the body of women affect both the well-being and appearance of the fair sex. The folic acid contained in dried melon and the normalization of hormonal levels that occurs when consuming it will always help you stay beautiful.
  11. Increase male power. It turns out that this product is useful not only for women, but also for men. It will help you stay strong not only during the day, but also at night.
  12. Pregnancy support. A huge number of super-healthy foods are prohibited for pregnant women due to the risk of allergies. Dried melon, on the contrary, is even recommended for those who are pregnant. Its healing effect has the most beneficial effect on the condition of the woman and the development of the fetus.
  13. Rejuvenation of the body. Strengthening blood vessels and capillaries, bones and muscle tissue, systems and organs leads to overall rejuvenation of the body. Along with this, the immune system is strengthened, resistance to viral and bacterial infections is enhanced, vitality increases, mood improves, and a feeling of vigor appears.
  14. Improving the condition of skin, hair, nails. The beneficial substances contained in the treat will help solve skin problems - make it clearer, get rid of acne, smooth out fine wrinkles. Your hair will also become thicker and shinier and your nails will become stronger.
  15. Preserving your tan. Yes, that's an interesting effect. Dried melon is one of the products that help you get a more intense tan, and then keep it longer. And this is regardless of whether you sunbathed in the open sun or in a solarium. This is accomplished by influencing the pigment responsible for skin color.

Contraindications and harm of dried melon

Contraindications for dried fruit relate to two important features - difficulty of digestion and high sugar content, so it can be argued that there is a fine line between the benefits and harm of dried melon.

Since it is a fairly heavy product, it is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal diseases. In a state of remission, you can try a small amount and see the reaction. If there are no unpleasant sensations, consume this type of dried fruit. If you feel discomfort after eating something, it’s better not to risk it.

But those who absolutely cannot eat dried melon are diabetics. High sugar content can lead to dangerous consequences. Even if non-sweet varieties were used for drying, it should not be consumed due to the hidden sugar content.

How to eat dried melon

Fresh melon is not recommended to be consumed with alcohol, honey and dairy products. In this combination it acts as a very strong laxative. Long and prolonged diarrhea leads to dehydration and dysbacteriosis. The melon passed on this feature to dried fruits. For this reason, they are extremely rarely added to dishes, so that there are no “surprises” after gastronomic delights.

The following serving options are available:

  • Sprinkle the melon strip with finely crushed or grated nuts, roll into a roll, and cut into pieces. You will get very tasty and original curls.
  • Finely chop the melon, roll into balls, roll in poppy seeds. Children will especially like this option.
  • Sprinkle the pieces with water, dry on a towel and sprinkle with sesame seeds. The seeds enhance the flavor of the melon and make it spicy and buttery.
This product can be stored for quite a long time - up to a year. Most likely, you can do this longer, but this is not necessary - after a year a new harvest ripens and housewives stock up on fresh dried fruits.

If we talk about how to store dried melon, there are several options. The simplest is to put it in a glass, tin or plastic jar, cover with a lid and put it in a dry, dark place. A lid is definitely needed, because not only boys and girls, as well as their parents, but also many bugs and spiders love to eat melon. To avoid sharing dried fruits, and most importantly, to avoid becoming infected with their waste products, store the treat in a hermetically sealed container.

A tightly tied fabric bag will also work. It is better to choose natural fabric, as synthetics can release harmful components. This method is good if you cook the melon yourself. When drying yourself, you can skip slightly under-dried areas, because it is difficult to cut perfectly evenly - there are thinner and thicker plates. The access of air that the fabric will provide will help such a product not to ferment or become moldy, but to dry completely.

How to dry melon

Dried fruits do not belong to the category of incredibly expensive food products, but if you eat them regularly, and this is what doctors insist on, then such therapy can cost a pretty penny. Making your own dried fish will help you to reduce the cost of the product and guarantee a treat without preservatives.

How to cook dried melon in an electric dryer

This type of household appliance is a universal device for preparing any fruits and vegetables. No special options or programs are needed; any model, even the most primitive one, will do.

It is worth choosing ripe, medium-sized fruits. To make dried melon tasty, be sure to give preference to sweet varieties. Rinse the fruit and dry with a towel. Cut in half, remove seeds, peel. It is better to cut off the unsweetened part, as it will be completely tasteless.

Place the dryer on preheat for at least 5 minutes. To do this, remove the pallets and cover the unit with a lid. In the meantime, the equipment is heating up, creating a favorable environment for planting the melon, it is necessary to cut it as thin as possible - half a centimeter maximum. The length of the pieces should also not be long so that the product fits in the dryer tray.

When it has warmed up, place the melon so that the pieces do not touch each other. It is very important that not only is it blown with warm air from above and below, but there is also good aeration from the sides. The temperature regime is set at 70°C. Drying time is 10-12 hours, depending on the variety and juiciness of the product from which you decide to prepare dried fruits.

Periodically change the positions of the pallets, and also give the equipment a break, turn it off for 5-10 minutes every couple of hours.

How to cook dried melon in the oven

If you are a supporter of classical food processing methods, then use the method in which our grandmothers dried melon. Dried melon in the oven is in no way inferior to its sisters prepared in an electric dryer.

Preparation for the process is the same as for an electric dryer - select a ripe fruit, rinse, dry, peel and pit, cut into pieces. Then the melon needs to be placed on a baking sheet, previously covered with parchment, and placed in an oven preheated to 70°C.

The fruit will give off a lot of liquid, so there are two important points here. First, be sure to leave the oven door ajar (if there is a fan mode, turn it on without hesitation) so that the moisture evaporates. Second - for the first 3-5 hours, constantly change the parchment, since the melon should not be in water, then it will bake and not dry. The parchment can be dried immediately on a wire rack and reused.

This process will take you at least 10 hours. Everything will depend on the juiciness of the melon. Some fruits can “arrive” for about a day. Of course, no one asks you to watch the stove at night. You can turn it off and continue the process in the morning. But what you definitely shouldn’t do is leave the oven unattended. Do not risk the lives of your loved ones to speed up the process.

How to make dried melon in the wind and sun

However, both the first and second options are considered almost blasphemy by the greatest connoisseurs of this product, the Kazakhs. Even a child knows how dried melon is made in this hot country. Some people cut it into small pieces, lay it out on plywood and turn it over periodically until it dries, but most use the following method.

The melon cut into the butts is cut lengthwise into thin slices, but not reaching the end a couple of centimeters. They stretch it as much as possible, like a fan, while trying not to let the pieces come off, and dry it on a wire rack for a day or two indoors, constantly turning it over. Then it is hung on ropes stretched between the plates and left in the open sun. It’s good if the weather is windy, then the melon dries faster, but when it’s not, the whole process takes up to two weeks.

This recipe for dried melon is interesting because after drying the strips are braided. This is very beautiful, and it makes it easier to store the delicacy. By the way, this type of packaging costs more than melon pieces, and indicates the status of the company selling the product.

The first mentions of melon are found in sacred scripture - in the Bible.

Information about the cultivation of aromatic fruits in Russia dates back to the 16th century. Under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, melons and watermelons were so valued that they were grown in special greenhouses on the site of the current Moscow district of Izmailovo. Later, their cultivation in closed ground was practically not used. But they used melon in dried form.

Melon is so loved in Asia that in Turkmenistan there is even a special day in its honor, it is called Turkmen Melon Day. It falls on the second Sunday of August - the date when the sweet and aromatic fruit ripens. Then they begin to dry it in order to prepare only the most delicious and sweet dried fruits for the year. Folk festivals, exhibitions, fairs, and competitions are held throughout the country to determine whose fragrant beauty is larger and sweeter. Particular attention is paid to conferences of scientists involved in the development of new varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests. Churches even hold prayer services - clergy consecrate the new harvest.

How to dry melon - watch the video:

Dried melon is a healthy and tasty dessert. Dried fruit can be eaten in its natural form or used as one of the ingredients for preparing various dishes. The properties and subtleties of preparing dried melon are worth considering in more detail.

Composition and calorie content

Dried melon contains many vitamins and microelements that are beneficial to the body. Dried fruits are made using drying. When properly prepared, melon does not lose its beneficial properties. As for nutritional value, 100 grams of the product contains 341 calories. Dried melon contains the most carbohydrates – 82.2 grams. The amount of protein is 0.7 grams, and fats are present in the amount of 0.1 grams.

It is worth noting that all indicators are indicated per 100 grams of dried melon.


The product contains the most vitamin C. This element is vital for the human body and maintains normal general health. The product also contains many B vitamins. Each of the elements of this group has its own serial number and is responsible for performing individual functions. Taken together, these vitamins strengthen the nervous system and also improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dried melon contains nicotinic acid, which is responsible for many vital processes of the body, for example, brain function, blood circulation, good vision and much more. Vitamins A and E are of great importance for health, since in addition to strengthening the immune system, they are responsible for the good condition of the skin. In addition to stimulating skin cell renewal, vitamin A helps strengthen bone tissue and teeth.


In addition to vitamins, dried fruit contains many microelements. The product contains potassium in large quantities, which is primarily necessary to maintain water balance in the body. This element is also responsible for the performance of the brain and the condition of muscle tissue and blood vessels. The properties of sodium are similar to the functions of potassium, so it is worth saying that the elements help each other in strengthening the body. Sodium is responsible for water-salt metabolism, improves the condition of the nervous system and muscles, and also promotes the production of gastric juice.

Calcium is one of the essential elements that is necessary for bones and teeth. In addition, the element is involved in the process of blood clotting. Magnesium is very important for stabilizing the mental and emotional state, as this element improves the condition of the nervous system. This trace element also helps get rid of frequent headaches and migraines.

How is it useful?

The beneficial properties of dried fruit are due to its composition. During the drying process, melon retains its beneficial qualities, so the properties of the dried fruit are not inferior to the fresh product. Dried fruits bring the following benefits to the body:

  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system as a whole; Regular consumption of dried fruit helps strengthen the heart muscle and improves its function;
  • removes harmful substances and toxins from the body, which improves liver condition and overall health;
  • promotes the removal of bile from the body, which also reduces the load on the kidneys and gallbladder;
  • has a diuretic effect and helps remove sand and small stones from the kidneys;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system, helps with sleep disorders, relieving insomnia, and also protects against stress and helps cope with anxiety;
  • strengthens bone and muscle tissue;
  • has a moderate laxative effect, so it can be used as a preventative against constipation;
  • It is recommended to use during menopause to reduce symptoms;
  • increases male potency;
  • improves the general condition of the body during pregnancy and promotes the normal development of the fetus;
  • improves the functioning of the immune system;
  • strengthens nail plates, promotes hair growth and improves skin condition.


Dried melon contains a lot of calories and is therefore not recommended for overweight people. The product also contains a lot of sugar, so dried fruit should be excluded from the diet of people suffering from diabetes. Dried melon takes a long time to digest.

For this reason, if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the product should be used with great caution.

How to choose fruits for drying?

To prepare delicious dried fruits at home, you need to choose a suitable and high-quality melon. First of all, it is important that the fruits are ripe and unspoiled. As for the variety, you should give preference to the following types of melon:

  • "Persian";
  • "Collective farmer";
  • "Pineapple";
  • "Gulyabi";
  • "Torpedo".

"Collective farmer"



Other varieties can also be used. The requirements for melon for drying are dense pulp, rich taste and aroma. As for the maturity of the fetus, it can be determined using some simple methods.

  • When purchasing, you should pay attention to the smell of the fruit. A pleasant, unobtrusive aroma should emanate from the peel of a ripe melon. The lack of smell will indicate that it is not yet ripe.
  • In addition to the aroma, the sound can also indicate the ripeness of the fruit. You need to lightly slap your palm on the surface of the melon. If the sound is muffled, then the fruit is ripe, but a ringing clap will indicate the opposite.
  • The melon skin should be elastic. If you press lightly on the peel, there should be no indentations. If the skin loses its original shape after pressing, then the fruit is overripe.
  • There should be no damage or defects on the surface of the melon. Whatever variety is purchased, the skin of the fruit should have a uniform shade without extraneous spots of a different color.

How to dry it yourself?

In order for dried fruits to retain all the beneficial properties of melon after drying, it is important to approach this process responsibly. There are several ways to dry a product, each of which differs in the drying method.

In an electric dryer

One of the most convenient ways to prepare dried fruits, vegetables and berries is to use a device such as an electric dryer. At the same time, you do not need an expensive unit with complex drying programs - the simplest model will do. The melon must first be washed, peeled and seeds removed. In the meantime, you need to warm up the electric dryer by leaving it on for five minutes. The peeled fruit is cut into small pieces. The thickness of one piece should not be more than five millimeters. As for the length, you need to focus on the size of the electric dryer so that the pieces fit easily into it.

When the machine warms up, place the melon on the tray so that the pieces do not touch each other, but lie at a short distance. The drying process in total lasts no more than twelve hours. The temperature in the device should be at +70 degrees.

In the oven

Not everyone has such a unit as an electric dryer. But buying such equipment for single or rare use is impractical. You can prepare dried melon in a conventional oven, and in terms of taste and quality it will be in no way inferior to the product from the dryer. The procedure for preparing the fruit is similar: the melon is peeled and seeds removed and cut into thin short pieces. The oven must be preheated to a temperature of +70 degrees. You need to put parchment paper on a baking sheet, and the melon is already placed on it.

Drying a product in an oven has some peculiarities. The fact is that during the cooking process the melon will lose a lot of moisture, which should evaporate. To do this, keep the oven door slightly open during cooking. Due to the abundant release of moisture during the first five hours of drying, it is necessary to regularly change the parchment paper. Otherwise, the melon will turn out boiled and not dried.

The total cooking time will be at least ten hours. In this case, everything will depend on the varietal of the melon.

On the street

Drying melon in direct sunlight and in a draft is considered by many to be the best and correct way. Residents of regions with warm climates can apply this method in practice. Hot and dry summers will be ideal conditions for drying melons outside. Melon for this drying method is prepared in a slightly different way. The fruit is thoroughly washed, cut in half and cleared of seeds.

Each half must be cut thinly, not separating the pieces from each other, but leaving them connected at one end. The plates must be moved in different directions so that they do not touch each other. You need to act very carefully so that not a single piece comes off. For the first two days, the product must be kept on a sieve in the house at room temperature. During this period, the melon must be turned over regularly.

After this, you need to place ropes between thin dried pieces of fruit. In this case, the rope should not be too thin, otherwise it may cut the melon and disconnect the plates. The fruit is hung outside in the sunniest place. The drying process can take fourteen days - it all depends on weather conditions.

Glycemic index (GI) – 65.

Calorie content – ​​341 kcal.

Dried melon is a sweet delicacy with a delicate aroma, an invariable product of oriental tea drinking. It is prepared from high-quality raw materials - summer varieties of melon with dense pulp in special drying chambers. After processing, it retains a significant part of the beneficial properties of fresh fruits. It is very popular not only in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, but also in Russia.

Beneficial features

The composition of dried melon is dominated by carbohydrates (80 g), with a small portion of fatty acids (0.1 g), dietary fiber (1.1 g), and proteins (0.7 g). High levels of vitamin base: PP, beta-carotene, group B (6, 9, 1, 2, 5), A (RE), E, ​​a special place is occupied by vitamin “C” - 20 mg. Among the minerals, magnesium and potassium predominate. The elements of calcium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, manganese, iodine, cobalt, iron, and sulfur are present.

How it affects the body

Dried melon is useful to use for disorders in the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, to restore water-salt balance, enhance metabolism, and improve the condition of bones and joints. With regular use, the activity of the nervous system is normalized, sleep problems go away, nervous tension decreases, and performance increases.

Melon, in dried form, has the potential of beneficial properties of fresh berries, which are manifested in increased blood flow, strengthening the capillary system, improving hormonal levels, and protecting the body from negative factors. It has a diuretic, antitoxic, choleretic, laxative, antibacterial, tonic effect.

Dried melon is useful for low hemoglobin, unstable memory, mental activity, during menopause, and pregnancy. Melon rejuvenates, gives strength, and prevents nervous disorders, atherosclerosis, anemia, and angina. Normalizes blood pressure, enhances peristalsis, improves the condition of the genitourinary system, helps remove kidney stones, and increases potency.

How to choose correctly

The taste of dried melon is always pleasantly sweet, rich, reminiscent of the aroma and texture of a dried banana. A well-prepared product is always sticky, soft, and elastic. Signs of a poorly peeled melon are unacceptable: particles of skin, seeds. Sold in slices and in the form of braids. It is better to buy in vacuum packaging, which does not contain GMOs, artificial additives, or dyes.

Storage methods

Dried melon must “breathe”, so long-term storage involves keeping it in gauze, paper or fabric bags. The best option is a cool, ventilated room and hanging. The best way: layering dried fruits with dried mint. It does not lose quality for two years if maintained correctly.

What does it go with in cooking?

Melon in a braid or in pieces is not only a sweet for the tea table, but also a component of many dishes and drinks. For example, this product is used in casseroles, milk porridges, pies, added to pancake dough, fruit bread, and eaten as an independent product. Combines with raisins, dried apricots, figs, prunes, almonds, cashews. Added to compotes and herbal teas.

Healthy combination of products

Nutritionists recommend dried melon as a vitamin and mineral supplement. For weight loss - as a product that increases the emotional sphere, gives energy, helps cleanse the intestines, and enhances metabolism. If the calorie intake is observed, it is used in limited quantities as an additive to cereals, muesli, and drinks. In weight loss programs, melon satisfies hunger well and serves as a healthy snack.


Restrictions for obesity, gastrointestinal pathologies, diabetes. Not recommended for children under one year of age during lactation. Conflicting reactions may occur when combined with fermented milk products.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Dried melon is a popular “medicine” for nervous and mental disorders. Used in the treatment of hepatitis, dropsy, urolithiasis, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis. Recommended for sluggish peristalsis, decreased potency, during menopause, pregnancy, for cleansing the intestines, removing cholesterol.

Traditional medicine uses dried melon to eliminate symptoms of exhaustion, anemia, to normalize blood pressure, support the liver, and enhance hematopoiesis. Relevant in the treatment of kidney stones, take 100 g regularly before each meal (3 times). Steamed pieces with hot milk are taken for colds and coughs. The infusion is prescribed for pyelonephritis, cholecystitis. Warm compresses help with gout and rheumatism. According to cosmetologists, the systematic presence of dried melon in the diet is useful for improving the condition of hair and skin, stabilizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and enhancing the reaction to ultraviolet radiation.
