How to bring gifts. All about the ritual “Gifts to Odin”

Very often the question arises, to which God what should we offer?
I think the information will be useful.
One Names: Scandinavian - Odin, English - Woden, Dutch - Wodan, German - Wotan
Main element: air.
Colours: blue-violet, dark blue, woad.
Numbers: nine, three.
Totem animals: horse, raven, wolf, eagle, snake.
Personal "seals": valknut, tridiskil.
Hypostases: Odin, Vili and Ve; warrior, shaman, wanderer.
Magic weapons: spear, staff, ring.
Purposes of the appeal: wisdom, occult knowledge, occult power, deceit, invisibility, war, healing, vengeance, curse.
Runes for work: Ansuz, Gebo, Vunyo, Eyvaz, Otila, Dagaz.
Usually, to appeal to Odin, one should face north, although in some operations Odin is compared with other cardinal directions.
Gifts: dark and light beer, honey, sword-shaped objects, rings, game, blood (in consecration rituals), strong alcoholic drinks.

Tyr Names: Scandinavian - Tyr, English - Tiw, Dutch - Zio, German - Ziu.
Main element: fire.
Additional element: air.
Colors: purple, dark red.
Numbers: one.
Personal seals: Teyvaz rune.
Magic weapons: shield, helmet, sword.
Purposes of the appeal: justice, battle, consolidation of oaths.
Runes for work: Teyvaz, Raido, Dagaz, Sovulo, Mannaz.
Gifts: dark and light beer, bread, game, etc.

Thor Names: Scandinavian - Thor, English - Thunor, Dutch - Donar, German - Donner.
Main element: fire.
Additional element: earth.
Color: red.
Number: four.
Totem animals: goat, bull.
Personal seals: swastika, sun wheel, shield knot.
Magic weapons: hammer, belt, gauntlets, chariot, peruns, oath ring. Goals of the appeal: protection of the fertility of the earth, good weather, strength.
Runes for work: Uruz, Thurisaz, Raido, Sovulo.
When calling on Thor, you should face south. The Torah is often called upon to witness oaths. His wives are Yarnsaksa and Siv.
Gifts: beer, bread, blood, metal objects, strong alcoholic drinks.

Frey Names: Scandinavian - Frey, English - Frea, German - Froh, Danish - Frodi, Swedish - Fricco.
Main element: earth.
Additional elements: water, air.
Color: reddish brown.
Totem animals: bear, horse, bee.
Hypostases: “horned god.”
Magic weapons: sword, deer antlers, ship Skidbladnir.
Goals of the appeal: peace and prosperity, abundance, removal of shackles.
Runes for work: Fehu, Yera, Evaz, Inguz, Ansuz.
Gifts: bread, wheat, low-alcohol drinks, honey, fruits.

Niord Name: Niord.
Main element: water.
Colors: blue, light blue, gray, green.
Magic weapon: axe.
Goals of the appeal: prosperity.
Runes for work: Fehu, Laguz.
Gifts: bowls filled with salt water, wine, bread, fruits, herbs.

Heimdall Names: Heimdal, as well as Rig in one of the songs of the Elder Edda.
Main element: water.
Additional element: fire.
Color: bright white.
Totem animals: ram, seal.
Magic weapon: horn.
Goals of the appeal: protection, training.
Runes for work: Kenaz, Mannaz, Dagaz.
Gifts: beer, strong alcoholic drinks, game, honey.

Ull Names: Scandinavian - Uller, English - Wulder.
Main element: snow.
Hypostases: northern lights.
Magical weapons: bow, “glorious branches” (wuldortanas), oath ring.
Purposes of the appeal: hunting, oaths, duels.
Runes for work: Eyvaz, Vunyo.
Gifts: beer, honey, bread, wool, rings and other metal products.

Loki Names: Scandinavian - Loki, Germanic - Loge.
Main element: raging flame.
Color: red.
Totem animals: salmon, seal, fox.
Goals of the appeal: deception, destruction.
Runes for work: Dagaz.
Gifts: beer, honey, sacrificial fire.

Frigg Names: Scandinavian - Frigg, English - Frigg, Dutch - Frigga, German - Fricka.
Main element: air.
Additional element: water.
Colour: silver grey.
Totem animals: falcon, ram, spider.
Magical tools: spinning wheel.
Goals of the appeal: marital fidelity, childbearing.
Runes for work: Fehu, Perto, Berkana.
Gifts: sweet low-alcohol drinks, jewelry, fruits, sweets, fabric.

Freya Names: Scandinavian - Freyja, Dutch - Frija, German - Freia, English - Freo.
Main element: fire.
Additional element: water.
Color: gold.
Totem animal: cat.
Magic weapons: falcon plumage, cat fur gauntlets, Brisingamen necklace.
Purposes of the appeal: love, war, witchcraft (seith).
Runes for work: Fehu, Perto, Inguz, Hagalaz, Berkana, Laguz.
Gifts: sweet low-alcohol drinks, jewelry, fruits, sweets, necklace, fur.

Idunn Names: Scandinavian - Idunn, Iduna.
Main element: earth.
Green color.
Magic items: apples.
Goals of the appeal: longevity, health.
Runes for work: Yera, Berkana, Inguz.
Gifts: apples, fruits, sweet drinks, bread, cloth.

Skadi - grog, vodka with ice; forest and mountain food of animal origin.

Air - spring water; water porridge, wild berries, honey.

Siv - barley flatbreads with malo and honey, berry strudel.

Xiong - brewed apple pieces with a pinch of wormwood.

Labor is beer.

Worship of Braga.
Since Bragi was the god of poetry, eloquence and song, the peoples of Northern Europe often called poetry after him, and the skalds, both men and women, were often called the sons and daughters of Bragi. Bragi was held in high esteem by all the peoples of Northern Europe, and a toast was always made to his health at all celebrations and feasts. But he was especially revered at funeral feasts and during the celebration of Christmastide. When it was time for a toast, the wine was served in a bowl shaped like a ship, often called Bragaful, and was first illuminated with a hammer. Then the new ruler or head of the family would raise the cup and vow to perform some heroic deed within a year, otherwise he would have to be considered a person deprived of honor. Following this example, all the guests made similar oaths and declared what heroic deeds they would perform. Thanks to all the drinking, the conversations became more and more animated, everyone was bragging. Bragi was usually depicted as an elderly man, with long white hair and a beard, holding a harp in his hands.
Gifts: honey, beer, wine.

Basically, of course, distribution in more traditional versions should include beer, mead, bread, meat, onions and the like.
Female deities are quite willing to accept sweets and not too rough drinks. In general, nothing here is an axiom. The people carried what they could, what was available, although, of course, they took into account the characteristics of this or that deity. Such features, for example, were animals associated with the deity, which in honor of him could be presented as a gift, or rather their meat.

Where should I take the gifts?
Odin - ash, yew.
Toru - oak, rowan.
Freyr - fruit trees, shrubs (hazel, juniper, gooseberry).
Tyr - you can go to the ash tree.
Heimdall - ash, yew.
Balder is a linden tree.
Loki - can also be used for ash.
Ull - yew, juniper.
Freya - elderberry.
Frigg - birch, linden.
Skadi - spruce, dwarf birch.
Air - birch.
Indunn - suitable for ash or apple trees.
Siv - rowan.
Salt (Sunnah) - ash.
Xiong - ash.
Labor is ash.

In general, the most versatile tree will be ash. Therefore, if you don’t know where or are not sure, then take it to the ash tree. Also, if you make a general offering addressed to the entire pantheon at once, then also to the ash tree.
For male deities, you can choose “male” trees, for female deities, respectively, more feminine ones. Trees that bloom and bear some kind of “sweet” fruits are suitable for the same female deities. Although with its exceptions.
Sometimes you don’t have to experiment too much with gifts. Just take some apples (preferably yellow ones) and present them as a wish to the deity for health and longevity. There is nothing unexpected in such a thought. According to German-Scandinavian mythology, their gods are mortal. To prolong their longevity and health, they have to eat golden apples, the keeper of which is Indunn. Therefore, such a gesture will be fully consistent with the northern tradition.

Gifts and offerings to the Northern Gods

When working with runes, the question often arises: to which God should we offer what? I think the information will be useful. If you have any additions, please post them.

Names: Scandinavian - Odin, English - Woden, Dutch - Wodan, German - Wotan
Main element: air
Additional element: water
Colours: blue-violet, dark blue, woad
Numbers: nine, three
Totem animals: horse, raven, wolf, eagle, snake
Personal "seals": valknut, tridiskil
Hypostases: Odin, Vili and Ve; warrior, shaman, wanderer
Magic weapons: spear, staff, ring
Purposes of the appeal: wisdom, occult knowledge, occult power, deceit, invisibility, war, healing, vengeance, curse
Runes for work: Ansuz, Gebo, Vunyo, Eyvaz, Otila, Dagaz
Usually, to appeal to Odin, one should face north, although in some operations Odin is compared with other cardinal directions.
Gifts: dark and light beer, honey, sword-shaped objects, rings, game, blood (in consecration rituals), strong alcoholic drinks.

Names: Scandinavian - Tyr, English - Tiw, Dutch - Zio, German - Ziu.
Main element: fire
Additional element: air
Colors: purple, dark red
Numbers: one
Personal seals: Teyvaz rune
Magic weapons: shield, helmet, sword
Purposes of the proclamation: justice, battle, sealing oaths
Runes for work: Teyvaz, Raido, Dagaz, Sovulo, Mannaz
Gifts: dark and light beer, bread, game, etc.

Names: Scandinavian - Thor, English - Thunor,
Dutch - Donar, German - Donner.
Main element: fire
Additional element: earth
Color: red
Number: four
Totem animals: goat, bull
Personal seals: swastika, sun wheel, shield knot
Magic weapons: hammer, belt, gauntlets, chariot, peruns, oath ring
Goals of the appeal: protection of the fertility of the earth, good weather, strength
Runes for work: Uruz, Thurisaz, Raido, Sovulo
When calling on Thor, you should face south. The Torah is often called upon to witness oaths. His wives are Yarnsaksa and Siv.
Gifts: beer, bread, blood, metal objects, strong alcoholic drinks

Names: Scandinavian - Frey, English - Frea, German - Froh, Danish - Frodi, Swedish - Fricco.
Main element: earth
Additional elements: water, air
Color: reddish brown
Totem animals: bear, horse, bee
Hypostasis: “horned god”
Magic weapons: sword, deer antlers, ship Skidbladnir
Goals of the appeal: peace and prosperity, abundance, removal of shackles
Runes for work: Fehu, Yera, Evaz, Inguz, Ansuz
Gifts: bread, wheat, low-alcohol drinks, honey, fruits.

Name: Niord
Main element: water
Colors: blue, light blue, gray, green
Magic weapon: ax
Goals of the appeal: prosperity
Runes for work: Fehu, Laguz
Gifts: bowls filled with salt water, wine, bread, fruits, herbs.

Names: Heimdal, as well as Rig in one of the songs "Elder
Main element: water
Additional element: fire
Color: bright white
Totem animals: ram, seal
Magic weapon: horn
Goals of the appeal: protection, training
Runes for work: Kenaz, Mannaz, Dagaz
Gifts: beer, spirits, game, honey.

Names: Scandinavian - Uller, English - Wulder.
Main element: snow.
Hypostases: Northern Lights
Magical weapons: bow, "glorious branches" (wuldortanas), oath ring
Purposes of the appeal: hunting, oaths, duels
Runes for work: Eyvaz, Vunyo
Gifts: beer, honey, bread, wool, rings and other metal products

Names: Scandinavian - Loki, German - Loge
Main element: raging flame
Color: red
Totem animals: salmon, seal, fox
Goals of the appeal: deception, destruction
Runes for work: Dagaz
Gifts: beer, honey, sacrificial fire.

Names: Scandinavian - Frigg, English - Frigg,
Dutch - Frigga, German - Fricka
Main element: air
Additional element: water
Color: Silver Gray
Totem animals: falcon, ram, spider
Magical Weapons: Spinning Wheel
Purposes of the appeal: marital fidelity, childbearing
Runes for work: Fehu, Perto, Berkana
Gifts: sweet low-alcohol drinks, jewelry, fruits, sweets, fabric.

Names: Scandinavian - Freyja, Dutch - Frija, German - Freia, English - Freo.
Main element: fire
Additional element: water
Color: gold
Totem animal: cat
Magical weapons: falcon plumage, cat fur gauntlets, Brisingamen necklace
Purposes of the appeal: love, war, witchcraft (seith)
Runes for work: Fehu, Perto, Inguz, Hagalaz, Berkana, Laguz
Gifts: sweet low-alcohol drinks, jewelry, fruits, sweets, necklace, fur.

Names: Scandinavian - Idunn, Iduna
Main element: earth
Green color
Magic items: apples
Goals of the appeal: longevity, health
Runes for work: Yera, Berkana, Inguz
Gifts: apples, fruits, sweet drinks, bread, cloth.

Take the gifts somewhere to a secluded place, you can leave them under a tree or on a stone; if it’s beer, then pour a little under the tree and forget the rest there. Words of gratitude are required.

The supreme god in Scandinavian mythology is called Odin (or Wotan). On the one hand, the god of war, victory, on the other, Odin is a sage, a shaman, a great expert on runes. He gave his eye to drink from the fountain of wisdom.

And in order to fully comprehend the power of the runes, Odin sacrificed himself, hanging for 9 days on the trunk of an ash tree, being nailed to it with his own spear. Legends say that Odin did not need food, he only drank mash and honey.

Now the name of Odin can be heard in combination with the words rune magic. Runes are magical signs that were carved into trees, stones, and weapons. Magic releases a certain power contained in the runes, which helps to fulfill desires and see the future.

By combining runes in various ways, you can create many scripts, in other words, programs aimed at achieving a goal, for protection, or you can even get your own runic code. Odin himself advised the ignorant not to cut runes.

To carry out the “Gifts to Odin” ritual, certain knowledge is required. Odin's main element is air, his auxiliary element is water; colors - purple, blue; numbers 3 and 9; animals horse, wolf, raven, snake, eagle; magic weapons - ring, spear and staff; the goals for which wisdom, deceit, vengeance, curse, invisibility, healing appeal to Odin.

Runes used for the ritual are Dagaz, Eyvaz, Gebo, Otila, Vunyo, Ansuz; gifts to Odin include honey, mead, beer or spirits, objects in the form of a sword or spear. The ritual has a number of main stages: purification, consecration, preparation, invocation, proclamation, accomplishment, repayment.

The cleansing procedure consists, firstly, of clearing the space for the ritual. You need to remove all unnecessary items. You will also need fire (candle) and water (bowl of water). Fire and water are opposites, with the help of which you can drive away lower entities and ensure maximum purity and neutrality of the place for the ritual. To do this, slowly surround the space for the ritual with a candle, holding it above the water.

When consecrating a place, it is necessary to close the space around you by applying the symbol of Thor's hammer on all sides, while saying the words: “The hammer is in the north (west, etc.)! Bless this place! " The ritual site will be closed, and nothing will enter or leave it without the knowledge of the magician.

Preparation for the ceremony begins in a consecrated place. You need to form a small inner circle. To do this, place the symbol of God corresponding to the goal in the center of the circle, and symbols of the elements are placed around it. For Odin, this is air, for example, incense, and water, for example, a bowl of water). We must not forget about gifts. Offering to Odin - dark or light beer, honey.

The appeal must address a specific god. When turning to Odin, you need to explain the reasons that made you do this, the result you would like to achieve, the gifts to Odin brought as payment for help. The invocation can be carried out outside this ceremony.

The consummation is the main part of Odin's ritual. During the execution process, a certain action is performed, for example, applying runes or burning them. At the same time, the agreed payment is made, an offering to Odin, and an order is pronounced to the force to fulfill the will of the magician, which is sealed by agreement with God.

The ritual ends with the repayment stage. You need to turn with gratitude for the attention and help to the performing force and let it go, asking you to turn your gaze away from the place of the ritual. Then the protection is removed, and the place of the ritual should not be reminded of the action performed.

However, now it is difficult to say exactly how the ancient Scandinavians acted when performing such rituals. The described method cannot be called mandatory and requires precise execution.

Since the question of how, when and in what sequence to carry out the so-called. runic ritual arises among beginners in almost every topic of the “Runes” section; below we will give an approximate description of the classic ritual of the Northern Tradition (based on the Lesser Ritual), which may be required both when divining and when performing other actions with the help of Runes, and also in other manifestations of ritual magic of the Northern Tradition (abbreviated ST).

So, the main stages of the ritual are:

– Cleansing;

– Consecration;

- Preparation;

– Summoning;

– Appeal;

– Completion;

– Redemption.

Let's look at these stages in more detail.


The purification process consists not only in clearing the place of unnecessary objects and everything that does not correspond to the assigned tasks, but also in clearing the space in all planes of Existence accessible to the World of ST. As a rule, cleansing is carried out with Fire and Water - the space of the future ritual is slowly surrounded by a candle over a bowl of water at such a speed that burnt wax falls into the water every 10-20 cm of movement. Fire and Water are mutually exclusive elements, which allows not only to drive away lower ethereal entities that are afraid of fire, but also to turn off the natural currents of forces in order to ensure maximum neutrality of the ritual site. Everything that arises, comes and acts within the purified space must obey the will of the person conducting the ritual, and not other, often uncontrollable, sources of will.


During the Consecration of the ritual site, a complete blockage of space and time is carried out in all planes of Existence. In the case of Small Rituals, this is done by drawing the symbol of Thor's hammer (Mjolnir) from the North, East, South, West, Heaven and Earth. At the same time it is said: “The hammer is in the North (East, etc.)! Bless this sacred place!” The ST magician must completely close the space around himself so that no one and nothing can enter or leave the circle without his knowledge and will.

The sign of Thor's hammer is called "Hamarsmark" or "Thorshamar", it is an inverted letter "T", that is, a vertical line and a horizontal line underneath. And the very process of consecration with the sign of Thor’s hammer is strongly reminiscent of the Christian custom of “making the sign of the cross,” or rather, the action of “crossing over” was borrowed from the ancient northern peoples. I think everyone represents how they make the sign of the cross. Well, consecration with the sign of Thor’s hammer is the same ritual, only instead of a cross, an inverted letter T is drawn with your fingers, which represents this sign.

You can see how to draw Thor's hammer correctly in this picture.


In the already consecrated place, preparations for the ritual itself begin. An internal small circle is formed, usually from a rune set, and Objects of Power are installed (for example, on the altar), personifying the powers of the Elements, Gods and Purpose:


Fire __________Air___



Gods and Purposes________



___(salt)________(running water)


Invocation is the moment when all the Forces that are required for its normal implementation begin to be invited into the consecrated circle of the ritual. At the beginning of the performance, the Magician announces to the Forces that, guided by the right of the Initiate, according to the needs that arise, he begins the ritual and calls on the Forces in strict sequence.

First of all, the Primary Elements are called upon, then the Full Ting of the Gods, then the ST Gods, then the Gods directly in charge of this issue, and finally the force that will carry out the will of the Magician.

The order in which the elements are summoned is important, but its form is much more important.

In the case of invoking the Primary Elements, this is a purely volitional action, carrying within itself an awareness of one’s own strength and capabilities. In the case of the Gods, it is a respectful but persistent request from an equal to an equal, and in the case of an executing force, it is an order.

Invocation rivets the gaze of the Forces to the place of the Ritual, fills it with the necessary energy and forms the field of the future event.


The proclamation is an appeal to the Forces involved in the Ritual, explaining the reasons why “all those present here” have gathered, the tasks that will be assigned, the payment that will be brought, as well as listing what is directly required from each participant. The order of Invocation is identical to the order of Invocation, the form of Invocation is of the incantatory type, using the maximum number of Laws of Existence.

As a rule, the Appeal to the Gods of ST is widespread by reading the vis as a Force capable of turning a controversial or unstable situation in a direction that satisfies the Magician of ST with its insignificant intervention.

In addition, if necessary, the Appeal can be made to any of the Entities, depending on the prevailing circumstances.

Invocation is also one of the techniques carried out outside the Ritual in free form. A necessary and sufficient condition for the Appeal is the attribute of the Power to which the Appeal is directed, as well as the payment of payment. Extra-ritual Appeal is a fairly simple process that allows you to effectively solve minor pressing problems.


The fulfillment is the heart of the Ritual - its essence, for the sake of which the ST Magician conducts the entire ritual. During the Execution, the Magician carries out the required action (for example, applying or igniting Runes), gives the agreed payment to the Forces called into the Circle, and also gives a direct order to the executing Force to carry out his will, sealed with the consent of the Gods. The order must include a definition of the purpose, the nature of the required impact, an indication of the method of impact, the time during which the required impact must occur, and the conditions under which the Force will be free from fulfilling its obligations. In the ritual, the payment to the performing Power and others is symbolic, since they receive full payment at the end of the ritual or after completing the work.


Redemption is the final stage of the Ritual. Having released the performing Force to carry out the task, the ST Magician turns to the Forces one by one with gratitude for the help and attention provided, and asks them to turn their gaze away from the place of the ritual and return to their business. The procedure for addressing the Forces is the opposite of Invocation and Appeal. The form of appeal is built on the same principles. After the Forces leave the site of the ritual, Objects of Power are collected, protection from the place is removed, and the agreed actions are performed with the offerings. After the completion of the ritual at the place where it was held, nothing should indicate what and why happened here. If this condition is met, we can consider that the ritual is completed.

Of course, working with runes requires an individual approach, and some practitioners do without ritual at all when divining and creating runic formulas. Therefore, I want to emphasize that the method of action described above is not mandatory and requires strict adherence, but only one of the possible ones (at the moment it is difficult to say exactly how the ancient Scandinavians acted and what rituals they used, as well as whether they used rituals at all).

Therefore, of course, it’s up to you to choose, guided primarily by your intuition.


When working with runes, the question often arises: to which God should we offer what? I think the information will be useful.

One - dark and light beer, honey, sword-shaped objects, rings, northern fish, seafood,

game, strong alcoholic drinks.

Thor – beer, bread, meat, fish, metal objects, strong alcoholic drinks.

Tyr – dark and light beer, bread, game, etc.

Heimdall – beer, spirits, game, honey.

Njord - bowls filled with salt water, wine, bread, fruits, herbs.

Loki - beer, honey, sacrificial fire.

Freya – sweet low-alcohol drinks, jewelry, fruits, sweets, necklace, fur.

Freyr - bread, wheat, low-alcohol drinks, honey, fruits.

Hel - Meat, strong drinks, coins, fresh bread, cloth.

Frigg - sweet low-alcohol drinks, jewelry, fruits, sweets, fabric.

Ull – beer, honey, bread, wool, rings and other metal products.

Idunn – apples, fruits, sweet drinks, bread, cloth.
Bragi - honey, beer, wine.
Skadi - grog, vodka with ice, forest and mountain food of animal origin.
Air - spring water, water porridge, wild berries, honey.
Siv – barley flatbreads with malo and honey, berry strudel.
Xiong – brewed apple pieces with a pinch of wormwood.
Labor is beer.

Mostly, of course, gifts in more traditional forms - beer, mead, bread, meat, onions, etc.
Female deities are quite willing to accept sweets and not too rough drinks. In general, nothing here is an axiom. The people carried what they could, what was available, although, of course, they took into account the characteristics of this or that deity. Such features, for example, were animals associated with the deity, which in honor of him could be presented as a gift, or rather their meat.

Where should I take the gifts?
Odin – ash, yew.
Toru – oak, rowan.
Freyr – fruit trees, shrubs (hazel, juniper, gooseberry).
Tyr - you can go to the ash tree.
Heimdall – ash, yew.
Balder is a linden tree.
Loki - can also be used for ash.
Ull – yew, juniper.
Freya - elderberry.
Frigg - birch, linden.
Skadi - spruce, dwarf birch.
Air - birch.
Indunn - suitable for ash or apple trees.
Siv - rowan.
Salt (Sunnah) – ash.
Xiong – ash.
Labor is ash.

In general, the most versatile tree is ash. Therefore, if you don’t know or aren’t sure where to take it, take it to the ash tree. Also, if you make a general offering addressed to the entire pantheon at once, then also to the ash tree.
For male deities, you can choose “male” trees, for female deities, respectively, more feminine ones. Trees that bloom and bear sweet fruits are suitable for the same female deities. Although with its exceptions.
Sometimes you don’t have to experiment too much with gifts. Just take some apples (preferably yellow ones) and present them as a wish to the deity for health and longevity. There is nothing unexpected in such a thought. According to German-Scandinavian mythology, their gods are mortal. To prolong their longevity and health, they have to eat golden apples, the keeper of which is Indunn. Therefore, such a gesture will be fully consistent with the northern tradition.

source – internet

About gifts

In runic magic there is the concept of Gifts. The question is often asked at webinars: why do the Gods need some insignificant gifts from humans, if the Gods already own everything and can take it from a person at any moment themselves?
Any objects of gifts (wine, beer, knives, rings, jewelry, millet, etc.) are a physical embodiment of the energy that the beggar transfers for his request.
The gods, of course, do not need anything material. The gifts that the Magician brings are what attune a person to certain emotions and awareness of the specifics of his request and awareness of his actions
It is this energy that a person releases in the process of offering the Gift, the person’s emotions at this moment, the energy of his intention that is the “sacrificial material” that the Gods accept in exchange for satisfying a person’s request through runic magic.
I hope the answer to the question is now clear for those who ask why nothing happened in response to the gifts. Because there was no real emotion, real awareness, and perhaps even awareness of one’s actions, there was no goal-setting Intention - i.e. there was no energy that is a product of exchange.
Do you know how to pray
And prepare the victims?
Can you give it away?
Can you pawn?
Even if you don’t pray at all,
But don't sacrifice without measure,
The gift is awaiting an answer...

Gifts that are accompanied by strong emotions are true sacrifices that are accepted by Higher powers with corresponding consequences. Everything else... the physical cycle of things in nature
The person asking must feel and realize what is being given in order to receive what he wants. If the Gifts were brought consciously, with emotions and corresponding correct actions, then they will be accepted by the Gods and there will be a response to them.
Sometimes the Gods respond to our requests and realized Gifts differently than we expect, because there are more effective solutions to our requests, and the runes provide more relevant answers to solve our problems than we asked for.
Those. not the result we planned, but different, but sometimes more luxurious than we expected.
Be careful with wishes and sacrifices. Option “I blurted it out in my heart, but I really didn’t mean to”: as a result of such rash actions, all participants in the process will receive “gifts” - both those who wished bad things, and you yourself will receive change.
There is always an opportunity to solve a problem more wisely than handing out “magic blows” right and left.
Gifts are a sacred act; for one magician it is enough to give away a very expensive thing, for another something else may be the norm. Too much in gifts and sacrifices can have the completely opposite effect to the desired one. And gifts “at the wrong time and in the wrong place” will only cause irritation to the Higher Powers J
For the ritual of offering Gifts, let me remind you once again, you need an appropriate mood, internal state, awareness and faith...

Gifts and offerings to the northern gods

Names: Scandinavian - Odin, English - Woden,
Dutch - Wodan, Germanic - Wotan
Main element: air
Additional element: water
Colours: blue-violet, dark blue, woad
Numbers: nine, three
Totem animals: horse, raven, wolf, eagle, snake
Personal "seals": valknut, tridiskil
Hypostases: Odin, Vili and Ve; warrior, shaman, wanderer
Magic weapons: spear, staff, ring
Purposes of the appeal: wisdom, occult knowledge, occult power, deceit, invisibility, war, healing, vengeance, curse
Runes for work: Ansuz, Gebo, Vunyo, Eyvaz, Otila (Odal), Dagaz, Algiz
Usually, to appeal to Odin, one should face north, although in some operations Odin is compared with other cardinal directions.
Gifts: dark and light beer, honey, sword-shaped objects, rings, game, blood (in consecration rituals), strong alcoholic drinks.

Names: Scandinavian - Tyr, English - Tiw, Dutch -
Zio, Germanic - Ziu.
Main element: fire
Additional element: air
Colors: purple, dark red
Numbers: one
Personal seals: Teyvaz rune
Magic weapons: shield, helmet, sword
Purposes of the proclamation: justice, battle, sealing oaths
Runes for work: Teyvaz, Raido, Dagaz, Sovulo, Mannaz
Gifts: dark and light beer, bread, game, etc.

Names: Scandinavian - Thor, English - Thunor,
Dutch - Donar, German - Donner.
Main element: fire
Additional element: earth
Color: red
Number: four
Totem animals: goat, bull
Personal seals: swastika, sun wheel, shield knot
Magic weapons: hammer, belt, gauntlets, chariot, peruns, oath ring
Goals of the appeal: protection of the fertility of the earth, good weather, strength
Runes for work: Uruz, Thurisaz, Raido, Sovulo
When calling on Thor, you should face south. The Torah is often called upon to witness oaths. His wives are Yarnsaksa and Siv.
Gifts: beer, bread, blood, metal objects, strong alcoholic drinks

Names: Scandinavian - Frey, English - Frea,
German - Froh, Danish - Frodi, Swedish - Frikko
Main element: earth
Additional elements: water, air
Color: reddish brown
Totem animals: bear, horse, bee
Hypostasis: “horned god”
Magic weapons: sword, deer antlers, ship Skidbladnir
Goals of the appeal: peace and prosperity, abundance, removal of shackles
Runes for work: Fehu, Yera, Evaz, Inguz, Ansuz
Gifts: bread, wheat, low-alcohol drinks, honey, fruits.

Name: Niord
Main element: water
Colors: blue, light blue, gray, green
Magic weapon: ax
Goals of the appeal: prosperity
Runes for work: Fehu, Laguz
Gifts: bowls filled with salt water, wine, bread, fruits, herbs.

Names: Heimdal, as well as Rig in one of the songs of the Elder Edda
Main element: water
Additional element: fire
Color: bright white
Totem animals: ram, seal
Magic weapon: horn
Goals of the appeal: protection, training
Runes for work: Kenaz, Mannaz, Dagaz, Soul
Gifts: beer, strong alcoholic drinks, game, honey.

Names: Scandinavian - Uller, English - Wulder.
Main element: snow.
Hypostases: Northern Lights
Magical weapons: bow, "glorious branches" (wuldortanas), oath ring
Purposes of the appeal: hunting, oaths, duels
Runes for work: Eyvaz, Vunyo
Gifts: beer, honey, bread, wool, rings and other metal products

Names: Scandinavian - Loki, German - Loge
Main element: raging flame
Color: red
Totem animals: salmon, seal, fox
Goals of the appeal: deception, destruction
Runes for work: Dagaz
Gifts: beer, honey, sacrificial fire.

Names: Scandinavian - Frigg, English - Fricg, Dutch - Frigga, German - Fricka
Main element: air
Additional element: water
Color: Silver Gray
Totem animals: falcon, ram, spider
Magical Weapons: Spinning Wheel
Purposes of the appeal: marital fidelity, childbearing
Runes for work: Fehu, Perto, Berkana
Gifts: sweet low-alcohol drinks, jewelry, fruits, sweets, fabric.

Names: Scandinavian - Freyja, Dutch - Frija, German - Freia, English - Freo.
Main element: fire
Additional element: water
Color: gold
Totem animal: cat
Magic weapons: falcon plumage, cat fur gauntlets,
Brisingamen necklace
Purposes of the appeal: love, war, witchcraft (seith)
Runes for work: Fehu, Perto, Inguz, Hagalaz, Berkana, Laguz
Gifts: sweet, low-alcohol
drinks, jewelry, fruits, sweets, necklace, fur.

Names: Scandinavian - Idunn, Iduna
Main element: earth
Green color
Magic items: apples
Goals of the appeal: longevity, health
Runes for work: Yera, Berkana, Inguz
Gifts: apples, fruits, sweet drinks, bread, cloth.

Skuld, the goddess of the future, patronizes the Nautiz rune
Gifts: jewelry, coins, flowers

- the god of spring, light... and beauty) Like the sun god, he dies every autumn and is reborn every spring. You can turn to him with requests for changes for the better, transformation, a clear understanding of something. "
Gifts: fruits, honey, wine... it seems to me that he will be happy with flowers too.

- the god of eternal light, known for avenging the death of his brother Balder, for this purpose he was born. He is distinguished by his courage and is an excellent archer.
I think you can turn to him for fair revenge, as well as a request for victory in a fair fight.
As an offering - meat of wild animals, beer.

Willy and Ve
- one of the first aces, created the earth and the first people. Since they are involved in the process of creation, you can probably turn to them with requests of a creative nature - ask for inspiration, strength and luck to realize your ideas.
Gifts: honey, apples, wine.

- the god of darkness, the blind ace, killed his brother Balder, deceived by the treacherous Loki. For this he was killed by the Asami, after which he ended up in the kingdom of Hel.
“Probably you can only contact him as an intermediary with requests for Hel. Or ask him to hide something, hide it in the darkness.
You can ask for help if you have been treacherously deceived, remind him in the process of offering Gifts about such a situation that happened to him and say your request."
Gifts - probably wine and something stronger)

- the god of silence, endowed man with reason and understanding.
This is why you can turn to him - when you need to understand something, calm your thoughts. When creating training courses, when studying knowledge - everything that requires concentration and understanding of the essence of things
Gifts - honey, apples.

- god of music and poetry. When he plays his magic harp, flowers bloom and trees become covered with leaves.
You can ask him to reveal creative talents and help in creating works of art. And about creative inspiration in times of crisis).
Gifts - apples, honey, wine

- the son of Odin and the giantess Grid, he is distinguished by enormous strength and silence, personifying the inexhaustible power of wild nature. In the final battle, he is destined to defeat the Fenrir wolf, tearing him in half.
You can turn to him with a request to grant strength and health, the ability to feel and understand wild nature, and also to cope with obstacles and enemies.
Gifts - beer, wine, wild meat

- one of Frigga's maids, her sister. She was entrusted with keeping Frigga's treasure chest, taking care of her wardrobe, and putting on her golden shoes. You can probably contact her with requests for the safety of personal belongings and for advice in choosing clothes))
Gifts - apples, honey, decorations.

- another servant of Frigga, a mediator between gods and mortals. You can turn to her with your problem if you don’t know which god to address it to.
Gifts - fruits, wine.

- goddess of peace and harmony, helps people live in love and harmony. You can turn to it for reconciliation to avoid conflicts.
Gifts - milk, flowers, honey.

Shun - protects the house from thieves.

- goddess of truth, writes down people’s oaths. You can call her as a witness)

- wife of Thor, goddess of fertility, owner of beautiful golden hair, which Loki once stole.
“We can turn to her with requests for the fruitfulness of any endeavors, so that our efforts bear the desired fruits.
Hair is our Strength and level of intuition. You can contact Sif with requests for a speedy recovery of your hair and its growth."
Gifts - wine, honey, apples, flowers, decorations
