Sketches with black pen. Hatching with a ballpoint pen

Anyone can learn to draw with a pen. Whether a student or a pensioner. Everyone once drew in the margins of notebooks. Some did well, some not so much. Some drew strange images, some skulls, and some little fairies, cuties from manga. And we all enjoyed it.

What do you need to start drawing? Of course, desire and patience. Without these qualities it will be difficult to learn anything in principle.

For any drawing, including with a pen, you need to become familiar with the basics of composition and the basics of drawing. For starters, you can just read it. Drawing theory has never been superfluous, and it is advisable to refresh your memory from time to time. I recently came across a book

If you compare a pen (liner, rapidograph) or a pencil, then these are quite different tools. With a pencil we can achieve airiness in a drawing, learn how to draw correctly on a sheet of paper (you can always use an eraser) and draw realistic portraits.

A pen, unlike a pencil, disciplines. If you draw it, then you draw it. But this does not mean at all that the handle has fewer maneuver options. There are completely different techniques here.

Selecting a tool (handle).

Let's start by choosing a tool (drawing pen). After all, to draw well, you must have a convenient tool, so that, first of all, you like it.

1. The best one to draw is the one that doesn’t drip, always writes, and draws without obvious effort. It is easy and convenient to draw with this pen.

If you choose between ballpoint and gel pen, then it’s better to choose the second one. I have been drawing with a gel pen for a long time. Most of my drawings before 2012 were drawn by her.

There are several tricks to vary the thickness of the gel pen line. If the drawing is placed on a stack of paper, the lines will be thicker. And if you put the sheet on glass or a bare table, the lines will be thinner.

2. Another option is liner or rapidograph. If a gel pen may not write over a pencil or for some reason does not want to work on the edges of the sheet, then a liner writes always and everywhere. practically does not get dirty, lays down softly, without unnecessary effort. Of course, it costs 4 times more than a pen and is not always needed. But if you still decide to buy, then it is better to take liners from Uni and Sakura. Liners have different thicknesses.

My preferences for tool thickness are:

a) the main drawing will be convenient to draw with a 0.3 mm liner;

b) objects in the background - 0.1 mm;

c) and if you decide to “bring it black,” then 0.8 mm will do.

3. The third option is . Many foreign illustrators, such as Matthias Adolfson and . I use a hero 901 fountain pen for sketching and continue to use a gel pen for graphics.


Any paper will do. You can get a notebook with thick sheets so that you can draw on both sides. I have several types of notebooks. This is a watercolor notebook on a spring, moleskine, ordinary sheets for a printer, fastened with a metal spring, and which I sewed with my own hands. What's convenient about a notebook is that it's always at hand. Just don't take notebooks with textured paper. The texture is more suitable for watercolors. And for a full-fledged drawing, a regular A4 or A3 sheet, as well as any smooth thick paper, is suitable.

In 2017, I drew with a fountain pen on textured paper. The result was also pleasing, but it was still better on a smooth one.

Drawing process

1. Usually, when drawing with a pen, I don't sketch with a pencil. There are exceptions when you need to draw complex architectural buildings such as a city, streets, interiors and other complex objects. Everything that should correspond to reality.

To make outlines for the future drawing and avoid the fact that the drawing will ultimately not fit on the sheet, you can use dots. If we draw thin lines with a pencil, then with a pen we can put dots. And if you tint the drawing, the dots will merge with the main landscape and will not be conspicuous. But, of course, you can make a sketch in pencil, no one forbids it.

2. The drawing process itself should be fast. Draw lines quickly and confidently, even if the drawing turns out to be crooked. Curved drawings can be very lively and interesting. In any case, you need to get your hand used to the instrument. Don't stay in one place for too long.

Prepare plenty of paper and make one sketch after another. Always finish a drawing, even if you don't like it. In the end it can turn out very interesting.

3. What to draw? Draw everything you see. Start with ordinary objects, a lamp, a teapot, a mug, a computer, a cat, a dog, a chimpanzee. You can also draw while sitting at home. Going out into the fresh air and drawing there will also be a good idea. Make your drawings more complex over time. Draw still lifes, interiors, streets, people. Let your notebook always be with you. The main thing is practice and more practice.

4. Don't evaluate yourself after every drawing. Turn off your inner critic. One drawing doesn't mean anything. Build up more luggage. At first everything will turn out clumsy and ugly. As our drawing teacher said: “quantity will smoothly develop into quality.” Patience and perseverance will help us here.

Southern Bay of Sevastopol. Series of sketches


1. Toning can be different. You can make a drawing in black and white (without gray tones).

2. Can be done with intersecting lines. The lines are superimposed one on one, changing direction. This tinting option will give you many shades of gray.

, Just . All crookedness will be immediately visible.

It all seems very complicated, but at the same time so simple. If you put enough effort into it every day, everything will work out.

Who wants it?
Drawing and ink from scratch

I will start this post with “wanting”, because in the matter of acquiring the ability to draw with a pen/pen, personal desire is even more important than talent and thin. skills.
Typically, drawing in any other technique begins with pencil construction, corrections, possibly changing the composition in the process, and therefore active use. In general, no one bothers you to make a pencil drawing according to all the rules for drawing with a pen/pen, but this post is just about how to learn to do without it.

First of all, those who want to learn how to draw “without an eraser” should have patience, a small amount of time (but every day!) and a lot of desire. Why do I attach such importance to desire? Because very often, especially at first, you will be disappointed in your work, and as a result, in yourself, in your skills, and only desire will prevent you from giving up on this whole thing from a high tree and deciding that you can do it without this skill. live in peace.
Below, I will show some techniques that will help you get a normal result, and also give examples of mistakes and unsuccessful jobs that you should not be afraid of. I hope all this will help maintain the desire to learn and prevent feelings of inferiority from appearing =)

So, the tools:
Pens. You can draw with ballpoint pens, gel pens, or something else. I prefer to draw with either ink or liners.
I had to draw with reusable “Uni pin” fine line liners, but apparently, either they are for smoother paper, or we did not agree with them in Feng Shui, but their rod wears out faster than the refill runs out. We only refilled them once, and that was when Leo was writing in his notebook and not drawing. Perhaps they are not erased, and the rod moves away from the body when pressed, but for some reason I didn’t have to notice any special brutality in myself during the drawing process. The most popular sizes are 01 and 02, sometimes I use 03, but that’s when I don’t have 02, and very rarely 005 for particularly small details, when I even decide to draw them.

Liners from Faber Castell are very similar to “Uni pin”, one of the series even has the same cases, only the inscription is different (I don’t have them now, so the photo is from a different series)

But most of all I like Centropen liners. Although they are one and a half times cheaper than "Uni pin" and two times cheaper than "Faber Castell", they are in no way inferior in quality and the rod does not go anywhere. The only difference is that they are disposable, but considering the fact that the rest are thrown away before refilling, the savings are not bad.

Paper. Unlike, it’s most convenient for me to draw with a pen in notebooks - all the waste paper is together, it doesn’t get lost anywhere and is always at hand. For works and ink I use, and for liners I have a cheap Chinese notebook with paper of average quality, so that it would not be a pity, because the paper goes out in reams, and the drawings there, for the most part, are not the kind that you should be proud of right now.

The paper is grayish, with a density of 98 g/m2, which is quite enough for double-sided drawings.
When I’ve copied this notebook, I’ll switch to good ones with beautiful white paper and nice bindings, which have been waiting for me for a long time =)

Now we take the tools in our hands and start drawing. Basic rules/tips:
1. draw anything: objects on the table, furniture in the room, chandelier, interior, view from the window, flowers on the windowsill, etc. or from photographs (animals, birds, people, but don’t get too carried away with photographs)
2. draw without construction as it turns out: clumsily, with errors, extra lines, compositionally incorrect, etc.
3. at first it is better to take a thinner pen so as not to blacken too much
4. lines need to be drawn quickly, without trembling over every millimeter
5. every day. Even the busiest person can find 10-15, even 30 minutes of time and devote it to drawing; everything else is excuses and lack of that very desire. Leo knows very well and first-hand what deadly busyness is (1 job, 2 hack jobs, full-time study + diploma - and Leo had this). Therefore, I ask you not to write to me in PM and comments, saying, “I would love to, but there is no time,” there is simply no desire and there is laziness, and there is no need or point in notifying me about this.
6. Before evaluating the result of your work, you need to copy 100 pages, no less. I now have 101 pages copied, I draw on both sides of the sheet, fortunately the thickness of the paper allows it, but there is no point in putting each such work in a frame. Many pages have 2-3 small drawings.

How to make your life easier at first:
You can build a drawing with dots. Actually, the construction is more in the mind than on paper, but by putting a point in some key place, we create a visual support for ourselves

Connecting the dots

Now you can tint and detail, but in sketches of this type, this is unnecessary. Here it is important to convey shape, movement, and somewhere to emphasize the volume with a careless touch.
I have no more than 10 completed works in my entire notebook.

Most often my ducks look like this

The main mistakes that will definitely be:
Problems with the composition, crawling out of the sheet or too much space from some edge. To avoid this, you can at the very beginning mark the extreme points of the object, at least by eye

Disproportionality (it turned out to be a very beaked duck). Heals with time and practice

Incorrect perspective, general clumsiness (here the perspective is lame on all four legs, the verticals are generally gloomy)

The jar of honey has gone crazy

What is necessary and useful to draw:
Interior - no matter where you live, you can always draw what it looks like without even getting up from the sofa/chair/armchair/bed

All sorts of objects, household appliances, dishes, etc. (above there was a meat grinder - it’s really tough, especially from different angles).
Just a box

If you have one, you can draw a pet from different angles when it is static (you also need to draw it in dynamics, but this is more difficult and later)

It is good to draw indoor plants in such a way as to convey their volume and make the appearance of the plant clear.
Leo's houseplant is an oak tree, it's so obvious =)

For those who don’t have indoor plants, don’t be lazy and buy some kind of flower, put it in a vase/glass and draw

It is also very useful to draw somewhere during a walk - we find a bench/stump, sit down and draw the first thing that catches our eye.
It is not necessary to draw every leaf, the most important thing is to convey the impression, the volume

Or you can draw it if the object is piecemeal

A good subject for drawing is any stone. It is necessary to repeat the shape, convey the texture and not lose the volume (Leo still loses it from time to time)

Drawing from photographs.
Also good, but in moderation and quickly. Open the photo, spend 5-7 minutes on it and move on to the next one

This way you can draw things that are not found in everyday life, all kinds of animals and birds.

Leo likes to take photographs of ducks in Vinnitsa and somewhere on ponds, and then draw them in the evenings

The black and red musk duck drake was so beautiful that Leo couldn’t resist going into details

In general, nothing difficult if you regularly devote time to practice.
Good luck and best wishes to everyone who is interested! =)

Tattoos are a great way to highlight your individuality. In ancient times, people painted colorful designs on themselves to emphasize their importance.

Now the images are on the skin they don’t talk about wildness and many resort to such decorations.

Not everyone has the determination to leave a drawing for a long time. Some consider this step too responsible, some are not allowed to do this by their official position, others are afraid of pain.

In addition, removing such a tattoo is quite problematic and expensive. A possible solution is to apply temporary tattoos.

Imaging technology A blue or black gel pen allows you to create a design that is as similar as possible to a real tattoo.

While avoiding hazards and allowing for quick removal.

Compliance with safety precautions, can a tattoo with a pen cause allergies?

With this method of application, the design is simply applied to the skin, it can also be fixed with minor punctures with a thin needle.

Do not be afraid of this, because the shallow depth of impact does not pose a serious danger. Some risks still exist.

To ensure safety rules when performing such a tattoo, the following is required:

  • Shave place of drawing.
  • Process thoroughly area of ​​skin with a disinfectant.
  • Pick up as thin a needle as possible and disinfect it.
  • Use funds personal protection (sterile cotton wool, gloves, etc.).

Regarding a possible allergic reaction, then it is very unlikely, because the needle pierces the skin to a very insignificant depth.

To ensure normal ink transferability, a small area is processed in an inconspicuous place.

If after a while itching appears and the skin turns red, it means that your body does not tolerate this particular paint well and you need to choose other materials, or abandon the idea altogether.

Which design to choose: mini tattoos, images, inscriptions, hieroglyphs. Simple sketches for DIY

The simplest pictures available for beginners look like mini tattoos:

  • Hieroglyphs.
  • Small birds.
  • Texts.
  • Ornaments.
  • Simple natural components (leaves, branches).

The tattoo can be a ring on a finger - it looks very interesting.

For simple tattoo application you can use a template. It is first applied to the skin, after which the design is embossed.

Let's look at how to draw a tattoo with a pen. In this case you need to use:

  • Black gel ballpoint pen.
  • Finely sharpened simple pencil.
  • Parchment, tracing paper.
  • Vatu.
  • Scissors.
  • Wet wipes or cloth.
  • Gel or mousse to fix hairstyle.
  • Alcohol-containing liquid.
  • Disinfectant.

First you need to choose or come up with a drawing. For teenagers it could be skulls, cars, cool patterns.

For girls, you can get a tattoo on your arm in the form of small birds, beautiful flowers, or intricate figures. For more respectable men or women, this may be some kind of memorial inscription.

Drawings should be easy to implement. They are designed to reflect the character and emotions of the owner.

If you don’t have enough imagination for the image, you can copy it from the Internet or any magazine.

The picture is selected. Now you should put his sketches on tracing paper or parchment using a sharpened pencil.

Use a gel pen to carefully paint the patterns inside. This must be done very carefully so that the paint does not go beyond the boundaries.

Now the most important thing is to determine the location of the tattoo. If you do it to yourself, it should be in an accessible place, for example, on your leg or wrist. If you have help, you can experiment.

The selected area must be thoroughly treated with alcohol. Now all that’s left to do is take a damp napkin or cloth soaked in heated water and spread it over the tracing paper with the layout.

The fabric is then pressed firmly against the body and held for at least a minute without moving. After this time, a small piece of tracing paper is carefully removed to check whether the drawing has been transferred.

If this does not happen, the cloth must be kept for some more time. If the image brightness is insufficient, you need to apply the top layer with a gel pen.

To make the tattoo last longer and not wear off, it can be fixed using a spray to fix the hairstyle, having previously disinfected the skin. Temporary tattoo is ready.

To apply a long-term tattoo you will need:

  1. Black gel pen.
  2. Needle.
  3. Cotton swabs.
  4. Disinfectant.
  5. Alcohol solution.

Let's look at the execution procedure step by step:

  1. A drawing is selected. The place where it is applied is processed.
  2. Image is superimposed in the form of an outline. To do this, you can use tracing paper or a black cosmetic pencil.
  3. The contours must be applied very carefully: In case of any inaccuracies, the edges are erased.
  4. Not everyone can intentionally hurt themselves. For this procedure, you can ask a friend with strong nerves for help.

    The needle is treated with alcohol, then carefully, making small shallow holes, the image is applied step by step. For this purpose, you can use a special machine.

  5. If the procedure is performed for the first time, It is advisable to choose the easiest pattern.
  6. The filled dots are painted over with a gel pen. Wait a couple of minutes and carefully remove excess paint.
  7. The resulting wound is well disinfected. To be sure, you can treat the tattoo with a fixing spray, but this is not necessary. The work is ready.

Important! You should wait several hours: do not wet or rub the treated area.

Over time, a crust may form - do not tear it off under any circumstances, let the wound heal! It’s still better for girls to limit themselves to temporary tattoos.

How long does a drawn tattoo last?

The shelf life of a tattoo depends on the technique used to apply it:

A drawing applied with high-quality paint, in compliance with all requirements, will remain unchanged for a long time.

At what age can children get tattoos with a pen?

According to legislative norms, it is allowed to apply tattoos on the body to children at least 14 years old, and only with the written permission of their parents. This requirement also applies to temporary tattoos.

At the age of 10, you can make small temporary drawings without leaving home.

Federal Guardianship Service pays great attention to the moral character of children, therefore responsibility for violating the rules rests with the parents.

Useful video

Today, 3D drawings on paper are becoming more and more popular; you can look at them for a long time and admire them. Not only talented artists, but also those who are just getting acquainted with fine art can create such masterpieces. It's never too late to learn how to draw; anyone can make spectacular 3D drawings.

The tools you need for 3D are the simplest: a pen, pencils, a marker and a piece of paper. By the way, it is best for beginners to draw using cells in a notebook, as it is much easier to draw figures this way.

It is worth noting that the image is created on paper in stages, in this case the main thing is consistency, even if simple and uncomplicated pictures are reproduced.

Many people are interested in how to draw a 3D drawing on paper with a pencil in a bright and realistic way. To do this, you should use photo instructions or videos that will clearly show all the techniques for recreating a 3D drawing.

Let's look at pencil drawings step by step for beginners. For clarity, print out the drawn images to make your task easier. Please note that the first acquaintance with 3D technology can cause mixed impressions; there is no need to rush, smooth movements and endurance are the main assistants of a novice artist.

So, let's get down to business, let's learn how to draw beautiful 3D drawings.


A simple diagram will help you understand how to draw an amazingly beautiful insect with a 3D pen. Get acquainted with this technique and draw a miracle drawing yourself.

Step-by-step instruction:


If you don’t know what exactly you can draw with a 3D pen or pencil, then start with the simplest. After all, making images look realistic is not at all so difficult, check out the photo tutorial below.

Stages of creating an image:


It is quite simple to imitate fruits lying on the table; there is no need to use special techniques for depicting objects. You can use 3D pens and markers to create a drawing.

Drawing technique:

You can see more detailed instructions for performing work using this technique using the example of an alien’s hand in the video (or you can use your hand, just trace your palm and fingers with a pencil, and then follow the video instructions):


If you want to learn how to draw a simple 3D drawing on paper, use the printed sample. Using the mastered technique, you can teach your child how to draw 3D.

Step-by-step work:


Before drawing with a 3D pen, you should try to make similar drawings with a pencil. Let's learn to create beautiful three-dimensional images together.

How to draw:


Volumetric, as if a living heart will be an excellent gift for a loved one. Take a pencil and marker in your hands, clearly draw the lines, highlight them and shade them. Believe me, the drawn image will be able to fully convey your feelings.

How to draw:

Video of 3d heart illusion:

Remember, imagination has no limits, create your own unique drawings, amaze everyone with your ability to create three-dimensional images.

For example, you can draw Carlson using these instructions:

Simple option:

Difficult option:

Video bonuses: 3D pen drawings

Draw a beautiful butterfly with a 3d pen:

Drawing a 3D photo frame:

Draw a bouquet of daisies with a 3D pen:

3D Snowman:

3d Christmas tree with pen:

How to draw with a pen?

Some artists prefer to make drawings with pens. For a beginner, working with this tool will be a little more difficult than with a pencil, but nevertheless, you can try to master this skill. Our advice will help you with this.

Draw a rose with a pen

As an example, we will show you how to draw a rose with a pen. To get started, you can choose a simple drawing scheme:

  • Draw an oval on paper and then draw petals onto it with smooth, rounded lines.
  • Draw a slightly curved stem, thorns and leaves. Now fill in the drawing with color or shade it with a pen.

When you are more or less comfortable with drawing with a pen, you can proceed to more complex patterns. We recommend using a pencil to create basic construction lines.

Please note that you first need to draw the upper part of the drawing with a pen step by step and then move on to the lower part. In this case, you will not have the risk of smearing the lines you just made with your wrist.

You will find a wide variety of ideas about what kind of drawings you can draw with a pen in our section.

Features of drawing with a pen

Unlike a pencil, the lines of which can be corrected or completely deleted at any time, a drawing made with a pen is practically impossible to correct. This means that from the very beginning you need to draw beautifully with a pen. This is the main difficulty of working with this tool.

Therefore, if you cannot yet boast of verified, precise movements that create beautiful, correct lines the first time, it is better to first draw with a pencil, and only then draw on top of it with a pen.

As for which tool to choose, it all depends on your taste and goals. For example, a regular ballpoint pen will produce fairly thin and even lines, but the drawing will look a little rustic. But with a gel pen you can draw a more elegant design, but such pens can sometimes leak. The best choice would be special drawing tools: a sketch pen with a movable nib, a liner pen, an isograph.
