Life line (continued). The line of fate bifurcates and intersects with the line of life - what does this mean? Beginning of the line of fate

Many who are just starting to practice palmistry often confuse the life line and the fate line. Remember that the length of the life line does not determine the number of years allotted to a person. Thus, a short but clear life line may indicate a long life for a person, but a long but blurry one indicates a short life.

By the way, it often happens that the life line on the left hand is shorter than on the right. In this case, you need to take into account the life line on your right hand, because it speaks of that. that a person, thanks to his willpower and self-discipline, can extend his life.

A long, clear, noticeable, uninterrupted life line: large reserves of vital energy, the desire to choose a path and follow it.

Long, barely noticeable or winding life line: good physical resistance, lack of fortitude, consistency in decision-making, changes in cheerfulness and despondency.

If the life line is short, but clear and dense: endurance and physical strength, which hide fragility, weak immunity, lack of strength.

Short and barely noticeable life line: lack of energy, vigor, vitality, poor health.

The life line is broken, consists of two or three consecutive lines: two or three important stages in life or two or three very important changes.

If the line begins on the Mount of Jupiter: love of life, patronage of fate, real luck in life, happy and wealthy position, acquisition of real estate.

At first intertwined with the head line: strength of character, desire for neatness, orderliness, accuracy, desire to intelligently arrange your life, natural ability to maintain connections, ease of communication.

In case if the life line coincides with the head line over a long period: self-control, a person is aware of his abilities, is inclined to introspection, to rethinking himself, which serves personal development.

Starts below the head line: indecisiveness, lack of consistency in decision making, ignorance of oneself and lack of self-control, inability to learn from one’s mistakes, superficial character.

The life line begins on the hill of Mars, the hill of physical strength: the need for physical activity to give vent to one’s energy, the desire to do something, the thirst for adventure, impatience, impulsiveness, sometimes choleric and cruel character.

The life line connects with the line of luck or fate: luck, life-changing encounters, calling, innate talents, material success, sometimes fame.

Life line connects or intersects Via Lasciva(additional life line): achieving goals, satisfying desires, aspirations, but later than the desired date.

Connects or intersects with Via Laschiva, which ends at the Hill of the Sun: late success that a person achieves through perseverance and effort, the opportunity to get rich in adulthood.

It ends with a branch, one of the tips of which touches the Mount of the Moon: the need for tenderness, living in illusions, the desire to escape from reality, the opportunity to travel, some woman will have a great influence on the fate of this person.

It ends with a branch, one of the tips of which touches the Mount of Venus: increased sensuality, relationships with a partner determine all areas of this person’s life.

Intersected by small transverse lines directed upward: optimism, dynamism, large reserves of vital energy, good resistance to disease.

Intersected by transverse lines directed downwards: pessimism, tendency to despondency, physical and mental exhaustion, poor health.

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In this article we will talk about how to correctly interpret the line of fate in palmistry.

Did you know that palmistry was practiced in the east 5 thousand years ago? Then it was believed that immersion in the destiny of fate could change the life of both the object of fortune telling and the people around him. What role did the line with the intriguing name “line of fate” play in this?

Line of fate in the palm: which hand is it on - photo

This line may be both on the right and left hand. In any case, it will look the same - a vertical stripe crossing the palm approximately in the center.

IMPORTANT: Of course, the center is a rough guide. The beginning of the line may well be shifted slightly to the right or left.

Anyway, Start located near the wrist or above it. End You can also look under Saturn’s finger - with your middle finger. Alternatively, the sign of fate may end in the area between the middle and ring fingers or between the middle and index fingers.

Fate line on the right and left hand: what does it mean?

As with the other lines, the mark on the left palm reveals to the viewer potential, which is given at birth. The right palm displays changes, occurring throughout life. At the same time, on the right palm, a changing line of fate is found among those people who are accustomed to leading an active lifestyle and embodying new ideas.

If such a mark clear and smooth This means that its owner clearly understands his goal and strives to achieve it. He can hardly be called a dependent person - such a person is guided only by his thoughts and emotions.

IMPORTANT: This is especially true in the case when the clearly visible line of Saturn goes from the wrist to the middle finger.

A clear line of fate is under the sign of fire - the energy of activity

A weakly expressed mark of fate indicates a person with a soft character, like plasticine. He is terribly afraid of conflicts, preferring to give up his aspirations rather than start a quarrel. However, he keeps his word - such honesty can also serve as a guiding thread in achieving goals.

Twisted Mark reveals a person who is timid in childhood, but stubborn in adulthood.

Please note that How far is Saturn's band from the life line? The further you go, the less dependent the owner of the palm is on the influence of his family. It is also possible that mutual understanding simply did not reign in this family.

IMPORTANT: In any case, restrictions in such a person cause chronic rejection.

Look at this too where exactly does the mark end? We mentioned the middle finger above, but now let's talk about the rest:

  • Around the ring finger– mark of an optimist and leader. Such a person will definitely find himself in the fields of pedagogy, accounting, construction, and modeling business.
  • Around the index finger - nature is quite demanding both to itself and to others. She achieves her goals largely thanks to her ability to present herself correctly, communicate competently, and solve a particular problem in an interesting way.

A person with a line of fate going to the index finger knows how to present himself

The absence of a fate line in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

The absence of a fate line does not mean that a person is destined to live an uninteresting, meaningless life. Moreover, Not everyone has this sign.

Most likely the person is simply will not be tied to some clearly limited area of ​​activity. They say about such individuals that they “go with the flow.”

IMPORTANT: There are times when the line appears over time. For example, a person begins to devote himself entirely to some activity, achieving success in it. Then it’s worth taking a closer look at your right palm.

Children on the palm of their hand on the fate line: what does this mean?

Directly on the fate line, a mark about children is extremely rare, occurring mainly on the marriage line. However, it doesn’t hurt to take a closer look - the branches may be an indication of what kind of offspring should be expected.

For example, wide branches, according to palmists, predict boys. Thin ones - girls.

What does a broken line of fate in the palm of your hand mean?

Often a gap at such a mark portends a person some kind of dramatic changes– for example, moving, divorce, illness. But in any case, there is every chance for further rehabilitation and, moreover, for success.

If the strip, despite its intermittency, clear, it means that in front of you is a permanent person with common sense. He is pleasant in communication, and in family life he is not prone to betrayal.

IMPORTANT: You can be sure that such a nature is worth relying on.

Take a closer look at break location:

  • If this middle, a person is able to navigate with lightning speed and has common sense. Loves rest, but does not tolerate loneliness well. Quite balanced, but does not like criticism.
  • Several break points along the entire line– a tendency to change surroundings frequently. And this applies even to small things like the location of the furniture. In their personal lives, unfortunately, such people are not very lucky.

A broken line of fate speaks of change.

What does a short line of fate on the palm of your hand mean?

A person with a similar mark is liked by others due to his responsibility, integrity. Moreover, he is quite hardworking– this quality helps to reach unprecedented heights.

Although sense of justice is heightened, as well as the desire to help, the owner of such a line is not always able to defend the truth.

IMPORTANT: It also happens that the line of fate is short due to the fact that it begins approximately in the middle of the palm, and not near the wrist. This means that the implementation of plans will occur in the second half of life. Perhaps their early implementation will be hindered by the influence of relatives or simple laziness.

The line of fate bifurcates at the beginning, in the middle, at the end on the right and left hands: what does this mean?

Usually a bifurcated fate line is a sign that a person has every chance succeed in several areas. If the sign is located on the left palm, then, accordingly, such an ability is given in the form of potential. Ate on the right– the man began to realize his aspirations.

Fork at the beginning or end of the fate line, as a rule, shows freedom in choice. There will come a time when a person will have to stand at a crossroads and make a decision. This decision will change your entire life.

Fork on the fate line at the beginning or at the end - freedom of choice

If at the same time at the end of the line a sign similar to a trident is formed This means that a person will be able to combine business with pleasure. He will always be able to achieve success without sacrificing anything.

Now look to the middle of Saturn's band:

  • If a branch occurs up, This means that a person will be able to recover from some damage. For example, to get rich or move up a step on the career ladder.
  • Branch down– you should exercise caution, as there is a high risk of losing what you have acquired.

IMPORTANT: The branch is both up and down - life will resemble a swing. You will have to put in a lot of effort to stay afloat.

The branches of the fate line both up and down are a sign that life will resemble a swing

What does a triangle mean on the fate line on the right and left hand?

An extremely favorable sign that allows its owner boldly rush into the fight for a bright future. If you put in enough effort, you can get the result that you previously only dreamed of.

Recipe for success - determination, perseverance, clear mind, logic. Without this, life will remain the same.

For people with a military career The triangle on the fate line has a special meaning. As a rule, it promises successful career advancement, as well as good luck in military operations, if they take place.

What does a square on the fate line mean on the right and left hand?

This is also a very reassuring sign - it is reassuring that the person has protection. Therefore, you can breathe a sigh of relief - you can’t expect any trips from your enemies.

However, the square will not indicate from whom to expect protection. Any options are possible - relatives, friends, loved ones.

IMPORTANT: It is especially good if such a sign is distinguishable among people related to creativity. Most likely, they will have a reliable patron. Another interpretation is finding a muse, inspiration.

If an accident occurs to the owner of the square, he will certainly will be able to extricate himself with minimal losses. Or losses will bypass such a person altogether.

The meaning of intersections of the line of fate with the line of life, mind, health, heart, head, Mercury

Even if a person has both rare lines on one palm - both the mark of fate and the mark health (Mercury)- they run parallel.

As for the rest, it is quite possible to cross the lines of Saturn with them. For example, with the line of the mind (head)- this portends career growth, positive stability at work. Such growth will occur thanks to the stubbornness, risk-taking, intelligence, prudence and impetuosity of the owner of the palm.

The intersection of the fate line with the head line is a sign of good luck

Intersection with heart line It can happen both in people who are persistent and firmly moving towards their goal, as well as in suspicious and sentimental individuals. But even the suspicious owner of such a combination will turn out to be a tough nut to crack if circumstances require it.

IMPORTANT: It is not even recommended to argue, let alone convince such people. No matter how strange their goal may be, the arguments of others will simply not be taken into account.

The line of fate crosses the line of the heart - a sign of stubborn people

Intersection with life line available at the darlings of fate. Whatever obstacles life has in store, they will definitely overcome everything thanks to their intelligence. Whatever conditions are created, they will survive. They are one hundred percent materialists and do not have an ounce of superstition.

It also happens that the Saturn mark crosses both a sign of the head and a sign of the heart. Palmists believe that segment to the intersection with the head sign symbolizes the first 35 years of life, to the heart sign– age up to 49 years, and the segment after the heart line– later age. Focusing on this division, one can understand when a person should expect major changes.

The line of fate on the hand begins and ends, or connects with the line of life, mind, heart, head: what does this mean?

Connecting lines fate and life indicate that the formation of a person was largely influenced by his family. And the beliefs that were once invested by this family are still relevant today.

IMPORTANT: However, this does not mean at all that the person you are looking for will be unhappy. Quite the contrary.

And perhaps the influence of the family will be that some family business will have to be continued. It is possible that it is close people who will help give a start to the endeavors of the owner of the lines.

The line of fate connecting to the line of life is a sign of affection for the family

Connection with the sign of the head (mind) – promise of reward for effort. Man is destined to face serious difficulties. However, if he does not give up and shows all his qualities to the fullest, the reward will not be long in coming. Most likely this will happen in adulthood.

As for character, then we can say that the person in front of you is straight. She does not tolerate reticence, falsehood, and does not strive to guess the wishes of others. If you want to convey something to such a person, say it directly.

Connecting the fate line with the head line is a reward for efforts

The meaning of connecting the fate line with the heart line similar to the case of a streak of mind - success after a long wait and work. This nature is distinguished by purposefulness and is an excellent strategist. A military career may be recommended.

Unfortunately, during the course of his life, the owner of such a combination will have to rethink the meaning of the people who are nearby many times. Probably some of these people will bring disappointment, pain, and resentment.

IMPORTANT: This alignment is especially relevant in the second half of life.

Cross on the line of fate in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

Unfavorable omen. To a person You will have to go through suffering and experience pain. However, after some time the situation may well return to normal, you just have to be patient.

Failures most often concern careers or relationships with loved ones. However, it If the cross is located at the end of the Saturn line, a person is advised to behave carefully anywhere, as there is a risk of violent death.

A line parallel to the line of fate, 2 lines of fate on the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

The double line of fate is inherent impulsive natures. Even close people sometimes find it difficult to predict the thoughts ripening in the head of the owner of such a sign. As, indeed, to foresee actions that will be committed even in the near future.

However, perhaps there is no point in such a prediction, since the point of view of the object of conversation can change with lightning speed. Today he adheres to one view, and tomorrow – to another. At the moment he has such hobbies, but tomorrow they can easily be replaced by others.

IMPORTANT: If the parallel mark is much smaller than the main one, it means that you have a universal personality in front of you. This is where a variety of interests is beneficial - a person can easily learn new professions.

What does a mole on the palm of your hand mean on the fate line?

Not the best omen - a sign that you will have to face health problems. But by dividing the Saturn line into time intervals in the manner that we described a little earlier, you can understand approximately when you should expect trouble.

If the line of fate is not interrupted after the mole, which means you don’t have to worry too much - the disease will be overcome without serious consequences. But if it's interrupted, It’s better to count on any outcome.

IMPORTANT: The thin line of Saturn coming after the mole is a sign of weakening vital energy.

This is how it is - the line of fate - mysterious, rare, predicting both successes and problems. Try to get yourself in the right mood before fortune-telling, and if the sign of Saturn tells you about any negativity, do not rush to despair. Remember: the line of fate does not promise, but only warns. And only you have the power to shape your own destiny.

Life Line

If we consider the Life Line from the point of view of the physical level, then it can be used to judge a person’s health at different stages of his life and activity. If we consider the line of Life on a psychological level, then a person’s abilities for spiritual and mental self-improvement are visible. The following trend can often be observed: during the same age period, either a deterioration or an improvement in a person’s health and vital activity is noticeable on both the physical and psychological levels. For an accurate and most accurate forecast in this case, it is necessary to check information on other lines and patterns on the hand.

If the Life line in a person’s palm is long, clear, pronounced, reddish, without intersections, breaks and various signs, then this means that the life of the owner of such a palm will be long, this person’s life path will pass without obvious problems and misfortunes, his old age will be dignified and happy, life's existence will be luxurious. If another line, its “sister,” runs parallel to the line of Life, then this is a sign of a strong personality; this person has a strong character and has the makings of a leader. If the Life line intersects with the minor line that comes out of the triangle, then this is a sign of a choleric temperament in a person. This person is quick-tempered, but just as quickly moves away. There is a danger here that this person will subsequently develop a serious illness due to his character.

If the Life line is crossed or broken by other small lines, this means that in the future this person should be wary of injuries and serious illnesses.

If the Life line runs on the palm separately from the Head line, then this indicates that the person has a difficult character, is unsociable, has a hard time getting along with people, is reluctant to admit his own mistakes, has fairly strong sensual drives, is overly self-confident, somewhat selfish and constantly moving. in search of happiness. If branches extend from the line of Life and are directed towards the finger of Jupiter, then this is a sign that this person will live a happy and prosperous life; a special peak of happiness will occur in youth and middle age. If the branches move away from the Life line and are directed downward, this means that a lot of difficulties and serious trials will arise along the life path of this person; perhaps in old age he will experience need.

The Life Line and the Head Line can be crossed by the lower lines; by their number one can tell how many children a given person will have.

If at the beginning of the Life line there are various signs, points, branches that go somewhat crookedly from the Mount of Venus, this indicates that this person will not be very happy in a marriage. Success and happiness in family relationships are foreshadowed by the “sister” line if it is located at a far distance from the Life line. When a twig moves from the line of Life to the fire of Saturn, this is a sign that one should beware of diseases, colds and poisoning.

If there are dots or nodules on the Life line, this is an indicator of serious health problems. In this case, this person should pay special attention to the work of his internal organs, as well as the organs of vision. If the Life line is weakly expressed, located on the palm in the form of a thin line, pale and with breaks, then we can say that this person is very painful by nature, he takes everything that happens too seriously and reacts too sensitively to the course of things, which gives him There are many unpleasant moments in life. This person’s health level is weak, and the immune system, and the body as a whole, needs protection. The Life Line may be directed towards the Mount of Saturn, and this is a signal that this person may have problems with the cardiovascular system, and it is worth paying attention to it as quickly as possible. Also, this person is most likely melancholic by temperament, because of this he may experience frequent depression and mood swings, which, in turn, negatively affects his level of health.

A broken Life line speaks of changes in direction in a person’s life. This sign is a kind of warning that a person will face serious changes in life, not always global, but having an impact.

If the Life line at the end has a gap in two parts, then this is a sign that a person constantly doubts all his actions during the course of his life’s journey. If there is a parallel line to the Life line, and at the same time it is equal to half the size of the main Life line, gradually decreasing in size, then this indicates that this person is destined to leave his native country and go in search of happiness abroad. If the Life line is located on the palm of a person in the form of a chain, then this is a sign that a serious illness is likely to occur, which will last for quite a long period of time. If abundant branches extend from the Life line towards the Head line, then this is an indicator that this person will find happiness in his life, achieve recognition, and also fulfill his main dream, and material well-being awaits him. If the lines of Life and Head, as well as the branches coming from them, are directed towards the Valley of Mars, then obtaining financial well-being, success and happiness for this person is possible only if he follows a thorny path.

A cross inscribed on the Life line means a warning against a serious and, most likely, fatal illness.

If there is a branch on the Life line and the outgoing branches form a pattern resembling a fork, then this is a sign that the owner of such a palm has excellent health and a lot of physical strength.

A long and clear Life line indicates that this person is active and resilient, and his level of health is quite high.

A short and not very bright line of Life tells about its owner as a person who has too little vital energy, he is not physically strong.

If the Life line breaks on only one hand, then this is a warning about a disease that threatens the owner of such a hand, but the disease will be followed by a quick recovery.

If the Life line has breaks on both hands, then this person should be wary of a serious long-term illness with very serious consequences.

There may be several branches pointing upward on the Life line. This can mean good health, as well as the fact that the owner of such a hand is accompanied by luck and success in all his endeavors and accomplishments.

Covered with small branches going down, the Life line is the personification of material failures and poor health.

If the Life line originates from the territory of the Mount of Jupiter, then this is a symbol of the fact that this person is a very ambitious person, capable of achieving phenomenal success in many of his affairs in the future.

The Life Line, originating from the Head line, is responsible for a person’s control over himself. This sign also indicates that this person likes to organize his actions and direct them in the right direction.

If the Life line runs much lower than the Head line, then the owner of such a hand is unrestrained and shows aggression. If the Life line ends with a fork on the hill of the Moon, then this means that this person will travel a lot.

Two small branches extend from the Life line to the Head line - this is a sign that wealth awaits the owner of such a hand, there may be an inheritance, or there will be material support from parents.

If a branch extends from the center of the Life line towards the Head line, then this is the personification of success and recognition of this person upon reaching middle age. If the branches from the Life line are directed to the Mount of Saturn, then the life of this person will be full of struggle and trials, he will pave his life path independently and without any help.

Branches from the Life line towards the Sun line indicate talent, as well as the fact that he will achieve success and rewards for his work.

If the branches extend from the Life line towards the territory of the Mount of Jupiter, then this is a sign that the person is very unrestrained, arrogant and harsh. Branches from the Life line towards the Mount of the Moon mean a person’s desire for change.

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Life line In human consciousness, the movement of time and the movement of events are noted, as a rule, linearly - from the beginning of birth to the present moment, from the past to the present. And the line of a person’s life represents, paradoxically, the past, not the future,

Line of Fate (Saturn) on the palm is one of the most significant lines. The line, by its origin, actually indicates the destined fate of a person and how a person will move along his life path.

It is along the Saturn Line that you can find out your destiny. Since she will have to pass through the plain of Mars (the field of life’s struggle), here we will be able to trace all the successes and defeats, all the paths and directions in which self-realization will occur, as well as love relationships and attempts to create a marriage, which palmists usually confirm on the lines influence, as well as on other parts of the hand.

Good in appearance Line of Fate, should be strong, without breaks, but often a person cannot decide and find the line on his hand. Lines or fragments of the Line of Fate can often be foundThere are several lines on your hand, from which you can get all sorts of information, from your financial status in general to your destiny, to your hobbies. And depending on the combinations of human qualities, we will see how life is given to a person, whether his destiny is destined for him easily or with difficulty, and by examining other lines and signs we can make a correct forecast for his future destiny. The much fragmented line of fate indicates, first of all, a rapidly developing personality, these are instincts striving to embrace as much as possible, often to embrace the immensity, and speaks of an active person and, rather, a constantly busy person who wants to “get ahead of time.”

Line of Fate

Saturn line in palmistry, and in common people Line of Fate, - on its path it can follow, making breaks in different directions, directions on the hand, which will indicate a change in the activity of the individual, and emphasize new directions, or it is quite possible that a break in the line can be a consequence of various events in a person’s fate, including, unfortunately, also negative ones.

Line of Fate (Saturn) - location on the palm.

If all lines usually have their approximate starting point, then the Line of Fate, unlike them, can have several points of its beginning, but, as a rule, it tends to the middle finger (finger of Saturn), which is where it got its name. There are times when the line changes direction, but we'll talk about that a little later.

During periods when the line is strong and clear, a person feels confident, he is full of strength and lucky, it is believed that (fate is on his side).Vital energy entering a person, and as palmistry claims, entering through the fingers of the hand, mixes with the essence of the personality, with all the qualities received at birth, and this “cocktail,” that is, character, comes out back in the form of an active force, thus cutting through Line of Fate, cutting through the exit channel.

The beginning of the Line of Fate from the Hill of the Moon

When Saturn line originates in the center of the palm of the blossom, and passing through the plain of Mars, reaches the bow of the middle finger, remaining smooth, intact and without intersections or damage, remaining the same depth and width throughout, which means you will have success and happiness! Know that this is an extremely successful line of Fate; it determines a happy future. She also says that a person began to build a life on his own, and achieves everything on his own, without anyone’s help.

However, when The Line of Fate originates from the Mount of the Moon, this person begins his life career with the help of other people and (mostly) people of the opposite sex, and is constantly dependent on someone.

The line emanating from the hill of the Moon (the hill of fantasy and whim) cannot but pull along with it its inherent qualities, so such people will go through life with them. The opinions of others are important to such people; these are mostly sensitive people who work in small teams, in the service sector, who want to always be in sight.

Various types of objects can join or cut the line. Lines of Influence and events that can change the course of events, worsening it or, on the contrary, improve it, becoming auxiliary. If a branch comes from the life line and adjoins the Saturn Line, this alignment tells us about help from relatives.

Line of Fate, material rise

And if the line becomes stronger after this, then the help has significantly improved and made the person’s life easier. The time of such an event is calculated according to the Line of Fate, that is, at the confluence of the lines.

If the line is clear and even, but when it reaches the Head Line it breaks off, then the person will ruin his life and happiness with incorrect calculations. Such a person, at a crucial moment when a decision needs to be made, can make the wrong choice, thereby stopping his life career and remaining subject to chance. That is, fate is not on his side, and from now on he will have to make incredible efforts to achieve his goals.

And if we observe such a sign on Heart Lines, then destruction will be associated with matters of the heart. This could be a divorce, the loss of a spouse or heart disease, which is determined by additional signs.

If a branch goes up from the Saturn Line, which goes towards Mount of Mercury, - this suggests that at a certain time, a person with insight and business acumen will receive a sharp sensitive rise. As a rule, such a situation is reflected by a reward in material terms, and in fact we see, as practice shows, an improvement in the material condition of the owner of the hand.

Line of Fate, intervention of relatives.

If the line starts from the Mount of Venus, it says about help from relatives When a person “starts” his career, such people are generally given everything ready-made in their hands.This may mean that a person will continue the family business or receive protection from family ties; there can be many options here.In any case, we will see dependence on the family, and the longer the Saturn line sticks and stays close to the Life Line, the longer the influence of relatives will be felt.

The intervention of relatives, as usually happens in life, is expressed on the palm in the form of a secant line of stress, which cuts the Life Line and the Fate Line.

The state after crossing the Saturn Line will tell us about the consequences of the influence exerted by relatives; if it has not changed, then it was only a nervous shock. If the line is interrupted or changes its direction, and there are cases when it does shift, then the consequences have significantly changed the course of a person’s life.

Line of Fate, marriage, happiness, money, success

Line of Fate, ending on the Heart Line, which at the same time ascends to the Mount of Jupiter, tells us about the personality - an idealist, happy in marriage.

Such a fusion of the lines of fate and heart speaks of a person’s acquisition of happiness. The long line of love relationships (marriage) facing the Mount of the Sun confirms this and shows a successful and strong connection. Moreover, a relationship or marriage to a famous, noble and rich person.

The connection of the Marriage Line with the Apollo Line (Sun Line) also indicates the high social status of the chosen one.

If there is a triangle on the hand shown in the image, this means that a person will be able to earn enough money in life for a comfortable existence.

And when you start looking at your hands, whether there is such a sign there or not, it is necessary to remind you that its size plays an important role. The larger the money triangle, the more money it promises.

It is also worth noting that the line closing the corner must completely overlap. That is, the triangle must be “sealed”, otherwise it will not be possible to preserve and increase the fortune.

Line of Fate, negative signs (island)

Unlike the previous example, the ascending line from the Line of Fate, and merging with Head Line, will not have the meaning of the money triangle, but to some extent, by and large, it still indicates an improvement in this regard.

Such a branch and fusion with the Head Line speaks of the desire of mental abilities in shaping one’s life career.

Island on the Line of Fate usually speaks of the possible use of people of the opposite sex in building a career; one can often observe the rising end of the Head Line, speaking of an introverted person. Judging by the state of the line after the island, it is clear that the person’s career has become noticeably more stable in all respects, the strength and clarity of the line speaks of this.

When I encounter an island on the Line of Fate, a sexual relationship is almost always confirmed, that is, it reveals the cause or starting point of subsequent events.

And accordingly, the same island, with additional signs, can completely destroy a person’s life, if, especially after it, the Line of Fate is observed, torn into pieces, or other distortions or defects of the line are present. It is also worth remembering that depending on the depravity of the hand, it can carry information about the difficult financial situation in a person’s life.

In any case, the conclusion will be the same, the reason for the changes is the connection with the person of the opposite sex, but the location of the island should also be taken into account for the correct interpretation.

You can read more about the signs on the Line of Fate in

Line of Fate, double line, Leader Line

A good Line of Fate, that is, deeply outlined and clear, without disproportions, always expresses endowed personality qualities that will help achieve success, and this is usually a happy future.

If the line has a branch towards the tubercle of Jupiter, then it speaks of a desire to control other people, which tells us about a leader by profession, and expresses ambitions satisfied with pride.

There are lines accompanying the line of Saturn; they can talk about double activity or about some important hobby in a person’s life, for example, a hobby.

Such a person, in addition to his main activity, will devote a lot of time to another job or entertainment, which is of second importance in his life.

Line of Fate, comets, islands

You can often find lines scattered throughout the hand in segments that seem to make it impossible to determine which of them is the main one; in this case, it is generally accepted that the line that is closest to the line of life will be considered the main line of fate.

Island on the Line of Fate in palmistry has long been interpreted as low moral instability associated with adultery and in most cases associated with troubles.

First of all, it should be remembered that the island at the beginning of the line cannot, due to the youth of the individual, mean such a development of events, and most likely can be associated with problems in the financial plan of his parents, which influenced the construction of the person’s destiny, and was thus reflected.Additional confirmation may be stress lines (or worry lines), heading towards the island from the hill of Venus.

Any transverse line that cuts or blocks the course of the Saturn line is an obstacle and difficulty in a person’s life that he will have to face.

On sensitive hands, in particular, there may be an incredible number of chaotically intersecting lines that cut the Saturn Line, but the rule used for interpretation is one, if they worsen its condition, they are considered negative, if they strengthen it or cover damage, then they are considered auxiliary, that is, positive.

If the Line of Fate in the palm originates from the middle of the palm, this will indicate a late time for a person to independently realize his life path. From this moment on, the individual builds his own future; the reasons for the circumstances that prevented him from doing this before are always on hand and are not difficult to determine for an experienced palmist.

When Line of Fate bifurcates, breaking off, ends with a fork, means the fact of the upcoming choice of life path. At the appropriate time, a person will find himself at a crossroads and faced with a difficult choice.

The choice made by a person in the future will show us the continuation of the Saturn Line, and the displacement of the line will tell us about significant and sometimes cardinal changes in activity, which can be expressed in a change in the type of work or specialty.

Aspirations in certain areas of activity will be displayed in the form of branches throwing the line of fate to certain tubercles of the fingers. In this example, the branch going to the Mount of Apollo speaks of a person’s realization in the field of activity related to art.

The life line and the fate line in palmistry are considered the main threads that can tell a lot about a person’s fate. Information about signs, intersections, and symbols on these lines has been collected by palmists for many centuries.

You can learn about the vicissitudes of fate by carefully studying both palms. On the active hand of a person one can see his future, on the passive palm there is an imprint of the past.

The line of fate drawn on the palm does not change throughout life.

What will the fate line tell you?

It is rare to notice a smooth line of fate without interruptions or intersections.

Each symbol and dash indicates decisions, actions, important moments in life:

  • A clearly drawn line of fate is inherent in strong-willed, purposeful people who are accustomed from childhood to achieving their goals. The line is clearly visible among athletes and artists who have devoted their entire lives to one type of activity.
  • Numerous interruptions are a symbol of torment. It is difficult for a person to find his place, his calling in life.
  • A bifurcated line of fate indicates a person who can successfully engage in several activities at the same time.
  • The thread of fate, which originates at the wrist, is a symbol of strength of character and determination. A person can be rude and tyrannical.

What do the intersecting lines mean?

The fate line can be crossed by other important lines. In palmistry there is an interpretation of such connections:

  • If the fate line crosses the life line, this is a fairly favorable sign that can be seen by a professional palmist. People whose life line intersects with the fate line are called darlings, real lucky ones.
  • A person whose destiny line intersects the life line will easily achieve his goals. There will be no serious obstacles on his way. Luck can be noticed from childhood.
  • If the life line connects with the fate line, a person will be financially secure, he will not experience poverty or need. Depending on where the line is connected, you can indicate the age when a person will receive financial independence and prosperity.
  • Palmists interpret the connection of two lines as a symbol of fame in the future. A person can become famous. He has natural talent. Success depends on how he develops it.
  • The line of fate intersecting with the line of the head characterizes a determined person. It will not be difficult for such a person to adapt to changed circumstances. Thanks to his extraordinary mind, he will be able to find a way out of any situation. Such people are considered absolute materialists: financial well-being comes first. Some of them are very superstitious.

Independent interpretation of line intersections does not always coincide with what a professional palmist will tell you about.
