Fruits in English. Fruits in English for children: long live ''delicious'' lessons

When we are talking about learning English, many for some reason present tons of waste paper, complete grammar, and heavy dictionaries. Yes, of course there is an association, but not when it comes to language learning by young children. Set up the guys that the training will be in the form of a game, with a lot of pictures, drawings, interesting audio materials and videos. Plus, what's the grammar? After all, our students are small children, and we will have fun learning English! Our topic today is fruits in English for children.

The theme is very interesting, ''delicious'', colorful and exciting. What kid doesn't love sweet fruit! Delicious desserts it is impossible to cook without fruits and berries, and for baking we use the gifts of nature. Any dessert food, in order to be cooked deliciously, should have fruits, berries, and nuts, preferably in the list of ingredients. But today we will talk about fruits, these truly amazing gifts of nature. Let's go for goodies and good mood!

The topic of fruits is very interesting and ''delicious'', let's say right away that it is easy for kids. But in order for the effect to be more effective, we recommend stocking up with colorful cards depicting certain fruits. This will help improve the effect of the lesson and even more attract the attention of the children.

So where to start? There are a lot of fruits, and we do not recommend learning them in a chaotic manner. For starters, we recommend divide all the fruits directly into fruits and berries. Remember that it is difficult for babies to get large amounts of information. If you want to cram everything into them at once, you risk getting zero results. Divide the topic into subtopics, peculiar segments that will become pieces of the whole cake. So you can break one topic into several parts and saturate the children with knowledge gradually. Just the way it should be.

All fruits can be divided into sweet, sour and even bitter.. But, first you need to ask the kids what fruits they know in general. First ask in Russian, and then ask to translate into English. If the child is having trouble concentrating, ask what they had for breakfast or for dinner yesterday. What was his food like? A hearty meal was followed by dessert. The kid will immediately come to life and become interested. Ask what the dessert was made from. Even if there were buns with jam or bagels with jam from sweets, all the same, any jam is made from fruit. Well, the topic has already begun.

Consider some fruits in English for children that are most often used in speech:

  • Apple - [æpl] - Apple
  • Melon - [ˈmelən] - Melon

  • Orange - [ˈɔrɪnʤ] - Orange

  • Lemon - [ˈlemən] - Lemon

  • Banana - - Banana

Plum — — Plum

Apricot - [ˈeɪprɪkɔt] - Apricot

Peach - - Peach.

These fruits are, so to speak, basic. Knowing them, you can compose different sentences and get out of any situation. For example, if a child is asked what kind of pie he will be in a restaurant or cafe, then an apple pie will be in any public institution, 100%. Knowing how it will be ''apple'' in English, the answer is ready, and more specifically, . Below we will consider popular titles cakes and puddings with fruit. But that's later. Let's get it right.

sweet fruits

bitter fruit

Speaking of bitter fruits, it is worth mentioning here grapefruit (grapefruit). Another one of his fellow -> pomelo, which translates into English as pomelo , And How grape fruit. The fact is that a pomelo is grapefruit and orange mix, so the grapefruit itself is also often called a pomelo. But we strongly recommend distinguishing between these two fruits, because they are different.

Note! There are fruits that can be both sweet and sour. This includes =>

  • Grapes - Grape -

  • Kiwi - Kiwi Fruit - [ˈkiːwiː]

Pineapple - Pineapple - [ˈpaɪnæpl]

Pomegranate - garnet (pomegranate) - [ˈgɑːnɪt]

Citrus - citrus (citrus fruit) - [ˈsɪtrəs]

Take note that we add the prefix to some fruits fruits. That is, if the apple is just apple, then kiwi is better called kiwi fruit, not just kiwi. Everything will be clear in the context, but the fact is that kiwi has one more meaning - this is the name of a New Zealand bird from the wingless order. Therefore, in order not to get confused in a conversation with foreigners, it is better to clarify so that everyone understands that your food was made from fruits, and not from poultry J

Distinguishing berries from fruits

Now that we have dealt with fruits, let's look at berries. Everyone loves berries, without exception. Only one of the juicy color already gives good mood. Consider a table with some names of delicious berry berries =>

Note! Some berries can have several names! For example, cowberry not only in English cowberry, she is also known as lingonberry,foxberry, red huckleberry, red whortleberry, red bilberry.

Note that some names have the prefix red, which means red. The fact is that bilberry -> this is also blueberry. And blueberries, as we all know, are blue. Therefore, in addition to bilberry, blueberries are also called blueberry. But not only! Other names of blueberries are also known -> whortleberry, huckleberry, hurtleberry.

But you do not need to load the baby with a stream of information. To begin with, it is enough for him to learn one or two names. Not more. Leave the details for later.

Reference: blackberry also boasts several names. Apart from blackberry, she is also known as dewberryAndbramble.

Looking for one interesting berry - currant. We all know that currants are red ( red current), and sometimes black ( black current). But! Pay attention to white currant -> white current.

Payattention! Currant itself can also be called garden current.

We use the game to consolidate the result

To understand that the children have studied the material and do not swim in the topic, play a simple game with them. Ask them to name what color is an apple and what color is an orange. Which fruit is bigger - plum or persimmon? Which fruits are sweet and which are sour? Do children like grapefruit and is it tastier than juicy melon?

Ask questions that can turn into more questions. After the children have answered, ask Why do you think so? And what about your friend - does he support you? Ask as much as possible, let the children learn the material during your questions.

And now we give some names for pies and puddings that can be made from fruits. Such food sure to intrigue the kids! As they say, cherry for dessert =>

  • Apple Pie -> apple pie
  • Charlotte -> Charlotte
  • Cherry Pie -> cherry-pie
  • Apple pudding -> pandowdy(may also be called apple pie)
  • Plum Pudding -> plum pudding.

Explain to the child what the word pie used with sweet pies (fruit), and the first part of the name will change depending on what kind of fruit filling we take (apples, plums, pears, etc.)

Summing up

Fruits on English language A fun topic to explore that kids will love. Use colorful photos and science materials to further interest children. You can use pictures of pies that have fruit fillings. Such delicious food attracts and simply makes you learn.

The topic of our conversation today will be fruit names in english. We will learn how to pronounce them correctly in English, and also replenish our vocabulary.

Name fruits in English

The table below shows the names of fruits with voice acting, English transcription and translation. We try to read the names of fruits independently by transcription, if it doesn’t work, we listen.

Table number 1. Fruit in English
Title and voiceTranscriptionTranslation
🔊 Apricot[ˈeɪprɪkɔt]Apricot
🔊 Avocado[ævəˈkɑːdəʊ]Avocado
🔊 Pineapple[ˈpaɪnæpl]A pineapple
🔊 Orange[ˈɔrɪnʤ]Orange
🔊 Banana Banana
🔊 Grapes Grape
🔊 Pomegranate[ˈpɔmgrænɪt]Pomegranate
🔊 Grapefruit[ˈgreɪpfruːt]Grapefruit
🔊 Pear Pear
🔊 figs
🔊 Kiwi[ˈkiːwiː]Kiwi
🔊 Lyme Lime
🔊 Lemon[ˈlemən]Lemon
🔊 Mango[ˈmæŋgəʊ]Mango
🔊 Tangerine Mandarin
🔊 Passion fruit passion fruit
🔊 Nectarine[ˈnektərɪn]Nectarine
🔊 Papaya Papaya
🔊Peach Peach
🔊 Persimmon Persimmon

The use of vocabulary on the topic "Fruit"

A few examples from life where you can practice using the new learned words for fruit names:

  • buy fruits in the store;

🔊 Can I have two kilos of apples? - Can I two kilos of apples?

  • harvest fruit.

🔊 This year was very fruitful. We picked ten tons of tangerines. “This year has been very fruitful. We have collected ten tons of tangerines.

Plural of fruits in English

All fruit names are countable except for the word itself. fruits. They can be used both in the singular and in the plural. For example:

🔊 Orange(one orange) 🔊 Oranges (lots of oranges).

Difference between Fruit and Fruits

The point is that 🔊 fruits and 🔊 fruits are the two plural forms of the word fruits. There are the following differences between them:

  • when we talk about fruits in general, then fruits in English are uncountable and are used in the singular form - fruits. Usage example:

For those who are just starting to learn English, the names of fruits in English can be a good training base. Firstly, having learned the names and trying to put them into practice, fruits in English can be called in the most ordinary situations - in the supermarket, in the garden, and often right in your kitchen. Secondly, fruits in English are an excellent base for combining with others. thematic groups words for primary education- "Colors", "Shape", "Volume", "Taste", etc. That is, having learned fruits in English, you can make up a lot of phrases with a variety of adjectives, which will certainly help you fix these words in your memory.

For example:
Apples - Apples
can be Red apples - Red apples
and may be Round red apples - Round red apples

Pears - Pears
can be Yellow pears - Yellow pears
and may be Sweet yellow pears - Sweet yellow pears

And if you want - you can mix everything - Sweet round yellow apples - Sweet round yellow apples

You can always make any chain of words yourself, depending on what words you remember. By the way, making chains of words can be an exciting and useful game if you are learning English with a child. A competitive moment can also be included in such a game - who will make the most chains, or who will make the longest chain. Everything will depend on your imagination.

We call fruits in English.

One of the frequently asked questions on the topic "Fruit" in English is, in fact, the word itself fruit - fruit, fruits. In what cases should it be used in the singular form to refer to several fruits (considering this noun as uncountable) - fruits, and when - in the plural form - fruits ?

If we are talking about fruits in general, like food, not meaning a set of individual fruits, then we use fruits.

Fruit is cheap here. — Fruit is cheap here.

If we mean different kinds fruit, use plural fruits.

There are pears, apples and other fruits in the menu. - There are pears, apples and other fruits (types of fruits) on the menu.

So with the word fruits figured out, let's go directly to the names. First, let's name a dozen of the most common and familiar fruits. By the way, to simplify the task for beginners, we wrote the names of fruits in English in Russian transcription.

Apple - ["æpl] - (epl) - apple

Banana - - (bae "nena) - banana

Lemon - ["lemən] - (" lemn) - lemon

Melon - ['melən] - ("melen) - melon

Watermelon - [‘wɒtər‚melən] - (" watermelen) - watermelon

Orange - ["ɔrindʒ] - (" orange) - orange

Peach - - (pi: h) - peach

Pear--(" pea) - pear

Pineapple - ["paɪnæpl] - (" pineapple - pineapple

Tangerine - [, tændʒə "ri: n] - (tenje" ri:n) - mandarin

Then, when these words no longer cause difficulties, you can memorize a few more fruits in English with translation, which may be useful.

Apricot - [‘æprə‚kɒt] - (" epicot) - apricot

Kiwifruit - [ˈkiwifru: t] - ("kiwifru: t) - kiwi

Lime--(" lime) - lime

Plum - [ˈplʌm] - (flame) - plum

Pomegranate - [‘pɒm‚grænɪt] - (" pomgranite) - garnet

Learn the names of berries in English.

When memorizing English words for various fruits, one cannot ignore the names of berries in English. After all, if we recall the situations in which we use the names of fruits (for example, the name of juices, different types of ice cream, syrups, jams, etc.), various berries immediately come to mind.

Please note: most berries in English have the word in their name Berry, which actually means Berry.

The most common berries in speech:

Bilberry - ["bɪlb (ə) rɪ] - ("bilberry) - blueberries

Blackberry - [ˈblækberi] - ("blackberry) - blackberry

Blackcurrant - [ˌblækˈkɜːrənt] - (black currant) - blackcurrant

Blueberry - [ˈbluːberi] - ("blueberry) - blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries

Cranberry - [ˈkrænberi] - ("cranberry) - cranberry

Cherry - [ˈtʃeri] - ("cherry) - cherry, sweet cherry

Grapes - [ˈɡreɪps] - ("grapes) - grapes

Raspberry - [ˈræzberi] - ("raspberry") - raspberry

Strawberry - [ˈstrɔːberi] - ("strawberry) - strawberries, strawberries

Putting new words into practice.

Don't forget to learn new words and use them in practice whenever possible. If you are learning English with a child, it can be a variety of games: both word games (composing chains, for example, which we wrote about above), and various role-playing games- play "shop", "cafe", "cottage". The main condition should be the maximum use of new words in the game.

If you are learning English on your own, we can offer you effective method practice - an online self-instruction manual for the English language. Listening to short texts and doing simple exercises to them, you can replenish lexicon and learn how to correctly compose English sentences.

For example, you can find the names of fruits on the site in this short text for beginners:

She often eats apples.
He often eats pears.
Does she often eat pears? No, she does not.
She doesn't eat pears. She eats apples.
Does he eat pears? Yes, he does.

Listen to text

She often eats apples.
He often eats pears.
Does she often eat pears? No…
She doesn't eat pears. She eats apples.
Does he eat pears? Yes…

Passing such lessons, you not only consolidate new words in your memory, but also master the use of basic grammatical structures.

We continue to expand our vocabulary. As you know, the most effective way to remember English words is a grouping of them by topic. Some students even keep their own dictionary, in which they write down words grouped according to a specific topic. This is extremely helpful for learning.

Today's thematic selection of words consists only of the names of fruits and berries on. A relatively small vocabulary will allow you to memorize the names of the most common fruits in the world. By the way, what is the advantage of this lesson compared to all similar ones on the network? You can immediately hear the pronunciation of all words. To do this, your attention will be presented with a voiced video with pictures. Of course, it is not always clear from the pictures what kind of fruit it is, so after the lesson a text version of the lesson will be presented with the translation of all words into Russian.

All names of fruits and berries are presented in alphabetical order. The plural is also given immediately.

apple- apple ( pl. hours: apples)

apricot- apricot (plural: apricots)

avocado- avocado (plural: avocados (avocadoes))

banana- banana (plural: bananas)

blackberry- blackberry (plural: blackberries)

black currant (blackcurrant)- black currant (plural: black currants)

blueberry- blueberries (pl.: blueberries)

cantaloupe- cantaloupe, cantaloupe (plural: cantaloupes)

cherry- cherry (plural: cherry)

coconut- coconut (pl.: cocnuts)

cranberry- cranberries (pl.: cranberries)

date- date (pl.: dates)

fig- figs (pl.: figs)

grape- grapes (pl.: grapes)

grapefruit- grapefruit (pl.: grapefruits)

honeydew melon- winter melon (pl.: honeydew melons)

kiwi fruit- kiwi (pl.: kiwi fruits)

kumquat- kumquat (pl.: kumquats)

lemon- lemon (pl.: lemons)

lime- lime (pl.: limes)

mango- mango (pl.: mangos (mangoes))

nectarine- nectarine (pl.: nectarines)

olive- olive (pl.: olives)

orange- orange (pl.: oranges)

papaya- papaya (pl.: papayas)

peach- peach (pl.: peaks)

pear- pear (pl.: pears)

pineapple- pineapple (pl.: pineapples)

plum- plum (pl.: plumes)

pomegranate- pomegranate (pl.: pomegranates)

raspberries- raspberries (pl.: raspberries)

strawberries- strawberries (pl.: strawberries)

tangerine- tangerine (pl.: tangerines)

watermelon- watermelon (pl.: watermelon)

If it is easier for someone to memorize words from pictures, then I will give you a few options that you can save for yourself. There will no longer be a translation here, I think there are enough pictures.
