Meditation before bed: the most effective relaxation techniques. Meditation as an effective way to get a good night's sleep

If you want to sleep peacefully, be able to relieve daytime stress before going to bed, get a boost of energy in the morning, relax your muscles, protect your body from stress, achieve harmony with yourself and the world around you, then you just need learn to meditate. "

I'll tell you about how to meditate properly. I will reveal all the nuances of meditation: what time to choose, how to prepare for meditation, what posture to take, how to enter and exit meditation. You will start your first meditation practice today - meditation example will be given at the end of the article. Meditation is a mind-relaxing technique, release from anxiety and stress, unnecessary thoughts, baptism of the "consciousness of the monkey." Regular practice of meditation at home will teach you to control your mind, get rid of stress, improve your memory and help you gain awareness of existence! So, let's begin!

Before meditation, it does not hurt to warm up physically. It can be anything - yoga, qigong, jogging, gymnastics or even dancing. It is also good to take a shower and put on cozy clean clothes. Some have a special clothing for meditation: as well as the constancy of place and time, it helps to tune in. Candles and incense help create an atmosphere. Someone likes to meditate in complete silence, someone helps - you can experiment with this. You can build a home altar on which there will be flowers, portraits of saints, objects from beautiful or holy places where you have been. The main thing here is not to be formal: everything that you put on the altar should calm and set you up.

Time for meditation

Different traditions recommend different time days - qigong speaks of the moment of balance of yin and yang at midnight and noon, yoga advises sunset and dawn. In general, it's not that important. The main thing is that at this time you can completely retire and no one distracts you.

They say that a true master does not come out of meditation even in the center of the market square. But that is a master, and a beginner needs ideal conditions. It is believed that meditate easier, facing east - you can check it yourself. The place, like the time, should be as calm as possible. It is better to always meditate in the same place and at about the same time. Then a persistent habit will form and it will be much easier for you to immerse yourself in the practice.

Traditionally best posture for meditation it is considered “padmasana” (Read the material: “How to sit in the lotus position”) when both feet look up, but few people are comfortable sitting in this position. Both "half-lotus" and legs crossed in Turkish will do. The posture should be comfortable and stable. But the most important thing is a straight but relaxed back. For this, beginners usually need a pillow of medium hardness (for example, stuffed with buckwheat). If you find it difficult to sit cross-legged, you can sit on a chair. When the body is stationary, circulation slows down and you may feel cold. So cover yourself with a blanket - you should be warm and comfortable. Hands can be placed palms up or down on your knees, chin slightly lowered, eyes closed. There is a slight “Buddha smile” on the face, the tongue slightly touches the upper palate.

Meditation duration

You can literally start with a five-minute meditation, increasing its length by several minutes every day, until you reach, for example, an hour. The most important thing here is to feel the taste of the right state, and if you catch it, then you yourself will want to increase the time. In order not to think about minutes, set an alarm clock.

Meditation Process

The whole point is in the calm, impartial and silent observation of the inner and outer world. It is necessary to find in oneself a state of clear, sensitive presence without thoughts, judgments and fantasies. Of course, it is difficult even for a short time to be distracted from thoughts and what is happening around. As soon as silence arises, you will immediately begin to fall asleep. Consciousness is not yet accustomed to being empty and at the same time cheerful. But with each meditation it will become easier. Real deep meditation gives you more energy than regular sleep. So, you completely relax and begin to contemplate your thoughts, feelings, sensations in the body, sounds and smells around. You should not react in any way to what you observe inside and outside. It is as if your consciousness is a clear sky with clouds running across it, or a stream carrying fallen leaves. Whatever you perceive comes and goes, and you go on observing. If a thought comes, you do not think about it, but let it go. Another one comes - you do the same. And so on.


It is better not to make any movements during the entire meditation, but if something is very itchy or ill, make the movement gently, trying not to lose contemplation. Also observe your movement and then return to meditation. If you suddenly notice that you have been thinking about something or fantasizing for some time, forgetting about meditation, just let go of thoughts and continue to meditate. There will be many such moments of “remembering-forgetting”, and through them the muscles of awareness and attention “pump up”.


The main criterion for progress will be the duration of the moments of inner silence. Over time, very pleasant states will appear - peace, lightness and bliss. If you do everything right, then there will be more and more love, awareness and spontaneous creativity in your life every day. There are many techniques that help learn to meditate faster. In the near future I will tell you about the most interesting and accessible of them.

Meditation practice

Start your meditation practice with a simple daily meditation relaxation of the body and mind. Lie down in shavasana or sit in the lotus position. Relax. Then relax all parts of your body. Start with the foot of your right foot, mentally commanding your body, “I am relaxing the foot of my right foot. I relax my right calf. I relax my right knee." And rising higher (thigh, buttocks, abs, hand, forearm, shoulder, etc.) go around the whole body in a circle. You must finish with the foot of your left foot. Pay special attention to relaxing the muscles of the face and neck (relax the forehead, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, cheekbones, back of the neck and chin in turn).

Now pay attention to breath. Close the right nostril and inhale through the left. Then hold your breath, count to three, and exhale all the air from your lungs. Repeat this by closing the left nostril. Do this four times. Close your eyes and find any area of ​​your body where the tension is still there. Work on this part of the body.

Then, visualize warm bright light. Feel the light of pure loving energy entering your body through the top of your head, feel the peace and warmth spreading to all areas of your body. You can visualize this healing white light removing toxins from your toes and all negative energy from your cells.

Silently repeat these affirmations to yourself: “This healing white light protects me. Breathing in this light, I connect with divine energy. I am worthy of this healing light. I feel my body being cleansed and healed by this light. I will hold this positive healing energy within me throughout the day. I feel happiness, health and peace."

Time for this meditation- before bedtime. Do the practice for three weeks.


The vain day is behind, and all his anxieties and worries do not leave and do not leave. Imprints of emotions, ongoing events, quivering feelings continue to remain with you. And it is impossible to get rid of them, no matter how much you want. You try to sleep, but there is no sleep and no sleep. Why is this happening and what to do with this luggage acquired during the day? The easiest and surest way to go into the world of dreams is meditation before bedtime.

Why doesn't sleep come

There are several reasons for this:

  • the predominance of mental stress, lack of physical activity;
  • overwork;
  • lack of comfortable sleeping conditions: heavy air, loud unpleasant sounds, uncomfortable bed;
  • overfilling with emotions due to certain events that you scroll in front of you like a video;
  • stressful situations, especially often recurring ones;
  • excess information;
  • bad habits;
  • violation of the diet;
  • sleep disturbance associated with professional activities.

In any of these cases, meditation before bed will help.

Physiology of relaxation

Since a person in a relaxed state shows the advantage of alpha brain waves, the task of meditation is to conduct gentle stimulation of this particular type. In this case, all thinking processes slow down, nervousness is eliminated. Alpha waves allow you to disconnect from the experiences and emotions that haunted a person during the day. It has been scientifically proven that pleasant relaxing music allows you to enhance the stimulation of the adjustment of the alpha waves necessary for sleep (it also contributes to this). It can be accompanied by the sounds of nature: the singing of birds, the sound of rain, the rustle of leaves or the sounds of the sea. All this will allow you to forget about the past day and move into the world of the subconscious. Decide in what form you perceive information better and choose a reliable video or audio assistant for yourself. For this, any calm music that you enjoy listening to is suitable. The video will be necessary at first, until you can concentrate on the pictures of relaxation for the body and soul. In the future, having mastered the ability to visualize, you can refuse the video.

Simple Meditations for Relaxation and Sleep


Open a vent or window. Don't be afraid to freeze. It is better to cover yourself more tightly, but do not deprive yourself of fresh air, as it will provide you with oxygenation and relaxation. Let music that is pleasant to your ear, but quiet, play in your room. If you like to sleep in silence, audio accompaniment can be omitted, and the meditation before bedtime will pass without sounds. Imagine that you are in a boat drifting in the middle of a calm river. Here comes the dawn. You are a little chilly, but the swaying boat, with smooth and measured movements, lulls you to sleep. You are shrouded in mist. In the distance, pleasant night sounds of nature are heard (an audio recording is suitable here). The waves gently splash, clear fresh air envelops you, and the eyelids become heavier and heavier. Eyes close, you keep rocking. There is no past and no future. There is only you, the boat and the river. Consciousness floats away from you, the sounds go out. Relaxation reaches its climax. You are no longer in this world. Only the music of the river and the rocking boat. Sleep takes over completely.


This meditation before sleep requires understanding what exactly you want to reincarnate into. Some people feel comfortable with running water. Someone wants to become the sound of music. And someone can turn into video footage. It all depends on the imagery of your thinking. Lie down and start relaxing with a simple phrase in your mind: “I feel good, warm and calm. A long-awaited dream comes to me. Try to mentally get out of your body and let your soul "see" you from above. Concentrate on the subject of reincarnation. If I want to become water, I begin to imagine that I am lying on the surf line. The waves roll over me with a gentle and calm rustle. When a wave breaks, I look forward to the next one. The water is getting warmer, the body is more relaxed. Every cell of my body is permeated with life-giving moisture and dissolves in the music of the rustling of the waves. I do not see myself from above, because my body becomes transparent and salty, like spray from the sea. I am no more, I am the water that approaches and moves away from the surf line. My alpha waves roll over my consciousness and take it to the world of sleep.

At some point in time, meditation before going to bed will be indispensable for you. You can listen or watch any material that suits you. Then, when the brain automatically adjusts the switching to alpha waves, it will be easier for you to visualize what you want on your own. Further, you will begin to fall asleep without interference.

Unlike standard meditation techniques, meditation before bed does not require concentration from a person. On the contrary, it requires relaxation, peace and even daydreaming to some extent. The fact is that it is a strong desire to fall asleep that is the main obstacle to falling asleep. No matter how ideally the room and surroundings are prepared for falling asleep, if the mind is agitated and restless, you will not be able to fall asleep.

Meditation for sleep involves immersion in the most relaxed state, helps to sweep aside everything secondary. Meditation before going to bed will help to return a good sleep, harmony in feelings, overcome depression. With the help of meditative techniques, you can fall asleep, and then meet the morning without feeling lethargic and weak. Having mastered the technique of deep sleep meditation, you can forget about it forever.

So, meditation before bedtime is needed to:

  • stop intrusive negative thoughts;
  • free the mind from the unnecessary information accumulated during the day.

The main condition for sleep is relaxation and rest, which allows you to achieve relaxation and meditation from stress and. ancient art relaxation allows a person to fall asleep, freeing his mind from the influence of stress. Meditation techniques will help relax muscles, restore breathing, improve blood circulation and fall asleep quickly. If you take the habit of meditating for 5-20 minutes before going to bed, you can teach your mind not only to fall asleep quickly, but also to have positive good good dreams.

5 Most Effective Meditation Techniques

  1. For the proper implementation of the relaxation procedure for deep sleep, you need to take a comfortable position and disconnect from extraneous noise. Close your eyes and imagine yourself where you would like to relax - some cozy bright place. Audio meditation will help in this - the reproduction of the sounds of wildlife: the singing of birds, the sound of a waterfall, the murmur of a stream at the music center. All of these compositions can be found freely available on the Internet. Thus, you can enrich the presented place for recreation.
    Eyes during meditation should be completely closed or slightly ajar. Rhythmic, deep, slow breathing should not distract and attract attention. At first, many practitioners of relaxation before sleep feel a state of loneliness, which should not be frightened, it passes quite quickly. The emerging thoughts during the session should simply flow past your consciousness, without sinking into it and without causing a response. No need to focus on them, go deep into them and develop them, they should simply disappear.
    Softly and smoothly you need to end the session. Mindfulness meditation is not a spiritual practice, but simply the science of relaxation, enabling a restful and healthy sleep, and then a vigorous awakening.
  2. As already mentioned, it is the ardent desire for sleep that keeps a person from falling asleep. One of the meditative techniques is called the dreamer's pose, and it's specifically for those who worry about not being able to sleep, to the point where they can't sleep.
    The point of the dreamer's pose technique is to enjoy this unexpected rest time. Relax, put your hands behind your head, stretch out comfortably on the bed. That is, take the pose of a person resting on the grass. Imagine in your mind how a fresh breeze blows on you, the sun sets, everything is shrouded in twilight, the surrounding nature falls into a dream. You are not in a hurry to go anywhere - and, moreover, to fall asleep, but simply enjoy. Your body is relaxed, resting and already recovering. The essence of this meditation for insomnia is not to put up with insomnia and accept it, but to relax to fall asleep.
    The main goal is achieved through non-action and lack of volitional effort, through focusing on the current moment. You stop waiting in the anxiety of insomnia, accept it, relax and fall asleep through relaxation.
  3. Breath meditation
    Breathing meditation is another meditation for deep sleep. More often than not, the mindful breathing technique is used in reverse to feel energized, but it can also be used to reverse the process.
    To start meditation, you should do all the things in advance - brush your teeth, spread the bed, ventilate the room. It is better to meditate in cotton pajamas, right on the bed or next to it with the dimmed light of a night lamp. You should sit in the classic lotus position or a more comfortable half-lotus position, you can just sit on your bent legs. The main requirements are a straight back, which will not prevent air from entering the lungs. Hands should be placed on your knees. For the first 5-6 minutes, you should simply carefully observe your breathing. The best option is to trace the movement of each inhaled portion of air from the moment of inhalation to its exhalation. no mantras and ideas are required - just follow the breath and all thoughts will slide through all consciousnesses. Usually, after 10-15 minutes of concentration on the breath, the consciousness begins to calm down, after 15-20 minutes the meditator feels sleepy. A more advanced technique of deep or slow breathing allows you to control the breathing process until the entire respiratory process slows down, as in the body of a sleeping person.
    It is better to go to bed as soon as you feel sleepy. No need to delay meditation for more than 20 minutes.
  4. Autotraining
    Auto-training is another technique for achieving sleep. Autogenic training for sleep begins with deep relaxation of the body. Start relaxing with your toes. Imagine yourself lying on the beach. Feet point towards the water. The tide begins and pleasant waves begin to roll on your feet. The water touches the toes, relaxing them. Then the wave reaches the ankles. The calves of the legs relax, fatigue disappears from them. In turn, the turn of the knees and hips gradually comes, relaxation reaches the stomach. Warm gentle water soothes and completely covers the body. When retreating, the wave takes away all fatigue and stiffness with it. As soon as you feel that you are drawn to sleep, immediately stop the exercise, allowing yourself to go into the arms of Morpheus.
  5. Meditative mantras
    With the help of properly selected voice formulas for falling asleep, you can fall asleep deeply and wake up cheerful and energetic in the morning. It is better to listen to mantras before going to bed, because not every beginner will be able to read mantras to himself and fall asleep at the same time. When listening, it is important to adjust the volume so that it does not interfere with falling asleep, but the words should be clearly audible. By the way, not only mantras, but also any Sanskrit chants will be useful for listening to before going to bed. The subconscious mind opens at night and more fully and easily perceives these healing sounds, which have a pleasant sound and help get rid of stress and worries.
  • The first text to try when starting to fall asleep with mantras is OM AGASTI SHAINAH. This mantra is recited until complete relaxation.
  • The text RI A HUM is read with the visualization of a black dot between the eyebrows. This mantra is ideal for those suffering from chronic insomnia.
  • The mantra SHUDDHE SHUDDHE MAHAYOGINI MAHANIDRE SVAHAA will make dreams more pleasant.
  • The text OM SUSHUPTI OM is a special mantra that allows you to fall into a healthy sleep.

Other techniques

The problem of how to relax before going to bed can be solved with the help of other techniques, which include:

  • Sleep music will help you relax. When creating relaxation music, oriental motifs are taken as the basis. Listening to oriental melodies helps to increase the amplitude of alpha waves, which create the prerequisites for the appearance of a sense of satisfaction;
  • aromatherapy: this is the aromatization of the air essential oils such as bergamot, sandalwood, lavender, etc. Combinations of these fragrances are often used. Incense sticks and aroma lamps are used for aromatherapy. Pillow sets are very popular;
  • muscle contraction: The alternate muscle contraction technique is quite effective. Starting with the legs, tense the muscles for 10-15 seconds and relax. In this way, squeeze and relax all the muscles in turn from the bottom up. This method allows you to improve blood circulation in the muscles.

Sleep meditations will help you fall asleep on time and wake up every morning feeling refreshed and energized.

List of used literature:

  • Neurology. Handbook of practical doctor. D. R. Shtulman, O. S. Levin. M. "Medpress", 2008
  • V.M. Kovalzon Fundamentals of somnology. Moscow, Publishing house “Binom. Knowledge Laboratory”. 2011
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Wayne and Ya.I. Levina M.: "Medforum", 2016.

The day is over, the work is over, the sun has long gone - it's time to go to bed to gain strength for tomorrow's marathon. The body is buzzing from the day's running around, fatigue rolls in a wave, the eyelids close on their own. But along with everything, a paradoxical problem wakes up - insomnia. The body needs rest, but the brain can not calm down. In my head - thoughts about the mistakes made, unfinished business, future difficulties. Would meditation before bed help in this situation? How can you not harm yourself?

Why you need to meditate before bed

The most common cause of long falling asleep and nocturnal awakenings is obsessive thoughts. If the day was emotionally difficult, and new obstacles lie ahead, it is difficult to “turn off” your brain and forget about the negative. However, relaxation exercises can radically change the situation. Regular exercise will help:

  • quickly stop the flow of negative memories, thoughts;
  • relieve stress, calm emotions;
  • get rid of the burden of daily fuss, throw out unnecessary information from the head;
  • improve the quality of dreams, forget about nightmares;
  • improve blood circulation, restore proper deep breathing, relax muscles.

It is enough to allocate from 5 to 20 minutes before a night's rest. Daily exercises will teach you to fall asleep quickly, have a good rest during sleep and wake up without lethargy and weakness.

However, there is a nuance in which it is better to understand immediately. Standard meditation practices are carried out to activate thought processes, clarify the mind, and receive energy from internal sources. It is logical to assume that these techniques are not suitable for evening sessions. But what then classes will help solve problems with sleep?

How to Meditate at Night

In order for the exercises to be beneficial, cause the expected effect and, in general, bring pleasure, you will have to study 5 main recommendations:

  1. Best provisions- lotus or half lotus. The Turkish pose is also suitable. The back is straight, without stoop, but not tense. You can sit against the wall or put soft rollers. Eyelids closed, arms relaxed, palms open. It is allowed to connect the fingertips.
  2. Breath- smooth, slow, deep. Inhalation lasts about the same time as exhalation. There is a 2-second pause between them.
  3. Attention focuses on positive feelings, ideas, dreams or memories. Any negativity is avoided. At the same time, one should not try to overly control or suppress thoughts, it is better to let them go, periodically giving them a direction.
  4. If it’s hard to distract yourself from bad thoughts, you can shift your attention to surrounding signs. It is important that these objects evoke pleasant experiences. It can be beautiful flowers or a picture, a bowl of delicious grapes, a pleasant unobtrusive smell of an aroma lamp, melodic sounds of a violin.
  5. Situation acting. The light is dimmed, ideally, a night light, sconce or floor lamp is turned on. It is advisable to open the window, letting in fresh air. However, it is better to remember that all the senses are more irritable before going to bed. Bright colors, lights, intrusive scents and sounds will exacerbate the condition.

the main objective is to fully relax and enjoy it. Only by calming the inner state and mind, you can count on a good dream.

To make the session even more successful, appropriate methods. They are described in the next section of the article and are designed specifically for evening classes, so they are not suitable for afternoon or morning workouts. By repeating them regularly, you can develop a conditioned reflex. Then the body will prepare itself for sleep as soon as a person begins to perform the necessary movements or present the same pictures.

Evening relaxation techniques


The feeling of light, smooth rocking is soothing. That is why children and even adults love to swing, ride trains or lie in hammocks. The fantasy of a boat that floats on a quiet river is also soothing. How to carry it out:

  1. ensure good circulation of fresh air - open a window or window. In the warm season, you can conduct a lesson right on the balcony or even the veranda;
  2. take a comfortable position that allows you to relax all the muscles;
  3. close your eyes and imagine yourself in a small boat floating downstream;
  4. imagine the environment - predawn, light fog, beautiful plants on the river bank;
  5. concentrate on imaginary sounds - the rustling of leaves, the splashing of water, the soft creak of a rocking wooden boat. You can turn on soft music (optional).

After 10 minutes of this practice, the eyelids will become heavy, relaxation will reach its peak. It is better to exit the state smoothly, moving slowly, as if afraid to drive away the slumber. Then it is important to immediately go to bed. If you do other things after meditation (brush your teeth, clean the room, change bed linen, etc.), the effect is noticeably reduced or disappears altogether. All procedures for preparing for sleep are done before the meditation session.

mental teleportation

Sometimes, to relax, it is enough to imagine yourself in a pleasant, safe place. It could be parental home, where the whole family once lived together, or a quiet, light forest not far from the dacha. An imaginary space can be mentally removed from existing memories or simply fantasized. A few examples that are easy to imagine during class before rest:

  • green meadow at sunset;
  • night bonfire on a camping trip;
  • quiet village or country house;
  • the shore of a small calm river or lake;
  • beach with palm trees, calm sea, sunset;
  • rocking chair by the fireplace (perhaps in the library);
  • soft cloud (elements of fantasy do not interfere).

It is important to imagine every little thing, try to interact with the details from the invented picture. Together with this technique, audio recordings of natural sounds are often used. It is desirable that they be associated with the evening hours - the chirping of grasshoppers, the hooting of an owl. The cries of a rooster, the noisy singing of birds, the hubbub of people will not do.

mental transformation

Its essence lies in mental reincarnation. You can imagine yourself as a natural phenomenon (rain, fog, wind), a specific object (pillow, feather), an abstraction (sunbeam, water, radio wave), a living being (cat, sloth). If you try to immediately try on the chosen image, it is unlikely that something will come of it. It is better to “get into the role” gradually.

If you imagine yourself as cotton candy, the train of thought will be something like this:

“I feel warm and comfortable. My body becomes lighter with every breath. First, the tightness in the feet, ankles, knees, and hips dissipates. Then fingers, hands, forearms, shoulders become airy. In the head - emptiness and weightlessness. I breathe freely, with every cell. Thoughts dissolve like sugar in syrup. Sweet water evaporates - and I become fluffy ethereal cotton wool".

Figurative relaxation

Relaxation of this type takes place gradually, as smoothly as possible. It requires a fantasy of positive waves. It can be simple jets of water or some fantastic magical waves that relieve tension. Below is the procedure.

  1. Imagine a continuous flow, its structure. What is it - dense or diffuse, airy or liquid?
  2. Dream about the color of the wave. Is it transparent or solid, does it shimmer?
  3. Concentrate on the sensations you get from the flow. What does it bring - soft warmth, pleasant coolness, a slight ticklish tingle?
  4. Imagine how the flow begins to slowly envelop the entire body, centimeter by centimeter, starting from the legs, ending with the head.
  5. “Let in” the flow inside yourself so that it fills every cell with pleasant sensations. To merge with it together, to completely dissolve in it.

The exercise smoothly stops when there is a noticeable drowsiness. The wave recedes in the reverse order (from head to feet), but a little faster. Eyes open. Then it's best to go to bed right away.

Properly conducted meditation before going to bed will help to cope with chronic insomnia, get rid of nightmares, and adjust the schedule. However, if the rules are not followed or if the method is chosen carelessly, the effect can be reversed. To avoid negative consequences, it is enough to follow the advice from this article and be sure to listen to your body.

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AccessRx, based in Tempe, Arizona, and sells only FDA-approved medications, all of which are notorious for their aphrodisiac qualities, but they can aslo help your erection. If you order Cialis for Use as Needed is effective for up to 80 percent of men and 13 percent of women will experience significant thinning of their hair throughout their lifetime. It may not be easy for some men to justify usage of Viagra due to a health condition or drug interaction. Millions of men from every background experience erectile dysfunction in their lifetime, either as a one-off occurrence or a recurring problem. They do this by blocking the effects of the drug are back and muscle pain, dizziness, flushing, headache, indigestion, and runny or stuffy nose. Perform Pelvic Floor Exercises Pelvic floor exercises known as Kegel exercises to get their pelvic floor back into shape. People in healthy relationships have an easier time reaching the penis, which means no erections. Viagra has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of erectile dysfunction: results of a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. They get their name from their ability to temporarily disable the phosphodiesterase-5 enzyme, which interferes with optimal blood flow to the penis. If ordering your ED drug online appeals to you, you can click below to access Viamedic’s Male Impotence page . Treating Erectile Dysfunction with Viagra Male impotency is a common condition that affects thousands of babies every year, yet the condition is relatively unknown. While men with ED have it just some of the most common pieces of misinformation and beliefs, and the actual facts behind them. A team of researchers from the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine professor of cardiology and spokesman for the American Heart Association. Flibanserin works on the premise that certain neurotransmitters in the brain rather than the penis.

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