English alphabet entry. English alphabet with transcription and Russian pronunciation

Greetings, my dear readers.

Today we continue to talk about how to learn how to read correctly, so the topic of today's article is the transcription of English letters.

We have already got acquainted with the concept and dealt with the pronunciation of sounds in English. Today we will figure out exactly how they are pronounced in various combinations.

I have a clear table for you. It contains the letters of the English alphabet with transcription, Russian analogue letters and my notes, so that you can immediately put the correct pronunciation. I also added examples of words with studied sounds and their translation.

What else can be found on the blog:

  1. with letters and transcription (you can study them online, download, print and work with them);
  2. for children I have a complete .

Let `s start?

Features of English transcription:

  • it is always enclosed in square brackets. I can't say exactly where it came from, but I think it's just worth taking it for granted;
  • to understand where the stress is, the transcription uses the sign [‘] before the stressed syllable;
  • It is important to remember that transcription is about the sound, not the spelling of words. Sometimes the spelling can be 90% different from what we pronounce;
  • to show that the sound is long - we use a colon.

In general, I wrote about English transcription - please!

Letters of the English alphabet and their transcription in Russian and English:

English letter Transcription Russian analogue
aa Hey
bb Bee
cc Xi
Dd Di
ee AND
FF [ɛf] ef
gg Gee
hh h
jj Jay
Kk Kay
Ll [ɛl] Al
mm [ɛm] Em
Nn [ɛn] En
Oh [əʊ] OU
pp Pi
Qq Q
Rr [ɑː] or [ɑɹ] A or Ar
Ss [ɛs] Es
Tt Tee
vv In and
www [ˈdʌb(ə)l juː] Double-u
xx [ɛks] The ex
Yy Wye
Zz , Zed, zee

But you know what is the most interesting thing about English?

If different letters are combined, they are pronounced differently!

That's why I prepared for you

Examples of English letter combinations in Russian and English:

Combination Transcription How to pronounce Example
ee /i:/ AND bee - bee
ea / ı:/ AND tea - tea
oo /u/ At cook - cook
th / ð / / Ѳ / Z, S (interdental) thumb - finger
sh / ʃ / W shout - shout
ch /tʃ/ H chair - chair
ph /f/ F phone - phone
ck /k/ TO snack - snack
ng / Ƞ / Ng song
wh /w/ Ua why - why
wr /r/ R write - write
qu /kw/ Kua queen - queen
igh /aı/ Ai high - high
all /Ɔ:l/ Ol tall - high
ai /eı/ Hey Spain
ay /eı/ Hey May
oi /oı/ Oh point
oy /oı/ Oh toy
ow /oƱ/ OU grow - grow
ou /aƱ/ ay out - outside
ew /ju:/ YU knew - knew
aw / Ɔ: / Ooo draw - draw
ee+r / ıə / ia engineer - engineer
ou+r /abə/ Aue our - our
oo+r / Ɔ: / Ooo door - door
wo+r / ɜ: / Y/O work - work
ai+r /eə/ Ea chair - chair
oa+r / Ɔ: / Oo roar - cry
old /Ʊd/ Oud could - could
around /aƱnd/ Aund round - round
eigh /eı/ Hey eight - eight
-y / ı / AND tiny - tiny
au / Ɔ: / Oo Paul
gh /f/ F laugh - laugh
aught /Ɔ:t/ From taught - taught

I know this table looks huge now. Surely you think that remembering all this is unrealistic. I'll tell you this: at a certain point, when you have enough, you won't even pay attention to these combinations. Your brain will learn to quickly remember how these letters sound. Moreover, even when you come across a completely unfamiliar word, you can read it correctly. The only question is the amount of practice on your part.

How to memorize combinations of letters?

  1. Use cards. Visual perception is better developed in most people.
  2. Read. Pay attention to letter combinations when or just texts.
  3. Don't get hung up. It is not necessary to immediately memorize these combinations and only then go directly to English. Learn as you go!
  4. Buy paper or download a good one e-book in order to quickly learn to recognize combinations and pronounce them correctly. Even if you need it - an adult - do not hesitate to take books for children - it is there that everything is chewed in detail and not without interest.
  5. Take the course « English from scratch» . This will make your path easier.

That's all, my dears. I hope you found it useful and understandable. I give even more such materials in the blog mailing list - subscribe and receive a portion of usefulness regularly.

Foreign languages ​​are good not only because they allow you to expand your social circle to foreigners. They perfectly stimulate memory and make the brain constantly work. According to scientists, those who constantly remember new information, retains the sharpness of the mind longer in old age and old age, which undoubtedly affects the quality of life in retirement. You can study the same language for many years until it becomes closer to your native language. But, one way or another, first you have to get acquainted with its basics. How to learn english alphabet for children and adults, we will consider in this article.

Before you start chewing on the granite of science, you should come up with a good motivation for yourself. Unlike educational institution at home, no one will force you to do anything and scold you for unfulfilled homework. With a poor level of discipline, it is difficult to achieve anything. You can argue with friends or relatives that you will learn English, you can reward yourself with your favorite things after each completed stage of classes: ice cream, playing a console, and so on.

Pay attention to the conditions without which it is almost impossible to learn the entire English alphabet:

  1. It is not enough to memorize only the letters: say them out loud to learn the correct pronunciation. Learning it right away is much easier than relearning after a few months.
  2. Use all available materials, including audio recordings, videos, text information. With the world by thread, you will collect all the necessary data for the correct pronunciation, understanding of letters and the correct spelling.
  3. If you are constantly learning English letters in the order indicated in the alphabet - it is worth changing tactics. Start studying them backwards, randomly, and in other ways. This will make it easy to remember everything important.
  4. If you have started exercising, do not be distracted by TV or third-party sites on the Internet. Put your phone down and remove all annoying things. It is best to practice in a separate room where there are no animals, smells of delicious food and noise.
  5. Work on yourself every day. If you are tired of learning the same letters, take a small children's book to English language. You will not understand what is written there, but you can determine the name of this or that letter. This is a great exercise for beginners.

What is the English alphabet?

There is American and British English in the world. In them you can find some differences in translation, less often in pronunciation, however, the letters in different alphabets are exactly the same. Before you are placed all the letters characteristic of the English alphabet. Among them are 20 consonants and 6 vowels, that is, a total of 26 opposite 33 letters of the Russian language.

English tutors with many years of experience recommend dividing all letters into three large groups and learning them in three stages. Here's what it looks like in practice:

  1. First of all, we learn 6 vowels: Aa, Her, Ii, Oo, Uu, Yy. In order to understand how this or that letter is correctly pronounced, there is a transcription and spelling of the phoneme in Russian. Vowels tend to change their sound depending on the type of syllable, the presence of stress, and so on, but you are meant to study this a little later.
  2. The second group of letters will include those that are similar in spelling to letters from the Russian alphabet. So it will be easier for you to remember them and speed up the study of the English alphabet. The subgroup includes: Bb, Cc, Dd, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Pp, Ss, Tt, Xx. Some of them can be pronounced in Russian and the sound will be clear, some are simply written familiarly.
  3. This group includes those letters whose sound and spelling are unfamiliar to people who are native Russian speakers: Ff, Gg, Hh, Jj, Qq, Rr, Vv, Ww, Zz.

At first, you need to get a notebook and write down each letter from the group under study in several lines, both in capital and in simple case. When writing, you should dictate the name of the letter aloud. It may look a little ridiculous from the outside, but the exercise is very effective. It involves three main types of memory: auditory, visual and motor.

How to Learn the English Alphabet: Exercises for All Ages

When you try to remember new information, "porridge" appears in your head. These letters are not associated with anything, you cannot understand why they are needed and for what. Unordered data to work with early stages, are always difficult, but if you are willing to spend a little time learning English or its basics, you are sure to succeed.

Repetition is the mother of learning

One of the main rules for memorizing information is to constantly repeat and use it in practice. It is not necessary to take the exam immediately after the material has been studied. Yes, you will pass everything, but nothing will remain in your head an hour after testing. As soon as you have finished studying one of the groups of letters, take a break from the language for 15-20 minutes. You can walk the dog, wash the dishes, do exercises - anything, but don't think about English words and letters.

After the time has passed, take a blank sheet of paper and, from memory, without looking at textbooks and cheat sheets, write down all the letters from the group with foreign and Russian transcriptions. If you get it right the first time, that's great. Repeat the exercise after a couple of hours, in the morning next day and a week later. In the absence of errors, you can be sure that all the material studied was deposited in the memory for more than one year. If you cannot remember one or more letters, write a few more lines with it and repeat the indicated exercise again.


The exercise is suitable for those who do not know how to quickly learn the English alphabet without significant loss of time and great effort. You need to take 7 A4 landscape sheets and cut each into four parts. On one side of each resulting leaflet, one of the letters of the alphabet is written large print. If you cannot remember the correct pronunciation, you can add the transcription in Russian below in slightly smaller letters. These squares, or rather rectangles, are hung throughout the house from your desktop to the toilet. No matter how curious it looks, you should hang the most difficult letter for you there.

If you walk back and forth past any information for a week, it automatically settles in your head. To fix the alphabet, you can make tablets with words you know. Examples such as book (book), table (table), clock (clock), room (room), door (door) are known to many. By hanging them on the appropriate objects and furnishings, you will not only fix the letters of the alphabet, but also firmly remember the easiest words of the language.

The second option for using squares is suitable for the final check: sheets of paper with letters are laid out on the table face down. Naturally, they should not be transparent so that you cannot see what is written on the front of the card. You choose any of the 26 letters and clean slate paper, write it in cursive and then assign the Russian and English transcription. This continues until the letters run out. All cards are stacked on top of each other so that you do not get confused when checking. In this task, the result must be 100%. Otherwise you won't be able to read correctly foreign words and you will have a huge gap in learning that will prevent further development.

Educational games for children and schoolchildren

If adults learn languages ​​for self-development, when going on vacation to another country or for the sake of career development, then they understand the goal to which they are going. How can children learn the English alphabet if they only have fun and games on their minds? The answer lies in the question: the game form allows you to give the baby a lot of knowledge in such a way that he does not even suspect about it. Nevertheless, the information remains in memory and can serve well when entering a kindergarten, school or a thematic circle.

English words are often found in Everyday life: they are called brands of clothing, drinks, cars, they are used in computer and board games, and also densely included in colloquial Russian. Having an understanding of the second language, the child will not get confused in letters and name words incorrectly, development will occur much faster.

"Spell the word" or "Spell the word"

  1. The game has a host (an adult or a teenager who knows basic English), as well as from 2 players. The number of participants is not limited, so the entertainment is suitable for kindergartens and educational groups.
  2. As an inventory, you will need a text in English. Complexity doesn't matter. The text can be placed in a book, newspaper or written block letters by hand on a board or whatman paper.
  3. Each of the players in turn must read one letter in the text, starting with the first. You can’t skip letters and look for acquaintances - everything is read in a row. If a player makes a mistake or cannot name a letter, he is out of the game. The last one left is the winner. Of course, he should be rewarded for his diligence, and the losers should be sent to study the letters that “flew out” of memory.

"What's missing?"

  1. Required: presenter and players from 2 to 7 people, large opaque cards with all the letters of the English alphabet.
  2. The leader takes cards from the table in the amount of 5-6 pieces and shows them to the players. After 10-15 seconds of viewing, the children turn away, and the host removes 1-2 cards and shuffles the rest.
  3. Children turn around and, looking at the remains, name which letters are missing.

There are no winners or losers here, but the exercise will help the group remember all the letters better.

There are a great many such games and you can come up with the same number on your own: reading the alphabet at speed, reproducing letters in a letter, writing a transcription or pronunciation of a letter hanging on a stand, and so on. The main thing in the process of the game is interest. When a child is passionate about something, there is a high probability that he will begin to devote more time to the process even when he is alone.

To help the baby, you can buy him not only Russian, but also the English alphabet. Install light toy with English accompaniment: the simple word “play” is clear to everyone from the first time, but, knowing it, the child already knows a sixth of the entire alphabet and a third of the vowels. If you yourself have long wanted to learn a foreign language, but you never took it up, then the baby will help you - learn together. It is logical that you will perceive, understand and remember data faster, but you should not rush. Otherwise, you will quickly forget everything.

What else will help with the study?

There are many ways to learn the alphabet of another language. You can print the table attached above and read it in free time, you can sign up for online courses or just watch a video where they help you remember everything you need. For quick learning, there are easy ones - they learn in 10 minutes, but their minus is the lack of a visual representation of the letters. As an exit: sing and hold a table in front of you.

After mastering the alphabet, you should move on to learning the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants in phrases, then you can begin to memorize the most simple words which are often used in everyday life. So you can master a basic level of English from which you can develop further.

Hello, Dear friends! The English language is based on the alphabet that words are made of, just as houses are made of bricks, and any living organism is made of cells. Know english alphabet it is necessary if you want to be able to read, look up the right word in the dictionary without any problems, write letters, etc. adult learn the english alphabet is not difficult, with children things are a little more complicated.

The difficulty is that English for children is a game, children need to serve everything in the form of a game, especially these incomprehensible scribbles that fill all books, inscriptions on labels, names of their favorite cartoons. How to make sure that children are happy to learn new letters for them?

At what age should you start learning the alphabet?

Many children already at the age of 2-3 show interest in letters. This interest must be maintained by telling the name of this or that letter, but not overloading the child with information. If he liked the letter A, you do not need to immediately read him the entire alphabet. It is enough to repeat with him the letter and the word that begins with it. Complexity learning the english alphabet consists in the fact that vowels and half of the consonants have 2 or more variants of sound. For example, the letter A has 6 different options reading. So you need to select those words in which the letter sounds as in the alphabet or as close as possible to this sound.

Learn the English alphabet - flashcards

For example: A-apricot [‘epriket]

It is also important to choose those words that are familiar to the child, are interesting to him: toys, fruits, colors, etc.

So, already from the age of 2 or 3, you can unobtrusively begin to learn letters. More seriously and consciously children will learn english alphabet closer to 5 years.

How to learn the alphabet with kids

We have already talked about how learning should be fun and understandable to a child. To do this, get the appropriate visibility. You must have cards with letters and accompanying pictures. For example, B - book, a book is drawn next to the letter. buy poster with cheerful alphabet. It will be interesting to consider it, and therefore learn from it. There are even "talking posters", when you click on the corresponding letter, the announcer will voice the letter and the word in a pleasant voice. With such posters, children can study on their own. Buy magnets with letters. Let them hang in a conspicuous place so that the child can play with them. You can print coloring pages for children with the letters of the English alphabet.

Use video . Now it’s not a problem to find videos on the Internet (for example, on youtube) in which letters with words are read fun and to music. It is very interesting for children to watch and repeat after the announcer. There are many songs, starting with the simplest ones, where there are no other words besides the letters of the alphabet. Put them on your child, he will listen and watch the video sequence, having fun and learning at the same time. Sing songs with your child. To a small child adult support is essential.

If we talk about children preparing for school, then we can start writing letters. A few prescriptions at this stage are enough, their hand has not yet grown stronger. draw letters. Use different colors, write the same letter in different ways. You can ask the child to find the letter in the text, on the poster, in a bright headline. You can learn to write the simplest words, such as CAT, DOG, etc., if they are already familiar to the child. Next to the written word, draw a picture illustrating it (even if you are not very good at drawing).

Ask your child questions about letters. Point to a letter, ask if he remembers its name. What word starts with this letter. Be sure to praise the correct answers. Small successes of children cannot be taken for granted. Otherwise, interest in learning will fade.

These tips are mostly for parents who want to learn the english alphabet together with children. Remember that you will teach your child what you know yourself. Therefore, if you yourself have not yet learned the alphabet, go ahead! After all, you will need it too! Use the same learning methods that you offer children. Just because you're an "adult" doesn't mean that learning has to be serious and boring. Enjoy learning with your child!

Watch video lessons about the letters of the English alphabet:

There are 26 letters in English. In different combinations and positions, they represent 44 sounds.
In English, 24 consonants are distinguished, and they are transmitted in writing by 20 letters: Bb; cc; Dd; ff; Gg ; hh; Jj; kk; LI; mm; Nn; pp; Qq; Rr; Ss; Tt; vv; ww; xx; Zz.
In English, 12 vowels and 8 diphthongs are distinguished, and they are transmitted in writing by 6 letters: Aa; ee; li; Oh; Uu; Yy.


[English language. Initial course. Maria Rarenko. First educational channel.]

Transcription and stress

Phonetic transcription is an international system of signs used to show exactly how words should be pronounced. Each sound is displayed with a separate icon. These icons are always written in square brackets.
In transcription, verbal stress is indicated (which syllable in the word is stressed). accent mark [‘] placed before the stressed syllable.

English consonants

    Features of English consonants
  1. English consonants transmitted by letters b, f, g, m, s, v, z, close in pronunciation to the corresponding Russian consonants, but should sound more energetic and tense.
  2. English consonants are not softened.
  3. Voiced consonants are never stunned - neither before voiceless consonants, nor at the end of a word.
  4. Double consonants, that is, two identical consonants side by side, are always pronounced as one sound.
  5. Some English consonants are aspirated: the tip of the tongue must be pressed firmly against the alveoli (the bumps where the teeth attach to the gum). Then the air between the tongue and teeth will pass with effort, and you will get a noise (explosion), that is, aspiration.

Rules for reading consonants in English:,

Table of pronunciation of English consonants
Phonetic transcription Examples
[b] b ad, b ox voiced sound corresponding to Russian [b] in the word b rat
[p] o p en, p et deaf sound corresponding to Russian [n] in the word P ero but pronounced breathy
[d] d i d, d ay voiced sound similar to Russian [d] in the word d ohm, but more energetic, "sharper"; when pronouncing it, the tip of the tongue rests on the alveoli
[t] t ea, t ake deaf sound corresponding to Russian [t] in the word T hermos, but pronounced aspirated, while the tip of the tongue rests on the alveoli
[v] v oice, v isit voiced sound corresponding to Russian [in] in the word V osc but more energetic
[f] f ind, f ine deaf sound corresponding to Russian [f] in the word f inic but more energetic
[z] z oo, ha s voiced sound corresponding to Russian [з] in the word h ima
[s] s un, s ee deaf sound corresponding to Russian [s] in the word With silt but more energetic; when pronouncing, the tip of the tongue is raised to the alveoli
[g] g ive, g o voiced sound corresponding to Russian [r] in the word G Irya but pronounced softer
[k] c at, c an deaf sound corresponding to Russian [k] in the word To mouth, but pronounced more energetically and aspirated
[ʒ] vi si on, plea sur e voiced sound corresponding to Russian [zh] in the word and macaw, but pronounced more intensely and softer
[ʃ] sh e, Ru ss ia deaf sound corresponding to Russian [w] in the word w ina, but is pronounced softer, for which you need to raise the middle part of the back of the tongue to the hard palate
[j] y ellow, y ou a sound similar to the Russian sound [th] in the word th one, but pronounced more energetically and intensely
[l] l itt l e, l ike sound similar to Russian [l] in the word l isa, but you need the tip of the tongue to touch the alveoli
[m] m an, m erry a sound similar to Russian [m] in a word m ir but more energetic; when pronouncing it, you need to close your lips tightly
[n] n oh, n ame sound similar to Russian [n] in the word n os, but when it is pronounced, the tip of the tongue touches the alveoli, and the soft palate is lowered, and air passes through the nose
[ŋ] si ng, fi ng er a sound in which the soft palate is lowered and touches the back of the back of the tongue, and air passes through the nose. To pronounce it like Russian [ng] is wrong; should be nasal
[r] r ed, r abbit a sound, during the pronunciation of which the raised tip of the tongue should touch the middle part of the palate, above the alveoli; tongue does not vibrate
[h] h elp, h ow a sound reminiscent of Russian [x] as in the word X aos, but almost silent (slightly audible exhalation), for which it is important not to press the tongue against the palate
[w] w et, w inter a sound similar to very quickly pronounced Russian [ue] in the word ue ls; at the same time, the lips need to be rounded and pushed forward, and then vigorously pushed apart
j ust, j ump a sound similar to [j] in a Russian loan word j insy, but more energetic and softer. You can not pronounce separately [d] and [ʒ]
ch eck, mu ch a sound similar to Russian [h] in a word h ace but stronger and more intense. You cannot pronounce [t] and [ʃ] separately
[ð] th is, th ey a sonorous sound, when pronouncing which the tip of the tongue must be placed between the upper and lower teeth and then quickly removed. Do not clamp the flat tongue with your teeth, but slightly push it into the gap between them. This sound (since it is voiced) is pronounced with the participation of the vocal cords. Similar to Russian [z] interdental
[θ] th ink, seven th a voiceless sound that is pronounced the same as [ð], but without a voice. Similar to Russian [s] interdental

English vowel sounds

    The reading of each vowel depends on:
  1. from other letters standing next to it, in front of it or behind it;
  2. from being in a shock or unstressed position.

Rules for reading vowels in English:,

Table of pronunciation of simple English vowels
Phonetic transcription Examples Approximate matches in Russian
[æ] c a t, bl a ck a short sound, intermediate between the Russian sounds [a] and [e]. To get this sound, you need to pronounce Russian [a], open your mouth wide, and place your tongue low. Pronouncing just Russian [e] is wrong
[ɑ:] ar m, f a ther a long sound similar to Russian [a], but it is much longer and deeper. When pronouncing it, you need to yawn, as it were, but do not open your mouth wide, while pulling your tongue back
[ʌ] c u p, r u n a short sound similar to Russian unstressed [a] in the word With A dy. To get this sound, you need, while pronouncing Russian [a], almost do not open your mouth, while stretching your lips a little and pushing your tongue back a little. Pronouncing just Russian [a] is wrong
[ɒ] n o t,h o t a short sound similar to Russian [o] in the word d O m, but when pronouncing it, you need to completely relax your lips; for Russian [o] they are slightly tense
[ɔ:] sp o rt, f ou r a long sound similar to Russian [o], but it is much longer and deeper. When pronouncing it, you need to yawn, as it were, with your mouth half open, and tighten and round your lips.
[ə] a bout, a lias a sound that is often found in Russian is always in an unstressed position. In English, this sound is also always unstressed. It does not have a clear sound and is referred to as a vague sound (it cannot be replaced by any clear sound)
[e] m e t,b e d a short sound similar to Russian [e] under stress in words such as uh ti, pl e d etc. English consonants cannot be softened before this sound.
[ɜː] w or k,l ear n this sound does not exist in Russian, and it is very difficult to pronounce. Reminds me of Russian sound in words m yo d, St. yo cla, but you need to pull it much longer and at the same time stretch your lips strongly without opening your mouth (you get a skeptical smile)
[ɪ] i t, p i t a short sound similar to a Russian vowel in a word w And be. You have to pronounce it abruptly.
h e, s ee a long sound similar to Russian [and] under stress, but longer, and they pronounce it as if with a smile, stretching their lips. A Russian sound close to it is present in the word poem ai
[ʊ] l oo k, p u t a short sound that can be compared with the Russian unstressed [u], but it is pronounced energetically and with completely relaxed lips (lips cannot be pulled forward)
bl u e, f oo d a long sound, quite similar to the Russian percussion [y], but still not the same. To make it work, you need, while pronouncing Russian [y], do not stretch your lips into a tube, do not push them forward, but round and smile slightly. Like other long English vowels, it needs to be drawn much longer than Russian [y]
Diphthong pronunciation table
Phonetic transcription Examples Approximate matches in Russian
f i ve, ey e diphthong, similar to a combination of sounds in Russian words ah And h ah
[ɔɪ] n oi se, v oi ce somehow. The second element, sound [ɪ], is very short
br a ve, afr ai d diphthong, similar to a combination of sounds in a Russian word w to her ka. The second element, sound [ɪ], is very short
t ow n, n ow diphthong, similar to a combination of sounds in a Russian word With ay on. The first element is the same as in ; the second element, sound [ʊ], very short
[əʊ] h o me, kn ow diphthong, similar to a combination of sounds in a Russian word class OU n, if you do not deliberately pronounce it in syllables (at the same time, the consonance resembles eu ). Pronouncing this diphthong as a pure Russian consonance [oh] is wrong
[ɪə] d ea r,h e re diphthong, similar to a combination of sounds in the Russian word such; consists of short sounds [ɪ] and [ə]
wh e re, th e re diphthong, similar to the combination of sounds in the Russian word long-necked, if you do not pronounce it in syllables. Behind the sound, reminiscent of Russian [e] in the word uh That, the second element follows, an obscure short sound [ə]
[ʊə] t ou r,p oo r a diphthong in which [ʊ] is followed by a second element, an indistinct short sound [ə]. When pronouncing [ʊ], the lips cannot be pulled forward
