Intimate video and personal correspondence of Olga Buzova, exclusive! Hackers stole personal correspondence and intimate photos of Olga Buzova: what exactly got on the Web and why some consider it black self-promotion.

At the disposal of Life was personal correspondence, which could have got on the Web as a result of a hacker attack on the TV presenter's phone.

"Questions Without Answers" seven million fans and " tears are not from the wind" Olga Buzova, who vows to be strong no matter what. Together with the resounding success associated with the release of the first solo track, the TV presenter, who has been building love in front of millions of viewers for 12 years, has collapsed in her personal life. Photos of a family idyll, along with the hashtags #MyMy #Tarabouziki that have set the teeth on edge, can now be folded into an album of unfulfilled hopes and thrown into the archive of a popular TV set, as well as a carefully created image perfect couple- considered "Instagram fake". However, Internet witnesses of Olga Tarasova's fragile happiness - namely, such a surname has been recorded in the TV presenter's passport for 4 years already - are unaware that the TaraBuzikov wedding could not have taken place if it were not for the persistent nature of the then future bride. Barely freed from the bonds of marriage with his first wife Oksana Tarasova, the 25-year-old football player convinced his blond muse of the benefits of an open relationship. However, a far-sighted TV graduate at the age of 26 delivered an ultimatum to her beloved: she would give birth to a child only in a legally registered marriage. Tarasov, dreaming of a large family, accepted the challenge of the lady of his heart with only one condition. The day before the wedding, Buzova and Tarasov entered into a marriage contract, according to which, in the event of a divorce, the girl does not have the right to claim the property of a football player. Today, this is nothing less than three Mercedes cars, three land plots of 42 acres, a cottage with an area of ​​800 square meters, an apartment of 52 square meters. Experience forced Tarasov to take such prudent measures: after parting with his first wife, Dmitry left Oksana and his daughter two-room apartment in Moscow.

The fact that the promised replenishment in the Tarasov family did not happen, according to friends of the now broken family, may have been the main reason why Dima offered Olya to live separately, renting her an apartment in the center of Moscow. All in the same inner circle they recall that the footballer more than once sent his wife, accompanied by his mother, to examinations, the results of which revealed that Olga Buzova had no problems with childbearing.

Despite the passion for publicity, Olya Buzova preferred to keep all this and much more in secret. But the crazy popularity, which only increased with the divorce, played on the girl bad joke. Having gained access to the phone data, anonymous users, who may have hacked into the TV presenter's iCloud, posted personal correspondence on the Web, intimate photos and video in a folder called " Olga Buzova. The price of misfortune. At the disposal of Life was a link to compromising materials.

On audio recordings extracted from correspondence in WhatsApp, a girl with a voice painfully similar to the voice familiar to TNT viewers and reminiscent of something characteristic of Olga Buzova intonation convinces the interlocutor, who is probably dealing with her work issues, to take as many orders as possible on advertising on Instagram, explaining this by the fact that he now needs to earn money.

"In Russia, everything is fine with me, I need Europe, so that they start recognizing me there, so that my banners are in European stores!"

Correspondence of a business nature is very soon replaced by the cry of the soul of the broadcaster. Turning to a man named Anton, and that is the name of the permanent assistant and PR director Olga Buzova, the girl asks him for support and advice, tells that she has lost self-confidence and curses what the world is worth a man named Tarasov.

"Anton, Anton, Anton, he's scum, he's not a person. Look at this scum. You can explain to me, like a man, what the fuck he's doing. Record me a voice. Please. Write down at least something, your thoughts In a response audio message, probably recorded by the same Anton Bogoslavsky, Olga Buzova's press secretary, words of support she needs so much come.

“He is injured, not in the national team, not in the team. Well, yes, with a contract, but we have already discussed this with you, it can be canceled. And part of this contract is one hundred percent your merit. Lokomotiv fans love you, respect you. I started this is a message from the fact that you are fucking, he is now completely losing everything. After a while, he will understand this. You are Olga Buzova. You are a household name. You are the most fucking chick."

However, after fiery messages overflowing with obscene language, the girl calms down and mentions some correspondence with "his mother", reproaching herself for being rude, caused by jealousy.

"In vain, yes, I wrote to his mother, of course? I understand now. Well, tell me, I shouldn't have written to her? Well ***, I'm a woman. I can't help but write to her, realizing that she knew that he * *** another woman." Olga Tarasova

Among the correspondence posted by anonymous users, you can indeed find screenshots of messages addressed to a subscriber signed as "Olga Tarasova". The sender sends a photo of Anastasia Kostenko, the same "vice-miss Russia - 2014", with whom the novel is attributed to Dmitry Tarasov, accompanying the image with the words: "Inhumans. Animals. God will be your judge. All of you. Mom."

As stated in the audio message published above, about an hour later, the sender of angry texts to Olga Tarasova receives a message from a person recorded as "Husband": "Don't you dare touch my mother. If you don't have your own brains, don't touch her."

mommy whatsapp

Among the numerous screenshots from WhatsApp, you can also find messages sent from a number recorded as "Mommy WhatsApp". In frank correspondence, the sender tries to convince "Olyushka" to save the marriage. She reproaches herself for not accustoming her daughters to comfort, raising them sloppy and trying to impute that an unsettled life can cause tensions in the family.

However, having replaced wise instructions with pragmatic advice, the woman is interested in the fate of the car, offers to follow the example of Yulia Baranovskaya - to create her own show if Dima takes the car away and does not rent an apartment for at least a year.

Along with messages in which there were family squabbles and experiences, in mater ialah posted by "well-wishers", you can find photos and shocking videos of a personal nature, butand which a girl, like two drops of water similar to Olga Buzova, demonstrates her intimate parts of the body - either letting her shirt down, or lifting up her dress, showing her genitals to the camera. On the provocative video - a brown-haired woman with bracelets and a pendant, like a TV presenter, and in a coral-purple dress - exactly the same Buzova flaunted on her friends' anniversary. That very holiday, at which Olga’s soul almost screamed from the stage: “If my memory serves me, but in Lately It's not just my memory that fails me."It is noteworthy that in another video, Olga Buzova, who promotes natural beauty, shows off not only erotic stockings, but also shares her plans: she is going to increase her lips and cheekbones.

Last weeks the media actively discussed the person of Olga Buzova, which was associated with her separation from her husband Dmitry Tarasov. From the beginning of November, fans began to suspect that a serious quarrel had occurred between them, which ended in parting. Since the discord in the family, Olga and Dmitry have not commented on the situation. For them, this came to be done by fans who expressed their versions about what could have caused the couple to break up. Versions were very different. Media journalists did not lag behind the fans, who gave their reasons for the collapse of this beautiful couple. Buzova's correspondence published by hackers a few days ago made it possible to shed light and establish what caused the separation of the football player and TV presenter.
Familiarization with Buzova’s personal correspondence made it possible to establish precisely that model Nastya Kostenko was involved in the breakup of this couple, in relations with whom Tarasova was suspected. Many said a few weeks ago that it was she who was the one who contributed to the breakup of the couple. This information has been confirmed. Buzova's correspondence, which appeared on the Internet, has become a real compromising evidence.

Many fans of the couple wanted to get reliable information, but the spouses did not want to provide it, so when they saw the materials posted by the hackers, Buzova's fans, of course, paid attention to them and after reading them made their own conclusions. Most fans of the TV presenter are sure that the model is related to the scandal that arose in the family of Buzova and Tarasov.
The correspondence, which was published online, mentions the name of Nastya Kostenko.

This person appears in the message that Buzova sent to Tarasov's mother.
The girl put a photo of the model in the message, and under it she wrote angry words about the football player himself, as well as his mother. After that, all fans have no doubt that the materials that were posted on the network are genuine. IN this case there can be no talk of any fake, since the TV presenter herself did not refute the information that unexpectedly appeared on the Internet.

Recall that earlier Dmitry, addressing his fans, asked them not to draw quick conclusions and advised them to stop talking about divorce and speculation about Olga's betrayal. However, now everyone has confidence that the opinion that was formed earlier about the divorce turned out to be correct, and the judgment about the participation in the separation of the Kostenko couple was also correct. However, earlier there was a version that Nastya Kostenko Tarasov and Buzova paid serious money so that she would play the role of a mistress for the public. Now everyone has no doubt that the divorce will really take place. In the meantime, Tarasov, as well as his newly-made girlfriend Kostenko, refute rumors that there is a love affair between them.

This couple is not shown in public once again, because after loud scandal the player has not yet dared to take such a step. The day before, he did a rather bold act - from his page in social network Instagram has deleted all the photos in which he is depicted with Buzova. In a number of media, information periodically pops up that Dmitry appears with Nastya. Some publications write that they dine in the capital's restaurants. However, whether this information is true is still difficult to say. Therefore, it remains only to wait and hope that soon young people will make a confession.

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Apparently, the situation around family problems Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov heated up to the point that some craftsmen tried to hack the presenter's smartphone to clarify the situation. As a result, reporters had at their disposal personal correspondence, voice messages, and even intimate video and a photo of Buzova.


On the audio recordings, a girl with a voice similar to Olga's voice convinces the interlocutor to take as many orders for ads on Instagram as possible, explaining that she needs to earn money now. "In Russia, everything is fine with me, I need Europe, so that they start recognizing me there, so that my banners are in European stores!" – said the girl.

Further female voice changed the subject from work to personal. Turning to an interlocutor named Anton, the girl asks him for support and advice, tells that she has lost self-confidence and scolds a certain man named Tarasov. "Anton, Anton, Anton, he's scum, he's not a person. Look at this scum. You can explain to me, like a man, what the fuck he's doing. Record me a voice. Please. Write down at least something, your thoughts in general," asked the girl with a voice similar to Buzova's.

In response, the man tries to reassure the woman: “He is injured, not in the national team, not in the team. Well, yes, with a contract, but we have already discussed this with you, it can be canceled. And part of this contract is completely your merit. you are loved, respected. I started this message with the fact that you are fucking, he is now completely losing everything. After a while, he will understand this. You are Olga Buzova. You are a household name. You are the most fucking chick ".

Further, the girl calms down and mentions the correspondence with "his mother", reproaches herself for intemperance. "In vain, yes, I wrote to his mother, of course? I understand now. Well, tell me, I shouldn't have written to her? Well ***, I'm a woman. I can't help but write to her, realizing that she knew that he * *** another woman," the girl complained.

Reporters published screenshots of the girl's correspondence. To one of the recipients under the name "Olga Tarasova", the girl sent a photograph of the model Anastasia Kostenko, the same Vice-Miss Russia - 2014, with whom the novel is attributed to Dmitry Tarasov, accompanying the image with the words: "Inhumans. Animals. God is your judge. All of you. Mom, Goodbye. See you in court."

There is also a correspondence with the addressee "Husband". He sternly asked "not to touch" his mother.

Among the numerous screenshots from WhatsApp are messages sent from a number recorded as "Mommy Whatsapp". In frank correspondence, the sender tries to convince "Olyushka" to save the marriage, reproaches himself for not accustoming his daughters to comfort, raising them sloppy and trying to impute that an unsettled life can cause tension in the family.

Along with messages in which there were family squabbles and experiences, reporters publish photographs and sensational videos of a personal nature, in which a girl, like two drops of water similar to Olga Buzova, demonstrates her intimate parts of her body - either lowering her T-shirt, then lifting up her dress, demonstrating on camera stockings.

Photos of a couple from the first joint vacation and from the wedding of a friend of a football player. Star " Home-2” immediately posted a picture of herself in a chic evening dress against the backdrop of an expensive car and wrote: “Many men are afraid of women they need to grow up to, it’s easier to use those that you can sink to ...” Internet users did not doubt for a minute in whose garden Buzova launched a stone. However, the new passion did not become silent ex-husband TV star. Kostenko, in response to Buzova's attack, posted on Instagram a parable about unfortunate people delving into someone else's dirty laundry. However, in this way Nastya answered all the haters who constantly write negative comments about her and Tarasov.

Recall that Olga Buzova divorced Dmitry Tarasov in December last year. The couple lived together for five years, but, as Buzova said, her world collapsed in one day. One day she came home, and her lover showed her the door. “I loved, I got high from us, from the picture, from everything. I was a million percent sure. I am like a dog, loyal and devoted. In everything. In theory, I understand that someday I will have a man whom I will love, but my tongue does not dare to talk about it ... "- Olga admitted in an interview Yulia Baranovskaya. The star plunged into creativity and one by one began to release songs that instantly become the leaders of the iTunes chart. 31-year-old Olga Buzova after the divorce became literally the heroine of our time. She managed not only to earn wild popularity on her misfortune, but also just make good money. Journalists have already calculated that Buzova's income after divorce with Tarasov have already grown twice.

Anastasia Kostenko and Dmitry Tarasov during the first joint holiday

Anastasia Kostenko, together with Tarasov and his relatives, spent the weekend at the dacha
