Buzova's personal correspondence. Private correspondence of Olga Buzova and her intimate videos leaked to the network

IN Lately hackers are increasingly hacking iCloud storage on celebrity phones. In 2014, the Network got private photos many Hollywood stars, after which the world learned how actress Jennifer Lawrence playfully shakes her breasts in front of her boyfriend, and Kirsten Dunst is photographed half-naked in the mirror. Russian celebrities also suffered: in early 2016, the public learned the details of the correspondence between TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak and her friends. The diva discussed her exes in it and made sarcastic comments about mutual acquaintances. So, a certain Polina Ksenia and her girlfriend in correspondence were called "a chopped off horse", "a rude, ugly, rude boorish woman with huge demands and claims." Also, several intimate selfies of Ksenia got into the Network, which, however, quickly disappeared from there.

This time it's the turn of another famous TV presenter- Olga Buzova. Compromising evidence against her literally blew up the Russian Internet. Shortly before the correspondence hit the Internet, Buzova broke up with her husband, 29-year-old Lokomotiv footballer Dmitry Tarasov. And while the fans of the star couple came up with “reconciling” flash mobs on social networks and wrote Buzova tons of words of support, hackers hacked into her phone and published a correspondence in which Buzova still calls her husband “scum” and asks an unknown person named Anton to write to her what he thinks about their breakup. Buzova also writes to Tarasov's mother, Olga, sending her a photo of Anastasia Kostenko, Vice-Miss Russia 2014, with whom Dmitry is credited with an affair, accompanying the image with the words: “Inhumans. Animals. God is your judge. To all of you. See you in court."


From a person recorded on the phone as “husband”, Buzova received an SMS with a warning “do not touch mom”:


And Olga's mother hints to her daughter that there is her fault in their separation from her husband. For example, he calls her "dirty."


However, the most discussed in this whole story were those screens that show Buzova's correspondence with the famous showman Dmitry Nagiyev. Olga complains to a friend about how bad she is, asks to come and even sends intimate photos. In response, Nagiyev complains that he is on tour, invites his girlfriend to “write and call” him and ... advises to engage in masturbation more often.


Some, however, do not believe the suffering of the star and believe that this whole story is nothing more than self-promotion. After all, somehow the “drain” of her correspondence coincided with the release of new song Buzova, which is called "To the Sound of Kisses" and tells about unhappy love.

  • Olga is 30 years old, four years of which she spent as a participant in the reality show "Dom-2".
  • In 2007, wax figures of Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov, the most popular members of Doma-2, appeared in the Moscow Wax Museum.
  • Olga has released four books, all about herself.

Hackers posted on the web intimate videos and correspondence of Olga Buzova

The personal correspondence of the popular TV presenter Olga Buzova could get on the Internet as a result of a hacker attack on her phone.

Having gained access to the phone's data, unknown people, who may have hacked into the TV presenter's iCloud, posted personal correspondence, intimate photos and videos to the public in a folder called “Olga Buzova. The price of misfortune, writes Life.

On the audio recordings extracted from the correspondence in WhatsApp, the girl, in the voice of Buzova, convinces the interlocutor to take as many orders for advertising on Instagram as possible, explaining this by the fact that she now needs to earn money.

“In Russia, everything is fine with me, I need Europe, so that they start recognizing me there, so that my banners are in European stores” she says.

It is known that Olga Buzova broke up with her husband, football player Dmitry Tarasov. The day before the wedding, they entered into a marriage contract, according to which, in the event of a divorce, the girl does not have the right to claim the property of a football player.

Among the numerous screenshots from WhatsApp, you can find messages sent from a number recorded as "Mommy Whatsapp". The sender tries to convince "Olyushka" to save the marriage and reproaches herself for raising her daughters to be sloppy and intractable. She is also keenly interested in the fate of her daughter's car.

“It’s just that you have to try too, you’re a girl! You have to understand that you and I are pigs, and very messy, but for the sake of a loved one, you can become better. These are the little things like making the bed, taking out the trash, rinsing the sink after you, closing the cabinet doors, and so on. (...) I know this, dad was also infuriated, maybe that's why he took to drink ”- writes the interlocutor.

In the materials posted by "well-wishers", you can find photographs and shocking videos of a personal nature, in which the girl demonstrates her intimate parts of the body - either lowering her T-shirt, or lifting up her dress. In another video, she shares plans that she is going to increase her lips and cheekbones.

A shocking sex compromising evidence on the host of the Dom-2 show, Olga Buzova, appeared on the network.
Correspondence, photos and videos published by cybercriminals indicate that the 30-year-old blonde, after parting with her football player husband Tarasov, sought solace in the arms of the main sex symbol Russian TV screen- Dmitry Nagiev.
According to published data, Buzova asked Dmitry for a personal meeting in an intimate setting, recorded candid videos for him, and the host of the Voice show himself gave her valuable advice on how to relieve stress, namely: “Sleep, walk, masturbate”. "Life" publishes a sensational correspondence between two stars of the Russian screen.

Nagiyev made sure that the correspondence with Olga was not leaked to the press

To relieve stress, Dmitry offers Buzova to masturbate

To Buzova’s offer to fly to her in Marbella, Dmitry replied that he had a lot of work

It was about such pictures that the TV presenter asked Olya


Life contacted Dmitry Nagiyev, who spoke about his relationship with Olga Buzova and confirmed that he had corresponded with Dmitry Tarasov's wife.
“This is such a vile story that it’s just disgusting in my soul,” Nagiyev shared with Life. - It's disgusting that there are people who are interested in getting into their personal lives, a disgusting feeling. This does not apply to Olga Buzova, this applies to all life. A disgusting feeling of disgust and falling into the abyss. If someone is interested in watching, reading or listening to it, then this is all the internal muck of the person who is interested in it.
- Olga contacted you after the correspondence was published?
- We are not so close friends with Olga that she contacted me. Olga and I saw each other five times in our lives, and we are not connected friendly relations, believe me. Regarding the correspondence, I think that everyone would have done the same, supported the person. But as for the video, they, fortunately or unfortunately, did not reach me, because it has the ability to be erased. As for support, I am ready to support her at any moment, because, as it seems to me, this is an intelligent and frank person.


Football player Dmitry Tarasov was shocked when he found out about Buzova's sex correspondence with Nagiyev, but at the same time admitted that he suspected his wife of infidelity.
- I think now I can officially be considered a free man. All my doubts were confirmed. We have not been able to create real family: I want children, but, unfortunately, this requires the desire of two people. And from her video I'm about ... (in deep shock), - the athlete admitted to "Life".

Apparently, the situation around family problems Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov heated up to the point that some craftsmen tried to hack the presenter's smartphone to clarify the situation. As a result, Life.ru reporters had at their disposal personal correspondence, voice messages, and even an intimate video and photo of Buzova.


On the audio recordings, a girl with a voice similar to Olga's voice convinces the interlocutor to take as many orders for ads on Instagram as possible, explaining that she needs to earn money now. "In Russia, everything is fine with me, I need Europe, so that they start recognizing me there, so that my banners are in European stores!" – said the girl.

Further female voice changed the subject from work to personal. Turning to an interlocutor named Anton, the girl asks him for support and advice, tells that she has lost self-confidence and scolds a certain man named Tarasov. "Anton, Anton, Anton, he's scum, he's not a person. Look at this scum. You can explain to me, like a man, what the fuck he's doing. Record me a voice. Please. Write down at least something, your thoughts in general," asked the girl with a voice similar to Buzova's.

In response, the man tries to reassure the woman: “He is injured, not in the national team, not in the team. Well, yes, with a contract, but we have already discussed this with you, it can be canceled. And part of this contract is completely your merit. you are loved, respected. I started this message with the fact that you are fucking, he is now completely losing everything. After a while, he will understand this. You are Olga Buzova. You are a household name. You are the most fucking chick ".

Further, the girl calms down and mentions the correspondence with "his mother", reproaches herself for intemperance. "In vain, yes, I wrote to his mother, of course? I understand now. Well, tell me, I shouldn't have written to her? Well ***, I'm a woman. I can't help but write to her, realizing that she knew that he * *** another woman," the girl complained.

Reporters published screenshots of the girl's correspondence. To one of the recipients under the name "Olga Tarasova", the girl sent a photograph of the model Anastasia Kostenko, the same Vice-Miss Russia - 2014, with whom the novel is attributed to Dmitry Tarasov, accompanying the image with the words: "Inhumans. Animals. God is your judge. All of you. Mom, Goodbye. See you in court."

There is also a correspondence with the addressee "Husband". He sternly asked "not to touch" his mother.

Among the numerous screenshots from WhatsApp are messages sent from a number recorded as "Mommy Whatsapp". In frank correspondence, the sender tries to convince "Olyushka" to save the marriage, reproaches himself for not accustoming his daughters to comfort, raising them sloppy and trying to impute that an unsettled life can cause tension in the family.

Along with messages in which there were family squabbles and experiences, reporters publish photographs and sensational videos of a personal nature, in which a girl, like two drops of water similar to Olga Buzova, demonstrates her intimate parts of her body - either lowering her T-shirt, then lifting up her dress, demonstrating on camera stockings.

The blond host of the House 2 project joined the ranks of famous people, personal information which the hackers put on public display. On December 1, 2016, intimate videos of Olga Buzova appeared on the network (both old and very fresh, when she had already dyed her hair in a brunette) and her private correspondence on the topic of breaking up with Dmitry Tarasov.

As it turned out from the published material, Buzova’s mother believes that in order to look comme il faut in the eyes of the public, Tarasov must register a car for Olga and pay her an apartment for a year, according to Irina, Dmitry is a chick, not a man, stings, having millions of euros . In the course of correspondence with her sister, Buzova spoke sharply about Tarasov's mother, since she was aware that her son had an affair with the model.

For whom Olga Buzova filmed intimate videos, exposing female charms in front of the camera, is unknown. Since the host of House 2 had a frank correspondence with Dmitry Nagiyev, it was he who was recorded as Buzova's lovers, but the actor and showman had already denied a secret affair with Olga. Dmitry noted that he was connected with Buzova exclusively by friendly communication.

Correspondence of Olga Buzova with Nagiev read online:

Tarasov, commenting on the situation to one of the news agencies, said that he was shocked by the video with the participation of Buzova, they say, his doubts were confirmed. The football player complained about Olga's unwillingness to have children, in his opinion, therefore, it was not possible to create a real family. Buzova, who is now in Berlin, said that she was treated vilely and cruelly, Olga emphasized that she had been a free woman for the third month.

November 29, 2016 Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov filed for divorce, the marriage will be terminated on December 30, 2016.
