Prayer for marriage with a loved one. Who to pray to find a soul mate? Prayer for love and marriage

There is hardly a girl who would not like to meet the man of her dreams in order to create with him strong family. Among believing women, marriage has a special attitude - after all, the future spouse must necessarily share the views of his bride. Such a person is not easy to find. Therefore, parishioners of Orthodox churches traditionally resort to the blessing of higher powers. What icon to pray to get married? Find out from this article.

Prayer for the marriage of the Mother of God

If we remember that Jesus Christ was born in an ordinary family, it becomes clear why it is customary to pray for a good groom at the image of the Virgin Mary. After all, she also had a husband who helped raise the Baby, dealt with domestic issues, arranged everyday life.

Each family simply needs a head - a wise and strong man. Who, if not the Mother of God, understands the desire of a young heart to find worthy man who will not offend, will protect from all troubles?

To get married, the girl and her parents must pray to the "Fadeless Color" icon. One is connected with the veneration of the image. interesting story. There is an Orthodox church on one of the Greek islands. Every year, for the Annunciation, parishioners bring white lilies here - a symbol of the innocence of the Immaculate Virgin. Church tradition says that it was this flower that was presented to Mary by the Archangel.

Fadeless Color icon

Flowers stay in the temple until August. And on the day of the Assumption, a miracle happens - dry stems come to life, are filled with vital juices, give new buds. Inspired by this event, the monks from Athos created a special icon of the Mother of God. Unfortunately, the original image, which was written in the 17th century, has not reached modern people. But in the Tretyakov Gallery there is almost the same ancient list created in the 18th century.

The image exists in two different versions, on both the Virgin holds flowers - these are lilies or red roses.

  • Flowers can be woven into beautiful bouquets, sometimes they decorate the staff in the hand of the Queen of Heaven.
  • The Virgin Mary and Christ are depicted in royal robes, with crowns on their heads.
  • The image of the Mother of God can be both half-length and full-length.

Great is the power of the Mother of God. But you can also apply to other saints with requests for a successful marriage.

This is what the prayer of the Mother of God looks like:

“Oh, the Most Holy and Immaculate Mother Devo, the hope of Christians and the refuge of sinners!

Protect all those who resort to You in misfortune, hear our groaning, incline Your ear to our prayer, the Lady and Mother of our God, do not despise those who require Your help and do not reject us sinners, enlighten and teach us: do not depart from us, Your servants, for our grumbling.

Be our Mother and Patroness, we entrust ourselves to Your merciful cover.Lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life; May we pay for our sins.O Mother Mary, our favored and quick Intercessor, cover us with Your intercession.Protect from enemies visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who rise up against us.

O Mother of the Lord our Creator!You are the root of virginity and the unfading color of purity and chastity, send help to us who are weak and overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts.Enlighten our spiritual eyes, so that we can see the ways of the truth of God.

By the grace of Your Son, strengthen our weak will in fulfillment of the commandments, that we may be delivered from all misfortune and misfortune and be justified by Your wonderful intercession at the terrible judgment of Your Son.To him we give glory, honor and worship now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Who to ask for marriage

What other icons need to pray for their daughter to get married? There are not so few of them, there are plenty to choose from.

These are just the most popular icons that are turned to if you want to find your betrothed. You can pray to the disembodied heavenly forces, to your saint. Of course, every day you need to turn to the Holy Trinity. After all, only God gives strength to any saint.

How to pray for marriage

To whom exactly to pray is not important, the choice must be made according to personal preferences. Prayer at home can be said daily, at any convenient time. Attending church services will put your thoughts in order and calm your soul. You can order prayers to your beloved saint, invite all relatives and friends who are not indifferent to this situation.

The desire to start a family should be completely disinterested. After all, a family cannot be built on lies, its calling is to give a person strength, support, warmth. Also, you should not rush, it is advisable to check your feelings before making a final decision.

Which icon to pray to get married and start a family was last modified: May 7th, 2018 by Bogolub

Excellent article 0

Getting married is what every girl dreams of. To do this successfully, so that it is the very one, the only one, who calls you to marry, and so that you don’t have to do it a second time, you need to pray and ask God for a blessing on the labor of finding a worthy life partner.

Only a prayer for a good groom will not help the cause - you need to be firmly prepared to put your life on the altar of serving another person, to keep the commandments of God, to love your chosen one more than yourself.

Important to do right choice- and sincere and ardent prayer to the Lord also helps not to make a mistake.

Whom to pray to get married is up to you. Any saint will hear a sincere request for the gift of love and family happiness, so choose the one who is closest to you.

Prayer Rules

You can pray for any good undertaking - there is, in fact, no big difference in which saint to turn to. Regarding love, they usually pray to Saints Peter and Fevronia, Prince and Princess of Murom, who during their lifetime became the standard of Christian love and fidelity. But this is not a rule, you should not pray to the saints, as if they have a “specialization”, Ksenia of Petersburg, who accepted the feat of voluntary insanity after the death of her husband, helps to get married - it is hardly possible to call her happy in the usual sense.

There is a widespread misconception about the concept of strong prayer". Prayer is just words, it cannot be strong or weak. Prayer is a living communication with the Lord, and its strength lies not in the words spoken by the mouth, the strength of prayer lies in our attitude towards it, in the words that the heart utters.

If you read on the Internet about the color, size, quantity and quality of candles that should burn during prayer, and the result is set depending on the fulfillment of the requirements - you will get married for ten lunar days - beware and think about the acceptability of such methods.

In no case do not succumb to provocations, do not make witchcraft and magic out of prayer, remember that this is a great sin!

The effectiveness of prayer is not expressed in instant action. The Lord will hear the request of the heart and send the opportunity to meet with the betrothed. And it's up to you to take advantage of this opportunity.

How to pray for marriage?

Who to pray to get married? You need to pray, first of all, for yourself and your chosen one, ask God to enlighten you, teach you love, help in creating a strong union under the shadow of His great mercy. There are special prayers for the multiplication of love, they can be found in the prayer book. It is useful to offer a fervent and sincere prayer in front of the icon "Softening evil hearts", if your relationship with your loved one is in crisis and the planned marriage is in jeopardy.

Prayer for the icon "Softener of evil hearts"

“Much-sorrowful Mother of God, who surpassed all the daughters of the earth in her purity and in the multitude of sufferings that you brought to the earth! Accept our many-pained sighs and save us under the shelter of Your mercy, otherwise, as a refuge and warm intercession, is it not possible for You, but, as the boldness of those who are born of Thee, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we unswervingly reach the Kingdom of Heaven, even with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the One God, always, now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Do not be afraid to ask God for help in any matter, and if you need advice, resort to the help of priests. Father, as a link with God on earth, will explain to you any incomprehensible situation from the point of view of the Church.

Prayer for marriage

“Oh, all-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on me loving You with all my soul and with all my heart, and on fulfilling Your holy will in everything. Govern yourself, O my God, my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You alone, for You are the Creator and my God. save me from pride and pride: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is contrary to You and gives rise to vices, give me a desire for industriousness and bless my labors. Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then bring me, Holy Father, to this title sanctified by You, not to please my desire, but to fulfill Your purpose, for You Yourself said: it is not good for a man to be alone and, having created his wife as a helper, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the earth. Hear my humble prayer, from the depths of a girl's heart sent to you; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

The mercy of God descends on people through the prayers of various saints - St. Catherine has long been considered an assistant in matters of marriage.

Prayer to Catherine of Alexandria "On marriage"

“O Saint Catherine, virgin and martyr, true bride of Christ! We pray to you, as if it were a special grace, that your Bridegroom, the Sweetest Jesus, who received you, has preceded you: as if you have put to shame the temptations of the tormentor with your wisdom, you have defeated fifty winds, and having drunk them with heavenly teaching to the light Thou hast instructed the true faith, so ask us this God's wisdom, and we, all the machinations of the infernal tormentor, have dissolved, the world and the flesh have despised the temptations, worthy of Divine glory, and to the expansion of our holy Orthodox faith, we will become worthy vessels, and with you in the heavenly tabernacle of the Lord and our Master Jesus Christ with the Father and the Holy Spirit let us praise and glorify forever and ever. Amen."

You can ask Saint Xenia of Petersburg and Matrona of Moscow for help, the most important thing is not to offend them and the Lord with your negligence, coldness, stubbornness, belief in witchcraft or love magic.

Prayer of Xenia of Petersburg "On marriage"

“Oh, holy all-blessed mother Xenia! Under the roof of the Almighty, who lived, guided and strengthened by the Mother of God, suffered hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, received the gift of clairvoyance and miracles from God and rest under the shadow of the Almighty. Now the Holy Church fragrant flower, glorifies you: coming at your burial place, before your holy image, as if you live with us, we pray to you: accept our petitions and bring them to the Throne of the Merciful Heavenly Father, as if you have boldness to Him, ask those who flow to you eternal salvation, and for good deeds and undertakings, our generous blessing, deliverance from all troubles and sorrows, appear with your holy prayers before our All-Merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinners, help, holy blessed mother Xenia, illuminate babies with the light of Holy Baptism and the seal of the gift Seal the Holy Spirit, youths and maidens in faith, honesty, God-fearing and chastity to bring up and success in teaching them; Heal those who are sick and ill, send down family love and consent, worthy of a monastic feat to strive for good and protect from reproach, affirm the pastors in the fortress of the spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and serenity, for those deprived of communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ at the dying hour, pray: you are ours hope and hope, speedy hearing and deliverance, we send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow "On marriage"

“O blessed mother Matrono, now hear and accept us, sinners, praying to you, accustomed in all your life to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope for your intercession and help of those who come running, quick help and miraculous healing to all giving; let your mercy not fail now to us, unworthy, restless in this world of many vanities and nowhere to find comfort and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our sickness, deliver from the temptations and torment of the devil, passionately fighting, help to convey your worldly Cross, to endure all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, to keep the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong hope and hope in God and unfeigned love for neighbors; help us, after departing from this life, reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, in the Trinity of glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

Not only Christians have ways of turning to God about marriage - a Muslim woman also prays in her own way for marital happiness. Muslim prayer for marriage also exists, and not alone. You can pray to Allah in Arabic, there are also translations into Russian. Muslim prayer will help in creating a family, give blessing to the marriage union.

Muslim prayer "For marriage"

“O Allah! Everything is in Your power, but I am not able to do anything. You know everything, but I don't. You know everything that is hidden from us. And if You think what is best for the preservation of my religiosity and well-being both in this and in the future worlds, then help me for her to become my wife (husband). And if the other is the best for the preservation of my religiosity and well-being in both worlds, then help me so that that other becomes my wife (husband).”

After the prayer

How should a person who prayed and asked for help feel? Prayer has no criteria for effectiveness, it is a request for the blessing of life in marriage.

If you sincerely asked the Lord for help, He will not leave you, will not bypass you with his mercy, will give blessing and help all the days of your life together.

Love is a great work and at the same time a great reward, and there are no other ways to receive love, except for daily tireless work with prayer and the help of God.

Never think about magical ways speeding things up, and even more so, do not consider prayer in this way. You can suppress the will of a person, but the truth will protest in him with such force that you will regret more than once that you decided on witchcraft, having received a zombie creature instead of your beloved.

Video: Prayer to get married

Most detailed description: a strong Orthodox prayer for marriage - for our readers and subscribers.

Prayers for marriage and happiness in marriage

Find true love get married and start a family. All single female representatives secretly or explicitly dream of this. The Orthodox Church fully supports them in this intention, since from the position of the church, a worldly person can lead a pious lifestyle only when he is a family man.

The family is a small church, and the Bible says that "it is not good for a man to be alone." Therefore, do not be shy to pray for God's help in finding a life partner! Moreover, there are icons and saints who need to be addressed in this case, always believing that the prayer will be heard.

You need to pray to St. Nicholas, St. Great Martyr Catherine, St. Andrew the First-Called, St. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa. Famous icons of the Mother of God to which unmarried people turn for help: “Kozelshchanskaya” and “Fadeless Color”.

It will be just wonderful if you can visit the place where icons with relics are brought. Miraculous icons are also often brought. Find out when the shrine will be brought to your city and be sure to go to this temple. Do not forget about church holidays on which the Mother of God and the saints are traditionally asked for marriage, for example, the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Go on a pilgrimage to holy places, you can venerate miraculous icons, relics, order prayers. And, finally, go to church for services, confess, take communion. Having cleansed your soul and heart, in this way you will be ready for fateful meeting with your betrothed.

Commemoration at the Divine Liturgy (Church note)

Those who have health are remembered christian names, and about the repose - only those baptized in the Orthodox Church.

Notes can be submitted to the liturgy:

At the proskomidia - the first part of the liturgy, when for each name indicated in the note, particles are taken out of special prosphora, which are subsequently lowered into the Blood of Christ with a prayer for the forgiveness of sins

Prayer of a girl for marriage

Oh, all-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on me loving You with all my soul and with all my heart, and on fulfilling Your holy will in everything. Govern yourself, O my God, my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and pride: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is contrary to You and gives rise to vices, give me a desire for industriousness and bless my labors. Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then bring me, Holy Father, to this title sanctified by You, not to please my desire, but to fulfill Your purpose, for You Yourself said: it is not good for a man to be alone and, having created his wife as a helper, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the earth. Hear my humble prayer, from the depths of a girl's heart sent to you; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Great Martyr Catherine for marriage

Holy Great Martyr Catherine

The Holy Great Martyr Catherine was the daughter of the ruler of Alexandria of Egypt, she possessed rare beauty and intelligence. Catherine, on the advice of her spiritual mentor, chose her path to the faith of Christ, and the Lord betrothed her to Himself. At this time, Maximinus ruled the empire, who was an idolater and doomed the confessors of Christ to death. Catherine dared to go to him and the beauty of the girl captivated the emperor. He tried to captivate her with a promise of riches and glory to them, after the refusal, the emperor ordered that the saint be subjected to cruel torments and thrown into prison. Then, having learned another refusal, Maximin ordered to cut off the holy head. The relics of St. Catherine were transferred by Angels to Mount Sinai. In the 6th century, by revelation, an honest head and left hand the holy martyr and transferred with honors to the temple of the Sinai monastery.

Virtue, like the rays of the sun, enlightened the unfaithful sages. And, as if the bright moon, walking in the nights of unbelief, drove away the darkness and assured the queen, together with the tormentor, you denounced the tormentor, the God-called bride, blessed Catherine. With desire, you ascended into the Heavenly chamber to the beautiful Bridegroom Christ, and from Him you were crowned with a royal crown: He, with the angels coming, pray for us, creating your most honorable memory.

The face of an honest Divine, martyr-lovers, erect now, honoring the all-wise Catherine, this more in the feast of Christ preaching and trampling the snake, taming the minds of rhetoricians.

Oh, Saint Catherine, virgin and martyr, the true bride of Christ! We pray to you, as I command the grace of granting you your Bridegroom, Sweetest Jesus, as if having put to shame the charms of the tormentor, with your wisdom you defeated fifty branches and, having drunk them with heavenly teaching, you instructed the true faith to the light of the true faith, so ask us this God's wisdom, and we too Having terminated all the machinations of the hellish tormentor and despising the temptations of the world and the flesh, we will be worthy of Divine glory and we will become worthy of the expansion of our holy Orthodox faith, and with you in the heavenly tabernacle of the Lord and Master of our Jesus Christ we will praise and glorify forever and ever. Amen.

They also pray for a successful marriage

Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa

Prayers to the Great Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa

Since ancient times, in Rus', Saint Paraskeva has been considered a healer of mental and bodily ailments, a keeper family well-being and happiness. Married girls prayed to her in order to marry for love and as soon as possible. The memory of the Great Martyr Paraskeva-Pyatnitsa is celebrated by the Holy Church on October 28 according to the old, November 10 according to the new style.

O holy and blessed martyr of Christ Paraskevo, beautifully virginal, praise of martyrs, purity of image, magnanimous mirror, wise surprise, Christian guardian of faith, accuser of idol flattery, champion of the Divine Gospel, zealot of the commandments of the Lord, worthy to come to the haven of eternal rest and in the devil of your Bridegroom Christ God lightly rejoicing, adorned with the crown of virginity and martyrdom! We pray to you, holy martyr, be sad for us to Christ God. With His most blessed vision, it is always rejoicing; pray to the All-Merciful, even with a word, open the eyes of the blind, may he save us from the disease of our eyes, both bodily and spiritual; kindle with your holy prayers the dark darkness that has come from our sins, ask the Father of Light for the light of grace with our spiritual and bodily eyes; Enlighten us, darkened by sins, with the light of God's grace, and for the sake of your holy prayers, sweet sight will be given to the innocent. O great saint of God! O most courageous girl! O strong martyr Saint Paraskevo! With your holy prayers, be our sinful helper, intercede and pray for the accursed and viciously negligent sinners, hasten to help us, for these are very weak. Pray to the Lord, pure maiden, pray to the Merciful, holy martyr, pray to your Bridegroom, immaculate bride of Christ, and help with your prayers, the darkness of sin is gone, in the light of true faith and deeds of the Divine, we will enter into the light of the eternal day of the never-ending, into the city of joy forever, into now you shine brightly with glory and endless joy, glorify and sing with all the Heavenly Forces the Trisagionary One Deity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Righteous Philaret the Merciful

Righteous Filaret the Merciful, Paphlagagonian

First-Called Apostle of God and our Savior Jesus Christ, Supreme Follower of the Church, All-Praised Andrew! We glorify and magnify your apostolic labors, we sweetly remember your blessed coming to us, we bless your honest suffering, even if you suffered for Christ, we kiss your sacred relics, we honor your holy memory and we believe that the Lord lives, your soul is alive, and with you remain with him forever in heaven, even if you do not leave us with your love, as if you loved our fathers, when by the Holy Spirit you saw the conversion of our land to Christ. We believe, as if praying to God for us, in vain in the light of His all our needs. We confess this faith in your temple, and we pray to the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, that by your prayers we will be given all that is necessary for the salvation of us sinners: yes, even if you are abie to the voice of the Lord, leave your wounds, you followed Him unswervingly, and every one of us does not seek his own, but hedgehog for the creation of his neighbor, and thinks about the high rank. Having the same intercessor and intercessor for us, we hope that your prayer can do much before the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ, He deserves all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Indestructible Psalter

The indestructible Psalter is read not only about health, but also about repose. From ancient times, the ordering of a commemoration on the Unsleeping Psalter is considered a great almsgiving for the departed soul.

It is also good to order the Indestructible Psalter for yourself, support will be vividly felt. And one more crucial point, but by no means the least important

There is an eternal commemoration on the Indestructible Psalter. It seems expensive, but the result is more than a million times more than the money spent. If this is still not possible, then you can order for a shorter period. It's also good to read for yourself.

Prayer of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg for marriage

Holy Blessed Xenia of Petersburg

The sudden death of her beloved husband turned the whole life of a young woman named Ksenia upside down. She was deeply shocked by the fact that her husband died without proper Christian preparation and did not have time to repent. Ksenia decided that she herself would beg forgiveness from God for her husband. All her life she carried the feat of voluntary madness for Christ's sake. For great deeds, the Lord honored Blessed Xenia with the gift of clairvoyance. various difficult life circumstances.

Pray for health, for children, for marriage.

Oh, all-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on my loving You with all my soul and with all my heart and on fulfilling Your holy will in everything. Govern yourself, O my God, over my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and pride: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is contrary to You and gives rise to vices, give me a desire for diligence and bless my labors. Since Your law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then bring me, Holy Father, to this title consecrated by You, not to please my desire, but to fulfill Your purpose, for You Yourself said: it is not good for a man to be alone and, having created a wife for him as a helper, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the earth. Hear my humble prayer from the depths of a maiden's heart sent to Thee; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the Merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Blessed Prince Peter, in monasticism David, and Princess Fevronia, in monasticism Euphrosyne, Miracle Workers of Murom

Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Oh, the great saints of God and the miraculous miracle-workers of the faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, the city of Murom, intercessors and guardians, and for all of us, zeal for the Lord of prayer! We resort to you and pray to you with strong hope: bring your holy prayers for us sinners to the Lord God and ask us from His goodness all that is beneficial to our souls and our bodies: faith in the right, good hope, unfeigned love, unshakable piety, prosperity in good deeds, peace of peace, fruitfulness of the earth, well-being of the air, health and eternal salvation for souls and bodies. Intercede with the King of Heaven: His faithful servants, in sorrow and sorrow, crying out to Him day and night, may the many-sick cry be heard and may our belly be driven out of death. Ask the Church of the Saints and the entire power of Russia for peace, silence and well-being, and for all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Protect your fatherland, the city of Murom, and all the cities of Russia from all evil and all the faithful people who come to you and worship with might, overshadow the grace-filled action of your favorable prayers, and fulfill all their petitions for the good. Hey, miracle workers of the saints! Do not despise our prayers, offered up to you with tenderness, but wake up intercessors for us to the Lord and vouchsafe us with your holy salvation receive eternal and inherit the kingdom of heaven; let us glorify the inexpressible love of mankind of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity worshiping God, forever. Amen

The article is dedicated to Galina and Natalia about God's help in finding a life partner as soon as possible

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Who to pray for marriage and personal life

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In the Orthodox faith, there are a fairly large number of different holy images. As you know, believers turn to each of them with certain requests and prayers. Surely, many will agree that every girl dreams of marriage, but you can wait a long time for happiness in your personal life, and look for a soul mate for years. If it so happened that you for a long time you cannot get married, you should not immediately run for help to magicians and psychics. Better go to church and ask for help from those who are praying for marriage.

Prayers for marriage and personal life

With prayer words for help in marriage and personal life, you can turn to any holy image. But the prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the strongest, Mother of God, Xenia of Petersburg.

Many believe that you need to read a special prayer. But the main thing is not the text, but the fact that your words are sincere. It can be read both in front of the image and in any convenient place where you are. It is very important that you make the request daily, while clearly and correctly formulating it.

It is important to understand that prayers in which they ask to break up a family in an attempt to find their happiness in this way will not be heard. Because it is considered a sin.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for marriage

Orthodox believers love this Saint very much. Prayer words offered to him are always heard, and people always get what they ask for. The miracles he created are simply uncountable.

According to his biography, one day the Saint threw a bag of gold to a poor man who had three beautiful marriageable daughters. The father of the girls was so angry that he had nothing to give them as a dowry that he even thought of putting them on fornication. But thanks to the good will of St. Nicholas, the father repented of his intentions for a long time. And in the near future, all three daughters successfully married their loved ones.

With these words, you can turn to the face of the saint for help:

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most beautiful servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me a sinner and despondent in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, implore the Lord God, all creatures of the Creator, deliver me from air ordeals and eternal torment; May I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of the Mother of God for marriage

The Mother of God is also very often addressed with a prayer. As you know, she is the intercessor of girls, women and mothers. They turn to her with petitions not only for marriage, but also asking for the health and protection of children.

There is a fairly large number of icons of the Virgin. Many of the images are miraculous. They help get rid of diseases. Some images of the Mother of God most of all help to find family happiness:

  • "Kozelshchanskaya" Icon of the Mother of God. According to legend, she has Italian roots. The image itself appeared in the time of Elizabeth the first. The icon was brought by a court lady, who soon received a marriage proposal. Since then, it is believed that the image helps unmarried girls and women find happiness.
  • Icon "Fadeless Color". This holy image appeared in the 15th-17th centuries. Its writing is associated with annual miracles. Pilgrims brought a gift of the Mother of God in the form of lilies to the Holy Mountain. On the eve of the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin, all the flowers gained strength and bloomed again. When the Athos monks noticed the miracle happening, this icon was painted.
  • "Inexhaustible Chalice" icon of the Mother of God. This icon is considered miraculous. There are a lot of different stories about how prayers offered before the image helped to find housing, find a worthy couple and get rid of bad habits. They say that a prayer for love and marriage, read before this image since ancient times, helps girls and mature women find their soul mate.

The text of the prayer to the Virgin for marriage:

Oh, Blessed Virgin Mary, accept this prayer from me, Your unworthy servant, and offer it to the Throne of God Your Son, may he be merciful to our prayers. I resort to You as our Intercessor: hear us praying to You, cover us with Your cover, and ask God Your Son for all the blessings for us: spouses of love and consent, children of obedience, offended by patience, grieving complacency, all of us the spirit of reason and piety , the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth.

Save me from pride and pride, give me the desire for diligence and bless my labors. As the Law of the Lord our God commands people to live in an honest marriage, then bring me, Mother of God, to him, not to please my desire, but to fulfill the destiny of our Holy Father, for He Himself said: it is not good for a man to be alone and having created a wife for him to help. , blessed them to grow, be fruitful and inhabit the earth.

Holy Mother of God, hear a humble prayer from the depths of my girlish heart: give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You and the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for successful and quick marriage

Getting married is what every girl dreams of. To do this successfully, so that it is the very one, the only one, who calls you to marry, and so that you don’t have to do it a second time, you need to pray and ask God for a blessing on the labor of finding a worthy life partner.

Only a prayer for a good groom will not help the cause - you need to be firmly prepared to put your life on the altar of serving another person, to keep the commandments of God, to love your chosen one more than yourself.

It is important to make the right choice - and sincere and fervent prayer to the Lord also helps not to make a mistake.

Whom to pray to get married is up to you. Any saint will hear a sincere request for the gift of love and family happiness, so choose the one who is closest to you.

You can pray for any good undertaking - there is, in fact, no big difference in which saint to turn to. Regarding love, they usually pray to Saints Peter and Fevronia, Prince and Princess of Murom, who during their lifetime became the standard of Christian love and fidelity. But this is not a rule, you should not pray to the saints, as if they have a “specialization”, Ksenia of Petersburg, who accepted the feat of voluntary insanity after the death of her husband, helps to get married - it is hardly possible to call her happy in the usual sense.

There is a widespread misconception about the concept of "strong prayer." Prayer is just words, it cannot be strong or weak. Prayer is a living communication with the Lord, and its strength lies not in the words spoken by the mouth, the strength of prayer lies in our attitude towards it, in the words that the heart utters.

If you read on the Internet about the color, size, quantity and quality of candles that should burn during prayer, and the result is set depending on the fulfillment of the requirements - you will get married for ten lunar days - beware and think about the acceptability of such methods.

In no case do not succumb to provocations, do not make witchcraft and magic out of prayer, remember that this is a great sin!

The effectiveness of prayer is not expressed in instant action. The Lord will hear the request of the heart and send the opportunity to meet with the betrothed. And it's up to you to take advantage of this opportunity.

How to pray for marriage?

Who to pray to get married? You need to pray, first of all, for yourself and your chosen one, ask God to enlighten you, teach you love, help in creating a strong union under the shadow of His great mercy. There are special prayers for the multiplication of love, they can be found in the prayer book. It is useful to offer a fervent and sincere prayer in front of the icon "Softener of Evil Hearts" if your relationship with your loved one is in crisis and the planned marriage is in jeopardy.

Do not be afraid to ask God for help in any matter, and if you need advice, resort to the help of priests. Father, as a link with God on earth, will explain to you any incomprehensible situation from the point of view of the Church.

The mercy of God descends on people through the prayers of various saints - St. Catherine has long been considered an assistant in matters of marriage.

You can ask Saint Xenia of Petersburg and Matrona of Moscow for help, the most important thing is not to offend them and the Lord with your negligence, coldness, stubbornness, belief in witchcraft or love magic.

Not only Christians have ways of turning to God about marriage - a Muslim woman also prays in her own way for marital happiness. Muslim prayer for marriage also exists, and not alone. You can pray to Allah in Arabic, there are also translations into Russian. Muslim prayer will help in creating a family, give blessing to the marriage union.

How should a person who prayed and asked for help feel? Prayer has no criteria for effectiveness, it is a request for the blessing of life in marriage.

If you sincerely asked the Lord for help, He will not leave you, will not bypass you with his mercy, will give blessing and help all the days of your life together.

Love is a great work and at the same time a great reward, and there are no other ways to receive love, except for daily tireless work with prayer and the help of God.

Never think of magical ways to speed things up, and even more so, do not consider prayer in this way. You can suppress the will of a person, but the truth will protest in him with such force that you will regret more than once that you decided on witchcraft, having received a zombie creature instead of your beloved.

Prayers to get married: comments

Comments - 13,

Prayer is a good test of the truth of purpose. I used to know that I needed to pray before deciding on perhaps the most important step in my life, but I could not do it until the time came. When I was ready mentally and physically, when I was clearly aware of my desire, I sincerely prayed and thoughts at that moment flowed as if from my heart. Dear girls, women, be careful with your desires - they can come true. At least that's what happened to me. Everything that I prayed for came true, but what I just wanted did not come true.

Holy Matronushka, please help me get married.

girls, I read your prayers, but God does not see. Beloved, instead of offering to marry, he said you don’t need me and what should I be and all the others leave me, I don’t need anyone

Don't despair girls!)))) If it didn't work out, then it's not your destiny, hope, believe and wait!

I started reading an akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker (it is read for 40 days daily) and on the same day I met a supposedly person, but a week later they parted, a little ahead, but I’m sure that this is a test, the Lord sometimes sends us the wrong people for experience, I believe endlessly, that every believing, praying girl is sure to meet her man. It's his own!! May the Lord be according to your will, not mine! Girls, don't despair. I believe and you believe!! All the best!!



Holy Mother! Help me marry a worthy man who would love me! No more strength to endure this loneliness! And with the situation that I have now, I don’t know what to do at all (you know everything yourself), perhaps I would be happy with this person ... I beg you, Matronushka, help me!

Thank you for everything!

Write your comment here ... dear matronushka I want to get married, I'm very tired of my loneliness, help me, dear, I pray ....

Mother Matryonushka I ask you dear and pray, help me to marry a worthy man! I really want to create a strong family and give birth to healthy babies. Thank you, Beloved Matryoushka, for taking care of us sinners. Amen

Who to pray to find a soul mate? Prayer for love and marriage

Life without love is empty and meaningless. In the unity of souls, one can find a source of inspiration and happiness. Who to pray to find a soul mate? You should know that a prayer appeal for love and marriage is a request for pure feelings, creating a family and having children.

How to find a soul mate?

It can take years, and sometimes a whole life, to search for a soul mate, a soul mate. How to speed up a long-awaited meeting? Which saints pray for love?

Prayer is a powerful and effective tool that will help you focus on desire. A request addressed to higher powers with faith and hope will certainly come true.

It is a mistake to think that only memorized prayers will help convey the request to heaven. Words spoken from the heart also carry a strong energy potential. The structure of the prayer consists of gratitude for the benefits already available, repentance for sins and requests for love (marriage).

Mentally focusing on desire will help you find the right words. You should not ask the higher powers for love as an instrument of pleasure or self-affirmation. Purity of thoughts, sincerity should underlie prayer.

Who to pray to find a soul mate? You can turn to the Savior, the Mother of God, the patron saint, guardian angel with a request for love.

Prohibited Methods

You should be careful about your desires, clearly formulate the request. Higher powers will not help if we are talking about about the destruction of another family. Do not ask for your happiness at the expense of other people's grief.

In no case should a believer turn to magicians, occultists, psychics. Such help can only harm, leave a sinful trace in the soul and destiny of a person.

Do not use fraudulent methods to arrange your personal life. Deception, blackmail, temptation will not bring happiness.

Prayer of Xenia of Petersburg

The prayer of Xenia of Petersburg for love more than once helped the girls find happiness. A request before the image will help the spouses reconcile after a quarrel. The prayers of Xenia of Petersburg will bring back hope for love and happiness.

  • “Oh, all-blessed mother Xenia! Hunger and cold, thirst and heat endured. Living under the Lord's protection, the Mother of God is known and strengthened. You forgive all my sins that you voluntarily or involuntarily committed. Help, Saint Xenia, heal the sick, send family happiness. I ask you to fill my heart with earthly love. Send a life partner capable of illuminating our path with light. Bless, mother Xenia, our relationship, predicted by heaven. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The prayer of Xenia of Petersburg for love is pronounced in a calm state. You can put a candle in front of the image of the saint. Popular tradition says that prayer in front of the icon will help in finding your soul mate.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

A prayer for love to Nicholas the Wonderworker will contribute to a meeting with a kindred soul. According to legend, Saint Nicholas threw 3 bundles of gold to one father of the family so that he would not give his daughters to fornication. This money helped to restore a well-fed life to the family. The daughters were happily married.

  • “Oh, Saint Nicholas, the saint of the Lord, our intercessor in troubles and sorrows. Before your face I ask you to grant the forgiveness of my sins. Help me, the accursed one, ask our Lord to save me from ordeals and despondency. I ask you to grant your spouse (s) a long life, to have mercy in love and joy, to take care of children. Pray for us, Saint Nicholas, our Lord, to grant us a peaceful life and the salvation of our souls. Amen".

There are many testimonies of men and women who were helped by the prayer for love to Nicholas the Wonderworker. The saint willingly responds to people's sincere requests for the arrangement of family life.

Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow

The miracles of the Matrona of Moscow, her gracious help in finding a soul mate, creating a family are known throughout the country. Matrona's prayer for love will contribute to the long-awaited meeting.

  • “Mother-Matronushka, look into my heart. Help me find my betrothed, who is looking for me and toils without love. Help me find someone I love and who loves me. I ask you, suffering, humbly, fall at the feet of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Ask him to grant me family life. May the grace of God not leave us in our long-suffering vale. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia

Saints Peter and Fevronia have long been considered the patrons of the family and marriage. Their life is an example of love, fidelity. Prayers at their image give a soul mate, will contribute family happiness the birth of healthy children. Peter and Fevronia lived long life and died on the same day. Prayers in front of the icon will help to find a marriage union as soon as possible.

  • “Oh, the faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! With hope I pray and resort to your help. Offer prayers to our Lord and ask goodness for me. I ask about your intercession that our Heavenly King grant prosperity in good deeds, unshakable piety, good hope, unfeigned love, and right faith. Amen".

Icons of the Mother of God

There are a great many icons of the Mother of God. Some of them are miraculous, able to heal the sick, help the weak. The Mother of God is considered the great intercessor of man before the Savior. According to ancient legends, some of the images of the Mother of God contribute to the rapid acquisition of family happiness.

Therefore, to the question "Whom to pray to find a soul mate?" you can answer that several icons of the Virgin will help in finding a life partner:

  • Icon of the Mother of God "Kozelshchanskaya", according to legend, has Italian roots. It appeared in Russia during the time of Elizabeth I. The icon was brought by one of the court ladies, who soon received a marriage proposal. Since then, the rumor has gone that the image helps to find a happy marriage.
  • Icon of the Mother of God "Fadeless Color" appeared in the 16th and 17th centuries. Presumably, its writing was associated with the annual miracle. Pilgrims brought lilies to the Holy Mountain as a gift from the Mother of God. On the eve of the Dormition of the Mother of God, wilted flowers suddenly filled with strength, new buds appeared. The monks of Athos noticed this miracle, which served as inspiration for the painting of the “Fadeless Color” image.
  • Icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice" is miraculous. There are many stories about her help in finding housing, healing from bad habits. Prayer for love and marriage in front of the image from ancient times helped young virgins and mature women in search of a betrothed.

Prayer Paraskeva Friday

Saint Paraskeva during her lifetime took a vow of virginity and spiritual purity. Her image will help to find the long-awaited bride or groom, bring peace to the family, give the miracle of childbirth to desperate couples. A prayer for love and marriage in front of the icon of Paraskeva Friday will help chaste girls find a soul mate. Not without reason in Rus' this great martyr was called “The Holy Woman” - she patronizes women's cares, household chores.

Closer to the Intercession, the girls prayed to Saint Paraskeva with the words: “Mother Paraskeva, cover me as soon as possible!”

  • “Holy Bride of Christ, Great Martyr Paraskeva! With all your soul and heart you loved the King of Heaven, you have gone away to our Savior, having distributed your property to the poor. Your chastity and piety shines like a ray of sunshine among the infidels, fearlessly you carried the word of the Lord to them. With tenderness I look at your icon, I greet you, long-suffering Paraskeva. Begged the Savior, the Lover of mankind, may he give salvation and good mercy, patience and complacency in troubles. Let him grant, by intercession and your intercession, prosperity and peaceful life, health and affirmation in the faith, speed up his help in finding a betrothed and beloved. May it cleanse us sinners from filth. And, having improved salvation, with your prayers, intercession and representation, the bride of Christ Paraskeva, let us glorify the most pure marvelous name in the saints of the true God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer for help in love

Prayer to the Almighty to attract the miracle of love into your life will help desperate people. Such requests bring hope to a person's heart. A conversation with higher powers may not consist of learned prayer phrases. Ask the Almighty in your own words for the gift of love, family happiness.

The second half is a reward that must be earned by righteous deeds, sincere prayers. It happens that fate does not give a soul mate because the time has not yet come. Therefore, humble expectation, faith and prayer will help prepare the soul for the long-awaited meeting. Humble waiting is a state of mind, not inactivity. A person with a large social circle rich life more likely to find a soul mate.

Who to pray to find a soul mate? Prayers to the Savior for love can not only be said in the church at the icon. At dawn, before going to bed, pray to the Lord for the gift of a miracle of love and reciprocity. You can write a prayer in your own words and wear a note as a talisman on your chest.

Prayer for marriage

Appeal to higher powers should come from the heart. Each word of prayer is a concentration on communication, a request for help in one's troubles, sorrows, anxieties. First, write down your wish on a piece of paper. This will help you sort out your feelings and thoughts. You can write down the spiritual qualities of the one you would like to see as a soulmate.

Be sure to think about what kind of married life is seen, what it is for. It happens that a person wants to marry only for status in society. Therefore, higher powers do not send him a soul mate.

A prayer appeal for marriage is not only the fact of an official marriage. This is a request for the gift of patience, wisdom in family life. This is the ability to pacify one's selfishness for the benefit of the family. This is a request for children and grandchildren. This is a promise that every effort will be made to save the marriage.

Prayer for mutual love

Prayer asking for reciprocity is not a magical conspiracy. Occult rites suppress the will of a person, which helps to achieve the desired result. A prayer appeal for mutual love is a request to grant feelings without coercion.

Prayers for the love of a man can be offered to Andrew the First-Called, St. Anna, Tatyana, Seraphim of Sarov, patron saints by name or date of birth. Deep faith will contribute to the acquisition of mutual feelings for many years.

The Lord fulfills the requests of those in need. Therefore, in your appeals after prayer, try to explain to the Angels why you NEED a wife and children. How their appearance in your life will allow you to change and develop for the benefit of All. Don't stop your prayers. Just be specific with your request.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for marriage and personal life is the most powerful prayer

To marry a worthy man is the natural desire of any girl. Since ancient times, a woman has been perceived as the keeper of the hearth, so the need to create a family and establish a personal life for the fairer sex is laid down at a subconscious level.

For the sake of marriage, sometimes girls are ready for the most desperate deeds, but in pursuit of status married woman many people forget about the most important thing - faith in God and prayers. Meanwhile, some prayers can work no worse than the best matchmaker. A strong prayer, for example, is the prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for marriage and personal life, which has long helped many single girls and women to find happy family- beloved and loving husband, kids.

Turning to the Lord and the saints with a prayer for marriage is a completely normal and even necessary phenomenon if a girl does not get along with her personal life. If the prayer is heard by higher powers, then such a marriage will certainly become happy, long and strong, because it’s not in vain folk wisdom says that true marriages are made in heaven.

How to ask Nikolai Ugodnik for marriage

The prayer requests with which the believing people turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker are of a universal nature, simply because St. Nicholas is one of the most revered saints. For many centuries in a row, girls have been asking Nikolai Ugodnik to help them get married as soon as possible and will certainly receive help from him - provided that they pray sincerely, with all their hearts.

It is not necessary to pray to the holy elder for marriage using a special Orthodox prayer (although the use of a prayer, the text of which is given a little lower, is only welcome). You can formulate your request in your own words - the main thing is that it comes from pure heart. It is advisable to talk with Nikolai Ugodnik at his icon, by the light of a lit church candle.

Prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik for marriage: the text of a strong prayer

One of the most powerful prayers to Nikolai Ugodnik, with the help of which a single girl can ask for marriage, is as follows:

You can pray with its help both within the walls of the temple, at the image of St. Nicholas, having previously placed a candle, and at home, in front of the icon of the elder. It is recommended to read this prayer every day - until the moment when the request is heard by higher powers, and the girl meets her fate.

The obligatory part is an expression of gratitude to the saint. You can also thank Nicholas the Wonderworker in your own words, or, if you wish, find a special Orthodox prayer for these purposes. Text thanksgiving prayer provided in this article.

Strong prayer rite for personal life

There is another prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, the use of which gives a wonderful result. This prayer is accompanied by an obligatory rite, consisting of three stages: preparation, the church stage and the home stage.

Preparing to perform a prayer ceremony

A prayer ritual for the purpose of a speedy marriage requires preliminary preparation. The main rules that must be observed by the performer during the preparation:

  • do not cut your hair for 40 days;
  • refrain from any relationship with a man, and even more so not to have intimate contacts for 40 days;
  • to fast - also for 40 days.

On the 41st day, a girl who dreams of getting married must go out into the open field. While there, you need to cross yourself and bow on all 4 sides, and then direct your path to the nearest temple or church.

church stage

Within the walls of a liturgical institution, you need to put a candle in front of the icon of St. Nicholas, express your request and read a prayer for marriage. Its text is as follows:

The girl must leave the church backwards. Near the front door, you should stop and make the sign of the cross three times.

Home stage

Arriving home, the performer, first of all, should hide in a secluded place the scarf that covered her head in church. Over the next 7 Sundays, this scarf should be put on the head and already at home pray to Nicholas the Pleasant for a speedy marriage - for this you need to purchase an icon with the image of the saint in the temple, if it is not available in the house.

The girl, if she did everything right, should meet her betrothed and future husband during these seven Sundays. This prayer ritual for marriage is one of the most powerful. Its effectiveness is confirmed by a considerable number of real-life examples of girls and women who managed to fulfill their dream and create their own family, even after many years of loneliness.

Who can read prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker for improving his personal life

Both unmarried young ladies themselves and their mothers, who are concerned about the fate of their beloved, but lonely daughters, can say prayers for marriage addressed to St. Nicholas. Sincerely turning to Nikolai Ugodnik with one of the presented prayers, the girl is guaranteed to count on the fact that very soon a reliable, decent, kind and honest man will appear next to her, with whom she will be able to create a strong and happy family, walk along life path together, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder.

Thank you for the text of the prayer! I am very worried about the fate of my only daughter, she is already 30, and she has never been married. And smart and beautiful, but there is no reliable man nearby. And I still want to take care of my grandchildren, the sixth decade goes on after all. I really want Saint Nicholas to help my daughter. I will pray to him!

Thank you for the text and detailed description of the ritual!

And what should be fasting during prayer?

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Prayers for marriage. Strong prayers for marriage


A love spell of a loved one with prayers is a very common rite of white magic for love. Magic words to fall in love with a loved one without consequences for themselves and they read him in the temple. Conspiracies on, will open for you the magic words how to fall in love with a loved one or meet your soul mate who marries you, for this you need to read the most powerful spell on your own - a prayer for love and quick marriage. This must be done in church by reading all the strongest prayers for marriage :

  • 3 times in front of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, read a prayer for the soulmate,
  • once read a strong prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for marriage,
  • 1 time to read a prayer to Matronushka to successfully marry a loved one,
  • the rite ends with a strong prayer to Seraphim of Sarov for marriage and love forever.

A prayer for a second marriage after the death of a husband or a divorce from her husband is read in the same sequence. For a love spell in the church with the help of a prayer, you need to buy 5 candles- 4 for prayers to the saints for marriage and love, and the fifth for health at the icon of Pantelemon. Before you beg the saints for a successful marriage and read strong prayers, you need to enter the church to say magic words so that the future husband loves you more than life and never cheats: Lord, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Nikolai Ugodnik, Kazan Mother of God, help me (state your request) - this is the fastest and most powerful way to get married successfully and out of mutual love.

Prayer for the marriage of Our Lady of Kazan

Light a candle in front of the icon of the Mother of God "Fadeless Color", and read a strong prayer for a quick marriage:

Protect all those who resort to You in misfortune, hear our groaning,

incline Your ear to our prayer, Lady and Mother of our God,

do not despise those who require your help and do not reject us sinners,

enlighten and teach us: do not depart from us, Thy servants, for our grumbling.

Be our Mother and Patroness, we entrust ourselves to Your merciful cover.

Lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life; May we pay for our sins.

O Mother Mary, our favored and quick Intercessor, cover us with Your intercession.

Protect from enemies visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who rise up against us.

O Mother of the Lord our Creator!

You are the root of virginity and the unfading color of purity and chastity, send help to us weak

and overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts.

Enlighten our spiritual eyes, so that we can see the ways of the truth of God.

By the grace of your Son, strengthen our weak will in the fulfillment of the commandments,

let us be delivered from all misfortune and misfortune and be justified

Your wonderful intercession at the terrible judgment of your Son.

To him we give glory, honor and worship now and forever, and forever and ever.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for marriage

With a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, all Orthodox on Earth turn for help. There is a very old and good prayer about marriage addressed to Nicholas the Wonderworker. Having put a candle at his icon, continue the rite of the church ceremony for marriage by reading this prayer:

O all-holy Nicholas, the most beautiful servant of the Lord!

During your life, you never refused anyone's requests,

Do not refuse the servant of God (name).

Send down your mercy and ask the Lord for my soon marriage.

I surrender to the will of the Lord and trust in His mercy.

Bow before the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker and move on to the next icon of the Matrona to read a strong prayer for a successful marriage to your loved one.

Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow for marriage

Matrona Like St. Catherine very quickly helps to get married, the power of the prayer of this saint is so great that none of the people have any doubts. People pray to the matron for a variety of reasons, someone to restore relations in the family, someone needs to be cured, women and girls go to her with requests, reciting a prayer in order to get married. Place the third candle near the icon of the Holy Matronushka and say the magic words of the prayer to the Blessed Matrona about your marriage:

O blessed mother Matrono, soul in heaven before the Throne of God,

The body is resting on the earth, and the grace given to you from above exudes various miracles.

Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrow,

Sickness and sinful temptations are dependent days, comfort us, desperate,

Heal our cruel ailments, from God to us according to our sins,

Deliver us from many troubles and circumstances,

Beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us all our sins, iniquities and sins,

Image we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour,

Yes, with your prayers, having received grace and great mercy,

Let us glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Having finished reading the text of the prayer to the Matrona, form a request for imminent marriage and continue the rite of white magic to get married quickly. There is not much left and believe, after finishing reading these strong prayers, you will definitely get married this year, even if there is no groom, you will definitely meet him.

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov for marriage

These strong prayers (3) for marriage to St. Seraphim of Sarov will complete the rite of white magic for a successful and quick marriage. Approaching his icon, light a church candle and say the magic words of a prayer - a love spell:

Oh wonderful Father Seraphim, the great wonderworker of Sarov, a hasty helper to all who resort to you! In the days of your earthly life, no one is thin and inconsolable from you when you leave, but for everyone in the sweetness there was a vision of your face and a benevolent voice of your words. To this, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of weak souls of healing is abundant in you. When God called from earthly labors to heavenly rest, your love is not simple from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplied like the stars of heaven: behold, at all ends of our earth, you are the people of God and grant them healing. The same we cry out to you: O quiet and meek servant of God, daring to pray to Him, never refrain from calling you, lift up your pious prayer for us to the Lord of Forces, may he grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may he protect He will teach us from sinful falls and true repentance, in a hedgehog to unstumblingly enter us into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, even though you are now in an impenetrable glory, and there to sing the Life-Giving Trinity with all the saints until the end of time. Amen.

burdened with many sins, your help and comfort to those who ask. Come to us with your mercy and help us to keep the commandments of the Lord immaculately, keep the Orthodox faith strong, repentance for our sins diligently bring God, in the piety of Christians prosper with grace and are worthy of being your prayerful intercession to God for us. Hey, Holy One of God, hear us praying to you with faith and love, and do not despise us who demand your intercession: now and at the hour of our death, help us and intercede with your prayers from the evil slanders of the devil, may those forces not possess us, but May we be honored with your help to inherit the bliss of the abode of paradise. We now place our hope on you, good-hearted father: truly guide us to salvation and lead us to the non-evening light of Eternal Life by your God-pleasing intercession at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, may we praise and sing with all the saints the revered Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever centuries. Amen.

Turn to the Saint with a request for marriage and bow down, put a candle for yourself for health, finish the ceremony in the church for a quick marriage to your half. Be sure that the rite will work very quickly and within a year you will definitely marry the one you love or meet the one who will be sent by heaven. In any case, after reading these prayers for marriage in the church, your husband will never cheat, and your marriage will be happy and successful.

Very strong love words of a conspiracy spoken by water in a glass at the front door will bring great boredom to your beloved and make him always return home. They read a quick love spell on water any day and at any time - this easy rite can be performed even several times a day if you suspect your beloved husband or wife of treason. As soon as a person leaves the threshold of the house, put any bowl or glass of water at the threshold inside the apartment (house) and say a love spell on the water three times in a row

How to return your beloved girl or woman if she left you? A strong and proven conspiracy will help in order to return your beloved after parting and awaken her love and interest in herself again. After parting, go to church and perform a ritual of white magic to return love from a loved one. Having bought any candle in the church, leave the change at the mercy (saying to put it on a common candle). Within 3 to 7 days after the action of the return conspiracy, your beloved will return to you and your relationship and love feelings will be fully restored. A conspiracy to return your beloved which you need to read in

To return your husband home after a quarrel or divorce will help a strong conspiracy to return love and relationships that you need to read at home - the house where you lived with your husband. Looking for a worker and fast way how to get rid of a rival and return a beloved man will help a conspiracy to return feelings of love and warm relationships as before (until the moment of parting). A conspiracy to return the one who left you is read during the day, just as in order to return a person by conspiracy, the lunar cycle is not important, any day except Sunday and major church holidays is suitable. Before reading a conspiracy that can quickly return a husband, beloved man or ex-husband, put yeast dough. When

Instantly returning a husband with the help of prayer is not easy - to return a loved one to the family, the wife needs to read a prayer for the return of her husband 3 days in a row - in the morning, afternoon and evening, and only on the fourth day the return prayer will work and the husband will return to his wife. This most powerful prayer for family reunification, read with candles in the church, has tremendous power and quick action, which is often able to return a husband to himself and his children in one day and make peace after any quarrel. Prayer as a reliable way to quickly return a husband is read by abandoned wives, whose loved ones have gone to a young mistress. After reading the prayer for the return of her husband, the unfaithful very quickly came to the family and repented of

If your beloved man has stopped coming in and does not write to call and in every possible way avoids meeting with you, a strong conspiracy will help so that the right person calls you urgently, and this conspiracy works very quickly. This conspiracy must be read in order to force a loved one to call, write or come to the person called by him. This ritual will be able to make your loved one feel sad and make him not only remember your existence, but also call you or come to meet you. A conspiracy to call will make the one you need remember about you and immediately call on the phone. To independently perform a trouble-free ritual to remind yourself of yourself, go to the open window in your house and read

The action of the conspiracy to return and admonish is very strong and begins immediately after it is carried out. Wherever the beloved is, even in another city, he will have a strong desire to see you and will not disappear until he returns to you. In love as in war - all methods are good and the result depends on the choice of weapon. And if a loved one went to a rival? Here, the best weapon is to independently read a strong conspiracy to return a loved one, this method is a very strong and sure means that a loved one cannot resist him. This ancient conspiracy ritual in ancient times helped to return after a quarrel a husband and wife who had left home

There is a good white conspiracy on marriage by reading which you can quickly and successfully get married. You need to read this conspiracy for Easter and any woman or girl who does not have a groom or he is so indecisive that he does not propose to you to marry can do this. This conspiracy will make your betrothed quickly marry the one who is in Easter week read on him the words of the Easter conspiracy for a quick and successful marriage - read on

Love conspiracies that you can read on your own can be done both day and night. At night, the strongest love plot should be read on the full moon, this time is considered the most suitable for magical rites of love magic. If you need to quickly bewitch a person to yourself and read a strong love spell on him, you can perform a ceremony for eternal love using his photo and a red church candle, doing everything yourself. Another very good one quick plot for love is done with candles and needles and refers to black magic. As you can see, there are a lot of love spells that need to be read on candles. You can read them

A conspiracy in a cemetery made for love is committed for life. You can read a love plot on cemetery land both during the day in white light and on a black night under the light of the moon. All strong love spells that need to be read in a cemetery are called cemetery love spell on eternal love and refers to black magic. To do it yourself love rite on cemetery land and read a strong conspiracy, you need to be a very brave person and love the person for whom you are ready to perform a ritual ceremony. Conspiracies will not open great secret black wedding and you will know the best love plots that should be read in the cemetery. Choosing and doing

Many are interested in how to independently make a love plot from a photograph of a loved one. In itself, this is a very light love rite with reading the words of the magic conspiracy of the defiant strong feelings love in a person. A love plot can be read independently both at home, and by choosing a faster black love plot using a photo and performing a love ritual in a cemetery. In any case, if you have a photograph of a bewitched person, his presence when you read the love plot is not required. Know also that a love plot drawn from a photo will not be possible to remove; it is performed only once in a lifetime. To

This magical rite love magic allows you to quickly find your love and successfully marry, you just need to perform a simple ritual with reading a love plot to meet your loved one. Immediately after reading this conspiracy, fate will send you your betrothed who is destined to become your husband. For the ceremony, take any small roadside stone that fits in your hand and take it home. At home, rinse this stone seven times under running water while reading a special plot on

In order for a friend to be the first to want to make peace and apologize for the quarrel, you need to look at him in the wake to read the reconciliation conspiracy. In fact, immediately after reading, a friend will strongly want to return your friendship and will begin to feel guilty for the quarrel, and the conspiracy that needs to be read is as follows:

This white conspiracy will help you quickly make peace with any person without causing him any harm and quickly restore friendly relations with him that were before the quarrel. You need to read a conspiracy for reconciliation in the church in front of the icon of the Mother of God. Very soon after the ceremony, you will make peace and will no longer quarrel over trifles, constantly finding compromises that will suit you. Put a candle to her and bow down, read the white conspiracy - a prayer to make peace with what you need

If quarrels with your husband began to occur in your family and you have a feeling that he is cheating, correct this situation and restore a happy life. family life this strong conspiracy on her husband from his betrayals will help. Immediately after reading the conspiracy from treason, the husband will love only his wife, experiencing an endless feeling of love and happiness next to her. The plot is read on bread, which the husband must eat with any meal. Before you sit down at the table, read this plot over a piece of bread. As soon as the husband eats the bread charmed from betrayal, happiness will return to your family and the husband will love only his wife and you will become the happiest and most friendly

Every girl dreams of creating a family and children. Short relationship or absence permanent partner don't bring positive emotions. To find your man, you need to start with yourself.

Self-love attracts the favorable attitude of others. But love should be tender: a cheerful look, a light gait, a benevolent attitude. A proud look, haughty communication and narcissus, like Narcissus, are more likely to repel a man.

The search for a soul mate, lasting for years, leads the girls to church. It is the Lord who sees the right person, not without reason they say that "marriages are made in heaven."

To whom and how to pray

Prayers to get married addressed to the Lord and his saints. When choosing one of them, you need to study the inhabitants of the Saint, acquire his image and visit the church. The successful outcome of prayer appeals depends on the girl herself: goodwill, openness. A prayer for marriage to the Almighty is uttered by those who desire a sincere, honest and trusting relationship in marriage.

Strong prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos for marriage or imminent marriage are read by mothers. She feels women's desires and helps. To use prayer, you need to sincerely believe. Church is visited for communion and confession. Believers do this all the time, but there is a category that does not consider it obligatory to visit temples and communicate with clergy.

When reading a prayer, you should:

  • Do not pursue selfish goals;
  • To be in peace and quiet;
  • Cleanse thoughts from worldly affairs and worries;
  • Speak the text aloud or to yourself;
  • Choose any free time;
  • Use candles from the church shop.

You can ask God for marriage, the wedding of your daughter or the successful marriage of your son in your own words. Saints are also addressed in a simple way, because every prayer will be heard. For an honest relationship, an equal marriage, there is a maiden's prayer for marriage. She is approached by girls who want to get married successfully.

Prayers to the Saints of God

Each Saint has his own power and helps when addressing him. Everyone's life is unique and carries a deep meaning. Get to know him, visit the church with the image before prayer is a must. The text memorized by heart will be heard, and the desired will turn into reality.

Saints are worshiped with prayers:

  • Peter and Fevronia of Murom;
  • Matrona of Moscow;
  • Blessed Xenia of Petersburg;
  • Seraphim of Sarov;
  • Great Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa.

Peter and Fevronia of Murom

These saints symbolize the model of love in the Russian Orthodox Church. In honor of them, July 8 is celebrated as the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

Peter had brother- Prince Pavel. One day a snake began to fly to his wife. No one could destroy him, and he opened the secret that he would die only from the sword of Peter.

Peter could not leave his brother in trouble and waited for the next visit of the snake. After a difficult fight, the fire-breathing one fell, but managed to throw fire on Peter. All skin was covered with ulcers. No one could cure them, then the young man turned to God and prayed with all his might.

The Lord, heeding the suffering of the patient, ordered to seek healing in the Ryazan side. Peter could no longer walk, but promised a reward to the one who would bring him back to life. The servants went around the houses in the vicinity until they found the maiden Fevronia gathering herbs.

Fevronia was known in the district as a healer with the gift of foresight. She did not need wealth, and she wished to become the wife of a young prince. Wishing for healing, he agreed, but was cunning with his soul. She felt his dishonesty, but she prepared a bath and ordered all the ulcers, except for one, to be treated with the prepared decoction.

After the bath, the prince came out on his feet, as if reborn. He thanked Fevronia and left without keeping his promise. After a while, from one untreated ulcer, the whole body was again covered with them. Peter returned and took Fevronia as his wife, and she cured him of his illness forever.

After the death of his brother, Peter became the sole ruler of Murom. Boyar wives despised the princess of peasant blood. Once they staged a riot and kicked out Fevronia, her husband left with her. On the water they sailed to the island. Peter was frightened by the unknown, and Fevronia, in order to inspire her husband, spoke to the bars on which the cauldron of food hung. In the morning they turned into trees, and servants came to the lovers to ask for their return. The boyars shed blood, they could not share power.

The lovers had no children, at the end of their lives they took monastic vows and devoted themselves to serving the Lord. They asked him to die on the same day, and they asked to bury themselves in a single special coffin. They were twice tried to separate after death, but they reunited again.

St. Matrona Moscow

During her lifetime, Matrona helped everyone who turned to her with problems and illnesses. Anticipating her death three days in advance, she continued to work miracles and asked to come to her even after her death. The blessed one is especially revered by women who want to conceive and give birth to a child.

The girl was born into a poor family, where they already raised three children. Parents understood that it would be difficult to raise another one to their feet. One night, in a dream, a snow-white bird without eyes came to her mother. The pregnant woman considered the dream prophetic and decided not to give the girl to a shelter.

The matron was born without eyes. As a girl, she acquired the gift of foresight, but she never considered herself special. Her prayers gave her strength. With their help, she treated people, helped in difficult situations.

Xenia of Petersburg (Petersburgskaya)

Blessed Xenia in the Russian Orthodox Church is a model of fidelity and devotion. She was married and lived well. Her husband died very early, and she was very upset by the separation from her beloved.

Society considered the girl mentally ill. She left all her property to the poor and needy and, wearing her husband's clothes, calling himself by his name - Alexei, walked around St. Petersburg. During the day she often visited acquaintances, helped the homeless with advice and prayer. God gave her the gift of healing.

Word of her abilities quickly spread throughout the city. People tried to see her to ask for help. Xenia accepted everyone.

For skeptics, she was insane, and they were sure that Ksenia spends her nights at the station or in bunkhouses. Once following her, they were amazed. In winter, Xenia knelt in the field at night and began to pray. So she stood all night long, and in the morning she again went to help those in need.

Her physical assistance in the construction of a church at the Smolensk cemetery is also known. At night, she secretly stacked bricks for masons and lifted them upstairs. In this cemetery, she was buried after almost 20 years of wandering.

Seraphim of Sarov

The Kursk boy Prokhor was born into a wealthy family. Father worked hard. The parents were believers and raised their children in the faith.

The father died early, and the mother raised the children alone. During his lifetime, Father Prokhor began the construction of the temple. The widow continued his work. Once she climbed the bell tower together with little Prokhor, he leaned over the railing and fell. Frightened bystanders were surprised that there was not even a scratch on his body.

After some time, the boy became seriously ill. There was no hope for recovery, he constantly prayed. The Mother of God appeared to him and promised to heal, the boy told about the vision of his mother.

On one of the days of the procession icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, it began to rain. The clergy passed the way and passed by Prokhor's house. The mother brought her son to the icon, and soon he began to recover, began to pray and read more.

At the age of 17, he went to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, blessed by his mother with a copper cross. There he began his service to God, acquiring new knowledge.

Prokhor was drawn to seclusion. He asked for blessings for life on the island. There he built a wooden cell and came to the temple only on weekends and holidays.

Once he was attacked to rob. Prokhor was badly beaten, and he asked God to forgive his offenders. Later they were found and wanted to condemn, but Prokhor insisted not to do this. A little later, they came to him for advice and help when their houses burned down.

After 5 years of living on the island, he returned to the temple, but continued his retreat. People often came to him for advice, but he accepted the rite of silence and did not help anyone for 3 years, until the Mother of God appeared to him with a call to help people.

The appearance of the Mother of God with a warning about the end of the worldly mission was 2 years before her death. Prokhor took monastic vows with the name Seraphim. In the Orthodox Church, he is revered as a model of patience, obedience, piety and devotion.

Great Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa

In Asia Minor, a daughter was born to wealthy parents. They, honoring Jesus Christ and his Friday, named the girl Paraskeva (Friday, Greek). She grew up in love and care, but was orphaned early.

Having reached adulthood, she decided to devote her life to the service of the Lord. A stately and beautiful young lady did not recognize suitors, considering them worthy of the Almighty. She preached Christianity everywhere, not being afraid of the punishments of the pagans.

In 300, a new commander began persecuting Christians. Paraskeva did not renounce her faith and was ready to be tortured. Caught by the priests, she was hung on a tree, but continued to preach. They tortured her, tearing her body with nails, iron claws. The girl with dignity endured the test without uttering a word.

The priests were sure that she would not survive, and threw her tortured, bloodied and torn to the bones body into a dungeon. At night, the Lord appeared to her and healed all the wounds for selflessness.

The commander came in the morning to visit the captive and saw her body clean from beatings. He was amazed, but considered that the idols helped Paraskeva heal. She asked to see her healers and went with the priests to a pagan temple. Crossing the threshold of the temple, Paraskeva began to pray. Idols from her prayers fell and crumbled. Upon learning of this, the commander ordered the girl to be hung on a tree again.

Paraskeva was tortured with torches and candles, burning the body, but the Angel descended from heaven, fanned the flame, and the guards perished. The commander had no choice but to behead the Christian woman. When the soul left the body, the laity heard a voice: “Rejoice! Paraskeva is getting married!

  • hearth;
  • family ties;
  • honest relationship.

In prayers to her, women ask for a speedy marriage and settlement of relations in marriage.
