How to develop a clear and correct diction exercise. Diction exercises 

Finding a person with good diction is becoming increasingly difficult, because few people consciously strive to improve their speech. Speech data is rarely given naturally, so exercises should be done to improve pronunciation. But does every person need a clear pronunciation?

The set diction implies a clear pronunciation of words and the correct location of the organs of speech. The reason for poor diction is congenital defects of the speech apparatus. But the reason may be the imitation of the speech of other people in childhood. But even with poor pronunciation, improvement is possible if special diction exercises are used.

The set diction helps:

  • Reach understanding. If a person has not been engaged in the development of speech, the information expressed by him will be difficult to be perceived by people who see him for the first time and are not used to the peculiarities of pronunciation.
  • Make an impression. Improving diction helps when you need to show your best side. An example is a conversation with an employer who is more willing to give a position to a person with a clear pronunciation.
  • Attract attention. If a person constantly develops his pronunciation and voice, any story told will be perceived more readily than with speech defects.

Development of pronunciation in adults

The development of the diction of an adult differs in that the production of sounds is much more difficult. When a person is used to pronouncing words in a certain way, he has to change not only the pronunciation, but also the perception of his speech. Before improving diction, it is worth considering the main types of exercises.

  • pronunciation of tongue twisters;
  • listening to your voice
  • breathing training.

To learn beautiful speech using tongue twisters, you should choose several of these phrases designed to develop the pronunciation of certain sounds and find out which ones are more difficult to pronounce. It is on them that you should focus your attention. It is important to pronounce such phrases regularly so that the speech apparatus gets used to the correct pronunciation. Working on yourself means doing exercises every day.

Dictaphone recordings are a tool to help you learn how to pronounce sounds correctly. If you listen to your speech on the recording, you can understand that it sounds completely different from when talking with an interlocutor. By identifying defects and correcting them, you need to constantly record speech until they disappear.

A common problem is shortness of breath during the pronunciation of long phrases. This becomes noticeable during public speaking. To get rid of this problem, the diaphragm training method is used. One of the diction exercises is to draw the vowel out as you exhale for as long as possible. At first it turns out to do this only for a few seconds, but later the time increases to 25. Breathing training also involves changing the pitch of the voice. Another way to train is to inflate balloons.

With regular exercise, the result appears within a few days. But in order to maintain the effect, you need to do all of the above constantly. At the same time, it is worth using books that are designed for the development of speech.

Text for the development of diction

To develop the correct pronunciation, there are texts that are composed on the same principle as tongue twisters. They usually combine several tongue twisters to develop different sounds. This means that you do not need to search for texts to correct diction. For training, it is enough to find tongue twisters for setting all the sounds, and combine them into a single whole.

In order to form the correct pronunciation faster, nuts of different sizes are placed in the mouth or a pencil is clamped between the teeth. After removing such items, you can feel that pronouncing even complex phrases has become easier.

Expressive reading of fiction also helps to develop diction. By recording your pronunciation on a voice recorder, it is easy to determine which sounds are not pronounced correctly.

The longest tongue twister

“On Thursday, the 4th, at 4 and a quarter o’clock, the Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria, but 33 ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch, and then the protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol, as the interviewed Ligurian traffic controller eloquently, but not he reported cleanly, and so reported about the wet weather that so that the incident would not become a contender for judicial precedent, the Ligurian traffic controller acclimatized in unconstitutional Constantinople, where crested laughers laughed with laughter and shouted to the Turk, who was blackly stoned with a pipe: do not smoke, Turk, pipe, buy better a pile of peaks, it’s better to buy a pile of peaks, otherwise a bombardier from Brandeburg will come - he will bombard him with bombs because some black-nosed half of his yard has dug up, dug and undermined with his snout; but in fact the Turk was not in business, and Klara-Kralya was sneaking to the chest at that time, while Karl was stealing corals from Clara, for which Klara stole the clarinet from Karl, and then in the yard of the tarry widow Varvara 2 these thieves stole firewood; but sin - not laughter - not to put it in a nut: about Clara and Karl in the darkness, all the crayfish rustled in a fight - that’s not up to the scorer, the thieves had, but not up to the tarry widow, and not up to the tarry children; but the angry widow removed the firewood into the barn: one firewood, 2 firewood, 3 firewood - all the firewood did not fit, and 2 woodcutters, 2 woodcutters-woodcutters for Varvara, who became emotional, drove the firewood across the yard back to the woodyard, where the heron was stunted, the heron was dry, the heron died; the heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain; well done against the sheep, and against the young man the sheep itself, which carries Senya hay in a sleigh, then carries Senka Sonya and Sanka on a sled: the sled is a lope, Senka is to the side, Sonya is on the forehead, everything is in a snowdrift, and from there only a cone cap knocked down, then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha found a sachet on the highway; Sonya - Sashka's girlfriend was walking along the highway and sucking dry, and besides, Sonya the turntable also had 3 cheesecakes in her mouth - exactly in a honey cake, but she had no time for a honey cake - Sonya, even with cheesecakes in her mouth, reprimands the sexton, - overreacts: buzzing, like a ground beetle, buzzing, and spinning: she was at Frol's - Frol lied to Lavr, she would go to Lavr to Frol, Lavra would tell lies that - a sergeant-major with a sergeant-major, a captain with a captain, a snake had a snake, a hedgehog had a hedgehog, and a high-ranking guest took him away a cane, and soon again 5 guys ate 5 honey mushrooms and a quarter of a quarter of a quarter of lentils without a wormhole, and 1666 pies with whey curd from curdled milk - about all that, the bells rang bells ringing, so much so that even Konstantin - a Salzburg unpromising from - under an armored personnel carrier, he stated: as all the bells cannot be re-belled, not re-belled, so all tongue twisters cannot be re-speak, not re-speak; but trying is not torture. »

How to improve diction in a short time

Sometimes it is not possible to perform pronunciation exercises due to lack of time. In such situations, articulatory charging is used. It consists of several simple exercises:

  • Moving the jaw forward and backward. With such actions, the mouth is in the open position.
  • Pronunciation of vowels o, u and s. You need to do this in an inclined position, crossing your arms over your chest. In this case, the voice is lowered, and the sound is pronounced slowly. After the next sound, you need to rise to a standing position, and then tilt and repeat the action.
  • Language movements. A good exercise for the rapid development of diction is a movement in which the tongue alternately rests on the cheeks. This is done with both closed and open mouth.
  • Touching teeth. This exercise is performed with the mouth wide open. With your tongue, you need to alternately touch each tooth, following the upper and lower rows.

After performing such diction exercises, the clarity of the spoken phrases increases, so they are often used by people speaking to the public.

Is it worth attending language development courses?

There are speech development courses designed for speakers. They include not only exercises for correct pronunciation, but also tips to help you cope with problems that arise during public speaking. The programs of such courses consist of several lessons:

  • articulation rules;
  • learning the basics of proper breathing;
  • development of the range and strength of the voice;
  • rules for constructing intonation;
  • study of orthoepy;
  • mastering the basics of gestures.

Courses help learn the correct pronunciation technique and overcome the fear of speaking in front of an audience. Work on oneself involves long sessions, so the announcers do this.

Speech defects arise due to the incorrect structure of the speech apparatus or due to the incorrect formation of sounds in childhood. The first type of defects is corrected only with the help of speech therapists or dentists, if we are talking about the wrong structure of the teeth.

You can correct your speech with the help of the normal arrangement of the organs of articulation during a conversation. In the absence of deviations in the development of the body, defects appear:

  • sonorous sounds;
  • hissing;
  • whistling.

The occurrence of such defects occurs as a result of even a slight deviation of the speech organs from their natural location. For correct pronunciation, you need to know how to properly position the lips, tongue, soft palate and lower jaw. This can only be achieved through training, because work on correcting speech implies constant improvement.

How to fix slurred speech

A common speech defect that manifests itself in people with a normally developed articulatory apparatus is slurring. It manifests itself in swallowing whole syllables during a conversation. Such a defect is formed in childhood due to unconscious imitation of others. To get rid of it, you need to perform the following exercises to improve diction:

  • Scan poems, following the rhythm. You should choose works that are more difficult to read. Mayakovsky's poems can be cited as an example. Such work on oneself will help to quickly correct the shortcomings of speech.
  • Often say words that have consonants nearby. For example, the counter-revolution. After compiling such words, they should be pronounced several times a day.

This will help you correct your pronunciation in just a few weeks.

How to put a vote

There are 3 exercises that help develop the voice.
In order for an audible effect to appear, it is necessary to perform exercises for several months. These exercises include:

  • Pronunciation of vowels. To perform the first exercise for the formation of diction, you need to alternately pronounce vowel sounds until there is enough breath. By pronouncing "i", "e", "a", "o" and "u", you can make your voice more sonorous. Work on staging the voice is ongoing, as during breaks, even for a few days, the effect becomes less noticeable.
  • Activation of the abdomen and chest. To activate the abdomen and chest area, it is necessary to say “m” with your mouth closed. The first pronunciation of the sound should be quiet, the second louder, and the third time you need to strain your vocal cords as much as possible. If work on pronunciation and voice occurs without doing these exercises, the effect is reduced.
  • Pronunciation of words with the letter "r". Also, for setting the voice, the sound “r” is also pronounced, which also improves pronunciation. To do this, you first need to growl the sound “rrrr”, and then pronounce more than a dozen words in a row containing the letter r. During pronunciation, the letter should stand out. This exercise will help to put the voice and improve diction. Books also help develop diction if you read aloud.

To develop diction and achieve a clear pronunciation, you need to work hard. Only with the help of regular classes and training will you achieve tangible changes.

Diction. Exercises.

Do you want to learn how to speak so that you are listened to with an open mouth and an admiring look? Or maybe you want to successfully speak in the audience or even brilliantly pass the competition for the announcer? Maybe you wanted to have a specialty in which voice staging and beautiful sound are very important, but due to the underdevelopment and poor coloring of the timbre of your voice, you don’t even try to master the desired spaces?

Don't be upset! With the help of the exercises proposed in the article, you can work on your speech apparatus and achieve a voluminous and full sounding of your own voice, beautiful in timbre, with a large range. And what is very important - by improving the diction of speech, you will feel self-confidence and increase your self-esteem. Your chances of finding a well-paid job that involves extensive contacts with people of various social groups and top leaders, the conclusion of all kinds of deals and contracts, the promotion of any product will increase significantly, since a pleasant and easily modulating voice that takes on certain shades in the right situation will quickly endear you listening person.

Introductory exercises:
Before starting the exercises, take care of the appropriate environment. Choose a place or room that is spacious enough so that nothing distracts or interferes with you, it would even be nice to remove unnecessary things to ensure sufficient acoustics.

We recommend that you take 5-10 minutes to complete each of the exercises to develop diction and move on to the next only after you have mastered the current one well enough.
First of all, you need to work on breathing. During this exercise, you must constantly breathe through your nose, watch this.

1. Work on inhalation-exhalation
One of the first exercises to improve diction is correct breathing. Exhalation: spread your legs shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your waist and exhale slowly through a small hole in your lips so that you feel air resistance with your lips. At the same time, mentally pronounce any quatrain that comes to mind.
Do this exercise in combination with walking, running, imitation of grass mowing, chopping firewood, sweeping with a broom, etc.
The correct exhalation will be smooth, elastic, it should not go astray with a different position of the body, and you will feel the tension of the lower costal muscles, by training which you will achieve the desired exhalation.
Inhale: lean forward slowly so that your back is straight and inhale; straightening back, exhale and pull the sounds “hy-mm-mm…” while walking.
Now return to the starting position, again slowly bend over while inhaling, spread your arms to the sides and bring them together behind your head. In this position, straighten up on the exhale and pull: "Mr-n-n ..." while walking.
Following this, you need to perform another exercise to improve nasal breathing.
With the mouth closed, we take a short breath through the nose, expanding the nostrils, and when exhaling, we pat them with our fingers.
Repeating the previous exercise, on the exhale we draw the sounds “M” and “H” and tap with our fingertips on the nostrils in order of priority each.
With the mouth open, we inhale through the nose and slowly exhale through the mouth, so we repeat several times without closing the mouth.
Now do a massage: by pressing, stroke the intercostal muscles, then the abdominal muscles with synchronous circular movements of the hands, which will help improve blood circulation in the muscles and prepare them for further exercises.

2. Training the muscles of the palate
Slowly say the consonants "K" and "G" 3 times in a row, then almost without opening your mouth, but with an open throat without a voice, say the vowels "A", "O", "E" 3 times.
Rinse your mouth with air as you do with water, make sure that the sensations are similar.
Open your mouth two fingers wide between your teeth and say "AMM ... AMM" so that "A" is a whisper, and "M" is voiced, and repeat this several times.

3. Lip and tongue training
Lip and tongue training To train the upper lip, say "GL", "VL", "VN", "TN", and for the lower lip - "KS", "GZ", "VZ", "BZ".
Give the relaxed tongue the shape of a shovel and putting it on the lower lip, say "I", "E", repeat several times.
Shape the tongue into a curved hook and draw the tip across the palate while saying "O", "U".
Draw the sound "M" with your mouth closed and the internal movements of the tongue across the sky, cheeks and lips.

4. Exercises to identify and consolidate the central speech voice, release from muscle clamps
Say any tongue twister using consonants, vowels should be silent and long.
Then say the same thing in a full voice, listening carefully to yourself, you will feel your center of the speech voice, i.e. determine at what position of the articulatory apparatus it will sound easy and relaxed.
Do the same with head tilts, alternately back and forth and left and right.
Read the tongue twister in the indicated way, but pushing the tongue to the lips, omitting and thereby replacing the pronunciation of vowels.
Take a deep breath and hold your breath (it is better to pinch your nose with your fingers) and read any text aloud. Exhale and inhale again through the nose in those places of the text where it is necessary for the meaning and grammatical pauses (and do this in all positions of the body).
After these exercises, read the text again in a natural voice, and listen to its sound, noting the difference in diction before and after the exercises.

Exercises to improve diction:

After completing all of the above, you can proceed to exercises that improve diction. They are aimed at eliminating the most common errors in pronunciation, due to the underdevelopment of the speech apparatus.

1. Weak lower jaw
Say "PAY", "BAY", "MAY", etc. At the same time, holding the chin in the same position with the hand, the head should lean back. On the letter "Y" the head returns. After repetition, do them in a natural state, analyzing whether there is a feeling of muscle freedom.
Do the same, but with your head turned to the right and left, with an attempt to reach your shoulders with your chin. On the letter "Y" the head also returns to its original position.

2. Soft palate
Tilt your head back and gargle with air, pronouncing the letter “M” at a long time, but do not push the lower jaw.
Try to yawn with your mouth closed.
Inhale through the nose with the retraction of the cheeks, and the jaw is lowered and the lips are compressed, while exhaling, pull the sound "M".

3. Sluggish tongue and lips
Each of the following exercises must be repeated several times.

pronounce "BYA" putting the tongue on the lower lip;
make sounds "AS", quickly sticking out and removing the tongue behind the teeth;
say several times "TKR", "KTR", "DRT", "RKT";
to improve the work of the lips, say "MB", "TV", "BM" etc.;
make lips a tube and pull the sound "MMM", then smile.

4. Correcting the lack of sound in the resonating oral cavity
With a straight and natural position of the body on a slow exhalation, say “SSSSSSSSSS….”, “SHSHSHSHSHSH…”, “Zhzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzh…”, “RRRRRRRRRR”, “RRRRR…”.

With the current position of the body on an intense intermittent exhalation, say "F! F! F! F! F!", which turns into a continuous sound "FFFF…"
Hold your mouth, nose with your hand, in this position try to pronounce the sound "M", then, removing your hand, read any text with a lot of "M" or "N".

5. Overcoming the underdevelopment of chest sound, muscle clamps
Stand in a natural, relaxed position, put one hand on your chest to feel the vibration, and bring the other to your mouth to check your breathing. Now try moaning for different vowels: warm exhalation - moan ( "UUUU") is a warm breath. If you are doing everything right, you should have a feeling of yawning and freedom in the throat area.
The next stage is similar, only during a quiet moan, you need to try to extend it and make an emphasis with a slight push of the diaphragm inward, then a warm exhalation.
Each subsequent exercise increases the number of strokes by one and, thus, you bring up to five strokes in a row.

6. Overcoming the feeling of suffocation when talking quickly or talking and walking at the same time
In an inclined position, you walk and look for an imaginary object, while pronouncing any quatrain aloud, but make sure that your breathing is even.
Exercises to improve diction Jump over the rope and pronounce a simple poetic text in such a way that the jumps coincide with the syllables of the words. If the exercise at first seems difficult, speech and breathing will go astray, MirSovetov recommends slowing down and gradually increasing them, bringing them to the maximum.

7. Development of the range and amplification of the voice
Take any poetic text consisting of 8 or more lines and start pronouncing it in such a way that the low level of your range falls on the beginning of the line and with each line it gradually rises, reaching the maximum on the last.
Once you have mastered this task, start with the high and end with the low range of your voice.
As you progress, increase the number of lines of the poem.

Another series of very useful exercises, the implementation of which in a short time will give a tangible result:

1. Pronounce the following vowel sounds in turn, trying to lengthen each sound as much as possible on one exhalation:

A - O - U - E - S - I

First, after each sound, take a breath. Then, in one breath, say three sounds: A-O-U, get air and continue E-Y-I, and then make sure that all sounds are pronounced in a row in one breath.

2. Then follow the exercises on sound combinations:


3. The following stanzas from V. BRYUSOV should be read slowly at first, articulating each sound, and gradually moving on to a tongue twister:


Tongue twisters (even more tongue twisters can be found on our website):

The bull's white lip was blunt;
The custom is bovine, the mind is calf;
Buy a bale of spades;
From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field;
Half a quarter of a quadrangle for peas without a wormhole;
Tell me about shopping. About what, about shopping? About purchases, about purchases, about my purchases;
Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass One firewood, two firewood, three firewood;
Mother Romasha gave whey from yogurt;
Under the burning yellow lampshade, the beetle flies and buzzes;
Eagle king, eagle king;
The axes are sharp for the time being, the axes are sharp for the time being;
At midnight, sometimes in the swampy wilderness, you can barely hear, noiselessly rustle the reeds;
Prosessed constitutionalist found acclimatizedXia in Constantinople;
Karl stole the corals from Clara, Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.


1. A young woman with purple fingers, Eos, arose from the darkness;
Then the beloved son of the Odysseus also left the bed;
Having put on a dress, he hung his sophisticated sword on his shoulder;
After, beautiful soles tied to light legs,
He left the bedroom, his face like a radiant god.
Calling the sonorous heralds of the king, he commanded
Call them a call to gather thick-haired Achaeans on the square;
They clicked; others gathered in the square; when
They all gathered and the assembly became complete,
With a copper spear in his hand, he appeared before the host of the people -
There was not one, two dashing dogs ran after him.
Athena illuminated his image with inexpressible beauty,
So people marveled when they saw him approaching.
The elders parted before him, and he sat down in his father's place.

2. Having dropped the urn with water, the maiden broke it on the rock.
The maiden sits sadly, idle holding a shard.
Miracle! water will not dry up, pouring out of a broken urn;
The Virgin, above the eternal stream, sits forever sad.

3. Remember, comrade, that you must always first speak before a speech.
Make a supply of air by expanding the chest cage,
Tighten the lower abdomen so that there is support for the sound.
Shoulders during breathing should be at rest, motionless.
Do not waste air in vain, always saturate it with sound.
Each of these verses speak in one breath,
And speak with an expanded chest,
And leaving the lower abdomen in a tightened position.
Reading at the end of the line, - il verse, as it is called, -
Hold a short pause precisely, during which
Get a part of the air, only using the lower breath.
Strictly always observe that the word is distinct:
Vowel sounds, consonants correctly articulate;
Do not be lazy to open your mouth so that the speech does not filter through your teeth,
Direct the sound forward so that it resonates “in the mask”.
Before changing the tone in pitch, length, and strength,
Strengthen yourself in evenness and in sufficient volume of sound;
Listen to yourself and make sure that your voice does not weaken, does not fall;
So that the verses sound evenly at the end and at the beginning.
Slowly, measuredly, distinctly clear, without a cry, but sonorously -
This is how the exercises should be carried out at first.

1. Open your mouth wide, close your mouth
Pull the upper lip up, exposing the teeth
Pull the lower lip to the lower gums, exposing the teeth
Alternate the movement of the upper and lower lips
Open your mouth and make sliding movements of the upper lip, pulling it over your teeth
Open the mouth and pull the lower lip over the teeth, then pull the lip down, exposing the lower teeth
Pull lips forward into a tube, stretch in a smile
The mouth is open, the tongue is stretched forward, stretch the tongue to the tip of the nose and chin alternately
The mouth is half open, the lips are closed, with the tongue to make “injections” first in one cheek, then in the other cheek
The mouth is half open, stick out the tongue out with a “sting”, then return to its original position
Lips are closed, rotational movement of the tongue under the lips in one direction and the other
The mouth is open. Suction of the tip of the tongue to the alveoli (tubercles in the upper palate) and sharp release. There should be a "click" sound.

2. Exercise “Scuba Diver”

These are chest breathing exercises. You need to try to pronounce the words, the first letters of which are underlined, as if from the inside, from the stomach, on the exhale. Shall we try?

I become a scuba diver
I'm going down, down, down
And the bottom of the sea is closer, closer
And now I'm in the underwater kingdom
Even though I've sunk deep
But with a free chest voice
I manage easily
To master the chest register
It is useful to become a scuba diver

3. Exercises for the development of diction. Exercise A.V. Pryanishnikov:

Remember firmly that before you start a word in an exercise
The chest should be slightly expanded
Pick up the lower abdomen to support the respiratory sound
Shoulders during breathing should be at rest, motionless.
Speak each line of poetry in one breath,
And see that the chest does not shrink during speech,
As one diaphragm moves during exhalation.
Reading, finishing the lines, do not rush to move on to the next:
Pause briefly at the pace of the verse, at the same time
Hold the air for a moment, then continue reading.
Make sure that every word is heard:
Remember the diction is clear and pure on the sounds of consonants,
Do not be lazy to open your mouth so that the sound is free for the voice.
The voice and in a quiet sound should retain metallicity.
Before you remove the exercise for tempo, pitch and volume, you need to pay attention to the evenness, stability of the sound:
Listen closely, so that the voice does not tremble anywhere, does not sway. Exhale sparingly, counting on each line:
Composure, sonority, flight, stability, slowness, smoothness -
This is what you first look for in the exercise with attentive hearing.

3. Difficult to pronounce

We all know that in some words there are very difficult to pronounce letter combinations. This short exercise contains all the most “hard to pronounce” syllables. if you learn to pronounce them, you are not afraid of anything.


5. Tongue twisters (you can find even more tongue twisters on our website):
We all know the benefits of tongue twisters, here is a small selection of those that I really like either in content or in their complexity:

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field
The heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died
The pig snouted the white-mouthed pimple, dug up half the yard with its snout, dug undermined
We have a courtyard in our yard, the weather has become wet
The bull is stupid, stupid bull, the bull had a white lip was stupid
Buy a pile of picks, buy a pile of peaks, buy a pile of peaks
Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch
Empathetic Lukerya felt empathy for the unsympatheticXia Nikolka
Intervention interviewer interviewed
Bombardier bombarded Brandenburg
Konstantin stated
And I'm not sick
The exhibitionist's biceps are not large
Deftly maneuvering in laryngology, the laryngologist easily cured laryngitis
Because of the hillock, from under the tuck, I will tuck the bunny of discordwas
To the Habsburgs from Strasbourg, the Wahmister came with the Wahmister and the Rotmister with the Rostmister, but the Wahmister with the Rotmister, and the Rotmister with the Wahmister from near Syktyvkar
We lazily aground, we caught burbot, for me you caught tench. About love, didn’t you kindly pray for me and beckoned me into the mists of the estuary
Speech is red with the mind, and if the tongue is lisping, then speak a tongue twister, after a tongue twister
The cap is not sewn in the style of the cap, the bell is poured not in the style of the bell, the cap must be recapped, recapped, the bell must be re-belled, re-belled,it is necessary to re-speak all tongue twisters, re-speakand then you will speak like a river murmur
The commander spoke about the colonel, about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel, he said nothing about the lieutenant colonel, but said that don’t look for a mustache on a goose - don’t find it, that the scales are on the pike, the bristle is on the pig, that near the stake is a bell, that the wasp has no mustache, no mustache , and the antennae
Nervous constitutionalist Konstantin was found acclimatizedsitting in the constitutional city of Constantinople and with calm dignity inventing improvedpneumatic bag punchersvateli

Exercises for the development of the muscles of the tongue.

Language takes an active part in the formation of most speech sounds. The intelligibility of speech largely depends on his work. Particular difficulties arise when pronouncing words with a confluence of consonants, when it is necessary to quickly switch the movement of the tongue from one position to another. To strengthen the muscles of the tongue, improve its mobility and switchability, before using exercises in pronouncing sounds, words and phrases with a consonant confluence, clearly work out the following movements.

1. Stick your tongue out and move it to the left, right, up, down.
2. Stick out your tongue and make circular movements from left to right, then vice versa - from right to left.
3. With an open mouth and a slightly protruding tongue, make it wide, narrow, cup (the tip and side edges are slightly raised).
4. With a slightly raised tense tip of the tongue, "brush" the upper teeth from the outside and inside, in the direction from the inside of the teeth to the outside and vice versa.
Control the correctness of the movements carried out with the help of a mirror. Make sure that all movements of the tongue are performed easily and freely, without much tension.

Exercises in the clarity of pronouncing consonant sounds in syllables.

Read the syllables.
1. pa, po, pu, py, pe
pi, pi, pi, pi, pi
that, that, that, you, te
you, you, you, you, you
sa, so, su, sy, se
si, si, si, si, si
zhe, zho, zhu, zhe, zhe

2. up, op, up, yp, ep
at, from, ut, yt, et
as, os, mustache, ys, es
ash, osh, osh, osh, osh

Exercises in the clarity of pronunciation of words with a confluence of consonants.

Read aloud words with a confluence of two, three and four consonants: entrance, put in, luggage, tourist, map, flower bed, service, tail, brush away, swipe, collect, roach, stamp, pimple, swaggering, platoon, swim, weave, set, move, spark, feed, canvas, look, grotesque, mushroom, cover, moment, smooth, tetanus, smooth, tetanus, trunk, hawk, bonfires, sprats, emerge, open, health resort, fight, meet, overseer, uniform, guard, metro builder, colander, wandering, transcription.

Exercises in the clarity and clarity of pronouncing sounds and words in phrasal speech.

To work out the clarity and clarity of the pronunciation of consonant sounds and words, it is useful to use tongue twisters that are built on a combination of consonant sounds that are difficult to pronounce. Reading tongue twisters should begin in slow motion, while clearly pronouncing each word and each sound. Gradually speed up the pace, but make sure that the clarity and clarity of pronunciation does not decrease.
Read the tongue twisters:

Prokhor and Pahom rode on horseback.
The jackdaw sat on a stick, the stick hit the jackdaw.
From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
The bull's lip was blunt.
The water carrier was carrying water from the tap.
Fenya has a jersey, Fai has shoes.
On seven sledges, seven in each sleigh sat themselves.
The heron chick clung tenaciously to the chain.
Prokop came - the dill was boiling. Prokop left - dill boiled. Just as dill boiled under Prokop, so dill boiled without Prokop.
Mother Romasha gave whey from yogurt.
The bee buzzed, the spider buzzed.
Scales at the pike, bristles at the pig.
The cap is not sewn in the style of a cap, the cap would be recapped, but recapped.
There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood - do not cut firewood on the grass of the yard.
The ships tacked, but did not catch.
You can’t re-speak all tongue twisters, you can’t re-speak all tongue twisters.

Say small tongue twisters on one exhale. Observe the smoothness and continuity of their pronunciation.

Further consolidation of good diction is carried out by reading aloud poetic and prose texts. At the same time, at first, it is necessary to continue to monitor the work of the lips, tongue, lower jaw, for the distinct pronunciation of vowel sounds (stressed and unstressed), for the clear pronunciation of consonants, but at the same time not to allow their enhanced or emphasized pronunciation.

Each exercise is practiced until it is performed easily and freely, without much effort.

When working on diction, it is necessary to take into account the correct use of speech breathing and voice. So, when pronouncing tongue twisters, it is necessary to correctly convey their content, it is appropriate to pause, and to get air in a timely manner.

Clear diction is of great importance not only for singers, television presenters and public speakers - it also has a special place in everyday life. If you have problems with diction, then later some difficulties in communicating with people are not excluded, however, it is in your power to correct the situation by starting classes with a teacher or starting self-study.

What is diction and why should it be developed

Diction is called a clear pronunciation of words and all letters. It is certainly worth working on it, as this has a favorable effect on how people around us perceive us.

It is worth noting that this is an extremely rare quality - diction, clear by nature. However, this does not mean that we cannot improve our own pronunciation - this is possible, both in childhood and in adults. Of course, the second option involves a more painstaking approach. An adult person gets used to speaking in a certain way over the years, so changing this is not too easy. But later the results will certainly justify themselves.

Exercises for the development of diction

As a rule, in order to develop diction, certain exercises are used: tongue twisters, breathing exercises, and so on.

Exercise with cork, nuts, or candy in your mouth

This exercise is very useful before pronunciation of tongue twisters. So, knead the tongue and lips! To do this, you should clamp a candy, nut, cork or pencil with your front teeth. Note that your tongue should not be in contact with the selected object. Bare your teeth with your mouth slightly open. Now, clamping your teeth, for example, a nut, start pronouncing consonant sounds, then add vowels to them, thus forming syllables. After that, you can begin to pronounce words and complete phrases.

repeating tongue twisters

Without tongue twisters it is quite difficult to develop a beautiful speech. Try to adopt several tongue twisters at once, subsequently paying attention to which ones are harder for you. Concentrate on the "problem" sounds by spending more time on them. Do not forget about the regularity of classes, so that the speech apparatus has the opportunity to get used to the correct pronunciation.

We present to your attention some very useful tongue twisters: “The thunderstorm is formidable, the thunderstorm is formidable”, “Grandfather has become old”, “Mow, scythe, until dew, dew down - and we are home”, “Whether the fox sat down at the village, at the edge of the forest” , "Klim pounded in one pancake wedge."

Making a beautiful speech yourself

Of course, if you want your speech to be beautiful and literate, it is important to read as much as possible, thereby replenishing your vocabulary. It is better to give preference to the classics and scientific literature.

Reading. Read aloud, but make sure that your voice does not sound monotonous. Imagine that you are reading to someone and you want the person to listen with interest. Of course, in this case it is important to change intonation, reading speed, and also volume. Please note that sometimes pauses may be necessary - for example, before starting a dialogue or when highlighting particularly important points. It is also important that the pauses are in place, and it is recommended not to delay them.

Retelling. It is important to “fix” what you have read or watched. For example, after reading some work or feature film, retell it. Of course, it is desirable to do this using a voice recorder. Subsequently, you can listen to the recording and identify all your shortcomings. Also, periodically retell the learned material to friends or relatives, watching how the story is perceived - is the person clearly bored, trying to change the subject, or listening with genuine interest?

Enrich your vocabulary. Try to add new words to your speech regularly. If you come across some unknown word, be sure to memorize it, look at the meaning. Many people prefer to insert "smart" words into a conversation without fully understanding what they mean - do not make such an oversight.

Be interested in new information. Sometimes facts from history and modern culture sound quite appropriate and organic in a conversation, and it would be great if you had an idea of ​​at least some of them. To do this, you should periodically look at the news and be interested in well-known and simply entertaining historical facts.

Accents. Some people have an annoying problem - they write competently, but cannot boast of perfect speech, and all this is due to incorrect placement of stresses. If you're not sure how to pronounce a word, then don't use it until you can look in the dictionary and find out the information you need.

expressiveness. Make sure that what you say sounds expressive - it is unacceptable to mutter under your breath or give everything out in one breath. To ensure that your speech sounds with the right intonation, periodically read with expression.

Flexibility. Learn to "feel" your interlocutor. For example, you see that a person is upset and listens to your stories without interest - he probably wants to talk himself out, he is worried about something. Choose the right words to help him open up.

Conciseness. Conciseness is exactly what many people lack when voicing any information. Most often, this annoys the interlocutors, especially during a telephone conversation or at a time when a person is busy with some business. If you want to convey something really important to someone, you should learn to speak to the point, without making long introductions and without deviating from the topic.

What is articulation

Clear articulation of the speaker enables listeners to understand him correctly. If articulation is impaired, and this may be caused by physiological characteristics, then in some cases this may interfere with full communication. However, exercising the muscles of the lips and tongue can improve the position.

Organs of articulation

The organs of articulation can be conditionally divided into movable and immovable. The former include the uvula, lips, and tongue, while the latter include the teeth, as well as the hard and soft palate. The tongue is considered the most active of these organs - it can occupy various positions in the mouth, approaching organs that are less mobile. As a result, certain speech sounds are formed.

Articulation exercises

  • 1) First you need to develop the tip of the tongue. Imagine your tongue as a hammer with which you hit your teeth. In this case, you need to repeat: "yes-yes-yes-yes." Then proceed to the letters "D" and "T" in the same way.
  • 2) Let's free the larynx and tongue. You need to quickly inhale through your nose, and then quickly exhale through your mouth. Exhalation sound: "Fu". Wanting to strengthen the muscles of the larynx, instead of "Fu", say "G" or "K".
  • 3) Before each phrase, it is important to be able to draw air in time. Let's develop this skill. Start reading aloud a story, taking a breath before each sentence. If you regularly perform this exercise, then the desired skill will become a habit. Please note that inhalation, however, as well as exhalation, should be silent, almost imperceptible to others.
  • 4) Activate the labial muscles. Puff out your cheeks, then, through a compressed mouth, release the air with cotton. At the same time, say "P" and "B" (quickly, one after the other).
  • 5) Do not forget to separate the air correctly if you want your articulation to be developed. When a person speaks loudly, they usually need more breathing. In turn, a quiet pronunciation makes more control over the exhalation. Alternately say the phrases either in a quiet or in a loud voice.
  • 6) Try to learn how to pronounce vowels in one stream, alternating them with a clear pronunciation of consonants. Take a book and read a sentence. Now repeat it, ignoring the consonants. vowels at the same time, as it were, pull a little. After that, insert clear consonants into a smooth stream of vowels.
  • 7) This technique also works to improve diction. Pronounce any words, highlighting their endings - they should sound clear and sharp. With this exercise, your speech will gain more expressiveness.
  • 8) Take on board a few tongue twisters that will be dissimilar to each other. This will help you develop articulation. Start pronouncing tongue twisters slowly, but gradually the pace should increase. It is important that your phrases sound not only clear, but also expressive.
  • 9) It is in your power to improve the sound of the sounds you make. Include sounds that are "problematic" in your case. Now say out loud words that include these sounds. A dictionary can be used for this purpose. The more often you work on this sound, the faster you will learn to pronounce it without any difficulty.

In Russian, sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. The formation of vowels occurs in connection with the vibration of the vocal cords, at the moment when air passes through the larynx. Being periodic, vibrations create a musical sound. You may have noticed that when a vowel is formed, the air leaves the mouth unhindered, unlike any consonant.

The front vowels are the sounds "I" and "E". When you say them, your tongue has to move forward, resting on the tip of the lower front teeth.

In turn, "A" and "Y" are middle vowels. Try to say them and you will feel your tongue pull back a little.

"U" and "O" are back vowels that require the tongue to move back a little more.

Please note that how you raise your tongue to the sky depends on:

  • high vowels (“Y”, “I”, “U”) - in this case, the tongue rises to a greater extent towards the palate.
  • vowels of the middle rise ("O", "E") - the tongue must be raised to the sky not so high.
  • lower vowels (only "A") - the tongue either does not rise at all, or only minimally.

Beautiful speech and its enemies

Beautiful speech is, first of all, competent speech. A lot of stylistic mistakes can give a false impression of you, and in some cases interfere with communication. Let's determine what other obstacles are encountered on the way to beautiful speech.

You probably know what kind of words we are talking about. All sorts of “well”, “this”, “e”, “type” and similar words used without urgent need will not decorate your speech at all - they are empty and have no meaning!

2. Swear words

There is no need to explain anything here. If you want to create a positive impression, then completely exclude obscenity from your speech, even when it seems to you that it is quite appropriate.

3. Slang

Many people have gradually begun to introduce slang into their speech, believing that it helps them to keep up with the times. However, it is worth remembering that not every interlocutor is familiar with new buzzwords that can quickly sink into oblivion, and in general, he does not have to know them. Your communication will be much more difficult than it could be if a person periodically has to ask what you mean by this or that expression.

Regularly monitor what you say and how you say it, and, undoubtedly, this will ensure you the glory of an excellent conversationalist. Remember that beautiful and clear speech will always be your advantage, and sometimes your advantage!

The most complete list of the most useful and effective, at the same time simple and understandable, diction exercises.

Exercise thirty. Exercises for diction.

Once in Hollywood they began to shoot a film called "The King's Speech!" (actually "The King's Speech"). All teachers of rhetoric were inspired, because they hoped to see a worthy piece of cinema about oratory. With great actors. With a quality story. With powerful directing.

And all this happened - directing, plot, actors, everything was fine, the film collected an excellent box office, rave reviews, a bunch of awards and four Oscars, but it turned out not to be about rhetoric, but about speech therapists. Speech therapists! Excellent film. And about speech therapists.

Since then, and the film was released in 2010, every person who decides to engage in rhetoric wants to engage in his own diction at the same time. Is not that great?

Diction, part one.

The well-known Demosthenes, who successfully corrected his diction with the help of stones in his mouth, would remain a role model in our time, if not for modern prices for dentistry. Therefore, instead of stones, they now use a wine cork, either holding it with their front teeth, or simply holding it in their mouth. Find the plug, you'll need it now.

Below are the lines, each of which should be said aloud in one breath. The first time the line must be read slowly, the second time in a whisper, the third time with a cork, the fourth time without a cork at normal speed, the fifth time quickly.

11. Lie
12. zhrli, zhrle, zhrla
30. LIE

If you think that this exercise is bullying you, you think correctly. But if you think that this is the only point of this exercise, you are mistaken. It is real and very effective. CHTFYO, CHTFYu.

It is advisable to do it every day for two months in a row.

Diction, part two.

We clearly and clearly pronounce aloud all the disgrace that is printed below.

and, uh, a, o, y, s, e, i, yo, u

i-e, i-a, i-o, i-u
uh, uh, uh, uh
ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

a, uh, uh, uh, uh
uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
and, oh, u, s, ah, uh
oh, uh, s, a, uh, and
u, s, a, uh, i, oh
u, uh, uh, uh, uh

pi, pe, pa, po, pu, py
bi, bae, ba, bo, boo, would
p-bbi, p-bbe, pa-bba
bbo, po-bbo, po-bbo
pe, pya, pyo, pyu, be, bya, byo, byu

ki, ke, ka, ko, ku, ky
ik, ek, ak, ok, uk, yk
gee, gee, ga, go, gu, gee
ig, eg, ag, og, ug, ig

ty, te, ta, that, tu, you
it, at, at, from, ut, yt
di, de, yes, do, do, do
id, ed, hell, od, ud, id

fi, fe, fa, fo, fu, fu
wee, wee, wa, wo, woo, you
fivi, feve, fava, fowo, fuvu, fuvy
wifi, vefe, vafa, vofo, woofu, vyfy

ri, re, ra, ro, ru, ry
ir, er, ar, op, ur, yr
trry, trre, trra, trro, trry, trry
drry, drre, drra, drro, drru, drr

li, le, la, lo, lu, ly
silt, el, al, ol, st, yl
li, le, la, le, lu, ly
lill, lill, lill, loll, lull, lill

three, three, three, three, three, three
dre, dre, dre, dre, dre, dre
length, length, length, length, length, length
aphids, aphids, aphids, aphids, aphids, aphids

si, se, sa, so, su, sy
zi, ze, for, zo, zu, zy
sti, ste, sta, sta, sta, sta
hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello

si, si, si, si, si, sy
zi, ze, ze, ze, ze, ze
stu, stu, stu, stu, stu, stu
hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello

shi, she, sha, sho, shu
Lshi, Lsh, Lsh, Lsh, Lsh
lie, lie, lie, lie, lie

hee, hee, ha, ho, hee, hee
them, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
hwee, hwee, hwa, hwo, hwoo, hwee
huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh

uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
uu, uu, uu, uu, uu
chi, che, cha, cho, cho
ich, ech, ach, och, uch, ich

Diction, part three.

Tongue Twisters. You can pronounce them with a cork in your mouth, you can without. Although they are tongue twisters, they should be read slowly, pronouncing each sound as clearly as possible. Remember to open your mouth on vowels and pay attention to the final syllables of words.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds b, p, c, f, g, k, d, t, x:

Got the beans. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field. The bull is stupid, stupid bull, the bull's white lip was stupid. A cap on a cap, a cap under the cap. Tall Vavila merrily tossed his pitchfork. Near the stake of the bell, near the gate there is a bell. The jackal walked, the jackal galloped. Buy a pile of spades. Buy a pile of fluff. The weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's scarf. The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply. Our head over your head over your head, over your head. In one, Klim, prick a wedge. There is a mop with a podprikopyonochkom. In the field, Frosya is flying millet, Frosya is carrying out weeds. The crab made the rake to the crab. The crab gave the rake to the crab: hay with a rake, crab, rob! The tree has needles. Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. The cuckoo put on a hood, how funny he is in a hood! All beavers are kind to their beavers. Beavers take beans for their cubs. Beavers sometimes excite beavers by giving them beans. Pankrat Kondratov forgot the jack, and without a jack Pankrat cannot lift a tractor on the highway. There is a honey cake on the honey, but I have no time for the honey cake. Prokop came, dill boiled, Prokop left, dill boiled: just as dill boiled under Prokop, so dill boiled without Prokop. The sorcerer worked in a barn with the Magi. The bombardier bombarded the young ladies with bonbonnieres. Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych. Our guest took the cane. Pharaonic favorite for sapphire was replaced by jade. Rhododendrons from the arboretum were given by parents. To the Habsburgs from Strasbourg. A grouse sat on a tree, and a grouse with grouse cubs on a branch. Brit Klim brother, Brit Gleb brother, brother Ignat bearded. I praise halva.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds r, l, m, n:

Shot on quails and black grouse. In our backyard, the weather got wet. Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two woodcutters were talking about the Stall, about Varka, about Marina's wife. Klara-kralya sneaked with a crocodile to Lara. The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the second lieutenant and about the second lieutenant, about the ensign and about the ensign, but he said nothing about the lieutenant. Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard. The Elector compromised the Landsknecht. He reported and under-reported, under-reported and reported. Snouted a white-faced pig, blunt-nosed; I dug up half the yard with a snout, dug, undermined. The fellow ate thirty-three pies with a pie, and all with cottage cheese. Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch. Carl stole the corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Carl. Queen Clara severely punished Charles for stealing the coral. Karl put the bow on the chest. Clara was stealing an onion from the chest. You can’t re-speak all tongue twisters, you can’t re-speak all tongue twisters. Mother Romasha gave whey from yogurt. Tell me about shopping. About what about purchases? About shopping, about shopping, about your purchases. A cap is sewn, but not in a cap style; a bell is poured, but not in a bell-like manner. It is necessary to re-cap the cap, re-cap, it is necessary to re-bell the bell, re-bell. The protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol. Was at Frol's, Frol lied to Lavr. I'll go to the Lavra, to the Frol Lavra Navra. The king is an eagle. The courier overtakes the courier in the quarry. Malanya chattered milk, blurted out, but did not blurt out. Have you watered the lily? Have you seen Lydia? They watered the lily, saw Lydia. The galley messenger was burned. Go to the army, so take the reed. Our Polkan from Baikal lapped. Polkan lapped, but Baikal did not grow shallow. We ate, ate ruffs at the spruce, we barely ate them. Mom did not regret washing. Milu's mother washed soap with soap. Mila did not like soap, Mila dropped the soap. In the darkness, crayfish make noise in a fight. Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle. Mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather. The city of Nerl on the Nerl River. On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes. From under Kostroma, from under the Kostroma region, four men were walking. A captain with a captain, a captain with a captain. The Turk smokes a pipe, the trigger pecks at the grains. Do not smoke, Turk, pipe, do not peck, trigger, grits. And I don't feel sick.

Tongue twisters for practicing sounds s, s, sh, f, h, u, c:

Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets. The wasp does not have a mustache, not a mustache, but a mustache. Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge lope, Senka from his feet, Sanka in the side, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift. Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse. He doesn’t want to mow a scythe with a scythe, he says, a scythe is a scythe. The net caught on a knot. But seven sat in the sleigh themselves. From body to body there was an overload of watermelons. In a thunderstorm, in the mud from a load of watermelons, the body collapsed. The flute whistler whistles with a flute. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry. Forty mice walked, found forty pennies, two worse mice found two pennies each. Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the mice, which are worse, noisily rummage around for pennies. A quarter of a quarter of a pea without a wormhole. Intendant incident. Challenger Precedent. Konstantin stated. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake. It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch. Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the brush in the corner. The pike tries in vain to infringe on the bream. The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, but does not spin. Jasper in suede is mossy.

By nature, only a few have a clear, correct pronunciation. In childhood, almost every second child faces the problem of speech, but it is much easier to solve it. An adult who thinks about how to improve diction is faced with his own habit of speaking incorrectly. This complicates the work on oneself, and correcting speech takes more time.

Gives you 5 steps to improve your speech quality. If you decide to work on your speech, you should fight the desire to postpone it for later: only frequent classes will give results.

Step 1: train the organs of articulation

These exercises were developed by speech therapists and are aimed at correcting children's pronunciation deficiencies. But for adults, they work just as well.

The organs of articulation include lips, teeth, jaws, palate, alveoli, and tongue. Repetition of exercises: for children - 5 times, for adults - 25-30 times.

  • we open our mouth as wide as possible, straining the muscles of the face and neck, hold it and close it at the expense of “5”;

  • fold closed lips into a tube, pull forward, hold for 5-10 seconds;

  • game of "snake": quickly show and hide the tongue, smiling;

  • show the tongue, “drag” it through closed teeth back and forth, massaging it;

  • alternately inflate your cheeks and tap on them with your fingertips, massaging;

  • “explore” the mouth with the tongue: drive the tip along the palate, cheeks, teeth;

  • swing: open your mouth wide, smiling, at the expense of "one" - lower your tongue to the lower jaw, "two" - raise it to the upper teeth;

  • hold the protruding tongue on the lower jaw motionless and relaxed for at least 5-10 seconds.

For an adult, this training is not as difficult as for a child. If the baby is tired and does not want to perform the required number of repetitions, you can continue after a couple of hours. You can’t force him to study: this will only aggravate the situation, and the child will simply close from you.

Step 2: advanced articulation training

All classes are done at home and are suitable for adults and children. If the child already knows how to read or recite poetry, you can adapt all the activities for him.

Reading aloud to increase the clarity of speech is great, but for better practice of sounds, it is recommended to use a regular cork. We bite it with our teeth (not much, just hold it) and read the book aloud, sing your favorite song, repeat after the audiobook announcer. The lips should be tight. It is enough to practice 10-20 minutes a day.

We read a poem or a book aloud, trying to clearly pronounce all the sounds and perform physical exercises. Running, squats, leg and arm swings will do. It is important that the breath begins to go astray. Then it will become harder to pronounce familiar words, additional efforts will be required. You can't imagine better gymnastics.

This exercise is for adults only, as children should not be allowed to lick small objects. We need simple, smooth, clean pebbles. These can be bought or found in the river and boiled.

We put a few stones in our mouths to make it difficult to speak, and we begin to read, talk to ourselves. Such an activity perfectly trains the clarity of pronunciation.

Pronunciation of strange nonsense gives an excellent result. “BDTTTRZ, VVGGRRRRKHS, MRTSTSEPN” - it is important to pronounce the middle of these words well, not to swallow the ending.

This exercise allows you to quickly improve diction. For a child, you can, among other things, be advised to put clean mother's beads on a clean thread around the neck, take the lower end of them in your mouth and sort through the beads with your tongue, first in one direction, then in the other. Many parents make special beads for this exercise, stringing beads of different textures and sizes.

If a child speaks very poorly for his age, do not rush to take him to a neurologist. Visit a dentist for an examination of the mouth, measurement of the frenulum under the tongue and lips.

Step 3: speech therapy massage

Massage will increase blood flow in the organs of speech, improve diction and clarity of speech. Working through every centimeter of the tongue, we increase blood flow, make even the weakest parts of the muscle work. Massage can be done by adults, the main thing is to know how to do it right.

  • for young children, it is important to carry out massage with communication, an interesting fairy tale, in order to prevent the appearance of rejection;

  • maintain a smooth transition from massaging the face and neck to working with the tongue;

  • the movements are soft, gentle: alternately stroking, then knocking with your fingertips to get a vibration;

  • you can use a spoon, a toothbrush to massage the tongue;

  • with our thumbs we make circular movements on both sides of the tongue, draw figure eights;

  • a handkerchief or napkin is placed under the tongue to avoid dripping saliva.

Step 4: tongue twisters

A lot has been written about speech exercises with the help of tongue twisters. It is a pity that many stubbornly ignore this simple training of the speech apparatus. Even a few repetitions a day will help in improving articulation. By adding an exercise with pebbles in the mouth or a cork, you can double the effect of the tongue twister.

The main rule for choosing text for a lesson is an emphasis on sounds with which the child has problems. To improve classes, you can come up with your own tongue twisters.

Step 5: watch your breath

To find out how things are going with the improvement of speech, it will be very useful to record the story on video or audio. Sometimes it seems to us that we speak clearly, but others do not think so. To correct speech errors, it is important to learn how to breathe fully. It happens that words and letters are confused, because a person is used to speaking by swallowing half of the words. Train yourself to maintain even breathing while speaking.

How quickly we speak depends on the understanding of our speech by others. With children, this problem is solved by the example of adults. If everyone in the family speaks correctly, measuredly, then the child will have the right example before his eyes.

Do not neglect the opportunity to improve your speech and the speech of children. The ability to express your thoughts clearly, clearly, and in an accessible way will come in handy in all life situations!
