What is a stressed vowel. Pronunciation of unstressed vowels


To remember the topics already covered in the Russian language, we will solve a crossword puzzle. To do this, we will write down the words vertically in empty cells, guessing them by meaning.

Rice. 1. Crossword

  1. I hear sounds, but will I hear letters?
  2. Highlighting a syllable in a word by the power of the voice or by raising the tone.
  3. The sounds that form a syllable.
  4. Icons for recording sounds.
  5. We write and read letters, but we pronounce and hear ...?
  6. The smallest pronunciation unit.
  7. A collection of words arranged in alphabetical order, with explanations, references, interpretations, translation into other languages.

Let's check ourselves.

Rice. 2. Completed crossword with a code word

In the selected cells horizontally, we got the word RULE.

Again, speech is made up of sounds. Sounds are vowels and consonants. They help each other. Vowels connect consonants into syllables. Words are built from syllables, like bricks. In each word, one brick is the most important. This is a stressed syllable. If the stress is incorrectly placed, the word is difficult to understand.

Stressed and unstressed vowels

Let's complete the task: look at the photo and name what is shown on them.

Rice. 3()

Flowers, pine, balls. Let's put the stress in the words and show the vowels that ended up in an unstressed position, emphasizing them. Flowers you, from sleep, ball chi. Let's read these words not by syllables, but quickly. It is noticeable that unstressed vowels were pronounced less distinctly.

Stressed vowels - stressed vowels - are in strong position. Vowels without stress, they are called unstressed, - in weak position . Letters that represent sounds in weak positions are called orthograms. spelling - (from the Greek orthos - correct and gramma - letter) - spelling words according to some spelling rules.

Spelling - (from Greek word: “orthos” - correct, and “grapho” - “write”) - the rules of written speech (i.e., spelling words). In Russian they say "spelling".

Pronunciation of unstressed vowels

Let's look at the words:

mushrooms, flowers- I hear And what to write? And or E?

water, grass- I hear A, what to write? A or O?

balls, rows- I hear an obscure sound And what to write? I? E? AND?

The conclusion is that in an unstressed position we do not hear a clear sound and we can make a mistake when writing.

In modern Russian, there is a law - in unstressed syllables, the sound O is not pronounced. Sound A works instead of it. And it will return to its place only when it becomes percussive. This is how sounds work. Compare : sea - seas, table - tables, elephant - elephants. Other vowel sounds behave in the same way: in unstressed syllables, each of them is replaced by some other.

In unstressed syllables, there is no vowel sound E. Say the word floors. It is not pronounced the way it is spelled. It is not difficult to notice that the sound U in words is not dangerous, it is well and clearly pronounced even in an unstressed position.

For competent writing, it is very important to learn how to identify unstressed vowels by ear without errors in order to anticipate the place in a word where you can make a mistake. Sometimes they say - to find an erroneously dangerous place in a word. Let's write down the suggestions.

The squirrel was on a bitch. We hear unstressed sounds clearly and understand all the words.

Children play with a ball. It is not clear what children are playing with: a ball or a sword.

Checking an unstressed vowel

To understand written speech, it is important to learn how to write words without errors. There is a law in Russian: to check a weak position with a strong one.

Read the sentences and find clues in them.

Have a cat - k? tyata. Cat - Oh, so kittens are also Oh.

The tiger has gryata. Tiger - And, so the cubs are also I.

Here is an elephant. He has sl? nyata. Elephant - Oh, so baby elephants are also Oh.

Remember the rule: to check the spelling of a weak position, you need to change the word. How to do it?

Step 1: Say the word being tested.

Does it have vowels in unstressed syllables?

If there is, what are they?

Step 2: Choose a test word, change the word so that the sound being tested is under stress.

Step 3: Write the vowel according to the sound you hear under stress.

Step 4: Check what is written, read the word syllable by syllable.

Now we are going to the zoo. All animals are listed here so visitors know who they are considering. Here are different birds. Let's sign their names.

This owl. Percussive sound A. How to write without error - owl or sava ? How will we act? Let's pick a test word, change the word owl on With O You, Now stressed Oh, so let's write owl. We proceed in the same way.

Rice. 11. Crane ()

Crossbills? Thrushes? Cranes? Rooks?

How to deal with words sparrow, nightingale, crow, magpie?

Using a spelling dictionary

Worth taking advantage spelling dictionary , which can be used to check spelling.

Rice. 17. Spelling dictionary ()

You just need to know the secrets of the dictionary and memorize the alphabet well. Very often, short spelling dictionaries can be found at the end of Russian textbooks. If you don’t have a dictionary at hand, ask adults, the teacher, for spelling. Remember, the main thing is not to write with an error. It is better to leave room for the letter by marking it with a dot and enter the letter when there is no doubt at all.

Let's make a conclusion. The position of an unstressed vowel in a word is a danger that requires proof. Unstressed vowels cannot be trusted. Today at the lesson we learned how to check them different ways: by a strong position, i.e. by selecting a test word, and by a dictionary if there is no test word. Remember this:

unstressed vowel sound
Causes a lot of pain.
For there to be no doubt
We put the sound under stress. Or check with a spelling dictionary.

  • Tutrus.com().
    1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. M .: Astrel, 2011. Pp. 26, ex. 2; Page 28, ex. 3.
    2. Arrange a word. What letter will you put in? Fur hat - what kind of hat? (m.hovaya- E). Here is a garden, what kind of strawberries grow there? ( garden- A). Here is the forest, what kind of strawberries are there? ( forest- E).
    3. Read the words with unstressed vowels. Pick up test words, name the vowel: word, star, back, sh.ry, b.ly, central kidney. (sl.va - word- Oh, the stars are the stars- E, sh.ry - ball- Ah, b.ly - pain- Oh, c.kidney - chain- E.)
    4. * Using the knowledge gained in the lesson, make 5 sentences with missing unstressed vowels in words, explain the spelling.

    which are written in 10 letters:

    1. The use of vowels in the composition of a word has some features in Russian:

      Vowel [s] at the beginning of words, as a rule, does not appear; elementary [s] possible in rare borrowed proper nouns.

    Yiya, Ynykgan.

      Sound [s] used only after hard consonants.

    Smoke[smoke], rear[rear].

      Sound [And] used only after soft consonants.


      Writing letters and after w, w, c (these sounds are always solid) is not determined by pronunciation: letter combinations zhi, shi, qi pronounced like [zhy], [shy], [tsy].

      Vowel [s] pronounced in place of the letter and also at the beginning of the word after the preposition on a solid consonant (the preposition does not have its own stress and is adjacent to the next word).

    From and rice- [from-s] rice.

      Vowel [e] used in most cases after soft consonants.

    Children[d'et'i], weight[w'esʹ].

    But there are digressions here. Sound [e] combined with hard consonants:

      after [w], [w], [c];

    Gesture[gesture] six[she't'], prices[prices].

      in some foreign words;

    Test[test], pace[tempo].

      in some compound words.

    HPP, VTEK.

    2. A characteristic feature of Russian pronunciation is the different sound of vowels under stress and without stress.

      The vowel in the stressed position is in strong position, that is, it is pronounced most clearly and with the greatest force. The unstressed vowel is in weak position, that is, it is pronounced with less force and less distinctly.

    3. In an unstressed position (in a weak position), all vowel sounds are pronounced with less force, but some of them retain their qualitative characteristics, while others do not:

      vowel sounds do not change the sound quality in an unstressed position [and], [s], [y](letters and, s, u, u );

    Mil[m'il] - mila[m'ila], lived[live] - lived[lived], jester[joke] - (no) jester[joking].

    Exception makes up the sound [And]: at the beginning of a word, if in the flow of speech the word merges with the previous word ending in a solid consonant, it sounds in place [s];

    IN And exile[V s exile].

      change the sound quality in unstressed vowels [a], [o], [e](letters a, i, o, e, e, e ).

    4. Russian literary pronunciation is usually called "aka" and "hiccup".

      In the prestressed syllable after hard consonants in place of vowels [a], [o], [e](in the position after solid this sound is rarely found in Russian) it usually sounds like a sound close to [A][A], although this sound is not so open, so in linguistics a special sign is used to denote it [Λ] .

    MO th[moj] - mO I[mΛja] or [maja], dA l[gave] - dA la[dΛla] or [gave].

      In the prestressed syllable after soft consonants in place of vowels [a], [o], [e] sounds close to [And]. In the school version of transcription, it is usually denoted as [And], although this sound sounds more like [And] with an overtone [e] - [and uh ] .

    Wed: vzI l[vz'al] - vzI la[vz’i e la] or [vz’ila], nyo With[nose] - ne sla[n'i e sla] or [n'isla], be l[b'el] - be la[b'i e la] or [b'ila].

      It is with these features of Russian pronunciation that the need to check unstressed vowels with the help of related words in which this vowel is stressed, that is, in a strong position, is connected.

      The position of the vowel in the first prestressed syllable is called I weak position: the force of exhalation when pronouncing the pre-stressed syllable is about one and a half times less than when pronouncing the stressed syllable.


    5. Exception can form some words with vowels [a], [o], [e] in I weak position after hissing [w], [w] and after the sound [c]:

      after hard [w], [w], [c] before a soft consonant in place [A] a sound usually sounds in between [s] and [e](denoted [s uh ] );

    ANDA fly[and s uh l'et'], loshA dey[lush s uh d'ej], twentyA ti[dvts s uh t'i].

      in place of the letter e after [w], [w], [c] a sound is heard between [s] And [e], – [s uh ] ;

    Wife[zhyena], sixth[shyestoj], price[tsyena].

      after hard [w], [w] on the spot [A] sounds close to [A][Λ] , as after other solid consonants.

    WA R[ball] - shA ry[shΛry].

    6. In other unstressed syllables (second, third prestressed syllables, stressed syllables) vowels [a], [o], [e] sound even weaker and more indistinct.

      The position of the vowel in other unstressed syllables (not in the first pre-stressed) is usually called II weak position: the force of exhalation when pronouncing such syllables is three times less compared to a stressed syllable.

      In the school course, these sounds are not specifically stipulated.

      In linguistics, such sounds are usually called reduced, that is, “weakened”. For their designation, the signs are most often used: "er" [b]- after hard consonants, "er" [b] after soft consonants. (This resource uses a simplified version of the transcription of vowels, that is, the peculiarities of the pronunciation of vowels [o], [a], [e] in closed and open stressed syllables are not taken into account, the difference in pronunciation of [o], [a], [e] in stressed syllable, etc.)

    For example:

    after hard consonants: dO movoy[d b mavoj], fishA [fish b], roofsA [roof b], ce face[ts b l’ikom];

    after soft consonants: RI pre-war[R' b davoj], floore [floor' b], hA owl worker[h' b sΛfsch'ik].

    7. Exception constitutes II weak position of vowels in the absolute beginning of a word [a], [o]. In place of these vowels at the beginning of the word, an unreduced "er" sounds [b], and a sound close to [A][Λ] , as in I weak position after hard consonants.

    ABOUT cucumber[Λgur'etz]; O bezyan[Λb'iez'janʹ].

    Analysis algorithm for transcribing a word

    Break the word into syllables and put the stress.

    Regret - sorry.

    Underline the stressed vowel with two strokes.


    The stressed vowel does not change its sound. Please note that the letters e, yo, yu, i may mean:

      or one sound [e], [o], [a], [y]- after soft consonants (as in the word regret);

      or two sounds: consonant [j]+ vowel [e], [o], [a], [y]- at the beginning of a word, after a vowel and after separators b And b .

    Explicit - I-external, development - pro-I- vka, shooting - withyom-ka.

    Above the unstressed vowels put the number of the weak position:

    the first pre-stressed syllable - I weak position; other unstressed syllables - II weak position.

    So II - Ms. I- l e- neither II - e II.

    If among these vowels there are sounds [and], [s], [y](letters and, s, u, u ), then emphasize them with one line: they do not change their sound in an unstressed position.

    So II - Ms. I- l e- nAnd II - e II - in a stressed syllable neither the vowel [and] sounds.

    Determine which vowels sound in I weak position (first pre-stressed syllable) in place of letterse, e, o, a :

      after hard consonants [Λ] ;

      after soft consonants [And uh ] ;

      after w, w, c may sound [And uh ] .

    So II - Ms. I- l e- nAnd II - e II - in a syllable Ms. vowel [s e] sounds.

    Please note that if the letters e, i [j]+ vowel [e], [a] j e, i sound will sound [And uh ] .

    Announced - oh II - bya I- forks II - first prestressed syllable bya I will sound like [b'ji e].

    Determine which vowels sound in weak position II (any unstressed syllable, except for the first pre-stressed one) in place of letters e, e, o, a :

      after hard consonants [b];

      after soft consonants [b];

      at the absolute beginning of a word in place of letters O And A [Λ] .

    Please note that if the letters e, i represent two sounds: consonant [j]+ vowel [e], [a], then these vowels also change according to general rules: j - a soft consonant, which means that after it in place of letters e, i sound will sound [b].

    So II - Ms. I- l e- nAnd II - e II - syllable co with a hard consonant sounds like [s]; syllable e([j] + vowel) sounds like [ь]; o II - bya I- forks II - O at the absolute beginning of a word will sound like [Λ], a syllable Xia with a soft consonant will sound like [s'].

    Features of the pronunciation of vowels in unstressed positions

    Features of the pronunciation of vowels in unstressed positions depend on a number of conditions:1) places in relation to the stressed syllable,2) positions at the absolute beginning of a word,3) hardness / softness of the preceding consonant.

    The place in relation to the stressed syllable determines the degree of reduction of vowels. In phonetics, it is customary to name syllables not by their order in the word, but by the place occupied relative to the stressed syllable. All unstressed syllables are divided into pre-stressed and stressed. The numbering of pre-stressed syllables is carried out in the direction from the stressed syllable, that is, from right to left.

    In the first pre-stressed syllable, four vowels are possible - unstressed [u], [i], [s], [a]: n [u] zhdáneed , [h "and] s s´watch , sh[s]lkasilks , n[a]chnoynight .

    In the remaining unstressed syllables (second, third pre-stressed and stressed), strongly reduced vowels [b], [b], as well as the sound [y] are pronounced. In the second pre-stressed syllable: d [b] movoy smoke Andbrownie , [m "b] sorubkameat grinder , [h "y] dotvornymiraculous .

    In stressed syllables: swamp [b] mswamp Andswamps , tender [b] thgentle Andgentle , si [n "b] mblue Andblue , pó [l "b] mfield , horsehorse .

    In stressed syllables, at the absolute end of the word, along with the sounds [b], [b] and [y], the vowel [s] is fixed, only very short: not [s] notes , note [b] note, no [t "b]note , note[y]note .

    The position at the absolute beginning of a word after a pause also affects the features of vowel reduction. In this position, the sounds [y], [and], [a] are pronounced, regardless of their distance from the stressed syllable: [y] take take away , [and] exporterexporter , [a] talkstipulate .

    Features of the distribution of unstressed vowels in a word can be presented in the form of a table.

    In a stressed syllable: stressed [ý], [i´], [ы´], [e´], [ó], [á]

    In the 1st prestressed syllable,

    at the absolute beginning of a word: unstressed [y], [and], [s], [a]

    In the 2nd, 3rd pre-stressed syllable,

    in stressed syllables: unstressed [b], [b], [y] + [s] (at the absolute end of the word)

    Hardness / softness of the preceding consonant - important factor, which determines the possibility of the appearance of certain vowels: 1) after solids, [y], [s], [a], [b] can appear: [lu] govomeadow , [ly] networkgo bald , [la]retzcasket , [l] shadehorses ; 2) after soft, [y], [and], [b] are pronounced: [l "y] fearadmire , [h "and] rnetturn black , [l "b] doribice ax ; 3) pre-shock [a] and [b] after soft ones are impossible: [p "and] dy´ranks , [n "and] ti´ five, [r "b] dovoyPrivate , [p "b] tilefive-year plan ; 4) [ъ] after soft ones appears only in reflexive -sya, in endings and formative suffixes. Such pronunciation is possible, but not mandatory, and is associated with the task of conveying grammatical information about case, number, etc.: get i´l [s "b]turned out - at the grandmother [s "b]at granny's ; drop [l "b] drop - drop [l" b] drops;bear [d "b] mbears - bear [d "b] mbear ; in y´sa [d "b] slanding - in y´sa [d "b] sland .

    All the features of vowel pronunciation analyzed above relate to the phonetics of commonly used significant words. Unions, prepositions, particles, interjections, rare borrowings may not obey the described patterns. They allow, for example, the following pronunciation of non-high vowels: slept But]not for long , b[o]á , andant [e].

    Vowel sounds- speech sounds, which are characterized by the following most important acoustic and articulatory features: firstly, they consist only of a tone (voice), and secondly, when they are formed, there is no obstacle in the way of the air stream.

    From an acoustic point of view, vowels consist of only one tone, and different ratios of tone and noise characterize consonants. So, when pronouncing vowel sounds, as a result of the vibration of tense vocal cords in the larynx, a voice, or musical tone, is formed. The resulting sound is transformed, enriched with additional tones formed in the supraglottic cavities (pharynx, nasal and oral cavity). These resonator tones give the sound a specific timbre, a special quality that distinguishes one vowel from another. Since the timbre of any sound, or its quality, depends on the volume and shape of the resonator (cf. the different volume and shape of the resonators in musical instruments: violin, cello and double bass; domra, balalaika and guitar), then the timbre of vowels is determined by the position of the tongue and lips, which can change the size and shape of the oral cavity.

    The tongue is the most mobile organ of articulation, it can move horizontally and vertically in the oral cavity, thus forming different vowels.

    The degree of elevation of the tongue to the palate ensures the difference in vowels in rise: the highest position of the tongue forms the vowels of the upper rise ([u], [s], [y]), the middle position forms the vowels of the middle rise ([e], [o]) and lower - low vowels ([a]). The upper vowels are called closed (narrow), and the lower vowels are called open (wide), because with the lower position of the tongue, the mouth opens wider and the lower jaw drops lower. If we pronounce the vowels [i], [e], [a] in succession, we can feel the vertical movement of the tongue.

    The body of the tongue can also move horizontally: move closer to the teeth or move back, to the root of the tongue, forming front vowels ([i], [e]), middle ([a]) and back ([y], [o ]). If we pronounce the vowels [and], [s], [y] in sequence, we can notice the horizontal movement of the tongue.

    When pronouncing the vowels [e], [o], [a], the tongue moves vertically: [e] and [o] are middle vowels, and [a] is a lower vowel; however, there is still movement of the tongue forward (when pronouncing the front vowel - [e]), backward (when pronouncing the back vowel - [o]), or the tongue occupies the middle position ([a] - the middle vowel).

    Lips may also be involved in the formation of vowels. When pronouncing rounded vowels ([y], [o]), the lips are somewhat rounded and stretched forward.

    When articulating vowels, the air stream does not encounter obstacles in the oral cavity, passes freely. The stronger, more intensely we pronounce the vowel sound, the wider we open our mouth. Vowel sounds are mouth openers.

    The functional difference between vowels and consonants is that they behave differently when forming a syllable. A vowel forms the top of a syllable (there is no syllable without a vowel), and a consonant in a syllable usually accompanies a vowel.

    vowel percussive sound- a vowel under stress (in a stressed position), pronounced without weakening the articulation, that is, without reduction. This means that the stressed vowel is longer and more intense, pronounced with more force, that is, louder and more intense than the vowel in an unstressed position. The tension and length of articulation contribute to the fact that the individual coloring of the sound (its timbre) becomes more definite and clear. Due to this, the position under stress is a strong position for vowels, that is, the position in which the vowels differ the most from each other cannot be confused. For example, catfish-himself, forest-foxes.material from the site

    Unstressed (reduced) vowel sound- a vowel sound pronounced with a greater or lesser weakening of articulation. In an unstressed position, vowel sounds are characterized by less force, more sluggish (less energetic) articulation, and usually more brevity. The result of changing the quality and quantity of unstressed vowels is called reduction. Vowels that are pronounced with reduction are called reduced. The position of the unstressed vowel is weak, since in this position the vowels, pronounced less intensively, usually lose their individual distinctions (in row and rise). With this pronunciation, we sometimes cease to distinguish between meanings different words. For example: I myself [myself] caught a catfish [myself] or I saw a fox [fox] in the forest [fox].

    Vowels are sounds that, unlike consonants, arise during the formation of a tone without the participation of noise. In addition, unlike consonants, vowels are able to form a syllable and participate in the formation of stress. I must say that there are languages ​​where syllables are able to form some consonants, mostly sonorants.

    There are six main, stressed, vowel sounds in Russian: [a], [o], [u], [e], [s], [i]. At the same time, there are ten letters denoting vowels, since

    i, ё, yu, e, denoting the sounds [a], [o], [y], [e], also have additional functions (denoting the softness of a consonant or the sound [j] in writing).

    The differences in vowels that we hear are associated with the shape of the oral cavity - the resonator, which changes depending on the movement of the tongue up, down, forward, backward - and the opening formed by the lips. Depending on this, vowels of different rise (the back of the tongue moves up or down), series (the tongue moves forward or backward), as well as labialized or rounded (lips are pulled into a tube) and non-labialized or not rounded (lips are not pulled forward) are distinguished. These are the main characteristics of vowel sounds.

    Stressed vowels perform a meaningful function. Compare the words small, they say, mule, soap, which we distinguish by ear only due to differences in vowels.

    In unstressed syllables, vowels are pronounced less vigorously. As a result, vowel reduction occurs, i.e., a change in sound. These changes affect only the strength and duration of the sound (chipmunk [chipmunk]) or are more significant: the sound quality changes, then one vowel sound, losing its characteristics, becomes indistinguishable from another vowel (forest - fox [l "isa], compare: forests - fox [l "esa \u003d l" isa]). Hence the difficulties that arise when writing words with unstressed vowels. It is clear that if only the strength and duration of the pronunciation of a sound change, then it retains the ability to perform a semantic function (empty [empty j] - wait [pastej]), and if its quality changes, then this function is lost and (if all other sounds in words coincide) homophones may arise ([l'isa] - forests - [l'isa] - fox).

    Vowels, the characteristics of which have changed so much that they have become incomparable in sound with any stressed vowel, are denoted in Iranian writing by the signs [ъ] (a strongly reduced vowel sound after a solid consonant: to dates [gdatm]) and [b] (a strongly reduced vowel sound after a soft consonant: children [d'et'm]). Impactless sound, which is similar to one or another shock, can be denoted by the same sign, but without the stress symbol (wine [v’ina] - wine [v’ino]).

    The degree of change in the vowel sound (reduction) depends on which syllable it is in in relation to the stressed one (drum [drum]).

    In Russian there are 6 basic vowels:

    They are indicated on the letter by 10 letters:
    A I O Y E E U Y U Y I

    The use of vowels in the composition of a word has some features in Russian:
    The vowel [s] at the beginning of words, as a rule, does not appear; initial [s] is possible in rare borrowed proper nouns.
    The sound [s] is used only after solid consonants.
    The sound [and] is used only after soft consonants.

    The spelling of the letter and after w, w, c (these sounds are always solid) is not determined by pronunciation: letter combinations of, shi, qi are pronounced as [zhy], [shy], [tsy].

    The vowel [s] is pronounced in place of the letter and also at the beginning of the word after the preposition on a solid consonant (the preposition does not have its own stress and is adjacent to the next word).

    The vowel [e] is used in most cases after soft consonants.

    But there are digressions here. The sound [e] is combined with hard consonants:
    after [w], [w], [c];
    In some foreign words;
    in some compound words.

    A characteristic feature of Russian pronunciation is the different sound of vowels under stress and without stress.

    The vowel in the stressed position is in a strong position, that is, it is pronounced most clearly and with the greatest force. A vowel in an unstressed position is in a weak position, that is, it is pronounced with less force and less distinctly.

    In an unstressed position (in a weak position), all vowel sounds are pronounced with less force, but some of them retain their qualitative characteristics, while others do not:

    The vowels [i], [s], [y] (letters and, s, y, y) do not change the sound quality in an unstressed position;

    The exception is the sound [and]: at the beginning of a word, if in the flow of speech the word merges with the previous word ending in a solid consonant, [s] sounds in place;

    Classification of vowels

    Vowels are tone sounds. Their formation involves a musical tone voice. Noise is not taken into account. The difference in vowels is determined by the different ways of the organs of speech.

    In SRY there are 6 vowels [a] [o] [e] [y] [s] [and].

    By place of education

    The difference between vowels that cause the tongue to move in a horizontal direction is taken into account:

    Front vowels - when articulating, the tongue is strongly advanced [and] [e]

    Middle vowels - the tongue is slightly pushed back [s] [a]

    Back vowels [y] [o]

    According to the degree of elevation of the tongue vertically relative to the palate

    High vowels [and] [s] [y]

    Medium vowels [e] [o]

    Low vowels [a]

    High vowels will be closed or narrow compared to middle vowels, while low vowels will be open or wide. The middle vowels are closed compared to the lower ones, and open compared to the upper ones.

    By participation or non-participation of lips

    The presence or absence of lavalization - stretching or rounding of the lips.
    lavialized [y] [o]
    non-lavalized (all others)

    The division into 3 rows and the rise does not reflect the full wealth of the SRY. In unstressed syllables ch. pronounced with varying degrees of reduction - change, reduction of vowels in an unstressed position. Unstressed vowels are less pronounced. Some vowels are not distinguished.

    A feature of the phonetic (sound) system of the Russian language is the heterogeneous pronunciation of stressed and unstressed vowels. They differ in duration: stressed vowels are almost always longer than unstressed ones. Vowels in an unstressed position undergo quantitative reduction (that is, they are pronounced shorter). Vowels also differ in "quality", in the nature of the sound: stressed vowels are pronounced clearly, distinctly; in an unstressed position, some vowels undergo a qualitative reduction, sound less full and clear. The qualitative reduction of unstressed vowels depends on the place that an unstressed vowel occupies in a word in relation to the stressed syllable (closer or further).

    Also for your attention exercises
