How to learn to relax in different situations? Ways to relax after a hard day: helps me.

Ways to relax when tension is at its limit and it is impossible to switch even while on vacation. How to relax without the help of alcohol and drugs. Relaxation exercises. Tips from psychologists that will really help answer the question - "How to learn to relax?"

For a modern person, the ability to relax is a vital skill. After all, constantly being in nervous tension, experiencing stress, he feels exhausted. His nervous and cardiovascular systems suffer, immunity falls. There is no elementary feeling of happiness. To stay healthy, always in high spirits and radiate optimism, you need to know how to relax. The following few tips will help you with this.

What is relaxation

If a person is tired physically or mentally, he has an irresistible desire to relax - stop thinking so intensely or release the muscles from tension. The protective reaction of the body turns on, it protects itself from overload. But the pace of life is such that a person often has to ignore the signals of his own body, and he continues to keep himself in good shape and fight what he calls laziness.
According to psychologists, the wise homo sapiens will not even wait for the moment when the exhausted body itself asks for a break, but uses different ways to relax long before overwork sets in.

For prevention

This is called relaxation - a complex of physiological and psychological techniques, a special diet and even medication support. Anyone who masters the ability to pause, "reboot" will be able to. The likelihood of him developing physical and mental diseases is much lower.

Relaxation implies the transformation of reflex relaxation into a conscious, volitional act.
For most, relaxation is a way to recover from a stressful event, whether it's a hard day at work or a strong negative emotion.

Relaxation techniques are also used in:

- psychotherapy;
- medicine;
- rehabilitation;
- pedagogy;
- other.

Anyone who wants to know how to learn how to relax needs to master the basic ways to relieve physiological and emotional stress.

  1. Special breathing techniques
  2. Controlled muscle relaxation technique.
  3. Meditation.
  4. Diet for relaxation.
  5. Relaxing baths, massage, music and contemplation as additional ways to achieve a comfortable inner state.

Foods that help relieve stress

Properly adequate nutrition is the key to successfully resisting stress and overexertion. The following foods must be included in the diet:

1. Fresh vegetables and fruits as a source of fiber. As you know, it has a beneficial effect on nervous system.

2. Fish, which contains phosphorus and iodine, which helps to relax the muscles, which maintains normal hormonal levels.

3. Legumes, nuts, buckwheat and wheat, rich in natural antidepressant magnesium.

4. Offal, dairy products, green vegetables, rice, rye bread, nuts, and apricots. These products contain the maximum amount of B vitamins, which stabilize brain activity and increase stress resistance.

5. Bread, potatoes, sweet fruits and honey. They are sources of glucose, the lack of which in the body creates a state of nervousness.

Learning to Relax with Proper Breathing

When the human body is under stress and is in tension, breathing and heart rate increase. This mechanism is aimed at intensive saturation of cells with oxygen, but, unfortunately, is ineffective. To relax, it is much more important to learn how to breathe calmly and deeply. To do this, there are several relaxation breathing exercises.

Exercise #1

Inhale air slowly through the nose. While inhaling, you need to count to yourself to four, and exhale rhythmically through your mouth. Thus, take 10 breaths.

Exercise #2

During the breathing movements, it is necessary to relax the muscles of the shoulder girdle and chest. In this way, the diaphragm will take part in breathing, it will become deeper and more productive.

Exercise #3

It is necessary to take a prone position, place one hand on the stomach. You need to inhale air through the nose in such a way as to push the hand up. You need to exhale through your mouth.

Muscle relaxation

The ability to relax the muscles contributes to proper rest and recovery of the body. Best of all today they help to relax the muscles of technology and.

Muscle relaxation exercises

1. Lying on your back, stretch your arms and straighten your legs. Slowly raise your arms to the top, then spread them to the sides. Relax for 15-20 seconds, breathe as deeply as possible. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

2. From the starting position, lying on your back, slowly and alternately pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest, then stretch them on the floor and relax. Repeat 5 times.

3. Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms along the body, slowly raise your shoulders and head, stretch forward slightly, stretch forward, relax. Do 5 repetitions.

4. Standing with legs apart shoulder-width apart, raise your hands clenched into fists up, tighten, then sharply relax, and let your hands “fall down”. To relax the muscles of the hands, 5 approaches are enough.

5. The muscles of the face also need to be able to relax. A wide smile, stretching the lips with a tube helps to relieve tension from the mouth area. Next, close your eyes tightly several times and relax. At the end, wrinkle your forehead, raise your eyebrows high, linger for 2-3 seconds in this position, and then relax your muscles.

Relaxation meditation

Meditation and relaxation are inextricably linked concepts. On the one hand, meditation allows you to balance emotions. On the other hand, meditation practice in yoga is impossible without complete muscle relaxation. Therefore, before you start meditating, you need to perform a set of the physical exercises described above.

The result of stress is vasoconstriction and muscle tension, accompanied by pain. After mastering meditation, you can relax physically and cleanse yourself psychologically.

How not to relax

Unfortunately, some still do not know how to relax without alcohol or other psychoactive substances. But the state of intoxication only temporarily distracts from problems, but does not solve them. Instead of poisoning an already overloaded body, you need to help it relax with the help of proven relaxation techniques.

Every day we are faced with a huge number of cases and worries, problems that need to be resolved, obstacles that need to be overcome. All this creates a powerful stream of stressful effects on the psyche, consciousness and even the body. But finding time to rest is far from always possible and not for everyone, especially since we often think that this requires or even a whole day. In fact, for a completely full-fledged and high-quality rest, a short break of 10-15 minutes, spent properly, in a smart way, may be enough.

The main condition for a quick and effective rest is a conscious desire to relax and rejuvenate. So it doesn't matter if you're a teacher or self-taught, running a business or throwing a box in a warehouse, spending all day driving or sitting in front of a computer for hours - if you really want to take a quick break (or want to learn how to do it), you are already halfway to this goal. It remains only to find a suitable technique or technique that would allow you to do this. In this article, we have collected several options.

Effective relaxation techniques

Today you can find a lot of various methods, with the help of which it is easy to quickly relax and normalize your physical and mental state. These include various auto-training, meditation, listening to special musical compositions and others. But often, to achieve a full-fledged effect, it really takes a lot of time, and sometimes even special knowledge and hours of practice. At the same time, there are several simple options, which any beginner can master, and this will take a few minutes. We have selected four such techniques for you. And then we say that to complete each of them, you need to set aside 15 minutes of free time and find a place where no one and nothing will distract you during these 15 minutes.

Breathing technique

The essence of this technique is that in order to achieve a state of calm and relaxation, you simply breathe. Breathing, as we all know, is the basis of life, and the ability to control it is considered the first and main skill necessary to learn how to quickly relax. Conscious control of breathing distracts consciousness from thoughts, which is also expressed on the physical plane in the form of relaxation of the muscles of the body. Here is the breathing technique we offer:

  • take a comfortable position of the body and start breathing through your nose;
  • close your eyes and concentrate on how the air passes through the nose;
  • take a deep and slow breath and try to feel a slight chill from the penetrating air;
  • hold your breath for a few seconds;
  • exhale calmly and try to feel that the outgoing air is already warm;
  • follow this sequence of actions throughout the relaxation session;
  • try not to think about anything else and focus on the process of breathing.

Despite its apparent simplicity, this technique is very effective. uses three powerful mechanisms. First, relaxation is achieved by assuming a comfortable position and closing the eyes. Second, slow breathing lowers the heart rate. Third - by concentrating on the movement of air through the nose, as we said, the consciousness is distracted from all thoughts and experiences.

And one more nuance: if suddenly you need to quickly relax, but there is no opportunity to take a comfortable position, you can skip the first step. With practice, you will learn to abstract from what is happening and relax even in the company of other people and under a variety of circumstances.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique

This technique was developed by the American physician Edmund Jacobson in the middle of the 20th century. He believed that if anxiety or fatigue is accompanied by muscle tension, then through relaxation of the muscles one can achieve calmness and allow the body to rest. Performing this technique, you will need to strain certain muscle groups. At the same time, it is important not to overstrain them, and also make sure that the muscles of other groups do not strain. The algorithm is the following:

  • take a comfortable body position (it is recommended to sit down) and take a few calm breaths and exhalations;
  • clench your fists and then relax them; spread your fingers and then relax them;
  • tighten your biceps and then relax them; tighten your triceps and then relax them;
  • pull your shoulders back and then relax them; push your shoulders forward and then relax them;
  • turn your head all the way to the right, and then relax your neck; turn your head all the way to the left, and then relax your neck; press your chin to your chest, and then relax your neck;
  • open your mouth as wide as possible, and then relax it; compress your lips as much as possible, and then relax them;
  • stick out your tongue as far as possible, and then relax it; pull the tongue as far as possible into the larynx, and then relax it; press the tongue to the sky, and then relax it; press the tongue to the bottom of the mouth, and then relax it;
  • open your eyes as wide as possible, and then relax them; close your eyes with all your might, and then relax your eyes and nose;
  • take a deep breath, and then get some air; breathe normally for 15 seconds; exhale all the air from the lungs, and then exhale some more; breathe normally for 15 seconds;
  • gently bend forward in the back, and then relax the back;
  • draw in the stomach as much as possible, and then relax it; inflate the stomach as much as possible or strain the abdominal muscles, and then relax them;
  • tighten the gluteal muscles and slightly raise the pelvis, and then relax the muscles of the buttocks;
  • stretch your legs forward and lift 15 cm from the floor, and then lower your legs and relax them; firmly press your legs to the floor, and then relax them;
  • lift up your toes, and then relax them; lift your feet up and then relax them.

Ideally, after doing this exercise, your muscles should become more relaxed than they were before, and your mind should be filled with calm and peace. If this does not happen, repeat the entire procedure. Try not to think about anything and focus only on tensing and relaxing your muscles.

Calming Visualization Technique

Visualization is rightfully considered one of the most powerful tools for working with consciousness. According to some scientific research, the subconscious does not distinguish real events from human events. For this reason, visualized images can have a strong impact on consciousness. Follow this pattern:

  • take a comfortable body position and close your eyes;
  • take a few deep breaths in and out;
  • imagine that you are in a calm, quiet and pleasant place where you can easily relax (for example, on top of a mountain, in a forest, on a beach, or somewhere else);
  • keep the imagined image and concentrate on the feeling of relaxation and bliss, try to strengthen it and plunge into it even deeper;
  • detail the image, presenting it in all details (the sound of the waves or the singing of birds, the coolness or warm rays of the sun, etc.);
  • feeling that it is not possible to plunge deeper into the state, begin to slowly return to the real world;
  • open your eyes and breathe slowly for a few minutes.

Visualization may not be easy at first, but the result will get better each time. And to achieve the desired effect faster, read our articles "", "" and "".

Technique for Entering the Alpha State

To begin with, let us recall that the human brain works in different states of attention and consciousness, i.e. at different levels. These levels differ in brain wave frequencies, for convenience, named the letters of the Greek alphabet. The most common classification is:

  • Beta waves (from 14 Hz). A state of activity characterized by being awake and thinking.
  • Alpha waves (from 8 to 14 Hz). A state of relaxation, which is characterized by relaxation and immersion in dreams.
  • Theta waves (from 4 to 8 Hz). A state of deeper relaxation, suitable for meditation and hypnosis.
  • Delta waves (up to 4 Hz). A state of unconsciousness and deep sleep.

Scientists believe that it is alpha waves that have the most beneficial effect on the brain and body. Therefore, they are often used in various methods of working with consciousness. Alpha activity itself can be stimulated different ways, for example, special audio recordings of binaural beats. But there is also the possibility to enter the alpha state on your own.

This technique belongs to the American parapsychologist Jose Silva, and its algorithm is as follows:

  • take a comfortable position of the body and take a few deep breaths;
  • imagine the number 3 and say three times to yourself: "three";
  • imagine the number 2 and say three times to yourself: “two”;
  • imagine the number 1 and say three times to yourself: “one”;
  • imagine the number 10 and slowly say to yourself: “I am relaxing”;
  • imagine the number 9 and slowly say to yourself: “I am calming down”;
  • imagine the number 8 and slowly say to yourself: “I am relaxing more and more”;
  • imagine the number 7 and slowly say to yourself: “I am calming down more and more”;
  • imagine the number 6 and slowly say to yourself: “my mind is serene and clear”;
  • imagine the number 5 and slowly say to yourself: “my whole body is relaxed”;
  • imagine the number 4 and slowly say to yourself: “I am so relaxed that my body has become weightless”;
  • imagine the number 3 and slowly say to yourself: “I am completely calm”;
  • imagine the number 2 and slowly say to yourself: “I am completely relaxed”;
  • imagine the number 1 and slowly say to yourself: “I am completely calm and relaxed”;
  • slowly say to yourself: "I'm in alpha."

Of course, this technique is somewhat more complicated than the previous ones, but if you master it, you will learn to control the state and work of your brain and induce relaxation at any moment you need. By the way, before we move on to the next block of the article, we want to invite you to watch this short video for deep relaxation (for the best effect, we advise you to take a comfortable position of the body and watch the video with headphones).

Continuing the theme of relaxation, we offer you several useful tips and recommendations, following which, it will become much easier for you to learn how to relax.

Let's start with a few more examples. effective exercises for relaxation associated with breathing and muscle work.

Simple relaxation exercises

As we have already said, when the human body is in a stressful and tense state, its pulse and breathing speed up. This mechanism is necessary for intensive saturation of cells with oxygen, but this does not always have a positive effect on the physical and mental state. It will be much better if you learn to breathe deeply and calmly. And here are the exercises for this:

  • Slowly inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Inhale should be done in four counts, and exhale in two. You need to do 10 repetitions.
  • Follow the previous exercise, but concentrate not only on the count, but also try to relax the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle. Due to the fact that the diaphragm is involved in breathing, it will become deeper. For one approach, 10 repetitions are enough.
  • Lie down on a bed or sofa and place one hand on your stomach. Inhale the air so that the hand is pushed up through the stomach. Keep in mind that you need to breathe through your mouth. Do 10 reps.

With regard specifically to muscle relaxation, the ability to do this according to own will will help you relax and recover quickly. A few exercises on this topic:

  • Lie on a bed or sofa on your back, straighten your legs. Slowly raise your arms up, and then spread them apart and lower. Try to relax as much as possible for 15-20 seconds. Breathe as deep as possible. The exercise must be repeated 5 times.
  • Take the same body position. Lying on your back, slowly, in turn, pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest. Then stretch them out and try to relax as much as possible for 15-20 seconds. The exercise must be repeated 5 times.
  • Lie on your stomach. Stretch your arms along the body. Slowly raise your shoulders and head and stretch forward a little. Then return to the starting position of the body and try to relax as much as possible for 15-20 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Stand up and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Clench your fists and raise your hands up. Tighten your whole body strongly, and then relax sharply, allowing your arms to fall down. Stay relaxed for 15-20 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Now let's move away from techniques and exercises a little, and talk a little on the topic proper nutrition, or rather about products, the use of which helps to relieve stress.

Stress Relief Products

Nutrition is one of the main components of human life, because along with food, all the necessary vitamins, nutrients and trace elements enter the body. And if a person eats properly (by the way, we have), then his body is much easier to cope with tension and stress, and it is much easier for the person himself to relax and rest faster. To increase your body's resistance to negative external influences, try to follow these simple advice by nutrition:

  • Make sure you include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. This is a “live” food that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the body as a whole.
  • Include fish in your diet. It contains iodine and phosphorus. The first contributes to muscle relaxation, and the second - to maintain a normal hormonal background.
  • Eat more millet and buckwheat porridge, nuts and legumes. All of these foods contain magnesium, a natural antidepressant.
  • Eat apricots, rye bread, dairy and offal. They contain a huge amount of B vitamins, which increase resistance to stress and stabilize the activity of the central nervous system.
  • Don't forget to eat potatoes, sweet fruits and honey. They are a source of glucose, the deficiency of which causes a state of nervousness and tension.
  • Drink green and herbal teas. They are rich in antioxidants that remove harmful substances and toxins from the body. The cleaner the body, the easier it is to endure stress and recuperate.

And take note of this small list of products that help calm nerves, relieve tension and increase the body's resistance to stress:

  • strawberries, raspberries and blueberries (contain natural antioxidants and vitamin C);
  • cereals and cereals (help the body produce serotonin);
  • brazil nuts (contain selenium, which has sedative properties);
  • spinach (contains vitamin K, which synthesizes hormones that are responsible for stress resistance and good mood);
  • apples (rich in vitamin C, iron and fiber);
  • dark chocolate (contains the substance anandamine, which causes a feeling of calm and relaxation);
  • bananas (contain vitamin B, potassium and magnesium).

And in addition to all of the above, a few more life tips, thanks to which you can make your nerves stronger and better cope with stress.

How easy it is to calm down

These simple actions should be performed at any time when you feel nervous, physically or emotionally tired, exhausted, stressed:

  • Change the type of activity. If, for example, you have been sitting at the computer for a long time or writing a report, do some physical activity: take a walk, go shopping, etc. This will help to distract from the monotonous and routine work.
  • Exit to Fresh air and breathe a little. Your blood will become more oxygenated, which in turn will make you calmer.
  • . Remember that even mild dehydration can cause irritability, distraction, and mood swings.
  • . It has a great effect on the psyche: it calms the nerves, promotes inner harmony and relaxation.
  • Light the aroma lamp. Mixed with water and heated by a candle essential oils jasmine, chamomile or bergamot will easily calm the nerves and restore vitality.
  • Look at nice pictures. If you look at a photo or video of space, mountains or the ocean for at least 5 minutes, you can quickly relax and calm down the flow of thoughts.
  • Get out into nature. The beauty of mother earth and fresh air are one of the best ways to relax, relieve stress and put your inner world in order.
  • Go to the bath, shower, pool or sauna. Water better than other means relieves fatigue and takes negative energy. It is especially useful to bathe in a river or sea, i.e. where the water is not stagnant, but is constantly renewed.
  • Go for a massage. The specialist will help your muscles to relax, and the body to produce serotonin, which in itself will weaken the effect of emotional stress. By the way, you can ask someone from your family to massage or do it yourself - massage those parts of the body where your hands reach.
  • Get creative. By creating something with your own hands, you create the ideal conditions for reducing anxiety and the effects of stress. With the same success, you can go to the cinema or theater, visit a museum or art gallery.
  • Start meditating daily for at least half an hour a day. This activity is great for calming thoughts and achieving inner harmony, and with a long-term effect. We have on the site
  • Limit your intake of coffee and alcohol, and smoking cigarettes. All this not only dehydrates the body, but also increases fatigue and susceptibility to stress (and this is not counting the well-known facts about the dangers of coffee, alcohol and nicotine).

We also advise you to always consider any events that occur objectively, i.e. not only from my point of view, but in general. All problems are resolvable. What seems difficult or unfair now may well lead to better consequences in the future. Therefore, you need to look at everything from different angles, and also take nothing to heart.

As you can see, learning to relax and quickly rest is not so difficult. Remember that there are two fundamental factors here - this is your desire and knowledge of certain techniques. If you decide to read this article, then you already have a desire, and if you have read it, then the techniques are now at your disposal.

And in conclusion, we bring to your attention another video on the topic of relaxation. Save it to your playlist or browser bookmarks and watch and listen (preferably with headphones) when you want to relax and calm your inner world.

We wish you Have a good mood and a positive attitude every day!

Good day dear readers! In fact, this article is a logical continuation of the article - First of all, you need to understand that if a person has relieved tension and emotional tightness, this does not mean that he has relaxed properly and truly calmed down emotionally. We will talk about achieving the state of inner Peace in a separate article, and now we will take a closer look at the methods of calming the mind (extinguishing emotions, etc.) and proper relaxation.

Relaxation- this is a special comfortable state of the human body (his muscles) and his consciousness (emotional calm), which gives the maximum set of energy, restoration of the structures of consciousness (psyche), as well as the improvement of the physical body.

Example: Right Meditation- this is the maximum relaxation of the muscles of the body and its organs, and the calming of the mind. It is in meditation that a person gains maximum energy, reveals abilities, qualities, feelings, talents, and more. etc. Also, a person who has mastered the skills of relaxation, initial meditation and gaining energy may well sleep a few hours less, because a half-hour set of energy in meditation can replace several hours of healthy sleep.

Teaching true relaxation is a solution to two problems: A) Relieve muscle tension and emotional tightness B) Calm the mind and achieve deep relaxation.

If a person has learned to relax and purposefully calm down, this removes from his life and their consequences, destructive emotions, excessive overwork and waste of energy by almost 100%. It gives a set of energy, clarity of mind, an increase in strength, efficiency, speed of recovery of the body and launches the mechanisms of self-healing.

When a person stops burning his energy with excessive stress, learns to relax and gain energy - all the best, good that is in the Soul of a person, in his potential, begins to unfold by itself.

Answer the following questions for yourself: Would you like 30 min. purposeful relaxation to be able to recover and relax, as in 5-6 hours good night? would you like 20 min. completely relieve emotional stress and stress? and in 10-15 min. remove overwork and fatigue?

If the answer is “Yes”, then master the relaxation techniques!

How to learn to relax and calm yourself properly?

Relaxation training is the mastering of control commands: logical, volitional and figurative commands.

1. We master the ability to relieve muscle tension and emotional clamps – .

2. We master the commands to relax the body and calm the mind.

Step 1. We relax the body and muscles in parts. The position of the body is either lying or sitting on a chair: the back is even, the crown of the head is pulled up, the chin is slightly inward, hands are placed on the knees (it should be comfortable to relax, but the back should not be crooked). Eyes are closed, we move our attention around the body, we feel that part of the body with which we are working.

We pronounce the commands to ourselves (but you can do it out loud), while paying attention to the desired muscle or part of the body.

  • We transfer attention to the right leg, we felt it, the command “right leg is relaxed”, we repeat the command and perform it 3-5 times. Next, we pass the attention along the leg from the bottom up: “foot - relaxed”, “calves - relaxed”, “hips - relaxed” - 2 circles.
  • We transfer our attention to the left leg, feel it, the command “left leg is relaxed”, repeat the command and perform it 3-5 times. Next, we pass the attention along the leg from the bottom up: “foot - relaxed”, “calves - relaxed”, “hips - relaxed” - 2 circles.
  • We felt the right hand, the command “right hand is relaxed” - repeat the command 3-5 times. Relax mentally - the fingers of the right hand, hand, forearm, shoulder (2 circles).
  • Turning attention to the left hand left hand relaxed” – repeat the command 3-5 times. We relax the fingers of the left hand, hand, forearm, shoulder (2 circles).
  • We transfer attention to the torso, the commands - “pelvic muscles - relaxed”, “stomach - relaxed”, “chest - relaxed”, “lower back - relaxed”, “back - relaxed” - 3-5 circles.
  • Attention - the neck, the command "neck - relaxed" - 3-5 repetitions of the command.
  • Head, commands: “face is relaxed”, “mouth, lips are relaxed”, “cheeks are relaxed”, “nose, wings of the nose are relaxed”, “eyes, eyelids, eyebrows are relaxed”, “forehead is relaxed”, “ the head is relaxed”, “cleanliness, calmness, clarity in the head” - we go through 2-3 circles.
  • General commands: "legs - relaxed", "arms - relaxed", "head - relaxed", "whole body - relaxed", "muscles - relaxed" - we go through 2-3 circles.

If everything is done correctly, you will practically cease to feel your body, this is a state of warmth, close to weightlessness, as if the body is dissolving in some kind of warm yellow energy. Stay in this special state of relaxation for 5 to 30 minutes. and you will feel a powerful surge of energy, psycho-emotional calm and recovery, as well as an improvement in mood.

Until you memorize and learn the commands and the sequence of pronunciation - print out the text of the commands, relax while sitting and peep the commands with one eye (until you remember).

Step 2. Adding images, working with some chakras and deepening the meditative state.

Body position as in step 1. Either lying or sitting. If you fall asleep quickly lying down, it is better to relax while sitting. It is important not to fall asleep until you have gone through the whole cycle of commands so that your will and self-control are fully working and controlling relaxation.

Read more about how to enter meditation correctly in the article - in the "Introduction to Meditation" section. And now we will consider an abbreviated version of meditative relaxation and calming of the mind, which does not require special esoteric knowledge, and will require only initial self-control, execution of commands and more or less normal work with images.

  • Attention to the legs, commands: "legs - relaxed", "leg muscles - heavy", "heaviness" - repeat the commands 3-5 times.
  • We transfer attention to the hands, the commands: “hands - relaxed”, “arm muscles - heavy”, “heaviness” - repeat 3-5 times.
  • Attention to the torso, commands: “body is relaxed”, “pelvis, back, stomach, chest are relaxed”, “body muscles are heavy”, “heaviness” - 3-5 times.
  • We transfer attention to the neck and head, the commands: “neck, face, mouth, nose, eyes, forehead are relaxed”, “face is relaxed”, “light in the eyes”, “a slight pleasant smile on the face, like a Buddha” , “in the head - purity, calmness, clarity” - we go through 2-3 circles.
  • We distribute attention evenly throughout the body, the commands: “body - relaxed”, “muscles - heavy”, “heaviness”, “muscles - sagged, limp” - we go through 3-5 circles.
  • Imagine how from the coccyx area () pink light spreads throughout the body, over the muscles, fill the body with pink light, the commands: “muscles - heavy”, “heaviness” - 3-5 times.
  • We imagine how from the lumbar region () orange light-fire spreads throughout the body, except for the head, the whole body is filled with heat, the commands “body is warm”, “warm”, “whole body is warm” - 5-7 circles. We pronounce the commands slowly, in a warm, strong and velvety voice.
  • Imagine how from the area of ​​the solar plexus (at the level of the spine) - a bright yellow light fills the stomach, and then spreads throughout the body, including the head and face, the commands: “stomach is warm”, “warmth”, “whole body is warm” - we go through the commands 5-7 times.
  • We distribute our attention throughout the body, calming commands: “body is relaxed”, “warmth”, “consciousness is calm”, “peace” - we go through 5-7 times.
  • Imagine how a stream of white-golden Light with a diameter of 10-15 cm enters the crown from the center of the Universe and wave after wave fills the entire body: head, neck, arms, torso, legs. With our attention we draw Light from the top of the head to the toes and fingertips - 5-10 times. We fill ourselves with light.
  • We transfer attention to the center of the chest (near the surface), we imagine, as if here in the chest the sun flares up, a fireball with a diameter of 10-15 cm ignites, the light from it begins to fill the whole body, the command: “Light, Joy, Love - on light, for the whole body” – repeat 10-15 times.
  • Further, the light from within begins to go beyond the boundaries of the body in all directions, the outlines and boundaries of the body dissolve and erase, the commands: “I am the Light”, “I am the growing Energy” - 5-10 times.

We let go of our consciousness, attention, we feel how Light, Energy enters and grows, an inner smile, like a Buddha, we absorb energy with our soul and body, we grow. We stay in this state for at least 5 minutes, preferably 15-20-30 minutes.

After the relevant practices, I beg you to write your impressions in the comments under the article!

If you have any questions about the techniques - also write to me either in the comments or in!

And if you need to work with me individually, as with, for example, mastering meditative techniques -!

The ability to relax is a guarantee of our calm state. By using it correctly, you can solve a great many problems. Anyone should knowif he wants to succeed. It does not matter what he sees as success - his own quiet life or financial well-being. It is imperative to be able to urgently restore spiritual harmony, otherwise troubles will arise that could have been avoided.

Very rarely, the state of overvoltage goes away on its own. It is easy to distinguish it by certain signs, for example, attentiveness is lost, severe weakness is felt, it is impossible to concentrate. Modern man forced to look for suitable methods to control himself again.

Those who often find themselves in this state can tell a lot about these unpleasant consequences. The whole organism, as a whole, reacts to stress. Not only the emotional component suffers. The quality of sleep deteriorates significantly, the feeling of fatigue never goes away, a bad mood seems to be something natural, interest in something is lost. But there are ways to help cope with these problems in a fairly short period of time.

The following exercises are most effective:

  1. affirmations

Affirmations - simple, very affordable way relieve tension. They are used in stressful situations, when it seems that the feeling of discomfort will not pass, and in the initial stage, when the first signs of an impending problem appear.

They read aloud. Finding outTohow to relax and calm down, you will find many affirmations.Choose the ones that seem the most suitable for you. W learn and say them at any time.

The essence of affirmations is extremely simple and consists in the following statements:

  • I experience harmony.
  • I will find a solution. I can do everything.
  • I will overcome everything.
  • I will find a solution to the problem.

To make the effect of affirmations more effective, it is recommended to find a secluded place, distract yourself by closing your eyes, and perform simple breathing exercises. Sometimes affirmations are said aloud, but this is not necessary, it is enough to mentally repeat them.

Do you know what an affirmation is? And how are they different from simple affirmations? Watch this video!

  1. Breathing exercises

When a person is stressed, breathing becomes much faster, heart rate accelerates. Oxygen in the blood changes the pattern of cell nutrition. This explains the deterioration in the physical plane.

IMPORTANT: Finding out how to relax and calm down, be sure to make sure that you have a way to eliminate this consequence.

It can be very strong, and to cope withProper breathing helps negatively. Good results gives diaphragmatic gymnastics.

How to improve the body, remove diseases and excess weight through breathing practices? Get the video!

Take a seated position. Keep your back straight. Place your palm on your stomach to help you control your breathing. Close your eyes and take a deep breath through your nose as slowly as possible. Don't breathe deeply, generally hold your breath for a few seconds, and then exhale through your mouth for as long as you can. Repeat the exercise until the result is achieved.

To get started, watch the video of a psychologist, life coach, trainer of healing practices, Ksenia Akkem

Breathing practice “Ocean of light and love”

Energy practice “Square breathing”

  1. Meditation

Meditation has proven to be very effective method fight stress. But doing it right is very difficult. Persistence and patience are required to achieve positive results. Most often, the problem lies in the inability to forget about the hustle and bustle, even for a limited period of time. The purpose of meditation is to relax and stop reacting to disturbing thoughts.

Get a professional wellness meditation"Awakening the Force and Healing the Body", which will help you awaken energy, relieve muscle clamps, get rid of stress and illness. Get Audio Meditation!

Meditation technique:

During meditation, you need to retire. Position - lying or sitting. You can sit with your legs crossed in front of you. Hands must be relaxed. Close your eyes, inhale slowly through your nose and exhale slowly. Exhalation is through the mouth. You need to concentrate on breathing.

You can also try to meditate on the record - fortunately, there are enough authors of various kinds of meditations on the network. You just need to find your coach, whose manner of execution and presentation of practices suits you.

Try to make a meditation by a psychologist, life coach, Ksenia Akkem “Meeting with the inner woman”

  1. "Flight of Fantasy"

A simple flight of fancy exercise is one type of meditation. The difference lies in the fact that you need to remember about some beautiful place where you feel comfortable.

Try to do the practice “My place of power”

  1. Muscle relaxation.

Muscle relaxation is very simple. It is enough to strain the muscles in any sequence. The effect will affect the whole organism as a whole.

So the question ishow to relax and calm down, can be solved with simple exercises accessible to all. You just need to properly motivate yourself and set yourself the goal of getting rid of unnecessary stress and tension. Do the suggested exercises, and the long-awaited feeling of ultimate relaxation and calm will come!

By the way, you will find even more breathing techniques for relaxation.

We need anxiety and stress to protect ourselves from danger. The brain evaluates the environment. If something threatens our safety, it puts the body into combat mode to fight and run. But most stressful situations that we face every day doesn't kill us. Maybe we are arguing with colleagues, preparing for an exam, or going on a first date. Under such conditions, the reactions of the body only interfere, we are nervous and cannot concentrate on work, remember information or be creative.

You need to de-stress and relax. But how to do it if you are worried? The brain is overexcited, and the self-belief that everything is in order and you need to pull yourself together does not work.

Do not confuse relaxation and rest. No one bothers to sit and do nothing at the same time, but at the same time to worry and worry. So just a break in work will not help to relax and calm the nervous system.

The best option is to act from the side of the body, that is, relax the muscles and remove the consequences. The brain will decide that since the body is calm, there is no danger, then you can calm down.

To do this, try the deep relaxation technique offered by No Panic, a charity that helps people with anxiety and panic disorders.

Start relaxing

To feel the effect of the first classes, find a comfortable and quiet place where you will not be distracted for at least five minutes. It is better to work out the technique at home, in comfortable clothes, so that later you can repeat it in other conditions.

Turn off the music, turn off the lights if possible, and sit in a comfortable position. Breathe freely while exercising, do not hold your breath or try to breathe deeply. Think that you only need to relax, nothing else.

Feel the difference between tension and relaxation

To relax, you need to feel the tension. Start with the hands. Clench your fists as hard as you can and count to 10. After that, relax your fists so that your fingers rest freely on your knees or on any other surface. Feel how your hands move differently when they are tense and relaxed, remember the moment of relaxation and leave your hands in a calm state.

Then you need to alternately tighten and relax the muscles throughout the body in the following order:

  • Forearm. Bend your elbows and try to press your fists to your shoulders.
  • Muscles of the back of the hands. Straighten your arms as much as you can.
  • Shoulders. Raise your shoulders towards your ears.
  • Neck. Tilt your head back.
  • Forehead. Raise your eyebrows as if asking a question.
  • eyelids. Close your eyes tightly.
  • Jaw. Clench your teeth.
  • Tongue and throat. Press the tongue on the palate.
  • Lips. Squeeze your lips tightly, as if you want to hold something small with them.
  • Breast. Take a deep breath and hold your breath.
  • Stomach. Tighten your abdominal muscles as if you are preparing for a punch.
  • Hips and waist. Arch your back and squeeze your buttocks.
  • Legs. Straighten your legs and pull your toes.

Tighten your muscles to the maximum for 10 seconds, and then relax them and listen to the difference in sensations.

Let your body get used to relaxation

Sit in silence with relaxed muscles for a few more minutes to remember how the body feels at rest.

You may not relax completely the first time, but if you regularly practice and fight with this technique, you will soon feel that five minutes is enough for you to calm down and control your emotions again.

Subsequently, you will learn to relax even on the go: for example, relax your arms and back when you go to work, and your legs when you sit at the computer.
