Art in different dictionaries. Explanatory Dictionary Dal online

A form of creativity, a way of spiritual self-realization of a person through sensually expressive means (sound, plasticity of the body, drawing, word, color, light, natural material, etc.). The peculiarity of the creative process in I. in its indivisibility ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

- * Author * Library * Newspaper * Painting * Book * Literature * Fashion * Music * Poetry * Prose * Public * Dance * Theater * Fantasy Art Art is Eve giving an apple to a young artist. Who taste... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

ART. The root of the word art is experience, trial, attempt, test, knowledge; skillful, having come to skill or knowledge by many experiences. At the basis of all cognition is sensation, which is carried out due to irritation, direct excitation ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

Art- ART. The root of the word art is experience, trial, attempt, test, recognition; skillful, having come to skill or knowledge by many experiences. At the basis of all cognition is sensation, which is carried out due to irritation, direct ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

The form of culture associated with the subject's ability to aesthetic. development of the life world, its reproduction in figuratively symbolic. key when relying on creative resources. imagination. Aesthetic attitude to the world background art. activities in... ... Encyclopedia of cultural studies

ART, arts, cf. 1. only units Creative artistic activity. Do art. New trends in art. 2. Branch of creative artistic activity. Major arts: painting, sculpture, architecture, poetry, music and ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Art. Fine arts: music, painting, sculpture (sculpture), architecture (architecture), mosaic; poetry, dance, facial expressions, singing, acting, etc. .. See knowledge ... Synonym dictionary

Art- Art ♦ Art A set of techniques and works that bear the imprint of the personality of a person, evidence of his special skill or talent. By these three signs, art is easily distinguished from craft (which is less ... ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

1) artistic creativity in general - literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, graphics, arts and crafts, music, dance, theater, cinema and other types of human activity, combined as artistic ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

A term used in two meanings: 1) skill, ability, dexterity, dexterity, developed by knowledge of the matter; 2) creative activity aimed at creating works of art, wider than aesthetically expressive forms. The conceptual status of I. ... ... The latest philosophical dictionary


  • Art, Editor Andrew Graham-Dixon. Art, according to Pablo Picasso, washes away the dust from the soul, without it our life becomes colorless. Before you is a unique encyclopedia that will open the doors to an amazing, bright and…


Tempt, tempt someone, with what, in what; experience, explore, be convinced by experiments in the way of actions or thoughts, feelings; | put someone to the test; | seduce, seduce, confuse with temptation, lure with slyness; try to seduce someone from the path of goodness and truth. You won't know without tempting a person. To keep fire shells in good order is to tempt God why a fire barrel stands without hoops. -sya, to be tempted, to be tempted; reach what experience, get used to, adapt, grind. Gold is tempted by fire, but man by adversity. He was tempted by this proposal, succumbed, tempted. In this matter, I have been tempted, I have experienced a lot, a skill, I know how to take it on. Temptation cf. art m. about. action by value verb; | also comp. tempted; the very thing, the object, what tempts or what tempts; time, time, term, when someone is tempted; test, inquiry in practice; temptation, seduction. Art, experience, trial, attempt. With skill you will reach everything. He is not a monk yet, but a Belets under temptation. Money loves art. Tempter m. seducer, seducer, seducer; tempting whom, what; evil, satan, devil. Tempting, pertaining to temptation or temptation. Skillful, pertinent. to the temptation, experience, test, tempted, tested, reached the skill or knowledge of many experiences; | cunningly, intricately, intricately made, masterfully worked out, arranged with skill and calculation. Skillful time, term. He is skillful and meticulous in all matters of government. I have not seen anything skillful of this machine, both in invention and in decoration. The grapes are not ripe - they are not tasty, but a young person is not skillful. Holy, but not skillful, oh hypocrite. | In the distorted dialect of Pskov, a skillful cake, delicious. Skill property, belonging skillful. The skill of this master is well known. The craftsmanship of this work is remarkable. Skillful, skillful, pretty skillful. Artisan m. -nitsa w. skillful person, master, doka. Art cf. belonging to the skillful, skillfulness; knowledge, skill, ability developed by skill or learning; abstractly: a branch or part of human education, enlightenment; science, knowledge applied to the case; needlework, craft, craftsmanship that requires more skill and taste. Military art, strategy, tactics, fortification. The art of typography, turning; the art of swimming. Fine arts, all arts. Art is also opposed to nature and then means every work of human hands. Art is half holiness, hypocrisy, deceit. Artificial, made with art; but in general | man-made, unnatural or uncreated, man-made. The artificiality state, belonging of the artificial. Artifice, tinker, work that requires art.

A form of creativity, a way of spiritual self-realization of a person through sensually expressive means (sound, plasticity of the body, drawing, word, color, light, natural material, etc.). The peculiarity of the creative process in I. in its indivisibility ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

- * Author * Library * Newspaper * Painting * Book * Literature * Fashion * Music * Poetry * Prose * Public * Dance * Theater * Fantasy Art Art is Eve giving an apple to a young artist. Who taste... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

ART. The root of the word art is experience, trial, attempt, test, knowledge; skillful, having come to skill or knowledge by many experiences. At the basis of all cognition is sensation, which is carried out due to irritation, direct excitation ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

Art- ART. The root of the word art is experience, trial, attempt, test, recognition; skillful, having come to skill or knowledge by many experiences. At the basis of all cognition is sensation, which is carried out due to irritation, direct ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

The form of culture associated with the subject's ability to aesthetic. development of the life world, its reproduction in figuratively symbolic. key when relying on creative resources. imagination. Aesthetic attitude to the world background art. activities in... ... Encyclopedia of cultural studies

Art. Fine arts: music, painting, sculpture (sculpture), architecture (architecture), mosaic; poetry, dance, facial expressions, singing, acting, etc. .. See knowledge ... Synonym dictionary

Art- Art ♦ Art A set of techniques and works that bear the imprint of the personality of a person, evidence of his special skill or talent. By these three signs, art is easily distinguished from craft (which is less ... ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

ART, 1) artistic creativity in general - literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, graphics, decorative arts, music, dance, theater, cinema, etc. In the history of aesthetics, the essence of art was interpreted as imitation (mimesis), ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

1) artistic creativity in general - literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, graphics, arts and crafts, music, dance, theater, cinema and other types of human activity, combined as artistic ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

A term used in two meanings: 1) skill, ability, dexterity, dexterity, developed by knowledge of the matter; 2) creative activity aimed at creating works of art, wider than aesthetically expressive forms. The conceptual status of I. ... ... The latest philosophical dictionary


  • Art, Editor Andrew Graham-Dixon. Art, according to Pablo Picasso, washes away the dust from the soul, without it our life becomes colorless. Before you is a unique encyclopedia that will open the doors to an amazing, bright and…


Specialized bookstore No. 3. Since 1957 on Nevsky Prospekt, 16. It sells books on art and art products, also has departments for reference and bibliography and "Book by mail". There is an automated reference device ACS 30. "I." completes over 20 libraries in Leningrad (including the Hermitage, the Academy of Arts, the WTO, the Academy of Sciences, etc.). Together with the Leningrad branch of the society of book lovers, he holds decades of books. Trade turnover over 1 million rubles. (1990).

Saint Petersburg. Petrograd. Leningrad: Encyclopedic reference book. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia Ed. Board: Belova...

Art is a special form of social consciousness associated with a person's aesthetic reflection of reality. Art is a specific activity for the creation of works of art. It serves to satisfy one of the highest needs of people - the need to communicate with the beautiful, harmonious. Art is also a social institution. It includes a circle of spectators, readers - consumers of works of art. A special type of production works for them - artistic production. It requires appropriate equipment, technology, talent, special knowledge, skills, and craftsmanship.

The peculiarity of art is that it reflects the world in the form of an artistic image. Art allows you to reproduce human characters and destinies in a holistic way, allows you to reflect the unrepeat...

art art cslav. art "experimentum", st.-glory. iskous. To the previous word; see Bernecker 1, 652 ff. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Progress M. R. Vasmer 1964-1973



A form of creativity, a way of spiritual self-realization of a person through sensual and expressive means (sound, plasticity of the body, drawing, word, color, light, natural material, etc.). A feature of the creative process in I. is the indivisibility of its subjective-objective conditioning. Arising as a result of the creativity of a particular subject, the work of I. in its being acquires a transpersonal character. The properties of the content and form of I.'s work, as well as the way it is perceived, not only testify to the mental originality of the creator ...


ART-A; cf.

1. Piece of art. Artists. Russian and. silver age. I. for (for the sake of) art(a theory that rejects the social purpose of art). Pure and.(the name of aesthetic concepts that affirm the self-sustainability of artistic creativity, the independence of art from politics and social requirements).

2. Branch of creative artistic activity. Fine and. Stage and. Applied and. Cinema is the most massive of the arts...

ART is a term used in two meanings: 1) skill, ability, dexterity, dexterity, developed by knowledge of the matter; 2) creative activity aimed at creating works of art, more broadly - aesthetically expressive forms. The conceptual status of I. is directly connected with the second meaning of the term, keeping the first as a technical condition for any creativity. The concept of "I." is connoted by historical changes (transformations) of forms and types of culture, their interactions, and, accordingly, by the nature of philosophical, art criticism, artistic and poetic reflections and by now is a multidimensional semantic formation, fundamentally open to the inclusion of new semantic elements generated by the incessantly lasting and transforming artistic the aesthetic experience of humanity, including the development of intercultural ties, communications, exchanges, technologies that provide and support creativity and its transmission in society ...














(Source: "Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak")

Art I Art

one of the forms of social consciousness, an integral part of the spiritual culture of mankind, a specific kind of practical-spiritual development of the world. In this regard, I. includes a group of varieties of human activity - painting, music, theater, fiction (which is sometimes singled out especially - compare the expression "literature and art"), etc., combined because they are specific - artistic figurative - forms of reproduction of reality. In a broader sense, the word "I." refers to any form of practical activity when it is performed skillfully, skillfully, skillfully, not only in a technological, but also in an aesthetic sense.

Definition of distinguishing...


Borrowed from Old Slavonic, where it was formed from iskus - "test". Cm. .


arts. and art-critical magazine, ed. in Moscow since 1905 monthly. Ed.-ed. N. Ya. Tarovaty.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron 1890-1907

- artistic creativity in general: literature, sculpture, painting, graphics, arts and crafts, music, etc., as well as works by I. A high degree of skill and mastery. In a narrow sense - pictorial I.

Art 1) artistic creativity in general - literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, graphics, arts and crafts, music, dance, theater, cinema and other varieties of human activity, combined as artistic and figurative forms of world exploration. In the history of aesthetics, the essence of art was interpreted as imitation (mimesis), sensual expression of the supersensible, etc.


great art

Real art

extraordinary art

genuine art

Dictionary of Russian idioms. . Word combinations with a high degree meaning Academic 2011



Fine arts: music, painting, sculpture (sculpture), architecture (architecture), mosaic; poetry, dance, facial expressions, singing, acting, etc. ..

See occupation, knowledge, focus...

Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. - under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999



form of culture associated with the subject's ability to aesthetic. development of the life world, its reproduction in figurative and symbolic. key when relying on creative resources. imagination. Aesthetic attitude to the world - a prerequisite for art. activities in any field I. The judgment of taste always claims to be valid, and the basis for this is aesthetic. contemplation of the individual as containing an ideal dimension (Kant). Aesthetic ideal, which is a product of dialogic. communications within the boundaries of def. culture, serves as a kind of standard, with Crimea ...


noun experience, fidelity, skill, dexterity.

Complete Church Slavonic Dictionary (with the introduction of the most important Old Russian words and expressions). Comp. priest Grigory Dyachenko. 1900 .

art, cf. 1. only units Creative artistic activity. Do art. New trends in art. 2. Branch of creative artistic activity. Major arts: painting, sculpture, architecture, poetry, music and dance. Fine Arts. Science and arts. 3. only units The system of techniques and methods in some. branches of practical activity; skill. Military art. The art of swimming. The art of management. The art of leadership is serious business. Stalin. Talking about yourself is a subtle art, I don't have it. Maksim Gorky. 4. only units Skill, dexterity, subtle knowledge of the matter. He handled his business with great skill. Out of love for art (to do something; colloquial joke) - without any selfish goal, out of love for the very thing, occupation.

One of the forms of social consciousness, reproducing reality in artistic and figurative ways. Art includes painting, music, theater (in the broadest sense), literature, etc. Art, being a part of culture, is as class-based as culture itself and serves the interests of the ruling class. The most important feature of art is that it acts both as similar to real life and as a creation of the author different from it. Art "... not only reflects the objective world, but also creates it" (L., 29, 194), it is a way of "practically-spiritual development" of reality (M. and E., 12, 728). A work of art is always a meaningful part - a model of life, and a material embodiment (form). Without content or without a corresponding form, art does not exist. High exactingness under socialism to works of art - to their content side, including partisanship (correspondence to the ideological orientation of the work for ...


noun, With., use often

Morphology: (no) what? art, what? art, (see) what? art, how? art, about what? about art; pl. What? art, (no) what? arts, what? arts, (see) what? art, how? arts, about what? about the arts

1. Art- this is a creative reflection of reality in artistic images.

Product and...

ART, 1) artistic creativity> in general - literature>, architecture>, sculpture>, painting, graphics, decorative art>, music>, dance, theater, cinema, etc. In the history of aesthetics, the essence of art was interpreted as imitation (mimesis>) , sensual expression of the supersensible, artistic-figurative exploration of the world, etc. 2) In the narrow sense - the fine arts. 3) A high degree of skill, skill in any field of activity.

art Loans. from st.-sl. lang., where it is suf. derived from art"trial; test, attempt. The initial meaning is "test, experience", then - "skill, knowledge" and "art". School etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Origin of words. - M.: Bustard N. M. Shansky, T. A. Bobrova 2004


- English art; German Kunst. 1. A specific type of reflection of cognition, assimilation, formation of reality by a person in the process of artistic creativity in accordance with certain aesthetic ideals. 2. A high degree of creative skill in a particular field of activity.

Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009

ART - 1) artistic creativity in general - literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, graphics, arts and crafts, music, dance, theater, cinema and other varieties of human activity, combined as artistic and figurative forms of mastering the world. In the history of aesthetics, the essence of art was interpreted as imitation (mimesis), sensual expression of the supersensible, etc. 2)] In the narrow sense - fine art 3) A high degree of skill, mastery in any field of activity.


lawsuit\"usstvo, -a

Russian spelling dictionary. / The Russian Academy of Sciences. In-t rus. lang. them. V. V. Vinogradova. - M .: "Azbukovnik". V. V. Lopatin (executive editor), B. Z. Bukchina, N. A. Eskova and others.. 1999 .


ART. Root of the word art- experience, trial, attempt, test, recognition; skillful - having reached the skill or knowledge of many experiences. At the basis of all cognition is sensation, which is carried out due to irritation, direct excitation of the nerves of one or another sense organ. When we again evoke the previously received sensation, but in the absence of irritation, we reproducible sensation, renewing it. The sensation is reproduced through memory, through central excitation, and not simply through direct excitation of the sense organ.

That which appears in our consciousness when sensation is renewed, we call representation. Getting an idea about a particular subject, we put a ...


-A , cf.

Creative reproduction of reality in artistic images; creative artistic activity.

3. Collection of stories by Lyudmila Ulitskaya "... to live."
4. The book of the Hungarian writer, poet of the 20th century. Bela Balazza "... cinema".
5. Collection of the Portuguese poet of the 20th century. "".
6. Fine...
7. Film by Yungvald-Khilkevich "... to live in Odessa."
8. A creative process that requires sacrifice.
9. What patronized Apollo?
10. Creative reflection, reproduction of reality in artistic images.
11. A matter that requires skill, skill.
12. Book publishing house.

a form of creativity, a way of spiritual self-realization of a person through sensual and expressive means (sound, plasticity of the body, drawing, word, color, light, natural material, etc.). A feature of the creative process in I. is the indivisibility of its subjective-objective conditioning. Arising as a result of the creativity of a particular subject, the work of I. in its being acquires a transpersonal character. The properties of the content and form of I.'s work, as well as the way it is perceived, not only testify to the mental originality of the creator, but also characterize the collective forms of experience, the direction of thinking, characteristic of the culture of the era that gave rise to it. The mystery of the birth of the work of I. has always been the subject of active discussion. From the "substance of life" - disparate, eclectic, patchwork - the artist creates a "substance of form". Reflecting on the mystery of this transformation, philosophy and aesthetics developed ideas about special mechanisms - entelechy (Aristotle), artistic m...

the first monuments of art discovered on the territory of Russia - figures of people and animals made of clay, wood and horn, various examples of engraving on bone and stone - date back to the Upper Paleolithic. The painted ceramics of the Dnieper region belong to the Mesolithic and Neolithic eras (to 6-2 thousand BC).
During the excavations of ancient Scythian mounds (7th-3rd centuries BC), a kind of applied art of the Scythians (of which East Slavic tribes were at that time) was discovered. Many Scythian things made of metal and bone were made in the so-called. "animal style" Stylized images of animals or their parts, scenes of animal struggle, characteristic of the art of the Scythians, had not only decorative, but also cult significance, being used in pagan rituals. Actually, Russian art goes back to the depths of the 1st millennium, developing in parallel with the first rudiments of Russian writing (See: Book). From the most ancient Ang times (III-VII centuries AD) found in arche...

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Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary TRUE

female the opposite of lying; everything that is true, authentic, accurate, just, that is [everything that is, then truth, is it not the same thing and truth, truth?]; now truth also answers this word, although it would be more correct to understand the word truth: truthfulness, justice, justice, rightness. Truth is from the earth, the property of the human mind, and truth is from heaven, the gift of goodness. Truth refers to the mind and reason; but good or good to love, temper and will.

| In the old days, truth also meant cash, cash, now the true husband. capital.

| In the game, grandmas, intrigues, true psk. two pairs of butterflies, two nests. The good in the image (i.e., accessible to the concept) is truth. The light of the flesh is the sun; the light of the spirit is truth. The truth is good, and the truth is not bad. True, truth-constituting; truthful, just, undoubted, unfalse; true, accurate, direct, authentic, real; sincere, unfeigned.

| Truly used. also in the form of an assurance; truly, really, truly, rightly, tautly, forgetfully, she-she. True, true, true, accurate, genuine, real, the same, existing; loyal; unfalse, true; direct, truthful. He is a true father figure. Don't lie, speak the truth. Whoever stands behind the truth is a true hero. Histo, true noun, old. , southern , app. truth, cash, capital. It’s not about growth, the stake is gone. Istost zhen. truth; property or belonging, quality, comp. total. The truth of his words was justified in deeds. The origin of female nature, essence, the very essence, the essence of the subject. The essence of man is not in the flesh, but in its spirit. Earnest, true, true, due, proper, real. The son is a devout father, very similar. I speak to you earnestly. He prays fervently. Seriously so, really. A sincere, truthful, good person. The earnestness of a feminine property, belonging, the essence of the earnest. The truth of women a thing quite suitable in return, for a setup, instead of something. Tortured eagle. , tul. true, true tamb. true, -vlenny permyats. primordial or primordial
