What awaits fish in November of the year.

Should Pisces start new romances in November 2017? How will this period affect the family life of representatives of this zodiac sign? An accurate love horoscope for Pisces for November will tell you how their feelings will develop this month.

Most single Pisces will continue to actively search for their other half in November. However, not all of them will truly be ready to meet their love. Some indecisiveness of Pisces, their increased attention to the opinions of friends and relatives can affect the continuation of acquaintances and the fate of the emerging romantic relationship. Not all free Pisces in the last month of autumn will actually be as confident in their abilities as they imagined in their heads. In November, the stars advise people born under this constellation to think carefully before starting meetings and getting close to new acquaintances of the opposite sex.

Family life in the last month of autumn will not be entirely ideal for most Pisces. Because of small and not the most important disputes, grievances and even major quarrels can flare up. The cause of discord in Pisces families in November will most likely be their tendency to doubt everything and dramatically change their decisions. Such unpredictability does not help people born under this constellation find a common language with their other half. The experiences and bad emotions of Pisces in November can be transmitted to a loved one, like an autumn cold, so the love horoscope recommends that they take care of their chosen one.

Love horoscope for Pisces women for November 2017

For single girls born under the sign of Pisces, the period of searching for their mate will continue in November. Although dating and flirting will literally pursue such girls, genuine interest and tender feelings will not be able to develop in them at the end of autumn. The astrological forecast for November recommends that Pisces girls at this time do not pay attention to the advice of their friends, but perceive only their feelings and emotions. Some of them will still decide to have an affair with particularly persistent fans, but such relationships will not become fateful.

The last weeks of autumn for many married Pisces women can become somewhat tense in communicating with their chosen one. Family happiness at this time can be influenced by the behavior of both spouses, who, if desired, will find complaints against each other. However, the exact love horoscope for Pisces for November does not advise taking all the words uttered in the heat of a quarrel seriously. Some couples simply increase the degree of passion in their relationship in this simple way. There will be no less love, attention and tenderness in Pisces families in November 2017.

Love horoscope for Pisces men for November 2017

For free Pisces men, their star patrons have prepared a rather interesting period in the last month of autumn. November is not very suitable for creating strong relationships that can later be legitimized with a wedding. However, this will not prevent many single Pisces men from enjoying the company of a nice girl, flirting and a romantic atmosphere. Not all of them are truly ready for a serious relationship and the commitments that come with it. The stars recommend that representatives of the stronger half of humanity, born under the constellation Pisces, take their time and pay less attention to the rules imposed from outside.

The established family life of many Pisces men in November may seem boring and boring to them. In order to diversify their feelings, some of them will come up with the idea of ​​using any means to cause outbursts of emotions in the woman they love. Attacks of jealousy or unexpected surprises may come into play. The love horoscope for Pisces for November warns representatives of this zodiac sign against committing rash and impulsive actions. Before any action, Pisces men should calculate the reaction of their other half in advance and not provoke conflicts and resentments with their behavior.

The movement of Jupiter, one of your most important planets, will force Pisces to look for new paths. And this applies to everything - work, study, personal life... Look for it, and you will definitely find it!

Work, career. Pisces November 2017

In November 2017, Pisces is destined to focus on what you are strong in and forever discard impractical ideas that take up both time and energy. Pisces entrepreneurs and bosses will begin to look for new ways that will take their business to a whole new level. Connections with colleagues from other cities or countries will develop well, and many will have a chance to expand their business using the capabilities of new partners. Influential patrons and loyal friends will appear - this will also help the development of the business. A period begins that is very successful for people in creative professions - actors, artists, musicians. Their popularity will increase, and contacts with representatives from other cities or countries will allow them not only to become famous, but also to earn good money. November is extremely good for determining your true passions, including starting school, playing another sport and other innovations if your soul asks for them. Don’t think that this period will last a month – you have a whole year ahead of you!

Money. Pisces November 2017

The financial position of the Pisces sign will improve, and many will become the happy owners of a large sum in mid-November 2017. And this will be fair compensation for what you had to lose in the very recent past. Heaven is always fair - perhaps everything that was unnecessary for you, or something that you could not cope with, was taken away from you. And although you may think otherwise, this is actually true.

Love, family. Pisces November 2017

November 2017 is a definite watershed, when Pisces will have to say goodbye to their old attachments and set a course for new love. She may appear as early as this month, and it will be a lively, interesting connection that will bring a lot of new and unusual things into your life. Just don’t rush things, for now it’s enough to just be together - the rest will come in its own way. Many will think about moving and will certainly bring their plans to life within a year. Divorcing couples end the painful period of dividing common property and go their separate ways. And where it leads depends only on you and your specific intentions.

Health. Pisces November 2017

In November 2017, the energy potential of the sign of Pisces will noticeably improve, and even those who were ill in the past will quickly recover. November is a great period when you can change almost everything: your hairstyle, clothing style, give up bad habits and take a course towards useful ones. You can take up some kind of sport, learn something new. In a word, life is in your hands!

Love horoscope

November 1 - November 10. Tense aspects will lead to quarrels. Circumstances will develop in such a way that something will constantly interfere with your relationship. Most likely, this is external opposition that is not related to your internal disagreements. Such a crisis will be a good test for you.

November 11 - November 20. The tension that develops in your love affairs will be fueled by misunderstanding and jealousy. Tense aspects of planets can introduce unnecessary secrets, secrets, and doubts into personal relationships. You should talk less with your friends about your intimate contacts, and not make them public.

November 21 - November 30. The planets will push you to sort things out with your partner. He will also be interested in this. Now is a fairly harmonious period, and you will be able to come to an excellent agreement with him on terms acceptable to you. This decade can also mark the beginning of a new romance. You will probably meet a person who will be with you for many years.

Romantic date. Try to make sure your dates are well prepared. Everything should look perfect - from your clothes and makeup to the place you choose for your rendezvous. It is better to meet where you will not be taken by surprise by your acquaintance or friend of your gentleman.

Family horoscope

Relations with family will be generally calm and harmonious. True, in the first half of the period it may seem to you that they are very often worried about nonsense - but this is easily overcome. In the second half of the period the situation will change, a revaluation of values ​​will occur. You will become the center of attraction for the whole family. Everyone will be emphatically respectful of you and your opinion.

The secret of happiness. Your relationship with your husband is very important to you now. Parents and other relatives who want to distract you with their problems will quickly learn that they should wait.

Holiday horoscope

The best relaxation for you is relaxing with your loved one. Go to a place where you will be alone, away from friends, calls, relatives and problems. You should plan your trip for the second half of the month, then your vacation will be successful.

Place of power. Your self-esteem during this period will largely depend on the opinions of others. Therefore, you will like the places that your friends or loved ones recommend to you.

Horoscope of work and money

Prepare for the fact that problems may arise at work, which you will have to solve together with your manager. In the first half of the period, due to your duty, you will have to offend one of your colleagues. Perhaps you will be the one who utters the sacramental words about dismissal, and it will not be easy for you, given your gentle character. At the end of the month it will become easier - there will be no need to face difficult moral choices.

Purchase of the month. You will spend a lot, and the reason for this expense may be your loved one. You will want to give him gifts, and your feelings will begin to dictate the most fantastic ideas to you.

Horoscope health

Your health may be weakened in the first half of the period. Take all necessary measures, get proper treatment, and don’t let your illnesses get worse. At the end of November the situation will change. If you take your medications carefully and strictly follow your doctor's instructions, your health will improve.

Horoscope for November 2017 for Pisces men

Love. Your loved one may be very worried about your relationship. But his secrecy will not allow him to talk about his suffering - what if you laugh at him? In the first half of the period, your frivolous behavior may cause jealousy and misunderstanding in him. But he is too proud to express his feelings. Then you finally realize that you risk losing your chosen one if you don’t change your behavior. And, to his joy, you will spend as much time with him as he wants.

Tone. He is ready to do a lot for your approval, and you will see this for yourself. If you say that you like muscular men, he will go to the gym without complaint. But most of all, your loved one will enjoy calm sports - swimming, jogging, or walking together.

Finance. For your sake, he can spend a lot of money on bouquets and gifts, without thinking about tomorrow at all. If you connect your future with him and want a serious relationship, you should limit his expenses for courtship - after all, this is your future joint money.

Hobbies. He will only be interested in you. Ask your chosen Pisces to get a star from the sky - and he will do it for you. But don’t take too much advantage of his kindness.

Horoscope for November 2017 Pisces child

0-6 years. The Pisces baby will be even softer, gentle, impressionable and susceptible to influence than usual. Now any remark from an adult or another child can bring him to tears. Convince your child to control himself so that other children do not consider him a crybaby.

7-12 years old. Little Pisces will demonstrate the skills and knowledge of a successful practical psychologist. They will be able to communicate well with others, people of different positions and ages. This time is ideal for making useful contacts - helping teachers, doing social work.

13-17 years old. A Pisces teenager can seriously fall in love. At first, his behavior will scare you - he will be so immersed in this relationship and will not want to think about anything else. This could truly be the beginning of a great love, but he will have to put in a lot of effort.

Read the November 2017 horoscope for other zodiac signs:

People born under the sign of Pisces in mid-autumn will be a kind of “Columbus”. You will be drawn to new knowledge (perhaps even decide to get a new education), communicate with interesting people, and get acquainted with works of art. Your energy is at its best right now. So you can handle almost everything. Direct your energies in the right and useful direction! Also, the horoscope for November 2017 recommends representatives zodiac sign Pisces, say goodbye to things that remind you of your sad past - throw them away or, at least, hide them away. By getting rid of sad “news”, you open the way to a happy future. Get ready for it!

Pisces work and finance horoscope for November 2017

The most significant steps in the professional sphere for representatives zodiac sign Pisces, best done in the first half of November 2017. Even “Napoleonic” plans are doomed to success if you believe in yourself and don’t hesitate. To achieve progress, you need to show firmness and perseverance. Be prepared in advance that obstacles may arise on the path to success. The right moral attitude is 90% of success. Pisces should also pay attention to collecting useful information. Please read it thoroughly before you act. This will save you a lot of time and avoid many potential problems.

The financial situation of many Pisces will tend to increase. If you are a gambling person, the stars advise buying a lottery ticket. There is a high probability that luck will smile. But it’s better not to make expensive acquisitions in November 2017. Most likely, you will significantly overpay. If it doesn’t light up, wait. At the same time, you can buy cute things that are not very expensive, even if they are of paramount importance.

Pisces love horoscope for November 2017

For representatives zodiac sign Pisces If the other half has problems, the stars advise those in a relationship to show support, but not pity. The extreme option, most likely, despite your most sincere and positive intentions, can only frustrate and even infuriate your other half. For those Pisces who are still single, the horoscope advises them to look more simply at the world around them and potential candidates for your heart. Don’t be so critical, and, for sure, your cherished personal happiness will soon smile at you.

Pisces health horoscope for November 2017

The horoscope shows that November 2017 is quite dangerous for representatives zodiac sign Pisces, especially in terms of injuries. Be careful when crossing the road, and especially if you are a driver: under no circumstances exceed the speed limit and do not forget about your seat belts. There is also a high probability of developing diseases of the intestines and pelvic organs. It is advisable to engage in their prevention. It is not recommended to adhere to strict diets. If you want to lose weight, the most effective will be “standard” measures in the form of a balanced diet and moderate physical activity.

Favorable and unfavorable days November 2017 Pisces

Favorable days for Pisces November 2017– November 1, November 11, November 16, November 21, November 25, November 30, 2017.

People born in the zodiac sign of Pisces in November 2017 can count on the full support of their main heavenly patron, whose name is Venus. In addition, the Moon will also not stand aside, so you don’t have to worry too much about ambiguous situations that may manifest themselves on the “love front.” It is important that we are talking about a period that, in general, can only be characterized from a positive point of view, and there can be no equivocations here. In particular, in the area of ​​personal relationships, both single and married Pisces will find new acquaintances and interesting situations that can likely seriously affect their future lives. The sphere of work, on the contrary, will turn out to be a rather conservative side of their life, although it is obvious that a whole series of decisions will also have to be made here, although not all of these decisions will be so fundamental. One way or another, there is a chance of victory, and a very significant one, and if you make your own mistake, it will be unfair to complain about the circumstances. Although this month it is clearly not worth taking purely logical conclusions as a basis. Due to the unfavorable placement of Mercury, logic may fail you, so you also need to think in moderation, otherwise you may miss your luck.

As for the sphere of work and finance, a clear gradation should immediately be noted here. In November 2017, Pisces who work for themselves can look to the future without much fear and aim for the highest positions. In the very first days of the first ten days of the month, you need to clearly define what you want, because there will be a lot of opportunities, but there will not be enough resources for everything. Actually, as already noted, some conservative tendencies will be very appropriate; this is the most acceptable option. For those Pisces who do not work for themselves, the stars recommend not to rush, and to plan more than to act. This is an ideal time to take care of non-essential tasks and thereby free up time and resources for yourself in the future. There is no need to treat this as if it is something of secondary importance! In fact, this is an extremely important point, because, as Turgenev’s immortal character said, before you build something, you need to clear the place. Just don’t reach the point of outright fanaticism. Act according to the circumstances. If you are not flexible, if you do not find a balance between initiative and diligence, then an aggressive Mercury will throw you off balance and the likelihood of success will decrease significantly.

Dwelling in more detail on the sphere of personal relationships, it should be noted that in November 2017, the zodiac sign of Pisces will be able to easily correct any of its “jambs”. Well, without difficulty is a strong word, however, the effort on your part will actually not be that great. If we are talking about a lonely representative of this zodiac sign, then the stars advise him to engage in introspection as much as possible. Do not withdraw into yourself, moving away from the world around you, but analyze your actions. This will avoid problems in the future, and at this stage will provide important experience. Family Pisces can relax, but at the end of the second decade something important will happen within the family hearth. React to the situation appropriately, even if it shocks you, because in reality everything will be completely fine. The only thing that is definitely worth paying attention to is your relationships with distant relatives and new acquaintances. Be open and respectable, but don't allow yourself too much. Don't reveal yourself without reason and keep yourself in control, especially if the scene is a bar or nightclub. As soon as you relax, Mercury will immediately make itself felt, and then the situation will develop in a negative way.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for November 2017 for the zodiac sign Pisces, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces. You can find out a more accurate horoscope by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Pisces sign: Personal horoscopes for the Pisces sign:
