The gray cat ran away dream book. Why do cats dream?

A night's sleep can often be accompanied by various visions, and cats often become the heroes of such visions.

According to science, sleep is a quirk of the human subconscious, but people still continue to believe in its mystical power.

What does it mean if dreamed of a cat, and what does she want to tell or warn about?

This may surprise some, but most of the existing dream books claim that dreams involving a cat are a harbinger of trouble and misfortune. Whether such a problem will be serious or minor depends on how exactly the cat behaved in your dream.

Only in a situation where you dreamed that a tiny tiger cub was trying to catch a mouse, you can not worry and expect quick financial well-being.

If you compare several dream books, you can understand that they always mention a negative opinion regarding the role of a cat in a person’s dream.

For example, check out what is said in Miller’s famous “Dream Book,” which has already become a bestseller, as well as in other popular literature of this type.

If you saw a cat in a dream, you attracted failures to yourself. It’s good if you managed to drive him away there, then troubles will pass by.

It’s worse if you see that the animal has decided to rush at you and is now going to do it - get ready for your enemies to take away your well-being and discredit you. Again, if you managed to cope with the angry beast and throw it away from yourself, ill-wishers will not be able to harm you, and everything that belongs to you will remain safe and sound.

Cat color

The answer to the question of why one dreams of a black cat, which in reality is considered a bad sign, is quite ambiguous.

Know that if you dreamed of such an animal on the night from Monday to Tuesday, you are warned of danger, and if from Friday to Saturday, wait until real financial prosperity arrives.

The man who dreamed of a black cat color, you should be wary of betrayal by your beloved, the same thing - if you saw how your wife turned into this graceful animal.

It is easy to understand what it means to dream with many cats if you work surrounded by not very friendly colleagues. This means that they have a negative attitude towards you. Maybe this is the result of your behavior or the behavior of one of the intriguers, the main thing is that now you must learn to resist the collective.

Even more interesting is why a woman dreamed of a cat, who herself, in fact, has a pronounced feline essence.

If there is a small white kitten sitting in your hands, know that you will soon find yourself in a trap if you cannot get around it.

An adult cat means there is a rival, find it next to you and eliminate it.

A loudly meowing cat - you should not believe any man’s words, it is possible that he is an ordinary hypocrite.

The bride who dreamed of this animal should know that her chosen one is not entirely reliable, and this will tell the groom about the difficult character of his partner.

If dreamed of a white cat, everything is as vague as the very color of her fur coat.

The animal's pure white fur warns that the cat may be associated with otherworldly mystical forces. Such a dream means confusion in business, future losses, disappointments and regrets.

He will also tell you about a friend who is not like that at all.

If a white cat is about to attack you in a dream, a fight with a friend will soon await you.

A cute red cat is a sign of big lies and deceit in the environment. There is no need to try to stand out more than others so as not to face aggression.

The gray cat warns that you should expect an attack from those closest to you.

The red cat is your pride, which prevents you from getting closer to people.

Green – harmony, which is so difficult for you to find and find. Forget about the external and take a closer look at your own soul.

What does a cat do in a dream?

If the animal you dreamed of is really alive, moving and doing something, take a closer look at the movements, because they also have meaning:

  • cat bite - someone is offended by you and wants revenge;
  • coming towards you - meeting with the enemy;
  • caressing someone's cat - a person faces illness or death;
  • if you stroke a cat - doubts, lack of trust in people. Don’t be too frank with others, be careful;
  • funny games with an animal - your chosen one is cheating on you;
  • the meowing of a cat that is not visible - you will be deceived;
  • you torture an animal - your conscience is unclean;
  • caught a cat - find out who is spreading gossip;
  • unexpected attack - sudden troubles.

Dream interpretation of cats and cats

Some people consider cats to be too domineering and characterful pets, while for other people this animal is a pet, the furriest and most devoted friend. Completely different dream plots about cats, cats, kittens will also have conflicting predictions. Well-fed and healthy cats in dreams for the dreamer predict abundance, respect, and a carefree future.

Representatives of the cat breed who are wounded, sick or dead will be a harbinger of grief, sadness, and unexpected depression. Those who use the help of a dream book will be able to figure out the complex question of why cats and cats dream.

As the small interpreter Velesov insists, a stray cat can be seen as a sign warning of a possible accident; a dream also warns a person against walking at night through darkened back streets.

According to the family dream book, a furry pet dreams of a profitable purchase, and an impudent face appearing in front of your face in dreams means that envious people intend to drag you into a scam.

General value

How many people, so many opinions. A similar algorithm works with predictors, sorcerers, practitioners, and mediums. Depending on the peculiarities of the human psyche’s perception of dream images in combination with the archaic worldview of the ancestors, a unique picture of dreams will direct the actions of the sleeping person in the right direction.

I dreamed about cute fluffies

  • According to the dream book of Nostradamus, a cat that gets into the house from the yard is a harbinger of troubles and misfortunes.
  • As the esoteric dream book insists, cats in dreams promise the sleeping person the emergence of obstacles on the way to the goal.
  • According to the Vedic dream predictor, a predator is identified with a hidden enemy.
  • Seer Vanga warns: be careful, take a closer look at the people around you, because there is a possibility of betrayal.
  • The image of a dreamed cat acquires sacred significance according to the sorceress Medea, where a purr is identified with well-developed intuition. In a dream, you should watch the cat, and in reality you will be able to make the right decision.

According to Miss Hasse, an adult animal symbolizes passion and sexuality, while recently born kittens are associated with helplessness and an all-consuming feeling of loneliness.

Miller's opinion

Psychoanalyst Gustav Miller views dreams where cats were present from a negative perspective. The sign will be especially threatening when the animal is dreamed next to a close relative. A similar plot will hint at the upcoming illness of the main character of the dream, the quick transition of the soul to the other world.

Bad news that will knock the ground out from under your feet will be received by the one who picked up a dirty, skinny kitten in a dream.

Hearing meowing in a dream

Persistent meowing is identified by the human subconscious as an alarm signal; in reality they are trying to deceive the dreamer.

If, according to the dream scenario, the dreamer goes to meow, but cannot find the source of the sound, then the chosen precautions will be ineffective.

The person who dreamed of a small white kitten the day before will suffer financial ruin.

Folk predictions

Several popular predictions will dispel the depressing feelings after the psychologist’s predictions. The dream interpreter will provide options for some folk beliefs that have been formed over several centuries.

A cat that caught a mouse in a dream is a favorable sign; in reality the dreamer will cope with problems, overcome all obstacles and conquer the intended peaks with lightning speed.

Modern interpretations

You can find unique predictions among the meanings provided by the latest dream books. Sometimes strange meanings can surprise a sleeping person, but all interpreters are based on a possible associative series of the human psyche.

  • The lie will be revealed by the person whom the cat slowly and lazily wandered towards in his dreams, insists the 21st century dream book.
  • A modern combined interpreter says: a cat and a cat symbolize a relationship with a beloved person, therefore fighting animals promise scandals and quarrels.
  • According to the general predictor, the one who injures the kitten according to the plot of the dream is tormented by conscience for recently committed sins.

Cats that mark territory in a dream mean that in reality the dreamer behaves inappropriately, suggests the interpreter from “A” to “Z”.

Sleep Features

Seeing how an animal scratched

Each dream is unique in nature. The brain of a sleeping person puts together pictures of the plot from remembered situations and experienced emotions. For this reason, you should remember not only the overall picture, but also pay attention to the smallest details.

The dreamer, who was scratched by a cat’s claw in a dream, will have to endure the insult,” explains the fortuneteller Tsvetkova.

If the trace of the wound continues to hurt, then the mental suffering caused by the offender will remain in your memory for a long time.

Seeing a wet purr is an expression of accumulated aggression and anger, and an exhausted animal will indicate the need to engage in self-development and gain new knowledge.

The person whose newborn kitten died in her arms will bring misfortune to the house. The interpreter recommends being more attentive to communicating with strangers, then envious people and competitors will not be able to get close and harm your reputation.

The cat and her image

If you remember the exact image of the purr, then searching for a prediction will not take much time.

A stray cat living out its life will become a symbol of unfulfillment.

Interpretations for women

The beautiful half of humanity dreams of a white cat as a sign of fidelity, support, and understanding of a spouse. A young lady may see such an image for the long-awaited meeting of her betrothed.

A flea- or lichen-infested animal in the house, according to the dream book for lovers, is identified with lies and betrayal by a partner.

A strange plot where a pregnant lady gave birth to a cat should not cause fear, since the vision only hints at the excitement experienced before childbirth.

An animal that caresses you and asks to kneel means that in reality a rival will appear, ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of your separation from your husband.

Men's dreams

Affectionate animal in a man’s dreams

An adult man who constantly dreams of playful cats, according to Sigmund Freud, subconsciously seeks to diversify his sex life.

Sometimes a vision of a stranger cat will warn of the appearance of a femme fatale who intends to take over the dreamer’s acquired fortune.

Complaisance will be the main character trait of a new acquaintance, this is how the interpreter explains the young man’s dreams of an affectionate cat nearby.

They will slander the dreamer who was bitten in his dreams by a cat with rabies. Also, a similar scenario for the development of events will indicate the envy of competitors, their planning of a revenge plan for the enemy.

Animal-human interaction

Did you remember that the kitten was acting strange? This detail will tell you about the feeling of discomfort when communicating with people. The vision characterizes the sleeping person as an introvert who wants to distance himself from the group and engage in self-knowledge. What animal actions will reveal the secrets of the future?

  • Passions will become intense between the spouses, and there will be a long period of quarrels when a hissing cat is dreamed of.
  • A dream about beating a kitten may be for someone who will soon bear legal responsibility for the crime committed.
  • The exhausted body of a cat is a symbol of illness, a general deterioration in well-being.
  • The dreamer, who picked up a cat from the street, will have to do a risky business.
  • Representatives of the cat breed sleeping peacefully in dreams are a sure sign of peace of mind and a favorable atmosphere prevailing at home.

The cat following on your heels will tell you that the dreamer is oppressed by constant attention to his person and excessive parental care.

Other details of the dream

The person who happened to bathe the cat will find himself in an awkward position. The value will change if the pet likes the water element. Such a detail will indicate that the sleeping person has come to terms with the circumstances and has learned to take advantage of the moment even in difficult times.

Two cats are almost always interpreted by dream books as a sign of hypocrisy and deception, while a dog predicts support.

Every day, each of us lives a small life, and most likely even more than one. And, probably, wandering along the unexplored paths created by Morpheus, waking up, we thought more than once - perhaps they showed us this for a reason?

In this article we present the most popular interpretations of dreams about cats, and we will also try to figure out why cats squeal and meow in dreams, how dangerous it is to see cats in a dream, and how the color of the animal can change the meaning of the dream.

Miller's Dream Book

If you saw a cat in a dream, you can be sure that such dreams do not bode well.
An attack by animals on the dreamer or his relatives is considered a particularly unfortunate combination - apparently, you have new enemies who in the future will try to steal your fortune or, at a minimum, leave a mark of shame on your good name.

However, according to the book, if the tailed one can be driven away or destroyed, the dark streak in his life will soon end, giving way to new ideas and opportunities.

  • Skinny, dirty cats are of particular importance in the interpretation of dreams - they bring bad news, usually such as the illness of friends or comrades. By driving away such a messenger, the dreamer can ensure the speediest recovery for the patient.

  • Meowing and cat squealing during dreams most often warn a person about a false friend standing behind you and trying to harm you.
  • Scratching predators announce very unpleasant news to the dreamer - your enemies are successfully pulling off unprecedented scams, depriving you of a share of the profit from the business on which you have spent a lot of effort and time.
  • A dreamer's visit to dazzling white animals is a sign of confusion arising in your life. It will entail loss of property and misfortune.

Assyrian dream interpreter

  • According to the Assyrian books, if you catch a cat while dreaming, your wishes will certainly come true. Also, you will soon have a wisest patron, which will undoubtedly advance the sleeper to a new spiritual level.

Freud's Dream Book

These animals, according to Freud, notice the excitement and excessive sentimentality of a person.

  • If the dreamer strokes a kitten in a dream, there is a desire for an intimate relationship with a partner who is much younger than him.

  • But when cats creep themselves, without involving the dreamer in this activity, this certainly indicates his generally recognized attractiveness from the opposite sex.
  • Feeding an animal in a dream confirms the dreamer’s unnatural desire for intimate contact with children and adolescents.
  • Killing or perverting an animal in a dream shows a person’s preference for revitalizing intimacy using sadism. Having scratched a person, the cat most fully reveals the dark side of the dreamer - he clearly enjoys intimacy, revealing masochistic tendencies.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to Tsvetkov, in the general understanding, cats dream of sorrows and infidelity. Depending on the coat color, those with a mustache during dreams indicate completely opposite situations:

  • If the predator is black, an embittered enemy is waiting for you behind you.
  • If the predator is white, there is a deceitful friend hiding behind your back.

Russian dream book

  • If we consider the appearance of cats in dreams from the perspective of Russian beliefs and omens, mustachioed friends announce to the dreamer an upcoming meeting with pretenders or rivals, in fact, as they foreshadow betrayal and betrayal.

Dream Interpreter of Nostradamus

  • If you see animals infesting a city in a dream, you can reveal this message as a harbinger of waterlessness or a natural disaster.

Ukrainian dream book

  • If the predator shown by Morpheus represents enemies, then a cat slowly swimming past the dreamer foreshadows a fatal catastrophe.
  • When a tailed animal bites or scratches a sleeping person, it is a sign indicating apostasy and fornication or the triumph of an ill-wisher.

  • Cats coming to a man in a dream are an omen warning of a young woman’s attempts to cast a spell over him.
  • Cats that a girl dreams of warn her about the presence of a homewrecker.
  • Ash cats dream of drunkenness, snow-white cats open the dreamer's eyes to what is happening behind his back - a lot of scammers and hypocrites want to get something from him.
  • Dreaming of young cats means deceit; street cats mean disputes with neighbors.
  • A large number of kittens in dreams represent future relationships with unreliable people.

Muslim dream book

  • If you were injured by a cat in a dream, according to the Muslim dream book, this is a harbinger of fears and ill health.

English dream book

Cats in the interpretation of English beliefs are harbingers of treason and slander.

  • Having dreamed of a young man, the animal warns him that his dear one will soon become a true vixen.
  • When a girl dreams of a cat, it indicates the unreliability of her betrothed.
  • Seeing cat offspring in a dream foreshadows a friendly family, making the dreamer’s life fussy and empty.
  • The murder of a mustachioed friend in a dream is an omen declaring that the dreamer will soon reveal the thoughts of his enemies.

French dream book

  • A cat fight in dreams warns the dreamer of an imminent robbery.

  • A snow-white cat in a dream means betrayal of a dear person, black female betrayal.

Veles book

  • A cat in a dream is a bad sign, but cat meat is a good sign, promising the speedy return of stolen or lost wealth.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Petting a cat in a dream portends mistrust and suspicion.
  • The dreamer's meeting with a cat that is coming towards you is a warning about an undisclosed deceitful friend or ill-wisher.
  • If you catch a cat in a dream, then the person will soon refute the lie erected against him.
  • Injuring a cat is a reminder that the dreamer is gnawing at his conscience.
  • A mouse caught in a dream by a cat is a good sign and is interpreted as an unexpected appearance of wealth and wealth.
  • A dead cat is a renunciation of an unpleasant acquaintance.

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Dream interpretation of cats

It is quite difficult to understand why cats dream. Most available dream books, including online ones, explain the appearance of this animal in a dream as betrayal, inconstancy, prudence and hypocrisy. And only a few interpreters talk about developed intuition and hidden sexuality.

If you dreamed of a cat, you need to be prepared for changes. Most often, they are negative after such dreams.

After all, a cat is a symbol of jealousy, inconstancy and secret enemies. If there is an unfavorable situation at work or in your personal life, such a dream speaks of an urgent need to make important decisions and radically change your life.

If you dreamed of a cat

Seeing a cat in a dream is one of the unfavorable dreams. This is a beautiful creature that walks around on its own in a very ambiguous way in his night dreams. It can symbolize an imaginary friend who is next to you only until the moment it benefits him. As soon as the food runs out, or is sharply limited, this person will find another patron.

To correctly interpret what the cat was dreaming about, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the appearance of the animal (what kind of fur - light or dark, or were they hairless cats; large/small, domestic/wild, etc.);
  • condition (alive/dead, clean/dirty, fluffy/shabby);
  • unusual phenomena (talks, cries, walks on two legs, like a person);
  • interaction of the dreamer with the animal (play, caress, save, beat, drive away, etc.)

It is also important to note that if you dream of a cat that is a pet, it is not so bad. In this case, in order to get a relevant interpretation, you need to look at the interaction with the animal in a dream, and not rely on symbolic explanations.

What does a cat look like?

Depending on how a cat looks in a dream, you can make a forecast for the near future. The first thing you should pay attention to is the presence of wool and its color. The most common fluffy cat in our latitudes means a hypocritical friend who skillfully pretends to be one in order to get the maximum benefit from you, says Miller’s dream book.

That furry pet, if you don't actually have one, signifies a tense family environment. An overly large cat's head means a high-ranking enemy.

What kind of fur does she have?

What color was the cat

The soft fluffy fur gives the impression of complete harmlessness of this cute animal. But behind the imaginary kindness there are hidden sharp claws and teeth, which she will use with lightning speed as soon as necessary, emphasizes the traditional interpretation of Vanga.

  • A black cat from dreams means a clear confrontation. Someone does not agree with your position and the bright black fur of an animal in a dream means that the enemy will declare this everywhere, especially if in the dream what is most remembered is its head, and not the animal as a whole.
  • White is much worse. In fact, the enemy is hiding among your friends. Light wool is imaginary security. Even if he is inactive now, there are reasons for this. Hitting a white cat is a condemnation, warns the Muslim dream book.
  • Gray – depression. Perhaps there is a chronic loser in your circle. The gray, especially thick fur of a cat indicates that this person always has a lot of troubles. Therefore, he is fueled by the energy of more fortunate people, that is, he is an energy vampire. But at the moment it will take much more energy from the dreamer, and you will feel unwell and a significant deterioration in mood.
  • Striped is the natural course of life. Patchy cat fur is an obstacle that occurs from time to time in the life of every person. If you simply contemplate her in a dream and do not make any contact, it means that you will hear some news.
  • Siamese is a symbol of revenge. Black fur on the face may mean that the stigma of the imaginary friend is “in the cannon”. It's not that noticeable because the Siamese cat is actually fascinating. She is beautiful and slender, so no one can even think about hidden grudges and quick revenge. It is worth remembering your unseemly act and asking for forgiveness in advance. Otherwise, retribution will bring a lot of trouble.
  • Colored cats are dreamed of by gifted individuals who know how to express their emotions in a very bright or creative form. Green wool means harmony, red - uncontrollable passion, and yellow - cheerfulness. Unusual wool indicates that the person is extraordinary and looks at life from a different angle than most other people.
  • Bald - undisguised hatred. If there is no hair on the cat’s body due to illness or shaving, your enemy will have a hard time. All insidious plans will be frustrated before they even begin. But if wool is not provided by nature, then you should be wary of a crushing blow. The mood of a cat in a dream can easily predict the situation for the near future. If she is aggressive, bites or scratches, it means that the enemy will soon make himself known through active actions and statements. When she is affectionate and meows pleasantly, the dream means that you can hope for the favor of fate.

Size and location

If the cat was huge

Seeing a very large cat means an extraordinary course of affairs. A pet of huge size can bring good luck to you. But if she is aggressive or does not allow you to pass, expect massive failures in business. But transporting her somewhere in a cage means not allowing anyone to interfere in your affairs.

For farmers, a huge animal from dreams means a good harvest. And if she held a dead mouse in her teeth, which she laid at your feet in a dream, expect success and a solid financial flow. Perhaps you will have a patron who will help solve all past problems and prevent new ones.

A wild cat, like a homeless cat, is impatience, inability to hide its emotions, including hatred. If there is a person in your environment who finds you extremely unpleasant, you should not communicate with him for some time after such a dream. You risk getting into a very difficult situation, because of which your reputation will be destroyed and there is no question of restoring it in this city.

Angry wild cats are a very bad sign. You will have to be surrounded by people whose opinions will differ sharply from yours, online interpreters warn. Since, in their environment, control of emotions is considered a weakness, it will not be possible to get out of a difficult situation without bodily harm.

The furious hissing head of a cat is a readiness for active action and a sharp hunting strike. Vanga's dream book warns that if you dream about something like this, you need to be extremely careful in your statements.

What condition is the animal in?

Was the cat playful and healthy?

Seeing a healthy cat that walks on its own and has nothing to do with you is a neutral sign. Such a dream speaks about the flow of life, about various events. Admiring her means finding out good news. To beat is to try to go against the circumstances. Stroking and caressing is trying to find a common language with a difficult person to communicate with.

A sick and dirty cat from dreams promises trouble. Seeing bleeding wounds means news about the illness of relatives. A skinny patient comes up and caresses - it’s time for you to pay attention to your own state of health, even if at the moment there is no reason for this.

Shabby or bald - unforeseen circumstances will force your enemies to retreat. And you find out quite by accident that they are up to no good.

A girl dreams of a beautiful fluffy cat as a rival. If she holds her in her arms, it means her best friend will be her rival. For a woman, such a dream means difficult competition at work. Her colleague will have all the necessary qualities to fill the desired position, but her prerogative will be the ability to be mean.

Unusual visions when an animal dreams in a cage. You shouldn’t even think about why it could get there, but in itself this is a good sign. Your ill-wishers would really like to cause you a lot of difficulties, but they cannot, because their hands are tightly tied.

The poor health of the dreamed animal warns that one should not work too hard. A person cannot test the body's strength for a long time without harming his health. You should always remember this, especially if you dreamed that the cat was shabby and very skinny. Keeping a sick animal in a cage sharply limits the ability of enemies to harm you.

Also, if this animal dreams of worms, they may mean that soon you will have to visit the inner circle of your ill-wishers. You know about this and are worried about how the meeting will go, although it is not worth any worry or additional thought. Because they are not sharply opposed to you, worms are people who go with the flow and use only what falls into their hands.

If you dream that a cat has worms, then this can also mean unexpected profits. Especially if worms were found in a pet that actually exists. Multi-colored worms can mean imminent guests, and a large number of them can mean unexpected financial support.

But if you dream of ticks on an animal that lives in your house, then this is much worse. They themselves symbolize trouble, since they are blood-sucking insects. Looking for them in a cat’s fur means working on the main job responsibilities of a person you don’t like. It will not be possible to refuse, because you will be put in unusual conditions, and there will be no other way out.

If the cat was wet

When you have dreams with talking animals, this vision can be remembered for a long time. As a rule, such dreams are bright, colorful and firmly etched in the memory. If you dreamed of something similar, the hand itself searches for the dream book. Many interpreters posted online also provide comprehensive and accessible explanations.

  • Dreaming of a talking cat is a very alarming sign. Perhaps in the guise of a cat you are given important information that you definitely need to remember. If it is in an allegorical form, it is most difficult. You will have to use your intuition and memories of past events as much as possible. If a cat talks in its sleep, you should be alarmed if you don’t let it talk and start hitting it. This means a reluctance to hear and adequately respond to a sudden change in the situation in reality.
  • Crying, the cat’s head is filled with tears - an amazing symbol that can be interpreted as “crocodile tears.” Your enemy is ready to play you almost any play of your choice, just to tarnish your good name in front of your friends, says the Muslim dream book.
  • Walking on two legs or ruling your bedroom - fierce competition with a rival. For a woman, this is one of the most disturbing dreams - a partner has a mistress who satisfies all his desires and has an ideal set of qualities for him. It will be almost impossible to compete with her. The only way... is to let the man go. And then he will definitely return.
  • A wet cat means complete submission to a man. To see such an animal in a dream in the arms of your own husband means conflicts are inevitable in the family due to the fact that the man will become too zealous a patron of the arts for a certain young lady.
  • Lives in a golden cage - your rival is showing her financial advantage and trying to take away what you love. If she can gain the affection of the person dear to you with imaginary affection, you have lost.

Communication with animals

When you interact with a cat in a dream, this is a good sign. The dreamer is given the opportunity to take steps himself and participate in building his own future.

Interpretations of popular dream books

Almost every dream book thinks so: a cat seen in a dream promises troubles, conflicts and quarrels. And only a few explanations of dreams predict success and well-being - if you managed to drive away or beat the cat, Vanga’s dream book draws attention to this symbol.

The opinion of the esoteric dream book is slightly different from the traditional ones. He believes that a cat is enhanced intuition, the ability to predict the future and shape the present. If her head is emphasized in a dream, it means that the dreamer has serious abilities. Because the animal is a guide for obtaining secret knowledge.

Insidiousness - Miller's dream book

If the cat scratches

The popular and already well-tested dream book of the American psychoanalyst Miller says that a cat is dreamed of as a symbol of deceit and difficulties in relationships. To drive her away means to get rid of enemies.

  • Throws - for a man, a dream means a difficult financial situation, difficult competition.
  • To beat or drive away - it will be possible to thwart all the plans of spiteful critics.
  • Dreaming of her screaming or meowing loudly means bad news from friends. There is another interpretation - competitors are capable of the most base acts in order to discredit your person in front of management.
  • An animal's head is too large - complete submission to a woman. Perhaps such an animal from dreams symbolizes an overbearing mother.
  • Scratching or biting - a love triangle.
  • In a cage - a hopeless situation at work. If the task is impeccably completed, the competitor will not be able to harm.
  • Searching in your home means you have already realized that intrigues are being woven against you. All that remains is to find out who exactly it is.

Sexuality – Freudian psychoanalysis

If the cat was sleeping

Based on the prevalence of sexual symbols, Freud's dream book says that a cat seen in a dream means strong sexual energy and sexual tirelessness. You can completely surrender to your feelings and reach the peak of pleasure. You are sensual and capable of delivering indescribable sensations to your partner. But to realize this, you are even capable of meanness.

  • Dreaming of being held in your arms means a desire for frequent intimacy.
  • Stroke or caress – admire your partner.
  • Wet – increased excitability.
  • To beat, to drive away - a tendency to violence.
  • Her head on your lap is an accommodating partner, ready to experiment.
  • She bites and scratches - for you pain is also a source of pleasure.
  • Choking or pressing with your foot is a desire for intimacy with a minor.
  • Seeing someone in a cage means enjoying dominance.
  • A sleeping cat means unbridled sexuality lies dormant within you.

Deception - ancient Slavic interpretation

If you brought a mouse

The ancient Slavs did not favor cats in life, and considered their appearance in a dream a bad sign. What the dream book says: a cat means deception and hypocrisy. Difficulties in mutual understanding, clash of opinions and unwillingness to give in.

  • A woman dreamed about the danger of a rival appearing.
  • Such a dream warns a man that he may fall into a trap.
  • Drive away or beat - you will come out of a difficult situation with dignity.
  • If you dream of a closed wild cat in a cage, you have a dangerous person under your command.
  • The head is a different color than the fur on the whole body - enemies skillfully hide their plans.
  • Catching an angry cat means an open confrontation with neighbors, a quarrel, a scandal.
  • She brought a killed mouse to the owner - the wife’s loyalty is limitless.

Quarrel - interpretation of Vanga

The great soothsayer explained the appearance of a cat in a dream extremely negatively. No matter in what form she was dreamed about, the animal meant trouble, jealousy, envy and the obligatory major quarrel when negative feelings would overwhelm an exhausted person.

  • Seeing is trouble.
  • Stroke or hold in your arms - rivalry, serious competition, difficulties at work.
  • Looking at home means unfounded jealousy, a quarrel with loved ones or household members.
  • To save is to take on someone else's responsibilities.
  • She has a head wound - the plans of the spiteful critics are not destined to come true.
  • Seeing someone drowning in water means changing jobs due to troubles in the team.
  • Treating her for worms or ticks means financial difficulties that can be resolved in the most extraordinary way.
  • Hitting, often delivering strong blows - good luck, you will be able to get out of a difficult situation.
  • Animal in a cage - you will cut the ground from under your enemy’s feet.

What feelings say

For people who have affection for these creatures, this interpretation should not be taken too literally. Especially if there is a furry pet living at home. The only thing to pay attention to is when you dream of a deceased cat and try to point out something. In this case, you should analyze the dream in detail and character by character.

The often depicted caress of an animal is perceived as natural, although the cat is rather doing a favor for the person by providing the opportunity to stroke itself. It is because of this that a sharply negative interpretation of this image arose.

Enjoying a shared game with this animal is a fun time spent. But it was wasted.

Getting angry from the scratches you received means there will be a conflict with the quietest and most modest person from the team.

To be scared if a wild cat screams is to worry about a test. For a student it means a difficult exam that will be very difficult for him.

You will be touched by the beautiful creature that your good friends gave you - in your habitat there is a person capable of meanness. No one knows about this - neither you nor those around you. But you better be careful and not be frank with people you don’t know.

Saving and worrying about an animal in a cage - you take everything too personally.

Being upset about the loss and tirelessly searching for your pet, especially if you dreamed about your deceased cat, are difficulties that you can overcome only through hard work and a good attitude towards colleagues.

It doesn’t matter whether you love cats, dogs, parrots, or your heart belongs only to hamsters - everyone has dreamed of a cat at least once in their life. The history of these animals dates back thousands of years of artistic, religious and mythological symbolism. Even if you don’t have a pet at home, the image of a cat surrounds us throughout our lives. This is a symbol of natural femininity and sensuality. And although dreams in which we see cats are quite common, it is not always easy to understand what they mean. Representatives of the fairer sex are especially often interested in the interpretation of dreams: why does a woman dream about a cat? A cat in women's dreams usually illustrates how a woman sees herself from the outside. Her physical and emotional perception, as well as her attitude towards men. What other interesting and surprising things can dreams tell about us? We looked at the meanings of the 20 most common cat images in dreams and we hope you will find yours among them.

Why do you dream about an adult cat?

Cats are very self-sufficient, so your dream may be associated with independence, originality and superiority. Unfortunately, a cat dream can also indicate difficult times or failure. But how do you know which interpretation of sleep is right for you? The answer should be sought in life outside of sleep. If you love cats, then sleeping with one in the lead role is definitely a good sign. It reflects your independence, peace, harmony and insight. But if you think that cats are little furry demons, the dream could mean anxiety, impending troubles and troubles.

A cat in a dream symbolizes independent spirit, female sexuality, creativity and strength

Why do you dream about kittens?

Even if you're not much of a cat lover, you have to admit, little kittens are still adorably cute. That is why they are a symbol of purity, innocence, tenderness and affection. Kittens in a dream can also represent your need for independence and change - you are ready for a new chapter in your life, to get out of your comfort zone and explore new possibilities. But dreams about cute kittens are not always positive, some of them should be taken as a warning - kittens are also a symbol of naivety - in life you can be misled or deceived.

Kittens are a symbol of a new stage in life

Why do you dream about a stray cat?

A stray cat seen in a dream indicates that it is time to take care of yourself. Perhaps you feel lonely; lack of support makes you depressed and apathetic. If a stray cat attacked you, you should take care of your financial security. If you provided food and water for an animal, this means that you need to become less open to people you don't know. If you took a stray cat into your home, you need the support of loved ones, you probably don’t get it and resentment accumulates. You need to sort out your relationships with others.

A ginger cat dreams of great luck and monetary gain from an unexpected source

Stolen cat

Anxiety. You feel lost and vulnerable, and you may be deceived. And people will take advantage of it. Be free and allow yourself to enjoy life.

Playful cat

Dreaming of a playful cat indicates a need for social approval. If a cat speaks to you in a dream, it is very important for you to make peace and find harmony not only with your inner self, femininity, but also with your environment.

Aggressive cat

Signals that someone in your life is unreliable and not sincere. It can also predict an imminent meeting with a capricious person. A cat that attacks and bites may represent your fears. You worry whether you did the right thing, or are upset by failures in work or personal relationships. Perhaps this is a signal that it is necessary to move on. If you are scratched by a cat (especially your face) this may mean that you will find yourself in a difficult situation with another woman and will be drawn into a conflict.

Dreaming of an angry aggressive cat? It's time to face your fears

Blind cat

Missing cat

Did your cat disappear in a dream? Perhaps this represents your reluctance to get attached. You want to be free from others, to give up codependent relationships, to stop allowing yourself to be treated harshly. It also shows that you are constrained by your own fears or beliefs about various areas of life. You are blinded and cannot see the danger in front of you.

Anxious dream about a missing cat

You are saving a cat

Do you dream about yourself heroically rescuing a cat in danger? This could mean regaining your independence and strength. And rescuing an animal on a busy street or highway is a desire to help other people find their purpose in life, as they say, to set them on the right path.

Black cat

Luck! In Greek mythology, a black cat is considered a lucky omen. Despite the fact that many of us think otherwise. Throw away your superstitions and believe that a black cat dreams only of the best and unexpectedly pleasant changes in life.

Despite superstitions, a black cat in a dream is a good sign

White cat

Seeing a white cat in a dream means preparing for battle. With yourself and your fears, with loved ones, with colleagues. You will have to try very hard to achieve your goal. It is also a reminder to be honest, especially in business relationships.

Twin cats

Do you see two identical cats? You are alarmed and you have to find a balance: between your needs and the needs of others (relatives, loved one, friends, colleagues).

Twin cats

Two cats

Seeing two cats in a dream means that you are looking for inner harmony, trying to find answers to global questions. You worry about the future, but it is in vain.

Large group of cats

You need to pay more attention to yourself and your life. There's a lot going on and you lose sight of something really important.

Many cats in a dream let you know that you are missing out on something very important.

Children with cats

Children love cats, and if you dream of a child holding or petting a cat, it could be related to a valuable experience you will have in the near future. If you take an animal from a child, you will soon find a solution to a long-standing problem and receive support from loved ones.

Dirty cat

Predicts changes for the better in any area: you or your loved ones will recover from a long illness, resolve problems or make peace with someone.
