Elka pseudonym and what is the real name. Christmas tree

The music performed by Yolka is called smart and modern by specialized sites, which is not a shame to listen to. Even the singer's fan club is not the same as everyone else's, it is peaceful and calm. Its members do not try to tear a piece from their idol.

The first wave of fans are already adults, one even became a member of the Yolka team. And at the same time, the artist keeps her distance, especially from the press. He does not refute “that nonsense that journalists sometimes write”, because he is disgusted with such manifestations and does not want to draw attention to them.

Childhood and youth

Elizaveta Ivantsiv (real name of the singer Yolka), the future star of the Ukrainian and Russian pop scene, was born on July 2, 1982 in western Ukraine, in Uzhgorod.

Yolka grew up in a family where everyone is connected with music in one way or another: dad, a music lover, collected jazz records, mom played several musical instruments, and the older generation - grandparents - sang in the folk choir. And Lisa, like many vociferous children, was also enrolled in the choir from childhood, and then in the vocal circle at the local Palace of Pioneers.

Christmas tree in childhood

In adolescence, Elizaveta became interested in soul and rap music, and proximity to Eastern Europe allowed her to attend continental and world-class music festivals, and Ivantsiv constantly expanded her knowledge in the field of music. The young artist gained her first stage skills by participating in KVN during her school years. Then they began to recognize her in her hometown: the team in which Lisa was a member was popular.

After school, Yolka decided to continue her vocal studies and entered a music school, but stayed there only for six months. The singer admitted that she did not get along with the teachers, and therefore chose to leave the educational institution before they tried to kick her out.

Perhaps this was due to the girl’s informal appearance for a provincial town: since her school years, Lisa experimented a lot with her appearance and clothes, decorating herself with piercings and tattoos, wore bright makeup - “war paint”, shaved baldly. In general, she stood out against the background of more moderate peers.


The musical biography of Yolka did not begin at all with a breakthrough success. In the mid-90s, Lisa joined the rap-R "n" B group "B & B", where she sang backing vocals. The group did not gain much popularity, but was known among fans of Russian-speaking rap.

In 2001, the team went to Moscow, to the RAP MUSIC festival, where they won a prize. At the same time, the talented guys were noticed by the rapper and producer SHEFF, in the world - Vladislav Valov.

Tree in youth

It is not known why the acquaintance did not develop into a creative union even then. Vlad contacted Yolka only 3 years later, when the singer had already parted with the group and left the dream of entering the professional stage.

“At first I thought it was a joke, a prank,” the singer later admitted. Confidence in the seriousness of intentions appeared when a ticket to Moscow arrived from Valov's company in the name of Elizaveta Ivantsiv. Yolka arrived in the capital of Russia and performed the song "Bitch Love" at a concert dedicated to memory. After that, the girl performed at the Megahouse rock festival. Contrary to the singer's fears, the audience greeted her very warmly.

Yolka - "Bitch love"

In the same year, SHEF signed a contract with Yolka, seeing her as a future star.

Among other things, Vlad suggested that the singer change her pseudonym or even go on stage under her passport name, but was resolutely refused.

“From the age of 11, everyone calls me Yolka, even my mother. I almost don’t respond to my passport name,” she later said in an interview.

In November 2005, Yolka's first solo album "City of Deception" was released - by the name of the main composition, which was presented to the general public in the summer of 2004 and quickly became a hit (radio "Maximum" called Yolka the discovery of the year for it).

Yolka - "City of Deception"

The texts for most of the songs were composed by Vlad Valov, he also wrote the music and arrangements. "City of Deception" turned out to be a very diverse album with references to many musical genres, from hip-hop to reggae and soul. Critics rated this experiment positively, Yolka was even called the "hope of pop music" and nominated for the "Best Rap" award.

Yolka's next successful single was the composition "Student Girl", which was broadcast on Europa Plus radio and several other stations. Popularity grew every day, and in the same year, Yolka consolidated its success by releasing the album "Shadows". He supported the theme of the previous disc and did not win such a stunning success, however, he replenished the singer's repertoire with high-quality content. As in the "City of Deception", most of the compositions belonged to the authorship of Vlad Valov.

In 2007, the singer's first and only video album was released. Nevertheless, Yolka continued to willingly shoot videos for musical compositions.

In the 3rd album, released in 2008, critics noted changes in the singer's musical style, and Yolka herself admitted that she tried to make "This Magnificent World" brighter and more positive than previous works. Although it was not without ironic social themes: the song "Handsome Boy" was remembered and loved by the public, including its caustic, sharp text.

Yolka - "Handsome Boy"

This was the last album, the songwriter of which was Vlad Valov. Yolka decided to change the style and did not renew the contract with the producer. The singer noted that she was glad to have the opportunity to expand her horizons and work with other authors and composers. In particular, she had a chance to cooperate with the Meladze brothers.

In an interview, Yolka said that a conversation with Alla on radio also prompted cardinal changes. In her straightforward manner, the Primadonna advised her young colleague to think about expanding the style framework and entering the big stage.

Yolka - "Near you"

Yolka chose the company "Velvet Music" and began to cooperate with Liana Meladze and Alena Mikhailova. The same label released the next album, "The Points Are Placed", which was distinguished by a soft sound close to pop music. He came out in 2011.

The songs "Provence" and "Near You" became hits, for which Yolka received a number of awards, including the second "Golden Gramophone". In this album, the singer also sang a duet with a famous Russian showman. To work on the album, the performer attracted a dozen authors, experimenting with unusual styles, up to bossa nova. The composition "On a Big Balloon" topped the playlists of Russian radio stations operating on the Tophit system for 2 months.

Yolka - "In a big balloon"

This period led not only to experiments with style, but also to a rapid growth in popularity: Yolka began to give numerous concerts in Russia, and tickets for the artist's performances began to be sold out in the first days of sales.

The changes also affected the stage image of the singer: at the X-Factor show, the audience first saw Yolka in an elegant dress, and the journalists immediately noted how elegant and feminine she had become. Yolka explained the changes in the image with internal changes:

"I'm on stage - concentrate me in real life."

In addition to musical popularity, the singer gained fame as a model of style.

The next album-collection "Fake Love" Yolka presented in 2014. It includes tracks recorded under the direction of Vlad Valov, but not released in previous albums, as well as several songs from previous discs. In parallel, the singer released compositions recorded on Velvet Music, including the popular song "You Know", performed together with the group, for which she received prestigious awards.

The album "#NEBY" Yolka presented in February 2015. The unusual name, according to the singer, is a hashtag that she likes to use on social networks when she posts photos of the sky. Critics noted the singer's characteristic variety of styles and spoke of the album as a strong, high-quality work.

Yolka - "Sea inside"

This year is also rich in awards. The composition "The Sea Inside" received the status of "Song of the Year", and the artist herself became the "Singer of the Year". The video for the song was filmed and used as a soundtrack for the film "Without Borders".

Full of recognition and 2016. The song “I warm happiness” received the prestigious Golden Gramophone award, and Yolka herself was again recognized as the singer of the year, this time according to the RU.TV Prize and the Russian Music Awards. The author Yegor Solodovnikov wrote the hits “Let the Music in” and “Fly, Lisa” for the artist, which took first place in the rotations in Russia and the CIS countries.

Yolka - "Fly, Lisa"

The performer of non-model appearance (height - 162 cm), but with a festive pseudonym, in the company of vloggers, starred in the Coca-Cola New Year's commercial.

At the end of this year, a miracle happened in Yolka's life - she sang a duet with an old idol. As the performer herself admitted, she loved the singer's work, even when she was not even a Christmas tree. The fans heard the joint song of Lagutenko and Yolka “Don't part with your loved ones” in the film from the popular New Year's franchise “Yolki”, the fifth in a row.

Lagutenko and Yolka - "Don't part with your loved ones"

In February 2017, the artist gave a solo concert in Moscow, at the Crocus City Hall.

In Alexei Popogrebsky's series "" about young Soviet diplomats, the song "And I don't have you" was performed by Elizabeth. The musical accompaniment for the film was written by Anna Drubich, the daughter of the actress and director.

In September, a new single “The World is Opening” was released, which Yolka commented with the words that each person tells about happiness and love in his own way, the day lived is an interesting way. Since the end of 2017, the duet of the singer with Garik Burito has been advertising the services of the Megafon mobile operator.

Yolka - "The world opens"

In the same year, the artist became a member of the jury of the contest "You are super!", Conducted by the NTV channel for talented pupils of orphanages and foster families. Previously, the singer met with the producers and made sure that the project does not speculate on such a delicate topic as orphans.

Personal life

Disliking the yellow press, Yolka seeks not to disclose the details of his personal life. “I live with a cat,” the singer jokes.

It is known that Elizabeth is married to Sergei Astakhov, who does not belong to a creative party. Yolka played the wedding in secret, she also did not introduce her husband to the press. According to the singer, she has a strong and happy marriage. However, in 2016 there were numerous rumors about the imminent divorce of the artist.

The journalists found out that the couple would not complete the construction of the country house, and domestic problems began to destroy the family, and joint photos disappeared from social networks. In addition, Ivantsiv fired her husband from the post of personal administrator. The man has no other profession, according to rumors, Sergei did not bother himself with a permanent job before marriage. Yolka herself does not comment on this information in any way, and it is not known how the relationship between the spouses is developing now.

Elizabeth cares for homeless animals. IN "Instagram" the singer periodically posts with calls to adopt a dog or a cat, to participate in a charity event. The schedule of the next tours, pictures from rehearsals, concerts, travels are also published there. And no more. Elka said the images of the places and people she cares about will not be made available to the public. And the stronger the feelings experienced, the less likely their objects are to light up on the Web.

For the safety of loved ones, the singer deliberately avoids talking on topics in which she does not understand anything. This also applies to social and political life, in which “insert your 5 kopecks” becomes comme il faut.

“I do not like rudeness and familiarity just as I do not like blind adoration. I'm talking about basic and very understandable things, for example, respect. When there is no respect, I become uninteresting.”

But Yolka boldly posts the results of experiments on appearance on Instagram. There are legends about the singer's hairstyles. And the photo, where the artist with a bob haircut and repainted in blond, provoked compliments from colleagues in the workshop and the soloist of the Katerina group. For the next Golden Gramophone, Yolka came in a new look - with cropped bangs and modest makeup.

Christmas tree now

In 2018, Elka implemented a number of projects. During the New Year holidays, she recorded a video for the song "On the Knee", in which a ginger cat played the main role, as well as actress and TV presenter Yevgenia Sinitskaya and a model from Belarus Alexander Litskevich.

Zvonky, Yolka and Rem Digga - "Make Love"

Velvet Music, without false modesty, called the song "Make Love" the main hit of the fall, since Elka performed the song in an unexpected collaboration with Zvonkiy. With a participant in the show "Voice" Andrey Zvonkiy, the singer has already sung the song "Save Me". And with Digga it was the first experience.

Soon, an updated version of the song “Home”, included in the album “#SKY”, and a couple of months later, the video of the same name was presented to the listeners.

Yolka - "Where are you" (premiere 2018)

In the fall of 2018, a single was released “for good sadness, with which it’s good to wander in thought and take your time with answers” ​​- “Where are you”.


  • 2005 - City of Deception
  • 2006 - "Shadows"
  • 2007 - "Points-cities" (single)
  • 2008 - "It's a Wonderful World"
  • 2011 - "The dots are placed"
  • 2012 - "Quiet Concert"
  • 2013 - "Fly, Lisa" (single)
  • 2014 - Fake Love
  • 2015 - #Heaven
  • 2016 - "Forever" (single)
  • 2016 - "Be by my side" (single)
  • 2017 - "The World Opens" (single)
  • 2017 - "Let the Music in" (single)
  • 2018 - "On the knee" (single)
  • 2018 - "Make Love" (single)

Singer Yolka is today one of the most popular performers, her songs are sung by young people and adults, and many fans know good lyrics by heart.

When Yolka began her solo career and first appeared on the screens, and her songs began to sound on Russian radio stations, many thought that the girl, with her eccentric appearance and interesting costumes, was ineptly parodying the Soviet singer Zhanna Aguzarova. However, it quickly became clear that the girl did not claim the throne of the “goddess of shocking”, but simply expressed her “I”.

With his songs, Yolka stands out among the rest of the Russian stage. In her texts there is no thirst for wealth, cars, stardom and even love drama, she, like a real workaholic, knows that “everything depends on ourselves” and this is what she conveys to us. She “flies in a tangerine-colored balloon” and, perhaps, it was her bright images and positive songs that the listener fell in love with so much. After the girl began to flicker on the screens more often and released her own videos, fans became interested not only in the new hits of her favorite, but also in the height, weight, age of the Christmas tree.

The singer is a very fragile girl, her height is 162 cm, and her weight is about 50 kg. As a child, the girl was very complex because of her short stature, but as she matured, she realized that people are different, and she can be who she is, and even chose a pseudonym for herself that most suited her mood - Yolka. Photos in her youth and now the singers say that the performer has not changed much in appearance during her career. This is not surprising, because Yolka turned 35 in July, she still has many plans and ideas.

Biography Yolki (singer)

Yolka's biography began in 1982 in the city of Uzhgorod, which is located in Ukraine. The real name of the performer is Elizaveta Ivantsev, however, no one calls her even in the circle of relatives and friends for a long time.

The girl from childhood was very artistic and already at a young age showed herself like a real star - she loved to recite poetry, played her mother's musical instruments ineptly, and said that she would definitely sing. Actually, such a desire of the child is not surprising, because his father, Valdemar Mironovich, was very fond of jazz and collected all the records that he could buy or find through acquaintances and friends, and his mother, Marina Eduardovna, played three musical instruments excellently, and from childhood she taught her daughter to play music .

After graduating from school, Lisa entered a music school, where she studied vocals, but she never graduated. As the star herself admitted, she did not have relationships with classmates and teachers, and youthful maximalism did not allow her to sit still.

In the mid-90s, Yolka first got into a musical group. It was the Uzhgorod group "B&B", in which Lisa sang as a backing vocalist. It was as part of this small group, when the guys performed at an international festival, that the founder of one of the Russian groups and the musician SHEF, who later became its producer, heard the voice of Yolka. True, Yolka did not immediately become a famous singer.

For a few more years, she was part of the B&B group, and after its collapse, she got a job as a waitress. When the girl was already completely desperate to become a singer, the long-awaited bell rang, and Lisa left to conquer Moscow.

The first album "City of Deception" brought the girl popularity almost instantly. Interesting motives and the bewitching voice of the singer sounded from all radio stations, and Yolka very quickly began to work on the second album. Since 2001, the artist has managed to present different styles of music in her albums, and her lyrics have changed, like herself.

From heavy songs with tragic lyrics, Yolka got out into the world of Paris and Provence, and she even quit smoking, so perked up from the attention and love of her fans. The singer's hit "Provence" became one of the most popular tracks on the Russian stage in 2011, and received the Golden Gramophone award in the Best of the Decade nomination.

This is not the only award that Yolka has during her variety activities. The performer already has six Golden Gramophone awards, the MUZ.TV and RU.TV awards, as well as the Russian Music Awards, Tophit Awards 2015, and several other significant prizes. In addition, today Yolka is not only a singer and musician, she is a producer, actress and TV presenter.

After a stunning creative success, Elizabeth began to be invited to films and television. She starred in episodes in six films, in two of which she played herself, and took part in the youth series SashaTanya.

Yolka's personal life (singer)

The personal life of Yolka, unlike many Russian pop stars, is not so stormy. The girl cannot boast of multiple novels, she never had an affair at work and generally tried not to give rise to public discussions around her person.
At many events, the girl appeared alone or surrounded by her colleagues, and photographs from the rest, which now and then appear on the network, also do not clarify the topic of the performer's admirers.

Today it is known that while still very young, the girl met a young man, Sergei Astakhov, with whom she had been friends for six years. Young people did not think to take their relationship to a new level, but at some point they realized that they were so used to being together that they were probably a good match for each other.

In 2010, the fans finally rejoiced - their favorite married her friend, and now she has a real family. True, the happiness of the young, alas, was not eternal, and in 2016 they started talking about the fact that the couple was breaking up. Yolka herself did not comment on this information in any way until it became known that the young people were divorced.
Yolki family (singer)

In the development of Lisa as a performer, the Yolka family played an important role. The singer from early childhood went to different circles, her parents tried to comprehensively develop the girl and never limited her in her choice. Already at school, Lisa enjoyed playing KVN as part of the school team "Ward No. 6". This practice allowed the girl in the future not to be afraid of the stage, and always follow her star.

Parents supported Lisa even at the beginning of her solo career, when the girl decided to take her favorite pseudonym. As the singer herself said, at home, her mother affectionately calls her “Herringbone”. Such a name stuck to the girl back at school, when, at one of the holidays, classmates dubbed Lisa a "Christmas tree", meaning that she dressed up as a New Year's symbol.

Children of Yolka (singer)

As soon as Liza Ivantsev got into the world of show business, the attention of fans immediately fell upon her, numerous questions rained down on the star from journalists who wanted to know not only about her creative plans and new works, but, of course, about her personal life and plans for the future.

For a long time, the singer managed to laugh off her secluded and closed life with ten cats and not directly answer about her personal life, but the ubiquitous tabloids were still able to learn something about the closed life of the performer. For example, the fact that Yolka would very much like to have children, but so far she does not have such an opportunity, since the girl divorced her husband last year. Why young people never had children is a separate question, but the singer does not like to talk about this either.

So far, Yolka's children are her five albums that she has released during her career.

Former husband of Yolka (singer) - Sergey Astakhov

Yolka's ex-husband, Sergei Astakhov, is not at all a famous Russian actor, as many readers might think. The young man and Lisa met in their youth, and six years later they got married. The marriage was short-lived due to the fact that the performer pulled almost the entire family budget alone. After the marriage, the young family decided to build a house, but it was Yolka herself who had to invest in the construction.

In order to somehow improve the financial situation of the family, Lisa signed her husband to work as an administrator in her team. However, the constant joint pastime at work and at home played a cruel joke on the couple, and they, unable to stand it, broke up in 2016.

Photo of Yolka in Maxim magazine

Singer Yolka is a rather closed person. Therefore, despite the desire of fans to see a photo of Yolka in Maxim or Playboy magazine, the artist does not succumb to persuasion about photographs in men's magazines. To be honest, it would be strange if the artist, who does not even want to talk about her personal life in public, appeared naked in the pictures.

The only candid photos that the star agreed to completely hid her body with a white duvet, and for the eyes of fans, the singer opened her long legs and a tattoo on her shoulder. Such photos appeared on the Internet in March 2017 before the release of the song “Let the Music In”, and before that, fans had not even seen photos of the singer in a swimsuit.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yolki (singer)

After the divorce, the artist devotes more and more time to herself: she does vocals, gives concerts, participates as an invited guest on many TV shows, and, of course, travels, which Instagram and Wikipedia Yolki can tell us about.

The singer on her page communicates with fans with pleasure, shows off new outfits and talks about her future concerts and projects. In November, the artist became a participant in the immersive show of the play "Faceless", this type of art is rapidly developing in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

A popular singer lost her virginity at the age of 14 and married a gigolo

A popular singer lost her virginity at the age of 14 and married a gigolo

The whole country is now going crazy with the song "Provence" by the 29-year-old Christmas tree. The purring young lady became the main breakthrough of the past year. Until now, the singer's personal life has been hidden from the army of fans. But "Express newspaper" revealed the intimate secrets of the new star!

The real name of the singer also deserves attention - Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv. And Elka was nicknamed her as a child: allegedly for her prickly character, and also for her addiction to colorful and shiny clothes.

jock's daughter

Liza was born and raised in the provincial Ukrainian city of Uzhgorod. Lisa's mom Marina Ivantsiv works as a doctor, dad Waldemar works in a security company. He is a real jock with 54 cm biceps (for comparison: Schwarzenegger in his best years, the bicep was 56 cm).

- I have a very good, trusting relationship with my dad and mom, - Lisa says in an interview. - And with my grandmother, when I come home, we like to sing in the evenings.

The parents of the future celebrity were very loyal: once, having found a pack of cheap cigarettes in her daughter's pocket, her mother was indignant: “Why are you smoking such rubbish, daughter? Here, take mine!” Surprisingly, it was the buff dad who instilled in Elka a love for music - he loves jazz. And now Valdemar Ivantsiv- the main fan of Liza's creativity and is actively in contact with her daughter's juvenile fans on social networks.

Lisa began experimenting with her appearance at school: she dyed her hair in unthinkable colors, shaved her head.

Somehow, walking along the street, we noticed each other - both with short haircuts and bright red hair, - the closest friend recalls meeting Lisa Victoria Ryzhova. - We were the only such crazy people in Uzhgorod. We are still friends with Elka. Now Elizabeth has matured. I have always admired the inner core she has. She keeps me in good shape too - she says: “Do not become limp! Where is your fighting spirit?

According to Vika, with the advent of popularity, Elka did not become a star, "which she was a simple girl, a tomboy - she remained that way."

“Earlier, Elka didn’t care what to eat and drink, but now she is very careful about her health,” says Vika. - Eats only vegetarian food. And he loves crunching apples! Eat them in bowls! She regularly goes to the gym, goes to yoga, dances, swims in the pool.

At the end of eight classes, Ivantsiv decided to enter the vocal department of the Uzhgorod Music College. But she was not accepted. This hurt the girl's ambition so much that she decided to succeed at all costs. And fate gave her a chance to do what she loves: a 14-year-old informal girl was invited to the local KVN team "Ward No. 6". A crazy, wild Kaveen life began with moving, touring and night parties.

First man

Elizaveta has been a member of our team for seven years, - said one of the founders of "Chamber No. 6" Sergey Denisenko. - She studied at school No. 8 in the city of Uzhgorod, and "Ward No. 6" was created by us at this school. Elizabeth at first experienced jitters in front of the public. She was especially afraid to forget or mix up the text. And in KVN, a lot is built on improvisation and is written at the last moment. And she constantly urged us on: “Guys, write in advance so that I have time to learn!” Sometimes she wrote the text with a pen on her palms and during the performance theatrically threw them up, reading unnoticed by the audience.

In the programs of Chamber No. 6, Elizabeth mostly sang. For example, we had a parody of the song "Barcelona" Montserrat Caballe And . And she performed the role of Caballe very well. When Elizabeth first came to us, she had long hair. Then she cut her hair short and dyed it red. Her unusual appearance and bright vocal abilities greatly adorned our team. She was a bright, extraordinary personality, and she was drawn to creative, non-standard people.

Liza was the only girl in the group - many wanted to meet her, but she herself preferred the team captain Vasily. The first sex of 14-year-old Elka and 22-year-old Vasily happened right in the dressing room of the local recreation center after the KVN festival. With Vasya, Lisa learned what passion is: the guys had nowhere to make love, and they often did it in local doorways, porches and even basements. Their romance lasted seven years, but the wedding did not follow - the ambitious girl's plans to start a family and stay in Uzhgorod were not included.

- Yes, we had a beautiful, great romance, - Vasily Kraynai told Express Gazeta - now he is 37, and he is now the chief director of the KVN Association of Ukraine. - Liza struck me with a discrepancy: a powerful and strong voice in this fragile, cosmic body. She was like out of this world, but she had a feminine charm. Our love ended when Elka left for Moscow, and I went to Kyiv. Now I can talk about it calmly, because I finally met the woman I married (although I still hid the affair with Elka from her). And then for me our separation was a tragedy! My friends even switched the TV when it was shown there. And then the pain went away. I even tried to call her, to congratulate her on what she had achieved, what she wanted. But in vain I did it - the conversation did not work.

Cinderella story

Elizabeth's parents treated her hobbies normally, - Denisenko continues. - Her dad is a big man. But by nature, an absolute good-natured man. I have never seen even a hint of aggressiveness towards his daughter's environment. Unfortunately, KVN did not allow Elizabeth to earn a living. While Elizabeth was in school, her parents supported her. Then she got a job at the Medellin cafe... as a dishwasher!

“I was probably the most famous dishwasher in the city,” recalls Lisa. - After all, I had the First League of KVN, several KVN festivals and, accordingly, television broadcasts behind me. For a man from our small town, this was an unthinkable success!

Elka diligently scrubbed the dishes and eventually made a dizzying career - she retrained from dishwashers to barista (coffee brewing specialist).

Many specially went to drink coffee to the “cool girl from Ward No. 6,” Denisenko recalls. - But, of course, creativity remained the main thing in life for Elizabeth. In addition to KVN, she talked with local musicians. I made music with them - not pop music, but something more alternative. She successfully performed with us in Uzhgorod and went to various festivals in other cities.

The leader of the legendary rap group Bad Balance, the producer of Mikheya and Jumanji, helped to move to Moscow and seriously declare herself as a singer. Decla, Timati and others. He became so close to his ward that he even entrusted her to become the godmother of his child. But the singer did not justify the high trust placed in her and, having received from Valov everything that he could give her, she left him for more influential producers - Alena Mikhailova And Liane Meladze from Velvet Music, who work with Valery Meladze, groups "Uma2rmaN", "VIA Gra", "Vintage", "Chi-Li".

city ​​of deceit

Elka came to my Rap Music festival as a backing vocalist for the B&B group from Uzhgorod, - said. - I heard notes from her, which she obviously fought with Micah, and became interested. Organized a presentation of their group, but no one liked them. And the whole story has died down. And after a couple of years I thought that I wanted to write something revolutionary. And I remembered that a girl lives in Uzhgorod, who has interesting notes, but you have to reveal it yourself. I just had free time. I called Elka: “Come to Moscow! I'll pay for everything!" And I must say that at that time she was washing dishes in some eatery in Uzhgorod. I rented a hotel for her. She came for a couple of days. And when I signed up, before leaving, I began to cry: “If you would give me at least a grain, at least a small bed, I would show what I am capable of. I'm ready to live whatever I want. Just take me!" She did not look very good then - bald, like a boy. I told my investor about it. "Are you crazy?! What do you propose to invest "grandmothers" in?! It would be nice to be cute, but what is this? - he said. I objected: “But she can sing, and we are blinding a beauty from her!” And we started to work. I gave her the image of an alien in a blue wig. On my knee, in two hours I wrote the poetry of the City of Deception, wrote it down and sent it home to Uzhgorod. Two weeks later, the song became a hit on the radio! I called Elka back to Moscow: I taught her vocals, we wrote her music, lyrics, came up with an image, costumes, videos - that's all! In general, I wrote all the songs for her, except for the last album, which is also 90 percent made of my lyrics. Elka did not speak Russian well at that time. She had a terrible Ukrainian accent. On top of that, she hunched over a lot. She is still hunched over. Made her a dozen concerts through friends. Then he assembled a team and shot a clip for her for 15 thousand dollars.

Handsome boy

So everything went on for seven years with us, ”recalls Valov. - But at some point she hung out with a boy from the Moscow region Sergei Astakhov. He did not work anywhere and lived at her expense. In short, he turned out to be a gigolo. And then the tree began to change. Apparently, in return for the fact that she supported this boy, she stopped renting an apartment in Moscow and went to live with him in the Moscow region. He and his parents had a house there. She was constantly worried about how to earn more. Once she came to me and said: “The investor must be overthrown, removed. He has already earned his money. Stop sharing with him! I answered her: “Understand, Elka, if it weren’t for this investor who believed in you and gave money at the first stage, you would be nothing now.”

And I stayed with the investor. But Elka found interested people - I don’t know where they got the money to buy it out. Maybe at Pugacheva if rumors are to be believed. We sold them the Christmas tree and parted ways with her. After that, she changed all the musicians, and appointed her Alphonse husband as the administrator. We have already recorded material for her next album. It is much stronger than her current repertoire. But I didn't give it to them. I'd rather re-record it with some other singer. I will not say who is right and who is wrong. I will only say one thing: I made a revolutionary out of the Christmas tree, and not service personnel. And her last album is just from the world of servants. She lost the core for which I worked with her.

Astakhov is a sociable, simple guy, - the director of a concert venue in Kyiv described the wife of Elka. - It is felt that the leader in the family, of course, is Lisa. She loves him dearly! Recently I bought apartments: in Uzhgorod - for my parents, in Moscow - for myself and Sergey, I bought land in a village near Moscow, where Astakhov comes from. And now he is building a house there.

Sergei Astakhov is 30 years old. In September 2010, Elka officially married him and even took her husband's surname.

By the way

Elka was accused of plagiarism. Like, she stole the melody of "Provence" from the Canadian band "Hot Hot Heat". "Provence" really resembles the song "Shame On You", but you need to ask the author of the hit Yegor Solodovnikov and Konstantin Meladze, who produced the song.

Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv. Date of birth: July 2, 1982 (age 30). Place of birth: Uzhgorod, Ukrainian SSR, USSR

Nickname: Yolka

Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv (Ukrainian: Elizaveta Valdemarivna Ivantsiv), known as Yolka.

July 2, 1982, Uzhgorod, Ukrainian SSR, USSR - Ukrainian singer. Former member of the Uzhgorod KVN team "Ward No. 6".

Christmas tree Biography

Singer Elka. BiographyStarted her musical career as a member of the Uzhgorod band B&B. In 2004, she signed a contract with Vlad Valov and released a successful debut album, City of Deception, with the hits Girl in Peugeot and Good Mood. Subsequently, in collaboration with Valov, two more albums were released: "Shadows" and "This Magnificent World", which were not as successful as the debut work of the performer.

From 2010 to 2012 she acted as a judge on the Ukrainian show "X-Factor". In 2011, she gained great popularity with the song "Provence" and became a nominee in three categories for the 2011 Muz-TV awards. The fourth studio work of the singer "The Points Are Set" was a success, both among music journalists and the public. The album received positive reviews from critics, who considered it the best pop album of 2011. Magazines such as Afisha, Time Out and Interview have included the record in their editorial lists of the main albums of the year. "The Points Are Set" also topped the Russian album sales rating "2M. Russia Top-25”. At the end of 2012, Yolka was recognized as the most rotated performer on Russian radio stations.

Yolka is a three-time winner of the Golden Gramophone award (for the songs Handsome Boy, Provence and Near You) and a nominee for the MTV RMA award. In 2011, she was recognized as the “Singer of the Year” according to Glamor magazine and entered the top ten most successful figures in Ukrainian show business, according to the Focus publication. In the same year, she was recognized as the “Singer of the Year” at the ZD Awards, the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

2001-2005: Early career and album "City of Deception"

There is still a Cinderella story in my life. Moreover, the meeting with Vlad took place at the moment when I finally forbade myself to even dream of a big stage. Then I was dominated by youthful maximalism, I was indignant about what I see on the TV screen. I could not understand why many artists, not being able to sing and not having a good repertoire, regularly appear on the air? I thought: “Give me at least a folding bed in this city, and I will show you what a real artist is!”

Christmas tree about the beginning of cooperation with Vlad Valov.

In 2001, the B&B group performed at the Rap Music "01 international festival, where Yolka was noticed by Vlad Valov, the leader of the Bad Balance group, who later became the singer's first producer. After the group broke up, the singer did not appear on stage for some time. this time she gave up her dream of becoming an artist and got a job as a waitress in a cafe.Three years later, Yolka received a call from Valov's company.The singer said that she thought for a long time that she was being played, but then she spoke with Vlad, who sent her tickets to Moscow and suggested: “Come for a week, we'll experiment.” Vlad Valov signed a contract with Yolka and one of the first songs recorded with him was “Words Spoken by You”, included in the collection “Girls Attack”.

In 2004, Yolka performed in a concert at the memorial day of Mikhey, with her group, which also included two guitarists and DJ Lenar. At the concert, Yolka sang Mikhey's song "Bitch Love". “It was a deliberate move. I didn't just pick up and sing this song. It was dedicated to the evening in memory of Mikhey, I performed the composition especially for his parents. Very, of course, there were a lot of rumors, but still more positive feedback. I always emphasize that it is not a commercial move, but a tribute to a person, ”the artist later said. Continuing cooperation with Valov, the singer recorded a song of his composition "City of Deception". “Vlad, looking at me, wrote the song “City of Deception”, a song that is my reflection,” the singer recalled. The composition was released on the radio in the summer of 2004 and became the first hit of Yolka, hitting the hit parade of the radio station “Maximum” and staying there for twelve weeks.

On November 9, 2005, the debut album of the performer, entitled "City of Deception", was released. Work on the disc, released on the 100PRO label, was completed in mid-2005, and as the performer said, the record was written "in one breath." Yolka presented music in a different style, which was attributed to both rock (due to guitar parts) and hip-hop (due to “broken” rhythms and scratches). The singer herself described her style as "guitar-heavy R&B". NewsMusic.ru wrote that "in Russia, such a mix is ​​being done for the first time." The album was met with mixed reviews. Rita Skeeter at InterMedia was positive about the work, saying "Yolka and Valov found a way to make this genre truly competitive even in our market with its national characteristics." Andrey Nikitkin wrote in Rap.ru that Yolka is still a pop project, but “very high quality. Incorporating elements of both r "n" b, and rock, reggae, chanson and pop music. And designed not so much for fans of one of these styles, but for a wide audience. Boris Barabanov in the Kommersant newspaper also spoke of the singer as the main hope of Russian pop music.

The date of birth of the singer Yolka is July 2, 1982. Many people are interested in the name of the singer and her last name. Her real name is Elizaveta Ivantsiv, age - 37 years old, nationality - Ukrainian from Uzhgorod. The songs of this performer have won recognition as smart and modern. Her fans are peaceful and calm, unlike the fans of many other performers. The artist ignores the yellow press, due to her dislike for gossip and shaking up "dirty linen".

Love for music since childhood

The biography of the singer Yolka is inextricably linked with music. Lisa was instilled with a love for this art form from childhood. While still very young, she followed in the footsteps of her grandparents and began to sing in a folk art choir, then went to study vocals at the local Palace of Culture.

At an early age, Lisa became interested in rap (including English), and since she lived near the border, she managed to attend concerts quite often in Eastern Europe. For the first time on stage, the singer tried herself at school, when she performed for the local KVN team. Thanks to the success of the team, Ivantsiv began to be recognized by the locals.

After graduating from school, Lisa continued her musical education at the school, but six months later she took the documents away due to conflicts with teachers. In fact, she was never shy about her non-standard appearance, she could easily shave her head, get a piercing or a spectacular make-up that caught her eye. The girl was very different from her peers, most likely for this reason she had to leave the school.

Stages of a career as a performer

Wikipedia reports that since the mid-90s, Elizabeth was invited to sing in the B&B group, known only in narrow circles of the professional community of musicians. Elka initially positioned her image as "boyish". Her parents, especially her father Valdemar, supported her in experiments on her appearance, despite the fact that this was unacceptable for their hometown. They did not scold her either for her first tattoo, or for her red-dyed hair, or for her shaved head, no matter how many experiments Elka put on her appearance. Most likely, thanks to their support, the informal Lisa became the favorite of the public.

In 2001, the group took one of the prizes at the Rap Music festival in Moscow. It was then that the famous producer Vladislav Valov noticed the young soloist, but he suggested that she not cooperate immediately. Three whole years passed before he called the artist and invited her to Moscow.

She could not immediately believe that her position had changed. After all, Elka had already left the group and began to forget about the career of a professional singer. But having received an interesting offer, she nevertheless ventured to go to conquer Moscow.

First landmark performance took place at a concert dedicated to the memory of the famous performer Micah. There she performed Micah's popular song "Bitch Love". The next time Elka appeared at the Megahouse rock festival. The Christmas tree became a favorite of the public and Valov decided to sign a contract with her.

The singer flatly refused to change her pseudonym, because from childhood even her parents called her Elka, and she did not always respond to her real name. The steps to success were swift:

  1. In November 2005, the singer presented her first album, City of Deception. He received this name from the hit of the same name, thanks to which Elizabeth received the title of "Discovery of the Year" according to the radio "Maximum". The words, music and arrangement of most of the songs were composed by its producer Vlad Valov.
  2. The second successful track, which brought Elka immense popularity, is called "Student Girl", it was played on many popular radio stations.
  3. To consolidate the success, the singer releases another album - "Shadows". It did not receive such a stir as the previous one, but nevertheless contained high-quality musical compositions, the author of which was also the singer's producer.

In 2007, Elizabeth released her video album, the only one so far. And also the singer continued to shoot videos for her songs. In 2007, she won the prestigious Golden Gramophone for the popular track Handsome Boy.

In 2008, the next album “This Magnificent World” was released, in which fans noticed that she had changed her musical style and repertoire. The singer herself said that she wanted to make this album more tender than the previous ones. The departure from the already traditional image was due to the fact that she was not going to continue to cooperate with her producer. The singer wanted to develop and work with new authors.

Later, Elka noted that Alla Pugacheva helped her change when, in an interview on the radio, she advised the singer to change her style and try to enter the big stage.

New image, new horizons

In 2010-2011, the singer was a judge on the popular show "X Factor", where fans were able to see their idol for the first time in an elegant evening dress, thanks to which she became more feminine.

In 2011, Elka begins cooperation with the Velvet Music group., in particular, with Liana Meladze and Alena Mikhailova. Under the sign of this collaboration, an album is released with the categorically titled "The Points Are Set". The style of the songs was as close as possible to pop music. The compositions "Provence" and "Near You" took the first steps of the charts. The performer received many awards for them, in particular, the second Golden Gramophone.

This album also included a track sung in a duet with Pavel Volya, and the famous composition "On a Big Balloon", which topped many charts. Thanks to this album, Elka becomes very popular, and she is invited to numerous tours of the cities of Russia.

In 2012-2013, the actress starred in small roles for the remake of the film "Gentlemen of Fortune", as well as in the comedy "Sasha-Tanya".

In 2014, Elka released another album, Fake Love, which contained songs created by her first producer, but not released in previous albums, as well as new tracks recorded on Velvet-music, and a common track with the Burito group, received many awards.

In February 2015, the album "#Heavens" was presented. The singer explained such a strange name by the fact that this is her favorite hashtag on social networks when she posts photos related to the sky. Critics rated the new work as high-quality, with a unique style characteristic of the singer.

2016 was also a busy year. The list of achievements of the performer is very extensive:

  1. She won another victory in the "Golden Gramophone" thanks to the song "I warm happiness."
  2. Another achievement is the title of "Singer of the Year" according to the "Prize RU. TV" and "Russian Music Awards".
  3. Despite not at all a model appearance (the singer's height is 162 cm, weight is 51 kg), she was invited to appear in Coca-cola commercials.
  4. The end of the year gave the singer a long-awaited event: she recorded the soundtrack for the film "Christmas Trees" in a duet with Ilya Lagutenko called "Do not part with your loved ones."

In the winter of 2017, Elka held a solo concert in the Russian capital. She recorded the soundtrack for the film "Optimists" by Alexei Popogrebsky called "And I don't have you." Already in the fall, a new work “The World is Opening” was released. In her comments, Elka noted that each person tells in their own way about every day they live. In the same year, the NTV channel invited her to participate in the jury of the contest "You are super!" for orphans and children living in orphanages.

Secrets of family life

Of course, fans are interested in the personal life of the singer Elka - children, husband, family. But avoiding gossip and yellow press, Elizabeth does not like to talk about her personal life. The performer once joked that she lives with a cat. It is only known that the singer became the wife of Sergei Astakhov, who cannot be seen at elite parties. The wedding has long remained a mystery to everyone, as well as whether she gave birth to children from him.

Until recently, their union seemed strong, but in 2016 rumors began to circulate about the singer’s imminent divorce: allegedly, the spouses could not finish building a house outside the city, and financial issues were destroying their marriage. Many acquaintances of the singer claimed that the husband of the singer Yolka is an ordinary gigolo, and all financial costs fall on her shoulders. And also the artist removed her husband from the post of her personal administrator. Elizaveta Ivantsiv herself declines to comment on this matter.

If you study the personal page of the star on Instagram, you can see that she is very worried about homeless animals, constantly publishes posts asking for help and shelter for them, calls to take part in one or another charity event. Here Elka publishes a schedule of upcoming concerts, photos from rehearsals or from travels.

According to the artist, one should not expect the appearance of photos of people dear to her here, it will remain outside the zone of social networks. The only thing the singer actively shares is experiments with her appearance. Change hair color or come for another award with a new hairstyle - it's quite in her style.

Works in film and television

The songs of Elka fell in love with the audience as soundtracks for many film projects. The most famous soundtracks of the singer:

  • “I want” (film “Love with an Accent”);
  • "The Sea Inside" (film "Without Borders").

Elka not only sings, but also acts in episodic roles, and also voices characters in animated films. So, in 2005, the singer voiced for the Russian film distribution the main character of the animated film "The True Story of the Red Cap".

As the Kinopoisk resource testifies, in 2014 the performer played herself in the Gift with Character project. She was also seen in an episode of the mini-series "Fight". In 2015, Elka starred as a cameo in the movie "About Love". The singer often appears on television and takes part in various television projects.
